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Wang X  Sarker RI  Maloney PC 《Biochemistry》2006,45(34):10344-10350
An OxlT homology model suggests R272 and K355 in transmembrane helices 8 and 11, respectively, are critical to OxlT-mediated transport. We offer positive evidence supporting this idea by studying OxlT function after cysteine residues were separately introduced at these positions. Without further treatment, both mutant proteins had a null phenotype when they were reconstituted into proteoliposomes. By contrast, significant recovery of function occurred when proteoliposomes were treated with MTSEA (methanethiosulfonate ethylamine), a thiol-specific reagent that implants a positively charged amino group. In each case, there was a 2-fold increase in the Michaelis constant (K(M)) for oxalate self-exchange (from 80 to 160 microM), along with a 5-fold (K355C) or 100-fold (R272C) reduction in V(max) compared to that of the cysteine-less parental protein. Analysis by MALDI-TOF confirmed that MTSEA introduced the desired modification. We also examined substrate selectivity for the treated derivatives. While oxalate remained the preferred substrate, there was a shift in preference among other substrates so that the normal rank order (oxalate > malonate > formate) was altered to favor smaller substrates (oxalate > formate > malonate). This shift is consistent with the idea that the substrate-binding site is reduced in size via introduction of the SCH(2)CH(2)NH(3)(+) adduct, which generates a side chain that is approximately 1.85 A longer than that of lysine or arginine. These findings lead us to conclude that R272 and K355 are essential components of the OxlT substrate-binding site.  相似文献   

OxlT, the oxalate:formate antiporter of Oxalobacter formigenes, has a lone charged residue, lysine 355 (Lys-355), at the center of transmembrane helix 11 (TM11). Because Lys-355 is the only charged residue in the hydrophobic sector, we tested the hypothesis that lysine 355 contributes to the binding site for the anionic substrate, oxalate. This idea was supported by mutational analysis, which showed that of five variants studied (Lys-355 --> Cys, Gly, Gln, Arg, or Thr), residual function was found for only the K355R derivative, in which catalytic efficiency had fallen 2,600-fold. Further insight came from a study of TM11 single-cysteine mutants, using the impermeant, thiol-specific reagents, carboxyethyl methanethiosulfonate and ethyltrimethylammonium methanethiosulfonate. Of the five reactive positions identified in TM11, four were at the cytoplasmic or periplasmic ends of TM11 (S344C and A345C, and G366C and A370C, respectively), whereas the fifth was at the center of the helix (S359C). Added study with carboxyethyl methanethiosulfonate and ethylsulfonate methylthiosulfonate showed that the attack on S359C could be blocked by the presence of the substrate, oxalate, and that protection could be predicted quantitatively by a kinetic model in which S359C is accessible only in the unliganded form of OxlT. Parallel study showed that the proteoliposomes used in such work contained OxlT of right side-out and inside-out orientations in about equal amounts. Accordingly, full inhibition of S359C by the impermeable methanethiosulfonate-linked probes must reflect an approach from both the cytosolic and periplasmic surfaces of the protein. This, coupled with the finding of substrate protection, leads us to conclude that S359C lies on the translocation pathway through OxlT. Since position 359 and 355 lie on the same helical face, we suggest that Lys-355 also lies on the translocation pathway, consistent with the idea that the essential nature of Lys-355 reflects its role in binding the anionic substrate, oxalate.  相似文献   

We constructed a single cysteine panel encompassing transmembrane helix two (TM2) of OxlT, the oxalate/formate antiporter of Oxalobacter formigenes. Among the 21 positions targeted, cysteine substitution identified one (phenylalanine 59) as essential to OxlT expression and three (glutamine 56, glutamine 66, and serine 69) as potentially critical to OxlT function. By probing membranes with a bulky hydrophilic probe (Oregon Green maleimide) we also located a central inaccessible core of at least eight residues in length, extending from leucine 61 to glycine 68. Functional assays based on reconstitution of crude detergent extracts showed that of single cysteine mutants within the TM2 core only the Q63C variant was substantially (> or =95%) inhibited by thiol-specific agents (carboxyethyl methanethiosulfonate and ethylsulfonate methanethiosulfonate). Subsequent analytical work using the purified Q63C protein showed that inhibition by ethylsulfonate methanethiosulfonate was blocked by substrate and that the concentration dependence of such substrate protection occurred with a binding constant of 0.16 mm oxalate, comparable with the Michaelis constant observed for oxalate transport (0.23 mm). These findings lead us to conclude that position 63 lies on the OxlT translocation pathway. Our conclusion is strengthened by the finding that position 63, along with most other positions relevant to TM2 function, is found on a helical face that can be cross-linked to the pathway-facing surface of TM11 (Fu, D., Sarker, R. I., Bolton, E., and Maloney, P. C. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 8753-8760).  相似文献   

