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Total and specific carbonic anhydrase activity was measured for 24 structures of the rat central and peripheral nervous system. In the CNS, white matter or regions containing largely white matter show a neuraxial distribution of enzyme activity; more cephalad structures display more activity. Gray matter regions do not show a rostrocaudal distribution and usually have lower activity than adjacent myelin-containing structures. PNS tissue shows neither the white-gray differences nor the rostrocaudal profile of CNS tissue. Subcellular fractionation of 18 regions of the CNS suggest that the predominance of membrane-bound carbonic anhydrase (60% of the total activity and independent of its magnitude) is a unique characteristic of all regions of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Neurofilaments were isolated from desheathed and minced segments of rat peripheral nerve by osmotic shock into 0.01 M Tris-HCI buffer, pH 7.2. Freshly isolated neurofilaments were observed to undergo disassembly by progressive fragmentation upon exposure of dilute tissue extracts to this buffer. Low- and high-speed centrifugations of these tissue extracts separated membranous and particulate constituents and produced a progressive enrichment of 68,000-dalton polypeptide band in successive supernates, as determined by analyses of soluble proteins by SDS-polyacrylamide electrophoresis. The final high-speed supernatant fractions (S3) of nerve extracts, which were predominantly composed of 68,000-dalton polypeptide, were used to raise a specific experimental antisera in rabbits. Utilizing techniques of immune electron microscopy, experimental rabbit antisear was shown to contain antibodies against neurofilaments. Intact neurofilaments isolated from rat nerves and attached to carbon-coated grids became decorated when exposed to experimental rabbit antisera or purified gamma globulin (IgG) derivatives. The decoration of neurofilaments closely resembled the IgG coating seen in immune electron microscopy. Antibody absorption techniques were used to identify the biochemical constituency of neurofilamentous antigenic determinants. The decoration of neurofilament by experimental IgG was not altered by additions of tubulin or bovine serum albumin, but was prevented by additions of S3 fractions as well as the 68,000-dalton polypeptide of this fraction which was eluted and recovered from polyacrylamide gels. These findings are indicative that a 68,000-dalton polypeptide is a constituent subunit of rat peripheral nerve neurofilaments.  相似文献   

In human brain, antibodies to tau proteins primarily label abnormal rather than normal structures. This might reflect altered immunoreactivity owing to post-mortem proteolysis, disease, or species differences. We addressed this issue by comparing the distribution of tau in bovine and human post-mortem nervous system tissues and in human neural cell lines, using new monoclonal antibodies (MAb) specific for phosphate-independent epitopes in bovine and human tau. In neocortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum, immunoreactive tau was widely expressed but segregated into the axon-neuropil domain of neurons. In spinal cord and peripheral nervous system, tau immunoreactivity was similarly segregated but less abundant. No immunoreactive tau was detected with our MAb in glial cells or in human neural cell lines that express neurofilament or glial filament proteins. Post-mortem delays in tissue denaturation of less than 24 hr did not affect the distribution of tau, but the method used to denature tissues did, i.e., microwave treatment preserved tau immunoreactivity more effectively than chemical fixatives such as Bouin's solution, and formalin-fixed tissue samples reacted poorly with our anti-tau MAb. We conclude that the distribution of tau proteins in human nervous system is similar to that described in perfusion-fixed experimental animals, and that visualization of normal immunoreactive tau in human tissues is critically dependent on the procedures used to denature post-mortem tissue samples. Furthermore, microenvironmental factors in different neuroanatomical sites may affect the regional expression of tau.  相似文献   

The ultracytochemical localization of eight hydrolytic enzymes (TMPase, 5'-NPase, TPPase, TTPase, Mg++-ATPase, Ca++-ATPase, ALPase and K+-NPPase) and one oxidative enzyme (MAO) was determined in rat brain capillary endothelial cells. In the somal plasma membrane, the enzymatic activity was mainly located in the antiluminal plasma membrane. This finding was appropriate for enzymes possessing the optimal pH at alkaline ranges, except for alkaline phosphatase. Most enzymes investigated showed a positive reaction on the pinocytotic vesicles of capillary endothelial cells. Differences in the intensity of the enzyme activities of the luminal and antiluminal plasma membranes may reflect the polarity in the capillary endothelial cells and relate to blood-brain barrier mechanisms.  相似文献   

