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The effects of floral species composition on offspring performance of solitary bees are rarely studied under conditions where foraging behaviour of mothers is allowed to play a role. In a semi-field experiment, we restricted foraging choices of the polylectic mason bee Osmia bicornis L. to flower species belonging to plant families presumably used to different extent: Borago officinalis L. (Boraginaceae), Centaurea cyanus L. (Asteraceae) and Brassica napus L. (Brassicaceae). We quantified the foraging behaviour and brood cell production by mother bees, and compared the quality of offspring in pure and mixed flower species stands. Offspring survival in pure stands was expected to reflect the mothers’ foraging preferences in the mixed stand. Pure stands of B. napus supported highest offspring survival, body mass and fraction of females produced. Offspring survival on C. cyanus and B. officinalis was very low. Larval mortality occurred earlier in brood cells provided with B. officinalis pollen than in brood cells provided with C. cyanus pollen suggesting different effects of pollen quality on early larval and later development. The time spent on different foraging activities correlated with lifetime reproductive output. However, in mixed stands, the proportion of time the bees were foraging on the different flower species did not differ significantly. Foraging behaviour may therefore not generally be a good proxy for the quality of floral resources for offspring production. Our results suggest that resources collected from one plant species may influence the usefulness of resources from another plant species. Bees may therefore overcome potentially deleterious effects of the suboptimal resources by mixing low- and high-quality resources. This may help generalist bees, such as O. bicornis, to cope with an unpredictable environment.  相似文献   

Dik-diks (Madoqua sp.) inhabit semi-arid regions and experience very different conditions of food availability and quality between wet and dry seasons. By comparing the behaviour of dik-diks between these two seasons, we identified environmental constraints affecting their feeding strategies. In both seasons foraging time was limited by high mid day temperatures. In the wet season a high intake rate compensates for the loss in foraging time, but in the dry season water and protein become limiting. To meet minimum daily water requirements in the dry season dik-diks fed on plant species that they avoided during the wet season. Analysis at the plant species level showed higher species selectivity in the wet season than in the dry season. In a multiple regression analysis food species preferences were best explained by relative abundance and water content in the dry season, and by dry matter content in the wet season. In the wet season the daily dry-matter intake of dik-diks in the field was only about 10% higher than the theoretically predicted minimum for a ruminant of this body weight, while protein and water intake were about 3 times as high. This suggests that the most limiting dietary component in the wet season is energy. In the dry season the daily intake of all dietary components is lower than the theoretical minimum required, and also lower than the values suggested by laboratory studies of dik-diks. This dry season deficit is presumably met from body reserves. Dry season water intake was approximately 30% of the intake observed in laboratory studies indicating that dikdiks are even better adapted to arid conditions than suggested by physiological experiments.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the effect of environmental enrichment and handling on the acute physiological stress response caused by short periods of restraint in individually housed female mice. Heart rate (HR) and body temperature (BT) were measured by radiotelemetry and compared with plasma corticosterone (pCORT) levels. Also, postmortem thymus weight and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity were assessed. The acute stress response was seen in both HR and BT. Enrichment and handling were found to increase rather than decrease this stress response, but pCORT values, measured 90 min after restraint, suggested a lower stress response in the enriched groups. No effect was found with thymus weight or TH as parameters.  相似文献   

Summary The foraging behaviour of non-flying nectar feeding mammals has been examined rarely. The exudivorous yellow-bellied glider (Petaurus australis) was observed to feed extensively (70% of the total feeding observation time) on the nectar of all species of Eucalyptus present at a site in southeastern Australia. Gliders harvested nectar, and presumably pollen also, whenever eucalypt flowers were available and selected trees with 2–3 times as many flowers as that on trees randomly selected along a transect. The abundance of flowering trees varied temporally and, at times when few flowering trees were present, gliders chose trees with fewer flowers than at times when flowering trees were abundant. When flowering trees were superabundant or scarce, there was no relationship between the number of flowers in a tree and the duration of visits by gliders. However, at intermediate levels of abundance, the amount of time a glider spent in a tree was related to the number of flowers in a tree. Gliders devoted 90% of the time outside their dens to foraging and the above relationship is suggested to reflect two foraging options which maximize net energy gain for different abundances of flowering trees. Although gliders spent considerable lengths of time in individual trees feeding, initial deposition of cross pollen when gliders first arrive in a tree may be substantial and thus, may provide significant amounts of outcrossing for these eucalypts.  相似文献   

