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Secretion of Yop effector proteins by the Yersinia pestis plasmid pCD1-encoded type III secretion system (T3SS) is regulated in response to specific environmental signals. Yop secretion is activated by contact with a eukaryotic cell or by growth at 37 degrees C in the absence of calcium. The secreted YopN protein, the SycN/YscB chaperone and TyeA form a cytosolic YopN/SycN/YscB/TyeA complex that is required to prevent Yop secretion in the presence of calcium and prior to contact with a eukaryotic cell. The mechanism by which these proteins prevent secretion and the subcellular location where the block in secretion occurs are not known. To further investigate both the mechanism and location of the YopN-dependent block, we isolated and characterized several YopN mutants that constitutively block Yop secretion. All the identified amino-acid substitutions that resulted in a constitutive block in Yop secretion mapped to a central domain of YopN that is not directly involved in the interaction with the SycN/YscB chaperone or TyeA. The YopN mutants required an intact TyeA-binding domain and TyeA to block secretion, but did not require an N-terminal secretion signal, an intact chaperone-binding domain or the SycN/YscB chaperone. These results suggest that a C-terminal domain of YopN complexed with TyeA blocks Yop secretion from a cytosolic, not an extracellular, location. A hypothetical model for how the YopN/SycN/YscB/TyeA complex regulates Yop secretion is presented.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Yersinia species employ type III machines to target effector Yops into the cytosol of eukaryotic cells. Yersinia tyeA mutants are thought to be defective in the targeting of YopE and YopH without affecting the injection of YopM, YopN, YopO, YopP, and YopT into the cytosol of eukaryotic cells. One model suggests that TyeA may form a tether between YopN (LcrE) and YopD on the bacterial surface, a structure that may translocate YopE and YopH across the plasma membrane of eukaryotic cells (M. Iriarte, M. P. Sory, A. Boland, A. P. Boyd, S. D. Mills, I. Lambermont, and G. R. Cornelis, EMBO J. 17:1907-1918, 1998). We have examined the injection of Yop proteins by tyeA mutant yersiniae with the digitonin fractionation technique. We find that tyeA mutant yersiniae not only secreted YopE, YopH, YopM, and YopN into the extracellular medium but also targeted these polypeptides into the cytosol of HeLa cells. Protease protection, cell fractionation, and affinity purification experiments suggest that TyeA is located intracellularly and binds to YopN or YopD. We propose a model whereby TyeA functions as a negative regulator of the type III targeting pathway in the cytoplasm of yersiniae, presumably by preventing the export of YopN.  相似文献   

A type III secretion-translocation system allows Yersinia adhering at the surface of animal cells to deliver a cocktail of effector Yops (YopH, -O, -P, -E, -M, and -T) into the cytosol of these cells. Residues or codons 1 to 77 contain all the information required for the complete delivery of YopE into the target cell (release from the bacterium and translocation across the eukaryotic cell membrane). Residues or codons 1 to 15 are sufficient for release from the wild-type bacterium under Ca(2+)-chelating conditions but not for delivery into target cells. Residues 15 to 50 comprise the binding domain for SycE, a chaperone specific for YopE that is necessary for release and translocation of full-length YopE. To understand the role of this chaperone, we studied the delivery of YopE-Cya reporter proteins and YopE deletants by polymutant Yersinia devoid of most of the Yop effectors (delta HOPEM and delta THE strains). We first tested YopE-Cya hybrid proteins and YopE proteins deleted of the SycE-binding site. In contrast to wild-type strains, these mutants delivered YopE(15)-Cya as efficiently as YopE(130)-Cya. They were also able to deliver YopE(delta 17-77). SycE was dispensable for these deliveries. These results show that residues or codons 1 to 15 are sufficient for delivery into eukaryotic cells and that there is no specific translocation signal in Yops. However, the fact that the SycE-binding site and SycE were necessary for delivery of YopE by wild-type Yersinia suggests that they could introduce hierarchy among the effectors to be delivered. We then tested a YopE-Cya hybrid and YopE proteins deleted of amino acids 2 to 15 but containing the SycE-binding domain. These constructs were neither released in vitro upon Ca(2+) chelation nor delivered into cells by wild-type or polymutant bacteria, casting doubts on the hypothesis that SycE could be a secretion pilot. Finally, it appeared that residues 50 to 77 are inhibitory to YopE release and that binding of SycE overcomes this inhibitory effect. Removal of this domain allowed in vitro release and delivery in cells in the absence as well as in the presence of SycE.  相似文献   

