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Yamamoto H  Esaki M  Kanamori T  Tamura Y  Nishikawa Si  Endo T 《Cell》2002,111(4):519-528
Based on the results of site-specific photocrosslinking of translocation intermediates, we have identified Tim50, a component of the yeast TIM23 import machinery, which mediates translocation of presequence-containing proteins across the mitochondrial inner membrane. Tim50 is anchored to the inner mitochondrial membrane, exposing the C-terminal domain to the intermembrane space. Tim50 interacts with the N-terminal intermembrane space domain of Tim23. Functional defects of Tim50 either by depletion of the protein or addition of anti-Tim50 antibodies block the protein translocation across the inner membrane. A translocation intermediate accumulated at the TOM complex is crosslinked to Tim50. We suggest that Tim50, in cooperation with Tim23, facilitates transfer of the translocating protein from the TOM complex to the TIM23 complex  相似文献   

The mitochondrial targeting signal in the presequence of mitochondrial precursor proteins is recognized by Tom20 and subsequently by Tim50 in mitochondria. Yeast Tim50 contains two presequence binding sites in the conserved core domain and in the fungi-specific C-terminal presequence binding domain (PBD). We report the NMR analyses on interactions of a shorter variant of PBD (sPBD), a shorter variant of PBD, with presequences. The presequence is recognized by sPBD in a similar manner to Tom20. sPBD can also bind to the core domain of Tim50 through the presequence binding region, which could promote transfer of the presequence from sPBD to the core domain in Tim50.  相似文献   

The preprotein translocase of the inner membrane of mitochondria (TIM23 complex) is the main entry gate for proteins of the matrix and the inner membrane. We isolated the TIM23 complex of Neurospora crassa. Besides Tim23 and Tim17, it contained a novel component, referred to as Tim50. Tim50 spans the inner membrane with a single transmembrane segment and exposes a large hydrophilic domain in the intermembrane space. Tim50 is essential for viability of yeast. Mitochondria from cells depleted of Tim50 displayed strongly reduced import kinetics of preproteins using the TIM23 complex. Tim50 could be cross-linked to preproteins that were halted at the level of the translocase of the outer membrane (TOM complex) or spanning both TOM and TIM23 complexes. We suggest that Tim50 plays a crucial role in the transfer of preproteins from the TOM complex to the TIM23 complex through the intermembrane space.  相似文献   

Dear Editor, Most mitochondrial proteins are synthesized in the cytosol and transported into various mitochondrial subcompartments in a process that is mediated...  相似文献   

Many mitochondrial proteins are synthesized as preproteins carrying amino-terminal presequences in the cytosol. The preproteins are imported by the translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane and the presequence translocase of the inner membrane. Tim50 and Tim23 transfer preproteins through the intermembrane space to the inner membrane. We report the crystal structure of the intermembrane space domain of yeast Tim50 to 1.83 Å resolution. A protruding β-hairpin of Tim50 is crucial for interaction with Tim23, providing a molecular basis for the cooperation of Tim50 and Tim23 in preprotein translocation to the protein-conducting channel of the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

Tim23p is an essential channel-forming component of the multisubunit TIM23 complex of the mitochondrial inner membrane that mediates protein import. Radiolabeled Tim23p monocysteine mutants were imported in vitro, incorporated into functional TIM23 complexes, and subjected to chemical cross-linking. Three regions of proximity between Tim23p and other subunits of the TIM23 complex were identified: Tim17p and the first transmembrane segment of Tim23p; Tim50p and the C-terminal end of the Tim23p hydrophilic region; and the entire hydrophilic domains of Tim23p molecules. These regions of proximity reversibly change in response to changes in membrane potential across the inner membrane and also when a translocating substrate is trapped in the TIM23 complex. These structural changes reveal that the macromolecular arrangement within the TIM23 complex is dynamic and varies with the physiological state of the mitochondrion.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial proteins with N-terminal targeting signals are transported across the inner membrane via the presequence translocase, which consists of membrane-integrated channel proteins and the matrix Hsp70 import motor. It has not been known how preproteins are directed to the import channel. We have identified the essential protein Tim50, which exposes its major domain to the intermembrane space. Tim50 interacts with preproteins in transit and directs them to the channel protein Tim23. Inactivation of Tim50 strongly inhibits the import of preproteins with a classical matrix-targeting signal, while preproteins carrying an additional inner membrane-sorting signal do not strictly depend on Tim50. Thus, Tim50 is crucial for guiding the precursors of matrix proteins to their insertion site in the inner membrane.  相似文献   