Endozepines represent a novel family of regulatory peptides that have been isolated by their ability to displace benzodiazepines from their binding sites. All endozepines derive from an 86 amino acid precursor polypeptide called diazepam binding inhibitor (DBI), which generates, through proteolytic cleavage, several biologically active endozepines. The aim of the present study was to compare the molecular forms of endozepines present in different regions of the rat brain and in various peripheral organs using an antiserum raised against the central (biologically active) region of DBI. Combination of HPLC analysis and RIA detection revealed the existence of two major forms (peaks I and II) of endozepine-immunoreactive peptides. The retention times of the two peaks (36 and 39 min, respectively) were identical in all tissues or organs tested. Western blotting analysis of cerebral cortex extracts confirmed the existence of two immunoreactive species with apparent molecular weights 4000 and 6000 Da, which respectively correspond to peaks I and II. Tryptic digestion of peaks I and II generated a single immunoreactive peptide that coeluted with the synthetic octadecaneuropeptide ODN [DBI(33–50)]. These results show that, in different parts of the brain and in various peripheral organs, DBI is rapidly processed to generate two peptides of apparent molecular weight of 4000 and 6000 Da, which both possess the biologically active determinant of endozepines.  相似文献   

Based on the evidence that the antinociceptive effects of acetaminophen could be mediated centrally, tissue distribution of the drug after systemic administration was determined in rat anterior and posterior cortex, striatum, hippocampus, hypothalamus, brain stem, ventral and dorsal spinal cord. In a first study, rats were treated with acetaminophen at 100, 200 or 400 mg/kg per os (p.o.), and drug levels were determined at 15, 45, 120, 240 min by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with electrochemical detection (ED). In a second study, 45 min after i.v. administration of [3H]acetaminophen (43 microCi/rat; 0.65 microg/kg), radioactivity was counted in the same structures, plus the septum, the anterior raphe area and the cerebellum. Both methods showed a homogeneous distribution of acetaminophen in all structures studied. Using the HPLC-ED method, maximal distribution appeared at 45 min. Tissue concentrations of acetaminophen then decreased rapidly except at the dose of 400 mg/kg where levels were still high 240 min after administration, probably because of the saturation of clearance mechanisms. Tissue levels increased with the dose up to 200 mg/kg and then leveled off up to 400 mg/kg. Using the radioactive method, it was found that the tissue/blood ratio was remarkably constant throughout the CNS, ranking from 0.39 in the dorsal spinal cord to 0.46 in the cerebellum. These results, indicative of a massive impregnation of all brain regions, are consistent with a central antinociceptive action of acetaminophen.  相似文献   

The distribution of dynorphin in the central nervous system was investigated in rats pretreated with relatively high doses (300–400 μg) of colchicine administered intracerebroventricularly. To circumvent the problems of antibody cross-reactivity, antisera were generated against different portions as well as the full dynorphin molecule (i.e., residues 1–13, 7–17, or 1–17). For comparison, antisera to [Leu]enkephalin (residues 1–5) were also utilized. Dynorphin was found to be widely distributed throughout the neuraxis. Immunoreactive neuronal perikarya exist in hypothalamic magnocellular nuclei, periaqueductal gray, scattered reticular formation sites, and other brain stem nuclei, as well as in spinal cord. Additionally, dynorphin-positive fibers or terminals occur in the cerebral cortex, olfactory bulb, nucleus accumbens, caudate-putamen, globus pallidus, hypothalamus, substantia nigra, periaqueductal gray, many brain stem sties, and the spinal cord. In many areas studied, dynorphin and enkephalin appeared to form parallel but probably separate anatomical systems. The results suggest that dynorphin occurs in neuronal systems that are immunocytochemically distinct from those containing other opioid peptides.  相似文献   