We had proposed earlier that the anaerobe Oxalobacter formigenes sustains a proton-motive force by exploiting a secondary carrier rather than a primary proton pump. In this view, a carrier protein would catalyze the exchange of extracellular oxalate, a divalent anion, and intracellular formate, the monovalent product of oxalate decarboxylation. Such an electrogenic exchange develops an internally negative membrane potential, and since the decarboxylation reaction consumes an internal proton, the combined activity of the carrier and the soluble decarboxylase would constitute an "indirect" proton pump with a stoichiometry of 1H+ per turnover. This model is now verified by identification and purification of OxlT, the protein responsible for the anion exchange reaction. Membranes of O. formigenes were solubilized at pH 7 with 1.25% octyl glucoside in 20 mM 3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid/K, in the presence of 0.4% Escherichia coli phospholipids and with 20% glucerol present as the osmolyte stabilant. Rapid methods for reconstitution were developed to monitor the distribution of OxlT during biochemical fractionation, allowing its purification by sequential anion and cation exchange chromatography. OxlT proved to be a single hydrophobic polypeptide, of 38 kDa mobility during sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, with a turnover number estimated as at least 1000/s. The properties of OxlT point to an indirect proton pump as the mechanism by which a proton-motive force arises in O. formigenes, and one may reasonably argue that indirect proton pumps take part in bacterial events such as acetogenesis, malolactate fermentation, and perhaps methanogenesis.  相似文献   

Wang X  Ye L  McKinney CC  Feng M  Maloney PC 《Biochemistry》2008,47(21):5709-5717
We constructed a single-cysteine panel encompassing TM5 of the oxalate transporter, OxlT. The 25 positions encompassed by TM5 were largely tolerant of mutagenesis, and functional product was recovered for 21 of the derived variants. For these derivatives, thiol-directed MTS-linked agents (MTSEA, MTSCE, and MTSES) were used as probes of transporter function, yielding 11 mutants that responded to probe treatment, as indicated by effects on oxalate transport. Further study identified three biochemical phenotypes among these responders. Group 1 included seven mutants, exemplified by G151C, displaying substrate protection against probe inhibition. Group 2 was comprised of a single mutant, P156C, which had unexpected behavior. In this case, we observed increased activity if weak acid/base or neutral probes were used, while exposure to probes introducing a fixed charge led to decreased function. In both instances, the presence of substrate prevented the observed response. Group 3 contained three mutants (e.g., S143C) in which probe sensitivity was increased by the presence of substrate. The finding of substrate-protectable probe modification in groups 1 and 2 suggests that TM5 lies on the permeation pathway, as do its structural counterparts, TM2, TM8, and TM11. In addition, we speculate that substrate binding facilitates TM5 conformational changes that allow new regions to become accessible to MTS-linked probes (group 3). These biochemical data are consistent with the recently developed OxlT homology model.  相似文献   