Pathogenic bacteria of the genus Yersinia release in vitro a set of antihost proteins called Yops. Upon infection of cultured epithelial cells, extracellular Yersinia pseudotuberculosis transfers YopE across the host cell plasma membrane. To facilitate the study of this translocation process, we constructed a recombinant Yersinia enterocolitica strain producing YopE fused to a reporter enzyme. As a reporter, we selected the calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase of Borde-tella pertussis and we monitored the accumulation of cyclic AMP (cAMP). Since bacteria do not produce calmodulin, cyclase activity marks the presence of hybrid enzyme in the cytoplasmic compartment of the eukaryotic cell. Infection of a monolayer of HeLa cells by the recombinant Y. enterocolitica strain led to a significant increase of cAMP. This phenomenon was dependent not only on the integrity of the Yop secretion pathway but also on the presence of YopB and/or YopD. It also required the presence of the adhesin YadA at the bacterial surface. In contrast, the phenomenon was not affected by cytochalasin D, indicating that internalization of the bacteria themselves was not required for the translocation process. Our results demonstrate that Y. enterocolitica is able to transfer hybrid proteins into eukaryotic cells. This system can be used not only to study the mechanism of YopE translocation but also the fate of the other Yops or even of proteins secreted by other bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

A successful method has been developed for the detection of live Yersinia pestis, the plague bacillus, which incorporates nascent RNA synthesis. A fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) assay using peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probes was developed specifically to differentiate Y. pestis strains from closely related bacteria. PNA probes were chosen to target high copy mRNA of the Y. pestis caf1 gene, encoding the Fraction 1 (F1) antigen, and 16S ribosomal RNA. Among Yersinia strains tested, PNA probes Yp-16S-426 and Yp-F1-55 exhibited binding specificities of 100% and 98%, respectively. Y. pestis grown in the presence of competing bacteria, as might be encountered when recovering Y. pestis from environmental surfaces in a post-release bioterrorism event, was recognized by PNA probes and neither hybridization nor fluorescence was inhibited by competing bacterial strains which exhibited faster growth rates. Using fluorescence microscopy, individual Y. pestis bacteria were clearly differentiated from competing bacteria with an average detection sensitivity of 7.9x10(3) cells by fluorescence microscopy. In the current system, this would require an average of 2.56x10(5) viable Y. pestis organisms be recovered from a post-release environmental sample in order to achieve the minimum threshold for detection. The PNA-FISH assays described in this study allow for the sensitive and specific detection of viable Y. pestis bacteria in a timely manner.  相似文献   

Pathogenic bacteria of the species Yersinia, including Yersinia pestis, block phagocytosis by macrophages. This process involves the YopE protein, which induces disruption of the host cell actin microfilament structure. Here, we show that the contact between the pathogen and the mammalian cell induces expression and then polarized transfer of YopE into the eukaryotic cell. While the bacteria remain at the surface of the target cell, the YopE cytotoxin is transferred through the host cell plasma membrane and YopE is only recovered within the cytosol of the target cell. The results suggest that the pathogen senses cell structures and focuses the transfer of YopE to occur solely at the interaction zone between the bacterium and the eukaryotic cell. The regulation of this process is shown to involve surface-located YopN sensor protein of the bacterium.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Yersiniae adhere to and kill macrophages by targeting some of their Yop proteins into the eukaryotic cytosol. There is debate about whether YopE targeting proceeds as a direct translocation of polypeptide between cells or in two distinct steps, each requiring specific signals for YopE secretion across the bacterial envelope and for translocation into the eukaryotic cytosol. Here, we used the selective solubilization of the eukaryotic plasma membrane with digitonin to measure Yop targeting during Yersinia infections of HeLa cells. YopE, YopH, YopM and YopN were found in the eukaryotic cytosol but not in the extracellular medium. When bound to SycE chaperone in the Yersinia cytoplasm, YopE residues 1–100 are necessary and sufficient for the targeting of hybrid neomycin phosphotransferase. Electron microscopic analysis failed to detect an extracellular intermediate of YopE targeting, suggesting a one-step translocation mechanism.  相似文献   

