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The protein Ure2 from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has prion properties. It assembles in vitro into long, straight, insoluble fibrils that are similar to amyloids in that they bind Congo Red and show green-yellow birefringence and have an increased resistance to proteolysis. We recently showed that Ure2p fibrils assembled under physiologically relevant conditions are devoid of a cross-beta-core. A model for fibril formation, where assembly is driven by non-native inter- and/or intramolecular interaction between Ure2p monomers following subtle conformational changes was proposed [Bousset et al. (2002) EMBO J. 21, 2903-2911]. An alternative model for the assembly of Ure2p into fibrils where assembly is driven by the stacking of 40-70 N-terminal amino acid residues of Ure2p into a central beta-core running along the fibrils from which the C-terminal domains protrude was proposed [Baxa et al. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 43717-43727]. We show here that Ure2p fibril congophilia and the associated yellow-green birefringence in polarized light are not indicative that the fibrils are of amyloid nature. We map the structures of the fibrillar and soluble forms of Ure2p using limited proteolysis and identify the reaction products by microsequencing and mass spectrometry. Finally, we demonstrate that the C-terminal domain of Ure2p is tightly involved in the fibrillar scaffold using a sedimentation assay and a variant Ure2p where a highly specific cleavage site between the N- and C-terminal domains of the protein was engineered. Our results are inconsistent with the cross-beta-core model and support the model for Ure2p assembly driven by subtle conformational changes and underline the influence of the natural context of the N-terminal domain on the assembly of Ure2p.  相似文献   

The supply of nitrogen regulates yeast genes affecting nitrogen catabolism, pseudohyphal growth, and meiotic sporulation. Ure2p of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a negative regulator of nitrogen catabolism that inhibits Gln3p, a positive regulator of DAL5, and other genes of nitrogen assimilation. Dal5p, the allantoate permease, allows ureidosuccinate uptake (Usa(+)) when cells grow on a poor nitrogen source such as proline. We find that overproduction of Mks1p allows uptake of ureidosuccinate on ammonia and lack of Mks1p prevents uptake of ureidosuccinate or Dal5p expression on proline. Overexpression of Mks1p does not affect cellular levels of Ure2p. An mks1 ure2 double mutant can take up ureidosuccinate on either ammonia or proline. Moreover, overexpression of Ure2p suppresses the ability of Mks1p overexpression to allow ureidosuccinate uptake on ammonia. These results suggest that Mks1p is involved in nitrogen control upstream of Ure2p as follows: NH(3) dash, vertical Mks1p dash, vertical Ure2p dash, vertical Gln3p --> DAL5. Either overproduction of Mks1p or deletion of MKS1 interferes with pseudohyphal growth.  相似文献   

Ure2, the protein determinant of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae prion [URE3], has a natively disordered N-terminal domain that is important for prion formation in vivo and amyloid formation in vitro; the globular C-domain has a glutathione transferase-like fold. In the present study, we swapped the position of the N- and C-terminal regions, with or without an intervening peptide linker, to create the Ure2 variants CLN-Ure2 and CN-Ure2 respectively. The native structural content and stability of the variants were the same as wild-type Ure2, as indicated by enzymatic activity, far-UV CD analysis and equilibrium denaturation. CLN-Ure2 was able to form amyloid-like fibrils, but with a significantly longer lag time than wild-type Ure2; and the two proteins were unable to cross-seed. Under the same conditions, CN-Ure2 showed limited ability to form fibrils, but this was improved after addition of 0.03?M guanidinium chloride. As for wild-type Ure2, allosteric enzyme activity was observed in fibrils of CLN-Ure2 and CN-Ure2, consistent with retention of the native-like dimeric structure of the C-domains within the fibrils. Proteolytically digested fibrils of CLN-Ure2 and CN-Ure2 showed the same residual fibril core morphology as wild-type Ure2. The results suggest that the position of the prion domain affects the ability of Ure2 to form fibrils primarily due to effects on its flexibility.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The [URE3] non-Mendelian element of the yeast S. cerevisiae is due to the propagation of a transmissible form of the protein Ure2. The infectivity of Ure2p is thought to originate from a conformational change of the normal form of the prion protein. This conformational change generates a form of Ure2p that assembles into amyloid fibrils. Hence, knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of prion proteins such as Ure2p should help in understanding the mechanism of amyloid formation associated with a number of neurodegenerative diseases. RESULTS: Here we report the three-dimensional crystal structure of the globular region of Ure2p (residues 95--354), also called the functional region, solved at 2.5 A resolution by the MAD method. The structure of Ure2p 95--354 shows a two-domain protein forming a globular dimer. The N-terminal domain is composed of a central 4 strand beta sheet flanked by four alpha helices, two on each side. In contrast, the C-terminal domain is entirely alpha-helical. The fold of Ure2p 95--354 resembles that of the beta class glutathione S-transferases (GST), in line with a weak similarity in the amino acid sequence that exists between these proteins. Ure2p dimerizes as GST does and possesses a potential ligand binding site, although it lacks GST activity. CONCLUSIONS: The structure of the functional region of Ure2p is the first crystal structure of a prion protein. Structure comparisons between Ure2p 95--354 and GST identified a 32 amino acid residues cap region in Ure2p exposed to the solvent. The cap region is highly flexible and may interact with the N-terminal region of the partner subunit in the dimer. The implication of this interaction in the assembly of Ure2p into amyloid fibrils is discussed.  相似文献   

