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Decreased hydraulic conductance in plants at elevated carbon dioxide   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Previous work indicated that long-term exposure to elevated carbon dioxide levels can reduce hydraulic conductance in some species, but the basis of the response was not determined. In this study, hydraulic conductance was measured at concentrations of both 350 and 700 cm3 m–3 carbon dioxide for plants grown at both concentrations, to determine the reversibility of the response. In Zea mays and Amaranthus hypochondriacus , exposure to the higher carbon dioxide concentration for several hours reduced whole-plant transpiration rate by 22–40%, without any consistent change in leaf water potential, indicating reversible reductions in hydraulic conductance at elevated carbon dioxide levels. Hydraulic conductance in these species grown at both carbon dioxide concentrations responded similarly to measurement concentration of carbon dioxide, indicating that the response was reversible. In Glycine max , which in earlier work had shown a long-term decrease in hydraulic conductance at elevated carbon dioxide levels, and in Abutilon theophrasti , no short-term changes in hydraulic conductance with measurement concentration of carbon dioxide were found, despite lower transpiration rates at elevated carbon dioxide. In G. max and Medicago sativa , growth at high dew-point temperature reduced transpiration rate and decreased hydraulic conductance. The results indicate that both reversible and irreversible decreases in hydraulic conductance can occur at elevated carbon dioxide concentrations, and that both could be responses to reduced transpiration rate, rather than to carbon dioxide concentration itself.  相似文献   

Soybeans were grown at three CO2 concentrations in outdoor growth chambers and at two concentrations in controlled-environment growth chambers to investigate the interactive effects of CO2, temperature and leaf-to-air vapour pressure difference (LAVPD) on stomatal conductance. The decline in stomatal conductance with CO2 was a function of both leaf temperature and LAVPD. In the field measurements, stomatal conductance was more sensitive to LAVPD at low CO2 at 30 °C but not at 35 °C. There was also a direct increase in conductance with temperature, which was greater at the two elevated carbon dioxide concentrations. Environmental growth chamber results showed that the relative stomatal sensitivity to LAVPD decreased with both leaf temperature and CO2. Measurements in the environmental growth chamber were also performed at the opposing CO2, and these experiments indicate that the stomatal sensitivity to LAVPD was determined more by growth CO2 than by measurement CO2. Two models that describe stomatal responses to LAVPD were compared with the outdoor data to evaluate whether these models described adequately the interactive effects of CO2, LAVPD and temperature.  相似文献   

Boru G  Vantoai T  Alves J  Hua D  Knee M 《Annals of botany》2003,91(4):447-453
Root flooding is damaging to the growth of crop plants such as soybean (Glycine max L.). Field flooding for 3 d often results in leaf chlorosis, defoliation, cessation of growth and plant death. These effects have been widely attributed solely to a lack of oxygen in the root-zone. However, an additional damaging factor may be CO(2), which attains levels of 30 % (v/v) of total dissolved gases. Accordingly, the effects of root-zone CO(2) on oxygen-deficient soybean plants were investigated in hydroponic culture. Soybean plants are shown to be very tolerant of excess water and anaerobiosis. No oxygen (100 % N(2) gas) and low oxygen (non-aerated) treatments for 14 d had no effect on soybean survival or leaf greenness, but plants became severely chlorotic and stunted when the roots were exposed to no oxygen together with CO(2) concentrations similar to those in flooded fields (equilibrium concentrations of 30 %). When root-zone CO(2) was increased to 50 %, a quarter of soybean plants died. Those plants that survived showed severe symptoms of chlorosis, necrosis and root death. In contrast, rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants were not affected by the combination of no oxygen and elevated root-zone CO(2.) A concentration of 50 % CO(2) did not affect rice plant survival or leaf colour. These results suggest that the high susceptibility of soybean to soil flooding, compared with that of rice, is an outcome of its greater sensitivity to CO(2).  相似文献   