Yersinia spp. inject effector proteins ( Y ersinia o uter p roteins, Yop s ) into target cells via a type III secretion apparatus. The effector YopE was recently shown to possess GAP activity towards the Rho GTPases RhoA, Rac and CDC42 in vitro . To investigate the intracellular, ' in vivo ' targets of YopE we generated a Yersinia enterocolitica strain [WA(pYLCR+E)] that injects 'life-like' amounts of YopE as only effector. Primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were infected with WA(pYLCR+E) and were then stimulated with: (i) bradykinin to induce actin microspikes followed by ruffles as an assay for CDC42 activity followed by CDC42 stimulated Rac activity; (ii) sphingosine-1-phosphate to form ruffles by direct Rac activation; or (iii) thrombin to generate actin stress fibres through Rho activation. In WA(pYLCR+E)-infected HUVEC microspike formation stimulated with bradykinin remained intact but the subsequent development of ruffles was abolished. Furthermore, ruffle formation after stimulation with sphingosine-1-phosphate or thrombin induced production of stress fibres was unaltered in the infected cells. These data suggest that YopE is able to inhibit Rac- but not Rho- or CDC42-regulated actin structures and, more specifically, that YopE is capable of blocking CDC42Hs dependent Rac activation but not direct Rac activation in HUVEC. This provides evidence for a considerable specificity of YopE towards selective Rac-mediated signalling pathways in primary target cells of Yersinia .  相似文献   

Of 16 restriction endonucleases known to hydrolyze rare 6- or 8-base recognition sequences that were tested, only SpeI, NotI, AscI, and SfiI generated fragments of chromosomal DNA from Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of bubonic plague, of sufficient length to permit physical analysis by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Of the individual bands detected after single-dimensional PFGE of these digests, the largest sum was obtained with SpeI (3,575.6 +/- 114.6 kb). Of these 41 bands, 3 were found to contain comigrating fragments, as judged by the results of two-dimensional SpeI-ApaI PFGE; addition of these fragments and the three plasmids of the species yielded a refined estimate of 4,397.9 +/- 134.6 kb for the genome. This size was similar for eight strains of diverse geographical origin that exhibited distinct DNA macrorestriction patterns closely related to their biotypes. The high-frequency chromosomal deletion known to exist in nonpigmented mutants (unable to assimilate Fe3+ at 37 degrees C or store hemin at 26 degrees C) was shown by two-dimensional PFGE analysis with SpeI and ApaI or with SfiI and SpeI to be 92.5 and 106 kb in size, respectively. The endpoints of this deletion were precise, and its size was more than sufficient to encode the eight known peptides reported to be absent in nonpigmented mutants. This deletion had not occurred (but was able to do so) in a rare mutant capable of hemin storage but not iron transport.  相似文献   

The YopM virulence protein of Yersinia pestis has been described as binding human α-thrombin and inhibiting thrombin-induced platelet aggregation in vitro . However, recent studies have shown that a YopM–CyaA fusion protein could be targeted vectorially into eukaryotic cells through the Yersinia type III secretion system. In this study, our objective was to characterize YopM's fate in more detail. We followed YopM in the culture medium and inside infected HeLa cells. We confirmed that the native YopM is targeted into HeLa cells, where it is insensitive to exogenous trypsin. The bacteria must be surface located to target YopM, and YopB and YopD are necessary, whereas the LcrE protein (called also YopN) makes this process more efficient. Immunofluorescence localization revealed that YopM, in contrast to YopE, is not only targeted to the cytoplasm but also trafficks to the cell's nucleus by means of a vesicle-associated pathway that is strongly inhibited by brefeldin A, perturbed by monensin or bafilomycin A1 and dependent upon microtubules (decreased by colchicine and nocodazole). These findings revealed a novel interaction of Yersinia pestis with its eukaryotic host.  相似文献   

Gold magnetic particles (GMP) are magnetic iron oxide particles modified with gold nanoparticles. The gold particles of GMP specifically bind to cysteine and methionine through Au-S binding. The aim of the present study was to establish a quick and easy protein purification system using novel peptide tags and GMP. Here, we created a variety of peptide tags containing methionine and cysteine and analyzed their affinity to GMP. Binding assays using enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) as a model protein indicated that the tandem methionine tags comprising methionine residues had higher affinity to the GMP than tags comprising both methionine and cysteine residues. Tags comprising both methionine and glycine residues showed slightly higher affinity to GMP and higher elution efficiency than the all-methionine tags. A protein purification assay using phosphorylcholine-treated GMP demonstrated that both a tandem methionine-tagged EGFP and a methionine and glycine-tagged EGFP were specifically purified from a protein mixture with very high efficiency. The efficiency was comparable to that of a histidine-tagged protein purification system. Together, these novel peptide tags, "methionine tags", specifically bind to GMP and can be used for a highly efficient protein purification system.  相似文献   

