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The guanylate-binding proteins (GBPs) form a group of interferon-gamma inducible GTP-binding proteins which belong to the family of dynamin-related proteins. Like other members of this family, human guanylate-binding protein 1 (hGBP1) shows nucleotide-dependent oligomerisation that stimulates the GTPase activity of the protein. A unique feature of the GBPs is their ability to hydrolyse GTP to GDP and GMP. In order to elucidate the relationship between these findings, we designed point mutants in the phosphate-binding loop (P-loop) as well as in the switch I and switch II regions of the protein based on the crystal structure of hGBP1. These mutant proteins were analysed for their interaction with guanine nucleotides labeled with a fluorescence dye and for their ability to hydrolyse GTP in a cooperative manner. We identified mutations of amino acid residues that decrease GTPase activity by orders of magnitude a part of which are conserved in GTP-binding proteins. In addition, mutants in the P-loop were characterized that strongly impair binding of nucleotide. In consequence, together with altered GTPase activity and given cellular nucleotide concentrations this results in hGBP1 mutants prevailingly resting in the nucleotide-free (K51A and S52N) or the GTP bound form (R48A), respectively. Using size-exclusion chromatography and analytical ultracentrifugation we addressed the impact on protein oligomerisation. In summary, mutants of hGBP1 were identified and biochemically characterized providing hGBP1 locked in defined states in order to investigate their functional role in future cell biology studies.  相似文献   

Ultracentrifuge studies of intact protein L7/L12, of its fragments 27--120, 1--74 and 74--120 and of protein L7/L12 with oxidized methionine residues, indicate that the N-terminal sequence of the protein L7/L12 is responsible for its dimerization. The symmetry model of the dimer is discussed.  相似文献   

GTP hydrolysis by small GTP binding proteins of the Ras superfamily is a universal reaction that controls multiple cellular regulations. Its enzymic mechanism has been the subject of long-standing debates as to the existence/identity of the general base and the electronic nature of its transition state. Here we report the high-resolution crystal structure of a small GTP binding protein, Rab11, solved in complex with GDP and Pi. Unexpectedly, a Pi oxygen and the GDP-cleaved oxygen are located less than 2.5 A apart, suggesting that they share a proton, likely in the form of a low-barrier hydrogen bond. This implies that the gamma-phosphate of GTP was protonated; hence, that GTP acts as a general base. Furthermore, this interaction should establish at, and stabilize, the transition state. Altogether, we propose a revised model for the GTPase reaction that should reconcile earlier models into a unique substrate-assisted mechanism.  相似文献   

Within the family of large GTP-binding proteins, human guanylate binding protein 1 (hGBP1) belongs to a subgroup of interferon-inducible proteins. GTP hydrolysis activity of these proteins is much higher compared with members of other GTPase families and underlies mechanisms that are not understood. The large GTP-binding proteins form self-assemblies that lead to stimulation of the catalytic activity. The unique result of GTP hydrolysis catalyzed by hGBP1 is GDP and GMP. We investigated this reaction mechanism by transient kinetic methods using radioactively labeled GTP as well as fluorescent probes. Substrate binding and formation of the hGBP1 homodimer are fast as no lag phase is observed in the time courses of GTP hydrolysis. Instead, multiple turnover experiments show a rapid burst of P(i) formation prior to the steady state phase, indicating a rate-limiting step after GTP cleavage. Both molecules are catalytically active and cleave off a phosphate ion in the first step. Then bifurcation into catalytic inactivation, probably by irreversible dissociation of the dimer, and into GDP hydrolysis is observed. The second cleavage step is even faster than the first step, implying a rapid rearrangement of the nucleotide within the catalytic center of hGBP1. We could also show that the release of the products, including the phosphate ions, is fast and not limiting the steady state activity. We suggest that slow dissociation of the GMP-bound homodimer gives rise to the burst behavior and controls the steady state. The assembled forms of the GDP- and GMP-bound states of hGBP1 are accessible only through GTP binding and hydrolysis and achieve a lifetime of a few seconds.  相似文献   

