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Interleukin-11 (IL-11) is a member of the gp130 family of cytokines. These cytokines drive the assembly of multisubunit receptor complexes, all of which contain at least one molecule of the transmembrane signaling receptor gp130. A complex of IL-11 and the IL-11 receptor (IL-11R) has been shown to interact with gp130, with high affinity, and to induce gp130- dependent signaling. In this study, we have identified residues crucial for the binding of murine IL-11 (mIL-11) to both the IL-11R and gp130 by examining the activities of mIL-11 mutants in receptor binding and cell proliferation assays. The location of these residues, as predicted from structural studies and a model of IL-11, reveals that mIL-11 has three distinct receptor binding sites. These are structurally and functionally analogous to the previously defined receptor binding sites I, II, and III of interleukin-6 (IL-6). This supports the hypothesis that IL-11 signals via the formation of a hexameric receptor complex and indicates that site III is a generic feature of cytokines that signal via association with gp130.  相似文献   

Recently we found that visual arrestin binds microtubules and that this interaction plays an important role in arrestin localization in photoreceptor cells. Here we use site-directed mutagenesis and spin labeling to explore the molecular mechanism of this novel regulatory interaction. The microtubule binding site maps to the concave sides of the two arrestin domains, overlapping with the rhodopsin binding site, which makes arrestin interactions with rhodopsin and microtubules mutually exclusive. Arrestin interaction with microtubules is enhanced by several "activating mutations" and involves multiple positive charges and hydrophobic elements. The comparable affinity of visual arrestin for microtubules and unpolymerized tubulin (K(D) > 40 mum and >65 mum, respectively) suggests that the arrestin binding site is largely localized on the individual alphabeta-dimer. The changes in the spin-spin interaction of a double-labeled arrestin indicate that the conformation of microtubule-bound arrestin differs from that of free arrestin in solution. In sharp contrast to rhodopsin, where tight binding requires an extended interdomain hinge, arrestin binding to microtubules is enhanced by deletions in this region, suggesting that in the process of microtubule binding the domains may move in the opposite direction. Thus, microtubule and rhodopsin binding induce different conformational changes in arrestin, suggesting that arrestin assumes three distinct conformations in the cell, likely with different functional properties.  相似文献   

IKP104 is one of a group of tubulin-binding drugs whose interaction with tubulin suggests that it may bind to the protein at or close to the region where vinblastine binds. By itself IKP104 is a potent enhancer of tubulin decay as evidenced by the fact that it induces the exposure of the sulfhydryl groups and hydrophobic areas on tubulin. In this respect, IKP104 differs from vinblastine and other drugs such as phomopsin A, dolastatin 10, rhizoxin, and maytansine which are competitive or noncompetitive inhibitors of vinblastine binding. In contrast, however, in the presence of colchicine, IKP104 behaves differently and strongly stabilizes tubulin, to an extent much greater than does colchicine alone. IKP104 appears to have two classes of binding site on tubulin, differing in affinity; the acceleration of decay appears to be mediated by the low-affinity site (Chaudhuriet al., 1998,J. Protein Chem., in press). We investigated the relationship of the binding of IKP104 and vinblastine. We found that the high-affinity site or sites of IKP104 overlap with or interact with the vinblastine-binding sites, but that the low-affinity site is distinctly different.  相似文献   

IKP104 is one of a group of tubulin-binding drugs whose interaction with tubulin suggests that it may bind to the protein at or close to the region where vinblastine binds. By itself IKP104 is a potent enhancer of tubulin decay as evidenced by the fact that it induces the exposure of the sulfhydryl groups and hydrophobic areas on tubulin. In this respect, IKP104 differs from vinblastine and other drugs such as phomopsin A, dolastatin 10, rhizoxin, and maytansine which are competitive or noncompetitive inhibitors of vinblastine binding. In contrast, however, in the presence of colchicine, IKP104 behaves differently and strongly stabilizes tubulin, to an extent much greater than does colchicine alone. IKP104 appears to have two classes of binding site on tubulin, differing in affinity; the acceleration of decay appears to be mediated by the low-affinity site (Chaudhuriet al., 1998,J. Protein Chem., in press). We investigated the relationship of the binding of IKP104 and vinblastine. We found that the high-affinity site or sites of IKP104 overlap with or interact with the vinblastine-binding sites, but that the low-affinity site is distinctly different.  相似文献   

