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Plants of Metrosideros excelsa Sol. ex Gaertn. Scarlet Pimpernel, which had undergone reversal of ontogenetic ageing (rejuvenation) following micropropagation, were subjected to shoot and root restriction treatments over 35 weeks to accelerate vegetative phase change. Shoot restriction was imposed by removal of axillary branches, while control plants were allowed to branch. Root restriction, imposed by growing plants in a range of container sizes, was applied in factorial combination with shoot restriction. Image analysis techniques were used to measure changes in leaf dimensional (roundness, area, length, width, length/width ratio and perimeter) and optical (hue, saturation and lightness) properties which change gradually between juvenile and mature forms of Metrosideros excelsa. Leaves of single-stemmed plants became progressively mature with increasing node position, and developed the downy tomentum on the abaxial surface characteristic of mature leaves. In general, leaves on the branched plants did not become progressively mature with increasing node position. The acceleration in vegetative phase change in single-stemmed plants was not due to a greater number of nodes produced along the main axis, nor because of a greater distance from root to shoot apex. Root restriction reduced root growth in branched plants, and increased shoot/root dry weight ratio in both sets of plants. However, it did not affect shoot growth, nor did it accelerate vegetative phase change.  相似文献   

杜鹃花属照山白叶表皮及花粉形态的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对杜鹃花属植物照山白的叶表皮及花粉形态进行了观察,该种的叶表皮细胞表面光滑,胞间界限明显;叶上下表皮均有盾状鳞,上表皮仅有针状毛;气孔器仅见于下表皮,分布稀疏,副卫细胞和保卫细胞表面光滑。扫描电镜下可见该种的花粉为四合花粉,呈正四面体排列,具三沟,表面纹饰为负网状雕纹,局部区域有大颗粒状突起。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In a leaf canopy, there is a turnover of leaves; i.e. they are produced, senesce and fall. These processes determine the amount of leaf area in the canopy, which in turn determines canopy photosynthesis. The turnover rate of leaves is affected by environmental factors and is different among species. This mini-review discusses factors responsible for leaf dynamics in plant canopies, focusing on the role of nitrogen. SCOPE: Leaf production is supported by canopy photosynthesis that is determined by distribution of light and leaf nitrogen. Leaf nitrogen determines photosynthetic capacity. Nitrogen taken up from roots is allocated to new leaves. When leaves age or their light availability is lowered, part of the leaf nitrogen is resorbed. Resorbed nitrogen is re-utilized in new organs and the rest is lost with dead leaves. The sink-source balance is important in the regulation of leaf senescence. Several models have been proposed to predict response to environmental changes. A mathematical model that incorporated nitrogen use for photosynthesis explained well the variations in leaf lifespan within and between species. CONCLUSION: When leaf turnover is at a steady state, the ratio of biomass production to nitrogen uptake is equal to the ratio of litter fall to nitrogen loss, which is an inverse of the nitrogen concentration in dead leaves. Thus nitrogen concentration in dead leaves (nitrogen resorption proficiency) and nitrogen availability in the soil determine the rate of photosynthesis in the canopy. Dynamics of leaves are regulated so as to maximize carbon gain and resource-use efficiency of the plant.  相似文献   

干旱区叶片形态特征与植物响应和适应的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
叶片形态是指示植物适应特定环境的重要指标。由于植物叶片形态不仅对时空环境变化具有极强的敏感性和可塑性, 而且能够通过叶片形态的调整调节自身的生存适应能力, 所以叶片形态学研究一直是植物生理及植物生态学研究中的热点。该文在总结前人叶片形态学研究成果的基础上, 探索建立了简单的叶片形态指标分类体系; 结合物质能量交换的物理学原理, 回顾总结了叶片表观形态变化与叶片物质能量交换之间的相关关系; 应用叶片形态影响物质能量交换的物理学原理, 重点分析了干旱区植物叶片表观形态对低水分环境、高辐射(或高温)的响应与适应特征; 最后, 在回顾分析的基础上, 对叶片形态研究中存在的几个问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A key element of most recently proposed plant strategy schemes is an axis of resource capture, usage and availability. In the search for a simple, robust plant trait (or traits) that will allow plants to be located on this axis, specific leaf area is one of the leading contenders. Using a large new unpublished database, we examine the variability of specific leaf area and other leaf traits, the relationships between them, and their ability to predict position on the resource use axis. Specific leaf area is found to suffer from a number of drawbacks; it is both very variable between replicates and much influenced by leaf thickness. Leaf dry-matter content (sometimes referred to as tissue density) is much less variable, largely independent of leaf thickness and a better predictor of location on an axis of resource capture, usage and availability. However, it is not clear how useful dry matter content will be outside northwest Europe, and in particular in dry climates with many succulents.  相似文献   