Sacchromyces cerevisiae prion-like protein Ure2 was expressed in Escherichia coli and was purified to homogeneity. We show here that Ure2p is a soluble protein that can assemble into fibers that are similar to the fibers observed in the case of PrP in its scrapie prion filaments form or that form on Sup35 self-assembly. Ure2p self-assembly is a cooperative process where one can distinguish a lag phase followed by an elongation phase preceding a plateau. A combination of size exclusion chromatography, sedimentation velocity, and electron microscopy demonstrates that the soluble form of Ure2p consists at least of three forms of the protein as follows: a monomeric, dimeric, and tetrameric form whose abundance is concentration-dependent. By the use of limited proteolysis, intrinsic fluorescence, and circular dichroism measurements, we bring strong evidence for the existence of at least two structural domains in Ure2p molecules. Indeed, Ure2p NH2-terminal region is found poorly structured, whereas its COOH-terminal domain appears to be compactly folded. Finally, we show that only slight conformational changes accompany Ure2p assembly into insoluble high molecular weight oligomers. These changes essentially affect the COOH-terminal part of the molecule. The properties of Ure2p are compared in the discussion to that of other prion-like proteins such as Sup35 and mammalian prion protein PrP.  相似文献   

The Ure2 protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been proposed to undergo a prion-like autocatalytic conformational change, which leads to inactivation of the protein, thereby generating the [URE3] phenotype. The first 65 amino acids, which are dispensable for the cellular function of Ure2p in nitrogen metabolism, are necessary and sufficient for [URE3] (Masison & Wickner, 1995), leading to designation of this domain as the Ure2 prion domain (UPD). We expressed both UPD and Ure2 as glutathione-S-transferase (GST) fusion proteins in Escherichia coli and observed both to be initially soluble. Upon cleavage of GST-UPD by thrombin, the released UPD formed ordered fibrils that displayed amyloid-like characteristics, such as Congo red dye binding and green-gold birefringence. The fibrils exhibited high beta-sheet content by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Fiber formation proceeded in an autocatalytic manner. In contrast, the released, full-length Ure2p formed mostly amorphous aggregates; a small amount polymerized into fibrils of uniform size and morphology. Aggregation of Ure2p could be seeded by UPD fibrils. Our results provide biochemical support for the proposal that the [URE3] state is caused by a self-propagating inactive form of Ure2p. We also found that the uncleaved GST-UPD fusion protein could polymerize into amyloid fibrils by a strictly autocatalytic mechanism, forcing the GST moiety of the protein to adopt a new, beta-sheet-rich conformation. The findings on the GST-UPD fusion protein indicate that the ability of the prion domain to mediate a prion-like conversion process is not specific for or limited to the Ure2p.  相似文献   