Ran is a Ras-related GTPase that is essential for the transport of protein and RNA between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Proteins that regulate the GTPase cycle and subcellular distribution of Ran include the cytoplasmic GTPase-activating protein (RanGAP) and its co-factors (RanBP1, RanBP2), the nuclear guanine nucleotide exchange factor (RanGEF), and the Ran import receptor (NTF2). The recent identification of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein Mog1p as a suppressor of temperature-sensitive Ran mutations suggests that additional regulatory proteins remain to be characterized. Here, we describe the identification and biochemical characterization of murine Mog1, which, like its yeast orthologue, is a nuclear protein that binds specifically to RanGTP. We show that Mog1 stimulates the release of GTP from Ran, indicating that Mog1 functions as a guanine nucleotide release factor in vitro. Following GTP release, Mog1 remains bound to nucleotide-free Ran in a conformation that prevents rebinding of the guanine nucleotide. These properties distinguish Mog1 from the well characterized RanGEF and suggest an unanticipated mechanism for modulating nuclear levels of RanGTP.  相似文献   

Nuclear formation in Xenopus egg extracts requires cytosol and is inhibited by GTP gamma S, indicating a requirement for GTPase activity. Nuclear envelope (NE) vesicle fusion is extensively inhibited by GTP gamma S and two mutant forms of the Ran GTPase, Q69L and T24N. Depletion of either Ran or RCC1, the exchange factor for Ran, from the assembly reaction also inhibits this step of NE formation. Ran depletion can be complemented by the addition of Ran loaded with either GTP or GDP but not with GTP gamma S. RCC1 depletion is only complemented by RCC1 itself or by RanGTP. Thus, generation of RanGTP by RCC1 and GTP hydrolysis by Ran are both required for the extensive membrane fusion events that lead to NE formation.  相似文献   

Septins are a family of conserved proteins that are essential for cytokinesis in a wide range of organisms including fungi, Drosophila and mammals. In budding yeast, where they were first discovered, they are thought to form a filamentous ring at the bridge between the mother and bud cells. What regulates the assembly and function of septins, however, has remained obscure. All septins share a highly conserved domain related to those found in small GTPases, and septins have been shown to bind and hydrolyze GTP, although the properties of this domain and the relationship between polymerization and GTP binding/hydrolysis is unclear. Here we show that human septin 2 is phosphorylated in vivo at Ser218 by casein kinase II. In addition, we show that recombinant septin 2 binds guanine nucleotides with a Kd of 0.28 microm for GTPgammaS and 1.75 microm for GDP. It has a slow exchange rate of 7 x 10(-5) s(-1) for GTPgammaS and 5 x 10(-4) s(-1) for GDP, and an apparent kcat value of 2.7 x 10(-4) s(-1), similar to those of the Ras superfamily of GTPases. Interestingly, the nucleotide binding affinity appears to be altered by phosphorylation at Ser218. Finally, we show that a single septin protein can form homotypic filaments in vitro, whether bound to GDP or GTP.  相似文献   

