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Resource partitioning in a tropical stream fish assemblage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An assemblage of freshwater fishes inhabiting a medium-sized stream in tropical central Vietnam was investigated with respect to spatial and trophic distribution. Point-abundance sampling, gut content analysis and relative intestine length yielded interspecific differences in niche expression. Conspecific juvenile and adult habitat and feeding niches were also distinct. Niche differences arose mainly from differences in current velocity, substrata and foraging preferences. Extreme specializations, such as selective feeding on hard incustrations of cyanobacteria by adult Annamia normani , were present. The low niche overlap suggests that this tropical fish assemblage is structured by competitive interactions.  相似文献   

Synopsis At each of 11 localities a section of stream was closed off with nets and an electrofisher used to estimate the abundance of fishes in the section. Each section was fished from 5–7 times with each fishing equalling one unit of effort. Using the catch-effort methods of Leslie, DeLury and Ricker, separate estimates were made for each species. In several cases species were split into size groups and estimates made for each group. The fish remaining in each section after the fishings were collected using rotenone. Thus the estimates could be compared to the actual number of fish present. Estimates were considered to be either good, if the regressions used in the above methods were statistically significant or bad if they were not significant. Lower limits for the number of fish and mean weight of a fish for good estimates were identified.The Leslie and Ricker estimates, which did not differ significantly, were least in error. They tended to underestimate (–21.6% on the average for the Leslie method). Direct estimates of biomass did not differ significantly from those made using the estimates for numbers and the mean weight of fish caught. The interrelationships among variables such as mean weight, numbers, catchability, density, biomass, number of catches used, proportion of fish taken during the estimate, number of fish in the last catch and their relationships with the error of the estimates were examined using correlation and principal components analysis. Error was most closely related to the proportion of fish collected. The effects of other variables such as mean weight affected error through catchability and subsequently the proportion of fishes caught. It was not possible to predict a significant proportion of the error using variables which could be measured without a complete collection. The effects of locality, electrofisher, and species on error were examined. Each accounted for a significant proportion of the variability in error but primarily by affecting the proportion of fish caught.These results suggest that the most appropriate way of decreasing error would be to increase the total effort and consequently the proportion of fish collected. This would be best done by increasing the number of fishings used in the estimate.Catchability tended to decrease in successive fishings. The observed trends in changing catchability accounted for most of the error. Size-selectivity, which was evident as a change in mean weight in successive catches, was not significantly associated with changing catchability.  相似文献   

Abstract The diversity and distribution of fish and the hydrology of the Black-Alice River System, North Queensland, are described from a 2-year study (September 1972 to August 1974). Most physico-chemical parameters measured exhibited seasonal patterns which are influenced by rainfall and discharge. A total of forty-one species of fishes belonging to four groups: freshwater tolerant, saltwater tolerant, diadromous and sporadic, were recorded during the study. The diversity of fish species decreased with increasing distance from the mouth of the system. Fluctuations in total diversity (H') were due to variations in ‘species richness’ (D) rather than to equitability (E). The ability of the fish community to ‘recover’ its diversity and longitudinal distribution after a flood of above-average magnitude is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Irene Zweimüller 《Hydrobiologia》1995,303(1-3):125-137
Direct observation of two benthic fish species — the stone loach (Barbatula barbatula) and the gudgeon (Gobio gobio) — in the field revealed a spatial segregation between the species in a study area with shallow riffle and moderately deeper pool sections. Stone loach generally inhabited shallow, more current-exposed locations and gudgeon preferred deeper, mostly sandy areas. The small individuals of both species were confined to shallow muddy locations and the larger individuals were found in deeper and more current exposed areas. The main factor affecting microhabitat choice was the flow regime:
  • it was a limiting factor for the stone loach, where the discharge rates controlled the presence of fish in the study area.
  • distribution patterns of both species were influenced by discharge and by fluctuations in discharge.
  • The following mechanisms regulating the distribution of stone loach and gudgeon are hypothesized:
    1. Gudgeon: They prefer high water depth, low current velocities and sandy substrate, which strongly limits their spatial niche. Mainly relatively small individuals (size class 2; 6—9 cm) changed microhabitat in relation to environmental parameters. Size class 3 (approx. 9—12 cm) may be interpreted as a rather unpredictable transitory period between juvenile and adult stage. Large gudgeon entered the observation area mainly when discharge rates were high and variable. Increasing discharge rates increased the spatial niche of the large gudgeon.
    2. Stone loach: At low flow rates, the observation area seemed to be an optimal place for the stone loach. Changes in environmental conditions are reflected in the distribution patterns. The transition between juvenile and adult microhabitat use takes place in size class 2. Under high and/or variable flow regime the species was not found in the observation area.