OxlT, a secondary carrier found in Oxalobacter formigenes, mediates the exchange of divalent oxalate and monovalent formate. Because OxlT has an unusually high turnover number (greater than or equal to 1000/s), and because formate, one its substrates, shows high passive membrane permeability as formic acid, it has been difficult to obtain information on protein-substrate interactions using traditional methods in membrane biology. For this reason, we devised a new way to measure substrate dissociation constants. Detergent-solubilized material was exposed to inactivating temperatures in the absence or presence of OxlT substrates, and periodic reconstitution was used to monitor the kinetics of thermal decay. The data were consistent with a simple scheme in which only unliganded OxlT was temperature-sensitive; this premise, along with the assumption of equilibrium between liganded and unliganded species, allowed calculation of substrate dissociation constants for oxalate (18 +/- 3 microM), malonate (1.2 +/- 0.2 mM), and formate (3.1 +/- 0.6 mM). Further analysis revealed that substrate binding energy contributed at least 3.5 kcal/mol to stabilization of solubilized OxlT. Accordingly, we suggest that substrate binding energy is directly involved in driving protein structure reorganization during membrane transport. This new approach to analyzing protein-substrate interactions may have wider application in the study of membrane carriers.  相似文献   

The cardiac Na+-Ca2+ exchanger (NCX1) is a membrane protein that extrudes Ca2+ from cells using the energy of the Na+ gradient and is a key protein in regulating intracellular Ca2+ and contractility. Based on the current topological model, NCX1 consists of nine transmembrane segments (TMSs). The N-terminal five TMSs are separated from the C-terminal four TMSs by a large intracellular loop. Cysteine 768 is modeled to be in TMS 6 close to the intracellular surface. In this study, the proximity of TMS 6 to TMSs 1 and 2 was examined. Insect High Five cells were transfected with cDNAs encoding mutant NCX1 proteins. Each mutant contained cysteine 768 and an introduced cysteine in TMS 1 or 2. Cross-linking between cysteines was determined after reaction with thiol-specific cross-linkers containing spacer arms of 6.5-12 A. The data indicate that residues in TMSs 1 and 2 are close to cysteine 768 in TMS 6. Cysteine 768 cross-linked with residues at both ends of TMSs 1 and 2 and is likely located toward the middle of TMS 6. Based on these results, we present an expanded helix-packing model for NCX1.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of Escherichia coli NhaA determined at pH 4 has provided insights into the mechanism of activity of a pH-regulated Na+/H+ antiporter. However, because NhaA is active at physiological pH (pH 6.5-8.5), many questions related to the active state of NhaA have remained unanswered. Our Cys scanning of the highly conserved transmembrane VIII at physiological pH reveals that (1) the Cys replacement G230C significantly increases the apparent Km of the antiporter to both Na+ (10-fold) and Li+ (6-fold). (2) Variants G223C and G230C cause a drastic alkaline shift of the pH profile of NhaA by 1 pH unit. (3) Residues Gly223-Ala226 line a periplasmic funnel at physiological pH as they do at pH 4. Both were modified by membrane-impermeant negatively charged 2-sulfonatoethyl methanethiosulfonate and positively charged 2-(trimethyl ammonium)-ethylmethanethiosulfonate sulfhydryl reagents that could reach Cys replacements from the periplasm via water-filled funnels only, whereas other Cys replacements on helix VIII were not accessible/reactive to the reagents. (4) Remarkably, the modification of variant V224C by 2-sulfonatoethyl methanethiosulfonate or 2-(trimethyl ammonium)-ethylmethanethiosulfonate totally inhibited antiporter activity, while N-ethyl maleimide modification had a very small effect on NhaA activity. Hence, the size—rather than the chemical modification or the charge—of the larger reagents interferes with the passage of ions through the periplasmic funnel. Taken together, our results at physiological pH reveal that amino acid residues in transmembrane VIII contribute to the cation passage of NhaA and its pH regulation.  相似文献   

