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Summary  Until now researchers have used a monolayer of cultured cells to investigate cell motility toward an injured cell. However, we suspect that, when using this method, adjacent cells move to the free space due to relief of contact inhibition. The current study was designed to investigate the cell motility nearby an injured cell in varying cell connectivity. A lowpower laser beam was used to damage one cell selectively with the silver coating beads. After injury, we observed the cell motility in three different cell types: (1) those immediately adjacent to the injured cell, 92) those removed from the injured cell by interposition of another cell, and (3) those removed from the injured cell by free space. The cells that are in direct contact with the injured cell moved toward the injured cell within 1.5–3.0 h. Indirectly connected cells and cells with no contact, on the other hand, showed no significant movement toward the injured cell. This suggests that the cell motility toward the cell injury is not only due to relief of contact inhibition but might also be caused by cell-to-cell signaling via cell connection. The current method will provide a tool to create a cell injury without damaging adjacent cells.  相似文献   

Summary Although abundant in most biological tissues and chemically well characterized, the fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) was until recently in search of a function. Because of its strong affinity for long chain fatty acids and its cytoplasmic origin, this protein was repeatedly claimed in the literature to be the transcytoplasmic fatty acid carrier. However, techniques to visualize and quantify the movements of molecules in the cytoplasm are still in their infancy. Consequently the carrier function of FABP remains somewhat speculative. However, FABP binds not only fatty acids but also their CoA and carnitine derivatives, two typical molecules of mitochondrial origin. Moreover, it has been demonstrated and confirmed that FABP is not exclusively cytoplasmic, but also mitochondrial. A function for FABP in the mitochondrial metabolism of fatty acids plus CoA and carnitine derivatives would therefore be anticpated. Using spin-labelling techniques, we present here evidence that FABP is a powerful regulator of acylcarnitine flux entering the mitochondrial -oxidative system. In this perspective FABP appears to be an active link between the cytoplasm and the mitochondria, regulating the energy made available to the cell. This active participation of FABP is shown to be the consequence of its gradient-like distribution in the cardiac cell, and also of the coexistence of multispecies of this protein produced by self-aggregation.  相似文献   

角质细胞生长因子2对细胞生长、移行及创伤愈合的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
角质细胞生长因子2(KGF-2)是成纤维细胞生长因子超家族的一员,由间质细胞合成并分泌,能特异促进上皮细胞增殖、分化与迁移,对脊椎动物多种组织和器官的发育起重要调控作用.通过PCR从人的肾组织cDNA文库中克隆分离获得了KGF-2的cDNA,表明该因子在成人肾中有表达.采用大肠杆菌表达并纯化重组蛋白用于生物学功能研究的结果显示:KGF-2在体外不仅能够促进角质细胞的生长和增殖,而且对其凋亡具有抑制作用,还对细胞的移行具有影响.在动物实验中,KGF-2能促进皮肤切除产生的伤口愈合,提示该蛋白质可以作为创伤治疗或辅助用药的候选分子.  相似文献   

In isolated rat hepatocytes flavaspidic acid, a competitor with free fatty acids for the fatty-acid-binding-protein, decreased the uptake of oleic acid and triglyceride synthesis but stimulated the formation of CO2 and ketone bodies from oleic acid. Flavaspidic acid had no effect on the utilization of octanoic acid. Stimulation of the microsomal fatty-acid-activating enzyme by the fatty-acid-binding protein was reversed by flavaspidic acid. In contrast, the binding protein inhibited the mitochondrial fatty-acid-activating enzyme. Flavaspidic acid not only prevented this inhibition but actually stimulated the enzyme activity. The results indicate that the cytosol fatty-acid-binding protein directs the metabolism of long chain fatty acids toward esterification as well as enhancing their cellular uptake.  相似文献   

