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The plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatus, is a vocal species of teleost fish that generates acoustic signals for intraspecific communication during social and reproductive behaviors. All adult morphs (females and males) produce single short duration grunts important for agonistic encounters, but only nesting males produce trains of grunts and growls in agonistic contexts and long duration multiharmonic advertisement calls to attract gravid females for spawning. The midshipman fish uses the saccule as the main acoustic endorgan for hearing to detect and locate vocalizing conspecifics. Here, I examined the response properties of evoked potentials from the midshipman saccule to determine the frequency response and auditory threshold sensitivity of saccular hair cells to behaviorally-relevant single tone stimuli. Saccular potentials were recorded from the rostral, medial and caudal regions of the saccule while sound was presented by an underwater speaker. Saccular potentials of the midshipman, like other teleosts, were evoked greatest at a frequency that was twice the stimulus frequency. Results indicate that midshipman saccular hair cells of non-reproductive adults had a peak frequency sensitivity that ranged from 75 (lowest frequency tested) to 145 Hz and were best suited to detect the low frequency components (≤105 Hz) of midshipman vocalizations.  相似文献   

Acoustic communication is critical for reproductive success in the oyster toadfish Opsanus tau. While previous studies have examined the acoustic characteristics, behavioral context, geographical variation, and seasonality of advertisement boatwhistle sound production, there is limited information on the grunt or other non-advertisement vocalizations in this species. This study continuously monitored sound production in toadfish maintained in an outdoor habitat for four months to identify and characterize grunt vocalizations, compare them with boatwhistles, and test for relationships between the incidence of grunt vocalizations, sound characteristics and environmental parameters. Oyster toadfish produced grunts in response to handling, and spontaneous single (70% of all grunts), doublet (10%), and trains of grunts (20%) throughout the May to September study period. Grunt types varied in pulse structure, duration, and frequency components, and were shorter and of lower fundamental frequency than the pulse repetition rate of boatwhistles. Higher water temperatures were correlated with a greater number of grunt emissions, higher fundamental frequencies, and shorter sound durations. The number of grunts per day was also positively correlated with daylength and maximum tidal amplitude differences (previously entrained) associated with full and new moons, thus providing the first demonstration of semilunar vocalization rhythms in the oyster toadfish. These data provide new information on the acoustic repertoire and the environmental factors correlated with sound production in the toadfish, and have important implications for seasonal acoustic communication in this model vocal fish.  相似文献   

Bat echolocation is primarily used for orientation and foraging but also holds great potential for social communication. The communicative function of echolocation calls is still largely unstudied, especially in the wild. Eavesdropping on vocal signatures encoding social information in echolocation calls has not, to our knowledge, been studied in free-living bats so far. We analysed echolocation calls of the polygynous bat Saccopteryx bilineata and found pronounced vocal signatures encoding sex and individual identity. We showed experimentally that free-living males discriminate approaching male and female conspecifics solely based on their echolocation calls. Males always produced aggressive vocalizations when hearing male echolocation calls and courtship vocalizations when hearing female echolocation calls; hence, they responded with complex social vocalizations in the appropriate social context. Our study demonstrates that social information encoded in bat echolocation calls plays a crucial and hitherto underestimated role for eavesdropping conspecifics and thus facilitates social communication in a highly mobile nocturnal mammal.  相似文献   

Many fishes rely on their auditory skills to interpret crucial information about predators and prey, and to communicate intraspecifically. Few studies, however, have examined how complex natural sounds are perceived in fishes. We investigated the representation of conspecific mating and agonistic calls in the auditory system of the Lusitanian toadfish Halobatrachus didactylus, and analysed auditory responses to heterospecific signals from ecologically relevant species: a sympatric vocal fish (meagre Argyrosomus regius) and a potential predator (dolphin Tursiops truncatus). Using auditory evoked potential (AEP) recordings, we showed that both sexes can resolve fine features of conspecific calls. The toadfish auditory system was most sensitive to frequencies well represented in the conspecific vocalizations (namely the mating boatwhistle), and revealed a fine representation of duration and pulsed structure of agonistic and mating calls. Stimuli and corresponding AEP amplitudes were highly correlated, indicating an accurate encoding of amplitude modulation. Moreover, Lusitanian toadfish were able to detect T. truncatus foraging sounds and A. regius calls, although at higher amplitudes. We provide strong evidence that the auditory system of a vocal fish, lacking accessory hearing structures, is capable of resolving fine features of complex vocalizations that are probably important for intraspecific communication and other relevant stimuli from the auditory scene.  相似文献   

