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In spite of the unassailable logic that every new coital partner a man has is also a new partner for the woman concerned, men typically claim more sexual partners than women. If these claims are correct, can prostitutes and other hypersexual women account for this slippage? The present study examines whether the incidence of such women is sufficient to explain the discrepancy in number of lifetime partners claimed by men and women.  相似文献   

Formants are important phonetic elements of human speech that are also used by humans and non-human mammals to assess the body size of potential mates and rivals. As a consequence, it has been suggested that formant perception, which is crucial for speech perception, may have evolved through sexual selection. Somewhat surprisingly, though, no previous studies have examined whether sexes differ in their ability to use formants for size evaluation. Here, we investigated whether men and women differ in their ability to use the formant frequency spacing of synthetic vocal stimuli to make auditory size judgements over a wide range of fundamental frequencies (the main determinant of vocal pitch). Our results reveal that men are significantly better than women at comparing the apparent size of stimuli, and that lower pitch improves the ability of both men and women to perform these acoustic size judgements. These findings constitute the first demonstration of a sex difference in formant perception, and lend support to the idea that acoustic size normalization, a crucial prerequisite for speech perception, may have been sexually selected through male competition. We also provide the first evidence that vocalizations with relatively low pitch improve the perception of size-related formant information.  相似文献   

Organisms 'discount the future' when they value imminent goods over future goods. Optimal discounting varies: selection should favour allocations of effort that effectively discount the future relatively steeply in response to cues promising relatively good returns on present efforts. However, research on human discounting has hitherto focused on stable individual differences rather than situational effects. In two experiments, discounting was assessed on the basis of choices between a smaller sum of money tomorrow and a larger sum at a later date, both before and after subjects rated the 'appeal' of 12 photographs. In experiment 1, men and women saw either attractive or unattractive opposite-sex faces; in experiment 2, participants saw more or less appealing cars. As predicted, discounting increased significantly in men who viewed attractive women, but not in men who viewed unattractive women or women who viewed men; viewing cars produced a different pattern of results.  相似文献   

The human voice is often considered to be a secondary sexual characteristic that signals underlying information about the immunocompetence of the speaker (i.e. the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis; ICHH). However, no studies have yet shown a relationship between vocal characteristics and biomarkers of immune function or self-reported health. In a sample of 108 men, we examined correlations between masculine vocal characteristics [i.e. relatively low fundamental frequency (F0), low F0 variability (F0-SD), low formant position (Pf), and high vocal tract length (VTL)] in relation to salivary immunoglobulin-A (sIgA; a marker of mucosal immunity), testosterone (T), and well-validated measures of self-reported health status. Results showed that sIgA correlated with masculinized F0, Pf, and VTL. Self-report health correlated with masculinized Pf and VTL. Anticipated future health correlated negatively with F0-SD and sick role propensity (less interference of illness in daily life) correlated positively with VTL. Perceived susceptibility to infection correlated with more feminized F0 and F0-SD. Our results demonstrated a small relationship between men's vocal characteristics and one putative indicator of mucosal immunity along with self-identified health status. We suggest that more research is warranted to determine whether the masculinity of men's voices may serve as an indicator of their phenotypic quality.  相似文献   

The copulatory activities of bonobos (Pan paniscus) of Wamba, Zaire, were compared with those of chimpanzees (P. troglodytes schweinfurthii) of Mahale, Tanzania. The copulation rates of adult male bonobos were equal to or lower than those of adult male chimpanzees. The copulation rates of adult female bonobos were approximately equal to those of adult female chimpanzees who were in maximal genital swelling, but it should be much higher than those of the adult female chimpanzees throughout the birth interval. The copulation rates of adolescent male bonobos were lower than those of adolescent male chimpanzees, whereas the copulation rates of adolescent female bonobos were much higher than those of adolescent female chimpanzees. It was suggested that the bonobos of Wamba did not copulate more promiscuously than did the chimpanzees of Mahale. The female bonobos may show “receptivity”, whereas female chimpanzees may show rather “proceptivity”.  相似文献   

