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Unlike germination of wheat (Triticum aestivum), millet (Eleucinecoracana), and sorghum (Sorghum caudatum), that of Echinochloaoryzoides (barnyard grass) and Oryza satwa (rice) was not inhibitedby poorly aerated solutions with 11 k Pa oxygen (equilibriumpartial pressure) or less In the dark, seedling shoots of riceincluded a coleoptile, and in Echinochloa, a mesocotyl alsoGrowth in fresh and dry weight of shoots was strongly depressedby poorly aerated solutions in both rice and Echinochloa butthe effects on extension differed in the two species in rice,coleoptile extension was promoted by solutions partly depletedof oxygen, and also by the absence of oxygen The stimulationin partly de-oxygenated solutions resulted from the combinedpromoting effects of small oxygen partial pressures, carbondioxide, ethylene and buoyant tension in contrast, these treatmentsneither promoted nor inhibited elongation by the Echinochloacoleoptile while severely inhibiting extension of the mesocotyl Overall, poorly aerated solutions lengthened the shoot of riceand shortened it in Echinochloa when compared with those submergedin well-aerated solutions These opposite effects were broughtabout by the same gaseous changes, i e oxygen shortage, elevatedethylene and carbon dioxide The effect on Echinochloa was almostentirely restricted to the mesocotyl, coleoptile extension beingremarkably insensitive to large increases in ethylene and carbondioxide, or to extreme oxygen shortage Seedlings of the twospecies thus have contrasting strategies for survival Stress, submergence, ethylene, oxygen shortage, carbon dioxide, adaptation, anaerobiosis, rice (Oryza sativa L), barnyard grass [Echinochloa oryzoides (Ard) Fritseh]  相似文献   

Tolerance to ethanol and the ability to metabolize key intermediary substrates under anaerobiosis were studied in Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. var oryzicola seeds to further characterize the mechanisms which enable it to germinate and grow without O2.

Our results indicate that E. crus-galli var oryzicola possesses an inherently high tolerance to ethanol and is able to metabolize low levels of ethanol in the absence of O2. Concentrations of ethanol 45-fold greater than endogenous levels did not prove toxic to germinating seeds.

Five-day anaerobically grown seedlings of E. crus-galli var oryzicola metabolized added [14C]sucrose primarily to CO2 and ethanol. Of the soluble compounds labeled, the phosphorylated intermediates of glycolysis and the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway predominated more under anaerobiosis than in air. In addition, organic acids and lipids were labeled from [14C]sucrose, the latter indicating that metabolism of carbohydrate via acetyl-CoA occurred in the absence of O2. Lipids were also labeled when seeds were supplied with [14C]ethanol or [14C]acetate. Labeling experiments using the above compounds plus [14C]NaHCO3, showed further labeling of organic acids; succinate and citrate being labeled under nitrogen, while fumarate was formed in air.

The above metabolic characteristics would allow for the maintenance of an active alcoholic fermentation system which, along with high alcohol dehydrogenase activity, would continue to recycle NAD and result in continued energy production without O2. In addition, Echinochloa's ability to metabolize carbohydrate intermediates and to synthesize lipids indicates that mechanisms exist for providing the carbon intermediates for biosynthesis, particularly membrane synthesis for growth, even in the absence of O2.


在幼穗发育的雌雄蕊形成期用化学杀雄剂Ⅲ号(一种吡喃酮类衍生物)30mg/m2处理籼稻HX-3和粳稻镇稻88后,其幼穗、颖花和花药中的活性氧产生速率和丙二醛(MDA)积累高于对照,而过氧化物酶(POD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(ASA-POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性则低于对照.在处理后第5天,与对照相比,幼穗中H2O2、O2、MDA含量明显增高,而相关的抗氧化酶活性下降.至处理后第15天,花药中H2O2、O2、MDA含量均比对照增加约1.5倍以上,同时POD、ASA-POD、SOD活性比对照下降一半以上.化学杀雄剂III号处理水稻导致雄性不育的发生,可能与幼穗、颖花和花药中较高的活性氧积累和膜脂过氧化加剧,从而损伤幼穗及花药细胞结构有关.  相似文献   

