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Martin FN  Tooley PW 《Mycologia》2003,95(2):269-284
The phylogenetic relationships of 51 isolates representing 27 species of Phytophthora were assessed by sequence alignment of 568 bp of the mitochondrially encoded cytochrome oxidase II gene. A total of 1299 bp of the cytochrome oxidase I gene also were examined for a subset of 13 species. The cox II gene trees constructed by a heuristic search, based on maximum parsimony for a bootstrap 50% majority-rule consensus tree, revealed 18 species grouping into seven clades and nine species unaffiliated with a specific clade. The phylogenetic relationships among species observed on cox II gene trees did not exhibit consistent similarities in groupings for morphology, pathogenicity, host range or temperature optima. The topology of cox I gene trees, constructed by a heuristic search based on maximum parsimony for a bootstrap 50% majority-rule consensus tree for 13 species of Phytophthora, revealed 10 species grouping into three clades and three species unaffiliated with a specific clade. The groupings in general agreed with what was observed in the cox II tree. Species relationships observed for the cox II gene tree were in agreement with those based on ITS regions, with several notable exceptions. Some of these differences were noted in species in which the same isolates were used for both ITS and cox II analysis, suggesting either a differential rate of evolutionary divergence for these two regions or incorrect assumptions about alignment of ITS sequences. Analysis of combined data sets of ITS and cox II sequences generated a tree that did not differ substantially from analysis of ITS data alone, however, the results of a partition homogeneity test suggest that combining data sets may not be valid.  相似文献   

Bayesian inference of phylogeny is unique among phylogenetic reconstruction methods in that it produces a posterior distribution of trees rather than a point estimate of the best tree. The most common way to summarize this distribution is to report the majority-rule consensus tree annotated with the marginal posterior probabilities of each partition. Reporting a single tree discards information contained in the full underlying distribution and reduces the Bayesian analysis to simply another method for finding a point estimate of the tree. Even when a point estimate of the phylogeny is desired, the majority-rule consensus tree is only one possible method, and there may be others that are more appropriate for the given data set and application. We present a method for summarizing the distribution of trees that is based on identifying agreement subtrees that are frequently present in the posterior distribution. This method provides fully resolved binary trees for subsets of taxa with high marginal posterior probability on the entire tree and includes additional information about the spread of the distribution.  相似文献   

Many phylogenetic methods produce large collections of trees as opposed to a single tree, which allows the exploration of support for various evolutionary hypotheses. However, to be useful, the information contained in large collections of trees should be summarized; frequently this is achieved by constructing a consensus tree. Consensus trees display only those signals that are present in a large proportion of the trees. However, by their very nature consensus trees require that any conflicts between the trees are necessarily disregarded. We present a method that extends the notion of consensus trees to allow the visualization of conflicting hypotheses in a consensus network. We demonstrate the utility of this method in highlighting differences amongst maximum likelihood bootstrap values and Bayesian posterior probabilities in the placental mammal phylogeny, and also in comparing the phylogenetic signal contained in amino acid versus nucleotide characters for hexapod monophyly.  相似文献   

Majority-rule (+) consensus trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The construction of a consensus tree to summarize the information of a given set of phylogenetic trees is now routinely a part of many studies in systematic biology. One popular method is the majority-rule consensus tree. In this paper we introduce and characterize a new consensus method that refines the majority-rule tree by adding certain compatible clusters satisfying a simple criterion.  相似文献   