Phenylalanine transport in Yersinia pestis TJW was differentially inhibited by sulfhydryl blocking reagents, uncoupling agents, and respiratory inhibitors. Kinetic studies with potassium cyanide and sodium azide showed that these compounds have no immediate effect on the initial rate of phenylalanine transport, but have an immediate and severe inhibitory effect on the rate of oxygen uptake. Identical studies with p-chloromercuribenzoate (pCMB) and 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) showed that these compounds have an instantaneous and total inhibitory effect on phenylalanine transport. DNP stimulated oxygen uptake, and pCMB caused only a sluggish inhibiton of oxygen uptake. pCMB acted as a competitive inhibitor of phenylalanine transport, whereas DNP inhibitied noncompetitively. Arrenius plots of the initial rate of phenylalanine transport in pCMB- and DNP-treated cells showed that DNP alters the transition temperature of the phenylalanine transport system from 17 C for control cells to 12 C. DNP did not inhibit transport when cells were treated at temperatures of 2 to 10 C. PCMB did not alter the normal transition temperature and inhibited phenylalanine transport over a 2 to 30 C temperature range. Efflux induced by both pCMB and DNP were blocked by placing cells at low temperatures (2 to 20 C). Inhibition of adenosine 5'-triphosphate synthesis by DNP did not show any temperature sensitivity as did phenylalanine transport. These data indicate that: (i) respiration is not obligatory for active transport of phenylalanine in Y. pestis TJW; and (ii) pCMB inhibits transport activity by reacting with the sulfhydryl group(s) at the carrier binding site. The data show that the uncoupler, DNP, selectively alters a temperature-dependent property of phenylalanine transport, that is not related to uncoupling activity of DNP , and probably involves membrane lipid alterations.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive (TS) plasmid was generated from the endogenous streptomycin resistance plasmid of Mannheimia hemolytica and used to engineer in-frame aroA deletion mutants of Mannheimia hemolytica, Pasteurella multocida, and Haemophilus somnus. TS replacement plasmids carrying in-frame aroA deletions were constructed for each target species and introduced into host cells by electroporation. After recovery in broth, cells were spread onto plates containing antibiotic and incubated at 30 degrees C, the permissive temperature for autonomous plasmid replication. Transfer of transformants to selective plates cultured at a nonpermissive temperature for plasmid replication selected for single-crossover mutants consisting of replacement plasmids that had integrated into host chromosomes by homologous recombination. Transfer of the single-crossover mutants back to a permissive temperature without antibiotic selection drove plasmid resolution, and, depending on where plasmid excision occurred, either deletion mutants or wild-type cells were generated. The system used here represents a broadly applicable means for generating unmarked mutants of Pasteurellaceae species.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus glycoprotein D is a component of the virion envelope and appears to be involved in attachment, penetration, and cell fusion. Monoclonal antibodies against this protein can be arranged in groups on the basis of a number of biological and biochemical properties. Group I antibodies are type common, have high complement-independent neutralization titers, and recognize discontinuous (conformational) epitopes; they are currently being used in several laboratories to study the functions of glycoprotein D. We have used a panel of neutralization-resistant mutants to examine the relationships between these antibodies in detail. We found that they can be divided into two subgroups, Ia and Ib, such that mutations selected with Ia antibodies have little or no effect on binding and neutralization by Ib antibodies and vice versa. In addition, Ia antibodies are able to bind deletion and truncation mutants of glycoprotein D that Ib antibodies do not recognize, suggesting that their epitopes are physically distinct. However, with one exception, Ia and Ib antibodies block each other strongly in binding assays with purified glycoprotein D, whereas antibodies from other groups have no effect. We have therefore defined the sum of the Ia and Ib epitopes as antigenic site 1.  相似文献   



The species Yersinia pestis is commonly divided into three classical biovars, Antiqua, Medievalis, and Orientalis, belonging to subspecies pestis pathogenic for human and the (atypical) non-human pathogenic biovar Microtus (alias Pestoides) including several non-pestis subspecies. Recent progress in molecular typing methods enables large-scale investigations in the population structure of this species. It is now possible to test hypotheses about its evolution which were proposed decades ago. For instance the three classical biovars of different geographical distributions were suggested to originate from Central Asia. Most investigations so far have focused on the typical pestis subspecies representatives found outside of China, whereas the understanding of the emergence of this human pathogen requires the investigation of strains belonging to subspecies pestis from China and to the Microtus biovar.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Multi-locus VNTR analysis (MLVA) with 25 loci was performed on a collection of Y. pestis isolates originating from the majority of the known foci worldwide and including typical rhamnose-negative subspecies pestis as well as rhamnose-positive subspecies pestis and biovar Microtus. More than 500 isolates from China, the Former Soviet Union (FSU), Mongolia and a number of other foci around the world were characterized and resolved into 350 different genotypes. The data revealed very close relationships existing between some isolates from widely separated foci as well as very high diversity which can conversely be observed between nearby foci.