Physical constraints on the foraging ecology of a predatory snail   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We studied the effects of aerial exposure and high summer temperatures on the southern oyster drill ( Stramonita haemastoma ), feeding on the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica . In the laboratory, oyster drill feeding rates and growth were highest at 25 and 30°C, some mortality occurred at 35°C, all snails died at 40 and 45°C, and the 28-day LC 50 was 35.7°C. In a second experiment where both water temperature (25 vs . 33°C) and aerial exposure were varied, only simulated tidal exposure lowered oyster drill feeding and growth rates. In field cage experiments, oyster drills had reduced feeding rates and growth at intertidal sites, but snail growth rates increased in late summer with warmer water temperature. We therefore conclude that aerial exposure, not high temperature, is the major factor limiting oyster drill feeding and growth in intertidal oyster reefs. Field experiments with partial cages also suggested that ambient predation rates were much higher at a subtidal than at a nearby intertidal site. Because southern oyster drills have depressed feeding, growth, and possibly lower fitness in intertidal oyster reefs during the summer, this reduced predation risk may provide a refuge for intertidal oysters.  相似文献   

This study experimentally examines the relationship between colony state and the behaviour of individual pollen and nectar foragers in the honey bee, Apis mellifera L. In the first experiment we test the prediction that individual pollen foragers from colonies with higher brood quantities should exhibit a greater work effort for pollen resources than individual pollen foragers from colonies with low brood quantities. Eight colonies were assigned into two treatment groups; HIGH brood colonies were manipulated to contain 9600±480 cm2 brood area; LOW brood colonies were manipulated to contain 1600±80 cm2 brood area. We measured colony brood levels over the course of the experiment and collected individual pollen loads from returning pollen foragers. We found that, while colonies remained significantly different in brood levels, individual pollen foragers from HIGH brood colonies collected larger loads than individuals from LOW brood colonies. In the second experiment we investigated the influence of colony size on the behaviour of individual nectar foragers. We assigned eight colonies to two treatment groups; LARGE colonies were manipulated to contain 35000±1700 adult workers with 3500±175 cm2 brood area, and SMALL colonies were manipulated to contain 10000±500 adult workers with 1000±50 cm2 brood area. We observed foraging trips of individually marked workers and found that individuals from LARGE colonies made longer foraging trips than those from SMALL colonies (LARGE: 1666.7±126.4 seconds, SMALL: 1210.8±157.6 seconds), and collected larter nectar loads (LARGE: 19.2±1.0 l, SMALL: 14.6±0.8 l). These results indicate that individual nectar foragers from LARGE colonies tend to work harder than individuals from SMALL colonies. Both experiments indicate that the values of nectar and pollen resources to a colony change depend on colony state, and that individual foragers modify their behaviour accordingly.  相似文献   

The foraging and echolocation behaviour of Myotis evotis was investigated during substrate-gleaning and aerial-hawking attacks. Bats gleaned moths from both the ground and a bark-covered trellis, however, they were equally adept at capturing flying moths. The calls emitted by M. evotis during substrate-gleaning sequences were short, broadband, and frequency-modulated (FM). Three behavioural phases were identified: search, hover, and attack. Gleaning search calls were significantly longer in duration, lower in highest frequency, and larger in bandwidth than hover/attack calls. Calls were detected in only 68% of gleaning sequences, and when they were emitted, bats ceased calling 200 ms before attacking. Terminal feeding buzzes, the rapid increase in pulse repetition rate associated with an attempted prey capture, were never recorded during gleaning attacks. The echolocation calls uttered by M. evotis during aerial-hawking foraging sequences were also short duration, high frequency, FM calls. Two distinct acoustic phases were identified: approach and terminal. Approach calls were significantly different from terminal calls in all variables measured. Calls were detected in 100% of aerial-hawking attacks and terminal feeding buzzes were invariably produced. Gleaning hover/attack calls were spectrally similar to aerial approach calls, but were shorter in duration and emitted at a significantly lower (but constant) repetition rate than aerial signals. Although the foraging environment (flight cage contents) remained unchanged between tasks (substrate-gleaning vs. aerial-hawking), bats emitted significantly lower amplitude calls while gleaning. We conclude that M. evotis adjusts its echolocation behaviour to meet the perceptual demands (acoustical constraints) imposed by each foraging situations.Abbreviations BW bandwidth - CF constant frequency - dB SPL decibels sound pressure level - FM frequency modulated - HF highest frequency - LF lowest frequency - PF peak frequency Presented at the meeting Acoustic Images in Bat Sonar, a conference on FM echolocation honoring Donald R. Griffin's contributions to experimental biology (June 14–16, Brown University, Providence RI).  相似文献   