Although liver fatty acid-binding protein (L-FABP) is an important binding site for various hydrophobic ligands in hepatocytes, its in vivo significance is not understood. We have therefore created L-FABP null mice and report here their initial analysis, focusing on the impact of this mutation on hepatic fatty acid binding capacity, lipid composition, and expression of other lipid-binding proteins. Gel-filtered cytosol from L-FABP null liver lacked the main fatty acid binding peak in the fraction that normally comprises both L-FABP and sterol carrier protein-2 (SCP-2). The binding capacity for cis-parinaric acid was decreased >80% in this region. Molar ratios of cholesterol/cholesterol ester, cholesteryl ester/triglyceride, and cholesterol/phospholipid were 2- to 3-fold greater, reflecting up to 3-fold absolute increases in specific lipid classes in the order cholesterol > cholesterol esters > phospholipids. In contrast, the liver pool sizes of nonesterified fatty acids and triglycerides were not altered. However, hepatic deposition of a bolus of intravenously injected [14C]oleate was markedly reduced, showing altered lipid pool turnover. An increase of approximately 75% of soluble SCP-2 but little or no change of other soluble (glutathione S-transferase, albumin) and membrane (fatty acid transport protein, CD36, aspartate aminotransferase, caveolin) fatty acid transporters was measured. These results (i) provide for the first time a quantitative assessment of the contribution of L-FABP to cytosolic fatty acid binding capacity, (ii) establish L-FABP as an important determinant of hepatic lipid composition and turnover, and (iii) suggest that SCP-2 contributes to the accumulation of cholesterol in L-FABP null liver.  相似文献   

Although a role for liver fatty acid protein (L-FABP) in the metabolism of branched-chain fatty acids has been suggested based on data obtained with cultured cells, the physiological significance of this observation remains to be demonstrated. To address this issue, the lipid phenotype and metabolism of phytanic acid, a branched-chain fatty acid, were determined in L-FABP gene-ablated mice fed a diet with and without 1% phytol (a metabolic precursor to phytanic acid). In response to dietary phytol, L-FABP gene ablation exhibited a gender-dependent lipid phenotype. Livers of phytol-fed female L-FABP–/– mice had significantly more fatty lipid droplets than male L-FABP–/– mice, whereas in phytol-fed wild-type L-FABP+/+ mice differences between males and females were not significant. Thus L-FABP gene ablation exacerbated the accumulation of lipid droplets in phytol-fed female, but not male, mice. These results were reflected in the lipid profile, where hepatic levels of triacylglycerides in phytol-fed female L-FABP–/– mice were significantly higher than in male L-FABP–/– mice. Furthermore, livers of phytol-fed female L-FABP–/– mice exhibited more necrosis than their male counterparts, consistent with the accumulation of higher levels of phytol metabolites (phytanic acid, pristanic acid) in liver and serum, in addition to increased hepatic levels of sterol carrier protein (SCP)-x, the only known peroxisomal enzyme specifically required for branched-chain fatty acid oxidation. In summary, L-FABP gene ablation exerted a significant role, especially in female mice, in branched-chain fatty acid metabolism. These effects were only partially compensated by concomitant upregulation of SCP-x in response to L-FABP gene ablation and dietary phytol. gene targeting; phytanic acid  相似文献   

肝型脂肪酸结合蛋白研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肝型脂肪酸结合蛋白(liver fatty acid binding protein,L-FABP)是脂肪酸结合蛋白(fatty acid binding proteins,FABPs)家族重要的成员,在肝脏、小肠、肾脏等组织中均有表达。L-FABP在不饱和脂肪酸、饱和脂肪酸、胆固醇、胆汁酸等转运过程中扮演重要角色。目前研究显示L-FABP在脂肪肝、肝硬化以及肝癌发生发展中起到重要作用,并有望作为肝损伤的早期检测指标。此外,新近研究发现尿中L-FABP水平还可以用于预测1型糖尿病患者的临床结局。在2型糖尿病中,尿中L-FABP与糖尿病性肾病的病程有密切关系。主要就L-FABP的特性、结构及其与疾病的关系做一综述。  相似文献   