Quantifying branch support using the bootstrap and/or jackknife is generally considered to be an essential component of rigorous parsimony and maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses. Previous authors have described how application of the frequency-within-replicates approach to treating multiple equally optimal trees found in a given bootstrap pseudoreplicate can provide apparent support for otherwise unsupported clades. We demonstrate how a similar problem may occur when a non-representative subset of equally optimal trees are held per pseudoreplicate, which we term the undersampling-within-replicates artifact. We illustrate the frequency-within-replicates and undersampling-within-replicates bootstrap and jackknife artifacts using both contrived and empirical examples, demonstrate that the artifacts can occur in both parsimony and likelihood analyses, and show that the artifacts occur in outputs from multiple different phylogenetic-inference programs. Based on our results, we make the following five recommendations, which are particularly relevant to supermatrix analyses, but apply to all phylogenetic analyses. First, when two or more optimal trees are found in a given pseudoreplicate they should be summarized using the strict-consensus rather than frequency-within-replicates approach. Second jackknife resampling should be used rather than bootstrap resampling. Third, multiple tree searches while holding multiple trees per search should be conducted in each pseudoreplicate rather than conducting only a single search and holding only a single tree. Fourth, branches with a minimum possible optimized length of zero should be collapsed within each tree search rather than collapsing branches only if their maximum possible optimized length is zero. Fifth, resampling values should be mapped onto the strict consensus of all optimal trees found rather than simply presenting the ≥ 50% bootstrap or jackknife tree or mapping the resampling values onto a single optimal tree.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic trees are used to analyze and visualize evolution. However, trees can be imperfect datatypes when summarizing multiple trees. This is especially problematic when accommodating for biological phenomena such as horizontal gene transfer, incomplete lineage sorting, and hybridization, as well as topological conflict between datasets. Additionally, researchers may want to combine information from sets of trees that have partially overlapping taxon sets. To address the problem of analyzing sets of trees with conflicting relationships and partially overlapping taxon sets, we introduce methods for aligning, synthesizing and analyzing rooted phylogenetic trees within a graph, called a tree alignment graph (TAG). The TAG can be queried and analyzed to explore uncertainty and conflict. It can also be synthesized to construct trees, presenting an alternative to supertrees approaches. We demonstrate these methods with two empirical datasets. In order to explore uncertainty, we constructed a TAG of the bootstrap trees from the Angiosperm Tree of Life project. Analysis of the resulting graph demonstrates that areas of the dataset that are unresolved in majority-rule consensus tree analyses can be understood in more detail within the context of a graph structure, using measures incorporating node degree and adjacency support. As an exercise in synthesis (i.e., summarization of a TAG constructed from the alignment trees), we also construct a TAG consisting of the taxonomy and source trees from a recent comprehensive bird study. We synthesized this graph into a tree that can be reconstructed in a repeatable fashion and where the underlying source information can be updated. The methods presented here are tractable for large scale analyses and serve as a basis for an alternative to consensus tree and supertree methods. Furthermore, the exploration of these graphs can expose structures and patterns within the dataset that are otherwise difficult to observe.  相似文献   

Collections of phylogenetic trees are usually summarized using consensus methods. These methods build a single tree, supposed to be representative of the collection. However, in the case of heterogeneous collections of trees, the resulting consensus may be poorly resolved (strict consensus, majority-rule consensus, ...), or may perform arbitrary choices among mutually incompatible clades, or splits (greedy consensus). Here, we propose an alternative method, which we call the multipolar consensus (MPC). Its aim is to display all the splits having a support above a predefined threshold, in a minimum number of consensus trees, or poles. We show that the problem is equivalent to a graph-coloring problem, and propose an implementation of the method. Finally, we apply the MPC to real data sets. Our results indicate that, typically, all the splits down to a weight of 10% can be displayed in no more than 4 trees. In addition, in some cases, biologically relevant secondary signals, which would not have been present in any of the classical consensus trees, are indeed captured by our method, indicating that the MPC provides a convenient exploratory method for phylogenetic analysis. The method was implemented in a package freely available at http://www.lirmm.fr/~cbonnard/MPC.html  相似文献   

以盘鮈属鱼类作为内群,以巴马拟缨鱼作为外群。通过形态比较共筛选出85个稳定的特征,形成形态特征状态矩阵表。以PAUP4.0b软件,采用均权方式,在无序和有序状态下分别按Heuristic、Branch-and-Bound以及Bootstrap等3种方式计算和构树。每种方法计算均得到唯一的1棵树,最大简约树与严格一致树、Bootstrap值检测树呈现微小差异。但仅最大简约树体现了各种之间先后分化的次序以及各姐妹群之间的关系,所以选择最大简约树作为盘鮈鱼类的系统发育树。其结果显示,盘鮈具小吸盘的种类与具大吸盘的种类分别构成了A、B两支。B支又可分为C、D两支。其中,C支的种类以吻端形成1对明显珠星,甚至形成吻突而区别于同属中具大吸盘的其他种类。运用Component(2.0)软件计算,得到盘鮈属种类分布河流的唯一分支树,其结构基本与水系的地理分布成对应关系。盘鮈属鱼类祖先的形成时期应为第4纪中期之初或更早。古云贵高原是盘鮈属鱼类的起源、分布和分化中心。云贵高原面的抬升与河流的袭夺促成了盘鮈属鱼类的多次分化和扩散,由此形成了该属鱼类的现今分布格局。  相似文献   