Interactions between fibronectin and tenascin-C within the extracellular matrix provide specific environmental cues that dictate tissue structure and cell function. The major binding site for fibronectin lies within the fibronectin type III-like repeats (TNfn) of tenascin-C. Here, we systematically screened TNfn domains for their ability to bind to both soluble and fibrillar fibronectin. All TNfn domains containing the TNfn3 module interact with soluble fibronectin. However, TNfn domains bind differentially to fibrillar fibronectin. This distinct binding pattern is dictated by the fibrillar conformation of FN. TNfn1-3, but not TNfn3-5, binds to immature fibronectin fibrils, and additional TNfn domains are required for binding to mature fibrils. Multiple binding sites for distinct regions of fibronectin exist within tenascin-C. TNfn domains comprise a binding site for the N-terminal 70-kDa domain of fibronectin that is freely available and a binding site for the central binding domain of fibronectin that is cryptic in full-length tenascin-C. The 70-kDa and central binding domain regions are key for fibronectin matrix assembly; accordingly, binding of several TNfn domains to these regions inhibits fibronectin fibrillogenesis. These data highlight the complexity of protein-protein binding, the importance of protein conformation on these interactions, and the implications for the physiological assembly of complex three-dimensional matrices.  相似文献   

Bacterial superantigens (SAgs) are potent activators of T lymphocytes and play a pathophysiological role in Gram-positive septic shock and food poisoning. To characterize potential MHC class II binding sites of the bacterial SAg staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) A, we performed alanine substitution mutagenesis throughout the C-terminus and at selected sites in the N-terminal domain. Four amino acids in the C-terminus were shown to be involved in MHC class II binding. Three of these amino acids, H225, D227 and H187, had a major influence on MHC class II binding and appeared to be involved in coordination of a Zn2+ ion. Alanine substitution of H225 and D227 resulted in a 1000-fold reduction in MHC class II affinity. Mutation at F47, which is equivalent to the F44 previously shown to be central in the MHC class II binding site of the SAg, SEB, resulted in a 10-fold reduction in MHC class II affinity. The combination of these mutations in the N- and C-terminal sites resulted in a profound loss of activity. The perturbation of MHC class II binding in the various mutants was accompanied by a corresponding loss of ability to induce MHC class II-dependent T cell proliferation and cytotoxicity. All of the SEA mutants were expressed as Fab-SEA fusion proteins and found to retain an intact T cell receptor (TCR) epitope, as determined in a mAb targeted MHC class II-independent T cell cytotoxicity assay.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

At low concentrations, vinblastine binds rapidly and reversibly to a very limited number of high affinity sites on steady-state bovine brain microtubules (mean Kd, 1.9 × 10?6m; 16.8 ± 4.3 vinblastine binding sites per microtubule) which appear to be located at one or both ends of the microtubules. At high concentrations, vinblastine binds to a high binding capacity class of sites of undetermined affinity, located on helical strands of protofilaments which form at the ends of depolymerizing microtubules, and/or along the surface of the microtubules. Substoichiometric inhibition of microtubule assembly, which occurs at low vinblastine concentrations, appears to be due to the binding of vinblastine to the high affinity class of sites. Fifty per cent inhibition of tubulin addition to the net assembly ends of steady-state microtubules occurred at 1.38 × 10?7m-drug, and at this concentration, 1.16 ± 0.27 molecules of vinblastine were bound to the high affinity class of sites. Vinblastine appeared to bind directly to the microtubule ends, and our results indicate that vinblastine inhibits the assembly of steady-state bovine brain microtubules by binding rapidly and with high affinity to one or two molecules of tubulin at the net assembly ends. Splaying and peeling of protofilaments at microtubule ends and the active depolymerization of microtubules occurred only at vinblastine concentrations greater than 1 × 10?6 to 2 × 10?6m. This action of vinblastine is associated with and may be due to the binding of vinblastine to the high capacity class of sites. Both actions of vinblastine may be due to the binding of vinblastine to the same binding sites on the tubulin molecule, with the sites exhibiting either a high or low affinity depending upon the location in the microtubule.  相似文献   

