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Chemotaxis-Defective Mutants of the Nematode CAENORHABDITIS ELEGANS   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The technique of countercurrent separation has been used to isolate 17 independent chemotaxis-defective mutants of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The mutants, selected to be relatively insensitive to the normally attractive salt NaCl, show varying degrees of residual sensitivity; some are actually weakly repelled by NaCl. The mutants are due to single gene defects, are autosomal and recessive, and identify at least five complementation groups.  相似文献   

Nondisjunction Mutants of the Nematode CAENORHABDITIS ELEGANS   总被引:18,自引:24,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
The frequency of males (5AA; XO) among the self progeny of wild-type Caenorhabditis elegans hermaphrodites (5AA; XX) is about one in 500. Fifteen him (for "high incidence of males") mutations have been identified that increase this frequency by a factor of ten to 150, as a result of increased X-chromosome nondisjunction. The mutations define ten complementation groups, which have been mapped: nine are autosomal, and one sex linked. Most of the mutants are superficially wild type in anatomy and behavior; however, him-4 mutants display gonadal abnormalities, and unc-86 mutants, which have a Him phenotype, exhibit a variety of anatomical and behavioral abnormalities. All the mutants segregate fertile 3X hermaphrodite progeny as well as XO male progeny. Some produce large numbers of inviable zygotes. Mutants in all ten genes produce diplo-X and nullo-X exceptional ova, and in the four strains tested, diplo-X and nullo-X exceptional sperm are produced by 2X "transformed" males. It appears likely that most of the mutants have defects in both gamete lines of the hermaphrodite. XO males of him strains other than him-4 and unc-86 are similar to wild-type males in anatomy and behavior, and all produce equal or almost equal numbers of haplo-X and nullo-X sperm, and no diplo-X sperm. Male fertility is reduced to varying extents in all him mutants. In four of the strains, nondisjunction during oogenesis has been shown to occur at a reductional division, and in three of these strains, abnormalities in recombination have been demonstrated. One mutant also exhibits autosomal nondisjunction, but many of the others probably do not. Therefore, the X chromosome of C. elegans may differ from the autosomes in the mechanisms controlling its meiotic behavior.——3X hermaphrodites are shorter and less fertile than 2X hermaphrodites, and they produce many inviable zygotes among their self progeny: these are probably 4X zygotes. Haplo-X and diplo-X ova are produced in 2:1 ratio by 3X hermaphrodites. him mutations are expressed in these animals, increasing the frequency of self-progeny males and 2X hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

A wild-type strain of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has been shown to avoid high concentrations of a number of sugars and salts. Individual and population assays for this response were developed and mutants were selected for their inability to avoid high concentrations of fructose or NaCl. Seven nonavoiding mutants representing six complementation groups were isolated and characterized. Genetic studies indicate that the mutants each carry a single recessive mutation responsible for the defective osmotic avoidance behavior. The map locations of the six complementation groups identified by these mutations have been determined. Mutants isolated for their inability to avoid fructose are also unable to avoid NaCl and vice versa. The mutants move normally, exhibit normal touch sensitivity, and, like wild type, follow isotherms in a radial thermal gradient. All of the mutants are at least partially defective in the attraction to sodium chloride exhibited by wild type. None of the mutants is temperature sensitive, and all exhibit defective osmotic avoidance behavior as young L1 larvae. Preliminary anatomical studies indicate selective sensory neuron changes in at least one mutant.  相似文献   

In Johnson et al. (1981), the Caenorhabditis elegans mutant strain PR1000, homozygous for the ace-1 mutation p1000, is shown to be deficient in the class A subset of acetylcholinesterases, which comprises approximately one-half of the total C. elegans acetylcholinesterase activity. Beginning with this strain, we have isolated 487 new behavioral and morphological mutant strains. Two of these, independently derived, lack approximately 98% of the wild-type acetylcholinesterase activity and share the same specific uncoordinated phenotype; both move forward in a slow and uncoordinated manner, and when mechanically stimulated to induce reversal, both hypercontract and become temporarily paralyzed. In addition to the ace-1 mutation, both strains also harbor recessive mutations in the same newly identified gene, ace-2, which maps to chromosome I and is therefore not linked to ace-1. Gene dosage experiments suggest that ace-2 is a structural gene for the remaining class B acetylcholinesterases, which are not affected by ace-1.—The uncoordinated phenotype of the newly isolated, doubly mutant strains depends on both the ace-1 and ace-2 mutations; homozygosity for either mutation alone produces normally coordinated animals. This result implies functional overlap of the acetylcholinesterases controlled by ace-1 and ace-2, perhaps at common synapses. Consistent with this, light microscopic histochemical staining of permeabilized whole mounts indicates some areas of possible spatial overlap of these acetylcholinesterases (nerve ring, longitudinal nerve cords). In addition, there is at least one area where only ace-2-controlled acetylcholinesterase activity appears (pharyngeo-intestinal valve).  相似文献   

