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Cells were isolated from the somite mesoderm and from the unsegmented (presomite) mesoderm of early chick embryos and exposed to actinomycin D in single cell culture. Actinomycin D inhibited proliferation in cell cultures derived from the unsegmented mesoderm, although the same concentrations of this antibiotic did not inhibit cultures derived from the somite mesoderm. This differential sensitivity parallels the regionally specific necrosis and degeneration observed in the unsegmented mesoderm of intact chick embryos exposed to actinomycin D. In culture, both cell types exhibited approximately the same permeability to labeled actinomycin D and showed comparable inhibition of RNA, DNA, and protein syntheses in the presence of the antibiotic. However, freshly isolated mesodermal cells from the somite region had a higher content of RNA than did cells from the unsegmented region, and the somite cells maintained a higher rate of macromolecular synthesis in untreated cultures.  相似文献   

Actinomycin D (AMD) at concentrations that inhibit cellular RNA synthesis by 85% or more causes an acute phase of lethal cell degeneration in HeLa cultures beginning as early as 3 hr after drug exposure, resulting in the nearly complete loss of viable cells by 12 hr. The loss of cells during this acute phase of lethality is closely dose dependent. Vero, WI38, or L cells are not susceptible to this early acute cyto-intoxication by AMD, and may begin to die only after 1–2 days. Differential susceptibility to acute cyto-intoxication by AMD, or other inhibitors of RNA synthesis (daunomycin or nogalamycin), among different types of cultured cells is analogous to that observed in vivo in certain tissues and tumors, and cannot be accounted for by differences in the effect of AMD on RNA, DNA, or protein syntheses, or by the over-all loss of preformed RNA. Actinomycin D in a dose that inhibits RNA synthesis causes an equivalent loss of the prelabeled RNA in all the cell types studied. Inhibition of protein synthesis with streptovitacin A or of DNA synthesis with hydroxyurea does not cause acute lethal injury in HeLa cells as does inhibition of RNA synthesis. Furthermore, since Vero or L cells divide at about the same rate as HeLa cells, no correlation can be drawn between the rate of cell proliferation and susceptibility to the cytotoxicity of AMD. Susceptibile cells are most vulnerable to intoxication by AMD in the G1-S interphase or early S phase. Inhibition of protein synthesis (which protects cells against damage by other agents affecting DNA) does not protect against AMD-induced injury. Although HeLa cells bind more AMD at a given dose than Vero or L cells, the latter cell types, given higher doses, can be made to bind proportionally more AMD without succumbing to acute cyto-intoxication. It is suggested that the differential susceptibility of these cell types to acute poisoning by AMD may reflect differences among various cells in the function or stability of certain RNA species not directly involved in translation whose presence is vital to cells. In HeLa cells, these critical species of RNA are presumed to have a short half-life.  相似文献   

A comparative study was made of the toxic properties of actinomycin D and X-rays using synchronized populations of Chinese hamster cells cultured in vitro. X-irradiated cells are most resistant in the latter half of the DNA synthetic period (late S). While cells treated with actinomycin D appear to go through a survival maximum at the same age, they are most resistant after the completion of DNA synthesis; i.e. in G2 (or G2-mitosis). In spite of these differences, we found that actinomycin D damage in late S cells interacts with X-ray damage. Thus, a common locus for the site of actions of both agents is suggested which may be in or around the genome of a cell in view of the well-known DNA binding properties of actinomycin D.  相似文献   

The forehead epidermis of the stage 18–20 R. japonica embryo includes the hatching gland cell (HGC) which contains cell-specific secretory granules. The cilia cell (CC) and common epidermal cell (CEC) constitute the epidermis of the entire body surface, in addition to the forehead region.
Culture of superficial epidermal explants from various embryonic portions at various developmental stages revealed that HGCs are derived from cells localized on the neural crest in the stage 13a (early neural plate) embryo. When explants from the presumptive HGC area were treated with 1 ug/ml actinomycin D (AMD), the formation of secretory granules in HGCs was inhibited either by continuous treatment from stage 13 or by an 8-hr treatment at stage 13b. Similarly, the ciliogenesis in CCs was inhibited. The differentiation of CECs was entirely unaffected by any of the AMD treatment. After release from AMD, mucous vesicles, characteristic of the CEC, were formed in cells whose differentiation into HGC and CC had been suppressed by the antibiotic. Thread complexes and clumps of coiled strings were found in the nuclei of AMD-affected cells.
It is concluded that the DNA-dependent RNA syntheses which direct secretory granule formation in the HGC and ciliogenesis in the CC occur during a limited period at stage 13b, viz. , 20 hr before their cytodifferentiation becomes appreciable.  相似文献   