Three groups of mutants defective in the fermentative production of gas were isolated from Salmonella typhimurium LT2 subjected to transposition mutagenesis with Mu d(Apr lac). One group consisted of strains which lacked hydrogenase. The mutation site for this group was located in the vicinity of the known hyd gene. A second group consisted of mutants which lacked the formate dehyrogenase associated with hydrogenase. The mutation site was located in four of them. It was not in the vicinity of the previously described fhlD gene but was instead located at 93 min on the Salmonella map. The third mutant group, which consisted of strains that produced gas in triple sugar iron agar but not in nutrient agar supplemented with glucose, appeared to be pyrA mutants. The insertion site was located in the vicinity of pyrA , and they required arginine and pyrimidines for growth. Expression of the lac operon in the hyd mutants was induced by anaerobiosis. It was only slightly increased by the addition of formate under anaerobic conditions and slightly decreased by the addition of nitrate. Nitrate had no effect in an hyd ::Mu d strain that also carried a chlC::Tn10 insertion. Full expression of the lac operon in the fhl mutants required both formate and anaerobic conditions. The presence of nitrate in addition to formate resulted in activities about half those obtained in its absence, even in the fhl ::Mu d chlC::Tn10 double mutant. In the absence of formate, nitrate reduced expression only in the fhl ::Mu d single mutants. Expression of the lac operon among the pyrA mutants was repressed by arginine and cytosine and also by anaerobiosis. An explanation for the involvement of pyrA in aerobic and anaerobic energy metabolism is proposed.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein (P-gp), encoded by the MDR1 gene, is a plasma membrane transporter which confers resistance to many chemotherapeutic drugs. Monoclonal antibodies raised against P-gp have been used as tools to study P-gp topology and activity. Monoclonal antibody UIC2 recognizes a functional conformation of P-gp on the cell surface and blocks P-gp-mediated drug transport. Knowledge about the UIC2 epitope and the mechanism of its inhibitory effects may be helpful for understanding P-gp structure and developing P-gp inhibitors. In the present work, using several chimeras of MDR1 and MDR2, we found that the native sequence of the predicted extracellular loop between transmembrane domains (TM) 5 and 6 of P-gp is necessary, but not sufficient, for UIC2 reactivity. In addition, UIC2 reactivity is also affected by mutations in TM6, a region known to be involved in interactions of P-gp with substrates. These observations suggest that residues in the extracellular loop between TM5 and TM6 are directly involved in the display of the UIC2 epitope. Since TM6 has been shown to be actively involved in drug transport process, the proximity of this region to TM6 may help to explain why UIC2 binding is sensitive to the functional state of P-gp and why binding of UIC2 inhibits P-gp-mediated drug transport.  相似文献   

Mo W  Qi J  Zhang JT 《Biochemistry》2012,51(17):3634-3641
ABCG2 is a member of the ATP-binding cassette transporter superfamily, and its overexpression causes multidrug resistance (MDR) in cancer chemotherapy. ABCG2 may also protect cancer stem cells by extruding cytotoxic materials. ABCG2 has previously been shown to exist as a high-order homo-oligomer consisting of possibly 8-12 subunits, and the oligomerization domain was mapped to the C-terminal domain, including TM5, ECL3, and TM6. In this study, we further investigate this domain in detail for the role of each segment in the oligomerization and drug transport function of ABCG2 using domain swapping and site-directed mutagenesis. We found that none of the three segments (TM5, TM6, and ECL3) is essential for the oligomerization activity of ABCG2 and that any one of these three segments in the full-length context is sufficient to support ABCG2 oligomerization. While TM5 plays an important role in the drug transport function of ABCG2, TM6 and ECL3 are replaceable. Thus, each segment in the TM5-ECL3-TM6 domain plays a distinctive role in the oligomerization and function of ABCG2.  相似文献   

