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R Bergeron  A Laberge  L Vézina  M Aubin 《CMAJ》1999,161(4):369-373
BACKGROUND: Recent changes in the North American health care system and certain demographic factors have led to increases in home care services. Little information is available to identify the strategies that could facilitate this transformation in medical practice and ensure that such changes respond adequately to patients'' needs. As a first step, the authors attempted to identify the major factors influencing physicians'' home care practices in the Quebec City area. METHODS: A self-administered questionnaire was sent by mail to all 696 general practitioners working in the Quebec City area. The questionnaire was intended to gather information on physicians'' personal and professional characteristics, as well as their home care practice (practice volume, characteristics of both clients and home visits, and methods of patient assessment and follow-up). RESULTS: A total of 487 physicians (70.0%) responded to the questionnaire, 283 (58.1%) of whom reported making home visits. Of these, 119 (42.0%) made fewer than 5 home visits per week, and 88 (31.1%) dedicated 3 hours or less each week to this activity. Physicians in private practice made more home visits than their counterparts in family medicine units and CLSCs (centres locaux des services communautaires [community centres for social and health services]) (mean 11.5 v. 5.8 visits per week), although the 2 groups reported spending about the same amount of time on this type of work (mean 5.6 v. 5.0 hours per week). The proportion of visits to patients in residential facilities or other private residences was greater for private practitioners than for physicians from family medicine units and CLSCs (29.7% v. 18.9% of visits), as were the proportions of visits made at the patient''s request (28.0% v. 14.2% of visits) and resulting from an acute condition (21.4% v. 16.0% of visits). The proportion of physicians making home visits at the request of a CLSC was greater for those in family medicine units and CLSCs than for those in private practice (44.0% v. 11.3% of physicians), as was the proportion of physicians making home visits at the request of a colleague (18.0% v. 4.5%) or at the request of hospitals (30.0% v. 6.8%). Physicians in family medicine units and CLSCs did more follow-ups at a frequency of less than once per month than private practitioners (50.9% v. 37.1% of patients), and they treated a greater proportion of patients with cognitive disorders (17.2% v. 12.6% of patients) and palliative care needs (13.7% v. 8.6% of patients). Private practitioners made less use of CLSC resources to assess home patients or follow them. Male private practitioners made more home visits than their female counterparts (mean 12.8 v. 8.3 per week), although they spent an almost equal amount of time on this activity (mean 5.7 v. 5.2 hours per week). INTERPRETATION: These results suggest that practice patterns for home care vary according to the physician''s practice setting and sex. Because of foreseeable increases in the numbers of patients needing home care, further research is required to evaluate how physicians'' practices can be adapted to patients'' needs in this area.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To use data from the fourth national survey of morbidity in general practice to investigate the association between home visiting rates and patients'' characteristics. DESIGN--Survey of diagnostic data on all home visits by general practitioners. SETTING--60 general practices in England and Wales. SUBJECTS--502 493 patients visited at home between September 1991 and August 1992. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Home visiting rates per 1000 patient years and home visiting ratios standardised for age and sex. RESULTS--10.1% (139 801/1 378 510) of contacts with general practitioners took place in patients'' homes. The average annual home visiting rate was 299/1000 patient years. Rates showed a J shaped relation with age and were lowest in people aged 16-24 years (103/1000) and highest in people aged > or = 85 years (3009/1000). 1.3% of patients were visited five or more times and received 39% of visits. Age and sex standardised home visiting ratios increased from 69 (95% confidence interval 68 to 70) in social class I to 129 (128 to 130) in social class V. The commonest diagnostic group was diseases of the respiratory system. In older age groups, diseases of the circulatory system was also a common diagnostic group. Standardised home visiting ratios for the 60 practices in the study varied nearly eightfold, from 28 to 218 (interquartile range 67 to 126). CONCLUSIONS--Home visits remain an important component of general practitioners'' workload. As well as the strong associations between home visiting rates and patient characteristics, there were also large differences between practices in home visiting rates. A small number of patients received a disproportionately high number of home visits. Further investigation of patients with high home visiting rates may help to explain the large differences in workload between general practices and help in allocation of resources to practices.  相似文献   