The yeast inheritable [URE3] element corresponds to a prion form of the nitrogen catabolism regulator Ure2p. We have isolated several orthologous URE2 genes in different yeast species: Saccharomyces paradoxus, S. uvarum, Kluyveromyces lactis, Candida albicans, and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We show here by in silico analysis that the GST-like functional domain and the prion domain of the Ure2 proteins have diverged separately, the functional domain being more conserved through the evolution. The more extreme situation is found in the two S. pombe genes, in which the prion domain is absent. The functional analysis demonstrates that all the homologous genes except for the two S. pombe genes are able to complement the URE2 gene deletion in a S. cerevisiae strain. We show that in the two most closely related yeast species to S. cerevisiae, i.e., S. paradoxus and S. uvarum, the prion domains of the proteins have retained the capability to induce [URE3] in a S. cerevisiae strain. However, only the S. uvarum full-length Ure2p is able to behave as a prion. We also show that the prion inactivation mechanisms can be cross-transmitted between the S. cerevisiae and S. uvarum prions.  相似文献   

The non-Mendelian phenotype [URE3] is due to a transmissible conformational change of the protein Ure2. The infectious protein form of Ure2p has lost its function and gained the capacity to transform the active form of the protein into an inactive form. The molecular basis of this conversion process is unknown. There are however indications that the conformational changes at the origin of the propagation of the inactive form of Ure2p in yeast cells are similar to those at the origin of the transition of PrPC into the scrapie-associated PrPSc form of the protein. To better understand the nature of the conformational changes at the origin of prion propagation, we have purified, characterized biochemically, examined the assembly properties and solved the crystal structure of Ure2p. Our data are presented below and a number of conclusions dealing with the molecular basis of the conversion of soluble Ure2p into its amyloid-forming state are derived.  相似文献   

The Ure2 protein from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has prion properties. In vitro and at neutral pH, soluble Ure2p spontaneously forms long, straight, insoluble protein fibrils. Two models have been proposed to account for the assembly of Ure2p into protein fibrils. The "amyloid backbone" model postulates that a segment ranging from 40 to 70 amino acids in the flexible N-terminal domain from different Ure2p molecules forms a parallel superpleated beta-structure running along the fibrils. The second model hypothesizes that assembly of full-length Ure2p is driven by limited conformational rearrangements and non-native inter- and/or intramolecular interactions between Ure2p monomers. Here, we performed a cysteine scan on residues located in the N- and C-terminal parts of Ure2p to determine whether these domains interact. Amino acid sequences centered around residue 6 in the N-terminal domain of Ure2p and residue 137 in the C-terminal moiety interacted at least transiently via intramolecular interactions. We documented the assembly properties of a Ure2p variant in which a disulfide bond was established between the N- and C-terminal domains and showed that it possesses assembly properties indistinguishable from those of wild-type Ure2p. We probed the structure of Ure2pC6C137 within the fibrils and demonstrate that the polypeptide is in a conformation similar to that of its soluble assembly-competent state. Our results constitute the first structural characterization of the N-terminal domain of Ure2p in both its soluble assembly-competent and fibrillar forms. Our data indicate that the flexibility of the N-terminal domain and conformational changes within this domain are essential for fibril formation and provide new insight into the conformational rearrangements that lead to the assembly of Ure2p into fibrils and the propagation of the [URE3] phenotype in yeast.  相似文献   

Production of the pathogenic prion isoform PrP^sc-like molecules is thought to be useful forunderstanding the mysterious mechanism of conformational conversion process of prion diseases andproving the “protein-only“ hypothesis. In this report, an engineered PrP^sc-like conformation was producedfrom a chimera of mammalian bovine prion protein (bPrP) and yeast Ure2p prion-inducing domain (UPrD).Compared with the normal form of bPrP, the engineered recombinant protein, termed bPrP-UPrD,spontaneously aggregated into ordered fibrils under physiological condition, displaying amyloid-likecharacteristics, such as fibrillar morphology, birefringence upon binding to Congo red and increasedfluorescence intensity with Thioflavine T. Limited resistance to protease K digestion and CD spectroscopyexperiments suggested that the structure of bPrP-UPrD had been changed, and adopted a new, high contentB-sheet conformation during the fibrils formation. Moreover, bPrP-UPrD amyloid fibrils could recruit moresoluble forms into the aggregates. Therefore, the engineered molecules could mimic significant behaviors of PrP^se and will be helpful for further understanding the mechanism of conformational conversion process.  相似文献   