This study investigated the acoustic structure of grunt vocalizations in red-bellied lemurs (Eulemur rubriventer) and its potential for individual discrimination. Acoustic analyses were performed on 1,605 grunts recorded from seven lemurs belonging to two captive groups. From the perspective of sound-filter theory, we described the acoustic structure of grunts, measuring two sets of parameters: fundamental frequency characteristics as larynx-related variables and four formant frequencies as filter-related features. Formants were effective in assigning 80.5% of the vocalizations to the correct emitter against 24.9% scored by the model based on larynx-related variables. We concluded that vocal tract resonances might potentially provide conspecifics with individual cues.  相似文献   

A novel form of auditory plasticity for enhanced detection of social signals was described in a teleost fish, Porichthys notatus (Batrachoididae, Porichthyinae). The seasonal onset of male calling coincides with inshore migration from deep waters by both sexes and increased female sensitivity to dominant frequencies of male calls. The closely related Lusitanian toadfish, Halobatrachus didactylus, (Batrachoididae, Halophryninae) also breeds seasonally and relies on acoustic communication to find mates but, instead, both sexes stay in estuaries and show vocal activity throughout the year. We investigated whether the sensitivity of the inner ear saccule of H. didactylus is seasonally plastic and sexually dimorphic. We recorded evoked potentials from populations of saccular hair cells from non-reproductive and reproductive males and females in response to 15–945 Hz tones. Saccular hair cells were most sensitive at 15–205 Hz (thresholds between 111 and 118 dB re. 1 μPa). Both sexes showed identical hearing sensitivity and no differences were found across seasons. The saccule was well suited to detect conspecific vocalizations and low frequencies that overlapped with lateral line sensitivity. We showed that the saccule in H. didactylus has major importance in acoustic communication throughout the year and that significant sensory differences may exist between the two batrachoidid subfamilies.  相似文献   

Male signals are frequently studied in a single behavioral context, but in some cases they may assist multiple functions, namely for both male–male competition and female mate choice. Boatwhistles are known as the mate attraction calls of toadfishes typically produced during the breeding season. However, recent observations with the Lusitanian toadfish Halobatrachus didactylus (Batrachoididae) indicate that the emission of boatwhistles is not restricted to this period, which suggests a function in other behavioral contexts such as agonistic territorial interactions. We experimentally manipulated the social context of toadfish males to investigate whether boatwhistles are produced during territorial defense, by introducing ‘intruders’ in an experimental tank containing nesting ‘resident’ males. Furthermore, we examined whether parental care (eggs in the nest) affected the behavioral responses of resident males during territorial defense. Resident males defended their shelters producing sounds, mostly boatwhistles, towards intruders. Parental males revealed higher aggression levels, exhibiting additional threatening and attack behaviors. Boatwhistles registered during agonistic events were compared with the mate advertising boatwhistles recorded from small aggregations of nesting males in a natural breeding intertidal area. Agonistic boatwhistles were produced in lower and variable calling rates comparing with the advertising ones that were typically emitted in long series of calls. Agonistic boatwhistles were similar in duration and frequency harmonic structure (with a middle tonal phase) to the advertising calls, but presented less amplitude modulation, and lower dominant and fundamental frequencies. These acoustic differences were probably related to differences in calling rates and broadcast demands associated to the distance to the intended receiver. We provide first evidence that, apart from attracting mates, the toadfish boatwhistles also function as active ‘keep‐out’ signals during territorial defense.  相似文献   