Tim8 and Tim13 are non-essential, conserved proteins of the mitochondrial intermembrane space, which are organized in a hetero-oligomeric complex. They are structurally related to Tim9 and Tim10, essential components of the import machinery for mitochondrial carrier proteins. Here we show that the TIM8-13 complex interacts with translocation intermediates of Tim23, which are partially translocated across the outer membrane but not with fully imported or assembled Tim23. The TIM8-13 complex binds to the N-terminal or intermediate domain of Tim23. It traps the incoming precursor in the intermembrane space thereby preventing retrograde translocation. The TIM8-13 complex is strictly required for import of Tim23 under conditions when a low membrane potential exists in the mitochondria. The human homologue of Tim8 is encoded by the DDP1 (deafness/dystonia peptide 1) gene, which is associated with the Mohr-Tranebjaerg syndrome (MTS), a progressive neurodegenerative disorder leading to deafness. It is demonstrated that import of human Tim23 is dependent on a high membrane potential. A mechanism to explain the pathology of MTS is discussed.  相似文献   

Tim14 and Tim16 are essential components of the import motor of the mitochondrial TIM23 preprotein translocase. Tim14 contains a J domain in the matrix space that is anchored in the inner membrane by a transmembrane segment. Tim16 is a J-related protein with a moderately hydrophobic segment at its N terminus. The J and J-like domains function in the regulation of the ATPase activity of the Hsp70 chaperone of the import motor. We report here on the role of the hydrophobic segments of Tim16 and Tim14 in the TIM23 translocase. Yeast cells lacking the hydrophobic N-terminal segment in either Tim16 or Tim14 are viable but show growth defects and decreased import rates of matrix-targeted preproteins into mitochondria. The interaction of the Tim14.Tim16 complex with the core complex of the TIM23 translocase is destabilized in these cells. In particular, the N-terminal domain of Tim16 is crucial for the interaction of the Tim14.Tim16 complex with the TIM23 preprotein translocase. Deletion of hydrophobic segments in both, Tim16 and Tim14, is lethal. We conclude that import into the matrix space of mitochondria requires association of the co-chaperones Tim16 and Tim14 with the TIM23 preprotein translocase.  相似文献   

We analysed the import pathway of Tim23 and of Tim17, components of the mitochondrial import machinery for matrix-targeted preproteins. Tim23 contains two independent import signals. One is located within the first 62 amino acid residues of the hydrophilic domain that, in the assembled protein, is exposed to the intermembrane space. This signal mediates translocation of Tim23 across the outer membrane independently of the membrane potential, DeltaPsi. A second import signal is located in the C-terminal membrane-integrated portion of Tim23. It mediates translocation across the outer membrane and insertion into the inner membrane in a strictly DeltaPsi-dependent fashion. Structurally, Tim17 is related to Tim23 but lacks a hydrophilic domain. It contains an import signal in the C-terminal half and its import requires DeltaPsi. The DeltaPsi-dependent import signals of Tim23 and Tim17 are located at corresponding sites in these two homologous proteins. They exhibit features reminiscent of the positively charged N-terminal presequences of matrix-targeted precursors. Import of Tim23 and its insertion into the inner membrane requires Tim22 but not functional Tim23. Thus, biogenesis of the Tim23.17 complex depends on the Tim22 complex, which is the translocase identified as mediating the import of carrier proteins.  相似文献   

