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The levels of free putrescine, spermidine, and spermine, and the activities of ornithine decarboxylase and s-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase were determined in the floral organs of the normal and a male sterile stamenless-2 (sl-2/sl-2) mutant of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Under the intermediate temperature regime, all mutant floral organs possessed significantly higher levels of polyamines and enzyme activities than their normal counterparts. In the low temperature-reverted mutant stamens, the polyamine levels and the activity of PA biosynthetic enzymes were not significantly different from the normal. It is suggested that the abnormal stamen development in the sl-2/sl-2 mutant is, in part, related to elevated levels of endogenous PAs.  相似文献   

BARLOW  P. W. 《Annals of botany》1992,69(6):533-543
Cultured root apices of tomato bearing the gib-I mutation, whichreduces the levels of endogenous gibberellins, grew slower andwere thicker than wild-type contols. This was the result ofshorter and broader cells in the menstem of the mutant. Cellsof both cortex and stele were affected, but this did not causeany alteration to the volume fraction occupied by these twotissues in the root meristem. Root caps were longer in the mutantand there were also more layers of rhizodermis. All these effectscould be reproduced in wild-type roots by addition of 0.1µM2S, 3S paclobutrazol (an inhibitor of gibberellin biosynthesis)to the culture medium and could be normalized in mutant rootsby 0.1 µM GA3. Cell doubling times in the proximal regionof the meristem were similar in mutant and wild-type roots,but were faster in both the quiescent centre (QC) and the capmeristem of the mutant. This latter feature of the mutant rootsis likely to be the cause of their longer caps, while the fasterrate of division in the QC accounts for the additional tiersof cells that were found to build up in the cortical portionof this zone These additional tiers failed to form in mutantroots grown in GA3, but they could be induced in wild-type rootsby 2S, 3S paclobutrazol. These results suggest that endogenousgibberellins may be partly responsible for the slow rate ofcell growth and proliferation in the QC. Gibberellins, gib-I mutation, Lycopersicon esculentum, meristem, roots, 2S, 3S paclobutrazol, quiescent centre, tomato  相似文献   

The concentration of reducing sugars in the developing firstinflorescence of the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)increased steadily between the macroscopic appearance of theflower buds and the initial stages of fruit expansion. Overthis period sucrose concentrations remained relatively constant.The rise in reducing sugar concentration was accompanied byan increase in the activity of an acid invertase. In individualflower buds invertase activity rose to a maximum shortly beforeanthesis and declined sharply as the anthers dehisced. Increased planting densities and removal of source leaves reducedthe rate of dry matter accumulation by the first inflorescenceand increased the incidence of flower bud abortion. These changeswere correlated with reductions in reducing sugar concentrations,in reducing sugar/sucrose ratios and in acid invertase levels.Removal of young leaves at the shoot apex significantly increasedthe relative growth rate of the inflorescence and led to a substantialincrease in its invertase content. These treatments had relativelylittle effect on sucrose concentration in the inflorescence. The data are consistent with the operation of an invertase-mediatedunloading mechanism for transported sucrose at sinks in theflower buds. It is suggested that the retarded development ofthe first inflorescence and the high incidence of flower budabortion observed under conditions of reduced photoassimilateavailability are causally related to the decline in invertaseproduction in the flower buds. Possible mechanisms for the regulationof invertase synthesis in the flowers are discussed. Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, tomato, inflorescence development, invertase, sink activity  相似文献   