Surveys of ontogenetic development of hearing and sound production in fish are scarce, and the ontogenetic development of acoustic communication has been investigated in only two fish species so far. Studies on the labyrinth fish Trichopsis vittata and the toadfish Halobatrachus didactylus show that the ability to detect conspecific sounds develops during growth. In otophysine fish, which are characterized by Weberian ossicles and improved hearing sensitivities, the ontogenetic development of sound communication has never been investigated. We analysed the ontogeny of the auditory sensitivity and vocalizations in the mochokid catfish Synodontis schoutedeni. Mochokid catfishes of the genus Synodontis are commonly called squeakers because they produce broadband stridulation sounds during abduction and adduction of pectoral fin spines. Fish from six different size groups - from 22 mm standard length to 126 mm - were studied. Hearing thresholds were measured between 50 Hz and 6 kHz using the auditory evoked potentials recording technique; stridulation sounds were recorded and their sound pressure levels determined. Finally, absolute sound power spectra were compared to auditory sensitivity curves within each size group.  相似文献   

In frogs, acoustic signals are the most important communication mechanism, since they may be used in several social contexts. In many anurans, the dominant frequency of calls is negatively related to body size, and in such species, this spectral parameter may be considered a good predictor of fighting ability. We experimentally investigated the vocal behavior of 30 male Hypsiboas goianus in central Brazil to answer the following questions: (1) Do males change the acoustic parameters of their calls in response to conspecific intruders? and (2) Does the acoustic behavior of H. goianus depend on the simulated body size of their opponent? We used playback of synthesized calls with high (3573 Hz) and low (3123 Hz) dominant frequency to simulate small and large males, respectively. Males reduced the rate of advertisement calling in response to playback but did not change vocal behavior in response to low-frequency and high-frequency playback. So, while males adjust their calling activity in response to simulated conspecifics, there was no evidence that they assess the fighting ability of their opponents through acoustic interactions.  相似文献   

The design of acoustic signals and hearing sensitivity in socially communicating species would normally be expected to closely match in order to minimize signal degradation and attenuation during signal propagation. Nevertheless, other factors such as sensory biases as well as morphological and physiological constraints may affect strict correspondence between signal features and hearing sensitivity. Thus study of the relationships between sender and receiver characteristics in species utilizing acoustic communication can provide information about how acoustic communication systems evolve. The genus Gekko includes species emitting high-amplitude vocalizations for long-range communication (loud callers) as well as species producing only low-amplitude vocalizations when in close contact with conspecifics (quiet callers) which have rarely been investigated. In order to investigate relationships between auditory physiology and the frequency characteristics of acoustic signals in a quiet caller, Gekko subpalmatus we measured the subjects’ vocal signal characteristics as well as auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) to assess auditory sensitivity. The results show that G. subpalmatus males emit low amplitude calls when encountering females, ranging in dominant frequency from 2.47 to 4.17 kHz with an average at 3.35 kHz. The auditory range with highest sensitivity closely matches the dominant frequency of the vocalizations. This correspondence is consistent with the notion that quiet and loud calling species are under similar selection pressures for matching auditory sensitivity with spectral characteristics of vocalizations.  相似文献   

A number of nonhuman primates produce vocalizations with time-varying harmonic structure. Relatively little is known about whether such spectral information plays a role in call type classification. We address this problem by utilizing acoustic analyses and playback experiments on cottontop tamarins‘ combi nation long call, a species-typical vocalization with a characteristic harmonic structure. Specifically, we used habituation-discrimination experiments to test whether particular frequency components, as well as the relationship between components, have an effect on the perception and classification of long calls. In Condition 1, we show that tamarins classify natural and synthetic exemplars of the long call as perceptually similar, thereby allowing us to use synthetics to manipulate components of this signal precisely. In subsequent conditions, we tested the perceptual salience and discriminability of long calls in which we deleted (1) the second harmonic, (2) the fundamental frequency, or (3) all frequencies above the fundamental; we also examined the effects of frequency mistuning by shifting the second harmonic by 1000 Hz. Following habituation to unmanipulated long calls, tamarins did not respond (transferred habituation) to long calls with either a missing fundamental frequency or the second harmonic, but responded (discriminated) to long calls with the upper harmonics eliminated or with the second harmonic mistuned. These studies reveal the importance of harmonic structure in tamarin perception, and highlight the advantages of using synthetic signals for understanding how particular acoustic features drive perceptual classification in nonhuman primates. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

