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Developmental patterning deciphered in avian chimeras   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I started my scientific carer by investigating the development of the digestive tract in the laboratory of a well-known embryologist, Etienne Wolff, then professor at the Collège de France. My animal model was the chick embryo. The investigations that I pursued on liver development together with serendipity, led me to devise a cell-marking technique based on the construction of chimeric embryos between two closely related species of birds, the Japanese quail ( Coturnix coturnix japonica ) and the chick ( Gallus gallus ).
The possibility to follow the migration and fate of the cells throughout development from early embryonic stages up to hatching and even after birth, was a breakthrough in developmental biology of higher vertebrates.
This article describes some of scientific achievements based on the use of this technique in my laboratory during the last 38 years.  相似文献   

Blastodermal chimeras were constructed by transferring quail cells to chick blastoderm. Contribution of donor cells to host were histologically analyzed utilizing an in situ cell marker. Of the embryos produced by injection of stage XI-XIII quail cells into stage XI-2 chick blastoderm, more than 50 percent were definite chimeras. The restriction on the spatial arrangement of donor cells was induced by varying the stage of host. Ectodermal chimerism was limited to the head region and no mesodermal chimerism was shown when the quail cells were injected into stage XI-XIII blastoderm. Mesodermal and ectodermal chimerisms were limited to the trunk, not to the head region, when the quail cells were injected into the stage XIV-2 blastoderm. In these chimeras, however, some of the injected quail cells formed ectopic epidermal cysts. Consequently, the stage XIV-2 blastoderm may become intolerant of the injected cells. Our results suggest that it is possible to obtain chimeras that have chimerism limited to a particular germ layer and region by varying the stage of donor cell injection. Injected quail cells contributed to endodermal tissues and primordial germ cells regardless of the injection site. The quail-chick blastodermal chimeras could be useful in the production of a transgenic chicken and in the investigation of immunological tolerance.  相似文献   

M Kinutani  M Coltey  N M Le Douarin 《Cell》1986,45(2):307-314
Xenogeneic spinal cord chimeras were constructed by grafting fragments of quail neural primordium into chick embryos at 2 days of incubation. Hatched birds displayed normal motor behavior for about 5 to 7 weeks, whereupon they developed a neurological syndrome; in the grafted spinal cord the pathological signs of the disease were very similar to those of the active plaques of multiple sclerosis and of the lesions of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis and neuritis, including Ia expression by brain capillary endothelia, rupture of the blood-brain barrier, leukocytic infiltration in the nervous tissue, and demyelination. In the animals at the most advanced stage of the disease an autoimmune attack occurred on the host's nervous system with the same histopathological signs.  相似文献   

We describe a technique for producing germ-line chimeric rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, by microinjection of the isolated blastomeres. FITC-labeled donor cells and non-labeled recipient embryos at various developmental stages between the early blastula and early gastrula stages were used for cell transplantation. The chimera formation rate and the degree of donor cell distribution in recipient embryos were evaluated at both the late gastrula stage (5 days post fertilization (dpf)) and the 40-somite stage (10 dpf). Among the six combinations of developmental stages of donor and recipient embryos, the combination of midblastula (2.5 dpf) donor cells and early blastula (1.5 dpf) recipient embryos gave the highest chimera formation rate and the best distribution pattern of donor cells. Using this combination, chimeric rainbow trout were produced with donor blastomeres from dominant orange-colored mutant embryos and wild-type recipient embryos. Of the 238 chimeric embryos produced, 28 (12%) hatched normally and 14 of the 28 fry (50%) had donor-derived orange body color. To test for germ-line transmission of donor cells, gametes obtained from the matured chimeras were fertilized with gametes from wild-type fish. Of the 19 matured chimeras, 6 (32%) yielded donor-derived orange-colored progeny, in addition to wild-type siblings. The contribution rates of donor cells in the germ-line ranged from 0.3 to 14%. This technique for producing germ-line chimeras should be a powerful tool for cell-mediated gene transfer in rainbow trout. Especially, if body color mutants are used for either donor cells or the host embryos, it will be possible to easily concentrate F1 transgenic embryos derived from transplanted donor cells by body color screening. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 59: 380-389, 2001.  相似文献   