The role of gibberellins in regulating the growth of tomatoroots was investigated by comparing various cellular parametersin cultured roots of the gibberellin-deficient mutant gib-l/gib-lwith those in roots of the near-isogenic wild-type. In addition,wild-type roots treated with 0?1 µM 2S,3S paclobutrazol,an inhibitor of gibberellin biosynthesis, and mutant roots treatedwith 0?1 µM GA3 were also compared: the former roots constitutea phenocopy of the mutant, whereas the latter roots appear tobe ‘normalized’ and similar to wild-type. The elongationof mutant and phenocopied roots were similar, their maximumelongation rates being about half or two-thirds that of wild-typeor GA3-treated mutant roots, respectively. These rates wereinterpreted in terms of the numbers and lengths of cells withinthe meristematic and non-meristematic portions of the elongationzone. Mean meristem length tended to be shorter in both themutant and the 2S,3S paclobutrazol-treated wild-type roots thanin the other two types of root. A major difference between thetwo pairs of mutant and normal roots was their mean final celllengths: mean lengths of cortical cells of the mutant and 2S,3Spaclobutrazol-treated roots were, respectively, 39% and 25%shorter than the mean length of wild-type roots. Final celllength in the GA3-treated mutant roots were similar to wild-type.By contrast, the diameters of mature cortical cells of the mutantand phenocopy were about 20% greater than the diameters of equivalentwild-type or ‘normalized’ mutant cells. The meanvolumes of cortical cells in all four types of roots showedno significant differences. Knowledge of the distribution ofcortical cell lengths, widths and volumes along the root axis,together with information about the rate of root elongation,permitted comparisons of the relative elemental growth ratesof each of these three cellular parameters. The available evidence suggests that the level of endogenousgibberellins in mutant roots is lower than in wild-type roots.The present results, therefore, suggest that endogenous gibberellinsare necessary for normal growth of cultured tomato roots andthat they regulate the relative amounts of growth at the longitudinaland transverse walls of the cells which, in turn, affects theshape of the elongating cells. Key words: Cell growth, cultured roots, gibberellin, gib-l mutant, Lycopersicon esculentum, 2S,3S paclobutrazol, relative elemental growth rate, root meristem  相似文献   

ABDUL  K. S.; HARRIS  G. P. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(6):1361-1367
The number of flowers in the first inflorescence of tomato plantswas increased by low temperatures and reduced by the applicationof GA3. The effect of GA3, was greater in a low temperatureregime (12 °C minimum) than at normal temperatures (16 °Cminimum). Increases in flower number could be produced by theremoval of young developing leaves but the treatment was nolonger effective if plants wen grown at low temperatures orwere treated with GA3. Young developing leaves were shown to be sources of diffusiblegibberellin-like substances. Leaves from plants grown in a normaltemperature regime yielded greater amounts of gibberellin-likesubstances than leaves from plants grown in the low temperatureregime. It is suggested that high levels of endogenous gibberellinsact to reduce the number of flowers formed in the first inflorescence,and that leaf removal and low temperatures influence flowernumbers by lowering levels of diffusible gibberellins in theplants. Lycopersicon esculentum, tomato, flower number, gibberellins, temperature  相似文献   

The activity of amylases, and the level of starch and solublesugar content were analysed in the normal (+/+), a ‘gibberellin-sensitive’male sterile stamenless-2 (sl-2/sl-2) mutant, and GA3-revertedsl-2/sl-2 mutant stamens of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentumMill.), at various stages of development. In the mutant stamens,amylolytic activity did not differ from that of the normal untilthe tetrad stage, but thereafter it was significantly lowerthan that of normal stamens. The starch content also did notdiffer in the two lines at early stages of development. However,at later stages it decreased in normal stamens, whereas it remainedunchanged in the mutant. The soluble sugar content graduallyincreased during the development of normal stamens. But in mutantstamens, it remained the same throughout development and wassignificantly lower than the normal. In GA3-reverted mutantstamens, the amylolytic activity and the level of starch andsoluble sugars were comparable to normal stamens. It is proposedthat the sl-2/sl-2 mutation, through its effects on endogenousgibberellins, affects the activity of amylases which, in turn,result in lower sugar levels leading ultimately to abnormalpollen development. Key words: Amylases, male-sterility, tomato  相似文献   