Among the proteins that are synthesized only in interferon-treated human cells, a Mr = 67,000 protein has been previously identified by its binding to guanylate agaroses. After a 24-h treatment of human diploid fibroblasts with 200 units/ml of interferon-gamma, about 3 X 10(5) molecules of guanylate-binding protein (GBP) accumulate in each cell. We have developed a one-step purification procedures for GBP using guanylate affinity chromatography. To further elucidate the specific binding of this protein to guanylates, we have used a photoactive probe, 8-azidoguanosine [alpha 32P] triphosphate for the labeling of the GBP. Photolysis of the 8-azido-[alpha-32P]GTP in the presence of GBP results in the covalent attachment of the 32P-guanylate to the GBP. This photolabeling reaction can be inhibited only by guanylates but cannot be inhibited by other nucleotides, suggesting a specific association of GBP to guanylates. Using the purified GBP as an immunogen, we have successfully made rabbit antiserum for GBP. Both the GBP antigen and its guanylate-binding activity are detected only in the cytoplasm of interferon-treated human fibroblasts. The synthesis of the mRNA of GBP is also found in mice exposed to endogenous interferon and in interferon-treated human lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormone metabolism is catalyzed by a small family of selenoenzymes. Type I deiodinase (D1) is the best characterized family member and is an integral membrane protein composed of two 27-kDa subunits that assemble to a functional holoenzyme after translation. To characterize the protein domain(s) responsible for this post-translational assembly event, we used deletion/truncation analysis coupled with immune depletion assays to map the dimerization domain of D1. The results of our studies show that a highly conserved sequence of 16 amino acids in the C-terminal half of the D1 subunit, -D148FL-YI-EAH-DGW163-, serves as the dimerization domain. Based on the high conservation of this domain, we synthesized a novel bait peptide-green fluorescent protein fusion probe (DDD(GFP)) to examine holoenzyme assembly of other family members. Overexpression of either the DDD(GFP) or an inert D1 subunit (M4) into SeD2 (accession number U53505)-expressing C6 cells specifically led to the loss of >90% of the catalytic activity. Catalytically inactive D2 heterodimers composed of SeD2: DDD(GFP) subunits were rescued by specific immune precipitation with anti-SeD2 IgG, suggesting that SeD2 requires two functional subunits to assemble a catalytically active holoenzyme. These findings identify and characterize the essential dimerization domain responsible for post-translational assembly of selenodeiodinases and show that family members can intermingle through this highly conserved protein domain.  相似文献   

Domain swapping within PDZ2 is responsible for dimerization of ZO proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ZO-1 is a multidomain protein involved in cell-cell junctions and contains three PDZ domains, which are necessary for its function in vivo. PDZ domains play a central role in assembling diverse protein complexes through their ability to recognize short peptide motifs on other proteins. We determined the structure of the second of the three PDZ domains of ZO-1, which is known to promote dimerization as well as bind to C-terminal sequences on connexins. The dimer is stabilized by extensive symmetrical domain swapping of beta-strands, which is unlike any other known mechanism of PDZ dimerization. The canonical peptide-binding groove remains intact in both subunits of the PDZ2 dimer and is created by elements contributed from both monomers. This unique structure reveals an additional example of how PDZ domains dimerize and has multiple implications for both peptide binding and oligomerization in vivo.  相似文献   

The guanine nucleotide-binding protein Ras exists in solution in two different conformational states when complexed with different GTP analogs such as GppNHp or GppCH(2)p. State 1 has only a very low affinity to effectors and seems to be recognized by guanine nucleotide exchange factors, whereas state 2 represents the high affinity effector binding state. In this work we investigate Ras in complex with the physiological nucleoside triphosphate GTP. By polarization transfer (31)P NMR experiments and effector binding studies we show that Ras(wt)·Mg(2+)·GTP also exists in a dynamical equilibrium between the weakly populated conformational state 1 and the dominant state 2. At 278 K the equilibrium constant between state 1 and state 2 of C-terminal truncated wild-type Ras(1-166) K(12) is 11.3. K(12) of full-length Ras is >20, suggesting that the C terminus may also have a regulatory effect on the conformational equilibrium. The exchange rate (k(ex)) for Ras(wt)·Mg(2+)·GTP is 7 s(-1) and thus 18-fold lower compared with that found for the Ras·GppNHp complex. The intrinsic GTPase activity substantially increases after effector binding for the switch I mutants Ras(Y32F), (Y32R), (Y32W), (Y32C/C118S), (T35S), and the switch II mutant Ras(G60A) by stabilizing state 2, with the largest effect on Ras(Y32R) with a 13-fold increase compared with wild-type. In contrast, no acceleration was observed in Ras(T35A). Thus Ras in conformational state 2 has a higher affinity to effectors as well as a higher GTPase activity. These observations can be used to explain why many mutants have a low GTPase activity but are not oncogenic.  相似文献   