Samuel Ward  Johji Miwa 《Genetics》1978,88(2):285-303
The isolation and characterization of three Caenorhabditis elegans temperature-sensitive mutants that are defective at fertilization are described. All three are alleles of the gene fer-1. At the restrictive temperature of 25 degrees, mutant hermaphrodites make sperm and oocytes in normal numbers. No oocytes are fertilized, although they pass through the spermatheca and uterus normally. The oocytes can be fertilized by sperm transferred by wild-type males, indicating that the mutant defect is in the sperm. The temperature-sensitive period for the mutants coincides with spermatogenesis. Sperm made by mutants at 25 degrees cannot be distinguished from wild-type sperm by light microscopy. The sperm do contact oocytes in mutant hermaphrodites, but do not fertilize. Mutant sperm appear to be nonmotile. Mutant males are also steril when grown at 25 degrees. They trnasfer normal numbers of sperm to hermaphrodites at mating, but these sperm fail to migrate to the spermatheca and are infertile. The phenotype of these mutants is consistent with a primary defect in sperm motility, but the cause of this defect is not known.  相似文献   

Radiation-Sensitive Mutants of CAENORHABDITIS ELEGANS   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Nine rad (for abnormal radiation sensitivity) mutants hypersensitive to ultraviolet light were isolated in the small nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The mutations are recessive to their wild-type alleles, map to four of the six linkage groups in C. elegans and define nine new games named rad-1 through rad-9. Two of the mutants—rad-1 and rad-2—are very hypersensitive to X rays, and three—rad-2, rad-3 and rad-4—are hypersensitive to methyl methanesulfonate under particular conditions of exposure. The hypersensitivity of these mutants to more than one DNA-damaging agent suggests that they may be abnormal in DNA repair. One mutant—rad-5, a temperature-sensitive sterile mutant—shows an elevated frequency of spontaneous mutation at more than one locus; rad-4, which shows a cold-sensitive embryogenesis, reduces meiotic X-chromosome nondisjunction tenfold and partially suppresses some but not all mutations that increase meiotic X-chromosome nondisjunction; the viability of rad-6 hermaphrodites is half that of rad-6 males at 25°; and newly mature (but not older) rad-8 hermaphrodites produce many inviable embryo progeny. Meiotic recombination frequencies were measured for seven rad mutants and found to be close to normal.  相似文献   

Twenty-four mutants that alter the normally invariant post-embryonic cell lineages of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans have been isolated and genetically characterized. In some of these mutants, cell divisions fail that occur in wild-type animals; in other mutants, cells divide that do not normally do so. The mutants differ in the specificities of their defects, so that it is possible to identify mutations that affect some cell lineages but not others. These mutants define 14 complementation groups, which have been mapped. The abnormal phenotype of most of the cell-lineage mutants results from a single recessive mutation; however, the excessive cell divisions characteristic of one strain, CB1322, require the presence of two unlinked recessive mutations. All 24 cell-lineage mutants display incomplete penetrance and/or variable expressivity. Three of the mutants are suppressed by pleiotropic suppressors believed to be specific for null alleles, suggesting that their phenotypes result from the complete absence of gene activity.  相似文献   