Mitochondria import the vast majority of their proteins from the cytosol. The mitochondrial import motor of the TIM23 translocase drives the translocation of precursor proteins across the outer and inner membrane in an ATP-dependent reaction. Tim44 at the inner face of the translocation pore recruits the chaperone mtHsp70, which binds the incoming precursor protein. This reaction is assisted by the cochaperones Tim14 and Mge1. We have identified a novel essential cochaperone, Tim16. It is related to J-domain proteins and forms a stable subcomplex with the J protein Tim14. Depletion of Tim16 has a marked effect on protein import into the mitochondrial matrix, impairs the interaction of Tim14 with the TIM23 complex and leads to severe structural changes of the import motor. In conclusion, Tim16 is a constituent of the TIM23 preprotein translocase, where it exerts crucial functions in the import motor.  相似文献   

The TIM23 complex mediates import of preproteins into mitochondria, but little is known of the mechanistic properties of this translocase. Here patch clamping reconstituted inner membranes allowed for first time insights into the structure and function of the preprotein translocase. Our findings indicate that the TIM23 channel has "twin pores" (two equal sized pores that cooperatively gate) thereby strikingly resembling TOM, the translocase of the outer membrane. Tim17p and Tim23p are homologues, but their functions differ. Tim23p acts as receptor for preproteins and may largely constitute the preprotein-conducting passageway. Conversely depletion of Tim17p induces a collapse of the twin pores into a single pore, whereas N terminus deletion or C terminus truncation results in variable sized pores that cooperatively gate. Further analysis of Tim17p mutants indicates that the N terminus is vital for both voltage sensing and protein sorting. These results suggest that although Tim23p is the main structural unit of the pore Tim17p is required for twin pore structure and provides the voltage gate for the TIM23 channel.  相似文献   

Proteins targeted to the mitochondrial matrix are translocated through the outer and the inner mitochondrial membranes by two protein complexes, the translocase of the outer membrane (TOM) and one of the translocases of the inner membrane (TIM23). The protein Tim23, the core component of TIM23, consists of an N‐terminal, soluble domain in the intermembrane space (IMS) and a C‐terminal domain that forms the import pore across the inner membrane. Before translocation proceeds, precursor proteins are recognized by the N‐terminal domain of Tim23, Tim23N (residues 1–96). By using NMR spectroscopy, we show that Tim23N is a monomeric protein belonging to the family of intrinsically disordered proteins. Titrations of Tim23N with two presequences revealed a distinct binding region of Tim23N formed by residues 71–84. In a charge‐hydropathy plot containing all soluble domains of TOM and TIM23, Tim23N was found to be the only domain with more than 40 residues in the IMS that is predicted to be intrinsically disordered, suggesting that Tim23N might function as hub in the mitochondrial import machinery protein network.  相似文献   

Detergent extracts of canine pancreas rough microsomal membranes were depleted of either the signal recognition particle receptor (SR), which mediates the signal recognition particle (SRP)-dependent targeting of the ribosome/nascent chain complex to the membrane, or the signal sequence receptor (SSR), which has been proposed to function as a membrane bound receptor for the newly targeted nascent chain and/or as a component of a multi-protein translocation complex responsible for transfer of the nascent chain across the membrane. Depletion of the two components was performed by chromatography of detergent extracts on immunoaffinity supports. Detergent extracts lacking either SR or SSR were reconstituted and assayed for activity with respect to SR dependent elongation arrest release, nascent chain targeting, ribosome binding, secretory precursor translocation, and membrane protein integration. Depletion of SR resulted in the loss of elongation arrest release activity, nascent chain targeting, secretory protein translocation, and membrane protein integration, although ribosome binding was unaffected. Full activity was restored by addition of immunoaffinity purified SR before reconstitution of the detergent extract. Surprisingly, depletion of SSR was without effect on any of the assayed activities, indicating that SSR is either not required for translocation or is one of a family of functionally redundant components.  相似文献   