The effect of actinomycin D on muscle cells development of the ascidian, Herdmania momus was studied ultrastructurally. No myofilament was formed when the drug was given at any stage before early tail-bud stage (stage 3). Some aggregates of myofilaments in various size were formed when the treatment was started at stage 4 (4.5 hr after fertilization at about 28°C). Above 60% of myofibrils of fully differentiated muscle cells were formed when the treatment was initiated at stage 5 (5 hr after fertilization). Muscle cells of the tadpoles treated from stage 7 (6 hr after fertilization), at which myofilaments were first detectable in normal development, differentiated almost normally. It is therefore suggested that most mRNAs for muscle proteins are synthesized preceding the onset of myofilament formation and are relatively stable. It is also suggested that mRNAs for myosin, actin and Z band materials are almost simultaneously synthesized. One of the characteristic features of the muscle cell development of the ascidian embryo is almost synchronous differentiation of relatively small numbers of cells (about 54–60 cells). The significance of these results is discussed in relation to mosaic natures of the muscle development.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the mitochondria of the cultured cortical cells of rat adrenals was studied. In vivo it was found that the zona fasciculata mitochondria have vesicular internal structure. 600-A vesicles appear free in the matrix or as protrusions of the inner mitochondrial membrane. In tissue cultures of the fetal and newborn rat adrenal cortex it was seen that ACTH induces transformation of the tubulo-vesicular internal structure of the mitochondria to 600-A vesicles. Actinomycin D and puromycin inhibited this transformation if they were added with ACTH. When added alone, these inhibitors of protein synthesis induced no change in the ultrastructure of the mitochondria in cultured cortical cells of rat adrenals.  相似文献   

Using Chinese hamster cells in culture, we have measured the effectiveness of actinomycin D to suppress division as a function of the position, or age, of a cell in its growth cycle. Cells were first exposed to millimolar concentrations of hydroxyurea in order to produce a synchronized population just before the onset of DNA synthesis. Thereafter, the survival response after 30 min exposures to actinomycin D was measured. Cells become resistant as they enter the S phase and then sensitive again in the latter part of S. When they reach G2 (or G2-mitosis) they are maximally resistant; at 1.0 µg/ml, for example, the survival in G2 is 30-fold greater than it is in G1. These results, plus measurements reported earlier on the interaction of damage in S cells due to actinomycin D and X-irradiation, suggest that the age-response pattern of the toxic effects of this drug probably reflects both the functional capacity of DNA-actinomycin complexes and the ability of this antibiotic to penetrate chromatin and bind to DNA.  相似文献   

The lethal actions of mitomycin C and actinomycin D were followed during the division cycle of HeLa cells. The cells were most susceptible to a 2 hr pulse of mitomycin C during the G1 phase, whereas their sensitivity to actinomycin D was most pronounced in the S phase. Posttreatment of the cells with acetoxycycloheximide, a potent inhibitor of protein synthesis, increased the survival (colony-forming ability) of cells treated with mitomycin C but had very little effect on the survival of cells treated with actinomycin D. The significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

When BALB/c 3T3, simian virus 40 (SV40)-transformed 3T3 (SVT2), and revertant variants of the transformed cells are removed by EGTA treatment from the substrate on which they were grown, they leave behind a layer of glycoprotein which has been characterized biochemically (Terry, A. H. and L. A. Culp. 1974. Biochemistry. 13:414.)—substrate-attached material (SAM). The influence of SAM from normal and from transformed cells on cellular attachment to the substrate, morphology, movement, and growth has been examined. All three cell types displayed a 30% higher plating efficiency when grown on 3T3 SAM. The morphology of SVT2 colonies and of individual SVT2 cells was dramatically affected by growth on 3T3 SAM—the cells (a) were more highly spread on the substrate, (b) resisted crawling over neighboring cells, and (c) resisted movement away from the edge of colonies; SVT2 SAM was not effective in causing these changes. A cell-to-substrate attachment assay using thymidine-radiolabeled cells and untreated or SAM-coated cover slips was developed. SVT2 cells attached to 3T3 SAM- or SVT2 SAM-coated cover slips with a faster initial rate and to a higher saturation level than to untreated substrate, whereas 3T3 and revertant cells exhibited no preference; there was no species specificity in these cell-substrate attachment phenomena. Trypsin-released cells attached much more slowly than EGTA-released cells. 3T3 SAM, however, was not effective in lowering the saturation density of mass cultures of virus-transformed cells. These experiments suggest that the substrate-attached glycoproteins of normal cells affect the cellular adhesivity, morphology, movement, and perhaps growth patterns of virus-transformed cells—i.e., causing partial reversion of these properties of transformed cells to those found in contact-inhibited fibroblasts. A model for the involvement of substrate-attached glycoproteins in cell-to-substrate adhesion, and possibly cell-to-cell adhesion, has been proposed.  相似文献   