The interferon-gamma-induced guanylate-binding protein 1 (GBP1) belongs to a special class of large GTP- binding proteins of 60-100 kDa with unique characteristics. Here we present the structure of human GBP1 in complex with the non-hydrolysable GTP analogue GppNHp. Basic features of guanine nucleotide binding, such as the P-loop orientation and the Mg(2+) co-ordination, are analogous to those of Ras-related and heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins. However, the glycosidic bond and thus the orientation of the guanine base and its interaction with the protein are very different. Furthermore, two unique regions around the base and the phosphate-binding areas, the guanine and the phosphate caps, respectively, give the nucleotide-binding site a unique appearance not found in the canonical GTP-binding proteins. The phosphate cap, which constitutes the region analogous to switch I, completely shields the phosphate-binding site from solvent such that a potential GTPase-activating protein cannot approach. This has consequences for the GTPase mechanism of hGBP1 and possibly of other large GTP-binding proteins.  相似文献   

The effect of a series of mutations on the transforming potential of normal human rasH has been compared with their effects on GTPase and guanine nucleotide exchange rates of p21. The mutation Val-146 resulted in partial activation of transforming potential which could be attributed to a greater than 1,000-fold-increased rate of nucleotide exchange in the absence of an effect on GTPase. In contrast, the more modest enhancement of exchange rate (approximately 100-fold) which resulted from the mutation Met-14 did not affect biological activity. The partially activating mutation Thr-59 was found to result in both a 5-fold reduction in GTPase and a 10-fold increase in nucleotide exchange. However, the nontransforming mutant Ile-59 displayed a comparable decrease in GTPase without an effect on nucleotide exchange. The activating effect of the Thr-59 mutation may thus represent a combined effect of reduced GTPase and increased exchange. Similarly, the strongly activating mutation Leu-61 resulted in a fivefold increase in nucleotide exchange in addition to decreased GTPase, whereas weakly activating mutations at position 61 (Trp and Pro) resulted only in decreased GTPase without affecting nucleotide exchange rates. Finally, combining the two mutations Met-14 and Ile-59, which alone had no effect on biological activity, yielded a double mutant with a 20-fold increased transforming potential, demonstrating a synergistic effect of these two mutations. Overall, these results indicate that large increases in nucleotide exchange can activate ras transforming potential in the absence of decreased GTPase and that relatively modest increases in nucleotide exchange can act synergistically with decreased GTPase to contribute to ras activation.  相似文献   

Hillson NJ  Balibar CJ  Walsh CT 《Biochemistry》2004,43(35):11344-11351
Nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS), fatty acid synthases (FAS), and polyketide synthases (PKS) are multimodular enzymatic assembly lines utilized in natural product biosynthesis. The oligomeric structure of these assembly line enzymes has been a topic of interest because higher order oligomeric quaternary structural arrangements allow for alternate paths of acyl intermediate elongation and present unique challenges for the chimeric engineering of hybrid assembly lines. Unlike other NRPS systems that in general appear to be monomeric, the six domain (Cy1-Cy2-A-C1-PCP-C2) VibF subunit of vibriobactin synthetase has previously been shown to be dimeric, the same oligomeric state as that observed for FAS and PKS assembly lines. It has been demonstrated that the C1 domain within VibF is catalytically inactive and is not required for vibriobactin production. Utilizing sedimentation equilibrium analytical ultracentrifugation experiments to determine the oligomeric states of several VibF subfragments, we report that the C1 domain is largely responsible for VibF dimerization. Comparative rates of vibriobactin production, coupled with dissociation constants for VibF subfragment pair heterocomplexes, suggest that the mere presence of C1 does not detectably enhance the catalytic rates of neighboring domains, but it may properly orient Cy1-Cy2-A relative to PCP-C2.  相似文献   

