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云南南部盛产野象,十余年来我们曾多次对其分布数量、习性等进行调查。现总结如下,供参考。 一、生活习性 野象主要分布在热带雨林和亚热带季雨林的复合类型之沟谷、山坡及稀树草原地带。其中在拔海1,000米以下的林带最为常见。活动区域有季节变化。11月  相似文献   

西双版纳的茂密热带雨林中生存着我国已非常稀少的亚洲野象种群。因此,人们对不法分子为了经济利益而凶残地盗猎野象的行为十分关注。但人们却很少知道,野象也会侵害当地居民的利益,为此当地居民付出了代价。 近十年来,西双版纳野象等野生动物损害农作物、伤害人畜,形成野生动物与人争夺生存空间的矛盾,并由于对群众补偿的不足而派生出  相似文献   

我国野象过去分布较广(北曾到过河南省),而以福建、广东、广西和云南较多。目前仅残留于云南省南缘。1959年调查,西双版纳还有较少的数量存在,但近期(1976年)云南动物所报道,除西双版纳以外,在  相似文献   

白条草蜥的生态观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白条草蜥(Takydromus wolteri)分布在我国东北及东部沿海几省,此外在苏联和朝鲜亦有分布,分布范围较狭窄。自从费谢尔(Fischer,1885)首次报导以来,国内外又有十余次报导,但有关生态学方面的资料极少。作者  相似文献   

野生动物大多有一定的警戒足巨离,人类一旦进入它们的警戒距离,它们就会做出必要的反应。野象伤人事件往往发生在野象的警戒区内。  相似文献   

同是在西双版纳,开展观象旅游的野象谷几乎没有发生过野象侵害人的事件,却成就了当地的经济。它给人们一个启录保护野象与发展经济是可以找到一个平衡点的。  相似文献   

中国姜科药用植物资源李叙申秦民坚(中国药科大学中药学院,南京210038)姜科Zingiberaceae全世界有52属,1500多种,分布于热带和亚热带地区,特别是亚州热带和亚热带较为集中。我国有21属,200多种。产西南部至东部,以广东、广西、云南...  相似文献   

<正> 刺蛾的幼虫是阔叶林、经济林及果树的重要害虫。迷刺蛾Miresina banghaasi(Heringet Hopp)是其中的一种,本种在我国尚未见报道。分布在辽宁、四川等省。在辽宁主要分布在凤城、宽甸、东沟等县。 此虫寄主较为专一,在辽宁地区主要为害蒙古栎Quercus mongolica,有时亦取食辽东栎Q.liaotungensis。在辽宁为害春发柞树新芽叶较严重。  相似文献   

魔芋亦名蒟篛(Amorphophallus river),天南星科多年生草本植物。在我国川、滇、黔、闽、粤、湘、鄂、陕等省均有分布。魔芋用途广泛,我国药用有悠久历史,宋代《开宝本草》、《国径本草》记载:“块茎入药,有解毒、消肿、化痰、散结、行游等功能。”常用作治疗咳嗽、疝气、乳痛、瘰疬、烧伤、蛇咬等。在日本有较大面积栽培,1967年为26.4  相似文献   

在自然面前的任何肆意.都要受到惩罚。与洪水、沙尘暴一样.野象也对人类发起了疯狂的报复。  相似文献   

植硅体的现代过程研究是利用植硅体这一指标精准恢复区域古植被、古气候的前提和关键环节,探讨表土植硅体组合的空间分布特征及其对环境因子的响应尤为重要.本研究在东北地区沿着年降水量为600 mm等降水线采集54块表土样品,研究单一温度控制下表土植硅体的空间分布规律,以期寻找对温度比较敏感的植硅体类型.结果表明:54块表土样品...  相似文献   

This study had the purpose to compare with development of fitness, motor ability and health among various living environments of the sea-side, the urban, and the mountain districts, where were situated at Nadachi town on the suburbs of Niigata Prefecture. Five hundred thirty-five children (aged 4-15 yrs) were measured at the kindergarten, the fundamental school, and the junior high school. Measuring items of the physique were the height, the weight, the chest circumference, the sitting height, and the foot area. Physical fitness tests were the muscular grip-strength, the lung vital capacity, the closed-eye single-leg balance, the dipping time of the upper extremity, the vertical jump, the standing trunk flexibility, the endurance run, and pull-up. And, motor ability tests were the finger tapping, 5m shuttle run, 50m dash, and the ball throwing. As items of health inspection, the blood pressure (systolic and diasystolic) and the visual ability were adopted. As results of this study, following data were obtained; 1) At the sea-side environment, development of the muscle power, the respiratory function, and the physique were showed much faster rate of growth at the childhood than that of the other ones, significantly (P less than 0.01). 2) At the mountain environment, the arch-bend of the foot print only were appeared larger areas than that of the other ones, significantly (P less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