The TIM22 protein import pathway of the yeast mitochondrion contains several components, including a family of five proteins (Tim8p, -9p, -10p, -12p, and -13p [Tim, for translocase of inner membrane]) that are located in the intermembrane space and are 25% identical. Tim9p and Tim10p have dual roles in mediating the import of inner membrane proteins. Like the Tim8p-Tim13p complex, the Tim9p-Tim10p complex functions as a putative chaperone to guide hydrophobic precursors across the intermembrane space. Like membrane-associated Tim12p, they are members of the Tim18p-Tim22p-Tim54p membrane complex that mediates precursor insertion into the membrane. To understand the role of this family in protein import, we have used a genetic approach to manipulate the complement of the small Tim proteins. A strain has been constructed that lacks the 70-kDa soluble Tim8p-Tim13p and Tim9p-Tim10p complexes in the intermembrane space. Instead, a functional version of Tim9p (Tim9(S67C)p), identified as a second-site suppressor of a conditional tim10 mutant, maintains viability. Characterization of this strain revealed that Tim9(S67C)p and Tim10p were tightly associated with the inner membrane, the soluble 70-kDa Tim8p-Tim13p and Tim9p-Tim10p complexes were not detectable, and the rate of protein import into isolated mitochondria proceeded at a slower rate. An arrested translocation intermediate bound to Tim9(S67C)p was located in the intermembrane space, associated with the inner membrane. We suggest that the 70-kDa complexes facilitate import, similar to the outer membrane receptors of the TOM (hetero-oligomeric translocase of the outer membrane) complex, and the essential role of Tim9p and Tim10p may be to mediate protein insertion in the inner membrane with the TIM22 complex.  相似文献   

Angiogenic factor with G-patch and FHA domains 1 (AGGF1) exhibits a dynamic distribution from the nucleus to the cytoplasm in endothelial cells during angiogene...  相似文献   

The small Tims chaperone hydrophobic precursors across the mitochondrial intermembrane space. Tim9 and Tim10 form the soluble TIM10 complex that binds precursors exiting from the outer membrane. Tim12 functions downstream, as the only small Tim peripherally attached on the inner membrane. We show that Tim12 has an intrinsic affinity for inner mitochondrial membrane lipids, in contrast to the other small Tims. We find that the C-terminal end of Tim12 is essential in vivo. Its deletion crucially abolishes assembly of Tim12 in complexes with the other Tims. The N-terminal end contains targeting information and also mediates direct binding of Tim12 to the transmembrane segments of the carrier substrates. These results provide a molecular basis for the concept that the essential role of Tim12 relies on its unique assembly properties that allow this subunit to bridge the soluble and membrane-embedded translocases in the carrier import pathway.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial intermembrane space contains a protein complex essential for cell viability, the Tim9-Tim10 complex. This complex is required for the import of hydrophobic membrane proteins, such as the ADP/ATP carrier (AAC), into the inner membrane. Different views exist about the role played by the Tim9-Tim10 complex in translocation of the AAC precursor across the outer membrane. For this report we have generated a new tim10 yeast mutant that leads to a strong defect in AAC import into mitochondria. Thereby, for the first time, authentic AAC is stably arrested in the translocase complex of the outer membrane (TOM), as shown by antibody shift blue native electrophoresis. Surprisingly, AAC is still associated with the receptors Tom70 and Tom20 when the function of Tim10 is impaired. The nonessential Tim8-Tim13 complex of the intermembrane space is not involved in the transfer of AAC across the outer membrane. These results define a two-step mechanism for translocation of AAC across the outer membrane. The initial insertion of AAC into the import channel is independent of the function of Tim9-Tim10; however, completion of translocation across the outer membrane, including release from the TOM complex, requires a functional Tim9-Tim10 complex.  相似文献   

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