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Molecular tools were used to investigate relationships between species of Plectropomus , an Indo-Pacific group with a potentially recent evolutionary history on the Great Barrier Reef. Plectropomus laevis appeared to be basal, with evidence of hybridization between P. leopardus/maculatus and P. maculatusllaevis .  相似文献   

The physiological responses of two species of coral trout (Plectropomus maculatus and Plectropomus leopardus) to capture, shallow water and low salinity stressors were investigated. The responses of P. maculatus and P. leopardus to capture stress were characterised by rapid and transient increases in glucose, haemoglobin, haematocrit and lactate, as well as an equally dramatic but delayed increase in cortisol levels that persisted for at least 72 h. The magnitude and duration of the response to capture stress was very similar in both species. In contrast, the levels of cortisol, glucose, lactate, haemoglobin and haematocrit were generally elevated sooner and to higher levels in P. maculatus than in P. leopardus after exposure to shallow water stress. Coral trout exposed to reduced salinity showed minimal changes in cortisol, glucose, lactate, haemoglobin and haematocrit, but such changes were not characteristic of a non-specific response to stress. Thus, the physiological stress responses of coral trouts are species-specific and dependent on the nature of the stressor. This observation probably reflects different cortical processes in the brains of P. maculatus and P. leopardus-a result that may be related to the differential variability of the respective environments in which the two species habit.  相似文献   

The gonadal ontogeny through sex differentiation and transition of three protogynous coral trout species, Plectropomus leopardus , P. maculatus and P. laevis was described, based on anatomical and germinal differences along the length of the reproductive tract. Gonads of immature and mature females, sex changing individuals (transitionals) and males were examined. Specific anatomical features that were compared between sexual phases included the presence and structure of sperm sinuses, gonadal musculature and germinal cell types. All three coral trout species first differentiated as an immature female. The sexual pattern of P. leopardus and P. maculatus was concluded to be diandric protogynous hermaphroditism (males were derived from the juvenile phase as well as through sex change of mature females). Plectropomus laevis was found to be monandric as males were only derived through sex change in mature females. Structural changes did not occur concomitantly with the germinal changes associated with sex change in these Plectropomus species, which is atypical for protogynous species described to date. Precursory sperm sinuses in the dorso-medial region of the gonad were present, although non-functional, in a proportion of immature and mature females of all three species. These proportions, however, varied between species depending on the sexual pattern. The structural and germinal changes observed were hypothesized as anatomical adaptations that aid in minimizing time spent in the (non-reproductive) sexual transition phase and maximizing flexibility in male development in the diandric species.  相似文献   

Phylogeographical studies have shown that some shallow‐water marine organisms, such as certain coral reef fishes, lack spatial population structure at oceanic scales, despite vast distances of pelagic habitat between reefs and other dispersal barriers. However, whether these dispersive widespread taxa constitute long‐term panmictic populations across their species ranges remains unknown. Conventional phylogeographical inferences frequently fail to distinguish between long‐term panmixia and metapopulations connected by gene flow. Moreover, marine organisms have notoriously large effective population sizes that confound population structure detection. Therefore, at what spatial scale marine populations experience independent evolutionary trajectories and ultimately species divergence is still unclear. Here, we present a phylogeographical study of a cosmopolitan Indo‐Pacific coral reef fish Naso hexacanthus and its sister species Naso caesius, using two mtDNA and two nDNA markers. The purpose of this study was two‐fold: first, to test for broad‐scale panmixia in N. hexacanthus by fitting the data to various phylogeographical models within a Bayesian statistical framework, and second, to explore patterns of genetic divergence between the two broadly sympatric species. We report that N. hexacanthus shows little population structure across the Indo‐Pacific and a range‐wide, long‐term panmictic population model best fit the data. Hence, this species presently comprises a single evolutionary unit across much of the tropical Indian and Pacific Oceans. Naso hexacanthus and N. caesius were not reciprocally monophyletic in the mtDNA markers but showed varying degrees of population level divergence in the two nuclear introns. Overall, patterns are consistent with secondary introgression following a period of isolation, which may be attributed to oceanographic conditions of the mid to late Pleistocene, when these two species appear to have diverged.  相似文献   