The extended period of ethylene release from ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonicacid) after application to intact tomato plants has provideda model system in which the effects of ethylene on photosyntheticmetabolism and carbon partitioning has been studied. Ethylenerelease from leaf tissue after ethephon treatment was 10 timesgreater than that from untreated control leaves. The specificactivity of 14C2H4 released from [14C] ethephon remained constantover several days demonstrating that the ethylene was derivedfrom the applied ethephon. The ethephon-treated plants exhibitedextreme epinasty of the leaves and 24 h after application theflower buds in the first visible cluster had abscised, leafexpansion at the apex had ceased and developing adventitiousroots were visible on the lower stem. Rates of steady-state photosynthesis, respiration, photorespirationand transpiration were the same in treated and control leaves24 h after ethephon application. Both treated and control leavespartitioned similar proportions of newly-fixed 14C from 14CO2into neutral (46.4%), acidic (14.0%), basic (5.0%) and insoluble(34.0%) leaf fractions under steady-state conditions. The speedof 11C-assimilate movement in the stems of control plants (3.62±0.42cm min-1 towards the apex and 4.03±0.15 cm min-1 towardsthe roots) was more rapid than in the ethephon-treated plants(2.90±0.31 cm min-1 upwards and 2.59±0.22 cm min-1downwards). Furthermore, in the control plants 20.0±5.4%of the 14C exported to the plant from the source leaf was transportedtowards the developing flower cluster and young leaves. Twenty-fourhours after ethephon application only 6.5 ±1.7% of theexported 14C was translocated towards the shoot. Contrary tosome reports ethylene did not affect steady-state gas exchangeprocesses while carbon partitioning was significantly alteredindicating that ethylene effects on photosynthetic carbon metabolismare indirect and not due to direct effects on photosyntheticprocesses per se. Key words: Ethylene, photosynthesis, partitioning  相似文献   

In contrast to some previous reports on the growth of the ABA-deficientwilty mutants of tomato, growth was at least as rapid in themutants as in the wild type, as long as an adequate plant waterstatus was maintained by growing the plants under mist. Moreover,shoot extension was greater and the rate of leaf productionmore rapid in the mutants. Stomatal changes in response to environmentand to time in the light-dark cycle were generally similar inboth wilty mutants and the wild type, though the wild-type weregenerally more closed. Grafting experiments confirmed that thegenotype of the shoot was dominant in determining stomatal aperture,though wild-type rootstocks could cause a slight reduction inthe stomatal conductance of mutant leaves. The effect on plantwater relations of draughting only part of the root system wasinvestigated in a ‘split-root’ experiment. Withholdingwater from only part of the root system was found to lower significantlythe mean leaf water potential, even though the potential evaporationrate was kept very small. Key words: Abscisic acid, stomata, tomato  相似文献   

Permeabilities of plasmalemma and tonoplast, and the distributionof potassium between free space, cytoplasm, and vacuole, wereestimated from the kinetics of the efflux of potassium fromslices of tomato pericarp. The permeabilities of plasmalemmaand tonoplast did not change during development, but the proportionof potassium in the cytoplasm increased during ripening. Itis suggested that the effects of ethylene, and the changes takingplace during ripening are not caused by changing permeabilitiesof membranes. Increasing activities of ions in the cytoplasm,rather than increasing membrane permeabilities, may explainprevious observations that the efflux of solutes from fruittissues increases during ripening.  相似文献   

Two gibberellin-like substances were found in the acidic fractionof shoot extracts of the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.,cultivar Potentate). These were resolved by paper chromotographywith iso-propanol/ammonia/water (10:1:1) as the developing solventbut not with n-butanol/1.5 N ammonia (3:1). Both substanceswere active in the dwarf maize bioassay on mutants d-1, d-2,d-3, and d-5, and appeared to be more active on d-5 than d-1.Neither was active in the Meteor Pea assay. Neutral and basicfractions were inactive. The relative amounts of these two substances varied accordingto the age of the tissues from which they were extracted andthis feature is discussed in relation to future studies on thephysiology of gibberellin-like substances in vivo.  相似文献   

