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We examine variation in the rate of growth in length of breast-feeding infants from rural Bangladesh. These data were collected between November 1985 and February 1986 from two rural sites. Eighty-eight infants, ranging from birth to 4 months of age at the start of the study and their mothers were measured monthly for 4 months. Length increased linearly with age over this 4-month period (infants' average bias-adjusted R2 = 0.90). The relationship between infant rate of growth in length and attained length was analyzed by two different methods: Oldham's (1962) method of regressing rate of growth on mean length and Blomqvist's (1977) method of regressing rate of growth on estimated initial length. The methods gave similar results. The rate of growth was negatively associated with mean infant length over the 4-month period (p less than 0.001); that is, shorter infants grew at a faster rate than longer infants. For every centimeter shorter the infant was, the rate of growth was 0.1 cm/mo faster on average; the effect was greater among males than among females. The average rate of growth was greater for males than for females and greater in financially solvent households and varied by site. Infant growth rate was slower among older infants than among younger infants, as expected. However, after adjusting for mean infant length, age was no longer significantly associated with infant growth rate, although mean infant length remained highly significant. Forty-one percent of the variation in infant rate of growth in length was explained by mean infant length, sex, sex by length interaction, household financial solvency, and site.  相似文献   

Early stages of viral infections are associated with local recruitment and activation of dendritic cells (DC) and NK cells. Although activated DC and NK cells are known to support each other's functions, it is less clear whether their local interaction in infected tissues can modulate the subsequent ability of migrating DC to induce T cell responses in draining lymph nodes. In this study, we report that NK cells are capable of inducing stable type 1-polarized "effector/memory" DC (DC1) that act as carriers of NK cell-derived helper signals for the development of type 1 immune responses. NK cell-induced DC1 show a strongly elevated ability to produce IL-12p70 after subsequent CD40 ligand stimulation. NK-induced DC1 prime naive CD4+ Th cells for high levels of IFN-gamma, but low IL-4 production, and demonstrate a strongly enhanced ability to induce Ag-specific CD8+ T cell responses. Resting NK cells display stringent activation requirements to perform this novel, DC-mediated, "helper" function. Although their interaction with K562 cells results in effective target cell killing, the induction of DC1 requires a second NK cell-activating signal. Such costimulatory signal can be provided by type I IFNs, common mediators of antiviral responses. Therefore, in addition to their cytolytic function, NK cells also have immunoregulatory activity, induced under more stringent conditions. The currently demonstrated helper activity of NK cells may support the development of Th1- and CTL-dominated type 1 immunity against intracellular pathogens and may have implications for cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT) is one of the few known protein toxins penetrating directly into the cytosol of target cells across their cytoplasmic membrane without the need for endocytosis. This capacity of ACT was recently exploited for in vivo delivery of single viral CD8(+) T-epitopes into MHC class I-presenting cells and induction of protective antiviral cytotoxic T-cell (CTL) responses. Here, we have explored the potential of the cell-invasive adenylate cyclase domain of the toxin to deliver larger antigens by evaluating the epitope-specific CTL responses induced by constructs bearing one to four copies of the CD8(+) T-epitope from the nucleoprotein of the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. The increase in the number of copies of the epitope was accompanied by a moderate decrease of the specific cell invasiveness of the ACT protein and did not lead to further enhancement of the level of induced epitope-specific CTL cells in mice, as compared to ACT with a single copy of the epitope. These results demonstrate the capacity of ACT to deliver larger heterologous antigens comprising several epitopes for antigenic presentation in vivo.  相似文献   

F Hudecz 《Biologicals》2001,29(3-4):197-207
We have explored various approaches to modify the immunrecognition of linear peptides representing sequential or continuous topographic B-cell or T-cell epitopes. For these studies, epitopes from herpes simplex virus (HSV) glycoprotein D (gD) and from mucin 1 and mucin 2 glycoproteins or T-cell epitopes from 16 kDa and 38 kDa proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis were selected. To increase antigenicity and immunogenicity we have prepared cyclic and chimaeric peptide variants as well as epitope peptides with altered flanking regions and epitope-carrier conjugates containing multiple epitope copies.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven sedentary college women trained on a treadmill 3 times weekly over a 9-wk experimental period. Subjects exercised at a heart rate (HR) of either 50 or 65% of the HR reserve added to the resting HR with the duration of each session limited to the time required to elicit 1,000 beats above the resting value. Treadmill speed was adjusted automatically to maintain the prescribed exercise heart rate (EHR) within +/- 5 beats-min(-1). A comparison of the pretraining and posttraining results revealed that both training intensities caused significant increases in VO2max (1-min(-1) and ml-kg(-1)-min(-1)), V at VO2max, and O2 pulse at VO2max, and a significant decrease in VEO2 at VO2max. There was no alteration in EHR at VO2max for either intensity. For every dependent variable in which training effects were noted, the absolute gain made by the subjects training at the 65% intensity was greater than for those exercising at 50%. In no instance, however, was the difference between groups statistically significant. It was concluded that training at an EHR of either 50 or 65% of the HR reserve plus resting HR is sufficient to elicit a training response.  相似文献   