Adaptation to latitudinal patterns of environmental variation is predicted to result in clinal variation in leaf traits. Therefore, this study tested for geographic differentiation and plastic responses to vernalization in leaf angle and leaf morphology in Arabidopsis thaliana. Twenty-one European ecotypes were grown in a common growth chamber environment. Replicates of each ecotype were exposed to one of four treatments: 0, 10, 20 or 30 d of vernalization. Ecotypes from lower latitudes had more erect leaves, as predicted from functional arguments about selection to maximize photosynthesis. Lower-latitude ecotypes also had more elongated petioles as predicted by a biomechanical constraint hypothesis. In addition, extended vernalization resulted in shorter and more erect leaves. As predicted by functional and adaptive hypotheses, our results show genetically based clinal variation as well as environmentally induced variation in leaf traits.  相似文献   


The study of the palm leaf base has consequences that relate to overall development of the crown and the function of the crown as a whole, especially in relation to wind resistance. Palms provide a supreme example of the phenomenon of “giantism”, which is exhibited by many groups of tropical organisms. The distinctive features of the leaf sheath are related to this process, but palms exhibit such a range of adult sizes and occupy such a diversity of habitats that there is considerable scope for comparative study.  相似文献   

Growth, morphology and leaf characteristics were assessed in late spring following simulated autumnal defoliation in second-year saplings of three Chinese subtropical evergreen tree species.Castanopsis fargesii showed strong compensatory growth in terms of plant biomass after removal of both 50 and 75% of leaf biomass and slight compensatory growth after 90% defoliation. DefoliatedC. fargesii saplings had more leaves per unit shoot length than non-defoliated saplings. New leaves on defoliated plants were smaller and had higher per area nitrogen content than new leaves on non-defoliated plants.Pinus massoniana andElaeocarpus japonicus showed strong and no compensatory growth, respectively, after 50% defoliation. The strong compensatory growth inP. massoniana andC. fargesii may partly explain why these species predominate in the early and late successional phases of evergreen broad-leaved forests  相似文献   

Leaf anatomy varies with abiotic factors and is an important trait for understanding plant adaptive responses to environmental conditions. Leaf mass per area (LMA) is a key morphological trait and is related to leaf performance, such as light‐saturated photosynthetic rate per leaf mass, leaf mechanical strength, and leaf lifespan. LMA is the multiplicative product of leaf thickness (LT) and leaf density (LD), both of which vary with leaf anatomy. Nevertheless, how LMA, LT, and LD covary with leaf anatomy is largely unexplored along natural environmental gradients. Slope aspect is a topographic factor that underlies variations in solar irradiation, air temperature, humidity, and soil fertility. In the present study, we examined (1) how leaf anatomy varies with different slope aspects and (2) how leaf anatomy is related to LMA, LD, and LT. Leaf anatomy was measured for 30 herbaceous species across three slope aspects (south‐, west‐, and north‐facing slopes; hereafter, SFS, WFS, and NFS, respectively) in an eastern Tibetan subalpine meadow. For 18 of the 30 species, LMA data were available from previous studies. LD was calculated as LMA divided by LT. Among the slope aspects, the dominant species on the SFS exhibited the highest LTs with the thickest spongy mesophyll layers. The thicker spongy mesophyll layer was related to a lower LD via larger intercellular airspaces. In contrast, LD was the highest on NFS among the slope aspects. LMA was not significantly different among the slope aspects because higher LTs on SFS were effectively offset by lower LDs. These results suggest that the relationships between leaf anatomy and LMA were different among the slope aspects. Mechanisms underlying the variations in leaf anatomy may include different solar radiation, air temperatures, soil water, and nutrient availabilities among the slope aspects.  相似文献   