The results obtained are in full agreement with the view that the Y. pestis subsp. pestis pathogenic for humans emerged in the Central Asia region between China, Kazakhstan, Russia and Mongolia, only three clones of which spread out of Central Asia. The relationships among the strains in China, Central Asia and the rest of the world based on the MLVA25 assay provide an unprecedented view on the expansion and microevolution of Y. pestis.  相似文献   

Henriques ST  Costa J  Castanho MA 《Biochemistry》2005,44(30):10189-10198
The cell-penetrating peptide (CPP) pep-1 is capable of introducing large proteins into different cell lines, maintaining their biological activity. Two possible mechanisms have been proposed to explain the entrance of other CPPs in cells, endosomal-dependent and independent types. In this work, we evaluated the molecular mechanisms of pep-1-mediated cellular uptake of beta-galactosidase (beta-Gal) from Escherichia coli in large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) and HeLa cells. Fluorescence spectroscopy was used to evaluate the translocation process in model systems (LUV). Immunofluorescence microscopy was used to study the translocation in HeLa cells. Enzymatic activity detection enabled us to monitor the internalization of beta-Gal into LUV and the functionality of the protein in the interior of HeLa cells. Beta-Gal translocated into LUV in a transmembrane potential-dependent manner. Likewise, the extent of beta-Gal incorporation was extensively decreased in depolarized cells. Furthermore, beta-Gal uptake efficiency and kinetics were temperature-independent, and beta-Gal did not colocalize with endosomes, lysosomes, or caveosomes. Therefore, beta-Gal translocation was not associated with the endosomal pathway. Although an excess of pep-1 was mandatory for beta-Gal translocation in vivo, transmembrane pores were not formed as concluded from the trypan blue exclusion method. These results altogether indicated that protein uptake both in vitro with LUV and in vivo with HeLa cells was mainly, if not solely, dependent on negative transmembrane potential across the bilayer, which suggests a physical mechanism governed by electrostatic interactions between pep-1 (positively charged) and membranes (negatively charged).  相似文献   

目的:用新研制的光纤生物传感器FOB-3检测多种病原微生物及细菌毒素。方法:利用双抗体夹心法,优化免疫反应的时间和浓度后,用FOB-3分别检测炭疽芽孢及繁殖体、鼠疫F1抗原和葡萄球菌肠毒素B。为便于结果判定,确定截断(cutoff)值,并以Ssignal与Nnoise差值的形式消除荧光信号中的噪声。结果:使用光纤生物传感器FOB-3,在20min内可分别检测到50~1000ng/mL的鼠疫F1抗原、0.1~100μg/mL的葡萄球菌肠毒素B、3×101~3×106CFU/mL的炭疽杆菌繁殖体和4×104~4×107CFU/mL的炭疽芽孢。结论:光纤生物传感器可以灵敏、快速、便捷地检测病原微生物及其毒素。  相似文献   

Zhou D  Tong Z  Song Y  Han Y  Pei D  Pang X  Zhai J  Li M  Cui B  Qi Z  Jin L  Dai R  Du Z  Wang J  Guo Z  Wang J  Huang P  Yang R 《Journal of bacteriology》2004,186(15):5147-5152
Yersinia pestis has been historically divided into three biovars: antiqua, mediaevalis, and orientalis. On the basis of this study, strains from Microtus-related plague foci are proposed to constitute a new biovar, microtus. Based on the ability to ferment glycerol and arabinose and to reduce nitrate, Y. pestis strains can be assigned to one of four biovars: antiqua (glycerol positive, arabinose positive, and nitrate positive), mediaevalis (glycerol positive, arabinose positive, and nitrate negative), orientalis (glycerol negative, arabinose positive, and nitrate positive), and microtus (glycerol positive, arabinose negative, and nitrate negative). A 93-bp in-frame deletion in glpD gene results in the glycerol-negative characteristic of biovar orientalis strains. Two kinds of point mutations in the napA gene may cause the nitrate reduction-negative characteristic in biovars mediaevalis and microtus, respectively. A 122-bp frameshift deletion in the araC gene may lead to the arabinose-negative phenotype of biovar microtus strains. Biovar microtus strains have a unique genomic profile of gene loss and pseudogene distribution, which most likely accounts for the human attenuation of this new biovar. Focused, hypothesis-based investigations on these specific genes will help delineate the determinants that enable this deadly pathogen to be virulent to humans and give insight into the evolution of Y. pestis and plague pathogenesis. Moreover, there may be the implications for development of biovar microtus strains as a potential vaccine.  相似文献   

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