Bunce JA 《Annals of botany》2005,95(6):1059-1066
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Respiration is an important component of plant carbon balance, but it remains uncertain how respiration will respond to increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, and there are few measurements of respiration for crop plants grown at elevated [CO(2)] under field conditions. The hypothesis that respiration of leaves of soybeans grown at elevated [CO(2)] is increased is tested; and the effects of photosynthesis and acclimation to temperature examined. METHODS: Net rates of carbon dioxide exchange were recorded every 10 min, 24 h per day for mature upper canopy leaves of soybeans grown in field plots at the current ambient [CO(2)] and at ambient plus 350 micromol mol(-1) [CO(2)] in open top chambers. Measurements were made on pairs of leaves from both [CO(2)] treatments on a total of 16 d during the middle of the growing seasons of two years. KEY RESULTS: Elevated [CO(2)] increased daytime net carbon dioxide fixation rates per unit of leaf area by an average of 48 %, but had no effect on night-time respiration expressed per unit of area, which averaged 53 mmol m(-2) d(-1) (1.4 micromol m(-2) s(-1)) for both the ambient and elevated [CO(2)] treatments. Leaf dry mass per unit of area was increased on average by 23 % by elevated [CO(2)], and respiration per unit of mass was significantly lower at elevated [CO(2)]. Respiration increased by a factor of 2.5 between 18 and 26 degrees C average night temperature, for both [CO(2)] treatments. CONCLUSIONS: These results do not support predictions that elevated [CO(2)] would increase respiration per unit of area by increasing photosynthesis or by increasing leaf mass per unit of area, nor the idea that acclimation of respiration to temperature would be rapid enough to make dark respiration insensitive to variation in temperature between nights.  相似文献   

Bunce JA 《Annals of botany》2002,90(3):399-403
Studies have indicated that the concentration of carbon dioxide [CO2] during the dark period may influence plant dry matter accumulation. It is often suggested that these effects on growth result from effects of [CO2] on rates of respiration, but responses of respiration to [CO2] remain controversial, and connections between changes in respiration rate and altered growth rate have not always been clear. The present experiments tested whether translocation, a major consumer of energy from respiration in exporting leaves, was sensitive to [CO2]. Nineteen-day-old soybean plants grown initially at a constant [CO2] of 350 micromol mol(-1) were exposed to three consecutive nights with a [CO2] of 220-1400 micromol mol(-1), with a daytime [CO2] of 350 micromol mol(-1). Change in dry mass of the individual second, third and fourth trifoliate leaves over the 3-d period was determined, along with rates of respiration and photosynthesis of second leaves, measured by net CO2 exchange. Translocation was determined from mass balance for second leaves. Additional experiments were conducted where the [CO2] around individual leaves was controlled separately from that of the rest of the plant. Results indicated that low [CO2] at night increased both respiration and translocation and elevated [CO2] decreased both processes, to similar relative extents. The effect of [CO2] during the dark on the change in leaf mass over 3 d was largest in second leaves, where the change in mass was about 50% greater at 1400 micromol mol(-1) CO2 than at 220 micromol mol(-1) CO2. The response of translocation to [CO2] was localized in individual leaves. Results indicated that effects of [CO2] on net carbon dioxide exchange rate in the dark either caused or reflected a change in a physiologically important process which is known to depend on energy supplied by respiration. Thus, it is unlikely that the observed effects of [CO2] on respiration were artefacts of the measurement process in this case.  相似文献   

The short-term stimulation of the net rate of carbon dioxide exchange of leaves by elevated concentrations of CO2 usually observed in C3 plants sometimes does not persist. Experiments were conducted to test whether the patterns of response to the environment during growth were consistent with the hypotheses that photosynthetic adjustment to elevated CO2 concentration is due to (1) feedback inhibition or (2) nutrient stress. Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Williams] and sugar beet (Best vulgaris L. cv. Mono Hye-4) were grown from seed at 350 and 700 μl? CO2, at 20 and 25°C, at a photon flux density of 0.5 and 1.0 mmol m?2 S?1 and with three nutrient regimes until the third trifoliolate leaf of soybean or the sixth leaf of sugar beet had finished expanding. Net rates of CO2 exchange of the most recently expanded leaves were then measured at both 350 and 700 μl 1?1 CO2. Plants grown at the elevated CO2 concentration had net rates of leaf CO2 exchange which were reduced by 33% in sugar beet and 23% in soybean when measured at 350 μl 1?1 CO2 and when averaged over all treatments. Negative photosynthetic adjustment to elevated CO2 concentration was not greater at 20 than at 25°C, was not greater at a photon flux density of 1.0 than at 0.5 mmol m?2 S?1 and was not greater with limiting nutrients. Furthermore, in soybean, negative photosynthetic adjustment could be induced by a single night at elevated CO2 concentration, with net rates of CO2 exchange the next day equal to those of leaves of plants grown from seed at the elevated concentration of CO2. These patterns do not support either the feedback-inhibition or the nutrient-stress hypothesis of photosynthetic adjustment to elevated concentrations of CO2.  相似文献   