    The hypothesis of convergence takes the deterministic view that community (or assemblage) structure can be predicted from the environment, and that the environment is expected to drive evolution in a predictable direction. Here we present results of a comparative study of freshwater fish assemblages from headwater streams in four continents (Europe, North America, Africa and South America), with the general objective of testing whether these assemblages display convergent structures under comparable environmental conditions (i.e. assemblage position in the stream longitudinal continuum). We tested this hypothesis by comparing species richness and trophic guilds of those stream fish assemblages represented in available data from multiple sites on each continent. Independent of phylogenetic and historical constraints, fish assemblage richness and trophic structure in the four continents converged along the stream continua to a substantial degree. For the four continents, assemblage richness increased, the proportion of invertivorous species decreased, and the proportion of omnivorous species increased from upstream to downstream, supporting theoretical predictions of the river continuum concept. However, the herbivore/detritivore and piscivore guilds were virtually absent from our small European and North American stream sites, unlike our African and South American stream sites. This divergence can be linked to differences in energy availability between temperate and tropical systems.  相似文献   

    Habitat preferences can be identified from population density and electivity indices, which can be derived from either abundance or occurrence data. This study examined the preference detectability and independency of density and electivity indices from different data sources -- abundance and occurrence. Eight scenarios comprising four fish species along two environmental gradients (flow velocity and water depth) in an undisturbed mountain stream were used in this study. Fish density and seven electivity indices were calculated from abundance and occurrence data for the eight scenarios. The correlation analyses illustrated that abundance electivity indices were positively correlated with density in all eight scenarios while occurrence electivity indices were positively correlated with density in only three scenarios. Electivity indices were positively correlated with each other within the same data quality (abundance or occurrence) but not between. The Chesson’s L index was less correlated with other indices and should be used cautiously. Natural historical traits, such as social interactions among organisms, may affect the preference performance of density and electivity indices. In conclusion, density is a good preference indicator. Abundance electivity indices can represent density while occurrence electivity density should be used cautiously for fast assessment. Three electivity indices, Ivlev’s E and E′ and Jacobs’ D, were recommended for their ease of understanding.  相似文献   

    Freshwater shrimp dominate the faunal biomass of many headwater tropical streams: however, their role in community organization is unclear. Enclosure/exclosure experiments in a montane Puerto Rican stream examined direct and indirect effects of two dominant taxa of atyid (Atyidae) shrimp, Atya lanipes Holthuis and Xiphocaris elongata Guerin-Meneville. Both shrimp taxa caused significant reductions in sediment cover on rock substrata, reducing sedimentation and enhancing algal biovolume on clay tiles in cages. When tiles incubated in shrimp exclosures for 2 wks were placed outside of cages, atyid shrimp removed 100% of the sediment cover within a 30 min observation period. Atyid shrimp appear to play an important role in stream recovery after high discharge events by rapidly removing sediments and detritus deposited on benthic substrata in pools. We evaluated the mechanism by which A. lanipes influences algae and benthic insects by comparing patterns of algal biomass, taxonomic composition, and insect abundance between shrimp-exclusion and shrimp-presence treatments both with and without manual sediment removal. The shrimp exclusion treatment without manual sediment removal bad significantly lower algal biomass and greater sedimentation than all other treatments. The treatment in which shrimp were excluded but sediment was manually removed, however, accrued almost the same algal biovolume as the shrimp enclosure treatment, supporting the hypothesis that sediment removal enhances the biovolume of understory algal taxa. Algal community composition was similar between stream bottom bedrock exposed to natural densities of shrimp and all experimental treatments for both Atya and Xiphocaris: a diatom community strongly dominated (78–95%) by the adnate taxon, Achnanthes lanceolata Breb ex. Kutz. Atyid shrimp are important in determining the distribution and abundance of benthic insects through both direct and indirect effects. Sessile, retreat-building chironomid larvae (Chironomidae: Diptera) are negatively affected by both A. lanipes and X. elongata, through direct removal by foraging activities and/or indirectly through depression of sediment resources available to larvae for the construction of retreats. In constrast, the mobile grazer, Cloeodes maculipes (Baetidae: Ephemeroptera) was not adversely affected and atyid shrimp have the potential to exert positive indirect effects on this taxon by facilitating its exploitation of algal resources and/or through enhancement of understory algal food resources through sediment removal.  相似文献   

