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Miguel Tejedo 《Oecologia》1992,90(2):294-296
Summary A trade-off between size and number of offspring was not found for females of similar sizes of the natterjack toad (Bufo calamita). Moreover, for large females, clutches with higher number of eggs had larger eggs as well. This suggests that larger females produce more numerous and larger eggs because they potentially have more energy available for reproduction. Egg size diminished allometrically with clutch size. Egg size, however, did not increase offspring fitness. Therefore, this allometric decrease may be considered a consequence of phylogenetic constraints rather than a result of optimizing selection.  相似文献   

Temporal spacing of breeding activity in the natterjack toad,Bufo calamita   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ulrich Sinsch 《Oecologia》1988,76(3):399-407
Summary The reproductive behaviour of the toad Bufo calamita was studied in a large population in the northern Rhineland, Germany. Toads bred at four spatially separated but neighbouring areas including 34 breeding ponds. Three methods were applied to monitor quantitatively the intensity of breeding and migratory activity: capture-mark-recapture, a mechanical tracking device, and radio-telemetry. In 1987 a twofold temporal spacing of breeding activity was observed: (1) division of the reproductive period into early, main, and late breeding periods; (2) subdivision of each breeding period into several short calling periods. Since weather conditions were favourable during most of the reproductive period, environmental factors contributed little (23.4%–41.0%) to the temporal variation in breeding intensity as shown by multivariate statistics. The period of vocalization (April to August) included the activity of three distinct male groups. The first group called from April to mid-May (2 calling periods), the second from May to early July (5 calling periods) and the third from mid-July to August (2 calling periods). Within a calling period most males stayed near their calling sites and migratory activity was low. Extensive movements were detected when a new group of males immigrated from the feeding regions to the breeding areas and males that had been calling previously emigrated, at least partly. However, exchange of males among the neighbouring breeding choruses were clearly audible. It is suggested that the energetic costs of vocalization impeded continuous calling activity in individuals and accounted for the periodical variations in chorus size. The short-time variations of breeding activity therefore probably reflect the physiological limits of toads in a situation where the weather permits continuous reproductive activity.  相似文献   

Ulrich Sinsch 《Oecologia》1992,90(4):489-499
Summary The migratory and reproductive behaviour ofBufo calamita was studied at four neighbouring breeding sites in the northern Rhineland, Germany, from 1986 to 1991. Radio telemetry and marking systems based on toe-clipping and on microchips were used to follow the tracks of toads and for individual recognition. Emphasis lay on estimates of (1) the exchange of reproductive individuals between neighbouring sites, and (2) the reproductive success at each site. Allozyme electrophoresis served to assess the genetic diversity of local populations. More than 90% of all reproductive males showed a lifelong fidelity to the site of first breeding, whereas females did not prefer certain breeding sites. Due to the female-biased exchange of individuals among neighbouring sites the genetic distance between local populations was generally low but increased with geographical distance. This pattern of spatial relations is consistent with the structure of a metapopulation. Morever, up to three mass immigrations of males per breeding period, replacing previously reproductive individuals, suggested the existence of temporal populations successively reproducing at the same locality. Genetic distances were considerably greater between temporal populations than between local ones, indicating partial reproductive isolation. In fact, an exchange of reproductive individuals between the temporal populations at each site was not detected, but gene flow due to the recruitment of first-breeders originating from offspring other than their own seems probable. Thus, natterjack metapopulations consist of interacting local and temporal populations. The reproductive success differed considerably among the four sites and also between the temporal populations. Three out of four local populations had low reproductive success as well as the latest temporal population. The persistence of these populations depended entirely on the recruitment of juveniles from the only self-sustaining local population. This rescue-effect impeded local extinction. The discussion focuses on the modifications required to fit the classical metapopulation concept to the empirical findings and their consequences for the dynamics of amphibian metapopulations.  相似文献   