Abstract. Gas exchange measurements were made on single leaves of three C3 and one C4 species at air speeds of 0.4 and 4.0 m s−1 to determine if boundary layer conductance substantially affected the substomatal pressure of carbon dioxide. Boundary layer conductances to water vapour were 0.4 to 0.5 mol m−2 s−1 at the lower air speed, and 1.2 to 1.5 mol m−2 s−1 at the higher air speed. Substomatal carbon dioxide pressures were about 5 Pa lower at low boundary layer conductance in the C3 species, and about 3 Pa lower in the C4 species when measurements were made at high and moderate photosynthetic photon flux densities. No evidence of stomatal adjustment to altered boundary layer conductance was found. Photosynthetic rates at high photon flux densities were reduced by about 20% at the low air speed in the C3 species. The commonly reported values of substomatal carbon dioxide pressure for C3 and C4 species were found to occur only when measurements were made at the higher air speed.  相似文献   

Current-year shoots of Sitka spruce ( Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) were removed from the forest canopy. After steady-state rates of net photosynthesis were obtained in a leaf chamber, the shoots were excised in air and removed at different times to establish a relationship between net photosynthesis and xylem water potential. The experiment was repeated at five ambient carbon dioxide concentrations.
Net photosynthesis remained constant over a wide range of xylem water potential and increased linearly with ambient carbon dioxide concentration between 20 and 300 cm3 m−3. At low water potential net photosynthesis declined at each ambient carbon dioxide concentration and there was little difference in the potential (±0.05 MPa) at which zero photosynthesis was observed.
There was a small increase in the CO2 compensation concentration at low xylem water potentials, but calculated mesophyll conductance still declined at low water potential after correction for this change in compensation concentration. Mesophyll conductance reached zero within the same range of water potential as net photosynthesis. The results suggested that the non-stomatal contribution to the decline of photosynthesis was approximately 30% until almost complete stomatal closure occurred.  相似文献   

Bunce JA 《Annals of botany》2004,93(6):665-669
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Respiration of autotrophs is an important component of their carbon balance as well as the global carbon dioxide budget. How autotrophic respiration may respond to increasing carbon dioxide concentrations, [CO(2)], in the atmosphere remains uncertain. The existence of short-term responses of respiration rates of plant leaves to [CO(2)] is controversial. Short-term responses of respiration to temperature are not disputed. This work compared responses of dark respiration and two processes dependent on the energy and reductant supplied by dark respiration, translocation and nitrate reduction, to changes in [CO(2)] and temperature. METHODS: Mature soybean leaves were exposed for a single 8-h dark period to one of five combinations of air temperature and [CO(2)], and rates of respiration, translocation and nitrate reduction were determined for each treatment. KEY RESULTS: Low temperature and elevated [CO(2)] reduced rates of respiration, translocation and nitrate reduction, while increased temperature and low [CO(2)] increased rates of all three processes. A given change in the rate of respiration was accompanied by the same change in the rate of translocation or nitrate reduction, regardless of whether the altered respiration was caused by a change in temperature or by a change in [CO(2)]. CONCLUSIONS: These results make it highly unlikely that the observed responses of respiration rate to [CO(2)] were artefacts due to errors in the measurement of carbon dioxide exchange rates in this case, and indicate that elevated [CO(2)] at night can affect translocation and nitrate reduction through its effect on respiration.  相似文献   

Plant gas‐exchange response to drying soil in many instances tracks a common pattern when expressed as a function of fraction of transpirable soil water (FTSW). There is little decrease in gas exchange until FTSW decreases to a value in the range of about 0.3–0.45, then with further drying gas exchange declines approximately linearly. This unique pattern is hypothesised to reflect mainly changes in the water potential gradient between bulk soil and plant. The primary objective was to directly document the basis of this response by measuring the hydrostatic pressure gradient required in the soil to maintain leaf xylem at zero potential with decreasing FTSW. Pots in which soybean (Glycine max) plants were grown were placed in a pressure chamber and the pressure adjusted to maintain zero water potential in a leaf petiolule. These results showed a small, relatively constant hydrostatic pressure had to be applied to the soil to maintain zero leaf xylem water potential until FTSW decreased to approximately 0.3–0.45. Thereafter, the required hydrostatic pressure gradient increased as FTSW continued to decrease. Hydraulic conductance was calculated to be relatively stable early in the drying cycle, and then decrease as the soil dried to comparatively high FTSW of 0.5–0.7.  相似文献   