The GdmCl-induced equilibrium unfolding and dissociation of the dimeric yeast prion protein Ure2, and its prion domain deletion mutants Delta 15-42Ure2 and 90Ure2, was studied by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) using synchrotron radiation and by chemical cross-linking with dithiobis(succinimidyl propionate) (DTSP). The native state is globular and predominantly dimeric prior to the onset of unfolding. R(g) values of 32 and 45A were obtained for the native and 5M GdmCl denatured states of Delta 15-42Ure2, respectively; the corresponding values for 90Ure2 were 2-3A lower. SAXS suggests residual structure in the 4M GdmCl denatured state and chemical cross-linking detects persistence of dimeric structure under these conditions. Hexamers consisting of globular subunits could be detected by SAXS at high protein concentration under partially denaturing conditions. The increased tendency of partially folded states to form small oligomers points to a mechanism for prion formation.  相似文献   

Molecular chaperones and the assembly of the prion Ure2p in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The protein Ure2 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae possesses prion properties at the origin of the [URE3] trait. In vivo, a high molecular weight form of inactive Ure2p is associated to [URE3]. The faithful and continued propagation of [URE3]is dependent on the expression levels of molecular chaperones from the Hsp100, -70, and -40 families; however, so far, their role is not fully documented. Here we investigate the effects of molecular chaperones from the Hsp40, Hsp70, Hsp90, and Hsp100 families and the chaperonin CCT/Tric on the assembly of full-length Ure2p. We show that Hsp104p greatly stimulates Ure2p aggregation, whereas Ssa1p, Ydj1p, Sis1p, and Hsp82p inhibit aggregation to different extents. The nature of the high molecular weight Ure2p species that forms in the presence of the different molecular chaperones and their nucleotide dependence is described. We show that Hsp104p favors the aggregation of Ure2p into non-fibrillar high molecular weight particles, whereas Ssa1p, Ydj1p, Sis1p, and Hsp82p sequester Ure2p in spherical oligomers. Using fluorescently labeled full-length Ure2p and Ure2p-(94-354) and fluorescence polarization, we show that Ssa1p binding to Ure2p is ATP-dependent, whereas that of Hsp104p is not. We also show that Ssa1p preferentially interacts with the N-terminal domain of Ure2p that is critical for prion propagation, whereas Ydj1p preferentially interacts with the C-terminal domain of the protein, and we discuss the significance of this observation. Finally, the affinities of Ssa1p, Ydj1p, and Hsp104p for Ure2p are determined. Our in vitro observations bring new insight into the mechanism by which molecular chaperones influence the propagation of [URE3].  相似文献   

Chim N  Gall WE  Xiao J  Harris MP  Graham TR  Krezel AM 《Proteins》2004,54(4):784-793
The SWA2/AUX1 gene has been proposed to encode the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ortholog of mammalian auxilin. Swa2p is required for clathrin assembly/dissassembly in vivo, thereby implicating it in intracellular protein and lipid trafficking. While investigating the 287-residue N-terminal region of Swa2p, we found a single stably folded domain between residues 140 and 180. Using binding assays and structural analysis, we established this to be a ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domain, unidentified by bioinformatics of the yeast genome. We determined the solution structure of this Swa2p domain and found a characteristic three-helix UBA fold. Comparisons of structures of known UBA folds reveal that the position of the third helix is quite variable. This helix in Swa2p UBA contains a bulkier tyrosine in place of smaller residues found in other UBAs and cannot pack as close to the second helix. The molecular surface of Swa2p UBA has a mostly negative potential, with a single hydrophobic surface patch found also in the UBA domains of human protein, HHR23A. The presence of a UBA domain implicates Swa2p in novel roles involving ubiquitin and ubiquitinated substrates. We propose that Swa2p is a multifunctional protein capable of recognizing several proteins through its protein-protein recognition domains.  相似文献   