We fit a molecular data set, consisting of the rpL16 cpDNA marker and eight microsatellite loci, to the isolation-with-migration model as implemented in IM a to test a well-supported phylogenetic hypothesis of relationships within the Carex macrocephala species complex (Cyperaceae). The phylogenetic hypothesis suggests C. macrocephala from North America is reciprocally monophyletic and is sister to a reciprocally monophyletic clade of C. kobomugi . The North American C. macrocephala and C. kobomugi clade form a sister clade with a lineage of Asian C. macrocephala , thereby forming a paraphyletic C. macrocephala species. Not only does the phylogenetic hypothesis suggest C. macrocephala is paraphyletic, but it also suggests that the two lineages which share a partially overlapping distribution, Asian C. macrocephala and C. kobomugi , are not the most closely related. To test these relationships, we used coalescent-based population genetic models to infer divergence time for each lineage pair within the species complex. The coalescent-based models account for the stochastic forces which drive population divergence, and can account for the lineage sorting that occurs prior to lineage divergence. A drawback to phylogenetic-based phylogeographical analyses is that they do not account for stochastic lineage sorting that occurs between gene divergence and lineage divergence. By comparing the relative divergence time of the three main lineages within this group, Asian C. macrocephala , North American C. macrocephala , and C. kobomugi , we concluded that the phylogenetic hypothesis is incorrect, and the divergence between these lineages occurred during the Late Pleistocene epoch.  相似文献   

Tiger quolls, Dasyurus maculatus, are the largest carnivorous marsupials still extant on the mainland of Australia, and occupy an important ecological niche as top predators and scavengers. Two allopatric subspecies are recognized, D.m. gracilis in north Queensland, and D.m. maculatus in the southeast of the mainland and Tasmania. D.m. gracilis is considered endangered while D.m. maculatus is listed as vulnerable to extinction; both subspecies are still in decline. Phylogeographical subdivision was examined to determine evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) and management units (MUs) among populations of tiger quolls to assist in the conservation of these taxa. Ninety-three tiger quolls from nine representative populations were sampled from throughout the species range. Six nuclear microsatellite loci and the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region (471 bp) were used to examine ESUs and MUs in this species. We demonstrated that Tasmanian tiger quolls are reciprocally monophyletic to those from the mainland using mtDNA analysis, but D.m. gracilis was not monophyletic with respect to mainland D.m. maculatus. Analysis of microsatellite loci also revealed significant differences between the Tasmanian and mainland tiger quolls, and between D.m. gracilis and mainland D.m. maculatus. These results indicate that Tasmanian and mainland tiger quolls form two distinct evolutionary units but that D.m. gracilis and mainland D.m. maculatus are different MUs within the same ESU. The two marker types used in this study revealed different male and female dispersal patterns and indicate that the most appropriate units for short-term management are local populations. A revised classification and management plan are needed for tiger quolls, particularly in relation to conservation of the Tasmanian and Queensland populations.  相似文献   

Angel sharks of the genus Squatina represent a group comprising 22 extant benthic species inhabiting continental shelves and upper slopes. In the present study, a comprehensive phylogenetic reconstruction of 17 Squatina species based on two mitochondrial markers (COI and 16S rRNA) is provided. The phylogenetic reconstructions are used to test biogeographic patterns. In addition, a molecular clock analysis is conducted to estimate divergence times of the emerged clades. All analyses show Squatina to be monophyletic. Four geographic clades are recognized, of which the Europe–North Africa–Asia clade is probably a result of the Tethys Sea closure. A second sister group relationship emerged in the analyses, including S. californica (eastern North Pacific) and S. dumeril (western North Atlantic), probably related to the rise of the Panamanian isthmus. The molecular clock analysis show that both lineage divergences coincide with the estimated time of these two geological events.  相似文献   

