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Over the last few decades, the number of invasive alien species (IAS) has increased worldwide. IAS can have negative impacts on biodiversity, human health, and the economy. For a number of reasons, IAS policies and management schemes that have been implemented have not been sufficient to tackle the problem. In this article, we focus on IAS eradication and a main obstacle to eradication, namely a lack of public support. By analyzing three specific cases of IAS eradication in the Netherlands (Indian house crow; Pallas's squirrel; and American bullfrog), we show how factors initially affecting public support for eradication interact with each other and influence the effectiveness of the measures that IAS eradication managers implement in order to achieve support for their eradication programs. Our analysis provides a better understanding of the manipulability of factors affecting public support. Finally, it reveals concrete measures that IAS managers can implement in order to gain public support. A lesson for IAS eradication managers is that they can effectively aim for support for eradication, even if low public support for eradication is to be expected in first instance. In addition, this article provides insight into practical measures that IAS eradication managers can implement.  相似文献   

【目的】摸清平潭无居民海岛外来入侵植物的现状,为海岛外来入侵植物防治及海岛植被修复等提供参考。【方法】采用样线法和样方法,开展平潭无居民海岛外来入侵植物的调查,对其科属组成、区系地理成分、植物功能性状特征、原产地和入侵等级等进行统计分析,并与其他海岛区域进行对比研究。【结果】平潭无居民海岛共有外来入侵植物15科26属30种,以菊科、苋科较为突出,科、属级地理成分都以热带成分为主。在植物功能性状方面,生活型、生长型均以一年生草本为主;叶以小型叶、纸质叶、叶被毛比重最大;果实及种子特征以微型的蒴果、瘦果、胞果为主。海岛外来入侵植物原产地主要为美洲;入侵方式多为人为或其他活动无意引入,且危害方式多样,破坏性强;繁殖方式以种子繁殖为主;8种外来入侵植物的出现频率≥27.78%;研究区外来入侵植物特征与其他海岛区域外来入侵植物特征具有一定相似性。【结论】平潭无居民海岛外来入侵植物种类较多、部分植物入侵性较强及出现频率较高等,建议继续开展平潭其他海岛外来入侵植物的本底调查,并有针对性地开展防治工作。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a general survey, the first in the United Kingdom, carried out on accredited breeding colonies of mice, rats and guinea-pigs over a period of a year. While the results show the potential usefulness of a viral accreditation grading scheme, they also show that contamination of breeding colonies with inapparent viral infections is widespread. This situation can only be improved by the continuous monitoring of animal stocks for rodent viruses, with the aim of improving the standard of animals available for research and for pharmacological, toxicological and routine diagnostic procedures.  相似文献   

Europe is attempting to contain or, in some regions, to eradicate the invading and maize destroying western corn rootworm (WCR). Eradication and containment measures include crop rotation and insecticide treatments within different types of buffer zones surrounding new introduction points. However, quantitative estimates of the relationship between the probability of adult dispersal and distance from an introduction point have not been used to determine the width of buffer zones. We address this by fitting dispersal models of the negative exponential and negative power law families in logarithmic and non-logarithmic form to recapture data from nine mark-release-recapture experiments of marked WCR adults from habitats as typically found in the vicinity of airports in southern Hungary in 2003 and 2004. After each release of 4000–6300 marked WCR, recaptures were recorded three times using non-baited yellow sticky traps at 30–305 m from the release point and sex pheromone-baited transparent sticky traps placed at 500–3500 m. Both the negative exponential and negative power law models in non-log form presented the best overall fit to the numbers of recaptured adults (1% recapture rate). The negative exponential model in log form presented the best fit to the data in the tail. The models suggested that half of the dispersing WCR adults travelling along a given bearing will have travelled between 117 and 425 m and 1% of the adults between 775 and 8250 m after 1 day. An individual-based model of dispersal and mortality over a generation of WCR adults indicated that 9.7–45.3% of the adults would escape a focus zone (where maize is only grown once in 3 consecutive years) of 1 km radius and 0.6–21% a safety zone (where maize is only grown once in 2 consecutive years) of 5 km radius and consequently current European Commission (EC) measures are inadequate for the eradication of WCR in Europe. Although buffer zones large enough to allow eradication would be economically unpalatable, an increase of the minimum width of the focus zone from 1 to 5 km and the safety zone from 5 to 50 km would improve the management of local dispersal.  相似文献   