The yeast inheritable phenotype [URE3] is thought to result from conformational changes in the normally soluble and highly helical protein Ure2p. In vitro, the protein spontaneously forms long, straight, insoluble protein fibrils at neutral pH. Here we show that fibrils of intact Ure2p assembled in vitro do not possess the cross beta-structure of amyloid, but instead are formed by the polymerization of native-like helical subunits that retain the ability to bind substrate analogues. We further show that dissociation of the normally dimeric protein to its constituent monomers is a prerequisite for assembly into fibrils. By analysing the nature of early assembly intermediates, as well as fully assembled Ure2p fibrils using atomic force microscopy, and combining the results with experiments that probe the fidelity of the native fold in protein fibrils, we present a model for fibril formation, based on assembly of native-like monomers, driven by interactions between the N-terminal glutamine and asparagine-rich region and the C-terminal functional domain. The results provide a rationale for the effect of mutagenesis on prion formation and new insights into the mechanism by which this, and possibly other inheritable factors, can be propagated.  相似文献   

Formation of filaments by the Ure2 protein constitutes the molecular mechanism of the [URE3] prion in yeast. According to the "amyloid backbone" model, the N-terminal asparagine-rich domains of Ure2p polymerize to form an amyloid core fibril that is surrounded by C-terminal domains in their native conformation. Protease resistance and Congo Red binding as well as beta-sheet content detected by spectroscopy-all markers for amyloid-have supported this model, as has the close resemblance between 40 A N-domain fibrils and the fibrillar core of intact Ure2p filaments visualized by cryo-electron microscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy. Here, we present electron diffraction and X-ray diffraction data from filaments of Ure2p, of N-domains alone, of fragments thereof, and of an N-domain-containing fusion protein that demonstrate in each case the 4.7A reflection that is typical for cross-beta structure and highly indicative of amyloid. This reflection was observed for specimens prepared by air-drying with and without sucrose embedding. To confirm that the corresponding structure is not an artifact of air-drying, the reflection was also demonstrated for specimens preserved in vitreous ice. Local area electron diffraction and X-ray diffraction from partially aligned specimens showed that the 4.7A reflection is meridional and therefore the underlying structure is cross-beta.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein Ure2 functions as a regulator of nitrogen metabolism and as a glutathione-dependent peroxidase. Ure2 also has the characteristics of a prion, in that it can undergo a heritable conformational change to an aggregated state; the prion form of Ure2 loses the regulatory function, but the enzymatic function appears to be maintained. A number of factors are found to affect the prion properties of Ure2, including mutation and expression levels of molecular chaperones, and the effect of these factors on structure and stability are being investigated. The relationship between structure, function and folding for the yeast prion Ure2 are discussed.  相似文献   

Baggett JJ  D'Aquino KE  Wendland B 《Genetics》2003,165(4):1661-1674
Clathrin-binding adaptors play critical roles for endocytosis in multicellular organisms, but their roles in budding yeast have remained unclear. To address this question, we created a quadruple mutant yeast strain lacking the genes encoding the candidate clathrin adaptors Yap1801p, Yap1802p, and Ent2p and containing a truncated version of Ent1p, Ent1DeltaCBMp, missing its clathrin-binding motif. This strain was viable and competent for endocytosis, suggesting the existence of other redundant adaptor-like factors. To identify these factors, we mutagenized the quadruple clathrin adaptor mutant strain and selected cells that were viable in the presence of full-length Ent1p, but inviable with only Ent1DeltaCBMp; these strains were named Rcb (requires clathrin binding). One mutant strain, rcb432, contained a mutation in SLA2 that resulted in lower levels of a truncated protein lacking the F-actin binding talin homology domain. Analyses of this sla2 mutant showed that the talin homology domain is required for endocytosis at elevated temperature, that SLA2 exhibits genetic interactions with both ENT1 and ENT2, and that the clathrin adaptors and Sla2p together regulate the actin cytoskeleton and revealed conditions under which Yap1801p and Yap1802p contribute to viability. Together, our data support the view that Sla2p is an adaptor that links actin to clathrin and endocytosis.  相似文献   

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