A nurse has been employed by three general practitioners in a semi-rural practice of 9,000 patients since April 1968. Of her 1,360 home visits, 838 were primary visits, of which only 87 required follow-up by the doctor and 484 were requested directly to the nurse. More advanced procedures carried out by the nurse included electrocardiography, pregnancy diagnosis, blood sampling, and cytology. This study suggests that the work of a practice nurse improves the medical service already provided and reduces the work-load of the doctors, particularly by primary screening by the nurse both at home and in the surgery.  相似文献   

By the end of June 1969 home nurses in Bristol were attached to 18 general practices caring for about 137,000 patients, or about one-third of the city''s population. Attachment was associated with an increase by about one-third in the number of patients referred by general practitioners for home nursing. Additional benefits derived from attachment during the nine months from January to September 1969 were 2,047 items of service performed by nurses in general practitioners'' surgeries, 65 home visits to patients who were not receiving domiciliary nursing care, improved communications between general practitioners and nurses, and opportunities for both doctors and nurses to widen their fields of work. The travelling expenses paid to Bristol''s nurses increased by 9·5%.It is suggested that the benefits to patients, doctors, and nurses of attachment far outweigh the costs and that there is scope for extending the role of the attached nurse in the surgery and in home visiting.  相似文献   

In Denmark the provision of out of hours care by general practitioners came under increasing pressure in the 1980s because of growing demand for services by the public and increasing complaints from rural doctors about their heavy workload and disproportionately low remuneration in comparison with urban doctors. As a result, the out of hours service was reformed at the start of 1992: locally negotiated rota systems were replaced with county based services. Each county now has a coordination centre, where all patients'' calls are received by a team of doctors. The doctors may give a telephone consultation, advise the patient to attend one of the emergency clinics strategically placed about the county, or arrange for a home visit. Doctors on home visiting duty are located at bases throughout the county and keep in touch with the coordination centre with mobile telephones. Graded fees mean that doctors are encouraged to give telephone consultations rather than arrange for clinic consultations or home visits. The reforms have reduced doctors'' out of hours workload and the number of home visits made and have proved acceptable to patients, doctors, and administrators.  相似文献   

Objective: Five years after its introduction, to evaluate the 1992 reform in the out of hours service in Denmark. Design: Comparison of data before and after reform. Data were collected from published reports, Danish national health statistics, and the Danish trade union for general practitioners. Setting: Denmark. Main outcome measures: Number of out of hours services; workload of general practitioners; cost of the service; patient satisfaction. Results: Five years after the reform, the percentage of telephone consultations had almost doubled, to 48%. Consultations in doctors’ surgeries were relatively unchanged, but home visits were much reduced, to 18%. The percentage of doctors who worked 5 hours or more out of hours per week dropped from about 70% to about 50%. Overall patient satisfaction in 1995 was high (72%). Conclusion: The organisation of the out of hours service, with a fully trained general practitioner in a telephone triage function, is working satisfactorily. Many calls that previously would have required home visits are now dealt with by telephone or through consultations. The out of hours workload for general practitioners has decreased considerably.

Key messages

  • The out of hours reform in Denmark has resulted in an organisation with a fully trained general practitioner performing the telephone triage function
  • Hours on call for general practitioners have decreased considerably
  • Home visits have largely been replaced by telephone consultations
  • Patient satisfaction has declined slightly

The practice of preadmission home visiting of patients referred to geriatric medicine units has in recent years been criticised as being unnecessary on the grounds that if there is no waiting list there is no need for allocation of priority for admission; as being wasteful of doctors'' time; as being resented by general practitioners; and as failing to provide adequate clinical information. The geriatric medicine department at the City Hospital with no waiting list for patients referred by general practitioners has retained home visits for most referrals because of the advantages in terms of acceptability to general practitioners (98-100%); the quantity and quality of information obtained; the usefulness of this information in deciding appropriate management and in planning discharge from hospital; and the provision of a unique teaching opportunity, which is highly valued by students and teachers alike.  相似文献   