The interaction of thrombin with proteins at the platelet surface was assessed by chemical cross-linking with the membrane-impermeable reagents bis(sulphosuccinimidyl)suberate and dithiobis(sulphosuccinimidyl propionate) under conditions which induced no modification of intracellular proteins and minimal cross-linking of membrane glycoproteins. The proteins covalently linked to 125I-labelled alpha and gamma-thrombin were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and crossed immunoelectrophoresis. 125I-alpha-thrombin was detected in high-molecular-mass complexes (a) at the top of a 3% acrylamide stacking gel and (b) with a Mr approximately equal to 400,000. In addition, two complexes of 240 kDa and 78 kDa were characterized. Hirudin prevented the formation of each of these complexes. The 78-kDa complex occurred spontaneously in the absence of bifunctional reagents, was only observed with active alpha-thrombin and was not dissociated by hirudin. Such characteristics are similar to those of a serpin serine-protease complex. The 240-kDa complex was formed with 0.8-100 nM alpha-thrombin, was observed after a short incubation time (30 s) and occurred with TosLysCH2Cl-inactivated alpha-thrombin. After analysis of Triton-X-100-soluble extracts of cross-linked platelets by crossed immunoelectrophoresis against a rabbit antiserum to platelets, two principal precipitates contained 125I-alpha-thrombin. These were a precipitate containing GPIIb-IIIa complexes and a precipitate in the position of GPIb. Indirect immunoprecipitation of GPIb, using a murine monoclonal antibody, confirmed it to be the major platelet component in the 240-kDa complex. Significantly, 125I-gamma-thrombin, which activates platelets with a prolonged lag phase, failed to bind to GPIb and complexes in the 240-kDa and 78-kDa molecular mass range were not observed. We conclude that several binding sites for alpha-thrombin are present at the platelet surface, and that GPIb is one of them. The studies with gamma-thrombin suggest that binding to GPIb is not obligatory for platelet activation although it could be involved in an initial step of the platelet response.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein VI (GPVI) has a crucial role in platelet responses to collagen. Still, little is known about its interaction with its ligands. In binding assays using soluble or cell-expressed human GPVI, we observed that (i) collagen, and the GPVI-specific ligands collagen-related peptides (CRP) and convulxin, competed with one another for the binding to GPVI and (ii) monoclonal antibodies directed against the extracellular part of the human receptor displayed selective inhibitory properties on GPVI interaction with its ligands. Monoclonal antibody 9E18 strongly reduced the binding of GPVI to collagen/CRP, 3F8 inhibited its interaction with convulxin, whereas 9O12 prevented all three interactions. These observations suggest that ligand-binding sites are distinct, exhibiting specific features but at the same time also sharing some common residues participating in the recognition of these ligands. The epitope of 9O12 was mapped by phage display, along with molecular modeling of human GPVI, which allowed the identification of residues within GPVI potentially involved in ligand recognition. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that valine 34 and leucine 36 are critical for GPVI interaction with collagen and CRP. The loop might thus be part of a collagen/CRP-binding site.  相似文献   