Concordance between mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers and morphologically based species identifications was examined for the two currently recognized Kogia species. We sequenced 406 base pairs of the control region and 398 base pairs of the cytochrome b gene from 108 Kogia breviceps and 47 K. sima samples. As expecred, the two sister species were reciprocally monophyletic to each other in phylogenetic reconstructions, but within K. sima , we unexpectedly observed another reciprocally monophyletic relationship. The two K. sima clades resolved were phylogeographically concordant with all of the haplotypes in one clade observed solely among specimens sampled from the Atlantic Ocean and with those in the other clade observed solely among specimens sampled from the Indo-Pacific Ocean. These apparently allopatric clades were observed in all phylogenetic reconstructions using the maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and neighborjoining algorithms, with the mtDNA gene sequences analyzed separately and combined. The nucleotide diversity for the combined gene sequence haplotypes of the two K. sima clades resolved in our analyses was 0.58% and 1.03% for the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific, respectively, whereas for the two recognized sister species, nucleotide diversity was 1.65% and 4.02% for K. breviceps and K. sima , respectively. The combined gene sequence haplotypes have accumulated 44 fixed base pair differences between the two K. sima clades compared to 20 fixed base pair differences between the two recognized sister species. Although our results are consistent with species-level differences between the two K. sima clades, recognition of a third Kogia species awaits supporting evidence that these two apparently allopatric clades represent reproductively isolated groups of animals.  相似文献   

Closely related marine species with large overlapping ranges provide opportunities to study mechanisms of speciation, particularly when there is evidence of gene flow between such lineages. Here, we focus on a case of hybridization between the sympatric sister‐species Haemulon maculicauda and H. flaviguttatum, using Sanger sequencing of mitochondrial and nuclear loci, as well as 2422 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) obtained via restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RADSeq). Mitochondrial markers revealed a shared haplotype for COI and low divergence for CytB and CR between the sister‐species. On the other hand, complete lineage sorting was observed at the nuclear loci and most of the SNPs. Under neutral expectations, the smaller effective population size of mtDNA should lead to fixation of mutations faster than nDNA. Thus, these results suggest that hybridization in the recent past (0.174–0.263 Ma) led to introgression of the mtDNA, with little effect on the nuclear genome. Analyses of the SNP data revealed 28 loci potentially under divergent selection between the two species. The combination of mtDNA introgression and limited nuclear DNA introgression provides a mechanism for the evolution of independent lineages despite recurrent hybridization events. This study adds to the growing body of research that exemplifies how genetic divergence can be maintained in the presence of gene flow between closely related species.  相似文献   

Auditory and olfactory abilities of settlement-stage larvae of the coral trout Plectropomus leopardus (Pisces: Serranidae) were tested electrophysiologically to determine if these senses are sufficiently developed to aid larvae in detection of settlement habitats on coral reefs. Plectropomus leopardus larvae detected sounds from 100 to 2000 Hz with hearing most sensitive at the frequencies of 100, 200 and 600 Hz. The olfactory response of P. leopardus was similar for the two amino acids tested and for the water conditioned by conspecifics. Auditory and olfactory abilities of P. leopardus are well developed at settlement-stage, and apparently sufficient to detect auditory and olfactory cues from reefs.  相似文献   

The simple geographic structure of island systems often makes them tractable for studies of the patterns and processes of biological diversification. The Calyptophilus chat-tanagers of Hispaniola are of general evolutionary interest because their multiple lineages might have arisen on a single island, of conservation concern because several isolated populations are nearly extinct, and taxonomically ambiguous because they have been variously lumped or split into one to four species. To explore the context of diversification of the seven extant Calyptophilus populations, we conducted a multilocus coalescent analysis based on sequences of mitochondrial ND2 and three nuclear intron loci. We then compared patterns of phylogeographic genetic variation with the morphological differences that distinguish these populations. Mitochondrial haplotypes formed two reciprocally monophyletic groups separated by a large magnitude of nucleotide divergence. Intron structure largely paralleled the geographic grouping pattern of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), but these groups were only reciprocally monophyletic at one of the three introns. Also, the magnitude of between-group divergence was much lower in the introns than mtDNA genealogies. Multilocus coalescent analyses inferred a nonzero divergence time between these two major geographic groups, but suggested that they have experienced a low level of gene flow. All four markers showed substantial allele sharing within each of the two groups, demonstrating that many now separated montane populations do not have long histories of isolation. Considered in concert, our multilocus phylogeographic reconstructions support the recognition of two species within the Calyptophilus complex, and raise the possibility that these taxa differentiated prior to the fusion of the two palaeo-islands that form present-day Hispaniola.  相似文献   