Climatic determinism is an established hypothesis to explain phenotypic selection of hominine physique. Adaptations to heat and cold stress are, however, probably physiological rather than morphological. This paper advances an alternative hypothesis which relegates the influence of the climate to an indirect role only. Athletes select themselves into events for which their physiques are appropriate. ‘Field eventers’ are, in Sheldon's terminology, mesomorphic and ectopenic (muscular and lacking in linearity). ‘Track eventers’ other than sprinters, have balanced physiques and are ectomorphic (linear). Distance runners are usually small and walkers tall. All are endopenic (lacking in the fat component). The physique of the northern (Inuit and Gurkhas) and southern (Bantu and San) study populations had morphological affinities with the physiques of the field and track eveters respectively. Northern populations, hunting megafauna over hilly terrain and sometimes through snow, need physiques of strength in body and leg. Southern populations, running down medium-size game, need the physique of distance runners. The physique of these contemporary populations may therefore be explained in terms of adaptations to the recent demands of hunting a particular range of fauna in a given physicogeographical environment. The pleomorphism and relative endomorphy of the White subjects can be explained by the relative sedentism associated with the adoption of agriculture. The hypothesis also explains the extreme physiques of Pygmies and Nilotics. The thermoregulatory and the alternative ‘task demand’ hypotheses, however, are not incompatible. The small size of the San hunter, for example, whilst having an undoubted biomechanical advantage, will assist rather than hinder thermoregulation.  相似文献   

The composition and morphology of leaves exposed to elevated [CO2] usually change so that the leaf nitrogen (N) per unit dry mass decreases and the leaf dry mass per unit area increases. However, at ambient [CO2], leaves with a high leaf dry mass per unit area usually have low leaf N per unit dry mass. Whether the changes in leaf properties induced by elevated [CO2] follow the same overall pattern as that at ambient [CO2] has not previously been addressed. Here we address this issue by using leaf measurements made at ambient [CO2] to develop an empirical model of the composition and morphology of leaves. Predictions from that model are then compared with a global database of leaf measurements made at ambient [CO2]. Those predictions are also compared with measurements showing the impact of elevated [CO2]. In the empirical model both the leaf dry mass and liquid mass per unit area are positively correlated with leaf thickness, whereas the mass of C per unit dry mass and the mass of N per unit liquid mass are constant. Consequently, both the N:C ratio and the surface area:volume ratio of leaves are positively correlated with the liquid content. Predictions from that model were consistent with measurements of leaf properties made at ambient [CO2] from around the world. The changes induced by elevated [CO2] follow the same overall trajectory. It is concluded that elevated [CO2] enhances the rate at which dry matter is accumulated but the overall trajectory of leaf development is conserved.  相似文献   

Changes in net photosynthetic rate on a leaf area basis and anatomical properties during leaf development were studied in an evergreen broad‐leaved tree, Castanopsis sieboldii and an annual herb, Phaseolus vulgaris. In C. sieboldii, surface area of mesophyll cells facing the intercellular air spaces on a leaf area basis (Smes) was already considerable at the time of full leaf area expansion (FLE). However, surface area of chloroplasts facing the intercellular air spaces on a leaf area basis (Sc), and chlorophyll and Rubisco contents on a leaf area basis increased to attain their maximal values 15–40 d after FLE. In contrast, in P. vulgaris, chloroplast number on a leaf area basis, Sc and Smes at 10 d before FLE were two to three times greater than the steady‐state levels attained at around FLE. In C. sieboldii, the internal CO2 transfer conductance (gi) slightly increased for 10 d after FLE but then decreased toward the later stages. Limitation of photosynthesis by gi was only about 10% at FLE, but then increased to about 30% at around 40 d after FLE. The large limitation after FLE by gi was probably due to the decrease in CO2 concentration in the chloroplast caused by the increases in thickness of mesophyll cell walls and in Rubisco content per chloroplast surface area. These results clearly showed that: (1) in C. sieboldii, chloroplast development proceeded more slowly than mesophyll cell expansion and continued well after FLE, whereas in P. vulgaris these processes proceeded synchronously and were completed by FLE; (2) after FLE, photosynthesis in leaves of C. sieboldii was markedly limited by gi. From these results, it is suggested that, in the evergreen broad‐leaved trees, mechanical protection of mesophyll cells has priority over the efficient CO2 transfer and quick construction of the chloroplasts.  相似文献   

