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Stoichiometry of some marine planktonic crustaceans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Atomic C:N ratios in calanoid copepods were generally belowthe Redfield ratio (6.6), except for the fifth copepodid stageof Calanus sp. The C:P ratios in copepods were generally closeto, or higher than the Redfield ratio of 106, but low C:P ratioswere found in Acartia clausi (63±7) and in the cladocerans(Podon sp.: 34±5 and Evadne sp.: 59±22).  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments, the bacterial flora of the zooplanktonmicrobial environments seawater, fecal pellets and associatedwith the external and internal surfaces of the copepod Acartiatonsa(Dana) were examined. The bacteria associated with fecal pelletswere dominated by Bacillus spp., Cytophaga/Flavobacterium spp.,Vibrio spp. and Pseudomonas spp. The same genera were foundin the seawater (0.22 7mu;m filtered) in which the pellets wereincubated. The bacteria showed a characteristic growth succession,and the abundance increased several orders of magnitude in theseawater during incubation of the pellets, indicating growthand proliferation based on the disintegrating/degrading fecalpellets. A carbon budget calculation revealed that organic matterfrom degrading fecal pellets could cover the carbon demand forthe growing bacterioplankton. The composition of the bacterialcommunity in the seawater and the fecal pellets also indicateda colonization of the pellets from bacterioplankton. The compositionof the bacteria associated with the copepods showed that bacterialgenera characterized as surface associated were preferentiallyassociated with fecal pellets, animal surfaces and intestines.This suggests a specific intestinal flora in the cultivatedcopepods composed of 103 culturable bacteria per intestine (colony-formingunits, c.f.u.) or 105 bacteria per intestine (acridine orangedirect counts, AODC), possibly colonizing the intestine passivelyduring filtration of algae. The activity of the bacterial communitieswas examined by the numencal ratio c.f.u.:AODC, where 1–19%of the bacteria were found active, with no significant differencebetween microbial environments.  相似文献   

Behavioural observations were made on two copepods, Eurytemoraherdmani and Acartia hudsonica, presented with 18 dissolvedL-amino acids the concentrations of which ranged from 10–8M to 10–2 M. The onset and duration of the swarming behaviourwere determined by the structure and concentration of a restrictednumber of molecules, which differed depending on the copepodspecies. Dicarboxylic amino acids were the most stimulatoryagent for E. herdmani, whereas A. hudsonica responded preferentiallyto aliphatic amino acids. Both the feeding and swarming of A.hudsonica could be induced by the same kind of molecules. Thethreshold sensitivity of the copepods appeared to be compatiblewith the natural concentrations of the dissolved free aminoacids measured at sea. These findings are discussed with referenceto the chemically mediated interactions between phytoplanktonand zooplankton.  相似文献   

Experiments with the copepods Acartia clausi, Centropages hamatusand Pseudocalanus sp. were performed to assess the species-specificeffect of these copepods on the development of monospecificalgae (Nephroselmis pyriformis) and ciliate communities (Strombidiumvestitum, Strombidium conicum, Strombidium sp. and Lohmanniellaoviformis). It was hypothesized that potentially switching copepodslike A. clausi will stabilize the algal community by switchingbetween ciliate and algal food, in contrast to copepods withstereotypic filter feeding behaviour (Pseudocalanus sp.). Intreatments with Pseudocalanus sp. and C. hamatus, all ciliatespecies were wiped out in 2 days, resulting in blooms of N.pyriformis. In treatments with A. clausi, two of the ciliatespecies were able to persist, but the combined ciliate and copepodcommunity was not able to control the algal bloom. Ciliatesbecame abundant in control treatments without copepods, butonly S. vestitum and S. conicum seemed able to establish grazingcontrol. Hence, when evaluating the role of ciliates in foodwebs, their actual numbers and species composition should betaken into account. Likewise, the species composition of copepodsmay be crucial; these experiments demonstrate that small filterfeeding copepods may have tremendous impact on ciliate numbers.  相似文献   

