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Measurements of intracellular Ca2+ in adrenal medullary cells suggest that a transient rise in Ca2+ leads to a transient secretory response, the rise in Ca2+ being brought about by an influx through voltage-sensitive Ca channels which subsequently inactivate. The level of Ca2+ observed is much smaller than the Ca2+ needed to trigger secretion when introduced directly into the cell. The discrepancy is removed by the presence of diacylglycerot, which increases the sensitivity of the secretory process to Ca2+. The site of action of Ca2+ and diacylglycerol is probably protein kinase C, and tile different secretory responses to increases of Ca2+ and diacylglycerol can be modelled in terms of a preferential order of binding of these two substrates to the enzyme. ATP is needed for secretion: one role is possibly to confer stability to the secretory apparatus; another may involve phosphorylation of some key protein. The kinetics of secretion suggest that if Ca2+ regulates phosphorylation or dephosphorylation, then it is therate of change of phosphorylation that controls secretion rather than theextent of phosphorylation or dephosphorylation. Guanine nucleotide-binding proteins may play a role not only at the level of signal transduction coupling, but also at or near the site of exocytosis, and the mechanism by which some Botulinum toxins inhibit secretion may be associated with these proteins.  相似文献   

WI-38 and SV40WI-38 cells have been synchronized using centrifugal elutriation. This technique allows for the rapid harvesting of early G1 phase cells from exponentially growing populations of both the normal and transformed cell. Using these cells, as well as WI-38 cells synchronized by serum deprivation, we have examined the effects of extracellular Ca and Mg levels on the progression of cells through G1 phase. A differential sensitivity to both Ca and Mg deprivation is observed between normal and transformed cells. The WI-38 cell requires higher levels of both ions for traversal of G1 phase and for continued proliferation as compared to the transformed cell. The temporal nature of the Ca and Mg requirements for the WI-38 cell has been examined during G1 phase. Ca is strictly required during early and late G1 phase, but not necessarily throughout mid-G1. An early as well as a late G1 Ca requirement is also found in serum-stimulated WI-38 cells. In contrast, the Mg requirement of WI-38 cells does not appear to be temporally well-defined. Mg appears to be a permissive factor, required throughout G1 phase rather than at certain prescribed intervals. On the basis of these data, it seems unlikely that these two cations exert their effects on cell growth entirely through a common competitive mechanism. Ca would appear to be involved in early serum or growth factor-mediated G1 events and later pre-S-phase events, as suggested in previous studies on other cell lines.  相似文献   

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion is stimulated by low extracellular calcium (Ca2+) in association with a reduction in cyosolic Ca2+, indicating that this cell type does not conform to classical models of stimulus-secretion coupling. We used the phorbol ester TPA (12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13-acetate), which directly activates protein kinase C, to investigate the possible role of this enzyme in the unusual secretory properties of the parathyroid cell. TPA causes a dose-dependent stimulation of PTH release inhibited by high extracellular Ca2+ (EC50 = 10 nM) but has relatively little effect on secretion stimulated by low Ca2+. This effect was mimicked by the beta 4-isomer of phorbol 12,13-didecanoate which also activates kinase C, but not by the alpha 4-isomer, which has no effect on this enzyme. TPA does not modify cellular cAMP or cytosolic Ca2+ in the parathyroid cell indicating that its effects on PTH secretion are not mediated indirectly via changes in these second messengers. These results suggest that inhibition of PTH release at high Ca2+ might be related to a reduction in protein kinase C activity which can be overcome when the enzyme is directly activated by TPA.  相似文献   

Calcium, magnesium, and zinc status in experimental hyperthyroidism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study, experimental hyperthyroidism was established and used to investigate possible alterations in the calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and zinc (Zn) homeostasis by assessing their concentrations in plasma and erythrocytes. In the L-thyroxine-induced hyperthyroidism condition, the experimental animals show a significant decrease in erythrocyte Ca, Mg, and Zn concentrations, and a significant decrease in plasma Mg concentration. Significant positive correlations were found for Mg and Zn both in plasma and in erythrocytes. The results suggest that the homeostasis of Ca, Mg, and Zn is altered during experimental hyperthyroidism.  相似文献   