Hair cell regeneration in the avian auditory epithelium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Regeneration of sensory hair cells in the mature avian inner ear was first described just over 20 years ago. Since then, it has been shown that many other non-mammalian species either continually produce new hair cells or regenerate them in response to trauma. However, mammals exhibit limited hair cell regeneration, particularly in the auditory epithelium. In birds and other non-mammals, regenerated hair cells arise from adjacent non-sensory (supporting) cells. Hair cell regeneration was initially described as a proliferative response whereby supporting cells re-enter the mitotic cycle, forming daughter cells that differentiate into either hair cells or supporting cells and thereby restore cytoarchitecture and function in the sensory epithelium. However, further analyses of the avian auditory epithelium (and amphibian vestibular epithelium) revealed a second regenerative mechanism, direct transdifferentiation, during which supporting cells change their gene expression and convert into hair cells without dividing. In the chicken auditory epithelium, these two distinct mechanisms show unique spatial and temporal patterns, suggesting they are differentially regulated. Current efforts are aimed at identifying signals that maintain supporting cells in a quiescent state or direct them to undergo direct transdifferentiation or cell division. Here, we review current knowledge about supporting cell properties and discuss candidate signaling molecules for regulating supporting cell behavior, in quiescence and after damage. While significant advances have been made in understanding regeneration in non-mammals over the last 20 years, we have yet to determine why the mammalian auditory epithelium lacks the ability to regenerate hair cells spontaneously and whether it is even capable of significant regeneration under additional circumstances. The continued study of mechanisms controlling regeneration in the avian auditory epithelium may lead to strategies for inducing significant and functional regeneration in mammals.  相似文献   

Cell-cell communication is not only a common strategy for cell fate specification in vertebrates, but plays important roles in invertebrate development as well. We report here on experiments testing the compatibility of mechanisms specifying cell fate among six different Drosophila species. Following interspecific transplantation, the development of single ectodermal cells was traced in order to test their abilities to proliferate and differentiate in a heterologous environment. Despite considerable differences in cell size and length of cell cycle among some of the species, the transplants gave rise to fully differentiated clones that were integrated into the host tissue. Clones comprised cells of epidermal and/or neural histotypes, indicating that mechanisms mediating the epidermal/neural dichotomy in the ectoderm are conserved between the species. Cells of the neural lineages differentiated into neurones, glia, or both. Moreover, heterologous neurones sent out axons that followed major pathways along nerves and within the neuropile, demonstrating their ability to recognize positional cues in the heterologous CNS of the host.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the avian extrapulmonary respiratory epithelium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Anti-IgE therapeutics represent an efficient approach in the management of IgE-mediated allergic asthma. However, monitoring the reduction of IgE levels into a therapeutically efficient range requires the determination of residual serum IgE. We established an analytical approach to distinguish free and anti-IgE complexed serum IgE based on soluble derivatives of the human high-affinity IgE receptor. Soluble receptor derivatives represent an ideal means to analyze receptor antagonism by any ligand or blocking antibody. Therefore, the FcεRI ectodomain was fused with avian IgY constant domains that circumvent susceptibility to interference phenomena and improve assay performance. After production in HEK293 cells, subsequent characterization by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoblotting confirmed the suitability of avian IgY constant domains for immobilization and detection purposes. To provide further insights into the different IgE reactivities, free allergen-specific IgE was also determined. Monitoring of sera from omalizumab-treated patients during the course of therapy revealed the applicability for assessment of omalizumab-complexed versus noncomplexed serum IgE. These parameters may allow correlation to clinical responses during anti-IgE therapy with the perspective of biomonitoring.  相似文献   