Selective feeding on large algae by copepods involves remotedetection of individual particles and subsequent active captureresponses In this study we use radiotracer experiments to quantifythe clearance rates of five coexisting freshwater copepods andto investigate the relative merits of the chemoreception andmechanoreception hypotheses of remote detection Tropocyclopsand three diaptomid copepods exhibited relatively high clearancerates when feeding on low concentrations of large algae, suggestingthat most previous studies with freshwater copepods have underestimatedmaximal clearance rates and the degree of size selectivity.All five species of copepods exihibited strong selection foran intermediate-sized flagellate (25 µm Cartena) or alarge-sized nonmotile alga (80 µ.m Pediastrum) over asmall-sized flagellate (6 µ.m Chlamydomonas). The weight-specificclearance rate for Tropocylops prasmus feeding on motile Cartena(271 ml mg1 h1) was about twice that of threediaptomid copepods and more than an order-of-magnitude higherthan the estimate for Epischura lacustris feeding on its preferredalga, Pediastrum Assuming that distance chemoreception (‘smell’)is important in remote detection, we predicted that the additionof high concentrations of ‘algal odors’ would obscureany chemical gradients emanating from individual algal cellsand would thereby hinder the remote detection and active captureof large algae Contrary to this hypothesis, the addition ofamino acids, sucrose, and algal extracts had no effect on theclearance rates and selectivity of Diaptomus birgei. These results,together with recent cinematographic studies (Vanderploeg etal.,1990), suggest that mechanoreception is the primary mechanismfor the remote detection of large particles by diaptomid copepods.A raptorial cyclopoid, Tropocyclops prasinus, exhibited strongpreferences for motile algae, whereas a suspension-feeding calanoid,D birgei, did not select between motile and nonmotile cells.Motility appears to be an important factor in algal detectionfor small cyclopoid copepods but not for suspension-feedingdiaptomids  相似文献   

Theoretical analyses show that positively buoyant copepods areable to generate feeding currents by adopting upside-down bodypositions and pushing water upward. Thus, the excess buoyancyacting on the copepods will be balanced and cone-shaped feedingcurrents generated to transport water to the capture areas.The intensities of the feeding currents, which can be measuredin the present modeling study by calculating the volumetricflux going through the capture areas, are proportional to themass density contrasts between the copepods and the ambientseawater. The mass density contrasts may vary spatially andtemporally depending on copepod body contents and on the propertiesof the seawater immediately surrounding them. We focus on thecase where the mass density contrast between a wax ester-richcopepod and its ambient seawater can vary strongly with depthbecause wax esters are more compressible and 6–10 timesmore thermally expansible than seawater. These theoretical analysesshow that the intensities of the feeding currents generatedby wax ester-rich copepods vary strongly with depth. Our conclusionsfrom these theoretical analyses need to be tested by directobservations. This paper is one of six on the subject of the role of zooplanktonpredator–prey interactions in structuring plankton communities.  相似文献   

The threshold shear values needed to elicit the escape reactionto a quantifiable fluid mechanical disturbance were comparedbetween five free-swimming oceanic copepod species. The resultsindicate a significant difference in the threshold for differentspecies of copepods and between different age groups withina single species. In general, animals captured from more energeticregimes required a higher threshold than those captured frommore pacific locations. Labidocera madurae required the highestshear values with 51.5 s–1 for 50% of the animals testedto elicit an escape reaction (S50). Acartia tonsa and Euchaetarimana, in contrast, were behaviorally the most sensitive requiringan S50 of only 1.5 and 4.1 s–1, respectively, to initiatean escape reaction. Pleuromamma xiphias and Oithona requiredintermediate shear values with an S50 of 7.2 and 8.1 s–1.When compared to literature values, the threshold needed toelicit an escape reaction was consistently higher than averageenvironmental shear values. Threshold shear values also variedsignificantly with developmental stage. Naupliar stages of A.tonsarequired greater than six times the S50 value required by adultsof the same species. This suggests that the higher vulnerabilityto predation of naupliar stages of copepods may not only reflectinferior escape strength, but may also result from the higherthreshold needed to elicit an escape reaction. This study supportsthe hypothesis that selective feeding patterns exhibited bypredators of copepods may be the result of the differentialbehavioral sensitivities of different species and developmentalstages of copepods.  相似文献   

Apart from grazing interactions, little is known regarding thesublethal effects of Karenia brevis cells on copepod behavior.We conducted grazing and mortality experiments with K. breviscells and brevetoxins (PbTx-2), establishing routes of toxicityfor the copepods Acartia tonsa, Temora turbinata and Centropagestypicus. Subsequent behavioral experiments determined whethercopepod swimming and photobehavior, both behaviors involvedin predator avoidance, were impaired at sublethal K. brevisand PbTx-2 levels. Copepods variably grazed toxic K. brevisand non-toxic Prorocentrum minimum at bloom concentrations.Although copepods accumulated brevetoxins, significant mortalitywas only observed in T. turbinata at the highest test concentration(1 x 107 K. brevis cells L–1). Acartia tonsa exhibitedminimal sublethal behavioral effects. However, there were significanteffects on the swimming and photobehavior of T. turbinata andC. typicus at the lowest sublethal concentrations tested (0.15µg PbTx-2 L–1, 1 x 105 K. brevis cells L–1).Although physiological incapacitation may have altered copepodbehavior, starvation likely played a major role as well. Thesedata suggest that sublethal effects of K. brevis and brevetoxinon copepod behavior occur and predicting the role of zooplanktongrazers in trophic transfer of algal toxins requires knowledgeof species-specific sublethal effects.  相似文献   

The carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) contents (%of dry weight) of some crustacean zooplankton were studied inthe Baltic Sea. The copepod Acartia sp. had a stable C and Ncontent (48.3 ± 0.8% C, 12.4 ± 0.2% N, C:N ratio4.5 ± 0.1). The P content was variable (1–2%),probably depending on developmental stage and season. Copepodsaccumulating fat, like Pseudocalanus minutus elongatus, hadhigher and more variable C content (50–60%), and lowerN and P content (7–12% N, 0.6–1.5% P). The highestC and lowest N and P contents were found in adult Limnocalanusmacrurus. However, the N:P ratio was apparently independentof fat content and between 14 and 27 for all copepods. The cladoceransBosmina longispina maritima and Evadne nordmanni had lower Ncontent (9.3–10.8%) and higher C:N ratio (5.1–5.7)than Acartia sp. The P content (1.2–1.4%) was similarto Acartia sp. and the N:P ratios (16–19) were in thelower range of that found for the copepods. The N:P ratio wasgenerally somewhat higher in the copepods than in seston, whichmost of the year had nearly Redfield C:N:P ratios. Potentially,nutrient recycling from crustacean zooplankton could enhanceN limitation of phytoplankton, but small stoichiometric differencessuggest that this effect is probably weak. The extent is dependenton the structure of the zooplankton community and the grossgrowth efficiencies. Acartia copepodites, which had nearly RedfieldN:P ratios, would have the opposite effect and enhance P limitationin late summer when seston N:P ratios increased.  相似文献   

The disappearance of spawned copepod eggs can, at times, approach100% day–1 and may be a bottleneck to population recruitmentof marine copepods. We examined the egg production rate andegg hatching success of Centropages hamatus and Temora longicomis(Copepoda: Calanoida) on natural diets, and the role of delayedhatching combined with high sinking rates in removing theireggs from the water column. Cumulative hatching success withinIS days was consistently high from March to June 1996:  相似文献   

High-speed plankton nets, using mesh sizes of 61, 90, 124,190and 270 µn, were deployed in the North Sea to catch Calanusspp., Pseudocalanus minutus, Paracalanus parvus and Temora longicomis.These species were identified to their nauplii, copepodite andadult stages, and the numbers caught in each stage were convertedto numbers m–3 seawater filtered. The width and lengthof a representative sample of each stage was measured, and theproportion caught by the different mesh sizes is presented.The selection pattern was described by a mathematical model,which showed that a mesh size of 75% of the copepod carapacewidth catches 95% of the individuals of that size present inthe seawater. Some recommendations for mesh sizes required tosample copepods are given.  相似文献   

Calanoid copepods, rather than cladocerans, frequently dominatethe zooplankton of lakes in New Zealand. The potential consequencesof this domination for the microbial community of mesotrophicLake Mahinerangi, New Zealand, were determined by field experimentsin which Boeckella and Daphnia were added to in situ enclosuresin the presence and absence of added nutrients. Boeckella hamataat ambient densities (2 and 81–1) rapidly and severelysuppressed ciliate population growth over 4 days, even whenmicrobial growth was enhanced by added nutrients, but effectsof copepods on other components of the microbial community (bacteria,photosynthetic picoplankton, heterotrophic nano-flagellates,algae) were slight. In contrast, Daphnia carinata at the samedensities (but 3-fold higher biomasses per litre) had a relativelyweak effect on ciliates, suppressing ciliate abundance onlyafter 4 days at 8 Daphnia 1–1 (330 µg 1–1);this daphniid density also depressed abundances of large bacterialrods, some photosynthetic picoplankton and the dominant alga,Cyclotella. These results highlight the relative importanceof specific trophic linkages in a microbial food web; they alsosuggest that the dominance of Boeckella in many southern hemispherelakes may account for relatively low ciliate abundances in theselakes.  相似文献   