Responses of leaf stomatal conductance to light, humidity and temperature were characterized for winter wheat and barely grown at ambient (about 350 μmol mol?1 in the daytime), ambient + 175 and ambient + 350 μmol mol?1 concentrations of carbon dioxide in open‐topped chambers in field plots over a three year period. Stomatal responses to environment were determined by direct manipulation of single environmental factors, and those results were compared with responses derived from natural day to day variation in mid‐day stomatal conductance. The purpose of these experiments was to determine the magnitude of reduction in stomatal conductance at elevated [CO2], and to assess whether the relative response of conductance to elevated [CO2] was constant across light, humidity and temperature conditions. The results indicated that light, humidity and temperature all significantly affected the relative decrease in stomatal conductance at elevated [CO2]. The relative decrease in conductance with elevated [CO2] was greater at low light, low water vapour pressure difference, and high temperature in both species. For measurements made at saturating light near mid‐day, the ratio of mid‐day stomatal conductances at doubled [CO2] to that at ambient [CO2] ranged from 0.42 to 0.86, with a mean of 0.66 in barley, and from 0.33 to 0.80, with a mean of 0.56 in wheat. Day‐to‐day variation in the relative effect of elevated [CO2] on conductance was correlated with the relative stimulation of [CO2] assimilation rate and with temperature. Some limitations of multiple linear regression, multiplicative, and ‘Ball–Berry' models as summaries of the data are discussed. In barley, a better fit to the models occurred in individual years than for the combined data, and in wheat a better fit to the models occurred when data from near the end of the season were removed.  相似文献   

The extent to which stomatal conductance (gs) was capable of responding to reduced hydraulic conductance (k)and preventing cavitation-inducing xylem pressures was evaluated in the small riparian tree, Betula occidentalis Hook. We decreased k by inducing xylem cavitation in shoots using an air-injection technique. From 1 to 18 d after shoot injection we measured midday transpiration rate (E), gs, and xylem pressure (Ψp-xylem) on individual leaves of the crown. We then harvested the shoot and made direct measurements of k from the trunk (2–3 cm diameter) to the distal tip of the petioles of the same leaves measured for E and gs. The k measurement was expressed per unit leaf area (kl, leaf-specific conductance). Leaves measured within 2 d of shoot injection showed reduced gs and E relative to non-injected controls, and both parameters were strongly correlated with kl At this time, there was no difference in leaf Ψp-xylem between injected shoots and controls, and leaf Ψp-xylem was not significantly different from the highest cavitation-inducing pressure (Ψp-cav) in the branch xylem (-1.43 ± 0.029 MPa, n=8). Leaves measured 7–18 d after shoots were injected exhibited a partial return of gs and E values to the control range. This was associated with a decrease in leaf Ψp-xylem below Ψp-cav and loss of foliage. The results suggest the stomata were incapable of long-term regulation of E below control values and that reversion to higher E caused dieback via cavitation.  相似文献   

Seedlings of temperate deciduous tree species were grown outdoors at ambient and at an elevated concentration of carbon dioxide to examine how aspects of their gas exchange would be altered by growth at elevated carbon dioxide concentration. Leaf conductances to water vapour and net carbon dioxide exchange rates were determined periodically near midday. Whole-plant carbon dioxide efflux rates in darkness were also determined. The stomatal conductance of leaves of plants grown and measured at 700 cm3 m?3 carbon dioxide did not differ from that of plants grown and measured at 350 cm3 m?3 in Malus domestica, Quercus prinus and Quercus robur at any measurement time. In Acer saccharinum, lower conductances occurred for plants grown and measured at elevated carbon dioxide concentration only at measurement temperatures above 33°C. Photo-synthetic adjustment to elevated carbon dioxide concentration was evident only in Q. robur. All species examined had lower rates of dark respiration per unit of mass when grown and measured at elevated carbon dioxide concentration.  相似文献   

The cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plant responds to a doubling of atmospheric CO2 with almost doubled yield. Gas exchange of leaves was monitored to discover the photosynthetic basis of this large response. Plants were grown in the field in open-top chambers with ambient (nominally 350 l/l) or enriched (nominally either 500 or 650 l/l) concentrations of atmospheric CO2. During most of the season, in fully-irrigated plants the relationship between assimilation (A) and intercellular CO2 concentration (ci) was almost linear over an extremely wide range of ci. CO2 enrichment did not alter this relationship or diminish photosynthetic capacity (despite accumulation of starch to very high levels) until very late in the season, when temperature was somewhat lower than at midseason. Stomatal conductance at midseason was very high and insensitive to CO2, leading to estimates of ci above 85% of atmospheric CO2 concentration in both ambient and enriched chambers. Water stress caused A to show a saturation response with respect to ci, and it increased stomatal closure in response to CO2 enrichment. In fully-irrigated plants CO2 enrichment to 650 l/l increased A more than 70%, but in water-stressed plants enrichment increased A only about 52%. The non-saturating response of A to ci, the failure of CO2 enrichment to decrease photosynthetic capacity for most of the season, and the ability of the leaves to maintain very high ci, form in part the basis for the very large response to CO2 enrichment.Abbreviations ca- atmospheric CO2 concentration - ci- intercellular CO2 concentration - A- rate of assimilation of CO2 - gs- stomatal conductance to water vapor - gb- boundary layer conductance to water vapor - gm- mesophyll conductance to CO2 - VPD- vapor pressure deficit - w leaf water potential - L- stomatal limitation to CO2 uptake  相似文献   

Use of infrared analyzers to measure water vapor concentrations in photosynthesis systems is becoming common. It is known that sensitivity of infrared carbon dioxide and water vapor analyzers is affected by the oxygen concentration in the background gas, particularly for absolute analyzers, but the potential for large errors in estimates of stomatal conductance due to effects of oxygen concentration on the sensitivity of infrared water vapor analyzers is not widely recognized. This work tested three types of infrared water vapor analyzers for changes in sensitivity of infrared water vapor analyzers depending on the oxygen content of the background gas. It was found that changing from either 0 or 2% to 21% oxygen in nitrogen decreased the sensitivity to water vapor for all three types of infrared water vapor analyzers by about 4%. The change in sensitivity was linear with oxygen mole fraction. The resulting error in calculated stomatal conductance would depend strongly on the leaf to air vapor pressure difference and leaf temperature, and also on whether leaf temperature was directly measured or calculated from energy balance. Examples of measurements of gas exchange on soybean leaves under glasshouse conditions indicated that changing from 21% to 2% oxygen produced an artifactual apparent increase in stomatal conductance which averaged about 30%. Similar errors occurred for `conductances' of wet filter paper. Such errors could affect inferences about the carbon dioxide dependence of the sensitivity of photosynthesis to oxygen. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to determine if growth at elevated partial pressure of CO2 altered the sensitivity of leaf water vapour conductance and rate of CO2 assimilation to the leaf-to-air difference in the partial pressure of water vapour (Δw). Comparisons were made between plants grown and measured at 350 and 700 μPa Pa?1 partial pressures of CO2 for amaranth, soybean and sunflower grown in controlled environment chambers, soybean grown outdoors in pots, and orchard grass grown in field plots. In amaranth, soybean and orchard grass, both the absolute and the relative sensitivity of conductance to Δw at the leaf surface were less in plants grown and measured at the elevated CO2. In sunflower, there was no change in the sensitivity of conductance to Δw for the two CO2 partial pressures. Tests in soybeans and amaranth showed that the change in sensitivity resulted from elevated CO2 during the measurement of the Δw response. Assimilation rate of CO2 was not altered by Δw in amaranth, which has C4 metabolism. In sunflower, the assimilation rate of plants grown and measured at elevated CO2 was insensitive to Δw, consistent with the response of assimilation rate to intercellular CO2 partial pressure in the prevailing range. In soybean, the sensitivity of assimilation rate to Δw was not different between CO2 treatments, in contrast to what would be expected from the response of assimilation rate to intercellular CO2 partial pressure.  相似文献   

Diurnal changes of leaf water potential and stomatal conductance were measured for 12 deciduous shrubs and tree saplings in the understorey of a temperate forest. Sunflecks raised the leaf temperature by 4°C, and vapor pressure deficit to 2 kPa. Although the duration of the sunflecks was only 17% of daytime, the photon flux density (PFD) of sunflecks was 52% of total PFD on a sunny summer day. Leaf osmotic potential at full turgor decreased in summer, except in some species that have low osmotic potential in the spring. Plants that endured low leaf water potential had rigid cell walls and low osmotic potential at full turgor. These plants did not have lower relative water content and turgor potential than plants with higher leaf water potential. There were three different responses to an increase in transpiration rate: (i) plants had low leaf water potential and slightly increased soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductance; (ii) plants decreased leaf water potential and increased the hydraulic conductance; and (iii) plants had high leaf water potential and largely increased the hydraulic conductance.  相似文献   