Summary In the present study comparative aspects of the ultrastructure of the spleen were analyzed in non-immunized and T-dependent antigen-challenged natterjacks, Bufo calamita. Special attention is focused on the role of the non-lymphoid components in the splenic immunoreactivity. Ten days after primary immunization with sheep erythrocytes, splenic lymphoid follicles increase considerably in number and size. By that time, lymphoblasts, medium and large lymphocytes abound in the periphery of the white pulp near the marginal zone. Meanwhile, in the red pulp numerous monocytes migrating across the sinusoidal walls apparently transform into giant, dendritic-like cells. Twenty days after immunization the splenic lymphoid follicles decrease in number, although certain reactivity persists and numerous plasma cells occur in the cell cords and sinusoids of the red pulp. These results are discussed comparatively with those reported in other lower vertebrates.  相似文献   

Estimates of the effective number of breeding adults were derived for three semi-isolated populations of the common toad Bufo bufo based on temporal (i.e. adult-progeny) variance in allele frequency for three highly polymorphic minisatellite loci. Estimates of spatial variance in allele frequency among populations and of age-specific measures of genetic variability are also described. Each population was characterized by a low effective adult breeding number ( N b) based on a large age-specific variance in mini-satellite allele frequency. Estimates of N b (range 21–46 for population means across three loci) were ≊ 55–230-fold lower than estimates of total adult census size. The implications of low effective breeding numbers for long-term maintenance of genetic variability and population viability are discussed relative to the species' reproductive ecology, current land-use practices, and present and historical habitat modification and loss. The utility of indirect measures of population parameters such as N b and N e based on time-series data of minisatellite allele frequencies is discussed relative to similar measures estimated from commonly used genetic markers such as protein allozymes.  相似文献   

Mucous consists of glycoproteins and proteoglycans produced by specific secretory cells (mucocytes). In anurans the cutaneous mucous is produced by intradermal glands and displays both mechanical and chemical protection functions. Indeed, mucous maintains the integument moist and facilitates gas exchange (cutaneous respiration). In this work, the carbohydrate moiety distribution was investigated in the integument of Bufo ictericus using conventional and lectin histochemistry to describe the pattern of cutaneous glycoconjugate expression, including both secretory and structural proteoglycans. As a preliminary step, the descendent chromatography in Whatmann 1MM paper was undertaken to prepare the histochemical trials involving the lectins. In B. ictericus, the integument exhibits the basic morphological structure found in lower terrestrial vertebrates: the epidermis is a keratinized squamous stratified epithelium supported by spongious and compact layers. The spongy dermis contain secretory portion of both mucous and serous (or poison) glands. The paper chromatography identified galactose, fucose and mannose as characteristic sugar residues. The secretory cells of the mucous gland in the dermis, as well as the interstice between the stratum corneum and the subjacent stratum spinosum in the epidermis exhibit alpha-l-fucose and alpha-galactose residues. The serous glands give no reaction. The alpha-mannose residue was detected in the extracellular matrix of spongious dermis, but not in the dermal glands. The different glycoconjugate location reflects in two glycoconjugates categories: the secretory which participate in the water flow regulation, and the structural which is involved in the dermal maintenance.  相似文献   

青藏高原是全球生物多样性中心之一,是研究物种形成和适应性进化的热点地区.龙胆属小龙胆组(Gen-tiana section Chondrophyllae s.l.)占整个龙胆属物种数目的 近一半,以青藏高原为分化中心,但组内物种的遗传分化及其影响因素并不清楚.该研究以小龙胆组青藏高原特有植物——钻叶龙胆(G.hayna...  相似文献   

Tin-Yu J. Hui  Austin Burt 《Genetics》2015,200(1):285-293
The effective population size Ne is a key parameter in population genetics and evolutionary biology, as it quantifies the expected distribution of changes in allele frequency due to genetic drift. Several methods of estimating Ne have been described, the most direct of which uses allele frequencies measured at two or more time points. A new likelihood-based estimator NB^ for contemporary effective population size using temporal data is developed in this article. The existing likelihood methods are computationally intensive and unable to handle the case when the underlying Ne is large. This article tries to work around this problem by using a hidden Markov algorithm and applying continuous approximations to allele frequencies and transition probabilities. Extensive simulations are run to evaluate the performance of the proposed estimator NB^, and the results show that it is more accurate and has lower variance than previous methods. The new estimator also reduces the computational time by at least 1000-fold and relaxes the upper bound of Ne to several million, hence allowing the estimation of larger Ne. Finally, we demonstrate how this algorithm can cope with nonconstant Ne scenarios and be used as a likelihood-ratio test to test for the equality of Ne throughout the sampling horizon. An R package “NB” is now available for download to implement the method described in this article.  相似文献   

