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Development of complex organs depends on intensive cell-cell interactions, which help coordinate movements of many cell types. In a genetic screen aimed to identify genes controlling midline glia migration in the Drosophila nervous system, we have identified mutations in the gene kastchen. Here we show that during embryogenesis kastchen is also required for the normal migration of longitudinal and peripheral glial cells. During larval development, kastchen non-cell autonomously affects the migration of the subretinal glia into the eye disc. During embryonic development, kastchen not only affects glial cell migration but also controls the migration of muscle cells toward their attachment sites. In all cases, kastchen apparently functions in terminating or restricting cell migration. We identified the molecular nature of the gene by performing transgenic rescue experiments and by sequence analysis of mutant alleles. Kastchen corresponds to the recently described gene fear-of-intimacy (foi) that was identified in screen for genes affecting germ cell migration, suggesting that Foi-Kastchen is more generally involved in regulating cell migration. It encodes a member of an eight-transmembrane domain protein family of putative Zinc transporters or proteases. We determined the topology of the Foi protein by using antisera against luminal and intracellular domains of the protein and provide evidence that it does not act as a Zinc transporter. Genetic evidence suggests that one of the functions of foi may be associated with hedgehog signaling.  相似文献   

The principles underlying the formation of leaf veins have long intrigued developmental biologists. In leaves, networks of vascular precursor procambial cells emerge from seemingly homogeneous subepidermal tissue through the selection of anatomically inconspicuous preprocambial cells. Understanding dynamics of procambium formation has been hampered by the difficulty of observing the process in vivo. Here we present a live-imaging technique that allows visual access to complex events occurring in developing leaves. We combined this method with stage-specific fluorescent markers in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) to visualize preprocambial strand formation and procambium differentiation during the undisturbed course of development and upon defined perturbations of vein ontogeny. Under all experimental conditions, we observed extension, termination and fusion of preprocambial strands and simultaneous initiation of procambium differentiation along entire individual veins. Our findings strongly suggest that progressiveness of preprocambial strand formation and simultaneity of procambium differentiation represent inherent properties of the mechanism underlying vein formation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that medaka primordial germ cells (PGC) are first distinguishable by olvas expression during late gastrulation, and that they migrate to the gonadal region through the lateral plate mesoderm. Here, we demonstrate that medaka nanos expression marks the germ line at early gastrulation stage. By marking the germ line with green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to the nanos 3' untranslated region, we were able to visualize the behavior of PGC using time-lapse imaging. We show that there are three distinct modes of PGC migration that function at different stages of development. At early gastrulation stage, PGC actively migrate towards the marginal zone, a process that requires the function of a chemokine receptor, CXCR4. However, at late gastrulation stage, PGC change the mode and direction of their movement, as they are carried towards the midline along with somatic cells undergoing convergent movements. After aligning bilaterally, PGC actively migrate to the posterior end of the lateral plate mesoderm. This posterior movement depends on the activity of both HMGCoAR and a ligand of CXCR4, SDF-1a. These results demonstrate that PGC undergo different modes of migration to reach the prospective gonadal region of the embryo.  相似文献   

The Drosophila compound eye comprises about 750 individual ommatidia arranged into an almost crystalline array. The eye is not needed for viability and thus served as a favorite model organ to decipher many signaling systems controlling diverse aspects such as cell fate allocation or cell-cycle control. Here, we review that the Drosophila eye can also serve to study the interaction between neurons and glial cells. In the Drosophila eye, all glial cells originate from the brain lobes and need to migrate onto the larval eye disc as neurogenesis is initiated during the third instar stage. Although we do have a relatively good understanding of the sequential progression of neurogenesis in the eye disc, we are still at the beginning in our dissection of the molecular pathways orchestrating the coordinated development of neurons and glial cells.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) is a ubiquitous serine/threonine phosphatase that regulates many cellular processes, including cell division. When transiently expressed as fluorescent protein (FP) fusions, the three PP1 isoforms, alpha, beta/delta, and gamma1, are active phosphatases with distinct localization patterns. We report here the establishment and characterization of HeLa cell lines stably expressing either FP-PP1gamma or FP alone. Time-lapse imaging reveals dynamic targeting of FP-PP1gamma to specific sites throughout the cell cycle, contrasting with the diffuse pattern observed for FP alone. FP-PP1gamma shows a nucleolar accumulation during interphase. On entry into mitosis, it localizes initially at kinetochores, where it exchanges rapidly with the diffuse cytoplasmic pool. A dramatic relocalization of PP1 to the chromosome-containing regions occurs at the transition from early to late anaphase, and by telophase FP-PP1gamma also accumulates at the cleavage furrow and midbody. The changing spatio-temporal distribution of PP1gamma revealed using the stable PP1 cell lines implicates it in multiple processes, including nucleolar function, the regulation of chromosome segregation and cytokinesis.  相似文献   