Two distinct affinity binding sites for IL-1 on human cell lines   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We used two human cell lines, NK-like YT-C3 and an EBV-containing B cell line, 3B6, as models to study the receptor(s) for IL-1. Two distinct types of saturable binding sites were found on both cell lines at 37 degrees C. Between 1 pM and 100 pM of 125I-IL-1-alpha concentration, saturable binding sites were detected on the YT-C3 cells with a K of 4 x 10(-11) M. The K found for the IL-1-alpha binding sites on 3B6 cells was 7.5 x 10(-11) M. An additional binding curve was detected above 100 pM on YT-C3 cells with a K of 7 x 10(-9) M and on 3B6 cells with a K of 5 x 10(-9) M. Scatchard plot analysis revealed 600 sites/cell with high affinity binding and 7000 sites/cell with low affinity for YT-C3 cells and 300 sites/cell with high affinity binding and 6000 sites/cell with low affinity for 3B6 cells. At 37 degrees C, the internalization of 125I-labeled IL-1 occurred via both high and low affinity IL-1R on both YT-C3 and 3B6 cells, whereas the rates of internalization for high affinity binding sites on YT-C3 cells were predominant in comparison to that of low affinity binding sites. In chemical cross-linking studies of 125I-IL-1-alpha to 3B6 and YT-C3 cells, two protein bands were immunoprecipitated with Mr around 85 to 90 kDa leading to an estimation of the Mr of the IL-1R around 68 to 72 kDa. In similar experiments, the Mr found for the IL-1R expressed on the murine T cell line EL4 was slightly higher (around 80 kDa). Whether these distinct affinity binding sites are shared by a single molecule or by various chains remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Two distinct proton binding sites in the ATP synthase family   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
von Ballmoos C  Dimroth P 《Biochemistry》2007,46(42):11800-11809
The F1F0 ATP synthase utilizes energy stored in an electrochemical gradient of protons (or Na+ ions) across the membrane to synthesize ATP from ADP and phosphate. Current models predict that the protonation/deprotonation of specific acidic c ring residues is at the core of the proton translocation mechanism by this enzyme. To probe the mode of proton binding, we measured the covalent modification of the acidic c ring residues with the inhibitor dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) over the pH range from 5 to 11. With the H+-translocating ATP synthase from the archaeum Halobacterium salinarium or the Na+-translocating ATP synthase from Ilyobacter tartaricus, the pH profile of DCCD labeling followed a titration curve with a pKa around neutral, reflecting protonation of the acidic c ring residues. However, with the ATP synthases from Escherichia coli, mitochondria, or chloroplasts, a clearly different, bell-shaped pH profile for DCCD labeling was observed which is not compatible with carboxylate protonation but might be explained by the coordination of a hydronium ion as proposed earlier [Boyer, P. D. (1988) Trends Biochem. Sci. 13, 5-7]. Upon site-directed mutagenesis of single binding site residues of the structurally resolved c ring, the sigmoidal pH profile for DCCD labeling could be converted to a more bell-shaped one, demonstrating that the different ion binding modes are based on subtle changes in the amino acid sequence of the protein. The concept of two different binding sites in the ATP synthase family is supported by the ATP hydrolysis pH profiles of the investigated enzymes.  相似文献   

Clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) sort proteins at the plasma membrane, endosomes and trans Golgi network for multiple membrane traffic pathways. Clathrin recruitment to membranes and its self-assembly into a polyhedral coat depends on adaptor molecules, which interact with membrane-associated vesicle cargo. To determine how adaptors induce clathrin recruitment and assembly, we mapped novel interaction sites between these coat components. A site in the ankle domain of the clathrin triskelion leg was identified that binds a common site on the appendages of tetrameric [AP1 and AP2] and monomeric (GGA1) adaptors. Mutagenesis and modeling studies suggested that the clathrin-GGA1 appendage interface is nonlinear, unlike other peptide-appendage interactions, but overlaps with a sandwich domain binding site for accessory protein peptides, allowing for competitive regulation of coated vesicle formation. A novel clathrin box in the GGA1 hinge region was also identified and shown to mediate membrane recruitment of clathrin, while disruption of the clathrin-GGA1 appendage interaction did not affect recruitment. Thus, the distinct sites for clathrin-adaptor interactions perform distinct functions, revealing new aspects to regulation of CCV formation.  相似文献   

