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Leiolepis ocellata is a lizard species distributing in topographically diverse habitats in northern Thailand. To explore its evolutionary history, 113 samples of L. ocellata were collected from 11 localities covering its distributional range in northern Thailand, and sequenced for mtDNA fragments (Cyt b and ND2). Pairwise comparisons across sampling localities yielded significant genetic differentiation (F ST and Jost''s D) but no clear pattern of isolation by distance could be demonstrated based on the Mantel test. Phylogenetic and network analyses highlighted six haplogroups. Their divergence times were estimated to occur during the Pleistocene, much more recent than major orogenic events affecting northern Thailand. Instead, the results suggested that lineage divergences, of particularly eastern and western haplogroups of the region, coincided with the major rivers in the region (Yom river and Ping river, respectively), indicating vicariance in response to riverine barriers. Furthermore, ecological niche modeling suggested an expansion of suitable habitats of L. ocellata, when LGM‐liked conditions. This expansion potentially facilitated their dispersal among adjacent localities leading to lineage diversification and genetic admixture, after the riverine divergence.  相似文献   

This study examines the phylogeographic structure within the Patagonian lizard Liolaemus petrophilus and tests for patterns of between-clade morphological divergence and sexual dimorphism, as well as demographic and niche changes associated with Pleistocene climate changes. We inferred intraspecific relationships, tested hypotheses for historical patterns of population expansion, and incorporated ecological niche modeling (ENM) with standard morphological and geometric morphometric analyses to examine between-clade divergence as indirect evidence for adaptation to different niches. The two inferred haploclades diverged during the early Pleistocene with the Southern clade depicting the genetic signature of a recent population increase associated with expanding niche envelope, whereas the Northern clade shows stable populations in a shrinking niche envelope. The combination of molecular evidence for postisolation demographic change and ENM, suggest that the two haploclades have responded differently to Pleistocene climatic events.  相似文献   

In a landmark comparative phylogeographic study, “Comparative phylogeography of unglaciated eastern North America,” Soltis et al. (Molecular Ecology, 2006, 15, 4261) identified geographic discontinuities in genetic variation shared across taxa occupying unglaciated eastern North America and proposed several common biogeographical discontinuities related to past climate fluctuations and geographic barriers. Since 2006, researchers have published many phylogeographical studies and achieved many advances in genotyping and analytical techniques; however, it is unknown how this work has changed our understanding of the factors shaping the phylogeography of eastern North American taxa. We analyzed 184 phylogeographical studies of eastern North American taxa published between 2007 and 2019 to evaluate: (1) the taxonomic focus of studies and whether a previously detected taxonomic bias towards studies focused on vertebrates has changed over time, (2) the extent to which studies have adopted genotyping technologies that improve the resolution of genetic groups (i.e., NGS DNA sequencing) and analytical approaches that facilitate hypothesis‐testing (i.e., divergence time estimation and niche modeling), and (3) whether new studies support the hypothesized biogeographic discontinuities proposed by Soltis et al. (Molecular Ecology, 2006, 15, 4261) or instead support new, previously undetected discontinuities. We observed little change in taxonomic focus over time, with studies still biased toward vertebrates. Although many technological and analytical advances became available during the period, uptake was slow and they were employed in only a small proportion of studies. We found variable support for previously identified discontinuities and identified one new recurrent discontinuity. However, the limited resolution and taxonomic breadth of many studies hindered our ability to clarify the most important climatological or geographical factors affecting taxa in the region. Broadening the taxonomic focus to include more non‐vertebrate taxa, employing technologies that improve genetic resolution, and using analytical approaches that improve hypothesis testing are necessary to strengthen our inference of the forces shaping the phylogeography of eastern North America.  相似文献   

Recent integration of ecological niche models in phylogeographic studies is improving our understanding of the processes structuring genetic variation across landscapes. Previous studies on the amphibian Bufotes boulengeri boulengeri uncovered a surprisingly weak intraspecific differentiation across the Maghreb region. We widely sampled this species from Morocco to Egypt and sequenced one nuclear and three mitochondrial (mtDNA) genes to determine the level of genetic variability across its geographic range. We evaluated these data with ecological niche modeling to reveal its evolutionary history in response to climate change during the Quaternary. Our results highlight some mtDNA phylogeographic structure within this species, with one haplogroup endemic to coastal Morocco, and one haplogroup widely distributed throughout North Africa. No or little genetic differentiation is observed between isolated populations from the Hoggar Mountains, the Sabha district and the islands of Kerkennah and Lampedusa, compared to others populations. This can be explained by the expansion of the distribution range of B. b. boulengeri during glacial periods. This might have facilitated the species’ dispersal and subsequent gene flow between most North African localities.  相似文献   