 The ventral nerve cord of arthropods is characterised by the organisation of major axon tracts in a ladder-like pattern. The individual neuromeres are connected by longitudinal connectives whereas the contra-lateral connections are brought about through segmental commissures. In each neuromere of the embryonic central nervous system (CNS) of Drosophila an anterior and a posterior commissure is found. The development of these commissures requires a set of neurone-glia interactions at the midline. Here we show that both the anterior as well as the posterior commissures are subdivided into three axon-containing regions. Electron microscopy of the ventral nerve cord of mutations affecting CNS midline cells indicates that the midline glial cells are required for this subdivision. In addition the midline glial cells appear required for a crossing of commissural growth cones perpendicular to the longitudinal tracts, since in mutants with defective midline glial cells commissural axons frequently cross the midline at aberrant angles. Received: 6 July 1997 / Accepted: 27 August 1997  相似文献   

Aa robust inflammatory response to tissue damage and infection is conserved across almost all animal phyla. Neutrophils and macrophages, or their equivalents, are drawn to the wound site where they engulf cell and matrix debris and release signals that direct components of the repair process. This orchestrated cell migration is clinically important, and yet, to date, leukocyte chemotaxis has largely been studied in vitro. Here, we describe a genetically tractable in vivo wound model of inflammation in the Drosophila melanogaster embryo that is amenable to cinemicroscopy. For the first time, we are able to examine the roles of Rho-family small GTPases during inflammation in vivo and show that Rac-mediated lamellae are essential for hemocyte motility and Rho signaling is necessary for cells to retract from sites of matrix- and cell-cell contacts. Cdc42 is necessary for maintaining cellular polarity and yet, despite in vitro evidence, is dispensable for sensing and crawling toward wound cues.  相似文献   

Granule cells in the hippocampus, a region critical for memory and learning, are generated mainly during the early postnatal period but neurogenesis continues in adulthood. Postnatal neuronal production is carried out by primary progenitors that express glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and they are assumed to function as stem cells. A central question regarding postnatal dentate neurogenesis is how astrocyte-like progenitors produce neurons. To reveal cell division patterns and the process of neuronal differentiation of astrocyte-like neural progenitors, we performed time-lapse imaging in cultured hippocampal slices from early postnatal transgenic mice with mouse GFAP promoter-controlled enhanced green fluorescent protein (mGFAP-eGFP Tg mice) in combination with a retrovirus carrying a red fluorescent protein gene. Our results showed that the majority of GFAP-eGFP+ progenitor cells that express GFAP, Sox2 and nestin divided symmetrically to produce pairs of GFAP+ cells (45%) or pairs of neuron-committed cells (45%), whereas a minority divided asymmetrically to generate GFAP+ cells and neuron-committed cells (10%). The present results suggest that a substantial number of GFAP-expressing progenitors functions as transient amplifying progenitors, at least in an early postnatal dentate gyrus, although a small population appears to be stem cell-like progenitors. From the present data, we discuss possible cell division patterns of adult GFAP+ progenitors.  相似文献   