Cotranslational protein targeting in bacteria is mediated by the signal recognition particle (SRP) and FtsY, the bacterial SRP receptor (SR). FtsY is homologous to the SRalpha subunit of eukaryotes, which is tethered to the membrane via its interaction with the membrane-integral SRbeta subunit. Despite the lack of a membrane-anchoring subunit, 30% of FtsY in Escherichia coli are found stably associated with the cytoplasmic membrane. However, the mechanisms that are involved in this membrane association are only poorly understood. Our data indicate that membrane association of FtsY involves two distinct binding sites and that binding to both sites is stabilized by blocking its GTPase activity. Binding to the first site requires only the NG-domain of FtsY and confers protease protection to FtsY. Importantly, the SecY translocon provides the second binding site, to which FtsY binds to form a carbonate-resistant 400-kD FtsY-SecY translocon complex. This interaction is stabilized by the N-terminal A-domain of FtsY, which probably serves as a transient lipid anchor.  相似文献   

We have synthesized a novel analog of the general anesthetic etomidate in which the ethoxy group has been replaced by an azide group, and which can be used as a photolabel to identify etomidate binding sites. This acyl azide analog is a potent general anesthetic in both rats and tadpoles and, as with etomidate, is stereoselective in its actions, with the R(+) enantiomer being significantly more potent than the S(-) enantiomer. Its effects on alpha1beta2gamma2s GABA(A) receptors expressed in HEK-293 cells are virtually indistinguishable from the parent compound etomidate, showing stereoselective potentiation of GABA-induced currents, as well as direct mimetic effects at higher concentrations. In addition, a point mutation (beta2 N265M), which is known to attenuate the potentiating actions of etomidate, also blocks the effects of the acyl azide analog. We have investigated the utility of the analog to identify etomidate binding sites by using it to photolabel human serum albumin, a protein that binds approximately 75% of etomidate in human plasma and which is thought to play a major role in its pharmacokinetics. Using HPLC/mass spectrometry we have identified two anesthetic binding sites on HSA. One site is the well-characterized drug binding site I, located in HSA subdomain IIA, and the second site is also an established drug binding site located in subdomain IIIB, which also binds propofol. The acyl azide etomidate may prove to be a useful new photolabel to identify anesthetic binding sites on the GABA(A) receptor or other putative targets.  相似文献   

Lectins belong to a class of proteins or glycoproteins able to bind carbohydrates. The study reported here describes the identification of lectin-binding sites in the adult rat brain. The results indicate that among the 31 lectins utilized, eight show a specific positive reaction with neurons. Staining was also observed with other cerebral structures such as myelin, leptomeninges, choroid plexus and capillaries. Lectins are, therefore, an important histochemical tool and can be easily and reliably used for the identification of cells and cerebral structures in the adult rat brain.Abbreviations Gal galactose - Fuc fucose - Man mannose - GalNAc N-acetylgalactosamine - GlcNAc N-acetylglucosamine - NeuNAc sialic acid  相似文献   

Identification of three oligosaccharide binding sites in ricin.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The galactoside-binding sites of ricin B chain can be blocked by affinity-directed chemical modification using a reactive ligand derived from asialoglycopeptides containing triantennary N-linked oligosaccharides. The terminal galactosyl residue of one branch of the triantennary oligosaccharide is modified to contain a reactive dichlorotriazine moiety. Two separate galactoside-binding sites have been clearly established in the ricin B chain by X-ray crystallography [Rutenber, E., and Robertus, J. D. (1991) Proteins 10, 260-269], and it is necessary to covalently attach two such reactive ligands to the B chain to block its binding to galactoside affinity matrixes. A method was developed using thiol-specific labeling of the ligand combined with subsequent immunoaffinity chromatography which allowed the isolation of ricin B chain peptides covalently linked to the ligand from proteolytic digests of purified blocked ricin. The sites of covalent attachment of the two ligands in blocked ricin were inferred from sequence analysis to be Lys 62 in domain 1 of the B chain and Tyr 148 in domain 2. A minor species of blocked ricin contains a third covalently attached ligand. From the analysis of peptides derived from blocked ricin enriched in this species, it is inferred that Tyr 67 in domain 1 is the specific site on the ricin B chain where a third reactive ligand becomes covalently linked to the protein. These results are interpreted as providing support for the notion that the ricin B chain has three oligosaccharide binding sites.  相似文献   

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