Ren YY  West CA 《Plant physiology》1992,99(3):1169-1178
Cell-free extracts of UV-irradiated rice (Oryza sativa L.) leaves have a much greater capacity for the synthesis from geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate of diterpene hydrocarbons, including the putative precursors of rice phytoalexins, than extracts of unstressed leaves (KA Wickham, CA West [1992] Arch Biochem Biophys 293: 320-332). An elicitor bioassay was developed on the basis of these observations in which 6-day-old rice cell suspension cultures were incubated for 40 hours with the substance to be tested, and an enzyme extract of the treated cells was assayed for its diterpene hydrocarbon synthesis activity as a measure of the response to elicitor. Four types of cell wall polysaccharides and oligosaccharide fragments that have elicitor activity for other plants were tested. Of these, polymeric chitin was the most active; a suspension concentration of approximately 7 micrograms per milliliter gave 50% of the maximum response in the bioassay. Chitosan and a branched β-1,3-glucan fraction from Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea cell walls were only weakly active, and a mixture of oligogalacturonides was only slightly active. A crude mycelial cell wall preparation from the rice pathogen, Fusarium moniliforme, gave a response comparable to that of chitin, and this activity was sensitive to predigestion of the cell wall material with chitinase before the elicitor assay. N-Acetylglucosamine, chitobiose, chitotriose, and chitotetrose were inactive as elicitors, whereas a mixture of chitin fragments solubilized from insoluble chitin by partial acid hydrolysis was highly active. Constitutive chitinase activity was detected in the culture filtrate and enzyme extract of cells from a 6-day-old rice cell culture; the amount of chitinase activity increased markedly in both the culture filtrate and cell extracts after treatment of the culture with chitin. We propose on the basis of these results that soluble chitin fragments released from fungal cell walls through the action of constitutive rice chitinases serve as biotic elicitors of defense-related responses in rice.  相似文献   

Echinochloa crus-galli L. Beauv., a rice-field weed, can germinate and grow for extended periods of time in an anaerobic environment. Compared to pea, which does not germinate under anaerobiosis, the evolution of CO2 in Echinochloa and rice is lower and the peak rate of CO2 evolution is delayed when germinated without oxygen. The plants studied also differ with respect to their respiration ratio ([CO2] N2/[CO2] air) and metabolism used during the early stages of germination. Echinochloa does not increase its glycolytic rate under anaerobiosis, whereas pentose phosphate pathway activity appears to increase during the first 40 to 50 hours of germination.

Based on its response to metabolic inhibitors (NaF, dinitrophenol, and malonate), anaerobic metabolism in Echinochloa proceeds primarily through glycolysis, with partial operation of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and little or no oxidative phosphorylation. Also, Echinochloa is sensitive to CN during aerobic germination, whereas rice appears to be able to shift to CN-insensitive electron transport. Finally, the effectiveness of cyanide and azide on inhibiting germination of Echinochloa in N2, but not CO, suggests that cytochrome oxidase is not used to reoxidize pyridine nucleotides in the absence of oxygen. The possible existence of an alternate electron acceptor is discussed.


Echinochloa crus-galli, a problem weed in rice fields, has the rare ability to germinate and to grow in a totally oxygen-free environment. After 7 days growth in the light or dark under N2, E. crus-galli var. oryzicola produces a 2- to 3-centimeter nonpigmented shoot.  相似文献   

The possible roles of oxygen and carbon dioxide treatments inthe presence or absence of ethylene on tuber dormancy releasein potato (Solanum tuberosumL.) were examined. Using two gascompositions (I: 60% CO2–20% O2–20% N2and II: 20%CO2–40% O2–40% N2), the phase of tuber dormancyand previous storage temperature were demonstrated to be importantparameters for dormancy release by these gas mixtures. Gas Icaused decreased abscisic acid (ABA) levels within 24 h regardlessof previous storage temperature, although this effect was reversible.Exogenous C2H4, an effective dormancy release agent, also causeddecreased ABA levels within 24 h. It also enhanced dormancyrelease and further promoted ABA losses by gas I. Gas II treatmentled to slight reductions in ABA levels that were further decreasedby C2H4. Sprout length was modelled successfully by multipleregression analysis in terms of glucose and ABA levels withinthe apical eye tissues of Russet Burbank tubers immediatelyafter, and regardless of, previous gas treatments or storagetemperatures. Solanum tuberosum,potato, abscisic acid, ethylene, carbon dioxide, oxygen, dormancy.  相似文献   