Verkuyl JM  Matus A 《Nature protocols》2006,1(5):2399-2405
Dendritic spines are small protrusions present postsynaptically at approximately 90% of excitatory synapses in the brain. Spines undergo rapid spontaneous changes in shape that are thought to be important for alterations in synaptic connectivity underlying learning and memory. Visualization of these dynamic changes in spine morphology are especially challenging because of the small size of spines (approximately 1 microm). Here we describe a microscope system, based on a spinning-disk confocal microscope, suitable for imaging mature dendritic spines in brain slice preparations, with a time resolution of seconds. We discuss two commonly used in vitro brain slice preparations and methods for transfecting them. Preparation and transfection require approximately 1 d, after which slices must be cultured for at least 21 d to obtain spines of mature morphology. We also describe imaging and computer analysis routines for studying spine motility. These procedures require in the order of 2 to 4 h.  相似文献   

Glial cells are crucial for the proper development and function of the nervous system. In the Drosophila embryo, the glial cells of the peripheral nervous system are generated both by central neuroblasts and sensory organ precursors. Most peripheral glial cells need to migrate along axonal projections of motor and sensory neurons to reach their final positions in the periphery. Here we studied the spatial and temporal pattern, the identity, the migration, and the origin of all peripheral glial cells in the truncal segments of wildtype embryos. The establishment of individual identities among these cells is reflected by the expression of a combinatorial code of molecular markers. This allows the identification of individual cells in various genetic backgrounds. Furthermore, mutant analysis of two of these marker genes, spalt major and castor, reveal their implication in peripheral glial development. Using confocal 4D microscopy to monitor and follow peripheral glia migration in living embryos, we show that the positioning of most of these cells is predetermined with minor variations, and that the order in which cells migrate into the periphery is almost fixed. By studying their lineages, we uncovered the origin of each of the peripheral glial cells and linked them to identified central and peripheral neural stem cells.  相似文献   

Chen F  Rebay I 《Current biology : CB》2000,10(15):943-946
Signaling by DER, the Drosophila epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK), is essential for proper migration and survival of midline glial cells (MGCs) in the embryonic central nervous system (CNS) [1-4]. We recently isolated a gene called split ends (spen) in a screen designed to identify new components of the RTK/Ras pathway [5]. Drosophila Spen and its orthologs are characterized by a distinct set of RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a SPOC domain, a highly conserved carboxy-terminal domain of unknown function [5-7]. To investigate spen function in the context of RTK signaling, we examined the consequences of spen loss-of-function mutations on embryonic CNS development. We found that spen was required for normal migration and survival of MGCs and that embryos lacking spen had CNS defects strikingly reminiscent of those seen in mutants of several known components of the DER signaling pathway. In addition, spen interacted synergistically with the RTK effector pointed. Using MGC-targeted expression, we found that increased Ras signaling rescued the lethality associated with expression of a dominant-negative spen transgene. Therefore, spen encodes a positively acting component of the DER/Ras signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Microtubule distribution was examined in whole mounts of Drosophila embryos from the cellularization of the syncytial blastoderm (stage 6) to the completion of the gastrulation (stage 7) by fluorescence microscopy. During ventral furrow formation, the fluorescence of tubulin network was not uniform, but disposed in zebra stripes. Antibodies against alpha-tubulin showed 14 alternating pairs of darker and brighter transverse areas. The possible significance of this pattern is discussed.  相似文献   

Three midline glial populations are found at the corticoseptal boundary: the glial wedge (GW), glia within the indusium griseum (IGG), and the midline zipper glia (MG). Two of these glial populations are involved in axonal guidance at the cortical midline, specifically development of the corpus callosum. Here we investigate the phenotypic and molecular characteristics of each population and determine whether they are generated at the same developmental stage. We find that the GW is derived from the radial glial scaffold of the cortex. GW cells initially have long radial processes that extend from the ventricular surface to the pial surface, but by E15 loose their pial attachment and extend only part of the way to the pial surface. Later in development the radial morphology of cells within the GW is replaced by multipolar astrocytes, providing supportive evidence that radial glia can transform into astrocytes. IGG and MG do not have a radial morphology and do not label with the radial glial markers, Nestin and RC2. We conclude that the GW and IGG have different morphological and molecular characteristics and are born at different stages of development. IGG and MG have many phenotypic and molecular characteristics in common, indicating that they may represent a common population of glia that becomes spatially distinct by the formation of the corpus callosum.  相似文献   