Lactate dehydrogenase-B (ldh-b) encodes a metabolic enzyme (LDH-B) which plays an important role in maintaining aerobic performance and in thermal acclimation and/or adaptation of fish. As the first step in understanding the effect this enzyme has on the ability of tropical coral reef fishes to cope with thermal stress, we characterized both coding and non-coding regions of ldh-b in two congeneric perciformes, Plectropomus leopardus and Plectropomus laevis. Ldh-b was 4666 and 4539bp in length in P. leopardus and P. laevis, respectively, with coding regions comprising 1005bp in both species. We report a high level of sequence homology between the coding regions of ldh-b in these two species, with 98.1% identity of nucleotides corresponding to 100% amino acid identity between the deduced protein sequences. Comparison between non-coding (intron) regions of both species revealed the presence of several indels, despite the high level of homology observed (95.9% identity of intron nucleotides). Potential regulatory motifs and elements, including twenty-six simple sequence repeat motifs (mono-, di-, tri- and tetranucleotide) and twenty-three putative microRNA elements are identified within the introns of both species, further supporting recent demonstrations that such short motifs and elements exhibit widespread positioning throughout non-coding regions of the genome. This novel characterization of ldh-b in these two coral reef fishes allows for a wide range of future studies (e.g. analytical comparisons of ldh-b and LDH-B among different fish genera from different thermal environments and habitats).  相似文献   

Hybridisation is a significant evolutionary process that until recently was considered rare in the marine environment. A suture zone in the eastern Indian Ocean is home to numerous hybridising sister species, providing an ideal opportunity to determine how hybridisation affects speciation and biodiversity in coral reef fishes. At this location, hybridisation between two grouper (Epinephelidae) species: Cephalopholis urodeta (Pacific Ocean) and C. nigripinnis (Indian Ocean) was investigated to determine the genetic basis of hybridisation and to compare the ecology and life history of hybrids and their parent species. This approach aimed to provide insights into the taxonomic and evolutionary consequences of hybridisation. Despite clear phenotypic differences, multiple molecular markers revealed hybrids, and their parent species were genetically homogenous within and (thousands of kilometres) outside of the hybrid zone. Hybrids were at least as fit as their parent species (in terms of growth, reproduction, and abundance) and were observed in a broad range of intermediate phenotypes. The two species appear to be interbreeding at Christmas Island due to inherent biological and ecological compatibilities, and the lack of genetic structure may be explained by three potential scenarios: (1) hybridisation and introgression; (2) discordance between morphology and genetics; and (3) incomplete lineage sorting. Further molecular analyses are necessary to discriminate these scenarios. Regardless of which applies, C. urodeta and C. nigripinnis are unlikely to evolve in reproductive isolation as they cohabit where they are common (Christmas Island) and will source congeneric mates where they are rare (Cocos Keeling Islands). Our results add to the growing body of evidence that hybridisation among coral reef fishes is a dynamic evolutionary factor.  相似文献   

The Seychelles is a remarkably interesting archipelago for evolutionary studies, but only recently have molecular markers been used to explore its biogeographic patterns. Here we used morphological and molecular data to examine diversity and phylogenetic relationships of two endemic skink sister‐species from this archipelago: Trachylepis sechellensis and Trachylepis wrightii. Mitochondrial DNA genealogy rendered a monophyletic T. wrightii nested within a paraphyletic T. sechellensis, whereas nuclear DNA sequences from five unlinked markers reflected the accepted taxonomy. Hybridization and massive mtDNA introgression leading to the complete replacement of the native mtDNA lineage of T. sechellensis in some of the islands were invoked to explain this result, and morphological variation also seemed to reflect this pattern of reticulation. A Mio‐Pliocene divergence between both species is suggested. Multilocus molecular data were used to uncover biogeographic patterns within the archipelago, which reflected shared patterns with other co‐distributed lizard taxa; specifically a north–south marked structure, a close relationship between populations from Fregate and the southern islands, and a detectable isolation within the southern group, between Mahé, and Silhouette and North Islands. Gene flow from these latter islands towards the northern group was also suggested. These results add to the growing body of evidence of the influence of geographic distance and sea‐level oscillations in shaping the genetic structure of Seychellois taxa and of the existence of common biogeographic patterns across the archipelago.  相似文献   