The progress of L-cells through the cell cycle in asynchronous and in synchronous culture has been studied at a concentration of actinomycin D which mediates an apparently‘nucleolar-specific’inhibition of RNA synthesis. Under such conditions, cells may be blocked or seriously delayed in the G1 and G2 phases of the cycle whilst the processes of DNA synthesis and mitosis once initiated, can still occur at control rates. The results show that the sensitivity of a cell to these blocks depends critically upon the position of that cell within the cycle at the time of drug addition. The possible mechanisms of the drug's action are discussed.  相似文献   

A graded series of drug-resistant Chinese hamster sublines has been examined for biochemical changes accompanying resistance to actinomycin D. The most highly resistant subline, DC-3F/AD X, is maintained at 10 µg/ml of the antibiotic. It was shown that over 250 times more actinomycin D is required to inhibit RNA synthesis in this subline than in the parental DC-3F line. The DC-3F/AD X subline was also shown to have a somewhat reduced capacity to transport uridine as compared to parental cells. Sensitive cells took up over 50 times more tritiated antibiotic than the most resistant cells, as determined in a 1-h assay. Uptake of actinomycin D was shown to be temperature-dependent in both resistant and sensitive cells and was not influenced by various metabolic inhibitors. Resistance could not be explained by a rapid uptake and release of the antibiotic, as demonstrated in efflux experiments, or by its metabolism. In addition, highly resistant cells which are cross-resistant to puromycin were shown to have a reduced capacity to take up labeled puromycin. These studies provide further evidence indicating that the mechanism of resistance to actinomycin D is reduced permeability to drug and suggesting that cell membrane alteration accounts for resistance to both actinomycin D and puromycin.  相似文献   

Previously it has been found that in tobacco callus cells nucleolar vacuoles repeatedly form and contract. In this study, nucleolar vacuoles were investigated by using radioautography, actinomycin D, and electron microscopy. It was found, from grain counts of nucleoli labeled with uridine-3H, that nucleoli containing vacuoles had more than three times as many grains/µ2 of nucleolar substance as did nucleolei without vacuoles. Treatment of tobacco callus cells with various concentrations of actinomycin D caused the percentage of cells containing nucleolar vacuoles to decrease; with the highest concentration the percentage of these cells dropped from the normal level of about 70% to less than 10%. However, after removal of actinomycin D the cells regained nucleolar vacuoles up to the control level. When radioautography was used with actinomycin D, it was found that the actinomycin D inhibited the uptake of uridine-3H, i.e. inhibited RNA synthesis, in those nucleoli which lost their nucleolar vacuoles. In addition, after removal of the cells from actinomycin D, it was found that as the cells regained nucleolar vacuoles the nucleoli also began to incorporate uridine-3H. Electron micrographs showed the nucleoli to be composed of a compact, finely fibrous central portion surrounded by a layer of dense particles 100–150 A in diameter. Nucleolar vacuoles occurred in the fibrous central portion. Dense particles similar to those in the outer layer of the nucleoli were found scattered throughout the vacuoles and in a dense layer at their outer edge. These data suggest that in cultured tobacco callus cells the formation and contraction of nucleolar vacuoles is closely related to RNA synthesis in the nucleolus.  相似文献   

本文介绍用一种新的快速、简便SLDT’技术研究培养细胞的间隙连接通讯功能。细胞划痕后,标记两种荧光染料——Lucifer’Yellow(LY, MW.457.2)和Rhodamine Dextran(RD,MW.10,000)。RD停留原位,LY小分子传输到邻近细胞,表示间隙连接通讯现象。用SLDT方法观察到人胃腺癌MGC一803细胞无连接通讯功能。钙调素抑制剂T"FP有使胃癌细胞恢复连接通讯的效应。中国地鼠V,。细胞,wB大鼠肝细胞和鸡胚成肌细胞有通讯功能。促癌变剂TPA阻断正常细胞的间隙连接通讯,并阻断由。rFP丐导的胃癌细胞连接通讯。  相似文献   