The claim that list sizes in general practice should continue to fall towards a national average of 1700 patients rests heavily on the assumption that the extra time available to doctors would be used mainly for longer consultations, resulting in better standards of care. Evidence suggests, however, that the time is more likely to be used to increase rates of consultation in surgeries and home visits and to reduce the length of the working week. A national, random sample of 2104 principals in general practice in England and Wales were questioned about their allocation and use of time. The response rate was 67%, and no large biases in response were detected. The smaller their personal list size the less time general practitioners spent on all aspects of their work and the higher their rates of consultation and home visiting. The effects of further reductions in list sizes would be haphazard, being differentially distributed across the range of list sizes. Longer consultations would probably result, but most of the extra time would probably be used in higher rates of consultation in surgeries and home visits and some would be taken as free time.  相似文献   

S. Greenhill  K. Kolotyluk 《CMAJ》1965,93(2):67-72
Fourteen hundred randomized patient records of two urban practitioners covering a one-year period were studied. The two practitioners represented two very different types of general practice. Dr. A was an active staff member of a teaching hospital; Dr. B confined his work to office and home visits.The age, marital status, occupation, diagnoses, and patient management were coded on IBM cards, and the data analyzed with the aid of a computer program.The findings indicate that over 90% of patients seen by both practitioners were managed entirely from their offices. Dr. A admitted 41 (5.9%) of the 700 patients seen and referred 24 (3.4%); Dr. B admitted no patients and referred 44 (6.3%). These and other findings suggest that the role and function of the urban general practitioner is changing rapidly in this era of specialization.  相似文献   

Seventy-four per cent. of Sheffield general practitioners and 78% of those in Nottingham used a deputizing service in 1970. In each city the deputizing service was used by about 80% of single-handed general practitioners, 90% of doctors in two-doctor practices, and 60% of those in partnerships of three or more.The Sheffield deputizing service handled 15,988 new calls in the year, an average of 106 per subscribing doctor, and in addition made 339 revisits. The median number of calls handled for single-handed doctors was 98, for those in two-doctor practices 95, and for those in partnerships of three or more 75. The growth of group practice has not eliminated the demand for deputizing services.Sixty-six per cent. of consultations were with deputies who were primarily hospital doctors, 20% with a full-time deputy, 11% with deputies who were primarily general practitioners, and 3% with the switchboard staff, who were also trained nurses. The deputies had been qualified, on average, for eight years. Seventy-two per cent. of patients attended were seen within one hour of receipt of the call.Calls handled by the deputizing service represented approximately 1% of all the subscribers'' consultations, 5% of their home visits, and half their calls between midnight and 07.00 hours. At this level of activity the concept of “personal doctoring” was not threatened.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine the effect of discharge information given to general practitioners on their management of newly discharged elderly patients. DESIGN--A random sample of 133 elderly patients who had unplanned readmission to a district general hospital within 28 days of discharge was compared with a matched control sample of patients who were not readmitted. Information was gathered from the hospital, the patients, the carers, and the general practitioners about the information that the hospital had sent the general practitioner and the general practitioners'' response to this information. SETTING--All specialties in a district general hospital. PATIENTS--266 Patients aged over 65 representative in the main demographic indices of the population of elderly patients admitted to hospital. RESULTS--Ten weeks after discharge the doctors had received notice of discharge about 169 of the patients, but fewer than half the discharge notices were received within the first week. General practitioners were dissatisfied with the information in 60 cases. A general practitioner visited 174 of the patients after their discharge from hospital and three quarters of the visits took place within two weeks of the discharge. These visits were more likely to have been initiated by patients or families than by the doctor, and this was not influenced by the doctor receiving notice of the patient''s discharge. Older patients and those who had carers were the most likely to be visited. Nearly half of the carers were dissatisfied with some aspect of general practitioner care, problems with home visiting being the commonest source of complaint. CONCLUSIONS--Hospital communications to general practitioners about the discharge of elderly patients still cause concern, particularly in the time they take to arrive. Written instruction to vulnerable elderly patients asking them to inform their general practitioner of the discharge might be helpful. Carers complained of lack of support, and it is clearly important for someone (either the general practitioner or another health worker) to visit elderly people shortly after their discharge.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop and evaluate a model of health care for HIV positive patients involving specialist, hospital based teams and primary health care teams. DESIGN: One year retrospective and a 2 1/2 year prospective study. SETTING: Two hospitals in West London and 88 general practitioners in 72 general hospitals. SUBJECTS: 209 adults with HIV infection. INTERVENTION: General practitioners enrolled in the project were faxed structured outpatient clinic summaries. When hospital inpatients were discharged, a brief discharge summary was faxed. General practitioners had access to consultant physicians skilled in HIV medicine through a 24 hour mobile telephone service. An HIV/AIDS management and treatment guide containing relevant local information was produced. Quarterly discussion forums for general practitioners were held, and a regular newsletter was produced. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Hospital attendance and general practitioner consultations; perceived benefits and problems of patients and general practitioners. RESULTS: The average length of a hospital inpatient stay was halved for those patients who had participated in the project for two years, and the average number of visits to the outpatient clinic per month fell for patients with AIDS. There was a substantial increase in the number of visits to general practitioners by patients with AIDS and symptomatic HIV infection. Patients and general practitioners both felt that the standard of health care provided had improved. CONCLUSIONS: This model of health care efficiently and effectively utilised existing teams of hospital and primary health care professionals to provide care for HIV positive patients. Simple, prompt, and regular communication systems which provided information relevant to the needs of general practitioners were central to its success.  相似文献   