Majority-rule supertrees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most supertree methods proposed to date are essentially ad hoc, rather than designed with particular properties in mind. Although the supertree problem remains difficult, one promising avenue is to develop from better understood consensus methods to the more general supertree setting. Here, we generalize the widely used majority-rule consensus method to the supertree setting. The majority-rule consensus tree is the strict consensus of the median trees under the symmetric-difference metric, so we can generalize the consensus method by generalizing this metric to trees with differing leaf sets. There are two different natural generalizations, based on pruning or grafting leaves to produce comparable trees, and these two generalizations produce two different, but related, majority-rule supertree methods.  相似文献   

In decay analyses the support for a particular split in most-parsimonious trees is its decay index, that is, the extra steps required of the shortest trees that do not include the split. By focusing solely on the support for splits, traditional decay analysis may provide an incomplete and potentially misleading summary of the support for phylogenetic relationships common to the most-parsimonious tree or trees. Here, we introduce double decay analysis, a new approach to assessing support for phylogenetic relationships. Double decay analysis is the determination of the decay indices of all n-taxon statements/partitions common to the most-parsimonious tree. The results of double decay analyses are presented in a partition table, but various approaches to graphical representation of the results, including the use of reduced consensus support trees, are also discussed. Double decay analysis provides a more comprehensive summary and facilitates a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of complex phylogenetic hypotheses than does traditional decay analysis. The limitations of traditional decay analyses and the utility of double decay analyses are illustrated with both contrived data and real data for sauropod dinosaurs.  相似文献   

The use of majority-rule consensus trees as a means of resolving ambiguity in phylogenetic analyses is investigated. It is shown to be an inappropriate method for this purpose.  相似文献   

The number of nuclear small subunit (SSU) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequences for Nematoda has increased dramatically in recent years, and although their use in constructing phylogenies has also increased, relatively little attention has been given to their alignment. Here we examined the sensitivity of the nematode SSU data set to different alignment parameters and to the removal of alignment ambiguous regions. Ten alignments were created with CLUSTAL W using different sets of alignment parameters (10 full alignments), and each alignment was examined by eye and alignment ambiguous regions were removed (creating 10 reduced alignments). These alignment ambiguous regions were analyzed as a third type of data set, culled alignments. Maximum parsimony, neighbor-joining, and parsimony bootstrap analyses were performed. The resulting phylogenies were compared to each other by the symmetric difference distance tree comparison metric (SymD). The correlation of the phylogenies with the alignment parameters was tested by comparing matrices from SymD with corresponding matrices of Manhattan distances representing the alignment parameters. Differences among individual parsimony trees from the full alignments were frequently correlated with the differences among alignment parameters (580/1000 tests), as were trees from the culled alignments (403/1000 tests). Differences among individual parsimony trees from the reduced alignments were less frequently correlated with the differences among alignment parameters (230/1000 tests). Differences among majority-rule consensus trees (50%) from the parsimony analysis of the full alignments were significantly correlated with the differences among alignment parameters, whereas consensus trees from the reduced and culled analyses were not correlated with the alignment parameters. These patterns of correlation confirm that choice of alignment parameters has the potential to bias the resultant phylogenies for the nematode SSU data set, and suggest that the removal of alignment ambiguous regions reduces this effect. Finally, we discuss the implications of conservative phylogenetic hypotheses for Nematoda produced by exploring alignment space and removing alignment ambiguous regions for SSU rDNA.  相似文献   

Small subunit rRNA sequence data were generated for 27 strains of cyanobacteria and incorporated into a phylogenetic analysis of 1,377 aligned sequence positions from a diverse sampling of 53 cyanobacteria and 10 photosynthetic plastids. Tree inference was carried out using a maximum likelihood method with correction for site-to-site variation in evolutionary rate. Confidence in the inferred phylogenetic relationships was determined by construction of a majority-rule consensus tree based on alternative topologies not considered to be statistically significantly different from the optimal tree. The results are in agreement with earlier studies in the assignment of individual taxa to specific sequence groups. Several relationships not previously noted among sequence groups are indicated, whereas other relationships previously supported are contradicted. All plastids cluster as a strongly supported monophyletic group arising near the root of the cyanobacterial line of descent.  相似文献   