In situ implantation of a quail wing bud into a chick embryo at 4 days of incubation (E4) regularly results in the normal development of the implant followed by its acute rejection starting within two weeks post-hatching. If the epithelial thymic rudiments of the quail donor are implanted into the branchial arch area of the chick recipient after partial removal of its own thymic primordia, a chimeric thymus develops in the chick host and this induces tolerance to the quail wing by the chick recipient. The species identity of cells in chimeric thymuses was mapped using Feulgen-Rossenbeck' staining and immunolabelling with monoclonal antibodies directed against quail or chick B-L antigens. Certain lobes contained only chick cells both at the stromal and hemopoietic cell levels. Others had a quail epithelial stroma containing host hemopoietically derived cells. Only chimeras in which at least one third of the thymic lobes were chimeric showed permanent tolerance to the grafted wing. Since the two species exhibit distinct developmental rates, we decided to study the kinetics of thymic involution after birth. Although the changes in thymus weight and histological structure are fundamentally similar in quail and chick, those in the quail start about 7-8 weeks earlier. In the chimeric thymuses, the lobes whose epithelial cells were quail involuted at the rate of control quail showing no influence of the hemopoietic thymic compartment in this process. Tolerance induced by the thymic epithelium during embryogenesis and in early postnatal life was maintained after a profound involution of the quail thymic graft had occurred.  相似文献   

The characterization of cell behavior in quail chick chimeras has greatly increased our knowledge of the ontogeny of embryonic cell populations and the role of cell-cell interactions in development. We sought to extend the value of avian chimeras by producing a marker that would recognize cell surface components and that could be used instead of the traditional nuclear marker to identify quail cells within chimeras. We describe here a quail-specific antiserum produced by injecting chickens with a membrane fraction of 6-10-day quail embryos. By use of peroxidase coupling of a second antibody, serum reactivity was tested in tissue sections of normal quail and chick embryos and of somitic mesoderm and neural tube chimeras. The primary time period examined was 6-10 days of development. At these stages, the antiserum recognizes only quail cells and stains both plasma membrane-associated and cytoplasmic cell components. The latter characteristics allow the identification of quail axons in chimeras and facilitate visualization of quail cells at low magnification. We show that antiserum staining can also be used to identify quail cells in culture and can be combined with orthograde HRP labeling of neurons.  相似文献   

Chick embryos were bursectomized at 5 days of incubation according to a novel surgical technique described in this article. This method yields birds that are able to hatch and are devoid of the physiologic deficiencies resulting from the previously used method, which involved resection of the cloacal and posterior embryonic region. The bursectomized embryos were grafted in situ with a quail bursa of the same age, which thereafter became chimeric through chick host hemopoietic cell invasion. By means of species-specific antibodies, the chimeric condition revealed 1) that the bursal epithelium expresses a unique antigenic determinant (MB1 determinant), until now considered to be an exclusive feature of blood vessel endothelium and hemopoietic cells, and 2) that this determinant appears in bursal epithelium at the time and site of hemopoietic cell invasion. The other point arising from this work concerns the apparent constitutive Ia expression by perifollicular blood capillary endothelial cells in normal and chimeric bursas.  相似文献   

Human ovarian surface epithelium in primary culture   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The ovarian surface epithelium (OSE) represents a minute fraction of the cell mass of the ovary but gives rise to over 80% of human ovarian carcinomas. No experimental models for the study of human OSE exist. To characterize OSE cells in culture, explants of ovarian surface from normal ovary of premenopausal women were grown on plastic, glass, and collagen gel in 25% fetal bovine serum/Waymouth's medium 752/1. About 25% of explants produced epithelial outgrowths. Morphologically, these outgrowths resembled OSE in vivo and endothelial and mesothelial cells in culture, but they differed from cultured ovarian stromal, granulosa, and luteal cells. Only OSE among ovarian cell types were intensely keratin positive by immunofluorescence. Keratin also distinguished OSE cells from the keratin-negative endothelial cells. Most but not all OSE colonies tested showed 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD) activity, which was absent in peritoneal mesothelial cells. Colonies from most patients were limited to a few millimetres and became stationary within a few weeks. Changes that accompanied cessation of growth included senescence, increased keratin content, or the formation of multicellular papillary aggregates. With time, OSE cells tended to assume a fibroblast-like morphology but remained keratin positive and continued to resemble OSE by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Subcultured OSE cells persisted in a stationary keratin-positive form for many weeks. Throughout this study, all pavementlike epithelial outgrowths that were contiguous with an explant stained for keratin; thus, such colonies can be assumed to be OSE. Conversely, fibroblast-shaped cells may represent OSE as indicated by keratin content and SEM appearance. The methods presented here permit culture of normal human OSE under conditions in which the cells exhibit morphologic plasticity, variable 17 beta-HSD activity, and presence of keratin.  相似文献   