Ecological niche models are widely used in ecology and biogeography. Maxent is one of the most frequently used niche modeling tools, and many studies have aimed to optimize its performance. However, scholars have conflicting views on the treatment of predictor collinearity in Maxent modeling. Despite this lack of consensus, quantitative examinations of the effects of collinearity on Maxent modeling, especially in model transfer scenarios, are lacking. To address this knowledge gap, here we quantify the effects of collinearity under different scenarios of Maxent model training and projection. We separately examine the effects of predictor collinearity, collinearity shifts between training and testing data, and environmental novelty on model performance. We demonstrate that excluding highly correlated predictor variables does not significantly influence model performance. However, we find that collinearity shift and environmental novelty have significant negative effects on the performance of model transfer. We thus conclude that (a) Maxent is robust to predictor collinearity in model training; (b) the strategy of excluding highly correlated variables has little impact because Maxent accounts for redundant variables; and (c) collinearity shift and environmental novelty can negatively affect Maxent model transferability. We therefore recommend to quantify and report collinearity shift and environmental novelty to better infer model accuracy when models are spatially and/or temporally transferred.  相似文献   

Predictive phylogeography seeks to aggregate genetic, environmental and taxonomic data from multiple species in order to make predictions about unsampled taxa using machine‐learning techniques such as Random Forests. To date, organismal trait data have infrequently been incorporated into predictive frameworks due to difficulties inherent to the scoring of trait data across a taxonomically broad set of taxa. We refine predictive frameworks from two North American systems, the inland temperate rainforests of the Pacific Northwest and the Southwestern Arid Lands (SWAL), by incorporating a number of organismal trait variables. Our results indicate that incorporating life history traits as predictor variables improves the performance of the supervised machine‐learning approach to predictive phylogeography, especially for the SWAL system, in which predictions made from only taxonomic and climate variables meets only moderate success. In particular, traits related to reproduction (e.g., reproductive mode; clutch size) and trophic level appear to be particularly informative to the predictive framework. Predictive frameworks offer an important mechanism for integration of organismal trait, environmental data, and genetic data in phylogeographic studies.  相似文献   

We present a novel approach to investigating the divergence history of biomes and their component species using single-locus data prior to investing in multilocus data. We use coalescent-based hierarchical approximate Bayesian computation (HABC) methods (MsBayes) to estimate the number and timing of discrete divergences across a putative barrier and to assign species to their appropriate period of co-divergence. We then apply a coalescent-based full Bayesian model of divergence (IMa) to suites of species shown to have simultaneously diverged. The full Bayesian model results in reduced credibility intervals around divergence times and allows other parameters associated with divergence to be summarized across species assemblages. We apply this approach to 10 bird species that are wholly or patchily discontinuous in semi-arid habitats between Australia's southwest (SW) and southeast (SE) mesic zones. There was substantial support for up to three discrete periods of divergence. HABC indicates that two species wholly restricted to more mesic habitats diverged earliest, between 594,382 and 3,417,699 years ago, three species from semi-arid habitats diverged between 0 and 1,508,049 years ago, and four diverged more recently, between 0 and 396,843 years ago. Eight species were assigned to three periods of co-divergence with confidence. For full Bayesian analyses, we accounted for uncertainty in the two remaining species by analyzing all possible suites of species. Estimates of divergence times from full Bayesian divergence models ranged between 429,105 and 2,006,355; 67,172 and 663,837; and 24,607 and 171,085 for the earliest, middle, and most recent periods of co-divergence, respectively. This single-locus approach uses the power of multitaxa coalescent analyses as an efficient means of generating a foundation for further, targeted research using multilocus and genomic tools applied to an understudied biome.  相似文献   