More Sex-Determination Mutants of CAENORHABDITIS ELEGANS   总被引:25,自引:15,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Jonathan Hodgkin 《Genetics》1980,96(3):649-664
Sex determination in Caenorhabditis elegans is controlled by the X chromosome: autosome ratio, i.e. 2A;XX animals are hermaphrodite, and 2A;XO animals are male. A procedure for isolating 2A;XO animals that are transformed into hermaphrodites has been developed. Nine mutations causing this transformation have been obtained: eight are recessive, and all of these fall into a new autosomal complementation group, her-1 V. The remaining mutation (her-2) is dominant and has a genetic map location similar to that of tra-1 III. Recessive mutations of tra-1 cause the reverse transformation, transforming 2A;XX animals into males. Therefore, the her-2 mutation may result in constitutive expression of tra-1. Mutations in her-1 are without effect on XX animals, but the her-2 mutation prevents sperm production in both XX and XO animals, in addition to its effect on the sexual phenotype of XO animals. The epistatic relationships between tra and her genes are used to deduce a model for the action of these genes in controlling sex determination.  相似文献   

Within a set of five separable molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase found in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, previously reported differences in kinetic properties identify two classes, A and B, likely to be under separate genetic control. Using differences between these classes in sensitivity to inactivation by sodium deoxycholate, a screening procedure was devised to search for mutants affected only in class A forms. Among 171 previously isolated behavioral and morphological mutant strains examined by this procedure, one (PR946) proved to be of the expected type, exhibiting a selective deficiency of class A acetylcholinesterase forms. Although originally isolated because of its uncoordinated behavior, this strain was subsequently shown to harbor mutations in two genes; one in the previously identified gene unc-3, accounting for its behavior, and one in a newly identified gene, ace-1, accounting for its selective acetylcholinesterase deficiency. Derivatives homozygous only for the ace-1 mutation also lacked class A acetylcholinesterase forms, but were behaviorally and developmentally indistinguishable from wild type. The gene ace-1 has been mapped near the right end of the X chromosome. Gene dosage experiments suggest that it may be a structural gene for a component of class A acetylcholinesterase forms.  相似文献   

Eight dominant X-chromosome nondisjunction mutants have been identified and characterized. Hermaphrodites (XX) heterozygous for any one of the mutations produce 20–35% male (XO) self-progeny compared with the wild-type frequency of 0.2%. Seven of the eight mutants carry X-autosome translocations. Three of these, represented by mnT2, involve linkage group (LG) II and show severe crossover suppression for X-linked markers. The two half-translocations comprising mnT2 are separable and of very unequal size. The smaller one includes the left tip of X and the right end of LGII and can exist as a free duplication, being present in addition to the normal chromosome complement, in either hermaphrodites or males; it has no effect on X nondisjunction. The reciprocal half-translocation of mnT2 includes the bulk of both LGII and X chromosomes; it disjoins regularly from a normal LGII and confers the property of X-chromosome nondisjunction. A fourth translocation, mnT10(V;X), is also reciprocal and consists of half-translocations that recombine with V and X, respectively. Either half-translocation of mnT10 can exist in heterozygous form in the absence of the other to give heterozygous duplication-deficiency animals; the property of X-chromosome nondisjunction is conferred, in homozygotes as well as heterozygotes, solely by one of the half-translocations, which is deficient for the left tip of the X. The final three translocations have X breakpoints near the right end of X and autosomal breakpoints near the right end of LGIV, the left end of LGV and the right end of LGI, respectively. All three are homozygous inviable. Males hemizygous for the X portion of any of the seven translocations are viable and fertile. The final mutant, mn164, maps as a point at or near the left tip of the X and causes X-chromosome nondisjunction in both heterozygotes and homozygotes. In heterozygotes, mn164 promotes equational nondisjunction of itself but not its wild-type allele. The mutants are discussed in light of the holocentric nature of the C. elegans chromosomes. It is proposed that the left end of the X chromosome plays a critical structural role in the segregation of X chromosomes during meiosis in XX animals.  相似文献   