Summary The ovarian surface epithelium (OSE) represents a minute fraction of the cell mass of the ovary but gives rise to over 80% of human ovarian carcinomas. No experimental models for the study of human OSE exist. To characterize OSE cells in culture, explants of ovarian surface from normal ovary of premenopausal women were grown on plastic, glass, and collagen gel in 25% fetal bovine serum/Waymouth's medium 752/1. About 25% of explants produced epithelial outgrowths. Morphologically, these outgrowths resembled OSE in vivo and endothelial and mesothelial cells in culture, but they differed from cultured ovarian stromal, granulosa, and luteal cells. Only OSE among ovarian cell types were intensely keratin positive by immunofluorescence. Keratin also distinguished OSE cells from the keratin-negative endothelial cells. Most but not all OSE colonies tested showed 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD) activity, which was absent in peritoneal mesothelial cells. Colonies from most patients were limited to a few millimetres and became stationary within a few weeks. Changes that accompanied cessation of growth included senescence, increased keratin content, or the formation of multicellular papillary aggregates. With time, OSE cells tended to assume a fibroblast-like morphology but remained keratin positive and continued to resemble OSE by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Subcultured OSE cells persisted in a stationary keratin-positive form for many weeks. Throughout this study, all pavementlike epithelial outgrowths that were contiguous with an explant stained for keratin; thus, such colonies can be assumed to be OSE. Conversely, fibroblast-shaped cells may represent OSE as indicated by keratin content and SEM appearance. The methods presented here permit culture of normal human OSE under conditions in which the cells exhibit morphologic plasticity, variable 17β-HSD activity, and presence of keratin. Supported by a grant and a research associateship to N. A. by the National Cancer Institute of Canada.  相似文献   

The cell migration pathway in the intestinal epithelium of DDK in equilibrium C57BL/6JLac mouse chimeras is demonstrated using Dolichos biflorus agglutinin-peroxidase as strain-specific marker. Cell sheets of one genotype extend in relatively straight lines from crypt to villus apex. Narrow sheets are mostly interrupted in the distal two-thirds of duodenal but not ileal villi, suggesting that in the duodenum cell loss occurs below the apical extrusion zone. These differences between duodenum and ileum correspond to differences in villus shape. The pattern of cell migration in Peyer's patch epithelium is consistent with that of the duodenum. In chimeric colon, sharply demarcated territories of crypts with a narrow cuff of surface epithelium represent the counterpart of the villus/crypt unit of the small intestine.  相似文献   

