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Juveniles of Stegastes nigricans occur in adult colonies, solitarily, and occasionally in juvenile colonies. We concentrated on solitary juveniles and those in adult colonies. We examined the costs and benefits of different settlement strategies, quantified the territory requirements of adults, and investigated the process of how juveniles make the transition to adult territorial fish. An adequate adult territory lies next to those of other adults, is proportional in area to the size of the adult, and contains a refuge tunnel whose entrance is sufficiently large. Compared with solitary juveniles, those <4 cm total length inhabiting adult colonies experienced reduced heterospecific competition for algal food and consequently benefited from a greater density of algae. A cost of recruiting into an adult colony, however, was increased attacks by adults. Juveniles that settled in adult colonies avoided attacks by retreating into small holes inaccessible to adults. As juveniles in adult colonies grew, they were chased less often by adults, whereas they themselves chased adults and heterospecific fish more often. Because territory size correlated with fish size in adult colonies, its area had to expand as the young fish grew, and that expansion was done at the expense of neighbors. Obtaining the space needed by an adult may be possible only when the juvenile settles directly into an adult colony. Juveniles that first settle down solitarily, or in juvenile colonies, may later attempt to enter adult colonies. However, because they do so as larger juveniles, they would have difficulty insinuating themselves into small refuges, which is essential for retreat from the adults. Received in revised form: 4 January 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

This study examined the distribution and dispersal of corophiid amphipods (Paracorophium spp.) in a temperate New Zealand estuary. Individuals in the sediment (resident population) and those caught in bed-load (local-scale movement) and suspended-load (larger-scale movement) were counted, measured, and sexed, during two tidal cycles at 4-6 week intervals spanning 13 months. Gravid females and juveniles were present in the resident population on all sample dates suggesting near continuous reproduction. Juveniles (< 2.2 mm body length) accounted for 49.8% of individuals in the sediment, compared to 65.4% of those caught in the bed-load and suspended-load traps. For the majority of sample dates, there was a net export of juveniles from the estuary. The total number of juveniles captured in suspended-load traps was significantly greater during the ebb tide relative to the flood tide (n = 541 versus 256), whereas no significant differences were found for adults. Similarly, numbers in the bed-load traps were significantly greater for juveniles during the ebb versus the flood tide (n = 900 versus 484), and also for adult females (n = 180 versus 86). Juvenile sex ratios were female biased in the sediment (9.8:1) and in suspended-load traps (7.6:1) and both were significantly more female-biased than that recorded for juveniles caught in bed-load traps (5.8:1). By contrast, there was a significantly lower proportion of adult females to adult males found in bed-load traps (1.7:1) and in suspended-load traps (0.98:1) compared to the resident population in the sediment (3.6:1). The mean size of juvenile females caught on a flood tide was significantly larger compared to those on the ebb tide, yet juvenile males were not significantly different, suggesting that smaller females were not returning on the flood tide. We suggest that female-biased juvenile dispersal for estuarine Paracorophium spp. lowers the risk of inbreeding and reduces competition. This may have evolved in response to a polygamous breeding system with little or no social organisation where a female produces more female offspring to maximise her inclusive fitness.  相似文献   

This study examined social behaviour of juvenile red sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus (Agassiz). At four coastal locations in British Columbia, Canada, distributions of juvenile sea urchins were examined in relation to adults. One-third of all juveniles were found underneath an adult “spine canopy”, another third outside the spine canopy but close to an adult, and the remainder were found apart from adults. Juveniles associated with adults were contagiously distributed with each other. In the laboratory, juveniles chose adults over other target locations. They selected adults in particular locations over others, and in one case showed selection among adults; but they did not select between fed and non-fed adults, nor between adults that had been “protective” and “non-protective” of juveniles in the field. In time-lapse film studies, starved juveniles showed little change in social behaviour when food was introduced, but showed a dramatic change in behaviour when predators were active. We suggest that juvenile red sea urchins are found under the spine canopies of adults as a result of juvenile behaviour; and that this interaction functions to protect juveniles from predation. The strong gregarious nature of juveniles among themselves may have evolved in a different selective situation as a defence against predation and to ensure reproductive success.  相似文献   