Most hypotheses attempting to explain the evolution of reversed sexual dimorphism (RSD) assume that size-related differences in foraging ability are of prime importance, but the studies on sex-specific differences in foraging behaviour remain scarce. We compare the foraging behaviour of males and females in a seabird species with a RSD by using several miniaturised activity and telemetry loggers. In red-footed boobies males are 5% smaller and 15% lighter than females, but have a longer tail than females. Both sexes spend similar time on the nest while incubating or brooding. When foraging at sea, males and females spend similar time foraging in oceanic waters, forage in similar areas, spend similar proportion of their foraging trip in flight, and feed on similar prey—flying fishes and flying squids—of similar size. However, compared to males, females range farther during incubation (85 km vs. 50 km), and furthermore feed mostly at the extremity of their foraging trip, whereas males actively forage throughout the trip. Males are much more active than females, landing and diving more often. During the study period, males lost mass, whereas females showed no significant changes. These results indicate that males and females of the red-footed boobies differ in several aspects in their foraging behaviour. Although some differences found in the study may be the direct result of the larger size of females, that is, the slightly higher speeds and deeper depths attained by females, others indicate clearly different foraging strategies between the sexes. The smaller size and longer tail of males confer them a higher agility, and could allow them to occupy a foraging niche different from that of females. The higher foraging effort of males related to its different foraging strategy is probably at the origin of the rapid mass loss of males during the breeding period. These results suggest that foraging differences are probably the reason for the differential breeding investment observed in boobies, and are likely to be involved in the evolution and maintenance of RSD.  相似文献   

The ability of peforelin (l-GnRH-III) to stimulate follicular growth, FSH release, and estrus in gilts after altrenogest treatment and in sows after weaning was investigated. In three farrow-to-wean herds, with at least 600 sows and average production performance, 216 gilts, 335 primiparous, and 1299 pluriparous sows were randomly allocated to three treatments: peforelin (M group: Maprelin), eCG (F group: Folligon), and physiological saline solution (C group). Animals were treated 48 hours after their last altrenogest treatment (gilts) or 24 hours after weaning (sows). The weaning-to-estrus interval, estrus duration, estrus rate (ER), pregnancy rate, and total born (TB), live born, and stillborn (SB) numbers were recorded and compared between treatments for the different parity groups (gilts and primiparous and pluriparous sows). Follicle sizes were measured in representative animals from each group on the occasion of their last altrenogest treatment or at weaning, and also on the occasions of their first (FS1) and second (FS2) attempted inseminations. Blood samples were taken to determine FSH concentrations at weaning and 2 hours after injection, and progesterone concentrations 10 days after the first insemination attempt. The relative change in FSH concentrations was calculated. Significant differences were found for ER within 7 days of weaning in pluriparous sows (95%, 91%, and 90% for the M, F, and C groups, respectively, P = 0.005). Gilts in the F-group had high TB numbers, and pluriparous sows in the M group had high SB numbers (TB gilts = 13.6, 15.4, and 14.9 [P = 0.02] and SB pluriparous sows = 1.8, 1.4, and 1.7 [P = 0.05] for the M, F, and C groups, respectively). The M group had the highest FS1 (for gilts) and FS2 (for pluriparous sows) values: FS1 = 5.4, 4.9, and 4.9 mm [P = 0.02] and FS2 = 6.8, 5.3, and 6.3 mm [P = 0.03] for the M, F, and C groups, respectively. There were no significant differences between the different treatments within each parity group with respect to any of the other variables. Overall, peforelin treatment had small but positive effects on the ER and follicle growth in certain parity groups but did not seem to affect litter sizes or FSH and progesterone levels in sows on the occasions of the corresponding examinations.  相似文献   