The phylogeny based on the homeodomain (HD) amino acid sequence of the WOX (WUSCHEL-related homeobox gene family) was established in the 3 major radiations of the Poaceae family: Pooideae (Brachypodium distachyon), Bambusoideae (Oryza sativa), and Panicoideae (Zea mays). The genomes of all 3 grasses contain an ancient duplication in the WOX3 branch, and the cellular expression patterns in maize and rice indicate subfunctionalization of paralogues during leaf development, which may relate to the architecture of the grass leaf and the encircling of the stem. The use of maize WOX gene family members as molecular markers in maize embryo development for the first time allowed us to visualize cellular decisions in the maize proembryo, including specification of the shoot/root axis at an oblique angle to the apical-basal polarity of the zygote. All molecular marker data are compatible with the conclusion that the embryonic shoot/root axis comprises a discrete domain from early proembryo stages onward. Novel cell fates of the shoot and the root are acquired within this distinct morphogenic axis domain, which elongates and thus separates the shoot apical meristem and root apical meristem (RAM) anlagen in the maize embryo.  相似文献   

Physiological and genetic studies of leaf growth often focus on short-term responses, leaving a gap to whole-plant models that predict biomass accumulation, transpiration and yield at crop scale. To bridge this gap, we developed a model that combines an existing model of leaf 6 expansion in response to short-term environmental variations with a model coordinating the development of all leaves of a plant. The latter was based on: (1) rates of leaf initiation, appearance and end of elongation measured in field experiments; and (2) the hypothesis of an independence of the growth between leaves. The resulting whole-plant leaf model was integrated into the generic crop model APSIM which provided dynamic feedback of environmental conditions to the leaf model and allowed simulation of crop growth at canopy level. The model was tested in 12 field situations with contrasting temperature, evaporative demand and soil water status. In observed and simulated data, high evaporative demand reduced leaf area at the whole-plant level, and short water deficits affected only leaves developing during the stress, either visible or still hidden in the whorl. The model adequately simulated whole-plant profiles of leaf area with a single set of parameters that applied to the same hybrid in all experiments. It was also suitable to predict biomass accumulation and yield of a similar hybrid grown in different conditions. This model extends to field conditions existing knowledge of the environmental controls of leaf elongation, and can be used to simulate how their genetic controls flow through to yield.  相似文献   

Locomotion performance (measured as stride frequency and stride length) was studied in 16 species of waders. Differences in hindlimb morphology (osteology and myology) were analysed among species. Evolutionary changes in both locomotion and morphological variables were analysed using comparative methods revealing the existence of some ecomorphological patterns relating these two sets of characters. Evolutionary changes in stride frequency were correlated with changes in the muscles M. iliotibialis cranialis, M. iliotibiales lateralis and M. gastrocnemius, whereas changes in stride length showed correlated evolution with changes in the length of distal segments of the leg. We identify two different evolutionary strategies in locomotion of waders. One is a change in distal leg segments (skeletal system), an adaptive modification that increases stride length; the second is a change in the skeletal-muscular system, providing an increase in muscular performance (force or speed of contraction) in several muscles, and is an adaptation that increases stride frequency.  相似文献   

Many leaf characters are considered in the taxonomy of Crataegus in Europe, and several have been used in studies of the extent of hybridization in populations of northwest Europe. In such analyses it is assumed that the environmental component of phenotypic variation in such characters is insignificant. We tested this assumption by analysing the variation in the size and shape of leaves borne on clone cuttings of Crataegus monogyna maintained under identical conditions apart from the availability of soil nutrients. The resulting variation among leaves from this single genotype was as great as that observed previously across populations. Furthermore, although most of this variation could not be explained, a part could be attributed to differences in nutrient availability; of nine leaf characters investigated, eight showed significant variation due to this source, and in seven, the variation covaried significantly with nutrient level. The systematic implications of this are briefly explored.  相似文献   