It is well known that plasma androgens are rapidly released in response to aggressive or sexual stimuli in a broad array of vertebrates. However, experimental work on behavioral functions of rapid androgen elevation is rare. A combination of field-based behavioral experiments and lab-based neuroendocrinological approaches is beginning to show how steroid hormones rapidly regulate the expression of vocal communication signals in Gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta). Male toadfish emit multiharmonic "boatwhistles" and shorter-duration, broadband "grunts" during intraspecific communication. Neurophysiology experiments demonstrate that androgens and glucocorticoids rapidly modify vocal motor patterning in male toadfish. In this study, we simulated territorial intrusions (vocal "challenges") with acoustic playbacks to toadfish in the field, and observed simultaneous, rapid (within 5-20 min) changes in vocalizations and steroid hormones. Both plasma androgens and vocal activity increased following the presentation of pure tones that mimic the duration of natural boatwhistles (275 ms), while they remained unchanged following playbacks of tone stimuli that mimic the duration of grunts (75 ms) or the upper-range of boatwhistles (475 ms). Circulating glucocorticoids were elevated in calling vs. non-calling males but were unaffected by playback stimuli, suggesting a role in the energetics of vocalization. These results strongly suggest that one function of rapid androgen elevation in response to social challenge is to mediate similarly rapid changes in territorial vocal signaling. Given the conserved organization of neuroendocrine and vocal motor systems, rapid steroid action on vocalization mechanisms may be true of other vocal vertebrates as well, including birds and mammals.  相似文献   

We quantified crepuscular variation in the emission rate and call properties of the boatwhistle advertisement call of Gulf toadfish, Opsanus beta, from a field recording of a natural population of nesting males in the Florida Keys. Their calls are more variable and complex than previously reported. A call typically starts with a grunt followed by one to five tonal boop notes (typically two or three) and lasts for over a second. The first boop is considerably longer than later ones, and intervals between boops are relatively constant until the final interval, which approximately doubles in duration. Positions of fish are fixed and calls are sufficiently variable that we could discern individual callers in field recordings. Calling rate increases after sunset when males tend to produce shorter calls with fewer notes. Analysis by number of notes per call indicates some individuals decrease the number of initial grunts and the duration of the first note, but most of the decrease results from fewer notes. To our knowledge this sort of call plasticity has not been demonstrated before in fishes. We suggest that call shortening lowers the chances of overlapping calls of other males and that the small amount of time actually spent producing sound (total on time) is an adaptation to prevent fatigue in sonic muscles adapted for speed but not endurance.  相似文献   

We investigated how the acoustic structure of the cotton-top tamarin monkey's (Saguinus oedipus) combination long call relates to the antiphonal calling behavior of conspecifics. Combination long calls can function as contact calls and are produced by socially isolated individuals. Often conspecifics respond to these calls with their own long calls. Structurally, these calls are always composed of one or more 'chirps' followed by two or more 'whistles'. We compared the antiphonal calling responses to playbacks of complete, naturally produced long calls versus single whistles or single chirps. Subjects responded significantly more to whole calls than to either syllable-type alone. Thus, our data suggest that, in terms of the antiphonal calling behavior of socially isolated conspecifics, the whole long call is the unit of perception.  相似文献   