    In order to investigate any size-dependent differences between behavioural patterns, wild-caught Hart's rivulus Rivulus hartii of varying sizes were exposed to chemical alarm cues extracted from the skin of conspecifics or heterospecific Poecilia reticulata, or a tank water control, in a series of laboratory trials. In response to conspecific alarm cues, R. hartii subjects of the range of body sizes tested exhibited consistent, size-independent antipredator behaviours that were characterized by decreased locomotory activity and foraging levels and increased refuging behaviour. Conversely, focal R. hartii demonstrated significant size-dependent trends in response to heterospecific alarm cues, with smaller individuals exhibiting antipredator responses and larger individuals shifting their behaviour to increased levels of activity consistent with a foraging, or predatory, response. These results show that the behavioural responses of individual R. hartii to publicly available chemical alarm cues from heterospecifics are mediated by the size of the receiver.  相似文献   

    We hypothesized that (i) the importance of shredders for leaf breakdown is more evident in terms of their biomass than their abundance, due to the large bodies and high-feeding efficiencies of some typical shredders; (ii) non-shredder invertebrates select more refractory leaves because these are a more stable substrate for colonization or to obtain other forms of food. To test these hypotheses, we performed a decomposition experiment with leaves of contrasting chemical composition in a tropical stream, and determined the changes in the ash-free dry mass (AFDM) of the litter, and the invertebrate abundance and biomass during a 44-day period. The biomass of shredders showed a positive relationship with AFDM remaining, whereas their abundance was unrelated to AFDM. While shredder abundance represented only 4–12% of total invertebrate abundance, shredder biomass constituted 19–36% of total invertebrate biomass. We conclude that (i) shredder biomass expresses better than abundance the role of this guild in the decomposition of leaf detritus, demonstrating that they are important for the functioning of tropical streams; (ii) incubation time rather than stability of leaf litter as a substrate influences colonization by non-shredder invertebrates.  相似文献   

    1. The species composition of stream fish assemblages changes across the longitudinal fluvial gradient of large river basins. These changes may reflect both zonation in species distributions and environmental filtering of fish traits as stream environments change from the uplands to the lowlands of large catchments. Previous research has shown that taxonomic diversity generally increases in larger, lowland streams, and the River Continuum Concept, the River Habitat Template and other frameworks have provided expectations for what functional groups of fishes should predominate in certain stream types. However, studies addressing the functional trait composition of fish assemblages across large regions are lacking, particularly in tropical river basins. 2. We examined functional trait–environment relationships and functional diversity of stream fish assemblages in the Río Grijalva Basin in southern Mexico. Traits linked to feeding, locomotion and life history strategy were measured in fishes from streams throughout the catchment, from highland headwaters to broad, lowland streams. Relationships between functional traits and environmental variables at local and landscape scales were examined using multivariate ordination, and the convex hull volume of trait space occupied by fish assemblages was calculated as a measure of functional diversity. 3. Although there were a few exceptions, functional diversity of assemblages increased with species richness along the gradient from uplands to lowlands within the Grijalva Basin. Traits related to swimming, habitat preference and food resource use were associated with both local (e.g. substratum type, pool availability) and landscape‐scale (e.g. forest cover) environmental variables. 4. Along with taxonomic structure and diversity, the functional composition of fish assemblages changed across the longitudinal fluvial gradient of the basin. Trait–environment relationships documented in this study partially confirmed theoretical expectations and revealed patterns that may help in developing a better understanding of general functional responses of fish assemblages to environmental change.  相似文献   

    Anthropogenic influences have disproportionally affected freshwater ecosystems, and a loss of biodiversity is forecasted to greatly reduce ecosystem function and services. Loss of species may destabilize communities by limiting the stabilizing forces of compensatory dynamics and/or statistical averaging, both of which are effects that can buffer variation in aggregate community properties. Currently, support for positive diversity‐stability relationships stems from experiments with simple communities at small spatial and temporal scales, and application to natural communities is limited. Using a long‐term dataset of 35 stream fish communities matched with hydrologic data, we show that community stability (annual variation of standing biomass of fishes) was less variable in more species‐rich communities and was not associated with stream hydrology. Only the statistical averaging model of community stability was consistent with observed patterns of lower biomass variation in more species‐rich communities. Our findings suggest anthropogenically induced extirpation of vertebrate consumers may lower community biomass stability in complex ecosystems.  相似文献   