In order to help understand the spatial rearrangements of thin filament proteins during the regulation of muscle contraction, we used fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) to measure Ca(2+)-dependent, myosin-induced changes in distances and fluorescence energy transfer efficiencies between actin and the inhibitory region of troponin I (TnI). We labeled the single Cys-117 of a mutant TnI with N-(iodoacetyl)-N'-(1-sulfo-5-naphthyl)ethylenediamine (IAEDANS) and Cys-374 of actin with 4-dimethylaminophenylazophenyl-4'-maleimide (DABmal). These fluorescent probes were used as donor and acceptor, respectively, for the FRET measurements. We reconstituted a troponin-tropomyosin (Tn-Tm) complex which contained the AEDANS-labeled mutant TnI, together with natural troponin T (TnT), troponin C (TnC) and tropomyosin (Tm) from rabbit fast skeletal muscle. Fluorescence titration of the AEDANS-labeled Tn-Tm complex with DABmal-labeled actin, in the presence and absence of Ca(2+), resulted in proportional, linear increases in energy transfer efficiency up to a 7:1 molar excess of actin over Tn-Tm. The distance between AEDANS on TnI Cys-117 and DABmal on actin Cys-374 increased from 37.9 A to 44.1 A when Ca(2+) bound to the regulatory sites of TnC. Titration of reconstituted thin filaments, containing AEDANS-labeled Tn-Tm and DABmal-labeled actin, with myosin subfragment 1 (S1) decreased the energy transfer efficiency, in both the presence and absence of Ca(2+). The maximum decrease occurred at well below stoichiometric levels of S1 binding to actin, showing a cooperative effect of S1 on the state of the thin filaments. S1:actin molar ratios of approximately 0.1 in the presence of Ca(2+), and approximately 0.3 in the absence of Ca(2+), were sufficient to cause a 50% reduction in normalized transfer efficiency. The distance between AEDANS on TnI Cys-117 and DABmal on actin Cys-374 increased by approximately 7 A in the presence of Ca(2+) and by approximately 2 A in the absence of Ca(2+) when S1 bound to actin. Our results suggest that TnI's interaction with actin inhibits actomyosin ATPase activity by modulating the equilibria among active and inactive states of the thin filament. Structural rearrangements caused by myosin S1 binding to the thin filament, as detected by FRET measurements, are consistent with the cooperative behavior of the thin filament proteins.  相似文献   

Oxalic acid, a highly toxic by-product of metabolism, is catabolized by a limited number of bacterial species utilizing an activation-decarboxylation reaction which yields formate and CO2. frc, the gene encoding formyl coenzyme A transferase, an enzyme which transfers a coenzyme A moiety to activate oxalic acid, was cloned from the bacterium Oxalobacter formigenes. DNA sequencing revealed a single open reading frame of 1,284 bp capable of encoding a 428-amino-acid protein. A presumed promoter region and a rho-independent termination sequence suggest that this gene is part of a monocistronic operon. A PCR fragment containing the open reading frame, when overexpressed in Escherichia coli, produced a product exhibiting enzymatic activity similar to the purified native enzyme. With this, the two genes necessary for bacterial catabolism of oxalate, frc and oxc, have now been cloned, sequenced, and expressed.  相似文献   

The addition of cupric-1,10,-phenanthroline, a cross-linking catalyst, to sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes caused protein sulfhydryl groups to form disulfide bridges. Following a short exposure to the catalyst (15 s, 22 degrees C) most of the protein was in a dimeric form (Mr = 248 000). Longer exposure times resulted in the formation of trimers, tetramers and other oligomers too large to enter the gel. At low temperatures (4 degrees C) dimer formation predominates even for exposure times as long as 5 min. Cross-linking in the presence of 7.5 mM Triton X-100 (a concentration that resulted in clearing of the membrane suspension and thus solubilization of the membrane components) showed the appearance of a considerable dimer fraction, however, most of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase protein appeared as a monomer. Following 1 min of cross-linking at 22 degrees C, freeze-etched membranes showed no alteration in the number or appearance of 80 A intramembranous particles. Thus extensive cross-linking of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase protein can occur without disruption of the normal position of the intramembrane portion of the molecule.  相似文献   

System x(c)(-), one of the main transporters responsible for central nervous system cystine transport, is comprised of two subunits, xCT and 4F2hc. The transport of cystine into cells is rate limiting for glutathione synthesis, the major antioxidant and redox cofactor in the brain. Alterations in glutathione status are prevalent in numerous neurodegenerative diseases, emphasizing the importance of proper cystine homeostasis. However, the distribution of xCT and 4F2hc within the brain and other areas has not been described. Using specific antibodies, both xCT and 4F2hc were localized predominantly to neurons in the mouse and human brain, but some glial cells were labeled as well. Border areas between the brain proper and periphery including the vascular endothelial cells, ependymal cells, choroid plexus, and leptomeninges were also highly positive for the system x(c)(-) components. xCT and 4F2hc are also present at the brush border membranes in the kidney and duodenum. These results indicate that system x(c)(-) is likely to play a role in cellular health throughout many areas of the brain as well as other organs by maintaining intracellular cystine levels, thereby resulting in low levels of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

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