Bufo bankorensis and Bufo melanostictus, the only two species of Bufonidae genus in Taiwan, live in habitats that differ in altitude and humidity. This study tested the hypothesis that prolactin receptor (PRLR) expression responds to environmental change. Western blot analysis showed that the PRLR protein was widely distributed in brain, lung, liver, kidney, dorsal skin and ventral skin of toads. The level PRLR protein was elevated in the dorsal skin of the two toad species treated with dry or wet conditions for 14 days. The increase in PRLR of dorsal skin in B. bankorensis was higher than that in B. melanostictus. This experimental result suggests that B. bankorensis secretes more mucus to reduce water evaporation from its thinner cuticle than B. melanostictus. The expression of PRLR protein was increased in the lung of B. bankorensis and decreased in the lung of B. melanostictus. Moreover, PRLR protein levels were increased in the kidneys in the two species toad, likely due to reduction in water lost through lung and urine. The two toad species were subjected to varying temperatures (25 degrees C, 15 degrees C and 10 degrees C) for 14 days. The lowest PRLR protein expression was observed at 10 degrees C. Comparison of the decreasing trend in PRLR protein levels demonstrated that the variation in B. bankorensis was significantly higher than that in B. melanostictus. Comparisons of variation in PRLR protein expression in the two species under different environments suggest that B. bankorensis is more adaptable to different environments than B. melanostictus.  相似文献   

The variability of microsatellites BM224 and Bcal7 was studied for the first time in three species of the diploid-polyploid complex of Bufo viridis (B. viridis, B. oblongus, and B. pewzowi). The locus Bcal7 was established to be monomorphic in all samples studied. In microsatellite BM224, three allele variants were found. Among tetraploid toads, the western Asiatic species B. oblongus was characterized by one allele only, the eastern B. pewzowi, by the two other alleles. A similar distribution was also revealed in triploid individuals on the borders of range between tetraploid and diploid species. Among the diploid species B. viridis samples, all three allele variants of microsatellite BM224 were observed. Their distribution in the area proved to be geographically determined. In diploid toads, a similarity was revealed between the distribution of microsatellite BM224 alleles and variability of the nuclear DNA content.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations in Maine, USA, are listed as a Distinct Population Segment under the U.S. Endangered Species Act due to reduced spawning runs and juvenile densities. Whenever possible, optimal conservation strategies for endangered populations should incorporate both present and historical knowledge of genetic variation. We assayed genetic diversity at seven microsatellite loci and at the mitochondrial ND1 gene in an endangered wild population of Atlantic salmon captured from the Dennys River from 1963 to 2001 using DNA’s extracted from archival scale and tissue samples. We examined temporal trends of genetic diversity, population structure, and effective population size (Ne). Overall temporal trends of diversity and Ne show significant reductions from 1963 to 2001 raising the possibility that current restoration efforts may be impacted by historical loss of diversity potentially critical to adaptation. Although our results suggest genetic stability in this population from 1963 to 1981, significant differentiation was observed for both the 1995 and 2001 samples compared with all other temporal samples. The presence of an ND1 mtDNA haplotype in this population, historically observed only in European and Newfoundland stocks, may represent previously unrecognized local wild diversity or, alternatively, may represent introgression from non-native fish.  相似文献   