In this paper, we compile the network of software packages with regulatory interactions (dependences and conflicts) from Debian GNU/Linux operating system and use it as an analogy for a gene regulatory network. Using a trace-back algorithm we assemble networks from the pool of packages with both scale-free (real data) and exponential (null model) topologies. We record the maximum number of packages that can be functionally installed in the system (i.e., the active network size). We show that scale-free regulatory networks allow a larger active network size than random ones. This result might have implications for the number of expressed genes at steady state. Small genomes with scale-free regulatory topologies could allow much more expression than large genomes with exponential topologies. This may have implications for the dynamics, robustness and evolution of genomes.  相似文献   

Several empirical observations suggest that when women have more autonomy over their reproductive decisions, fertility is lower. Some evolutionary theorists have interpreted this as evidence for sexual conflicts of interest, arguing that higher fertility is more adaptive for men than women. We suggest the assumptions underlying these arguments are problematic: assuming that women suffer higher costs of reproduction than men neglects the (different) costs of reproduction for men; the assumption that men can repartner is often false. We use simple models to illustrate that (i) men or women can prefer longer interbirth intervals (IBIs), (ii) if men can only partner with wives sequentially they may favour shorter IBIs than women, but such a strategy would only be optimal for a few men who can repartner. This suggests that an evolved universal male preference for higher fertility than women prefer is implausible and is unlikely to fully account for the empirical data. This further implies that if women have more reproductive autonomy, populations should grow, not decline. More precise theoretical explanations with clearly stated assumptions, and data that better address both ultimate fitness consequences and proximate psychological motivations, are needed to understand under which conditions sexual conflict over reproductive timing should arise.  相似文献   

Perkins SL  Martinsen ES  Falk BG 《Parasitology》2011,138(13):1664-1674
Systematics involves resolving both the taxonomy and phylogenetic placement of organisms. We review the advantages and disadvantages of the two kinds of information commonly used for such inferences--morphological and molecular data--as applied to the systematics of metazoan parasites generally, with special attention to the malaria parasites. The problems that potentially confound the use of morphology in parasites include challenges to consistent specimen preservation, plasticity of features depending on hosts or other environmental factors, and morphological convergence. Molecular characters such as DNA sequences present an alternative data source and are particularly useful when not all the parasite's life stages are present or when parasitaemia is low. Nonetheless, molecular data can bring challenges that include troublesome DNA isolation, paralogous gene copies, difficulty in developing molecular markers, and preferential amplification in mixed species infections. Given the differential benefits and shortcomings of both molecular and morphological characters, both should be implemented in parasite taxonomy and phylogenetics.  相似文献   

Researchers have suggested that more attractive women will show stronger preferences for masculine men because such women are better placed to offset the potential costs of choosing a masculine mate. However, evidence for correlations between measures of women's own attractiveness and preferences for masculine men is mixed. Moreover, the samples used to test this hypothesis are typically relatively small. Consequently, we conducted two large-scale studies that investigated possible associations between women's preferences for facial masculinity and their own attractiveness as assessed from third-party ratings of their facial attractiveness (Study 1, N = 454, laboratory study) and self-rated attractiveness (Study 2, N = 8972, online study). Own attractiveness was positively correlated with preferences for masculine men in Study 2 (self-rated attractiveness), but not Study 1 (third-party ratings of facial attractiveness). This pattern of results is consistent with the proposal that women's beliefs about their own attractiveness, rather than their physical condition per se, underpins attractiveness-contingent masculinity preferences.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine whether women with acute myocardial infarction in the Nottingham health district receive the same therapeutic interventions as their male counterparts. DESIGN--Retrospective study. SETTING--University and City Hospitals, Nottingham. PATIENTS--All patients admitted with a suspected myocardial infarction during 1989 and 1990. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Route and timing of admission to hospital, ward of admission, treatment, interventions in hospital, and mortality. RESULTS--Women with myocardial infarction took longer to arrive in hospital than men. They were less likely to be admitted to the coronary care unit and were therefore also less likely to receive thrombolytic treatment. They seemed to have more severe infarcts, with higher Killip classes, and had a slightly higher mortality during admission. They were less likely than men to receive secondary prophylaxis by being discharged taking beta blockers or aspirin. CONCLUSIONS--Survival chances both in hospital and after discharge in women with acute myocardial infarction are reduced because they do not have the same opportunity for therapeutic intervention as men.  相似文献   