Individual primates typically produce acoustically distinct calls. To investigate the factors that facilitate the evolution of individual vocal signatures, we examined two components of the call repertoire of chimpanzees: the pant hoot and pant grunt. Pant hoots are long-distance signals whose recipients can be several hundred meters away, while pant grunts are short-range calls given to conspecifics within close visual range. Given their markedly different contexts of emission, we predicted that natural selection would favor the elaboration of individually distinctive acoustic features in pant hoots compared with pant grunts. Analyses of nine acoustic features revealed that pant hoots are more stereotyped within-individuals and variable between-individuals than pant grunts. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that selection may act to encode varying degrees of individuality in different components of the vocal repertoire of a single species.  相似文献   

Primates acquire knowledge about relationships of third parties and group structure by monitoring their conspecifics. We show that Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) utter specific vocalizations while monitoring interactions of other group members. As they did not direct other behaviours to the interacting group members, we provisionally termed these vocalizations vocal comments. We investigated the acoustic properties of these comments and the social contexts in which they occurred. Most adult males and females of two studied groups produced low-amplitude calls when observing close contact interactions of other group members. The acoustic features of these calls varied with characteristics of the commented situation. Our results suggest that such calls might not be directed towards the agents of the commented situation, but towards other group members. The vocal comments may signal the callers awareness of the observed interaction and possibly attract the attention of others to the situation.  相似文献   

Researchers have demonstrated the neighbor effect for affiliative and agonistic neighbor vocalizations in captive chimpanzees. We extend the investigation of the neighbor effect to New World monkeys, Callithrix jacchus. We collected data on vocalizations and behaviors of 31 focal individuals and concurrent neighbor vocalization within three behavioral categories: intragroup and intergroup aggression and intragroup affiliation. We investigated whether there was an influence of neighbor vocalizations on focal behavior within the same behavioral category. For data analysis we used approximate randomization of paired‐sample t‐tests. We found that marmosets performed intergroup aggressive behavior (bristle, anogenital present for neighbor loud shrill only) for significantly longer, and emitted significantly more intergroup agonistic vocalizations (twitter, loud shrill), at a high frequency of intergroup agonistic neighbor vocalizations (twitter, loud shrill) than at low. The marmosets were also significantly more likely to engage in bristle behavior immediately after hearing a neighbor intergroup aggressive call (twitter, loud shrill) than directly beforehand. High neighbor intragroup agonistic calls (chatter) were associated with significantly longer spent in related behavior (composite of: attack, chase, steal food). Affiliative behaviors (share food, grooming invite) were engaged in by marmosets for significantly longer at higher frequencies of affiliative neighbor chirp calls than at low. Marmosets were also significantly more likely to perform food sharing and active affiliative contact immediately after rather than before hearing a neighbor chirp call. Our findings suggest that neighbor vocalizations influence marmoset behavior through social contagion and indicate that the neighbor effect for affiliation and aggression generalizes to the marmoset. Am. J. Primatol. 72:549–558, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


Mysticete (baleen) whales produce a variety of vocalizations and sounds, but relatively few of these have been well described with accompanying behavior. This review concentrates on the vocalizations consistently associated with behavioral interactions or acoustic exchanges between or among conspecifics. These communication “signals” have been categorized for this review as contact calls of single animals outside of the breeding season (including cow-calf pairs), vocalizations reported during the breeding season (often designated as “songs”), and calls produced by active groups of whales that may or may not have a reproductive function. While much remains unknown, the data obtained thus far indicate that the social vocalizations of baleen whales have structural/functional similarities with those of other mammals and birds.  相似文献   

In breeding choruses, male Pacific treefrogs (H. regilla) produce advertisement and encounter calls. The role of each call type in establishing intermale spacing patterns was investigated by playing back, at various amplitudes, recordings of these vocalizations to resident males. The aggressive threshold of a male for each call type was defined as the lowest amplitude of playback that elicited encounter calls. Pacific treefrogs consistently had lower aggressive thresholds to playbacks of encounter calls than to playbacks of advertisement calls. Aggressive thresholds to playbacks of advertisement calls were positively correlated with the maximum amplitude of the advertisement calls of neighboring males, as measured at the position of the focal male.  相似文献   

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