For studies of in organello mitochondrial protein synthesis in rice, Oryza sativa L., conventional surface-sterilization procedures were demonstrated to be ineffective. Because of the over-whelmingly efficient [35S]methionine utilization by contaminating bacteria, even “essentially bacteria-free” rice mitochondria were shown to be unsuitable for the study of in organello protein synthesis. We developed a procedure to obtain a bacteria-free preparation of rice mitochondria. Such mitochondria favored a membrane-dependent ATP-generating system over an external ATP-generating system as the energy supplement for in organello protein synthesis. Two distinct classes of [35S]methionine-labeled, cycloheximide-insensitive products were detected: an electrophoretically unresolved population and a set of some 22 to 27 discrete polypeptide species, each with a characteristic electrophoretic mobility and relative abundance.  相似文献   

The effects of a novel plant growth regulator (PGR) prohexadionecalcium (BX-112; calcium 3,5-dioxo-4-propionylcyclohexanecarboxylate)on shoot elongation caused by exogenously applied GA1, GA3,GA4) GA19 and GA20 were investigated in rice (Oryza sativa L.cv. Nihonbare and cv. Tan-ginbozu) seedling test. Dependingon the dose, BX-112 reduced shoot elongation in both cultivarscaused by GA19 and GA20, but not by GA1. When a high dose ofBX-112 (e.g. 250 ng/plant and over) was applied with GA1, orGA4, shoot elongation was even promoted. This promotive effect,however, was not observed with GA3. These results suggest thatBX-112 inhibits gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis in the rice plantat the 3ß- and 2ß-hydroxylation of GAs,namely steps of activation and inactivation, respectively. (Received September 6, 1989; Accepted November 27, 1989)  相似文献   

Triacontanol applied to IR-8 rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings in nutrient solution caused an increase in dry weight during a 6-hour dark period. This increase was altered by atmospheric CO2 and O2 concentrations. The largest growth response occurred from 200 to 350 μliters/liter CO2 with 5% O2. The treated seedlings did not fix atmospheric CO2 in the dark, and the immediate products of photosynthesis were not involved in the dry weight increase. The growth response was characterized by an increase in soluble and insoluble Kjeldahl-N, and soluble carbohydrates. The response curve for dry weight increase was a linear function of log presentation time of triacontanol. The response exhibited an apparent Kdose of 25 minutes in 10 μg/liter triacontanol in the dark and 18 minutes in the light. Concentrations of 50 μg/liter and higher inhibited growth.  相似文献   

光质对水稻幼苗初级氮同化的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
用滤光膜过滤蓝色或红色荧光灯,得到纯的蓝光和红光,以白光为对照,研究不同光质对水稻(Oryza sativa L.)幼苗初级氮同化的影响。结果表明:蓝光促进水稻黄化幼苗吸收NO^-3含量,并促进NR(硝酸还原酶)的诱导。在蓝光下生长5 ̄7d的幼苗的NR、NIR(亚硝酸还原酶)、GS(谷氨酰胺合成酶)和GOGAT(谷氨酸合酶)活性均高于白光下生长的,但第10天以后,白光下生长的幼苗酶活性最高。与白光  相似文献   

Photothermal Responses of Flowering in Rice (Oryza sativa)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Durations from sowing to panicle emergence in 16 diverse genotypesof rice (Oryza sativa L.) were recorded in 13 different photothermalregimes, comprising constant and diurnally alternating temperaturesbetween 16 and 32 °C and photoperiods between 10.5 and 15.0h d–1—all provided by controlled-environment growthcabinets. In 11.5 h days and at sub-optimal temperatures, relationsbetween the rate of progress towards panicle emergence and meantemperature were linear in all genotypes, and amongst thesethe base temperature at that photoperiod varied between 6.6and 11.9 °C. In most cases progress was most rapid at 24–26°C, i.e. the optimum temperature was much cooler than expectedfrom previously published values of times to panicle emergencein a less extensive range of photothermal regimes. Only in threecultivars was it warmer than 28 °C, and in these there weresufficient data to establish that relations between rates ofprogress to panicle emergence and photoperiod in the diurnallyalternating temperature regime of 28–20 °C are alsolinear. Also, the responses of these three cultivars provideno evidence of any interaction between the effects of photoperiodand temperature. We conclude, then, that the model in whichrate of development is a linear function of both temperatureand photoperiod with no interaction, which has been shown tobe common to many other species, also applies to rice. Differencesamong genotypes in relative sensitivity of rate of progresstowards panicle emergence to both temperature and to photoperiodwere considerable; japonica cultivars tended to be more sensitiveto temperature and less sensitive to photoperiod than indicacultivars. Four indica cultivars bred and selected at The InternationalRice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines did not differ(P > 0.10) in their relations between rate of progress towardspanicle emergence and sub-optimal temperatures in a daylengthof 11.5 h, but the optimum temperature for cv. IR 36 was appreciablywarmer than that for the cvs IR 5, IR 8 and IR 42. Oryza sativa, rice, flowering, temperature, photoperiod, photothermal responses  相似文献   