大鼠睾丸间质细胞的自体吞噬活动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文结合超微结构和细胞化学观察,研究大鼠睾丸间质细胞(Leydig细胞)中溶酶体的结??构与功能。观察结果表明,大鼠睾丸间质细胞中高尔基体非常发达,在高尔基体的成熟面存在着CMP酶阳性反应的GERL系统,说明这种细胞有不断产生溶酶体的能力。细胞化学结果也证实在睾丸间质细胞有较多的初级和次级溶酶体。睾丸间质细胞不仅有较多的溶酶体,而且还有相当数量的自噬小体,存在着活跃的自体吞噬活动。自噬小体的界膜来源于特化的光面内质网或高尔基体膜囊,包围的内容物主要是光面内质网和少量线粒体。当自噬小体与溶酶体融合后即成为自体吞噬泡,由于酶的消化作用,自体吞噬泡内的细胞器有一系列形态变化。根据CMP酶细胞化学反应,可以区分自噬小体和自体吞噬泡,后者是一种次级溶酶体,呈CMP酶阳性反应。睾丸间质细胞是分泌雄性激素的内分泌细胞,其光面内质网和线粒体在类固醇激素分泌中起重要作用,自体吞噬活动的结果是去除部分内质网和线粒体,可能在细胞水平上起着对雄性激素分泌的调节作用。  相似文献   

为探索组织化学方法检测标志基因在正常骨髓细胞及白血病细胞的表达,本研究利用脂质体介导将NeoR基因和LacZ基因共转移正常人及白血病人骨髓细胞。然后,采用X-gal染色的方法,我们观察了LacZ基因在转导细胞的表达。结果显示:LacZ基因在正常人及白血病人骨髓细胞表达的阳性率分别为13.33%±2.68%和15.39±3.69%。经G418筛选后,转导阳性细胞率达到46.06%±3.47%和48.22%±4.47%。提示:经脂质体介导LacZ基因在正常骨髓细胞及白血病细胞可获得高效的转移率。同时表明,利用组织化学方法可有效地检测标志基因的表达。  相似文献   

本实验以测定细胞电泳率(EPM)反映细胞表面唾液酸相对含量。发现胎肝细胞电泳率明显高于成年骨髓细胞,经神经氨酸酶(NA)处理胎肝细胞、骨髓细胞、L_(801)急性白血病细胞和KCL-22慢性白血病细胞后,细胞EPM均明显下降。细胞集落数及细胞形态学检测表明,NA处理后,多向造血干细胞(CFU-S)增殖能力减弱,向粒系的分化增强;KCL-22细胞生成的集落数明显减少,成熟细胞的比例明显增加。  相似文献   

Endogenous and succinic dehydrogenase activity was demonstrated in the living cells of normal human blood and bone marrow using a buffered nitro BT-succinate incubating solution. With this technique dehydrogenase activity was localized primarily in the granular leukocytes and the sites of enzymatic activity appeared to be non-mitochondrial. The addition of a non-ionic surface active agent to the incubating solution resulted in marked differences in the cellular and intracellular localization of dehydrogenase activity. With this method it was possible to demonstrate dehydrogenase activity in the mitochondria of most of the formed elements of the blood and bone marrow, including developing granulocytes and erythroid cells, agranulocytes, and blood platelets. Mature erythrocytes also exhibited a minimal dehydrogenase reaction with this procedure. This investigation indicated that in order adequately to demonstrate and evaluate dehydrogenase activity in the cells of the blood and bone marrow it was necessary to have increased cellular and mitochondrial permeability, as well as partially viable cells with an intact dehydrogenase system.  相似文献   

转化的C_3H_(10)T_(1/2)细胞表现增殖速度加快、表面微绒毛增加,细胞变圆,叠层生长,ConA受体呈帽状分布,微管、微丝、纤粘蛋白分布明显减少。与增殖有关的癌基因c-fos表达增强,同时发现与细胞增殖、转化和细胞骨架调节有关的钙调素(CaM)基因表达加强。用1mmo/Ldb-cAMP处理转化细胞,观察到CaM基因和原癌基因c-fos的表达分别在处理后1小时和2小时急剧下降。处理后4—5天,转化细胞表型趋正常化,大部分细胞恢复单层生长。细胞表面微绒毛和泡状物减少,ConA受体帽状分布消失,恢复分散分布在细胞膜上的特点。细胞生长明显被抑制,用优先在G_1期表达的4F_1 cDNA为探针进行分子杂交,证实了经db-cAMP处理后的细胞被阻抑在G_1期。经db-cAMP处理6天的转化细胞中微管、微丝、纤粘蛋白基本恢复正常分布。实验表明CaM的表达增强与转化细胞表型变化和细胞骨架组装减弱密切相关,db-cAMP作用后CaM表达下降是抑制转化细胞增殖并使细胞表型和细胞骨架分布趋于正常的关键事件之一。  相似文献   

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