Recent experimental evidence in both marine and freshwater systemsindicates that predators can induce vertical migration behaviorin individual zooplankters, yet the specific cues by which zooplankterssense their predators appear to vary. In situ manipulation experimentswere carried out with enclosed populations of the marine planktoniccopepod Acartia hudsonica to re-examine the potential role ofchemical cues in the behavior of A.hudsonica, and to test explicitlyfor the role of mechanical or visual stimuli in triggering verticalmigration behavior in this species. Adult female copepods wereinduced to vertically migrate (descend) when exposed to fishmimics during the day, but no such response occurred when thecopepods were exposed to Fish mimics during the night. Moreover,copepods exhibited no changes in vertical distribution whenexposed to water which, having recently held a natural predator(the threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus), was presumedto be laden with predator-produced chemical exudates. Predator-mediatedmechanical or visual cues, or a hierarchy of both, are responsiblefor eliciting vertical migration behavior in adult female A.hudsonica.These results, together with those of other investigations demonstratingthe inducing role of chemical exudates, indicate that the stimulieliciting vertical migration in zooplankton can be expectedto vary between species.  相似文献   

Feeding invertebrate larvae may be food limited while developingin the ocean. If they are, then their time in the plankton isprolonged, which likely increases mortality. Food limitationcould be due to the quantity and/or quality of the food available.In an effort to answer how food type influences larval nutrition,we compared growth, development and lipid deposition for Dendrasterexcentricus larvae reared in natural seawater from two depths(1 and 20 m) and in filtered seawater on a monoculture laboratorydiet of 6 cells µL–1 of the green alga Dunaliellatertiolecta (Butcher). Five days post-fertilization, larvaereared on the laboratory diet had developed to the latest stage,were the largest and had lipid deposits. Larvae reared on naturalsurface water were intermediate in size and developmental stage,and larvae reared in the water from 20 m depth were the smallestand developed the slowest. This trend continued at 8 days post-fertilizationwhen surface water diet larvae were similar in size to laboratorydiet larvae, but their juvenile rudiments were significantlysmaller. To assess food availability in each food treatment,we compared the concentration of chlorophyll (Chl) a, b andc in natural seawater from each depth and in D. tertiolectaculture in filtered seawater. Natural seawater collected fromthe surface had the highest concentration of Chl a and c, whereasChl b was not significantly different between treatments. IncreasedChl concentrations in the surface water are likely due to higherconcentrations of diatoms and dinoflagellates, which are typicallynot high-quality food items for echinoid larvae. Our resultssupport a hypothesis that echinoid larvae in the water columnmay be limited by food quality.  相似文献   

Vibrio spp. form a part of the microbiome of copepods—an abundant component of marine mesozooplankton. The biological mechanisms of the Vibrio-copepod association are largely unknown. In this study we compared biofilm formation of V. cyclitrophicus isolated from copepods (L-strains related to other particle-associated strains) and closely related strains originating from seawater (S-strains), and visualized and quantified their attachment and growth on copepods. The S- and L-strains formed similar biofilms in the presence of complete sea salts, suggesting previously unknown biofilm mechanisms in the S-strains. No biofilms formed if sodium chloride was present as the only salt but added calcium significantly enhanced biofilms in the L-strains. GFP-L-strain cells attached to live copepods at higher numbers than the S-strains, suggesting distinct mechanisms, potentially including calcium, support their colonization of copepods. The cells grew on live copepods after attachment, demonstrating that copepods sustain epibiotic V. cyclitrophicus growth in situ. The results demonstrate that in spite of their 99.1% average nucleotide identity, these V. cyclitrophicus strains have a differential capacity to colonize marine copepods. The introduced V. cyclitrophicusA. tonsa model could be informative in future studies on Vibrio-copepod association.  相似文献   

Ammonium release rates by individual marine copepods (Eucalanuspileatus) were examined kinetically over successive 10-min intervalsafter the animals were exposed to three concentrations of thediatom Thalassiosira fluviatilis as food. Food concentrationsspanned those expected in the natural environment. "Well-fed"(3 mm3 T. fluviatilis l–1) copepods released ammoniumsignificantly (p<0.05) faster than those fed zero or lowconcentrations of food, but differences were not dramatic. Meanexcretion rates (± SE) for animals removed from foodfor 18 –22 h [30 ± 6 nmol NH4(mg ash free dry weight)–1h –1] were 60% of those for "well-fed" animals [49 ±8 nmol NH4 (mg ash free dry weight)–1 h–1]. Continuedhigh release rates after extended periods without food suggestthat E. pileatus must feed frequently in nature to maintainan adequate nitrogen balance. Depending on food concentration,animals released ammonium at rates ranging from 40 to > 100%of their N ingestion rates over the previous 18–22 h.Long-term (4–6 h) kinetic excretion experiments with "well-fed"animals indicated that, on average, release rates decreasedwith time after food removal, but patterns varied among individualcopepods. In addition to ammonium release, o-phthalaldehydereactive amino acid nitrogen was occasionally released by E.pileatus in large "spurt events" lasting from 20 to 60 min. 1GLERL Contribution No. 283  相似文献   