Mutants of the cI gene of prophage lambda have been defined phenotypically in a recA+ host as noninducible (Ind-), inducible (Ind+), or induction sensitive (Inds). We showed that a phage lambda cI+ carrying operator mutations v2 and v3 displays an Inds phenotype, as does lambda cI inds-1. We characterized a fourth induction phenotype called induction resistant (Indr). Using these four prophage types, we tested the influence of bacterial recA mutations on prophage induction. Indr prophages were fully induced in recA441 bacteria whose RecA441 protein is activated constitutively. Indr prophages were not induced in a mutant overproducing RecA+ protein, confirming that RecA+ protein must be activated to promote prophage induction. Inds prophages were induced in recA142 and recA453-441 lysogens, previously described as deficient in prophage induction.  相似文献   

In an attempt to solve the conflict concerning the correlation between the Lyt-2 phenotype of T cells subsets and the type of the MHC antigens involved in the recognition by T cells, class 2 (I region) antigen-specific CTL were studied for their Lyt phenotypes and the sensitivity to the blocking effects of anti-Lyt-2,3 antibodies. To avoid contamination by CTL to class 1 antigens such as Qa antigens, A.TH anti-A. TL attackers and A.TH anti-A attackers were tested on LPS blasts of the A strain and the A.TL stain, respectively. By using these combinations, it was shown that the majority of I region-specific killers were Thy-1+, Lyt-1+23+. Specific target cell lysis by these cells were, however, found to be far less sensitive to the blocking effects of various monoclonal antibodies to the Lyt-2,3 antigens than conventional class 1-specific CTL. This conclusion was drawn by directly comparing the sensitivity of the I region-specific and K region-specific killing by identical numbers of the same attacker cells (A.TH anti-A). No significant difference was seen between the primary and the hyperimmune CTL. Lyt-2-, Thy-1+ killer cells with I region specificity could be induced when Lyt-2-depleted A.TH responder cells were stimulated in vitro. Such Lyt-2- killer cells were not induced to the H-2K alloantigen.  相似文献   

Abstract. A number of investigators have interpreted the slope of a linear production‐resource relationship as a measure of efficiency of resource utilization. However, this is rarely true and may lead to incorrect conclusions. Here, by means of simple mathematical equations and conceptual definitions, we point out the theoretical differences between slope and efficiency. While a slope represents the change in the dependent variable per unit change in the independent variable, efficiency expresses the amount of output produced by a unit amount of input. Practical implications of using slopes as indicators of resource‐use efficiency are less important as the resource amount increases. Slopes may be used as indicators of the sensitivity of production to changes in input, which is by itself an interesting property of biological systems. Finally, production function intercepts determine whether the efficiency will decrease, increase, or remain constant as resources increase.  相似文献   