Insights into binding of fatty acids by fatty acid binding proteins   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Members of the phylogenetically related intracellular lipid binding protein (iLBP) are characterized by a highly conserved tertiary structure, but reveal distinct binding preferences with regard to ligand structure and conformation, when binding is assessed by the Lipidex method (removal of unbound ligand by hydrophobic polymer) or by isothermal titration calorimetry, a true equilibrium method. Subfamily proteins bind retinoids, subfamily II proteins bind bulky ligands, examples are intestinal bile acid binding protein (I-BABP) and liver fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP) which binds 2 ligand molecules, preferably monounsaturated and n-3 fatty acids. Subfamily III intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP) binds fatty acid in a bent conformation. The fatty acid bound by subfamily IV FABPs has a U-shaped conformation; here heart (H-) FABP preferably binds n-6, brain (B-) FABP n-3 fatty acids. The ADIFAB-method is a fluorescent test for fatty acid in equilibrium with iLBP and reveals some correlation of binding affinity to fatty acid solubility in the aqueous phase; these data are often at variance with those obtained by the other methods. Thus, in this review published binding data are critically discussed, taking into account on the one hand binding increments calculated for fatty acid double bonds on the basis of the solubility hypothesis, on the other hand the interpretation of calorimetric data on the basis of crystallographic and solution structures of iLBPs.  相似文献   

A conformational study in solution of the fatty acid binding protein from chicken liver is presented. The nearly complete sequence‐specific 1H resonance assignment was achieved from homonuclear two‐dimensional nmr experiments using a sample of native protein. The principal elements of secondary structure were identified: 10 antiparallel β‐strands and one helical segment followed by a turn comprising 5 residues. These elements correspond closely with those of the crystal structure of the related protein, and two new secondary structural features obtained from the nmr data are the β‐sheet conformation between the first and the last β‐strand in the protein sequence, as well as a helical loop at the N‐terminus of the polypeptide chain. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 50: 1–11, 1999  相似文献   

The structure and dynamics of the fatty acid binding cavity in I-FABP (rat intestinal fatty acid binding protein) were analyzed. In the crystal structure of apo I-FABP, the probe occupied cavity volume and surface are 539+/-8 A3 and 428 A2, respectively (1.4 A probe). A total of 31 residues contact the cavity with their side chains. The side-chain cavity surface is partitioned according to the residue type as follows: 36-39% hydrophobic, 21-25% hydrophilic, and 37-43% neutral or ambivalent. Thus, the cavity surface is neither like a typical protein interior core, nor is like a typical protein external surface. All hydrophilic residues that contact the cavity-with the exception of Asp74-are clustered on the one side of the cavity. The cavity appears to expand its hydrophobic surface upon fatty acid binding on the side opposite to this hydrophilic patch. In holo I-FABP the fatty acid chain interactions with the hydrophilic side chains are mediated by water molecules. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of fully solvated apo I-FABP showed global conformational changes of I-FABP, which resulted in a large, but seemingly transient, exposure of the cavity to the external solvent. The packing density of the side chains lining the cavity, studied by Voronoi volumes, showed the presence of two distinctive small hydrophobic cores. The MD simulation predicts significant structural perturbations of the cavity on the subnanosecond time scale, which are capable of facilitating exchange of I-FABP internal water.  相似文献   

The quality control of sperm is critical for efficient reproduction. In germ cells, cell death involves different processes to those in somatic cells, and in many cases, the trigger to induce cell death in deficient germ cells is still unclear. It is known that the fatty acid composition of sperm is related to fertility. Composition of the fatty acid of germ cells changes dynamically during spermatogenesis, and fatty acid binding protein (FABP) may be involved in these changes. In this study, we developed transgenic mice with a testicular germ-cell-specific FABP (PERF15) transgene, whose expression was controlled by the Cre-LoxP site-specific recombination system. We also developed transgenic mice with the Cre gene under the control of the spermatocyte specific Pgk2 promoter. In double transgenic mice, following Cre-mediated recombination of the PERF15 containing transgene, PERF15 was strongly overexpressed. Its overexpression induced multinucleate symplasts to form, indicating programmed germ cell death occurred at the elongated spermatid stage. As a result, sperm harboring the transgene were significantly decreased, but the surviving sperm demonstrated higher fertility than natural sperm. Therefore, we conclude that PERF15 associate with the direction of germ cell fates and preserve the quality of sperm.  相似文献   