 在长白山针阔叶混交林下,红松、蒙古栎、春榆、白桦、山杨、色木及紫椴叶分解至300天时,其重量损失百分数分别为24.2,37.6,30.8,44.47,50.6及55.6。在分解过程中,每种叶子的重量损失同该叶子的木质素、水溶性物质、全碳及全氮的变化成线性相关(R=0.99**)。在叶子分解前期,木质素、N素的绝对量有所增加,而水溶性物质则急剧减少。除紫椴叶外,其它几种叶子在分解过程中氮的含量有一定增加。但是,当红松、蒙古栎、春榆、白桦、山杨及色木叶中N素浓度分别为0.96%,1.41%,2.38%,1.67%,1.32%及1.32%时,则开始了N素的矿化释放。  相似文献   

An integrated medical genetic an population genetic study has been performed in two raions (administrative districts) of the Tver oblast (region) of Russia: the Udomlya raion located in the zone affected by the Kalininskaya Nuclear Power Plant and the Ostashkov raion, which served as a control district. No significant differences has been found with respect to the genetic parameters studied. The values of these parameters in the populations of the town of Udomlya, the town of Ostashkov, the Udomlya raion, and the Ostashkov raion, respectively, are the following: random inbreeding, 0.00006, 0.00011, 0.000167, and 0.000366; endogamy index, 0.05, 0.43, 0.30, and 0.42; local inbreeding, 0.0003, 0.00045, 0.0009, and 0.0011; the degree of isolation by distance, 0.0003, 0.00045, 0.0009, and 0.0005; sigma, 2098, 1338, 1473, and 1189; the load of autosomal dominant (AD) diseases, 0.71, 0.92, 0.92, and 1.37; the load of autosomal recessive (AR) diseases, 0.68, 0.69, 0.67, and 0.82; and the load of X-linked diseases, 0.18, 0.64, 0.83, and 0.27.  相似文献   

青藏高原白垩纪双壳类生物地理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
青藏高原白垩纪沉积见于6条东西向延伸的条带内。双壳类主要发育于这些条带的Berriasian,Aptian-Albian,Cenomanian-Turonian,Coniacian-Santonian和Campanian-Maastrichtian5个时期的地层。雅鲁藏布江缝合线为白垩纪双壳类地理分布的主要控制界线。早白垩世期间,雅鲁藏布江缝合带以南的喜马拉雅地区的双壳类Petroceramus,  相似文献   

该指标系统规定了空气生境指数(Air entironment index,简称AEI)、生境空气质量分级、采样点及取值时间,采样与分析方法及数据统计的有效性规定。空气生境指数(AEI)的测定与评价的十个项目:空气洁净度(CI)、空气新鲜度(T)、植物精气浓度、人均绿地面积、绿地植物覆盖率、硬质覆盖率、水体覆盖率、界外植物覆盖率、移植植物树龄或原生植物树龄、植物种类和植物景观。本手册适用于住区生境空气质量评价。住区生境空气质量分为五级:5A级空气质量住区;4A级空气质量住区;3A级空气质量住区;2A级空气质量住区;1A级空气质量住区。  相似文献   

The effect of d-amphetamine, cocaine, caffeine, morphine, imipramine, phenobarbital, LSD-25, benactyzine, meprobamate, diazepam, chloridiazepoxide on the lateral hypothalamic self-stimulation of rats was investigated. D-amphetamine, cocaine, caffeine, morphine, imipramine decreased the threshold of selfstimulation. Meprobamate, diazepam, chlordiazepoxide failed to influence this index, but increase the intensity of self-stimulation during the threshold, the optimum and more than the optimum cirrent intensity. Benactyzine, LSD-25, phenobarbital decreased the threshold and increased the frequency of self-stimulation during all the current intensities. A comparative study of the above results showed the agents of the first group to exert a direct stimulating action on the positive reinforcement system. Tranquillizers activated this system due to their depressive action on the negative reinforcement system. Benactyzine, LSD-25, phenobarbital activated the system and depressed the system of negative reinforcement.  相似文献   