Aim This study aimed to test monophyly and geographical boundaries in five marine intertidal snail species from the central Indo‐West Pacific. We tested the prediction that phylogenetic breaks between the Indian and Pacific Ocean basins should be more pronounced in continental than oceanic settings, and sought common geographical patterns of interspecific boundaries and intraspecific phylogenetic breaks in the region. Location The tropical seas of the Indo‐West Pacific. Methods We sequenced over 1200 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene (COI) from 18–92 individuals sampled from throughout the ranges of each of five species of Echinolittorina (Littorinidae): three members of the Echinolittorina trochoides species complex; Echinolittorina reticulata; and Echinolittorina vidua, together with sister species, in order to test species boundaries. In addition, 630 bp of the nuclear 28S rRNA gene were sequenced from E. reticulata and its sister Echinolittorina millegrana. Phylogenetic structure was assessed using neighbour‐joining and parsimony analyses. Results COI data confirmed species boundaries and geographical distributions for all species except the pair E. reticulata and E. millegrana, which were nevertheless reciprocally monophyletic for 28S rRNA. The species from ecologically ‘continental’ habitats (E. trochoides A and E. vidua, but not E. trochoides B) mostly showed strong interoceanic breaks (with age estimates 0.58–4.4 Ma), while the ecologically ‘oceanic’E. trochoides D and E. reticulata did not. The sister species E. trochoides A and B occupy the shores of the continental shelves of Southeast Asia and Australasia respectively; between them lies the oceanic ‘eastern Indonesian corridor’ occupied by E. trochoides D and E. reticulata. The widespread continental species E. vidua showed a complex pattern of deep division into six haplotype clades with apparently parapatric distributions. Main conclusions Our results show that ecological differences (in this case continental vs. oceanic habitat) influence both intraspecific phylogenetic structure and interspecific boundaries in these snails of intertidal rocky shores. Two of the three species restricted to continental shelves show phylogenetic breaks between the Indian and Pacific Oceans, consistent with vicariant separation during Plio‐Pleistocene low sea levels. The two oceanic species do not show breaks, suggesting that they maintained interoceanic connections through the eastern Indonesian corridor. The geographical location of the interspecific boundary between continental E. trochoides A and oceanic E. trochoides D mirrors intraspecific breaks reported in other species. The sister relationship of E. trochoides A and B in Asia and Australasia, respectively, is an example of a ‘marine Wallace's line’ distribution, and we suggest that it is the result of separation of two continental species by a barrier of unsuitable oceanic habitat.  相似文献   

The Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP) is a dynamic coastal environment characterized by a complex system of oceanic processes and discontinuous rocky habitats. These features, in conjunction with the ecological and physiological characteristics of Anisotremus interruptus, might limit gene flow and shape the evolutionary history of the species. In this study, we investigate the evolutionary history of the reef fish A. interruptus (and its Atlantic sister species A. surinamensis) throughout its range in the TEP, using two mitochondrial (cox1 and cytb) and two nuclear markers (S7 and RAG1). We found three genetic groups of A. interruptus with recent divergence times from the Galapagos Archipelago, Revillagigedo Archipelago, the continental TEP, and A. surinamensis the sister specie from the Atlantic. The haplotype mtDNA networks show A. surinamensis in a central position with respect to Pacific genetic haplogroups, whereas nDNA networks show mixed haplotypes between the four genetic groups. In the species tree, A. surinamensis appears as the sister species of all the Pacific samples and the Galapagos Archipelago population emerges as a genetically distinctive group. The samples from the Revillagigedo Archipelago also constitute a genetic distinctive group, closely related to the continental samples. Continental individuals do not show significant genetic structure and exhibit a population expansion during the Pleistocene. The sandy gaps of the TEP not appear to act as barriers isolating populations of A. interruptus, whereas the open sea gap between the oceanic islands and the continental coast do.  相似文献   