Bioturbating lugworms (Arenicola marina) were excluded from 400 m2 plots of intertidal sand which initiated sequences of direct and indirect changes in the structure of the benthic community. The sessile, tube-building species Polydora cornuta and Lanice conchilega took advantage of the absence of lugworms and settled preferentially on lugworm exclusion plots. The protruding tubes provided attachment for an ephemeral development of algal tufts (Berkeleya colonies and Enteromorpha thalli) which in turn enhanced settlement of the juvenile drifting clams Mya arenaria and Macoma balthica. This causal chain of enhanced bivalve settlement in the presence of above-ground structures, like animal tubes and algae, on lugworm exclusion plots occurred in 2 years at different tidal zones with different tube builders, algae and juvenile clams. A significant response of L. conchilega in a year with relatively low lugworm abundances at the entire site suggests that not only the actual absence of large bioturbators was responsible for the establishment of tube-dwelling species, but also a cumulative change of the sediment in exclusion plots since the onset of the experiment. While the sediment on lugworm plots remained permeable, fine particles and organic matter accumulated at exclusion plots. It is suggested that these differences in sediment characteristics were the product of divergent benthic engineering by sediment destabilizing lugworms on control plots and sediment stabilizing species on exclusion plots. Cumulative changes of the sedimentary habitat and cascading effects in the benthic community may explain the persistence of patches that are dominated by either sediment stabilizing or destabilizing species in the assemblage mosaic of intertidal sediments.  相似文献   

The positive effects of the tube dwelling polychaete Lanice conchilega for the associated benthic community emphasizes this bio-engineer’s habitat structuring capacity (Rabaut et al. in Estuar Coastal Shelf Sci, 2007). Therefore, L. conchilega aggregations are often referred to as reefs. The reef building capacity of ecosystem engineers is important for marine management as the recognition as reef builder will increase the protected status the concerned species. To classify as reefs however, bio-engineering activities need to significantly alter several habitat characteristics: elevation, sediment consolidation, spatial extent, patchiness, reef builder density, biodiversity, community structure, longevity and stability [guidelines to apply the EU reef-definition by Hendrick and Foster-Smith (J Mar Biol Assoc UK 86:665–677, 2006)]. This study investigates the physical and temporal characteristics of high density aggregations of L. conchilega. Results show that the elevation and sediment consolidation of the biogenic mounds was significantly higher compared to the surrounding unstructured sediment. Areas with L. conchilega aggregations tend to be extensive and patchiness is high (coverage 5–18%). The discussion of present study evaluates whether L. conchilega aggregations can be considered as reefs (discussing physical, biological and temporal characteristics). Individual aggregations were found to persist for several years if yearly renewal of existing aggregations through juvenile settlement occurred. This renewal is enhanced by local hydrodynamic changes and availability of attaching structures (adult tubes). We conclude that the application of the EU definition for reefs provides evidence that all physical and biological characteristics are present to classify L. conchilega as a reef builder. For temporal characteristics, this study shows several mechanisms exist for reefs to persist for a longer period of time. However, a direct evidence of long-lived individual reefs does not exist. As a range of aggregation development exists, ‘reefiness’ is not equal for all aggregations and a scoring table to quantify L. conchilega reefiness is presented.  相似文献   

Mehmet Karakaş 《Biologia》2007,62(3):320-322
The life cycle and mating behavior of Helicotylenchus multicinctus (Nematoda: Hoplolaimidae) were observed in vitro on excised roots of Musa cavendishii in gnotobiotic culture. Eggs hatched into juveniles whose appearance and structure were similar to those of the adults. Juveniles grew in size and each juvenile stage was terminated by a molt. H. multicinctus had four juvenile stages. The first molt occurred outside the egg shortly after hatching. After the final molt the juveniles differentiated into adult males and females. Mating was required for reproduction. After mating, fertilized females began to lay eggs. The life cycle from second stage juvenile to second stage juvenile was completed in 39 days.  相似文献   

The Crab Plover Dromas ardeola is the only waterbird species known to provision offspring well after the post-reproductive migration and through overwintering. A few previous quantitative studies have reported inconclusively that juveniles begged rarely, and also indiscriminately at other juveniles. Here, we describe the feeding behaviour of adult and juvenile Crab Plovers during the first part of the wintering period. Juveniles begged frequently for food, always toward adults, and obtained 0.1 prey items/min from them. Begging birds obtained the largest prey items of those captured by the adults. When foraging alone, juveniles captured prey at the same rate as adults, but captured smaller crabs. The feeding success of adults was not altered by the presence of the begging juvenile. Juveniles depended partly on adults during the first part of the overwintering period, but were almost independent towards the end. Crab Plovers may adopt such unusually prolonged care because they need to abandon their breeding areas quickly, when environmental conditions are extreme. Large numbers of Crab Plovers overwinter in a few areas, now subject to human alteration. Isolated adults may forage on other areas such as narrow and disturbed shores, but juveniles may require wide beaches, suitable for group foraging, that should be considered as key areas for the recruitment of juveniles into the population.  相似文献   