Following abiotic stress to induce barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) androgenesis, the development of 794 enlarged microspores in culture was monitored by time-lapse tracking. In total, 11% of the microspores tracked developed into embryo-like structures (type-I pathway), 36% formed multicellular structures (type-II pathway) and 53% of the microspores followed gametophytic divisions, accumulated starch and died in the first days of tracking (type-III pathway). Despite the microspore fate, enlarged microspores showed similar morphologies directly after stress treatment. Ultrastructural analysis, however, revealed two morphologically distinct cell types. Cells with a thin intine layer and an undifferentiated cytoplasm after stress treatment were associated with type-I and type-II pathways, whereas the presence of differentiated amyloplasts and a thick intine layer were associated with the type-III pathway. Tracking revealed that the first morphological change associated with embryogenic potential was a star-like morphology, which was a transitory stage between uninucleate vacuolated microspores after stress and the initiation of cell division. The difference between type-I and type-II pathways was observed during the time they displayed the star-like morphology. During the transition phase, embryo-like structures in the type-I pathway were always released out of the exine wall at the opposite side of the pollen germ pore, whereas in the type-II pathway multicellular structures were unable to break the exine and to release embryo-like structures. Moreover, by combining viability studies with cell tracking, we show that release of embryo-like structures was preceded by a decrease in viability of the cells positioned at the site of exine wall rupture. These cells were also positively stained by Sytox orange, a cell death indicator. Thereby, we demonstrate, for the first time, that a position-determined cell death process marks the transition from a multicellular structure into an embryo-like structure during barley androgenesis.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Pollination is an important process in the life cycle of plants and is the first step in bringing together the male and female gametophytes for plant reproduction. While pollination has been studied for many years, accurate knowledge of the morphological aspects of this process is still far from complete. This study therefore focuses on a morphological characterization of pollination, using time-series image analysis of self- and cross-pollinations in Brassica rapa.


Time-lapse imaging of pollen behaviour during self- and cross-pollinations was recorded for 90 min, at 1 min intervals, using a stereoscopic microscope. Using time-series digital images of pollination, characteristic features of pollen behaviours during self- and cross-pollinations were studied.

Key Results

Pollen exhibited various behaviours in both self- and cross-pollinations, and these were classified into six representative patterns: germination, expansion, contraction, sudden contraction, pulsation and no change. It is noteworthy that in ‘contraction’ pollen grains shrunk within a short period of 30–50 min, and in ‘pulsation’ repeated expansion and contraction occurred with an interval of 10 min, suggesting that a dehydration system is operating in pollination. All of the six patterns were observed on an individual stigma with both self- and cross-pollinations, and the difference between self- and cross-pollinations was in the ratios of the different behaviours. With regard to water transport to and from pollen grains, this occurred in multiple steps, before, during and after hydration. Thus, pollination is regulated by a combination of multiple components of hydration, rehydration and dehydration systems.


Regulated hydration of pollen is a key process for both pollination and self-incompatibility, and this is achieved by a balanced complex of hydration, dehydration and nutrient supply to pollen grains from stigmatic papilla cells.  相似文献   

Rhomboid (Rho), a cell surface, seven-transmembrane domain protein, participates in Spitz-dependent activation of the Drosophila EGF receptor (EGFR). By contrast to transient expression in other embryonic tissues, rho is expressed continuously in the embryonic and larval Midline Glia (MG) lineage and is required upstream of, or in parallel with, S, Spi, and EGFR to establish MG cell number. EGFR signaling is necessary for the expression of rho in the MG and sufficient to stimulate rho expression in additional MG progenitors. rho expression is required continuously from embryonic stage 9-17 to suppress apoptosis in the MG. Although rho misexpression can increase MG number through a non-cell autonomous mechanism, the pattern of normal rho expression suggests that it functions by enhancing autocrine or paracrine signaling among MG cells.  相似文献   

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