Yair Argon  Samuel Ward 《Genetics》1980,96(2):413-433
Seven new fertilization-defective mutants of C. elegans have been isolated and characterized; six are temperature sensitive, one is absolute and all are autosomal recessive. One mutation is in a previously described gene, while the other six define six new fer genes that appear to code for sperm-specific functions necessary for normal fertilization. In all fer mutants, both males and hermaphrodites accumulate sperm in near normal numbers. In hermaphrodites, mutant sperm contact the oocytes, but fail to fertilize them. Instead, the sperm are swept into the uterus by the passing oocytes and are expelled when oocytes are laid. Males of two fer mutants do not transfer sperm during copulation, but the other mutant males transfer sperm that fail to move to the spermatheca. Spermatozoa from fer-1 and fer-4 mutants are motility-defective in vitro as well as in vivo, and their pseudopods have an altered morphology. The period of development during which mutant hermaphrodites are temperature sensitive for fertility overlaps the time of sperm development. Some mutants are temperature sensitive throughout the entire period, and others are temperature sensitive during or just prior to spermiogenesis. In fer-4/+ and fer-7/+ males, the fertility of the mutation-bearing sperm is diminished, reducing the transmission ratio. This implies some post-meiotic expression of these genes.—This set of mutants provides a variety of functional and structural alterations in nematode sperm that should help identify and analyze gene products involved in sperm morphogenesis and motility.  相似文献   

Analysis of Genetic Mosaics of the Nematode CAENORHABDITIS ELEGANS   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Robert K. Herman 《Genetics》1984,108(1):165-180
A new method for producing genetic mosaics, which involves the spontaneous somatic loss of free chromosome fragments, is demonstrated. Four genes that affect the behavior of C. elegans were studied in mosaic animals. The analysis was greatly aided by the fact that the complete cell lineage of wild-type animals is known. Two of the mutant genes affect certain sensory responses and prevent uptake of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) by certain sensory neurons. Mosaic analysis indicated that one of these mutant genes is cell autonomous with respect to its effect on FITC uptake and the other is cell nonautonomous. In the latter case, the genotype of a non-neuronal supporting cell that surrounds the processes of the neurons that normally take up FITC probably is critical. The other two mutant genes affect animal movement. Mosaic analysis indicated that the expression of one of these genes is specific to certain neurons (motor neurons of the ventral and dorsal nerve cords are prime candidates) and the expression of the other gene is specific to muscle cells.  相似文献   

The Genetics of Levamisole Resistance in the Nematode CAENORHABDITIS ELEGANS   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:0  
We have characterized a small group of genes (13 loci) in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans that, when mutated, confer resistance to the potent anthelmintic levamisole. Mutants at the 7 loci conferring the most extreme resistance generally possess almost identical visible and pharmacological phenotypes: uncoordinated motor behavior, most severe in early larval life, extreme resistance to cholinergic agonists and sensitivity to hypo-osmotic shock. Mutants with exceptional phenotypes suggest possible functions for several of the resistance loci. The most extreme mutants can readily be selected by their drug resistance (211 mutants, as many as 74 alleles of one gene). The more common resistance loci are likely to be unessential genes, while loci identified by only a few alleles may be essential genes or genes conferring resistance only when mutated in a special way. We propose that these mutants represent a favorable system for understanding how a small group of related genes function in a simple animal. The extreme drug resistance of these mutants makes them useful tools for the genetic manipulation of C. elegans. And, as the most resistant class of mutants might lack pharmacologically functional acetylcholine receptors (Lewis et al. 1980), these mutants may also be of some neurobiological significance.  相似文献   

Ten mutations are described that transform genotypic hermaphrodites of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans into phenotypic males. These fall into three autosomal complementation groups, termed tra-1, tra-2 , and tra-3. Two alleles of tra-1 produce almost complete transformation, to a fertile male phenotype; such transformed animals are useful for analyzing sex-linked genes. All alleles of tra-1 and tra-2 are recessive; the one known allele of tra-3 is both recessive and maternal in effect. Where tested, both XX and XXX hermaphrodites are transformed into males, but XO males (true males) are unaffected by these mutations. It is suggested that these genes are actually involved in hermaphrodite development and have no role in male development.  相似文献   

Cox GN  Laufer JS  Kusch M  Edgar RS 《Genetics》1980,95(2):317-339
Eighty-eight mutants of C. elegans that display a roller phenotype (a helically twisted body) have been isolated and characterized genetically and phenotypically. The mutations are located in 14 different genes. Most genes contain a number of alleles. Their distribution among the chromosomes appears nonrandom, with seven of the genes being located on linkage group II, some very closely linked. The phenotypes of the mutants suggest that there are five different classes of genes, each class representing a set of similar phenotypic effects: Left Roller (four genes), Right Roller (one gene), Left Squat (one gene), Right Squat (two genes) and Left Dumpy Roller (six genes). The classes of mutants differ with respect to a number of characteristics that include the developmental stages affected and the types of aberrations observed in cuticle structure. A variety of gene interactions were found, arguing that these genes are involved in a common developmental process. The presence of alterations in cuticle morphology strongly suggests that these genes are active in the formation of the nematode cuticle.  相似文献   