ROLINSON  ANN E. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(5):939-945
The cell-doubling times in the shoot apical regions of 4-dayold rice plants have been measured using colchicine-inducedmetaphase accumulation. Plants were grown submerged at a constantillumination of 10 000 lx and constant temperature of 30°C.Colchicine was applied by adding the drug to the surroundingwater which therefore involved no other disturbance of the apexor the plant. The cells of the summit region were found to bemultiplying eight times slower than those of the flanks.  相似文献   

水稻染色体G—带的研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
姚青  宋运淳 《遗传学报》1990,17(4):301-307
用改良的ASG法首次在籼稻(O.sativa subsp.indica)品种珍汕97和粳稻(O.subsp.iaponica)品种秀岭的有丝分裂染色体上显示了G-带,并作了相应的G-带核型分析。就同一材料来说,随着有丝分裂时期的推进,染色体上带纹数目逐渐减少。籼、粳亚种间相对应的同源染色体上G-带带纹特征彼此相似。讨论了水稻G-带带型与染色体不同区域分化的关系;G-带带型与籼、粳稻分歧的关系;以及G-显带的方法。  相似文献   

Luo  Wen-Tao  He  Li  Li  Fang  Li  Jiao-Kun 《Journal of Plant Growth Regulation》2021,40(3):1327-1340
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Salicylic acid (SA) plays a crucial role in plant growth, development and stress resistance. However, little is known about the alleviatory role of SA against...  相似文献   

Jackson, M. B., Fenning, T. M., and Jenkins, W. 1985 Aerenchyma(gas-space) formation in adventitious roots of rice (Oryza sativaL.) is not controlled by ethylene or small partial pressuresof oxygen.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1566–1572. The extent of gas-filled voids (aerenchyma) within the cortexof adventitious roots of vegetative rice plants (Oryza sativaL. cv. RB3) was estimated microscopically from transverse sectionswith the aid of a computer-linked digitizer drawing board. Gas-spacewas detectable in 1-d-old tissue and increased in extent withage. After 7 d, approximately 70% of the cortex had degeneratedto form aerenchyma. The extent of the voids in 1-4-d-old tissuewas not increased by stagnant, poorly-aerated external environmentscharacterized by sub-ambient oxygen partial pressures and accumulationsof carbon dioxide and ethylene. Treatment with small oxygenpartial pressures, or with carbon dioxide or ethylene appliedin vigorously stirred nutrient solution also failed to promotethe formation of cortical gas-space. Furthermore, ethylene productionby rice roots was slowed by small oxygen partial pressures typicalof stagnant conditions. Silver nitrate, an inhibitor of ethylene action, did not retardgas-space formation; similarly when endogenous ethylene productionwas inhibited by the application of aminoethoxyvinylglycine(A VG), aerenchyma development continued unabated. Cobalt chloride,another presumed inhibitor of ethylene biosynthesis, did notimpair formation of the gas in rice roots nor did it decreasethe extent of aerenchyma even if A VG was supplied simultaneously.These results contrast with those obtained earlier using rootsof Zea mays L. We conclude that in rice, aerenchyma forms speedily even inwell-aerated environments as an integral part of ordinary rootdevelopment There seems to be little or no requirement for ethyleneas a stimulus in stagnant root-environments where aerenchymais likely to increase the probability of survival. Key words: Rice (Oryza sativa L.), ethylene, flooding, aeration, aerenchyma, environmental stress  相似文献   

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