周国梁  陈晨  叶军  胡白石  刘凤权 《生态学报》2007,27(8):3362-3369
桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)是一种多食性害虫,明确其可能适生的区域对该虫的科学监测及防治意义重大。利用桔小实蝇在我国的已知分布点数据和亚洲地区的14个环境地理变量图层,运用GARP生态位模型结合GIS空间分析模块预测了该虫在亚洲的地理分布。结果表明桔小实蝇可分布在中国、日本、菲律宾、马来西亚、泰国北部、越南、柬埔寨、老挝、缅甸、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国和斯里兰卡,这与EPPO报道的分布区域一致。将拟合过程中获得的生态位运算法则投影到我国,并考虑模型间的一致性,预测桔小实蝇在我国各省及市县范围的分布:云南大部、四川南部和东部、贵州大部、重庆大部、广西、广东、台湾、香港、澳门、海南、福建、江西、浙江大部、湖南大部、湖北大部、上海、江苏南部、河南局部及安徽部分地区为桔小实蝇的适生区。次适生区沿适生区周围分布,为四川、贵州、重庆、湖北北部、河南南部和江苏南部的一些零星地区。适生区和次适生区大多有较高密度的寄主果树,为桔小实蝇的生存提供了条件。预测结果经独立验证数据的适合性测验表明,选择的最优模型具有显著的统计学意义,显示了很好的预测能力。GARP生态位模型可以解决生态学、生物地理学和环境保护方面的一系列问题,具有广泛的应用前景,为物种已知基础分布点资料的综合分析以及有害生物的适生性分析、监测和防治提供了技术平台。  相似文献   

Ecological niche models (ENMs) have a wide range of biological applications, particularly in conservation. To build these models, two sources of information are needed: occurrence records for the species of interest and environmental variables. However, taxonomic limits are often unclear, and the selection of occurrence data depends on the species concept being used. In this study we generated ENMs based on different taxonomic levels within the Dendrortyx group, which is comprised of three species and several subspecies; we analyzed the geographic and ecological distribution patterns and discuss the implications for the biogeography and conservation of this group. Our results suggest that the area with suitable climate depends on the taxonomic category used in the model, which in turn affects the interpretation of the importance of different biogeographic barriers and introduces variation into the potential differentiation of Dendrortyx. In terms of conservation, Dendrortyx macroura and Dendrortyx leucophrys are in a low risk category, that of “least concern,” although they may be amended to a higher category when their allopatric lineages are considered as the units for modeling. We suggest carrying out an a priori taxonomic analysis to facilitate the empirical identification of the units to be modeled in order to allow for a better ecological and biogeographic interpretation and more sound conservation policies.  相似文献   

Diapensiaceae (Ericales) are a small family of about 15 species. Within this clade, two species are broadly distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere, whereas the remaining species have a disjunct distribution between eastern North America and eastern Asia. To address patterns and processes of diversification in Diapensiaceae, we conducted biogeographic analyses and inferred shifts in the ecological niche across the phylogeny of the clade. Although Diapensiaceae have been the focus of multiple phylogenetic and biogeographic studies, previous studies have been taxonomically limited. This study has greatly improved the phylogenetic underpinning for Diapensiaceae with the most inclusive taxonomic sampling thus far, employing both nuclear and plastid gene sequence data for at least one sample per species in the family. Our estimates indicate that genera of Diapensiaceae variously diverged in the Eocene, Oligocene, and early to mid‐Miocene. The biogeographic analysis suggests that the probable ancestor of the Diapensiaceae crown clade originated in the Nearctic, with vicariance events contributing to the current distribution of the disjunct taxa. Ecological niche, when considered in a phylogenetic context, was observed to be clustered on the basis of biogeographic realm. In general, a greater ecological overlap was found at younger nodes and a greater niche divergence was found among distantly related species. Diversification in Diapensiaceae appears to have been shaped by both large‐scale biogeographic factors, such as vicariance, and divergence in an ecological niche among closely related species.  相似文献   

The increased availability of spatial data and methodological developments in species distribution modelling has lead to concurrent advances in phylogeography, broadening the scope of questions studied, as well as providing unprecedented insights. Given the species‐specific nature of the information provided by ecological niche models (ENMs), whether it is on the environmental tolerances of species or their estimated distribution, today or in the past, it is perhaps not surprising that ENMs have rapidly become a common tool in phylogeographic analysis. Such information is essential to phylogeographic tests that provide important biological insights. Here, we provide an overview of the different applications of ENMs in phylogeographic studies, detailing specific studies and highlighting general limitations and challenges with each application. Given that the full potential of integrating ENMs into phylogeographic cannot be realized unless the ENMs themselves are carefully applied, we provide a summary of best practices with using ENMs. Lastly, we describe some recent advances in how quantitative information from ENMs can be integrated into genetic analyses, illustrating their potential use (and key concerns with such implementations), as well as promising areas for future development.  相似文献   