Background: Cancer registration is indispensable, providing useful statistical measures for the appropriate evaluation of cancer control programs and medical treatment or screening. Methods: Following the British national survey on attitudes toward cancer registration, we conducted an investigation to correctly evaluate the general opinion of the Japanese population in this regard. We randomly recruited 3000 men and women aged 20–69 years from a research database. Results: Only 4% of all respondents had heard about the cancer registry system before the investigation. However, 77% of respondents thought that cancer registration was useful. Forty-three percent of respondents answered, regardless of the strictness of the data protection, that privacy had been violated if the registration occurred without an individual explanation. Compared with the British survey results, Japanese people seemed to be more suspicious about the largely unknown system of cancer registry. Nonetheless, it is noteworthy that Japanese respondents did not show active opposition to cancer registration; they tended to choose “I don’t know” instead of “no” to questions asking if they supported the registry system. Multivariate analysis showed that male sex, older age, and living in the southern region were the factors significantly associated with support for cancer registration. Conclusions: We can seek society's understanding toward cancer registration by actively utilizing information from cancer registries, by using examples of how data are actually used that have wide appeal, and by educating the public on how the data are treated under the complete privacy policy.  相似文献   

Invasive alien plant species threaten native biodiversity, disrupt ecosystem functions and can cause large economic damage. Plant invasions have been predicted to further increase under ongoing global environmental change. Numerous case studies have compared the performance of invasive and native plant species in response to global environmental change components (i.e. changes in mean levels of precipitation, temperature, atmospheric CO2 concentration or nitrogen deposition). Individually, these studies usually involve low numbers of species and therefore the results cannot be generalized. Therefore, we performed a phylogenetically controlled meta‐analysis to assess whether there is a general pattern of differences in invasive and native plant performance under each component of global environmental change. We compiled a database of studies that reported performance measures for 74 invasive alien plant species and 117 native plant species in response to one of the above‐mentioned global environmental change components. We found that elevated temperature and CO2 enrichment increased the performance of invasive alien plants more strongly than was the case for native plants. Invasive alien plants tended to also have a slightly stronger positive response to increased N deposition and increased precipitation than native plants, but these differences were not significant (N deposition: = 0.051; increased precipitation: = 0.679). Invasive alien plants tended to have a slightly stronger negative response to decreased precipitation than native plants, although this difference was also not significant (= 0.060). So while drought could potentially reduce plant invasion, increases in the four other components of global environmental change considered, particularly global warming and atmospheric CO2 enrichment, may further increase the spread of invasive plants in the future.  相似文献   

Glial cells are the most abundant cells in the human brain and have long been considered as passive supporting cells for neurons. In contrast to the extensive studies on various neuronal functions in the nervous system, we still have limited knowledge about glial cells. Recently a number of pioneering studies have provided convincing evidence that glia play active roles in development and function of the central nervous system. This review discusses recent advances in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying glial cell differentiation. We then highlight some of the novel findings about glial function, i.e. the role of glia in synaptogenesis and the intricate relationship between astrocytes and adult neural stem cells. Finally, we summarize the emerging studies that implicate abnormalities in the formation or maintenance of glia leading to severe brain diseases, such as Alexander disease, glioblastoma and multiple sclerosis, and potential therapeutic strategies to tackle these diseases.  相似文献   

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