We surveyed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation in short-horned lizards (Phrynosoma douglasi) from throughout western North America and used these data to estimate an intraspecific phylogeny and to assess biogeographic scenarios underlying the geographic structure of lineages in this species. We sequenced 783 base pairs from 38 populations of P. douglasi and three putative outgroups (P. ditmarsi, P. orbiculare, P. platyrhinos). We detected high levels of nucleotide variation among populations and a spatial distribution of mtDNA lineages compatible with major geographic regions. The phylogenetic hypotheses best supported by the data suggest that P. douglasi, as currently described, is paraphyletic with respect to P. ditmarsi. Populations of P. douglasi from the Pacific Northwest (ID, CA, OR, WA) form a monophyletic group that is sister to the subsequent radiation of P. ditmarsi and other P. douglasi clades. These results suggest that divergences within this widespread species are fairly old. We focused on the genetic structure of populations of P. douglasi from a geographic perspective and interpreted the intraspecific phylogeny in light of geologic and climatic changes in western North America during the last 20 million years. The generally high levels of genetic variation found in these population comparisons are in accord with high levels of morphological variation in this species group; however, only in the Pacific Northwest region is there spatial congruence between these phylogenetic results and subspecific ranges based on previous morphological studies. We compared the evolutionary units delineated in this study with previously described subspecies of P. douglasi and evaluated the support (from morphology and mtDNA) for each population lineage in the phylogeny and the implications for the taxonomy of this group.  相似文献   

Green pythons, which are regionally variable in colour patterns, are found throughout the lowland rainforest of New Guinea and adjacent far northeastern Australia. The species is popular in commercial trade and management of this trade and its impacts on natural populations could be assisted by molecular identification tools. We used mitochondrial nucleotide sequences and a limited allozyme data to test whether significantly differentiated populations occur within the species range. Phylogenetic analysis of mtDNA sequences revealed hierarchal phylogeographic structure both within New Guinea and between New Guinea and Australia. Strongly supported reciprocally monophyletic mitochondrial lineages, northern and southern, were found either side of the central mountain range that runs nearly the length of New Guinea. Limited allozyme data suggest that population differentiation is reflected in the nuclear as well as the mitochondrial genome. A previous morphological analysis did not find any phenotypic concordance with the pattern of differentiation observed in the molecular data. The southern mitochondrial lineage includes all of the Australian haplotypes, which form a single lineage, nested among the southern New Guinean haplotypes.  相似文献   

Geographic surveys of allozymes, microsatellites, nuclear DNA (nDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have detected several genetic subdivisions among European anchovy populations. However, these studies have been limited in their power to detect some aspects of population structure by the use of a single or a few molecular markers, or by limited geographic sampling. We use a multi-marker approach, 47 nDNA and 15 mtDNA single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), to analyze 626 European anchovies from the whole range of the species to resolve shallow and deep levels of population structure. Nuclear SNPs define 10 genetic entities within two larger genetically distinctive groups associated with oceanic variables and different life-history traits. MtDNA SNPs define two deep phylogroups that reflect ancient dispersals and colonizations. These markers define two ecological groups. One major group of Iberian-Atlantic populations is associated with upwelling areas on narrow continental shelves and includes populations spawning and overwintering in coastal areas. A second major group includes northern populations in the North East (NE) Atlantic (including the Bay of Biscay) and the Mediterranean and is associated with wide continental shelves with local larval retention currents. This group tends to spawn and overwinter in oceanic areas. These two groups encompass ten populations that differ from previously defined management stocks in the Alboran Sea, Iberian-Atlantic and Bay of Biscay regions. In addition, a new North Sea-English Channel stock is defined. SNPs indicate that some populations in the Bay of Biscay are genetically closer to North Western (NW) Mediterranean populations than to other populations in the NE Atlantic, likely due to colonizations of the Bay of Biscay and NW Mediterranean by migrants from a common ancestral population. Northern NE Atlantic populations were subsequently established by migrants from the Bay of Biscay. Populations along the Iberian-Atlantic coast appear to have been founded by secondary waves of migrants from a southern refuge.  相似文献   

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