We experimentally heated small streams in summer and investigated the short-term behavioural changes and physiological stress responses of juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). We rapidly raised temperatures ∼1–4 °C for 1.5 h above ambient levels of ∼7–15 °C in groundwater fed tributary streams and ∼19–23 °C in side-channel streams. Juvenile chinook rearing in groundwater fed tributaries were generally unaffected behaviourally; however, we found that temperature increase caused fish in the tributary trials to be physiologically stressed (elevations in mean cortisol concentrations ranged from 116% to 253%). Side-channel trials caused some mortality of juvenile chinook and a stronger display of behaviours indicative of stress and avoidance such as erratic swimming, abnormal posture, and aggregative behaviour. Foraging rates increased over 56 times in response to heating in side-channel trials. Cortisol levels did not increase in side-channel trials, but rather showed a trend to levels below control values suggesting an impaired stress response possibly due to chronic stress. Our results may reflect conservative responses in terms of what we may find with other salmonid species since juvenile chinook have been described as the most tolerant of the Pacific salmon species to elevated temperatures.  相似文献   

安氏薮羚(Tragelaphus angasii)是具有性别体二型的动物,其体型大小的差异可能对采食行为和生境选择有显著影响.利用连续行为取样法检测了雌雄个体在生境和植物利用上的差异,记录采食植物种类和采食高度并进行了性别间比较.在每个采食周期末,采用点中心方形样方法(PCQ)对植被进行一次调查,利用判别函数分析鉴别雌雄个体之间在种类和高度上是否存在差异.雌羚在三类生境中花费的采食时间相似,但雄羚表现出对砂地林的偏好.另外,在同一生境内雄羚利用更多的木本种类且采食较高的部位,而雌羚喜欢采食低层草本植物.安氏薮羚雌雄个体在生境内具有食性(采食种类)和空间(生境斑块)上的分离.我们认为这是由性二型引起的性别间营养与能量需求差异和不同繁殖策略造成的,最终使得精食者动物在具有复杂结构空间异质性的生境内表现为空间性别分离  相似文献   

Foraging behaviour of a leafminer parasitoid in the field   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract. 1. The searching behaviour of the parasitoid Sympiesis sericeicornis Nees (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) is analysed under field conditions.
2. Females were tracked when flying around the canopy of apple trees infested with the tentiform leafminer Phyllonorycter cydoniella (D. & S.)(Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) and their behaviour studied at the level of a single mine and at the level of several mines on the same leaf (patch level).
3. The presence of mines is detected during flight. The foraging behaviour at the patch level is efficient: the female is able to distinguish the suitable from the unsuitable hosts and handle the suitable hosts first. Not all mines are visited before departure from the leaf and those left unvisited are exclusively mines without suitable hosts. The patch leaving rule is discussed.
4. An ethogram of the behaviour on the mine is constructed. Selected behavioural categories are analysed for different combinations of mine content and outcome of the visit to the mine. The assessment of the mine content is done in a differential way, quickly and without mistakes.
5. The results are discussed in the context of two environmental factors, wind speed and temperature, which reduce the available time for searching. They are also related to the growing percentage of unsuitable hosts during each host generation. Tentiform mines remain attractive for a long period of time, even after parasitism or emergence of the adult, and their examination reduces the rate of host discovery.  相似文献   

1. Honeybees Apis mellifera ligustica were trained to work on a patch with artificial rewarding and non-rewarding flowers, coupled to an air extractor. The perceptual colour distance between the rewarding and the non-rewarding flowers was varied and the flower choice and the repellent scent-marking behaviour of the bees were recorded. 2. The discrimination between rewarding and non-rewarding flowers depended on their colour distance, improving with a greater colour difference. This task was guided thus visually and was not affected by activating the air extractor. 3. The scent-marking activity was only observable when the colour information of both groups of flowers was the same or very similar. This thus represents the first reported case of a modulation of an olfactory activity through the visual input provided by colour distances. When the air extractor was activated, rejections associated with the scent-marking behaviour disappeared, thus confirming the olfactory nature of this behaviour. 4. Honeybees are thus capable of using one or more sensory cues to enhance their foraging efficiency, according to the environmental situation. This great plasticity allows them to attain an enhanced efficiency while foraging. 5. We successfully applied the model of colour choice behaviour of the honeybee. Since the original theory was developed for Apis mellifera carnica, this work also constitutes the first attempt to describe the behaviour of the honeybee race, Apis mellifera ligustica, using the postulated model, and reaffirms thus its generality.  相似文献   