Abstract The Branchiosauridae was a clade of small amphibians from the Permo-Carboniferous with an overall salamander-like appearance. The clade is distinguished by an extraordinary fossil record that comprises hundreds of well-preserved specimens, representing a wide range of ontogenetic stages. Branchiosaurids had external gills and weakly ossified skeletons, and due to this larval appearance their status as neotenic (perennibranchiate) froms has long been accepted. Despite their extensive fossil record large specimens with an adult morphology appeared to be lacking altogether, but recently two adult specimens were identified in a rich sample of Apateon gracilis collected in the 19th century from a locality near Dresden, Saxony. These specimens are unique among branchiosaurids in showing a high level of ossification, including bones that have never been reported in a branchiosaur. These highlight the successive formation of features believed to indicate terrestrial locomotion, as well as feeding on larger prey items. Moreover, these transformations occurred in a small time window (whereas the degree of size increase is used as a proxy of time) and the degree of concentration of developmental events in branchiosaurids is unique among tetrapods outside the lissamphibians. These specimens are compared with large adults of the neotenic branchiosaurid Apateon caducus from the Saar-Nahe Basin, which despite their largetr body size lack the features found in the adult. A. gracilis specimens. These specimens give new insight into patterns of metamorphosis (morphological transformation) in branchiosaurids that are believed to be correlated to a change of habitat, and clearly show that different life-history pathways comparable to those of modern salamanders were already estabilshed in this Paleozoic clade.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Recent studies have shown that small structures on plant surfacesserve ecological functions such as resistance against herbivores.The morphology, distribution, chemical composition and changesduring shoot and leaf development of such small structures wereexamined on Paulownia tomentosa. Methods: The morphology and distribution of the structures were studiedunder light microscopy, and their chemical composition was analysedusing thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquidchromatography. To further investigate the function of thesestructures, several simple field experiments and observationswere also conducted. Key Results: Three types of small structures on P. tomentosa were investigated:bowl-shaped organs, glandular hairs and dendritic trichomes.The bowl-shaped organs were densely aggregated on the leavesnear flower buds and were determined to be extrafloral nectarines(EFNs) that secrete sugar and attract ants. Nectar productionof these organs was increased by artificial damage to the leaves,suggesting an anti-herbivore function through symbiosis withants. Glandular hairs were found on the surfaces of young and/orreproductive organs. Glandular hairs on leaves, stems and flowerssecreted mucilage containing glycerides and trapped small insects.Secretions from glandular hairs on flowers and immature fruitscontained flavonoids, which may provide protection against someherbivores. Yellow dendritic trichomes on the adaxial side ofleaves also contained flavonoids identical to those secretedby the glandular hairs on fruits and flowers. Three specialtypes of leaves, which differed from the standard leaves inshape, size and identity of small structures, developed nearyoung shoot tips or young flower buds. The density of smallstructures on these leaf types was higher than on standard leaves,suggesting that these leaf types may be specialized to protectyoung leaves or reproductive organs. Changes in the small structuresduring leaf development suggested that leaves of P. tomentosaare primarily protected by glandular hairs and dendritic trichomesat young stages and by the EFNs at mature stages. Conclusions: The results indicate that P. tomentosa protects young and/orreproductive organs from herbivores through the distributionand allocation of small structures, the nature of which dependson the developmental stage of leaves and shoots.  相似文献   

Abstract. Previous reports indicate that heterophyllous aquatic plants can be induced to form aerial-type leaves on submerged shoots when they are grown in exogenous abscisic acid (ABA). This study reports on the relationship between osmotic stress (e.g. the situation encountered by a shoot tip when it grows above the water surface), endogenous ABA (as measured by gas chromatography-electron capture detector) and leaf morphology in the heterophyllous aquatic plant, Hippuris vulgaris. Free ABA could not be detected in submerged shoots of H. vulgaris but in aerial shoots ABA occurred at ca. 40ng (g fr wt)−1. When submerged shoots were osmotically stressed ABA appeared at levels of 26 to 40ng (g fr wt)−1. These and other data support two main conclusions: (1) Osmotically stressing a submerged shoot causes the appearance of delectable levels of ABA. (2) The rise of ABA in osmotically stressed submerged shoots in turn induces a change in leaf morphology from the submerged to the aerial form. This corroborates the hypothesis that, in the natural environment, ABA levels rise in response to the osmotic stress encountered when a submerged shoot grows up through the water/air interface and that the increased ABA leads to the production of aerial-type leaves.  相似文献   

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