Juveniles ofBakernema inaequale and the male of Ogma cobbi are described and illustrated for the first time. Juveniles of Bakernema inaequale lack the cuticular spines characteristic of the adults. The annules of first-stage and fourth-stage juveniles are smooth, whereas those of the second-stage and third-stage juveniles have faint, bead-like ornamentation either throughout the body or in the anterior or posterior part only. Detailed morphometric data of O. cobbi males and all juvenile stages and females of B. inaequale are given.  相似文献   

Variations in body temperature (Tb) of lizards can be partially explained by intrinsic factors such as sex, ontogeny and body size. Liolaemus lutzae is a lizard species restricted to restingas in the Brazilian coast in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Herein, we studied sexual dimorphism and influences of sex, ontogeny, and body size to the Tb of L. lutzae. Adult males were larger than adult females, probably due to both intersexual selection and intra-sexual selection. There was intersexual difference in lizards' Tb (males hotter than females), but Tb did not differ after factored out for the effects of body size. The mean Tb of juvenile lizards was higher than that of adults after factored out for the effect of body mass. It is possible that adults may have excluded juveniles from microhabitats with better thermal regimes. Also, this might have occurred due to requirements of juveniles to maintain high growth rates. Forage searching for prey by juveniles also exposes them to high environmental temperatures. Juveniles also may have higher Tb than co-specific adults (relative to body mass) to favor prey capture. In absolute values, adult lizards tended to use microhabitats with lower temperatures than that used by juveniles, possibly to avoid risks of overheating and death. Body temperature and snout–vent length were positively related, as well as body temperature and body mass, presumably caused by the thermal inertia of the bodies (trend of a body to resist to changes in its temperature). Intrinsic factors such as sex, ontogeny and body size can affect the thermal ecology of L. lutzae, despite coastal habitat features to which they are exposed also influences the body temperature of active lizards in restinga habitats.  相似文献   

Although it has long been known that juveniles often have foraging skills inferior to those of adults, it has generally been assumed that animal prey are more difficult to capture than fruit, and thus that juveniles foraging on fruit should be similar to adults in their efficiency. To examine these ideas, we investigated the abilities of juvenile and adult American robins Turdus migratorius to forage for ground invertebrates and fruits of the black cherry tree Prunus serotina. We hypothesized that juveniles, lacking the experience of adults, would not have the skills of adults and therefore would be less proficient invertebrate and fruit foragers. Juveniles captured 69% of invertebrates at which they struck compared with 80% of adults’ strikes that ended in capture. However, juveniles made more strikes than adults, so mean prey capture per minute was the same. Juveniles were also less skilled fruit foragers. Juveniles were twice as likely as adults to fail to pick a cherry (55% of adults’ vs. 28% of juveniles’ attempts ended in success). However, there was no significant difference in the proportion of juveniles and adults that dropped a cherry once it was picked. As a result of their low levels of success, juveniles consumed about half the number of cherries per minute as did adults. Contrary to prior assumptions, skills involved in fruit foraging may not be so easily acquired and many omnivorous species, like the American robin, must learn both invertebrate and fruit foraging skills.  相似文献   

Many coral reef fishes exhibit distinct ontogenetic shifts in habitat use while some species settle directly in adult habitats, but there is not any general explanation to account for these differences in settlement strategies among coral reef fishes. This study compared distribution patterns and habitat associations of juvenile (young of the year) butterflyfishes to those of adult conspecifics. Three species, Chaetodon auriga, Chaetodon melannotus, and Chaetodon vagabundus, all of which have limited reliance on coral for food, exhibited marked differences in habitat association of juvenile versus adult individuals. Juveniles of these species were consistently found in shallow-water habitats, whereas adult conspecifics were widely distributed throughout a range of habitats. Juveniles of seven other species (Chaetodon aureofasciatus, Chaetodon baronessa, Chaetodon citrinellus, Chaetodon lunulatus, Chaetodon plebeius, Chaetodon rainfordi, and Chaetodon trifascialis), all of which feed predominantly on live corals, settled directly into habitat occupied by adult conspecifics. Butterflyfishes with strong reliance on corals appear to be constrained to settle in habitats that provide access to essential prey resources, precluding their use of distinct juvenile habitats. More generalist butterflyfishes, however, appear to utilize distinct juvenile habitats and exhibit marked differences in the distribution of juveniles versus adults.  相似文献   