高温对昆虫影响的生理生化作用机理研究进展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
杜尧  马春森  赵清华  马罡  杨和平 《生态学报》2007,27(4):1565-1572
温度是影响昆虫生命活动的重要因素,将其与某一时间的种群数量结合,可用于对昆虫未来种群数量进行预测预报。过高的环境温度常使昆虫的生长发育、生殖及存活等受到严重影响,对这种影响缺乏了解降低了害虫测报的准确性。探明高温对昆虫生理生化的作用机理是了解高温对昆虫生命活动影响的根本途径。总结了高温对昆虫生理生化的重要影响。高温使昆虫表皮的蜡质层瓦解,油脂融化,表皮渗透性增加,虫体大量失水。引起昆虫体内重要离子的浓度发生变化,改变许多重要大分子的电荷状态,使生物大分子的动力学能量增大,离子键、氢键和范德华力降低,分子间疏水作用增强,大分子保持形状的能力降低,空间构象发生改变,从而影响生物大分子行使其功能。高温使昆虫细胞骨架瓦解,细胞遭到破坏;细胞膜内磷脂组分比例改变,细胞膜流动性下降。虫体内重要遗传物质DNA和RNA复杂的二级结构和三级结构在高温下发生改变,对昆虫性状的稳定遗传造成严重影响。细胞内蛋白质的数量和种类组成均发生改变,原有常温下的蛋白质合成系统关闭,空间构象及功能发生变化,而产生耐热性物质(如热激蛋白)的蛋白质合成系统则开启。高温影响酶及酶促反应速率,对昆虫体内神经传导关键酯酶——乙酰胆碱酯酶的影响使昆虫无法进行正常的神经传递,丧失躲避不良环境的能力。高温影响脂质、低聚糖等物质的代谢。最后梳理了高温作用下昆虫各种生理生化指标发生变化之间可能存在的关联性,并提出高温对昆虫造成伤害的顺序过程假设。讨论了不同程度的高温对昆虫造成死亡的机理可能不同。指出了未来该领域研究的重点内容,如高温对昆虫造成损害的最初作用位点;高温伤害的完整生理生化路径;耐热性产生的生化基础;高温对昆虫不同发育阶段或生命过程的具体作用机制等。  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. We tested a prediction from contemporary foraging theory that animals should decrease their allocation of energy to the searching of individual patches when interpatch travel costs decrease.
2. We used individual Rhagoletis pomonella Walsh (Diptera: Tephritidae) females foraging for oviposition sites (= Crataegus fruit) in a host tree which was surrounded by four other trees at varying distances.
3. We found that flies generally invested less search, measured as time spent searching a tree or number of leaves visited on a tree, when neighbouring trees were nearby than when farther away.
4. Under our test conditions, flies appeared to have difficulty locating neighbouring trees at a distance of more than 1.6 m.
5. Our study calls into question the interpretation of search effort by insects within resource patches in the absence of information on interpatch distances.  相似文献   

Y. Lubin  J. Henschel 《Oecologia》1996,105(1):64-73
We tested the alternative hypotheses that foraging effort will increase (energy maximizer model) or decrease (due to increased costs or risks) when food supply increased, using a Namib desert burrowing spider, Seothyra henscheli (Eresidae), which feeds mainly on ants. The web of S. henscheli has a simple geometrical configuration, comprising a horizontal mat on the sand surface, with a variable number of lobes lined with sticky silk. The sticky silk is renewed daily after being covered by wind-blown sand. In a field experiment, we supplemented the spiders' natural prey with one ant on each day that spiders had active webs and determined the response to an increase in prey. We compared the foraging activity and web geometry of prey-supplemented spiders to non-supplemented controls. We compared the same parameters in fooddeprived and supplemented spiders in captivity. The results support the costs of foraging hypothesis. Supplemented spiders reduced their foraging activity and web dimensions. They moulted at least once and grew rapidly, more than doubling their mass in 6 weeks. By contrast, food-deprived spiders increased foraging effort by enlarging the diameter of the capture web. We suggest that digestive constraints prevented supplemented spiders from fully utilizing the available prey. By reducing foraging activities on the surface, spiders in a prey-rich habitat can reduce the risk of predation. However, early maturation resulting from a higher growth rate provides no advantage to S. henscheli owing to the fact that the timing of mating and dispersal are fixed by climatic factors (wind and temperature). Instead, large female body size will increase fitness by increasing the investiment in young during the period of extended maternal care.  相似文献   