Rat prostate transglutaminase is characterized by a high degree of complexity. In fact, as previously demonstrated, it is highly glycosilated and possesses a lipid anchor which is retained during enzyme apocrine secretion. In order to assess the importance of such modifications upon enzyme functionality, full length rat prostate transglutaminase cDNA has been synthesized by RT-PCR and stably expressed in MDCK cells. The recombinant form has been partially purified by GTP-affinity chromatography, a technique which has been used to purify the enzyme produced from rat prostate secretion. The recombinant protein is endowed with enzymatic activity even though, as we have demonstrated by immunological studies, it lacks post-translational modifications which occur in the prostate enzyme. Moreover, we have demonstrated that a deletion mutant, which gives rise to a protein lacking 103 amino acid residues at the N-terminus end, loses enzymatic activity and the capability of binding GTP. This study shows that, while post-translational modifications are not essential for enzymatic activity, the N-terminus end is responsible for both transglutaminase functionality and GTP-binding.  相似文献   

A variant form of Escherichia coli ribosomal protein L7/L12 that lacked residues 42 to 52 (L7/L12 Δ42–52) in the hinge region was shown previously to be completely inactive in supporting polyphenylalanine synthesis although it bound to L7/L12 deficient core particles with the normal stoichiometry of four copies per particle (Oleinikov AV, Perroud B, Wang B, Traut RR (1993) J Biol Chem, 268, 917–922). The result suggested that the hinge confers flexibility that is required for activity because the resulting bent conformation allows the distal C-terminal domain to occupy a location on the body of the large ribosomal subunit proximal to the base of the L7/L12 stalk where elongation factors bind. Factor binding to the hinge-truncated variant was tested. As an alternative strategy to deleting residues from the hinge, seven amino acid residues within the putative hinge region were replaced by seven consecutive proline residues in an attempt to confer increased rigidity that might reduce or eliminate the bending of the molecule inferred to be functionally important. This variant, L7/L12: (Pro)7, remained fully active in protein synthesis. Whereas the binding of both factors in ribosomes containing L7/L12:Δ42–52 was decreased by about 50%, there was no loss of factor binding in ribosomes containing L7/L12:(Pro)7, as predicted from the retention of protein synthesis activity. The factor:ribosome complexes that contained L7/L12:Δ42–52 had the same low level of GTP hydrolysis as the core particles completely lacking L7/L12 and EF-G did not support translocation measured by the reaction of phe-tRNA bounds in hr Asite with puromycin. It is concluded that the hinge region is required for the functionally productive binding of elongation factors, and the defect in protein synthesis reported previously is due to this defect. The variant produced by the introduction of the putative rigid Pro7 sequence retains sufficient flexibility for full activity.  相似文献   

The movement of microglia is regulated mainly by P1 and P2 purinergic receptors, which are activated by various nucleotides and their metabolites. Recently, such purinergic signalling has been spotlighted because of potential roles in the pathophysiologies of neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders. To understand the characteristics of microglia in relation of P1 and P2 signalling, we investigated the ectoenzymes expressed in microglia. At first, we profiled the expression of all known ectoenzymes in cultured microglia. We found that, like NTPDase1 (ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 1, CD39), NPP1 (ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1, PC-1) is also highly expressed in primary cultured murine microglia. Knockdown of NPP1 significantly reduced ATP hydrolysis and Pi production in cultured microglia. In addition, the knockdown of NPP1 enhanced basal nucleotide-stimulating responses of cultured microglia, such as phagocytosis and cell migration, and these results were very similar to NTPDase1 knockdown results. Moreover, inhibition of the adenosine receptors by caffeine treatment reduced phagocytosis of NPP1 knock downed-cultured microglia. In conclusion, we suggest that these potent ectoenzymes of primary cultured murine microglia, NPP1 together with CD73 (ecto-5′-nucleotidase) maintain the adenosine levels for triggering nucleotide-stimulating responses.  相似文献   