The European natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) has declined rapidly in recent years, primarily due to loss of habitat, and in Denmark it is estimated that 50% of the isolated populations are lost each decade. To efficiently manage and conserve this species and its genetic diversity, knowledge of the genetic structure is crucial. Based on nine polymorphic microsatellite loci, the genetic diversity, genetic structure and gene flow were investigated at 12 sites representing 5–10% of the natterjack toad localities presently known in Denmark. The expected heterozygosity (H E) within each locality was generally low (range: 0.18–0.43). Further analyses failed to significantly correlate genetic diversity with population size, degree of isolation and increasing northern latitude, indicating a more complex combination of factors in determining the present genetic profile. Genetic differentiation was high (overall θ = 0.29) and analyses based on a Bayesian clustering method revealed that the dataset constituted 11 genetic clusters, defining nearly all sampling sites as distinct populations. Contemporary gene flow among populations was undetectable in nearly all cases, and the failure to detect a pattern of isolation by distance within major regions supported this apparent lack of a gene flow continuum. Indications of a genetic bottleneck were found in three populations. The analyses suggest that the remaining Bufo calamita populations in Denmark are genetically isolated, and represent independent units in a highly fragmented gene pool. Future conservation management of this species is discussed in light of these results. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

该研究采用CTAB法提取云杉矮槲寄生(Arceuthobium sichuanense)的基因组DNA,利用ITS1片段的序列信息对中国9个不同地理群体的62份云杉矮槲寄生样本的遗传多样性及群体遗传结构进行分析。结果表明:(1)62条ITS1序列共定义16个单倍型(H1~H16),表现出较低的遗传多样性水平(h=0.678 5,π=0.005 9),而群体间的遗传多样性水平则表现出较大差异(h=0~1.000 0,π=0~0.009 4);AMOVA分析显示云杉矮槲寄生群体内的遗传变异占到51.37%,群体间为48.63%。(2)Network单倍型网络分析表明,单倍型H1和H12较为古老,且所有群体对2种单倍型无共享现象;单倍型H1是广布单倍型,存在于青海和甘肃的6个群体中,单倍型H12仅在四川的2个群体中有分布。(3)基于最大似然法(ML)构建的群体聚类和中介邻接法构建的单倍型网络图均显示,四川的3个群体为独立类群,区别于青海、甘肃群体,且甘肃和青海的群体之间没有明显分化。该研究首次报道了云杉矮槲寄生遗传多样性和遗传结构,为进一步研究其进化及后续的病害防控提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

以内蒙古北沙柳(Salix psammophila)国家种质资源库内9个群体(P1~P9)288个无性系为实验材料,利用TP-M13-SSR技术,选取22对具有多态性EST-SSR北沙柳引物,采用毛细管电泳对PCR产物进行检测,分析北沙柳遗传多样性、分化程度和群体遗传结构,为北沙柳种质资源库遗传管理、无性系鉴定、品种选育、遗传改良和构建指纹图谱提供理论依据。结果显示:(1)22对EST-SSR引物共检测到222个等位基因,各位点平均等位基因数(A)为10,四倍体基因型丰富度(G)和特异基因型(G1)总和分别为1 460和802个,平均特异基因型比率(P1)和种质鉴别率(P2)分别为45.86%和13.21%。(2)9个群体平均等位基因数(A)为7.475,基因型丰富度(G)为15.586,观察杂合度(Ho)和期望杂合度(He)分别为0.577和0.638。以期望杂合度He为标准,北沙柳群体遗传多样性水平最低的是P1和P9。(3)北沙柳群体遗传分化系数仅为0.02,AMOVA分子变异分析显示,北沙柳群体大部分遗传变异来自群体内(97%),群体间变异仅为3%。(4)三维主成分、聚类和Structure群体遗传结构分析显示,9个群体被划分为2个组,Mantel检验表明北沙柳遗传距离与地理距离极显著相关(r=0.684 P0.001)。研究表明,北沙柳种质资源具有丰富的遗传多样性,这是其具有耐旱、耐寒、耐高温、耐沙埋和抗风蚀等适应性较强的分子基础;北沙柳的遗传变异集中在群体内;分布区群体呈现由中心向边缘群体扩张分化的趋势。  相似文献   