Identifying which introduced species have the greatest potential for establishment, spread and impact is critical for prioritizing pre‐ and post‐border control. Using species distribution modelling and existing species locations we assessed the establishment risk based on the climatic suitability areas of 25 plant species listed as eradication targets under South African regulations. To improve confidence, three bioclimatic models were used to predict the potential distribution of each species. This information was combined with the number of localities and the “eradication feasibility syndromes” in a scoring‐categorical system to rank the species. Three management groups were identified. Group “A” includes species with medium‐high establishment risk and higher likelihood to be eradicated, these species should be a priority for eradication. Group “B” includes species with a medium‐low establishment risk but given the low number of known population and the species characteristics, eradication is likely to be feasible. Finally species in group “C” scored a medium‐high establishment risk but the eradication would be difficult due to the high number of known localities. This ranking provides a rapid method to prioritize the management towards the eradication of new potential invasive plant species in the country combining the establishment risk, known number of localities and the inferred eradication success.  相似文献   

CpG islands: features and distribution in the genomes of vertebrates   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
B A?ssani  G Bernardi 《Gene》1991,106(2):173-183
We have investigated the distribution of unmethylated CpG islands in vertebrate genomes fractionated according to their base composition. Genomes from warm-blooded vertebrates (man, mouse and chicken) are characterized by abundant CpG islands, whose frequency increases in DNA fractions of increasing % of guanine + cytosine; % G + C (GC), in parallel with the distribution of genes and CpG doublets. Small, yet significant, differences in the distribution of CpG islands were found in the three genomes. In contrast, genomes from cold-blooded vertebrates (two reptiles, one amphibian, and two fishes) were characterized by an extreme scarcity or absence of CpG islands (detected in these experiments as HpaII tiny fragments or HTF). CpG islands associated with homologous genes from cold- and warm-blooded vertebrates were then compared by analyzing CpG frequencies, GC levels, HpaII sites, rare-cutter sites and G/C boxes (GGGGCGGGGC and closely related motifs) in sequences available in gene banks. Small, yet significant, differences were again detected among the CpG islands associated with homologous genes from warm-blooded vertebrates, in that CpG islands associated with mouse or rat genes often showed low CpG and/or GC levels, as well as low numbers of HpaII sites, rare-cutter sites and G/C boxes, compared to homologous human genes; more rarely, CpG islands were just absent. As far as cold-blooded vertebrates were concerned, a number of genes showed CpG islands, which exhibited a much lower frequency of CpG doublets than that found in CpG islands of warm-blooded vertebrates, but still approached the statistically expected frequency; none of the other features of CpG islands associated with genes from warm-blooded vertebrates were present. Other genes did not show any associated CpG islands, unlike their homologues from warm-blooded vertebrates.  相似文献   

CpG islands, genes and isochores in the genomes of vertebrates   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
B A?ssani  G Bernardi 《Gene》1991,106(2):185-195
We have shown that human genes associated with CpG islands increase in number as they increase in % of guanine + cytosine (GC) levels, and that most genes associated with CpG islands are located in the GC-richest compartment of the human genome. This is an independent confirmation of the concentration gradient of CpG islands (detected as HpaII tiny fragments, or HTF) which was demonstrated in the genome of warm-blooded vertebrates [A?ssani and Bernardi, Gene 106 (1991) 173-183]. We then reassessed the location of CpG islands using the data currently available and confirmed that CpG islands are most frequently located in the 5'-flanking sequences of genes and that they overlap genes to variable extents. We have shown that such extents increase with the increasing GC levels of genes, the GC-richest genes being completely included in CpG islands. Under such circumstances, we have investigated the properties of the 'extragenic' CpG islands located in the 5'-flanking segments of homologous genes from both warm- and cold-blooded vertebrates. We have confirmed that, in cold-blooded vertebrates, CpG islands are often absent; when present, they have lower GC and CpG levels; the latter attain, however, statistically expected values. Finally, we have shown that CpG doublets increase with the increasing GC of exons, introns and intergenic sequences (including 'extragenic' CpG islands) in the genomes from both warm- and cold-blooded vertebrates. The correlations found are the same for both classes of vertebrates, and are similar for exons, introns and intergenic sequences (including 'extragenic' CpG islands). The findings just outlined indicate that the origin and evolution of CpG islands in the vertebrate genome are associated with compositional transitions (GC increases) in genes and isochores.  相似文献   