BAILISS  K. W. 《Annals of botany》1968,32(3):543-551
A quantitative examination of the development of the diseasesyndrome created by as permyvirus in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentumMill., cultivar Potentate) revealed an early reduction in subapicalmitotic activity which led to the development of smaller internodes.Later symptoms were associated with necrosis of young axillarybuds and the failure of a new vegetative apex to develop onceflower initiation had begun in the primary apical bud. Application of gibberellic acid (GA3) to the growing point tendedto reverse virus-induced stunting by increasing cell expansionbut the response was less than that in healthy plants. Thiswas due to a reduction in the number of mitoses associated withvirus infection. No consistent difference was found betweenthe endogenous gibberellin levels of healthy and infected plants.It is suggested that the most important single factor in earlysymptom development is a virus-induced reduction in cell divisionwhich cannot be overcome by applying GA3.  相似文献   

串番茄果实货架期间与耐贮性有关的生理特性的变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
串番茄品种随着货架期延长,果实硬度、果肉硬度、原果胶含量逐渐下降;可溶性果胶含量逐渐上升;多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)活性呈峰值变化,变化幅度小于普通番茄.  相似文献   

Treatment of tomato plants with (2-chloroethyl)trimethylammoniumchloride (CCC) reduced their growth in height and d. wt andincreased the number of flowers formed in the first inflorescence.In plants grown at a high temperature with low light, applicationof CCC reduced the incidence of flower abortion in the firstinflorescence. Effects of -cyclopropyl--(4-methoxyphenyl)--(pyrimidin-5-yl)methanol(ancymidol) were similar to those of CCC while a third growthretardant, N-dimethylaminosuccinamic acid (B-9), was effectivein reducing growth in height but was without apparent effecton flower number or flower abortion. An interaction occurred between CCC and GA3 such that effectsof CCC on growth and flowering were reduced when GA was alsoapplied. Yields of diffusible gibberellin-like substances fromthe shoot tips were markedly reduced by treating plants withCCC but were apparently not affected by treating plants withB-9. It is suggested that effects of CCC on flowering in tomatoare mediated, in part at least, through changes in levels ofendogenous gibberellins.  相似文献   

Patterns of distribution of 14C were determined in 47-day-oldtomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) 24 h after theapplication of [14C]sucrose to individual source leaves fromleaves 1–10 (leaf 1 being the first leaf produced abovethe cotyledons). The first inflorescence of these plants wasbetween the ‘buds visible’ and the ‘firstanthesis’ stages of development. The predominant sink organs in these plants were the root system,the stem, the developing first inflorescence and the shoot ‘apex’(all tissues above node 10). The contribution made by individualsource leaves to the assimilate reaching these organs dependedupon the vertical position of the leaf on the main-stem axisand upon its position with respect to the phyllotactic arrangementof the leaves about this axis. The root system received assimilateprincipally from leaf 5 and higher leaves, and the stem apexfrom the four lowest leaves. The developing first inflorescencereceived assimilates mainly from leaves in the two orthostichiesadjacent to the radial position of the inflorescence on thevertical axis of the plant; these included leaves which weremajor contributors of 14C to the root system (leaves 6 and 8)and to the shoot apex (leaves 1 and 3). This pattern of distributionof assimilate may explain why root-restriction treatments andremoval of young leaves at the shoot apex can reduce the extentof flower bud abortion in the first inflorescence under conditionsof reduced photoassimilate availability. Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, tomato, assimilate distribution, source-sink relationships  相似文献   

在番茄“白化”突变体果实发育过程中,总叶绿素、叶绿素a、叶绿素b的含量均小于正常植株的果实;果肉细胞内含有白色体;果实在贮藏期间的硬度较大。而果实品质,如糖酸比、维生素C和可溶性固形物的含量与正常果实差异不大。  相似文献   

研究不同浓度乙酰水杨酸(ASA)对番茄品种‘辽园多丽’果实发育期间蔗糖代谢相关酶影响的结果表明:ASA可抑制果实的维管束和胶质胎座中酸性转化酶(AI)和中性转化酶(NI)活性,而提高蔗糖合成酶(SS)与蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)活性;心室隔壁和中果肉中ASA的作用与此相反。ASA促进果实维管束中可溶性糖积累主要通过调控AI和NI活性实现,而在胶质胎座中主要通过调控SS活性实现;在中果肉和心室隔壁中主要通过调控SS和AI活性实现。  相似文献   

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