Intestinal fatty acid binding protein (IFABP) interacts with biological membranes and delivers fatty acid (FA) into them via a collisional mechanism. However, the membrane-bound structure of the protein and the pathway of FA transfer are not precisely known. We used molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with an implicit membrane model to determine the optimal orientation of apo- and holo-IFABP (bound with palmitate) on an anionic membrane. In this orientation, the helical portal region, delimited by the alphaII helix and the betaC-betaD and betaE-betaF turns, is oriented toward the membrane whereas the putative beta-strand portal, delimited by the betaB-betaC, betaF-betaG, betaH-betaI turns and the N terminus, is exposed to solvent. Starting from the MD structure of holo-IFABP in the optimal orientation relative to the membrane, we examined the release of palmitate via both pathways. Although the domains can widen enough to allow the passage of palmitate, fatty acid release through the helical portal region incurs smaller conformational changes and a lower energetic cost.  相似文献   

Liver fatty acid-binding protein (LFABP) is distinctive among fatty acid-binding proteins because it binds more than one molecule of long-chain fatty acid and a variety of diverse ligands. Also, the transfer of fluorescent fatty acid analogues to model membranes under physiological ionic strength follows a different mechanism compared to most of the members of this family of intracellular lipid binding proteins. Tryptophan insertion mutants sensitive to ligand binding have allowed us to directly measure the binding affinity, ligand partitioning and transfer to model membranes of natural ligands. Binding of fatty acids shows a cooperative mechanism, while acyl-CoAs binding presents a hyperbolic behavior. Saturated fatty acids seem to have a stronger partition to protein vs. membranes, compared to unsaturated fatty acids. Natural ligand transfer rates are more than 200-fold higher compared to fluorescently-labeled analogues. Interestingly, oleoyl-CoA presents a markedly different transfer behavior compared to the rest of the ligands tested, probably indicating the possibility of specific targeting of ligands to different metabolic fates.  相似文献   

Chronic or non-healing skin wounds present an ongoing challenge in advanced wound care, particularly as the number of patients increases while technology aimed at stimulating wound healing in these cases remains inefficient. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have proved to be an attractive cell type for various cell therapies due to their ability to differentiate into various cell lineages, multiple donor tissue types, and relative resilience in ex-vivo expansion, as well as immunomodulatory effects during transplants. More recently, these cells have been targeted for use in strategies to improve chronic wound healing in patients with diabetic ulcers or other stasis wounds. Here, we outline several mechanisms by which MSCs can improve healing outcomes in these cases, including reducing tissue inflammation, inducing angiogenesis in the wound bed, and reducing scarring following the repair process. Approaches to extend MSC life span in implant sites are also examined.  相似文献   

Following the administration of clofibrate to rats, the concentration of Z protein or fatty acid binding protein in liver cytosol increases by 98 %. Ligandin concentration remains unchanged. Isolated perfused livers of clofibrate-treated rats take up free fatty acids from the perfusate at a significantly higher rate (+ 76 %) than controls. Lipid synthesis from radioactive fatty acids is not modified by clofibrate administration. The yield of plasma membranes obtained from liver homogenates as well as their lipid composition are similar in control and clofibrate treated livers. These results seem to exclude the possibility that the enhancement of FFA uptake could result from an indirect effect of the drug on FFA metabolism and/or plasma membrane surface and thus support the view that Z protein plays a role in intracellular fatty acid transport in the liver.  相似文献   

Summary The localization of epidermal-type fatty acid binding protein (E-FABP) in the mature mouse ovary was examined by immuno-light and electron microscopy. Numerous macrophages immunopositive for both anti-E-FABP and F4/80 antibodies, together with immunonegative cells, were found in advanced atretic follicles that had eccentric lumens containing deformed ova. While some E-FABP-immunopositive macrophages were spider in shape and appeared singly, others, especially close to the lumen, were round and voluminous and tended to be aggregated. The voluminous macrophages contained phagosomes of various sizes and they were regarded as those actively involved in the phagocytosis of apoptotic granulosa cells. E-FABP-immunopositive macrophages and their processes were often apposed to adjacent immunonegative cells, and some of them lined the lumen containing deformed ova. On the other hand, E-FABP-immunonegative cells in the atretic follicles were classified into two types: the one, a minority, was characterized by small mitochondria containing non-tubular cristae and presumably represented residual granulosa cells, while the other dominant type was characterized by large mitochondria containing tubular cristae and presumably represented theca cells originally surrounding the follicles to be atretic. The present detection of E-FABP-immunopositivity selectively in macrophages of the atretic follicles suggests possible involvement of E-FABP and/or its ligand fatty acids in the process of follicular atresia, and it makes more reliable the identification of the advanced atretic follicles with the antral spaces obliterated, which could provide further details on the histology of the follicular atresia than before.  相似文献   