Apart from acting synergistically or additively, threats to species may be associated or disassociated. Here we link global data on threatened Chordata species, mainly birds, mammals, and amphibians, with a probabilistic methodology to test whether the impact from invasive alien species co-occurs purely randomly, associated, or disassociated with impact from nine other major threats to biodiversity listed in the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List database. Impacts from several of the other threats, in particular from natural disasters, are associated with the impact from invasive alien species. Three of the threats of anthropogenic origin, namely habitat loss, harvesting, and human disturbance, co-occur randomly with impact from invaders, and we suggest several explanations to this unexpected relationship, such as ambiguous evidence for associations between them and human-induced disturbances. Impact from invasive alien predators has a strong association with impact from native predators, indicating that similarity in autecology affects co-occurrences between threats. The threat from invasive predators is disassociated from intrinsic factors on islands, probably because species suffering from for instance inbreeding problems have low densities and rarely encounter invasive alien predators. The analysis of co-occurrence of impact from invasive alien species and other threats is a first step to understand and mitigate vulnerability of a community to the simultaneous exposure to invasive alien species and other threats. Association or disassociation between threats may depend on correlations between exposures and sensitivity to the threats or on the presence of one threat increasing or decreasing the sensitivity to another.  相似文献   

Over 430 alien tree species worldwide are known to be invasive, and the list is growing as more tree species are moved around the world and become established in novel environments. Alien trees can simultaneously bring many benefits and cause substantial environmental harm, very often leading to conflicts over how they should be managed. The impacts grow over time as invasions spread, and societal perceptions of the value of alien trees also change as understanding grows and as values shift. This leads to a dynamic environment in which trade-offs are required to maximise benefits and minimise harm. The management of alien tree populations needs to be strategic and adaptive, combining all possible management interventions to promote the sustainable delivery of optimal outcomes. We use examples, mainly from South Africa (where issues relating to invasive alien trees introduced for forestry have received most attention), to argue for holistic and collaborative approaches to alien tree management. Such approaches need to include bold steps, such as phasing out unsustainable plantation forestry that is based on highly invasive species, and in which the costs are externalised. Furthermore, it would be advisable to impose much stricter controls on the introduction of alien trees to new environments, so that problems that would arise from subsequent invasions can be avoided.  相似文献   

Complex surveillance problems are common in biosecurity, such as prioritizing detection among multiple invasive species, specifying risk over a heterogeneous landscape, combining multiple sources of surveillance data, designing for specified power to detect, resource management, and collateral effects on the environment. Moreover, when designing for multiple target species, inherent biological differences among species result in different ecological models underpinning the individual surveillance systems for each. Species are likely to have different habitat requirements, different introduction mechanisms and locations, require different methods of detection, have different levels of detectability, and vary in rates of movement and spread. Often there is a further challenge of a lack of knowledge, literature, or data, for any number of the above problems. Even so, governments and industry need to proceed with surveillance programs which aim to detect incursions in order to meet environmental, social and political requirements. We present an approach taken to meet these challenges in one comprehensive and statistically powerful surveillance design for non-indigenous terrestrial vertebrates on Barrow Island, a high conservation nature reserve off the Western Australian coast. Here, the possibility of incursions is increased due to construction and expanding industry on the island. The design, which includes mammals, amphibians and reptiles, provides a complete surveillance program for most potential terrestrial vertebrate invaders. Individual surveillance systems were developed for various potential invaders, and then integrated into an overall surveillance system which meets the above challenges using a statistical model and expert elicitation. We discuss the ecological basis for the design, the flexibility of the surveillance scheme, how it meets the above challenges, design limitations, and how it can be updated as data are collected as a basis for adaptive management.  相似文献   