This study investigated temporal patterns of EMG activity during self-initiated falls with different optic flow information ('gaze directions'). Onsets of EMG during the flight phase were monitored from five experienced volunteers that completed 72 landings in three gaze directions (downward, mid-range and horizontal) and six heights of fall (10-130 cm). EMG recordings were obtained from the right gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior, biceps femoris and rectus femoris muscles, and used to determine the latency of onset (L(o)) and the perceived time to contact (T(c)). Impacts at touchdown were also monitored using as estimates the major peak of the vertical ground reaction forces (F(max)) normalized to body mass, time to peak (T(max)), peak impulse (I(norm)) normalized to momentum, and rate of change of force (dF(max)/dt). Results showed that L(o) was longer as heights of fall increased, but remained within a narrow time-window at >50 cm landings. No significant differences in L(o) were observed when gaze direction was changed. The relationship between T(c) and flight time followed a linear trend regardless of gaze direction. Gaze direction did not significantly affect the landing impacts. In conclusion, availability of optic flow during landing does not play a major role in triggering the preparatory muscle actions in self-initiated falls. Once a structured landing plan has been acquired, the relevant muscles respond relative to the start of the fall.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that the acute ventilatory response to carbon dioxide in the presence of low and high levels of oxygen would increase to a greater extent in men compared with women after exposure to episodic hypoxia. Eleven healthy men and women of similar race, age, and body mass index completed a series of rebreathing trials before and after exposure to eight 4-min episodes of hypoxia. During the rebreathing trials, subjects initially hyperventilated to reduce the end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PetCO2) below 25 Torr. Subjects then rebreathed from a bag containing a normocapnic (42 Torr), low (50 Torr), or high oxygen gas mixture (150 Torr). During the trials, PetCO2 increased while the selected level of oxygen was maintained. The point at which minute ventilation began to rise in a linear fashion as PetCO2 increased was considered to be the carbon dioxide set point. The ventilatory response below and above this point was determined. The results showed that the ventilatory response to carbon dioxide above the set point was increased in men compared with women before exposure to episodic hypoxia, independent of the oxygen level that was maintained during the rebreathing trials (50 Torr: men, 5.19 +/- 0.82 vs. women, 4.70 +/- 0.77 l x min(-1) x Torr(-1); 150 Torr: men, 4.33 +/- 1.15 vs. women, 3.21 +/- 0.58 l x min(-1) x Torr(-1)). Moreover, relative to baseline measures, the ventilatory response to carbon dioxide in the presence of low and high oxygen levels increased to a greater extent in men compared with women after exposure to episodic hypoxia (50 Torr: men, 9.52 +/- 1.40 vs. women, 5.97 +/- 0.71 l x min(-1) x Torr(-1); 150 Torr: men, 5.73 +/- 0.81 vs. women, 3.83 +/- 0.56 l x min(-1) x Torr(-1)). Thus we conclude that enhancement of the acute ventilatory response to carbon dioxide after episodic hypoxia is sex dependent.  相似文献   

In the experiments reported here, we examine the need for cell division as a critical component in the clonal expansion of alloreactive CTL precursors. Unlike previous attempts to inhibit DNA synthesis and cell division non-specifically, we have chosen to follow the normal unimpeded development of CTL in two of the most commonly used in vivo and in vitro allograft systems. The development and relative contribution of CTL lymphoblast-associated cytotoxicity has been followed by density gradient separation and functional analysis of the various fractions of lymphocytes obtained throughout the entire course of sensitization. In addition to the physical parameters (size and density), even more convincing data have been obtained from in vivo administration of 3H-TdR during the entire allograft reaction. The results presented here clearly confirm CTL precursor proliferation in vitro but provide strong evidence that in vivo CTL normally arise via a mechanism independent of blast formation and cellular proliferation. Interpretations of these findings in relationship to the concept of "clonal expansion" for the generation of mature CTL are discussed.  相似文献   

Nef is a regulatory protein encoded by the genome of both human and simian immunodeficiency virus. Its expression in T cells leads to CD4 and major histocompatibility complex class I modulation and either enhancement or suppression of T cell activation. How this viral protein achieves multiple and at times opposing activities has been unclear. Through direct measurements of Nef and the Nef-GFP fusion protein, we find that these events are mediated by different Nef concentrations. Relative to the intracellular concentration that down-modulates surface CD4, an order of magnitude increase in Nef-GFP expression is required for a comparable modulation of major histocompatibility complex class I, and a further 3-fold increase is necessary to suppress T cell activation.  相似文献   

Interspecific difference of codon usage is one of the major obstacles for effective induction of specific immune responses against bacteria and protozoa by DNA immunization. Using genes encoding major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes, derived from an intracellular bacterium, Listeria monocytogenes and a mouse malaria parasite, Plasmodium yoelii, we report here that the codon optimization level of the genes is not precisely proportional to, but does correlate well with the translational efficiency in mammalian cells, which is concomitantly associated with the induction level of specific CTL response in the mouse. These results suggest that DNA immunization using the gene codon-optimized to mammals through the entire region is very effective.  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid displays the characteristics of an ideal inducer of tissue-specific function in primary avian tendon cells in culture. It is a highly specific, potent stimulator of collagen synthesis, it demonstrates slow reversible kinetics, and it has no effect on growth rate of the cultured cells. Kinetic analysis of ascorbate induction of collagen synthesis was used to determine the critical steps in this complex biosynthetic pathway. Full hydroxylation of the proline residues in collagen, although probably a necessary step for collagen induction, was in itself not sufficient for achieving either increased secretion or increased synthesis. On the other hand, an increase in secretion rate, which required both the presence of ascorbate and a high cell density, did correlate with the later stimulation in procollagen production. The process of procollagen secretion, therefore, meets the minimal requirements for the rate-limiting step. The fact that the cells maintained a large pool of intracellular procollagen despite changes in the rates of translation or secretion led us to postulate a possible feedback between the level of the internal procollagen pool and the rate of procollagen synthesis.  相似文献   

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