    1. Accurately accounting for flows of energy through food webs is challenging because of the spatial and temporal variability associated with energy production and consumption. Wet–dry tropical rivers have a highly seasonal discharge regime where wet season flows allow access to energy sources (inundated wetlands) that are not available during the dry season when aquatic consumers are confined to disconnected waterholes.
    2. We combined measures of fish community biomass with previously published feeding guild specific stable isotope analyses to explore how opposing wet- and dry-season habitat templates influence spatial and temporal trends in the sources of energy supporting fish biomass throughout a river network in the wet–dry tropics of northern Australia.
    3. Accounting for the relative contribution of each feeding guild to fish community biomass was a critical component of our analyses, as a single feeding guild (invertivore/piscivore) influenced spatial and temporal patterns in the sources of energy supporting overall fish biomass. During the early dry season, the reliance of fish communities on autochthonous sources of energy (periphyton) decreased from the upper to lower reaches of the river network, which correlates with increasing floodplain area and wet season inundation times. These patterns disappeared by the late dry season as fish in both upper and lower reaches became increasingly reliant on autochthonous sources produced within waterholes over the course of the dry season, indicating that the large wet-season gains in fish biomass are maintained through the dry season by energy produced within waterhole refuges.
    4. Collectively these results indicate that a combination of autochthonous and allochthonous sources of energy work in unison to support fish community biomass throughout the Mitchell River catchment and that access to these sources of energy is dictated by seasonal patterns in discharge interacting with spatial variability in river geomorphology (channel geometry and floodplain area).
    5. Many rivers are experiencing decreased flows due to water resource development and more frequent and severe droughts. Thus, we suggest our study provides insight into how changes in discharge regime could influence food web energetics throughout river networks.

    T. Penczak  C. Lasso 《Hydrobiologia》1991,215(2):121-133
    The River Todasana is a small rain tropical forest stream emptying to the Caribbean Sea (Venezuela). Fish were sampled by electrofishing at three contiguous sites (pool, riffle, raceway). Nine species were recorded. Their mean biomass and production were: 43.72 kg ha−1 and 36.94 kg ha−1 yr−1, maximum: 55.47 kg ha−1 and 42.33 kg ha−1 yr−1, respectively.  相似文献   

    Abstract This study investigated the structure and properties of a tropical stream food web in a small spatial scale, characterizing its planktonic, epiphytic and benthic compartments. The study was carried out in the Potreirinho Creek, a second‐order stream located in the south‐east of Brazil. Some attributes of the three subwebs and of the conglomerate food web, composed by the trophic links of the three compartments plus the fish species, were determined. Among compartments, the food webs showed considerable variation in structure. The epiphytic food web was consistently more complex than the planktonic and benthic webs. The values of number of species, number of links and maximum food chain length were significantly higher in the epiphytic compartment than in the other two. Otherwise, the connectance was significantly lower in epiphyton. The significant differences of most food web parameters were determined by the increase in the number of trophic species, represented mainly by basal and intermediate species. High species richness, detritus‐based system and high degree of omnivory characterized the stream food web studied. The aquatic macrophytes probably provide a substratum more stable and structurally complex than the sediment. We suggest that the greater species richness and trophic complexity in the epiphytic subweb might be due to the higher degree of habitat complexity supported by macrophyte substrate. Despite differences observed in the structure of the three subwebs, they are highly connected by trophic interactions, mainly by fishes. The high degree of fish omnivory associated with their movements at different spatial scales suggests that these animals have a significant role in the food web dynamic of Potreirinho Creek. This interface between macrophytes and the interconnections resultant from fish foraging, diluted the compartmentalization of the Potreirinho food web.  相似文献   

    Microhabitat use in a stream fish assemblage   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
    We examined microhabitat use among fishes in a 37-m section of Coweeta Creek, North Carolina. Numerical abundances of species changed substantially during the 17-month study period. Microhabitat availability, however, did not change markedly during our investigation. Seasonal principal component analyses of microhabitat availability and fish microhabitat use data extracted two main patterns of non-random microhabitat use. Clinostomus funduloides, Notropis eoccogenis and Semotilus atromaculatm were significantly over-represented in deep areas with low to intermediate velocities and depositional substrata. Campostoma oligolepis, Coitus bairdi, Etheostoma blennioides, Rhinichthys cataractae and Salmo gairdneri all occurred in intermediate to deep microhabitats with moderate to high velocities and erosional substrata. Five of seven species exhibited seasonal variation in microhabitat utilization, whereas six species displayed size-related variation in use. Size-related variation was probably ontogenetic. We attributed most seasonal changes in microhabitat use to variations in microhabitat availability.
    We used canonical analysis of discriminants to identify factors maximizing interspecific differences in microhabitat use. This analysis indicated that species could be assigned to either a benthic or a water column guild. Species within a guild generally could not be differentiated statistically, whereas members of different guilds were readily separable. These patterns persisted throughout the study, despite changes in numerical abundances of assemblage members. There was no evidence of either exploitation or interference competition for microhabitat, consequently it is unlikely that spatial resources were limiting during our study.  相似文献   

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