The Allee effect, stochastic dynamics and the eradication of alien species   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Previous treatments of the population biology of eradication have assumed that eradication can only be achieved via 100% removal of the alien population. However, this assumption appears to be incorrect because stochastic dynamics and the Allee effect typically contribute to the extinction of very low‐density populations. We explore a model that incorporates Allee dynamics and stochasticity to observe how these two processes contribute to the extinction of isolated populations following eradication treatments of varying strength (percentage mortality). As a case study, we used historical data on the dynamics of isolated gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, populations to fit parameters to this model. The parameterized model was then used in simulations that evaluated the efficacy of various eradication strategies. The results indicated that eradication of isolated gypsy moth populations could be easily achieved following a treatment of >80% mortality as long as populations were relatively low (indicated by <100 males captured in pheromone traps).  相似文献   

Three types of secretory cells -- B, A and D were found in the pancreatic islets of the frog, turtle, crucian, rat and cat by the method of electron microscopy. The fine structure of secretory granules is a basis for identification of the endocrine cell types. The structure of the insuline granules is changed more markedly in the evolution process while the granules of A and D cells have a similar structure in the vertebrates under study.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To evaluate the United Kingdom Huntington''s disease presymptomatic testing programme. DESIGN--Postal questionnaire survey to collect data on all tests performed by clinical genetics centres between 1987 and 1990. SETTING--Genetic centres providing presymptomatic testing in the United Kingdom. SUBJECTS--248 subjects at risk of Huntington''s disease who had presymptomatic testing at their request. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Sex, age, prior risk, and risk after testing. RESULTS--The risk of carrying the Huntington disease gene was reduced for 151 (61%) of the applicants and raised for 97 (39%). 158 (64%) of the subjects were female and 90 (36%) male. The median age at which the results were given was 32.5 years. CONCLUSIONS--The demand for testing was lower than expected and may have reached its peak in 1990. The excess of low risk results was not fully explained by the age effect. All the genetics centres concerned have agreed a common service protocol which requires extensive pre-test counselling and post-test follow up. The worth of the procedure remains to be decided. The availability of a large body of pooled data from all the United Kingdom testing centres, which individually are likely to have only a few results, will form a valuable resource for monitoring the long term psychosocial impact of testing.  相似文献   

The higher vulnerability of islands to invasions compared to mainland areas has been partially attributed to a simplification of island communities, with lower levels of natural enemies and competitors on islands conferring vacant niches for invaders to establish and proliferate. However, differences in invader life-history traits between populations have received less attention. We conducted a broad geographical analysis (i.e. 1050 km wide transect) of plant traits comparing insular and mainland populations to test the hypothesis that alien plants from insular populations have the potential for higher invasiveness than their alien mainland counterparts. For this purpose plants of the annual geophyte Oxalis pes-caprae were grown from bulbs collected in the Balearic islands and the Spanish mainland under common greenhouse conditions. There were no significant differences in bulb emergence and plant survival between descendants from insular and mainland populations. However, Oxalis descendants from insular populations produced 20% more bulbs without reducing allocation to bulb size, above-ground biomass or flowering than descendants from mainland populations. Based on the lack of sexual reproduction in Oxalis and the dependence of invasion on bulb production, our study suggests that the higher occurrence of Oxalis in the Balearic islands than in the Spanish mainland can partially be explained by genetically based higher propagation potential of insular populations compared to mainland populations.  相似文献   

Estimates of land use and plant productivity are combined to predict total annual primary production in the UK as 252 million tonnes dry matter (10.5 t ha?1yr?1). Annual above ground production is predicted to be 165 Mt (6.9 t ha?1yr?1). Within these totals, intensive agriculture contributes 60%, productive woodland 8%, natural vegetation 26% and urban vegetation 5%. However, only 25% of total plant production is cropped by man and animals, and most of this is subsequently discarded as wastes and residues. 2112 PJ of organic material is available for fuel without reducing food or fibre production, but since much of this could not be economically collected, 859 PJ is calculated as a more realistic biofuel contribution by the year 2000. After deducting 50% conversion losses, this could save P1 billion (1979 prices) in oil imports. Short rotation energy plantations, forest residues, coppice woodlands, animal and crop wastes, industrial and domestic wastes, catch crops, natural vegetation and urban vegetation all have immediate or short term potential as biofuel sources. Sensitive planning is required to reduce environmental impact, but in some cases more diverse wildlife habitats may be created.  相似文献   

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