Two hundred and sixty three general practitioners were offered the use of a hospital based service consisting of a medical senior house officer, a nurse attached to a coronary care unit, and a specially equipped ambulance estate car to help with the initial management of patients with suspected myocardial infarction who might be suitable for home care. One hundred and sixty nine general practitioners registered as potential users of this service; during 22 months they called the hospital team to see 271 patients, 235 of whom the team suspected had indeed suffered a myocardial infarction. During the same period, however, these general practitioners also admitted 317 patients with suspected myocardial infarction directly to hospital. Other general practitioners admitted 323 patients and deputising doctors 258. A further 529 patients with suspected infarction were admitted without the intervention of a general practitioner. Of the patients seen by the team, 54 required immediate admission to hospital; 17 of the remaining patients who initially appeared suitable for home care later required admission to hospital. In a large city such as Nottingham the provision of hospital based facilities to help general practitioners with home management is unlikely to make an appreciable impact on the overall pattern of care of patients with suspected myocardial infarction.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To gain insight into decisions made in general practice about the end of life. DESIGN--Study I: interviews with 405 physicians. Study II: analysis of death certificates with data obtained on 5197 cases in which decisions about the end of life may have been made. Study III: prospective study with doctors from study I: questionnaires used to collect information about 2257 deaths. The information was representative for all deaths in the Netherlands. RESULTS--Over two fifths of all patients in the Netherlands die at home. General practitioners took fewer decisions about the end of life than hospital doctors and doctors in nursing homes (34%, 40%, and 56% of all dying patients, respectively). Specifically, decisions to withhold or withdraw treatment to prolong life were taken less often. Euthanasia or assisted suicide, however, was performed in 3.2% of all deaths in general practice compared with 1.4% in hospital practice. In over half of the cases concerning pain relief or non-treatment general practitioners did not discuss the decision with the patient, mostly because of incapacity of the patient, but in 20% of cases for "paternalistic" reasons. Older general practitioners discussed such decisions less often with their patients. Colleagues were consulted more often if the general practitioner worked in group practice. CONCLUSION--Differences in work situation between general practitioners and hospital doctors and differences between the group of general practitioners contribute to differences in the number and type of decisions about the end of life as well as in the decision making process.  相似文献   