The distribution of galanin-like immunoreactivity in various regions of the central nervous system was assessed in three mammalian species, pig, rat, and human, by radioimmunoassay. Galanin concentrations were highest in the hypothalamus and pituitary region. In spinal cord, there was a rostrocaudal/dorsoventral gradient with highest levels observed in the sacral dorsal horn. Serial dilutions of porcine tissue extracts diluted parallel to the porcine standard curve, while the rat and human tissue extracts did not. In all tissues examined by high pressure liquid chromatography, the principal peak of immunoreactivity coeluted with the authentic porcine galanin standard and was decreased by trypsin cleavage. These results suggest a role for galanin in the central nervous system and support species differences in the structure of galanin.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the most recent data obtained in the authors' laboratory on the metabolism of testosterone and progesterone in neurons, in the glia, and in neuroblastoma cells. The activities of the 5α-reductase (the enzyme that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, DHT), and of the 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (the enzyme that converts DHT into 5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol, 3α-diol) have been first evaluated in primary cultures of neurons, oligodendrocytes and type-1 and -2 astrocytes, obtained from the fetal or neonatal rat brain. All the cultures were used on the fifth day. The formation of DHT or 3α-diol was evaluated incubating the different cultures with labeled testosterone or DHT as substrates. The results obtained indicate that the formation of DHT takes place preferentially in neurons; however, type-2 astrocytes and oligodendrocytes also possess considerable 5α-reductase activity, while type-1 astrocytes show a much lower enzymatic concentration. A completely different localization was observed for 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; the formation of 3α-diol appears to be prevalently, if not exclusively, present in type-1 astrocytes; 3α-diol is formed in very low yields by neurons, type-2 astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. The compartmentalization of two strictly correlated enzymes (5α-reductase and 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase) in separate central nervous system (CNS) cell populations suggests the simultaneous participation of neurons and glial cells in the 5α-reductive metabolism of testosterone. Subsequently it has been shown that, similarly to what happens when testosterone is used as the substrate, the 5α-reductase which metabolizes progesterone into 5α-pregnane-3,20-dione (DHP) shows a significantly higher activity in neurons than in glial cells; however, type-1 and -2 astrocytes as well as oligodendrocytes also possess some ability to 5α-reduce progesterone. On the other hand, 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, the enzyme which converts DHP into 5α-pregnane-3α-ol-20-one, appears to be present mainly in type-1 astrocytes; much lower levels of this enzyme are present in neurons and in type-2 astrocytes. At variance with the previous results obtained using androgens as precursors, oligodendrocytes show considerable 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity, even if this is statistically lower than that present in type-1 astrocytes. The existence of isoforms of the enzyme involved in androgen and progesterone metabolism is discussed.Finally, the ability of the human neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y to metabolize androgens and progesterone was studied incubating the cells in the presence of labeled testosterone or progesterone to measure, respectively, the formation of DHT or DHP (5α-reductase activity). 3α-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity was studied by evaluating the conversion of labeled DHT into 3α-diol. The results demonstrate that undifferentiated neuroblastoma cells possess a significant 5α-reductase activity, as shown by the considerable conversion of testosterone into DHT; moreover, this enzymatic activity seems to be significantly stimulated following cell differentiation induced by the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), but not after differentiation induced by retinoic acid (RA). The 5α-reductase present in SH-SY5Y cells is also able to convert progesterone into DHP. In undifferentiated cell, this conversion is about 8 times higher than that of testosterone into DHT. Under the influences of TPA and RA, the formation of DHP follows the same pattern observed for that of DHT. SH-SY5Y cells also appear to possess the enzyme 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, since they are able to convert DHT into 3α-diol. This enzymatic activity is not altered following TPA-induced differentiation, and appears to be decreased following treatment with RA. It is suggested that the SH-SY5Y cell line may represent a useful “in vitro” model for the study of the mechanisms involved in the control of androgen and progesterone metabolism in nervous cells.  相似文献   

After axotomy, changes in the composition of fast axonally transported proteins ( FTP ) within the peripheral nervous system (PNS) axons have been reported. The most significant and reproducible changes involved polypeptides found within the molecular weight range of 31.0 to 14.5 kilodaltons ( Bisby , 1980). We wished to determine whether similar changes following axotomy occur in axons of the central nervous system (CNS). Intracranial axotomy of the left optic tract was performed stereotaxically in rats. Six days post axotomy 50 muCi 35[S]-methionine was injected into the vitreous body of both eyes. FTP were isolated within the optic nerves 2 h after isotope injection. The nerve segments were processed for SDS-PAGE, fluorography, and compared to similarly prepared fluorographs of normal and eight day post-axotomy sciatic nerve segments. The labelling of 5 major polypeptide bands (S1, MW congruent to 28,000; S2a , MW congruent to 25,000; S2b , MW congruent to 23,000; T1, MW congruent to 20,200; and T2, MW congruent to 17,000) was studied by laser densitometry. Band S2b showed a highly significant (p less than 0.001) increase in concentration, while bands S1 and T1 demonstrated highly significant decreases in concentration following axotomy of the sciatic nerve. In contrast, after axotomy of the retinal ganglion cell axons the only significant change was a decrease (p less than 0.05) in T1. We suggest that failure of CNS axons to respond similarly to PNS axons following axotomy may be related to the failure of CNS axons to regenerate.  相似文献   