This study is a phylogenetic analysis of the avian family Ciconiidae, the storks, based on two molecular data sets: 1065 base pairs of sequence from the mitochondrial cytochromebgene and a complete matrix of single-copy nuclear DNA–DNA hybridization distances. Sixteen of the nineteen stork species were included in the cytochromebdata matrix, and fifteen in the DNA–DNA hybridization matrix. Both matrices included outgroups from the families Cathartidae (New World vultures) and Threskiornithidae (ibises, spoonbills). Optimal trees based on the two data sets were congruent in those nodes with strong bootstrap support. In the best-fit tree based on DNA–DNA hybridization distances, nodes defining relationships among very recently diverged species had low bootstrap support, while nodes defining more distant relationships had strong bootstrap support. In the optimal trees based on the sequence data, nodes defining relationships among recently diverged species had strong bootstrap support, while nodes defining basal relationships in the family had weak support and were incongruent among analyses. A combinable-component consensus of the best-fit DNA–DNA hybridization tree and a consensus tree based on different analyses of the cytochromebsequences provide the best estimate of relationships among stork species based on the two data sets.  相似文献   

Comparative restriction site mapping of the chloroplast genome was performed to examine phylogenetic relationships among 27 species representing 16 genera of the Berberidaceae and two outgroups. Chloroplast genomes of the species included in this study showed no major structural rearrangements (i.e., they are collinear to tobacco cpDNA) except for the extension of the inverted repeat in species of Berberis and Mahonia. Excluding several regions that exhibited severe length variation, a total of 501 phylogenetically informative sites was mapped for ten restriction enzymes. The strict consensus tree of 14 equally parsimonious trees indicated that some berberidaceous genera (Berberis, Mahonia, Diphylleia) are not monophyletic. To explore phylogenetic utility of different parsimony methods phylogenetic trees were generated using Wagner, Dollo, and weighted parsimony for a reduced data set that included 18 species. One of the most significant results was the recognition of the four chromosomal groups, which were strongly supported regardless of the parsimony method used. The most notable difference among the trees produced by the three parsimony methods was the relationships among the four chromosomal groups. The cpDNA trees also strongly supported a close relationship of several generic pairs (e.g., Berberis-Mahonia, Epimedium-Vancouveria, etc.). Maximum likelihood values were computed for the four different tree topologies of the chromosomal groups, two Wagner, one Dollo, and one weighted topology. The results indicate that the weighted tree has the highest likelihood value. The lowest likelihood value was obtained for the Dollo tree, which had the highest bootstrap and decay values. Separate analyses using only the Inverted Repeat (IR) region resulted in a tree that is identical to the weighted tree. Poor resolution and/or support for the relationships among the four chromosomal lineages of the Berberidaceae indicate that they may have radiated from an ancestral stock in a relatively short evolutionary time.  相似文献   

In phylogenetic analyses, conducted on the ND4L gene and part of the ND4 gene from species of the genus Pimephales , maximum parsimony yielded four trees, with the strict consensus providing no resolution of relationships among species. Maximum likelihood and minimum evolution methods yielded identical tree topologies, which differed from previous hypotheses of relationships for these species. If this topology is correct, it implies independent evolution of morphological characters, possibly associated with convergent trophic specialization.  相似文献   

Species complexes undergoing rapid radiation present a challenge in molecular systematics because of the possibility that ancestral polymorphism is retained in component gene trees. Coalescent theory has demonstrated that gene trees often fail to match lineage trees when taxon divergence times are less than the ancestral effective population sizes. Suggestions to increase the number of loci and the number of individuals per taxon have been proposed; however, phylogenetic methods to adequately analyze these data in a coalescent framework are scarce. We compare two approaches to estimating lineage (species) trees using multiple individuals and multiple loci: the commonly used partitioned Bayesian analysis of concatenated sequences and a modification of a newly developed hierarchical Bayesian method (BEST) that simultaneously estimates gene trees and species trees from multilocus data. We test these approaches on a phylogeny of rapidly radiating species wherein divergence times are likely to be smaller than effective population sizes, and incomplete lineage sorting is known, in the rodent genus, Thomomys. We use seven independent noncoding nuclear sequence loci (total approximately 4300 bp) and between 1 and 12 individuals per taxon to construct a phylogenetic hypothesis for eight Thomomys species. The majority-rule consensus tree from the partitioned concatenated analysis included 14 strongly supported bipartitions, corroborating monophyletic species status of five of the eight named species. The BEST tree strongly supported only the split between the two subgenera and showed very low support for any other clade. Comparison of both lineage trees to individual gene trees revealed that the concatenation method appears to ignore conflicting signals among gene trees, whereas the BEST tree considers conflicting signals and downweights support for those nodes. Bayes factor analysis of posterior tree distributions from both analyses strongly favor the model underlying the BEST analysis. This comparison underscores the risks of overreliance on results from concatenation, and ignoring the properties of coalescence, especially in cases of recent, rapid radiations.  相似文献   