Tadpoles of the toad Bufo arenarum treated with cypermethrin (CY) at concentrations above 39 μg CY/L showed dose-dependent apoptotic cell death in immature cells of the central nervous system as demonstrated by morphometric analysis, the TUNEL method, and DNA fragmentation assay. Light-and electron-microscopic studies showed structural alterations in the intermediate and marginal layers of the brain. Immature cerebral tissue showed cellular shrinkage, nuclear fragmentation and increase of intercellular spaces. In this study we demonstrated high toxicity of CY to larval stages of Bufo arenarum. Our results show that doses lower than those used in routine insecticide applications can cause massive apoptosis in the immature cells of the central nervous system. These results coincide with our previous studies in Physalaemus biligonigerus, confirming the severe toxic effects of CY to the central nervous system of anuran species from Argentina. This may increase the mortality index in wild animals and contribute to the loss of biodiversity in our agroecosystems. We postulate that CY induces apoptosis in central nervous system cells of Bufo arenarum tadpoles by specific neurotoxic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Summary In Bufo bufo at stage III6 the first endocrine islets appear in the part of the pancreas corresponding to the dorsal anlage. At stage IV2, 5 days later, the pancreatic duct develops and new islets arise by budding off from the ductal epithelium. The ultrastructural study of the secretory granules morphology of endocrine cells has distinguished four different cell types: B-cells (stage III9), A-cells (stage IV3), D-cells (stage IV3) and a fourth type not yet identified (stage IV3). By immunocytology insulin and corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) cells have been demonstrated at stage III9, and glucagon and somatostatin cells at stage IV1. Lastly, endocrine islets can be homogeneous (predominantly containing insulin cells, rarely glucagon cells) or heterogeneous (insulin cells at the centre and glucagon or somatostatin cells at the periphery). Hypotheses are put forward for the origin and the constitution of the different generations of endocrine islets and isolated cells.  相似文献   

Summary Oocytes of the toad Bufo marinus have been studied by means of thin section and particularly freeze-fracture electron microscopy to characterize the cytoplasmic membranes around the yolk organelle, and the storage of yolk material in precursors and platelets. This appears to be a previously unknown type of yolk-platelet formation. During yolk-organelle development from the primordial precursor to the bi-partite fully grown yolk platelet, numerous lipoid droplets are attached to the periphery of the platelet, indicating an intense uptake of lipids. As is typical for amphibians, the fully grown yolk platelet has a crystalline internum covered by a dense osmiophilic externum, and the whole organelle is enveloped by a plasma membrane that shows no direct connection or fusion with endocytotic vesicles. The yolk membrane exhibits few intramembraneous particles (IMPs) at the core areas and some more where it borders fields of lipoid droplets. Here the IMPs show a net-like arrangement in the furrows between adjacent droplets.  相似文献   

Bornean orang-utans experienced a major demographic decline and local extirpations during the Pleistocene and Holocene due to climate change, the arrival of modern humans, of farmers and recent commercially-driven habitat loss and fragmentation. The recent loss of habitat and its dramatic fragmentation has affected the patterns of genetic variability and differentiation among the remaining populations and increased the extinction risk of the most isolated ones. However, the contribution of recent demographic events to such genetic patterns is still not fully clear. Indeed, it can be difficult to separate the effects of recent anthropogenic fragmentation from the genetic signature of prehistoric demographic events. Here, we investigated the genetic structure and population size dynamics of orang-utans from different sites. Altogether 126 individuals were analyzed and a full-likelihood Bayesian approach was applied. All sites exhibited clear signals of population decline. Population structure is known to generate spurious bottleneck signals and we found that it does indeed contribute to the signals observed. However, population structure alone does not easily explain the observed patterns. The dating of the population decline varied across sites but was always within the 200–2000 years period. This suggests that in some sites at least, orang-utan populations were affected by demographic events that started before the recent anthropogenic effects that occurred in Borneo. These results do not mean that the recent forest exploitation did not leave its genetic mark on orang-utans but suggests that the genetic pool of orang-utans is also impacted by more ancient events. While we cannot identify the main cause for this decline, our results suggests that the decline may be related to the arrival of the first farmers or climatic events, and that more theoretical work is needed to understand how multiple demographic events impact the genome of species and how we can assess their relative contributions.  相似文献   

Summary An investigation regarding the question of whether there exists a macula densa as part of the juxtaglomerular apparatus in the kidney of amphibians has been carried out. With the aid of a histochemical reaction for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity, the presence of a macula densa zone as a specialized part of the distal tubule in the toad Bufo bufo was demonstrated. The functional significance of the high glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in the macula densa cells is discussed.  相似文献   

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