Six double mutants and a quadruple mutant were derived from four UV radiation-hypersensitive single mutants (rad-1, rad-2, rad-3 and rad-7). Sensitivities of the 11 strains to UV, gamma-radiation and methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) were compared. Of the six double mutants, only the rad-1;rad-2 and rad-3;rad-7 doubles were no more hypersensitive than the most sensitive single mutant to UV-radiation. Thus, rad-1 and rad-2 define one epistasis group, whereas rad-3 and rad-7 define another. Consistent with this model was the observation that rad-1 and rad-2, but not rad-3 and rad-7, were hypersensitive to gamma-radiation. In addition, none of the multiple mutants was more hypersensitive to gamma-radiation than the most sensitive single rad mutant. No synergistic interactions of the rad mutations with respect to MMS sensitivities were observed.  相似文献   

We have analyzed 31 mutations that have dominant effects on the behavior or morphology of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. These mutations appear to define 15 genes. We have studied ten of these genes in some detail and have been led to two notable conclusions. First, loss of gene function for four of these ten genes results in a wild-type phenotype; if these genes represent a random sample from the genome, then we would estimate that null mutations in about half of the genes in C. elegans would result in a nonmutant phenotype. Second, the dominant effects of mutations in nine of these ten genes are caused by novel gene functions, and in all nine cases the novel function is antagonized by the wild-type function.  相似文献   

Duplications in CAENORHABDITIS ELEGANS   总被引:19,自引:9,他引:10  
Thirteen chromosomal duplications, all unlinked to their linkage of origin, have been identified following X-irradiation. Ten are X-chromosome duplications, of which six are half-translocations on three autosomomal linkage groups and four are free fragments. Five of the half-translocations are homozygous fertile and two are recognizable cytologically as chromosome satellites, both of which show some mitotic instability. The free-X duplications show varying tendencies for loss. Three appear not to overlap in extent previously identified free-X duplications. The fourth carries genes from linkage group V, as well as X. Three duplications of a portion of linkage group II were identified and found to be free and quite stable in hyperploids. Some of the free duplications tend to disjoin from the X chromosome in males. New X-chromosome map data are presented.  相似文献   

CAENORHABDITIS ELEGANS Deficiency Mapping   总被引:10,自引:12,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Six schemes were used to identify 80 independent recessive lethal deficiencies of linkage group (LG) II following X-ray treatment of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Complementation tests between the deficiencies and ethyl methanesulfonate-induced recessive visible, lethal and sterile mutations and between different deficiencies were used to characterize the extents of the deficiencies. Deficiency endpoints thus helped to order 36 sites within a region representing about half of the loci on LG II and extending over about 5 map units. New mutations occurring in this region can be assigned to particular segments of the map by complementation tests against a small number of deficiencies; this facilitates the assignment of single-site mutations to particular genes, as we illustrate. Five sperm-defective and five oocyte-defective LG II sterile mutants were identified and mapped. Certain deficiency-by-deficiency complementation tests allowed us to suggest that the phenotypes of null mutations at two loci represented by visible alleles are wild type and that null mutations at a third locus confer a visible phenotype. A segment of LG II that is about 12 map units long and largely devoid of identified loci seems to be greatly favored for crossing over.  相似文献   

The DNA of CAENORHABDITIS ELEGANS   总被引:71,自引:8,他引:63       下载免费PDF全文
Chemical analysis and a study of renaturation kinetics show that the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, has a haploid DNA content of 8 x 10(7) base pairs (20 times the genome of E. coli). Eighty-three percent of the DNA sequences are unique. The mean base composition is 36% GC; a small component, containing the rRNA cistrons, has a base composition of 51% GC. The haploid genome contains about 300 genes for 4S RNA, 110 for 5S RNA, and 55 for (18 + 28)S RNA.  相似文献   

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