In this study, experimental hypothyroidism was established and used to investigate possible alterations in the calcium, magnesium, and zinc homeostasis by assessing their concentration in plasma and erythrocytes. Hypothyroidism was induced by administration of methimazole an iodine blocker at a dose of 75 mg/100 g food for 3 wk. In the methimazole-induced hypothyroid state, the experimental animals showed a significant decrease in plasma zinc concentration, whereas a significant increase in plasma magnesium concentration occurred. No change was observed in plasma calcium concentration. The erythrocyte zinc and calcium concentrations were found to be increased, whereas magnesium concentration decreased. Erythrocyte magnesium concentration showed a significant positive correlation with T4 values. The study provides evidence for marked alterations in homeostatis of zinc, magnesium, and calcium.  相似文献   

Calcium, calcineurin, and the control of transcription   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  

Calcium, carbonic anhydrase and gastric acid secretion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Previous data concerning the action of calcium (Ca) on gastric acid secretion (GAS) indicated that calcium ions increase GAS elicited by gastrin released through a vagal mechanism, and also by a direct effect on parietal cells. Our research showed that the stimulating effect of calcium on gastric acid secretion can be antagonized by verapamil administration, which reduces gastric acid secretion . In the present study we followed the effect induced by administration of calcium and Ca-chelating agents (disodium EDTA) on gastric acid secretion and on carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity. We selected two groups of healthy volunteers: Group I (n=21) received a single i.v. dose of CaCl2 (15 mg/kg b.w.), whereas Group II (n=22) received a single i.v. dose of disodium EDTA (5 mg/kg b.w.). We determined blood calcium before and after treatment, gastric acid secretion at 2 hours. erythrocyte CA II activity, and CA IV activity in membrane parietal cells, which were isolated from gastric mucosa obtained by endoscopic biopsy. Assessment of carbonic anhydrase activity was achieved by the stopped-flow method. In Group I calcium administration increased blood calcium, HCl output, CA II and CA IV activity as compared to initial values. In Group II, disodium EDTA reduced blood calcium, HCl output, CA II and CA IV activity as compared to initial values. The results demonstrated that increased blood calcium and GAS values after calcium administration correlated with the increase of erythrocyte CA II and parietal cell CA IV activity, while disodium EDTA induced a reversed process. Our results also show that cytosolic CA II and membrane CA IV values are sensitive to calcium changes and they directly depend on these levels. Our data suggest that intra- and extracellular pH changes induced by carbonic anhydrase might account for the modulation of the physiological and pathological secretory processes in the organism.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1986,124(4):175-179
The zinc ion coordination of vincristine was studied by polarography; the analogous calcium ion coordination process was studied potentiometrically by a calcium ion selective electrode. In both cases, complexes of 1:1 composition were formed. The formation constant of the calcium complex was found to be 1g K = 3.27 ± 0.1. On the basis of the substitution of zinc in its vincristine complex by calcium and magnesium ions respectively, the ratio of the corresponding stability constants could be estimated as KZn:KCa (and KZn:KMg) ∼ 105−3 × 104. The complex formation processes proved to be pH-independent in the pH range 3.4–5.5, indicating that the metal ions are coordinated by the unprotonated oxygen donor atoms of vincristine.  相似文献   

J A Cox  D R Winge  E A Stein 《Biochimie》1979,61(5-6):601-605
The conformation of perch parvalbumin in the Ca-, Mg- and metal-free state was studied by intrinsic fluorescence, trypsin susceptibility, thiol titration and circular dichroism. The data reveal that Ca-parvalbumin has a more compact structure than the metal-free protein, with a high alpha-helical content and a buried thiol. No difference in conformation could be detected between Mg- and Ca-parvalvumin, indicating that the Ca-Mg exchange that may take place during muscular activity is accompanied by little or no structural changes. Furthermore, recently published kinetic parameters can now be interpreted as meaning that, during the contraction-relaxation cycle, parvalbumin often stays in the Mg-form instead of switching to the Ca-form which is predominant in vitro.  相似文献   