The key strategies on which the discovery of the functional organization of the central nervous system (CNS) under physiologic and pathophysiologic conditions have been based included (1) our measurements of phase and frequency coordination between the firings of alpha- and gamma-motoneurons and secondary muscle spindle afferents in the human spinal cord, (2) knowledge on CNS reorganization derived upon the improvement of the functions of the lesioned CNS in our patients in the short-term memory and the long-term memory (reorganization), and (3) the dynamic pattern approach for re-learning rhythmic coordinated behavior. The theory of self-organization and pattern formation in nonequilibrium systems is explicitly related to our measurements of the natural firing patterns of sets of identified single neurons in the human spinal premotor network and re-learned coordinated movements following spinal cord and brain lesions. Therapy induced cell proliferation, and maybe, neurogenesis seem to contribute to the host of structural changes during the process of re-learning of the lesioned CNS. So far, coordinated functions like movements could substantially be improved in every of the more than 100 patients with a CNS lesion by applying coordination dynamic therapy. As suggested by the data of our patients on re-learning, the human CNS seems to have a second integrative strategy for learning, re-learning, storing and recalling, which makes an essential contribution of the functional plasticity following a CNS lesion. A method has been developed by us for the simultaneous recording with wire electrodes of extracellular action potentials from single human afferent and efferent nerve fibres of undamaged sacral nerve roots. A classification scheme of the nerve fibres in the human peripheral nervous system (PNS) could be set up in which the individual classes of nerve fibres are characterized by group conduction velocities and group nerve fibre diameters. Natural impulse patterns of several identified single afferent and efferent nerve fibres (motoneuron axons) were extracted from multi-unit impulse patterns, and human CNS functions could be analyzed under physiologic and pathophysiologic conditions. With our discovery of premotor spinal oscillators it became possible to judge upon CNS neuronal network organization based on the firing patterns of these spinal oscillators and their driving afferents. Since motoneurons fire occasionally for low activation and oscillatory for high activation, the coherent organization of subnetworks to generate macroscopic function is very complex and for the time being, may be best described by the theory of coordination dynamics. Since oscillatory firing has also been observed by us in single motor unit firing patterns measured electromyographically, it seems possible to follow up therapeutic intervention in patients with spinal cord and brain lesions not only based on the activity levels and phases of motor programs during locomotion but also based on the physiologic and pathophysiologic firing patterns and recruitment of spinal oscillators. The improvement of the coordination dynamics of the CNS can be partly measured directly by rhythmicity upon the patient performing rhythmic movements coordinated up to milliseconds. Since rhythmic dynamic, coordinated, stereotyped movements are mainly located in the spinal cord and only little supraspinal drive is necessary to initiate, maintain, and terminate them, rhythmic, dynamic, coordinated movements were used in therapy to enforce reorganization of the lesioned CNS by improving the self-organization and relative coordination of spinal oscillators (and their interactions with occasionally firing motoneurons) which became pathologic in their firing following CNS lesion. Paraparetic, tetraparetic spinal cord and brain-lesioned patients re-learned running and other movements by an oscillator formation and coordination dynamic therapy. Our development in neurorehabilitation is in accordance with those of theoretical and computational neurosciences which deal with the self-organization of neuronal networks. In particular, jumping on a springboard 'in-phase' and in 'anti-phase' to re-learn phase relations of oscillator coupling can be understood in the framework of the Haken-Kelso-Bunz coordination dynamic model. By introducing broken symmetry, intention, learning and spasticity in the landscape of the potential function of the integrated CNS activity, the change in self-organization becomes understandable. Movement patterns re-learned by oscillator formation and coordination dynamic therapy evolve from reorganization and regeneration of the lesioned CNS by cooperative and competitive interplay between intrinsic coordination dynamics, extrinsic therapy related inputs with physiologic re-afferent input, including intention, motivation, supervised learning, interpersonal coordination, and genetic constraints including neurogenesis. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)  相似文献   