This research shows that nursing home physicians might play an important part in the diagnostics and treatment of vitamin-D deficiency. 96 rehabilitating elderly who had undergone a hip operation were investigated. 36% had a vitamin-D deficiency (vitamin-D < 30 nmol/l). Vitamin-D deficiency was 53 % in the fracture group and 26% in the arthritis group. Deficiencies were treated with vitamin-D medication. After the patient's discharge the general practitioner was sent a questionnaire. The results show that general practitioners agree to nursing home physicians' investigating vitamin-D deficiencies and to nursing home physicians' initiating vitamin-D medication in case of a deficiency. The general practitioners themselves do not often investigate vitamin-D deficiency.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To examine the beliefs of general practitioners concerning intrapartum care. DESIGN--Postal questionnaire survey. SUBJECTS--All general practitioners with patients in Nottinghamshire Family Health Services Authority in September 1993. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--General practitioners'' current involvement in maternity care, and beliefs on intrapartum care. RESULTS--Of 694 general practitioners sent questionnaires, 550 (79.2%) replied. 529 of these were on the obstetric list; 437 had not attended a delivery in the past 12 months; 36 had attended two or more; 358 general practitioners did not wish to provide more intrapartum care; 349 did not feel competent to do so. Reasons for not wanting to provide intrapartum care included current workload (453), disruption to personal life (407), and the fear of litigation (377). General practitioners who already booked women for home delivery were more likely to wish to do more deliveries (62/42 v 61/316, chi 2 = 85.3; P < 0.0001) and to have more positive attitudes towards increasing women''s choice in maternity care (90/22 v 195/151, chi 2 = 227; P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS--The involvement of general practitioners in intrapartum care in Nottinghamshire is low, and most general practitioners are unwilling to increase their role. However, general practitioners who already book for home delivery are keen to do more.  相似文献   

The night work (11 pm-7 am) in primary care in one health district (population 195 212 with 93 general practitioners) was studied over a three month period, starting 1 January 1983. The workload proved to be small (15% of all "out of hours" work for general practitioners). An average of three night visits was done a night in the whole health district, and 26 general practitioners were available for these. On average, over seven doctors were available each night for each patient who required a visit in primary care in the health district. It is concluded that there is only sufficient work for (at maximum) two doctors, and a system is proposed to make more efficient use of the general practitioner''s time.  相似文献   

In 1983 a quarter of general practitioners in the Northern region of England cared for obstetric deliveries and half of these for a minimum of 10 deliveries a year. Most expected their intranatal work to remain at the same level or increase in the next 10 years. Most participating general practitioners did their own forceps deliveries and initiated inductions. Most out of hours deliveries were attended by the mother''s own general practitioner or a partner. A quarter of all respondents had cared for planned and unplanned home births. Few were happy about attending them, but most would provide planned home care if urged to do so.  相似文献   

A sample of 177 patients drawn from 13 north London practices were interviewed shortly after they had sought help from their practice outside normal surgery hours. Patients were asked to describe the process and outcome of their out of hours call, to comment on specific aspects of the consultation, and to access their overall satisfaction with the encounter.Parents seeking consultations for children were least satisfied with the consultation; those aged over 60 responded most positively. Visits from general practitioners were more acceptable than visits from deputising doctors for patients aged under 60, but for patients aged over 60 visits from general practitioners and deputising doctors were equally acceptable.Monitoring of patients'' views of out of hours consultations is feasible, and the findings of this study suggest that practices should regularly review the organisation of their out of hours care and discuss strategies for minimising conflict in out of hours calls—particularly those concerning children.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare urine and vaginal flush samples collected by women at home with endocervical and urethral swabs obtained by general practitioners for their efficacy in the diagnosis of urogenital Chlamydia trachomatis infection. DESIGN: Multipractice comparative study. SETTING: 33 general practices and a central department of clinical microbiology in Aarhus County, Denmark. SUBJECTS: 222 women aged 18-25 years who for any reason had a gynaecological examination. INTERVENTIONS: Endocervical and urethral swabs were obtained by the women''s general practitioners. The same women when at home then collected a first void urine sample, a midstream urine sample, and a vaginal flush sample (using a vaginal pipette) and mailed them to the laboratory. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: C trachomatis defected by the polymerase chain reaction and the ligase chain reaction. Eight tests for C trachomatis were performed for every woman. When two of the eight yielded positive results the patient was considered infected. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of C trachomatis infection was 11.2% (23/205 women). Test sensitivities in samples obtained by general practitioners, samples obtained at home subjected to polymerase chain reaction, and samples obtained at home subjected to ligase chain reaction were 91%, 96%, and 100% respectively. The corresponding specificities were 100%, 92.9%, and 99.5%. CONCLUSIONS: The diagnostic efficacy of samples obtained by women at home and mailed to the laboratory was as good as for samples obtained by a general practitioner when using the ligase chain reaction. This may have important implications for the practicability of screening for this common, often asymptomatic, and treatable infection.  相似文献   

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