The distribution of calcium and magnesium has been studied in the acinar cells of the pancreas of the guinea pig. Most of the magnesium was found to be associated with the rough microsomes (probably bound to the ribosomes) and with the postmicrosomal supernate. In contrast, calcium was distributed among all the particulate fractions, primarily the mitochondria, microsomes (especially smooth surfaced), zymogen granules, and the plasmalemma, and was low in the postmicrosomal supernate. Most of the calcium recovered in the particulate fractions was found to be membrane bound. The highest concentrations were found in the membranes of the zymogen granules and in the plasmalemma. By means of control experiments using -45Ca as the tracer, it was established that a considerable redistribution of calcium occurs during homogenization and cell fractionation. At least some of the resulting artifacts were estimated quantitatively and the data were corrected accordingly. The biochemical results were confirmed with the cytochemical antimonate technique carried out on the tissue as well as on isolated fractions. The role of calcium associated with the zymogen granules and with their limiting membranes is discussed in relation to the architecture of the granule and to the functionality of the pancreatic juice.  相似文献   

The primary regulator of PTH secretion is serum ionized Ca(2+); however, neuropeptide-containing nerve fibers have been localized to the parathyroid gland. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not substance P (SP) regulates PTH secretion. In dispersed porcine parathyroid cells, SP reversibly inhibited 0.5 mM CaCl(2)-induced PTH secretion (IC(50) = 0.29 nM) and had no effect at CaCl(2) concentrations of 1.5 mM and greater. At 0.5 mM CaCl(2), treatment with a NK-1 selective receptor agonist resulted in a concentration-dependent decrease in PTH secretion (IC(50) = 0.21 nM). In contrast, NK-2 and NK-3 receptor agonists were approximately 100-fold less active than SP or the NK-1 receptor selective agonist. An enantiospecific reversal of the effects of SP on PTH secretion was observed with LY306740, a potent selective NK-1 receptor antagonist (K(i) = 0.125 nM). In porcine parathyroid cells, expression of mRNA for the NK-1 receptor was observed using RT-PCR. In summary, a novel neuroendocrine pathway is described whereby the neuropeptide, SP, regulates PTH secretion through NK-1 receptors.  相似文献   

Endochondral bone development is a fascinating story of proliferation, maturation, and death. An understanding of this process at the molecular level is emerging. In particular, significant advances have been made in understanding the role of parathyroid-hormone-related peptide (PTHrP), parathyroid hormone (PTH), and the PTH/PTHrP receptor in endochondral bone development. Mutations of the PTH/PTHrP receptor have been identified in Jansen metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, Blomstrand's lethal chondrodysplasia, and enchondromatosis. Furthermore, genetic manipulations of the PTHrP, PTH, and the PTH/PTHrP receptor genes, respectively, have demonstrated the critical role of these proteins in regulating both the switch between proliferation and differentiation of chondrocytes, and their replacement by bone cells. A future area of investigation will be the identification of downstream effectors of PTH, PTHrP, and PTH/PTHrP receptor activities. Furthermore, it will be of critical importance to study how these proteins cooperate and integrate with other molecules that are essential for growth plate development.  相似文献   

Calcium and magnesium transport in single cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