A scientific workflow system is designed specifically to organize, manage and execute a series of research steps, or a workflow, in a given runtime environment. The vision for scientific workflow systems is that the scientists around the world can collaborate on designing global-scaled experiments, sharing the data sets, experimental processes, and results on an easy-to-use platform. Each scientist can create and execute their own workflows and view results in real-time, and then subsequently share and reuse workflows among other scientists. Two case studies, using the Kepler system and BioVeL, are introduced in this paper. Ecological niche modeling process, which is a specialized form of scientific workflow system included in both Kepler system and BioVeL, was used to describe and discuss the features, developmental trends, and problems of scientific workflows.  相似文献   

Many arctic‐alpine plant genera have undergone speciation during the Quaternary. The bases for these radiations have been ascribed to geographic isolation, abiotic and biotic differences between populations, and/or hybridization and polyploidization. The Cordilleran Campanula L. (Campanulaceae Juss.), a monophyletic clade of mostly endemic arctic‐alpine taxa from western North America, experienced a recent and rapid radiation. We set out to unravel the factors that likely influenced speciation in this group. To do so, we integrated environmental, genetic, and morphological datasets, tested biogeographic hypotheses, and analyzed the potential consequences of the various factors on the evolutionary history of the clade. We created paleodistribution models to identify potential Pleistocene refugia for the clade and estimated niche space for individual taxa using geographic and climatic data. Using 11 nuclear loci, we reconstructed a species tree and tested biogeographic hypotheses derived from the paleodistribution models. Finally, we tested 28 morphological characters, including floral, vegetative, and seed characteristics, for their capacity to differentiate taxa. Our results show that the combined effect of Quaternary climatic variation, isolation among differing environments in the mountains in western North America, and biotic factors influencing floral morphology contributed to speciation in this group during the mid‐Pleistocene. Furthermore, our biogeographic analyses uncovered asynchronous consequences of interglacial and glacial periods for the timing of refugial isolation within the southern and northwestern mountains, respectively. These findings have broad implications for understanding the processes promoting speciation in arctic‐alpine plants and the rise of numerous endemic taxa across the region.  相似文献   

科学工作流系统是由一系列经过特殊设计的数据分析与管理步骤组成的、按照一定的逻辑组织在一起, 并在给定的运行环境下, 完成特定科学研究的工作流管理系统。科学工作流系统致力于使全世界的科学家可以在一个简单易用的平台上交换思想, 共同设计全球尺度的实验, 共享数据、实验步骤与结果等。每一个科学家可以独立创建自己的工作流, 执行工作流并实时查看结果; 不同科学家之间也可以方便地共享和复用这些工作流。本文以开普勒系统(Kepler system)和生物多样性虚拟实验室(BioVeL)两个项目为例, 介绍了科学工作流的发展历史、背景、现有项目和应用等。以生态位模型工作流为例, 介绍了科学工作流的流程以及特点等。并通过对现有科学工作流的分析, 对其发展方向和存在的问题提出了自己的看法及预期。  相似文献   

Aim Patterns of phylogeographical diversity in eastern North America have been well documented, with suggestions of Pleistocene refugia in both coastal and interior regions. However, most studies to date have assessed these patterns only qualitatively, largely through visual observation of haplotype networks. Furthermore, many plant studies use only one or two individuals per locality, which probably limits the recovery of haplotype diversity. The aim of this study is to address the issues of sampling strategy and quantitative assessment of phylogeographical patterns in an eastern North American tree, Fagus grandifolia (American beech). Location Eastern North America. Methods Comparing two sampling strategies (more localities with lower sample size within localities versus fewer localities with increased sample size within localities), we analysed chloroplast DNA sequence data from more than 230 individuals across 130 localities using statistical parsimony, maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses. We then assessed support for inferred phylogenetic relationships using Monmonier’s algorithm and analysis of molecular variance. As an additional test of biogeographic hypotheses, we employed ecological niche models (ENMs), which are used to predict the geographic range of a species from occurrence data and environmental records. Here we predict both present and palaeodistributions. Results More haplotypes were recovered when more localities were sampled, but novel haplotypes and haplotype distributions were recovered using both strategies. Phylogeographical patterns suggest possible Pleistocene refugia along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts according to ENMs, as well as a more interior refugium according to Monmonier’s algorithm. Main conclusions Monmonier’s algorithm supports previous findings of an interior refugium in the Lower Mississippi River Valley/Upper Midwest, while ENMs indicate that the Gulf and Atlantic coasts may have provided the most suitable habitat for F. grandifolia during the Pleistocene. Our findings allow us to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the two approaches. We propose that future phylogeographical studies should follow a step‐wise sampling strategy, balancing cost and expected outcomes.  相似文献   

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