Most research on ontogenetic niche shifts has focused on changes in habitat or resource use related to food resource distribution and heterospecific size-limited predation. Cannibalism, an intraspecific interaction, can also affect habitat selection or resource use by vulnerable size classes. Morphological defenses, such as spines, increase the effective size of an individual, making it more difficult to consume. The importance of such defense structures in affecting niche shifts in early life history stages is unclear. Using a combination of field observations and experiments in aquaria and wading pools, we examined the relative roles of cannibalism and morphology in determining juvenile habitat use in two populations of threespine stickleback that differ in pelvic spine morphology. Juveniles were categorized into three size classes: small (5–10 mm), medium (11–15 mm), and large (15–25 mm). In experiments assessing the relative vulnerability of juveniles to cannibalism by adults, we documented a significant difference among size classes in the number of juveniles eaten such that more large juveniles were eaten from the population lacking pelvic spines. The natural distribution of small and large juveniles in two distinct littoral microhabitats, open water and vegetation, was determined in each lake. In both populations, small juveniles were more abundant in vegetation. In the population with pelvic spines, a greater proportion of large juveniles was observed in open water than in vegetation. In the population without pelvic spines, the proportion of large juveniles did not differ between the two habitats. Experiments comparing juvenile habitat use in the presence or absence of adult conspecifics suggest that differences in habitat use may not only depend on the size of the individual, or the size of the individual relative to the size of the adult predator, but also on the degree of development or expression of defensive structures.  相似文献   

(1) We measured dorsal surface temperature (Td), skin temperature (Ts) and body temperature (Tb) of adult (white plumage) and juvenile (black plumage) Cape gannets, Morus capensis, subject to high ambient temperatures. (2) Mean Td and Tb of juveniles were significantly elevated compared to those of adults. (3) Mean Ts of older juveniles, which had down beneath their body feathers, were significantly lower than Ts of younger juveniles, indicating that the down provided insulation. (4) Juveniles spent a significantly greater proportion of time thermoregulating via evaporative cooling than adults. (5) The high thermal load of the dark plumage is presumably associated with major costs for the thermal and water balance of juveniles.  相似文献   

Through non-genetic maternal effects, mothers can tailor offspring phenotype to the environment in which young will grow up. If juvenile and adult ecologies differ, the conditions mothers experienced as juveniles may better predict their offspring's environment than the adult environment of mothers. In this case maternal decisions about investment in offspring quality should already be determined during the juvenile phase of mothers. I tested this hypothesis by manipulating juvenile and adult maternal environments independently in a cichlid fish. Females raised in a poor environment produced larger young than females raised without food limitations, irrespective of the feeding conditions experienced during adulthood. This maternal boost was due to a higher investment in eggs and to faster larval growth. Apparently, mothers prepare their offspring for similar environmental conditions to those they encountered as juveniles. This explanation is supported by the distribution of these fishes under natural conditions. Juveniles live in a different and much narrower range of habitats than adults. Therefore, the habitat mothers experienced as juveniles will allow them to predict their offspring's environment better than the conditions in the adult home range.  相似文献   