To determine the role of subcellular organelles in hormone secretion, we studied the interaction of low calcium concentration (low Ca), retinol (vitamin A, vit A), vinblastine (VB), and cytochalasin B (CB) in parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion. Bovine parathyroid tissue pieces were incubated in media containing the above agents. Vit A stimulated PTH release to a mean of 170% of control. This effect of vit A was diminished when tissues were simultaneously stimulated with low Ca and, furthermore, absent when tissues were pre-incubated in low Ca.VB had no effect on low Ca-stimulated secretion, but did inhibit vit A-induced secretion in the presence of low Ca.CB stimulated PTH secretion to a mean of 150% of control during the second and third hours of incubation. CB had at least an additive effect with low Ca in stimulating PTH secretion, with a more prompt and greater response than seen in normal calcium. VB did not inhibit the acute effect of CB on secretion in normal calcium media, but did inhibit CB-induced secretion during the third hour of incubation.None of the agents stimulated the release of lysosomal cathepsin D, and vit A and CB did not stimulate the release of LDH.Our results suggest that; (1) vit A and low Ca stimulate PTH secretion through a common pathway involving the cell membrane; (2) CB stimulates PTH secretion through a separate effect on the cell membrane or submembrane microfilaments, which normally retards secretion of PTH; and (3) microtubular proteins may facilitate basal secretion of PTH, but are not involved in low Ca-stimulated secretion of PTH.  相似文献   

We estimated the fluxes, inputs and outputs of Ca, K,and Mg in a Mexican tropical dry forest. The studywas conducted in five contiguous small watersheds(12–28 ha) gauged for long-term ecosystem research. A total of five 80 × 30 m plots were used for thestudy. We quantified inputs from the atmosphere,dissolved and particulate-bound losses, throughfalland litterfall fluxes, and standing crop litter pools. Mean cation inputs for a six-year period were 3.03 kg/ha for Ca, 1.31 kg/ha for K, and 0.80 kg/ha for Mg. Mean outputs in runoff were 5.24, 2.83, and 1.79 kg/ha, respectively. Calcium, K, and Mgconcentrations increased as rainfall moved through thecanopy. Annual Ca return in the litterfall (11.4 g/m2) was much higher than K (2.3 g/m2)and Mg (1.6 g/m2). Litterfall represented 99%of the Ca, 84% of the Mg, and 53% of the K, totalaboveground return to the soil. Calcium concentrationin standing litter (3.87%) was much higher than K(0.38%) and Mg (0.37%). These concentrations werehigher (Ca), lower (K), or similar (Mg) to those inlitterfall. Residence times on the forest floor were0.86, 1.17, and 1.77 yr for K, Mg, and Carespectively. Compared to the residence time fororganic matter at the site (1.31 yr), these resultssuggest slow mineralization for Ca in this ecosystem. Budget estimates were calculated for a wet and a dryyear. Results indicated that nutrients accumulated inthe dry but that nutrients were lost during the wetyear. Comparison of Ca, K, and Mg losses in streamwater with the input rates from the atmosphere for thesix-year period show that inputs are lower thanoutputs in the Chamela tropical dry forestecosystem.  相似文献   

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and PTH-related peptide (PTH-RP) are two hypercalcemic hormones that share a common receptor subtype, the PTH/PTH-RP receptor. PTH and PTH-RP concentration dependently enhanced basal aldosterone and cortisol secretion from dispersed human adrenocortical cells, with a maximal effective concentration (approximately 2-fold increase) of 10(-8) M. The secretagogue effect of 10(-8) M PTH or PTH-RP was abolished by the PTH/PTH-RP receptor antagonist [Leu11,D-Trp12]-PTH-RP-(7-34)-amide (10(-6) M). PTH and PTH-RP (10(-8) M) raised cAMP and inositol-triphosphate release by dispersed adrenocortical cells, and these effects were blocked by the adenylate cyclase inhibitor SQ-22536 (10(-4) M) and the phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitor U-73122 (10(-5) M), respectively. SQ-22536 (10(-4) M) and U-73122 (10(-5) M) partially inhibited aldosterone and cortisol response to 10(-8) M PTH and PTH-RP; when added together, they abolished it. Similar results were obtained by using the protein kinase (PK)A and PKC inhibitors H-89 and calphostin C (10(-5) M). It is concluded that PTH and PTH-RP exert a sizeable secretagogue action on the human adrenal cortex, probably acting through the PTH/PTH-RP receptor coupled with both adenylate cyclase/PKA- and PLC/PKC-dependent signaling cascades.  相似文献   

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