The feeding strategies of two large marine copepods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We compared the feeding behaviour of the two copepods Paraeuchaetanorvegica and Chiridius armatus, allowing them to prey on othercalanoids in small-scale laboratory experiments. Several differenceswere found. When fed either live, free-swimming or dead, non-movingprey, P.norvegica seemed unable to locate the dead prey itemswhile C.armatus foraged heavily on them. When starved, P.norvegicaincreased its feeding rate while C.armatus reduced its feedingafter an initial increase. None of the predators changed theirfeeding rates when exposed to light. Nighttime versus daytimefeeding was tested only with P.norvegcia, which seemed to possessan endogenous feeding rhythm with increased rates at night.Chiridius armatus infected with epizooic ciliates appeared tohave increased feeding rates.  相似文献   

Succession of bacterivorous protists on laboratory-made marine snow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Colonization and succession over time by bacterivorous protistson laboratory-made marine snow were analysed in five assaysduring 1994. Marine snow was made hom natural seawater usingrolling tanks. In all experiments, the macroaggregates werestable in size and consistency after the fourth day, and thecolonization and succession processes were similar. Newly formedmacre aggregates became colonized by heterotrophic nanoflagellateson the fourth day, mmt of them kinete plastids (Bodo designisand Rhynchomonns nasuta) and bicosoecids (Pseudobodo tremulansand Bicosoeca sp.). Sarcodines and ciliates appeared 1 day later.Among the former, the most abundant genus was Vannella sp.,while scuticociliates (Uronema marinum) and hypotrichs (Euplotesvannus and Aspidisca steini) were the most abundant ciliates.Most of the species observed in the study were more common tobenthic habitats than to pelagic ones. The planktonic existenceof the genera Bodo, Rhynchomonas, Bicosoeca, Euplotes and Aspidiscadepends on the presence of surfaces because they are poor swimmersor immotile, and Pseudobodo and Vannella need attachment forfeeding. The only pelagic protist observed was Uronema, probablybecause its opportunistic behaviour leads it to exploit enrichedenvironments such as marine snow. Flagellate and ciliate abundancesin laboratory-made macroaggregates were much higher than insurrounding water, which indicates that marine snow representsan enhanced habitat for protist growth.  相似文献   

In ultra-oligotrophic lakes and the sea, calanoid copepods arethe dominant mesozoo-plankton and cladocerans are generallysparse or absent. To determine the effects of predation andnutrient enrichment on the pelagic microbial food web of anultra-oligotrophic lake, we added copepods and cladocerans atlow biomasses (<60 µg l–1 to in situ enclosuresin Lake Wakatipu, New Zealand, in the presence and absence ofadded nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus). In response to nutrientfertilization, the concentrations of phototrophs >3 µmand heterotrophic bacteria increased by 50 and 15%, respectively,over 4 days, but those of cyanobacterial picoplankton decreasedby 68%. The presence of calanoid copepods (Boeckella dilatata)at ambient densities (1 and 4 l–1) rapidly and severelysuppressed ciliate population growth over 4 days and also loweredthat of flagellates >3 µm, even when microbial growthwas enhanced by added nutrients. The presence of a small cladoceran,Ceriodaphnia dubia, at double the densities, but similar biomasses,to those of copepods, depressed the net growth rates of ciliatesand flagellates to a lesser degree. The net growth rate of heterotrophicbacteria after 4 days declined with flagellate abundance, consistentwith the possibility of regulation by flagellates. Althoughbacteria and algae increased in response to nutrient fertilization(bottom-up control), predation (top-down control) appeared toplay an important role in structuring the microbial food webof this ultra-oligotrophic lake in summer.  相似文献   

Variations in the levels of triglycerides, wax esters and polarlipids were determined in adults of the calanoid copepod Acanthodiaptomusdenticornis when freshly caught, starved or fed on the followingalgae: Anabaena spiroides, Cyclotella pseudostelligera and Pediastrumduplex. Over 7 days starvation, triglycerides and wax esterswere almost entirely used up by the copepods. Subsequent feedingover 20 days partially restored triglycerides but restored onlya relatively small fraction (<20%) of wax esters in the animals.Differences in the lipid restoration were found: the restoredtriglyceride level was higher in animals feeding on Cyclotellapseudostelligera or Pediastrum duplex than in those feedingon Anabaena spiroides. Fatty acid composition of neutral lipidswas closely linked to fatty acid composition of algae. The resultssuggest that lipid and fatty acid contents of Acanthodiaptomusdenticornis are good indices of the copepod's nutritional statusand short-term (0–20 days) feeding history.  相似文献   

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