洞庭湖流域中上游地区景观格局变化的水文响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘明  王克林 《生态学报》2008,28(12):5970-5979
将洞庭湖流域中上游地区1980、1995和2000年的Landsat MSS和TM卫星照片解译所得的景观数据,与经过最大似然估计法“消噪”的湘、资、沅、澧四水入湖水文站的年内最高洪峰水位、最大瞬时流量、年入湖径流量和年入湖泥沙量数据进行Paneldata模型处理,并对处理后的景观和水文数据进行灰色分析和主成分分析。结果表明:研究区最高洪峰水位的变化受景观格局变化影响最大,入湖泥沙量的变化受景观格局变化影响最小。对最高洪峰水位变化影响最大的是山地水田、水库坑塘和灌木林地疏林地景观面积的变化,影响指数值分别达-48.5、-48.1和45.2;对最大瞬时流量变化影响最大的是水库坑塘、水田(山地水田除外)和灌木林地疏林地景观面积的变化,影响指数值分别达-41.9、41.2和41.2。有林地景观因林分差和林种结构单一,对各水文特征指标变化的影响较小,影响指数值分别仅为-10.1、-13.5和-14.5。  相似文献   

Plant, soil, and sediment samples were taken from the Fuqiao area within the Huayuan River basin in South China. Concentrations of manganese, zinc, cadmium, and lead in the samples were measured, and the characteristics of the plant samples to absorb, transfer, and accumulate the target metals were analyzed. It was indicated that the concentrations of target metals in 13 plant samples greatly exceeded the background values of target metals in plants over the world, and that the plant species might evolve to the accumulating ecotypes for the target metals under the long-term stress from the contaminated environment. Among 13 plant species, Alternanthera philoxeroides exhibited the highest accumulation capacities for the target metals, amounting to 6511, 13,784, 155, and 104 mg/kg in its shoots for manganese, zinc, cadmium, and lead, respectively. Its bioaccumulation coefficients for manganese, zinc, cadmium, and lead were 5.08, 49.23, 36.78, and 34.81, respectively, and its transfer factors for manganese, zinc, cadmium, and lead were 7.53, 3.19, 7.38, and 1.29, respectively. The results showed that Alternanthera philoxeroides satisfied the criteria for the hyperaccumulator for zinc and cadmium, and that it might be a potential native plant species for phytoremediation of the contaminated soil, sediment, and river water by the target metals within the basin.  相似文献   

Deng XH  Xie PF  Peng XH  Yi JH  Zhou JH  Zhou QM  Pu WX  Dai YG 《应用生态学报》2010,21(8):2063-2071
A pot experiment with the soils from Yongzhou, Liuyang, and Sangzhi, the high-quality tobacco planting regions of Hunan Province, was conducted to study the effects of climate, soil, and their interaction on some neutral volatile aroma components in flue-cured tobacco leaves. The contents of test neutral volatile aroma components in the flue-cured tobacco leaves were of medium variation, and the variation intensity was decreased in the order of dihydroactinolide, damascenone, furfural, total megastigmatrienone, and beta-ionone. Climate, soil, and their interaction affected the neutral volatile aroma components in different degrees. The furfural content was most affected by climate, the damascenone content was most affected by climate and by soil, the total megastigmatrienone and beta-ionone contents were most affected by the interaction of soil and climate, while the dihydroactinolide content was less affected by soil, climate, and their interaction. The contribution of climate, soil, and their interaction to the contents of the five aroma components was 40.82%, 20.67%, and 38.51%, respectively. During different growth periods of tobacco, different climate factors had different effects on the neutral volatile aroma components. The rainfall, cloudiness, and mean air temperature at rooting stage, the diurnal temperature amplitude, sunshine time, and evaporation at vigorous growth stage, and the rainfall, evaporation, and mean air temperature at maturing stage were the top three climate factors affecting the contents of the neutral volatile aroma components in flue-tobacco leaves. For the soil factors, the available potassium, available phosphorus, and pH were the top three factors affecting the contents of the five components.  相似文献   

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