Interaction of liver plasma membranes and GTP with GTP hydrolysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[14C]GTP or a metabolic product of GTP binds to liver membranes. Less label was associated with membranes when membranes were incubated with increasing concentrations of carrier GTP; ATP did not displace the label. Chromatography of extracted incubation mixtures of [14C]GTP and membranes revealed that over 96% of the nucleotide was hydrolyzed to 5′GMP and guanosine, Exposure of liver membranes to GTP prevented the separation of characteristic membrane bands that could be obtained when centrifugation was carried out without GTP. These studies indicate that GTP-effected alteration of liver plasma membranes is concomitant with GTP hydrolysis. These effects may be in addition to direct effects of GTP on enzymes and membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The intracellular pathogen Legionella pneumophila avoids fusion with lysosomes and subverts membrane transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to create an organelle that supports bacterial replication. Transport of endoplasmic reticulum-derived vesicles to the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) requires bacterial proteins that are translocated into host cells by a type IV secretion apparatus called Dot/Icm. Recent observations have revealed recruitment of the host GTPase Rab1 to the LCV by a process requiring the Dot/Icm system. Here, a visual screen was used to identify L. pneumophila mutants with defects in Rab1 recruitment. One of the factors identified in this screen was DrrA, a new Dot/Icm substrate protein translocated into host cells. We show that DrrA is a potent and highly specific Rab1 guanine nucleotide-exchange factor (GEF). DrrA can disrupt Rab1-mediated secretory transport to the Golgi apparatus by competing with endogenous exchange factors to recruit and activate Rab1 on plasma membrane-derived organelles. These data establish that intracellular pathogens have the capacity to directly modulate the activation state of a specific member of the Rab family of GTPases and thus further our understanding of the mechanisms used by bacterial pathogens to manipulate host vesicular transport.  相似文献   

The biological activities of Rho family GTPases are controlled by their guanine nucleotide binding states in cells. Here we have investigated the role of Mg(2+) cofactor in the guanine nucleotide binding and hydrolysis processes of the Rho family members, Cdc42, Rac1, and RhoA. Differing from Ras and Rab proteins, which require Mg(2+) for GDP and GTP binding, the Rho GTPases bind the nucleotides in the presence or absence of Mg(2+) similarly, with dissociation constants in the submicromolar concentration. The presence of Mg(2+), however, resulted in a marked decrease in the intrinsic dissociation rates of the nucleotides. The catalytic activity of the guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) appeared to be negatively regulated by free Mg(2+), and GEF binding to Rho GTPase resulted in a 10-fold decrease in affinity for Mg(2+), suggesting that one role of GEF is to displace bound Mg(2+) from the Rho proteins. The GDP dissociation rates of the GTPases could be further stimulated by GEF upon removal of bound Mg(2+), indicating that the GEF-catalyzed nucleotide exchange involves a Mg(2+)-independent as well as a Mg(2+)-dependent mechanism. Although Mg(2+) is not absolutely required for GTP hydrolysis by the Rho GTPases, the divalent ion apparently participates in the GTPase reaction, since the intrinsic GTP hydrolysis rates were enhanced 4-10-fold upon binding to Mg(2+), and k(cat) values of the Rho GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP)-catalyzed reactions were significantly increased when Mg(2+) was present. Furthermore, the p50RhoGAP specificity for Cdc42 was lost in the absence of Mg(2+) cofactor. These studies directly demonstrate a role of Mg(2+) in regulating the kinetics of nucleotide binding and hydrolysis and in the GEF- and GAP-catalyzed reactions of Rho family GTPases. The results suggest that GEF facilitates nucleotide exchange by destabilizing both bound nucleotide and Mg(2+), whereas RhoGAP utilizes the Mg(2+) cofactor to achieve high catalytic efficiency and specificity.  相似文献   

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