The Channichthyidae is a lineage of 16 species in the Notothenioidei, a clade of fishes that dominate Antarctic near-shore marine ecosystems with respect to both diversity and biomass. Among four published studies investigating channichthyid phylogeny, no two have produced the same tree topology, and no published study has investigated the degree of phylogenetic incongruence between existing molecular and morphological datasets. In this investigation we present an analysis of channichthyid phylogeny using complete gene sequences from two mitochondrial genes (ND2 and 16S) sampled from all recognized species in the clade. In addition, we have scored all 58 unique morphological characters used in three previous analyses of channichthyid phylogenetic relationships. Data partitions were analyzed separately to assess the amount of phylogenetic resolution provided by each dataset, and phylogenetic incongruence among data partitions was investigated using incongruence length difference (ILD) tests. We utilized a parsimony-based version of the Shimodaira-Hasegawa test to determine if alternative tree topologies are significantly different from trees resulting from maximum parsimony analysis of the combined partition dataset. Our results demonstrate that the greatest phylogenetic resolution is achieved when all molecular and morphological data partitions are combined into a single maximum parsimony analysis. Also, marginal to insignificant incongruence was detected among data partitions using the ILD. Maximum parsimony analysis of all data partitions combined results in a single tree, and is a unique hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships in the Channichthyidae. In particular, this hypothesis resolves the phylogenetic relationships of at least two species (Channichthys rhinoceratus and Chaenocephalus aceratus), for which there was no consensus among the previous phylogenetic hypotheses. The combined data partition dataset provides substantial statistical power to discriminate among alternative hypotheses of channichthyid relationships. These findings suggest the optimal strategy for investigating the phylogenetic relationships of channichthyids is one that uses all available phylogenetic data in analyses of combined data partitions.  相似文献   

The bootstrap is an important tool for estimating the confidence interval of monophyletic groups within phylogenies. Although bootstrap analyses are used in most evolutionary studies, there is no clear consensus as how best to interpret bootstrap probability values. To study further the bootstrap method, nine small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) data sets were submitted to bootstrapped maximum parsimony (MP) analyses using unweighted and weighted sequence positions. Analyses of the lengths (i.e., parsimony steps) of the bootstrap trees show that the shape and mean of the bootstrap tree distribution may provide important insights into the evolutionary signal within the sequence data. With complex phylogenies containing nodes defined by short internal branches (multifurcations), the mean of the bootstrap tree distribution may differ by 2 standard deviations from the length of the best tree found from the original data set. Weighting sequence positions significantly increases the bootstrap values at internal nodes. There may, however, be strong bootstrap support for conflicting species groupings among different data sets. This phenomenon appears to result from a correlation between the topology of the tree used to create the weights and the topology of the bootstrap consensus tree inferred from the MP analysis of these weighted data. The analyses also show that characteristics of the bootstrap tree distribution (e.g., skewness) may be used to choose between alternative weighting schemes for phylogenetic analyses.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Rubiaceae are one of the largest of the families of angiosperms, with over 10000 species. The tribal and subfamilial classification is provisional due to the lack of phylogenetic hypotheses. The present study of the Rubiaceae is based on 33 genera and three data sets, one morphological and two molecular from chloroplast DNA, restriction sites andrbcL sequences. There is much congruence between the morphological and the molecular data sets, but also conflict. For parsimony reasons, the best phylogenetic hypothesis is a tree based on an analysis of the combined data sets. The so-called “total evidence” criterion for the combined analysis is simply a reiteration of the principle of parsimony. In this particular study, the classification would be almost the same even if based on the separate analyses instead of the combined. Despite the inapplicability of consensus trees or trees from separate analyses for phylogenetic hypotheses and classification, separate analyses may provide important information. It is the best way to reveal conflicts between different data sets. Knowledge of the conflicts can promote further detailed investigation in order to improve understanding of characters and phylogenetic hypotheses. In this study, the tribe Vanguerieae provides such an example; morphological data support a position in the subfamily Cinchonoideae, but DNA and a tree based on the combined data support a position in subfamily Ixoroideae. The tribe's position in the morphological tree is probably due to missing information concerning the correct pollen presentation system. Bootstrap fractions and K. Bremer's branch support values are used to evaluate the stability of particular nodes in the trees. Interestingly these values are not always correlated, e.g. in the morphological tree, the node with the highest branch support value has very low bootstrap fraction. The reasons for these differences are unclear, but large differences are presumably more likely to occur on short branches.  相似文献   

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