Juveniles from three species of Hawaiian gobiid fishes climb waterfalls as part of an amphidromous life cycle, allowing them to re-penetrate adult upstream habitats after being swept out to the ocean upon hatching. The importance of climbing for juvenile stream gobies is well established, but adult fish in upstream island habitats also face potential downstream displacement by periodic disturbances. Thus, retention of climbing ability could be advantageous for adult stream gobies. Climbing performance might be expected to decline among adults, however, due to the tendency for mass-specific muscular power production to decrease with body size, and a lack of positively allometric growth among structures like the pelvic sucker that support body weight against gravity. To evaluate changes in waterfall-climbing ability with body size in Hawaiian stream gobies, we compared climbing performance and kinematics between adults and juveniles from three species: Awaous guamensis , Sicyopterus stimpsoni and Lentipes concolor . For species in which juveniles climbed using 'powerbursts' of axial undulation, adult performance and kinematics showed marked changes: adult A. guamensis failed to climb, and adult L. concolor used multiple pectoral fin adductions to crutch up surfaces at slow speeds, rather than rapid powerbursts. Adult S. stimpsoni , like juveniles, still used oral and pelvic suckers to 'inch' up surfaces and climbed at speeds comparable to those of juveniles. However, unlike juveniles, adult S. stimpsoni also add pectoral fin crutching to every climbing cycle. Thus, although powerburst species appear to be particularly susceptible to size-related declines in waterfall-climbing performance, the addition of compensatory mechanisms prevents the loss of this novel function in some species.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that individuals who have higher demands for spatially based behaviours should show increases in hippocampal attributes. Some avian species have been shown to use a spatially based representation of their environment during migration. Further, differences in hippocampal attributes have been shown between migratory and non-migratory subspecies as well as between individuals with and without migratory experience (juveniles versus adults). We tested whether migratory behaviour might also be associated with increased hippocampal neurogenesis, and whether potential differences track previously reported differences in hippocampal attributes between a migratory (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) and non-migratory subspecies (Z. l. nuttalli) of white-crowned sparrows. We found that non-migratory adults had relatively fewer numbers of immature hippocampal neurons than adult migratory birds, while adult non-migrants had a lower density of new hippocampal neurons than adult and juvenile migratory birds and juvenile non-migratory birds. Our results suggest that neurogenesis decreases with age, as juveniles, regardless of migratory status, exhibit similar and higher levels of neurogenesis than non-migratory adults. However, our results also suggest that adult migrants may either seasonally increase or maintain neurogenesis levels comparable to those found in juveniles. Our results thus suggest that migratory behaviour in adults is associated with maintained or increased neurogenesis and the differential production of new neurons may be the mechanism underpinning changes in the hippocampal architecture between adult migratory and non-migratory birds.  相似文献   

The impact of social factors on the improvement of hunting skills of juvenile marsh harriers during their first autumnal migration were studied in SE Poland. While foraging with adult birds, juveniles performed more dives on prey both in terms of number of trials and rates. Hunting sessions of juveniles were more efficient in the presence of adults than in the absence of adults. Juveniles hunting with adults and other juveniles could select adequate habitat patches in which access to prey is easier. The role of vertical and horizontal transmission of information in the development of hunting skills in juvenile marsh harrier were confirmed because faster development of hunting ability was achieved in the social hunting after the end of their postfledging dependency period.  相似文献   

Summary Following metamorphosis, juvenile toads form dense, heliothermic aggregations on the margins of the ponds from which they emerge. After a period of growth and development, during which body mass increases ten-fold, the juveniles disperse from the pond and assume the solitary, nocturnal habits that characterize adult toads.The dispersal of the toads coincides with the culmination of ontogenetic changes in activity metabolism. Unlike adults, juvenile toads exhaust rapidly when exercised and exhibit a low aerobic component of total metabolic scope. Values of aerobic scope for sustained activity ranged from 0.5 ml O2/(g·h) for the smallest juveniles to 1.0 ml O2/(g·h) for adults. The capacity of juveniles for oxygen consumption increases rapidly with growth, reaching the level of mature animals immediately prior to dispersal.In contrast to aerobic metabolism, anaerobic scope was independent of body size. Whole body lactate content after a 1 min bout of vigorous activity was elevated above the resting level by 0.14 mg lactate/g for both juvenile and adult animals.The elevated body temperatures that are achieved by basking juvenile toads probably hasten their physiological development and increase their capacity for aerobic metabolism.  相似文献   

Density-dependent processes may have multiple effects on populations, which among other things include the regulation of population abundance and of the relative distribution of life-cycle stages within populations. The epiphytic habitat is often characterized as highly ephemeral and therefore epiphytic orchid populations may never achieve density-dependent regulation. In this study, we investigated the potential for density-dependent regulation in epiphytic and lithophytic orchids by examining the association between seedlings, juvenile and adult life-history stages in the Caribbean endemic orchid,Lepanthes rupestris in a cross-sectional study of 179 populations surveyed in the Luquillo National Forest along a riparian area where it is locally abundant. Under density-dependent regulation we expected a negative association between the ratio of seedling/adults and juveniles/adults and total population density. Population density was in the range of 140 individuals per m2, however patch sizes were small and mostly limited to less than 0.5 m2 with a maximum of 3 m2. We found no evidence of reduction of the ratio of seedlings or juveniles to adults as population size increased in either tree or boulder populations suggesting negative density dependence for population regulation inL. rupestris is either rare or occurs at even higher densities than those measured here. Moreover, we found positive (although weak) relationship between the ratio of seedlings and juveniles to adults and population size, suggesting that facilitation may be occurring.  相似文献   

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