The alpha and beta keratins are found as 10-nm and 3-nm cytoplasmic filaments, respectively. While the alpha keratins are produced in essentially all vertebrate epithelia (Franke et al.: Exp. Cell Res., 116:429-445, 1978; Sun et al.: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 76:2813-2817, 1979), the beta keratins have been demonstrated only in specific epithelial tissues of birds and reptiles (Sawyer et al.: In: Biology of the Integument: Vertebrates. J. Bereiter-Hahn, A.G. Matoltsy, and K.S. Richards, eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Vol. 2, pp. 194-238, 1986; Landmann: In: Biology of the Integument: Vertebrates. J. Bereiter-Hahn, A.G. Matoltsy, and K.S. Richards, eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Vol. 2, pp. 150-187, 1986). Recently, Homberger and Brush (Zoomorphology, 106:103-114, 1986) have demonstrated that within the lingual epithelium of parrots, beta keratins are expressed exclusively in the anterior ventral region. While it is well established that epidermal-dermal interactions are important for the regional expression of the beta keratin genes in the avian scutate scales and feathers, little is known about the expression of beta keratins in other epithelial structures such as the tongue. We have used biochemical and immunocytochemical techniques to analyze the alpha and beta keratins of the lingual epithelium of the chick as an initial step in the characterization of this model system for developmental studies. We have found that alpha keratins are present throughout the lingual epithelium. The anterior ventral epithelium contains alpha keratin polypeptides characteristic of skin-type differentiation, while the epithelium of the dorsal and posterior ventral regions contains alpha keratin polypeptides characteristic of esophageal-type differentiation (O'Guin et al.: In: Current Topics in Developmental Biology: The Molecular and Developmental Biology of Keratins. A.A. Moscona and A. Monroy, eds. R.H. Sawyer, vol. ed. Academic Press, New York, Vol. 22, pp. 282-306, 1987). Beta keratins are produced only in the differentiated epithelial cells of the anterior ventral region of the tongue. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrates that the alpha and beta keratins of the stratum intermedium and corneum of the anterior ventral region are found together in the large filament bundles characteristic of this region. The preexistence of the alpha keratins in the cells destined to produce beta keratins as well as the colocalization of these keratins in the filament bundles of these cells suggests that a functional relationship may exist between the alpha and beta keratins.  相似文献   

Chronic diseases are associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. Therefore, new therapeutic strategies are warranted. Here, we provide a brief review outlining the rationale and feasibility for the generation of intraspecies and interspecies chimeras, which one day may serve as a platform for organ transplantation. These strategies are further associated with consideration of scientific and ethical issues.  相似文献   

Two methods to bursectomize chick embryos before hemopoietic cell seeding of the bursa of Fabricius were compared in this work: section of the tail region at E3 including the presumptive bursal territory, and selective removal of the bursa at E5. Hatching ability is better with the former method, but survival rate and effectiveness of bursectomy are favored with the second, novel technique. Moreover, selective removal of the bursa at E5 can be followed by in situ engraftment of a quail bursa and construction of quail-chick bursal chimeras. The immune response of bursaless birds and bursal chimeras has been studied. Total absence of the bursa does not prevent a few B cells from differentiating and nonspecific Ig (IgM and/or IgG) from being secreted. As reported previously, bursaless birds, however, are unable to mount an immune response by producing specific antibodies. This immune function is restored by the graft of a quail bursa. The microenvironment of the bursa, although heterospecific, allows the expansion of the B cell population and generates the repertoire of the B cell antigen receptors. This process takes place during late embryonic and early postnatal life because the grafted quail bursal stroma is subjected to immune rejection from 2 to 3 wk after birth in all chimeras, which are, however, perfectly immunocompetent.  相似文献   

The mechanisms and control of transepithelial inorganic sulfate (Si) transport by primary cultures of chick renal proximal tubule monolayers in Ussing chambers were determined. The competitive anion, S2 O 3 2- (5 mM), reduced both unidirectional reabsorptive and secretory fluxes and net Si reabsorption with no effect on electrophysiological properties. The carbonic anhydrase (CA) inhibitor ethoxzolamide decreased net Si reabsorption approximately 45%. CAII protein and activity were detected in isolated chick proximal tubules by immunoblots and biochemical assay, respectively. Cortisol reduced net Si reabsorption up to approximately 50% in a concentration-dependent manner. Thyroid hormone increased net Si reabsorption threefold in 24 h, and parathyroid hormone (PTH) acutely stimulated net Si reabsorption approximately 45%. These data indicate that CA participates in avian proximal tubule active transepithelial Si reabsorption, which cortisol directly inhibits and T3 and PTH directly stimulate.  相似文献   

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