Cytosolic long-chain fatty acid binding proteins (FABPs) are found in tissues that metabolize fatty acids. Like most lipid binding proteins, their specific functions remain unclear. Two classes have been described. Membrane-active FABPs interact directly with membranes during exchange of fatty acids between the protein binding site and the membrane, while membrane-inactive FABPs bind only to fatty acids that are already in aqueous solution. Despite these binding proteins, most fatty acids in cell cytoplasm appear to be bound to membranes. This paper reviews data suggesting that FABPs catalyze transfer of fatty acids between intracellular membranes, often across considerable intracellular distances. This process occurs in three distinct steps: dissociation of the fatty acid from a donor membrane, diffusion of the fatty acid across the intervening water layer, and binding to an acceptor membrane. Membrane-active FABPs catalyze dissociation of the fatty acid from the donor membrane and binding to the acceptor membrane, while membrane-inactive FABPs catalyze diffusion of fatty acids across the aqueous cytosol. Thus, FABPs catalyze all three steps in intracellular transport. A simple quantitative model has been developed that predicts the rate of intracellular transport as a function of the concentration, affinity and diffusional mobility of the binding protein. Different FABPs may have evolved to match the specific transport requirements of the cell type within which they are found.  相似文献   

Inflammation is a crucial step for the wound healing process. The effect of linoleic and oleic acids on the inflammatory response of the skin during the healing process and on the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines by rat neutrophils in vitro was investigated. A wound in the dorsal surface of adult rats was performed and fatty acids were then topically administered. Both oleic and linoleic acids increased the wound healing tissue mass. The total protein and DNA contents of the wounds were increased by the treatment with linoleic acid. The treatments with oleic and linoleic acids did not affect vascular permeability. However, the number of neutrophils in the wounded area and air pouches was increased and the thickness of the necrotic cell layer edge around the wound was decreased. A dose-dependent increase in vascular endothelial growth factor-alpha (VEGF-alpha) and interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) by neutrophils incubated in the presence of oleic and linoleic acid was observed. Oleic acid was able to stimulate also the production of cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant in inflammation 2 alpha/beta (CINC-2alpha/beta). This pro-inflammatory effect of oleic and linoleic acids may speed up the wound healing process.  相似文献   

Background: We reported that urinary L-FABP reflected the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). This study is aimed to evaluate the clinical significance of urinary liver type fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP) as a biomarker for monitoring CKD. Methods: Urinary L-FABP was measured using human L-FABP ELISA kit (CMIC.Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). The relations between urinary L-FABP and clinical parameters were evaluated in non-diabetic CKD (n = 48) for a year. In order to evaluate the influence of serum L-FABP derived from liver upon urinary L-FABP, both serum and urinary L-FABP were simultaneously measured in patients with CKD (n = 73). Results: For monitoring CKD, the cut-off value in urinary L-FABP was determined as 17.4 μg/g.cr. by using a receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve. Renal function deteriorated significantly more in patients with ‘high’ urinary L-FABP (n = 36) than in those with ‘low’ L-FABP (n = 12). The decrease in creatinine clearance was accompanied by an increase in urinary L-FABP, but not in urinary protein. Serum L-FABP in patients with CKD was not correlated with urinary L-FABP. Conclusion: Urinary excretion of L-FABP increases with the deterioration of renal function. Serum L-FABP did not influence on urinary L-FABP. Urinary L-FABP may be a useful clinical biomarker for monitoring CKD.  相似文献   

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