1. In environments in which resources are distributed heterogeneously, patch choice and the length of time spent on a patch by foragers are subject to strong selective pressures. This is particularly true for parasitoids because their host foraging success translates directly into individual fitness. 2. The aim of this study was to test whether: (i) females of the parasitoid Ibalia leucospoides (Hymenoptera: Ibaliidae) can discriminate among patches according to host numbers; (ii) the surrounding context affects the initial choice of patch, as well as time spent on patch; and (iii) the perceived quality of a given patch is affected by the quality of the surrounding patches. 3. Each female was randomly exposed to one of three different three‐patch environments which differed in host number per patch, mean environment host number and host distribution among patches. For each treatment level, the first patch chosen and the time allocated to each patch visited by the female were recorded. 4. Females of I. leucospoides were able to discriminate different levels of host numbers among patches from a distance. The patch bearing the highest number of hosts was, predominantly, the first choice. Patch host number in association with mean habitat profitability influenced the length of time spent on the first patch visited. By contrast, variance in habitat profitability did not influence time allocation decisions. Contrary to the study prediction, there were no significant habitat‐dependent time allocation differences among patches holding the same number of hosts. 5. The results indicate that, for I. leucospoides, patch exploitation decisions are partially influenced by information obtained from the habitat as a whole, a behaviour that may prove to indicate adaptive ability in highly patchy environments, as well as suggesting the presence of good cognitive abilities in this parasitoid species.  相似文献   

Animals may alter their foraging behaviour in the presence of humans because they perceive humans as potential predators. In this study I determined whether people caused shorebirds to reduce feeding rates at a stopover site in coastal British Columbia, Canada. I controlled for prey density and flock size because these variables may influence both the foraging rates as well as the effect of human disturbance on feeding efficiency. Semipalmated plovers decreased feeding rates when there were more people on the beach (multiple regression: F1,15=5.86, b=0.59, P=0.029, R2=37.6%). For least sandpipers, the effect of human densities on feeding rates depended on flock size (F1,21=5.97, P=0.023) and amphipod availability (F1,21=4.98, P=0.037). This study demonstrated the importance of measuring subtle behavioural changes in foraging rates along with key ecological variables in order to assess the true impact of human disturbance on migratory shorebirds.  相似文献   

Synopsis Foraging behaviour of lake charr, Salvelinus namaycush, exposed to 0.5 and 5.0 g l–1 cadmium concentrations for 106–112 d, was examined in a flow-through stream channel using fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas, as prey. Five modes of foraging behaviour were observed and quantified (ending at fixate-orient; ending at approach and/or chase; ending at failed attack; ending at capture and loss; successful consumption). Each mode represented an increasingly progressive end-point from initial sighting of the prey to final consumption. Compared to controls., 0.5 g l–1 Cd-exposed predators captured significantly fewer prey, while 5 g l–1 Cd-exposed predators made fewer attacks. Both Cd-exposed groups consumed fewer prey than controls.  相似文献   

干旱胁迫及复水对海滨木槿光合作用和生理特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择2年生海滨木槿扦插苗为材料,通过自然干旱20 d而后复水(21 d),研究了其在干旱和复水过程中的光合作用和生理特性.结果表明:经过20 d的干旱胁迫,在土壤含水量仅为5.9%的情况下海滨木槿全部成活,干旱胁迫显著降低了海滨木槿的净光合速率,实测值最高仅为1.1μmol·m^-2·s^-1,最大光化学效率为对照的84.3%.可溶性蛋白和抗氧化酶同时积累,稳定细胞渗透势并清除干旱造成的脂膜过氧化物质.复水7d后光合速率升高至对照的57.3%,超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性随着丙二醛含量下降而下降,复水21 d后,海滨木槿抗氧化酶、可溶性蛋白和叶片相对含水量均恢复至对照水平,干旱处理总生物量虽显著降低,但根冠比显著提高.海滨木槿具有极强的耐旱能力,是适用于沿海地区景观改良和道路绿化的重要树种.  相似文献   

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