The end-structure of afferent axons chronically severed in the rat sciatic nerve or dorsal column (DC) was visualized by centrifugal transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated to HRP (WGA:HRP) injected into the L4 or L5 dorsal root ganglion. Nerve regeneration was prevented and neuroma formation encouraged by tightly ligating the cut nerve end. For the first few weeks postoperative, the time during which afferents trapped in a nerve-end neuroma generate their most intense ectopic impulse barrage, the developing neuroma was dominated by swollen terminal end-bulbs. There was some axonal dying-back, retrograde fiber growth, and terminal sprouting, but little preterminal branching. The rich tangle of fine preterminal branches usually thought of in relation to nerve-end neuromas did not elaborate until several months postoperative, a time when the neuroma is relatively quiescent electrically. Afferents cut in the DC, which never develop dramatic ectopic electrical activity, showed morphological peculiarities similar to nerve-end neuromas during the early postoperative period, including retrograde fiber growth and minimal sprouting. They did not, however, go on to form luxuriant branches. These data provide preliminary clues as to the structure of the ectopic impulse-generating mechanism thought to underlie paresthesias and pain associated with peripheral nerve injury.  相似文献   

Zeng  Wenwen  Yang  Fan  Shen  Wei L.  Zhan  Cheng  Zheng  Peng  Hu  Ji 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2022,65(10):1929-1958
Science China Life Sciences - According to Descartes, minds and bodies are distinct kinds of “substance”, and they cannot have causal interactions. However, in neuroscience, the two-way...  相似文献   

The problem of the control of voluntary human movements is considered from a cybernetic point of view. The human motor system is considered to be divided into a central part and a peripheral part. The peripheral part is relatively well known and may be regarded as a set of subsystems with well known input-output relations. The interaction between the peripheral part and the central part is related to the mechanisms of the peripheral motor part. With regard to the central part two different types of control mechanisms are possible, a) an intricate functioning of the central part which generates the control signals with regard to internal and external dynamical factors, b) the central part has some degree of independence with respect to the dynamics of the peripheral mortor part. In the latter case the central part prescribes the desired movement exactly, but the final performance of the movement is also brought about by peripheral feedback mechanisms. As a functional form of the interaction between the central part and the peripheral part it might be that the control signals are encoded in a way that is related to the muscle lengths.  相似文献   

Apart from being a prominent (inhibitory) neurotransmitter that is widely distributed in the central and peripheral nervous system, -aminobutyric acid (GABA) has turned out to exert trophic actions. In this manner GABA may modulate the neuroplastic capacity of neurons and neuron-like cells under various conditions in situ and in vitro. In the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) of adult rat, GABA induces the formation of free postsynaptic-like densities on the dendrites of principal neurons and enables implanted foreign (cholinergic) nerves to establish functional synaptic contacts, even while preexisting connections of the preganglionic axons persist. Apart from postsynaptic effects, GABA inhibits acetylcholine release from preganglionic nerve terminals and changes, at least transiently, the neurochemical markers of cholinergic innervation (acetylcholinesterase and nicotinic receptors). In murine neuroblastoma cells in vitro, GABA induces electron microscopic changes, which are similar in principle to those seen in the SCG. Both neuroplastic effects of GABA, in situ and in vitro, could be mimicked by sodium bromide, a hyperpolarizing agent. In addition, evidence is available that GABA via A- and/or B-receptors may exert direct trophic actions. The regulation of both types of trophic actions (direct, receptor-mediated vs. indirect, bioelectric activity dependent) is discussed.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Claude Baxter.  相似文献   

Rats sciatic nerves gangliosides have been studied. We found about 120 nmoles NANA/g dry weight. We studied the relative distribution of the gangliosides, after TLC and densitometry. G4 (GM1) accounts for about 31 % of total NANA. G5 is absent from our samples ; we found a very low level of G7. Our distribution is different from the data of Svennerholm's group for the gangliosides of the human femoral nerve, and from Yates and Wherrett for the gangliosides of the rabbit sciatic nerves.  相似文献   

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