The atmospheric [CO2] in which crops grow today is greater than at any point in their domestication history and represents an opportunity for positive effects on seed yield that can counteract the negative effects of greater heat and drought this century. In order to maximize yields under future atmospheric [CO2], we need to identify and study crop cultivars that respond most favorably to elevated [CO2] and understand the mechanisms contributing to their responsiveness. Soybean (Glycine max Merr.) is a widely grown oilseed crop and shows genetic variation in response to elevated [CO2]. However, few studies have studied the physiological basis for this variation. Here, we examined canopy light interception, photosynthesis, respiration and radiation use efficiency along with yield and yield parameters in two cultivars of soybean (Loda and HS93‐4118) previously reported to have similar seed yield at ambient [CO2], but contrasting responses to elevated [CO2]. Seed yield increased by 26% at elevated [CO2] (600 μmol/mol) in the responsive cultivar Loda, but only by 11% in HS93‐4118. Canopy light interception and leaf area index were greater in HS93‐4118 in ambient [CO2], but increased more in response to elevated [CO2] in Loda. Radiation use efficiency and harvest index were also greater in Loda than HS93‐4118 at both ambient and elevated [CO2]. Daily C assimilation was greater at elevated [CO2] in both cultivars, while stomatal conductance was lower. Electron transport capacity was also greater in Loda than HS93‐4118, but there was no difference in the response of photosynthetic traits to elevated [CO2] in the two cultivars. Overall, this greater understanding of leaf‐ and canopy‐level photosynthetic traits provides a strong conceptual basis for modeling genotypic variation in response to elevated [CO2].  相似文献   

Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) plants were grown in field plots at the current ambient [CO2], and at ambient + 300 and ambient + 600 μmol mol−1 [CO2]. Approximately weekly measurements were made of single leaf gas exchange of upper canopy leaves from early spring through fall of two years, in order to determine the temperature dependence of the stimulation of photosynthesis by elevated [CO2], whether growth at elevated [CO2] resulted in acclimation of photosynthesis, and whether any photosynthetic acclimation was reduced when fruiting created additional demand for the products of photosynthesis. Stimulation of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation by short-term increases in [CO2] increased strongly with measurement temperature. The stimulation exceeded that predicted from the kinetic characteristics of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase at all temperatures. Acclimation of photosynthesis to growth at elevated [CO2] was evident from early spring through summer, including the fruiting period in early summer, with lower rates under standard measurement conditions in plants grown at elevated [CO2]. The degree of acclimation increased with growth [CO2]. However, there were no significant differences between [CO2] treatments in total nitrogen per leaf area, and photosynthetic acclimation was reversed one day after switching the [CO2] treatments. Tests showed that acclimation did not result from a limitation of photosynthesis by triose phosphate utilization rate at elevated [CO2]. Photosynthetic acclimation was not evident during dry periods in midsummer, when the elevated [CO2] treatments conserved soil water and photosynthesis declined more at ambient than at elevated [CO2]. Acclimation was also not evident during the fall, when plants were vegetative, despite wet conditions and continued higher leaf starch content at elevated [CO2]. Stomatal conductance responded little to short-term changes in [CO2] except during drought, and changed in parallel with photosynthetic acclimation through the seasons in response to the long-term [CO2] treatments. The data do not support the hypothesis that source-sink balance controls the seasonal occurrence of photosynthetic acclimation to elevated [CO2] in this species. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Soybean plants were grown continuously at 350 and 700cm3m?3 CO2 at constant temperature. Respiration rates of third trifoliolate leaves were measured at the growth CO2 concentration for the whole dark period from 5d before through to 5d after full area expansion. The short-term response of respiration rate to the measurement CO2 concentration was also determined at each age. Respiration rates per unit of dry mass declined with age and were significantly less at a given age or RGR in leaves grown and measured at the elevated CO2. The difference in respiration rate was largest in mature leaves and resulted from the different measurement CO2 concentrations. The respiratory costs of the tissue synthesis, estimated from the elemental composition of the tissue, did not differ substantially between CO2 treatments. The response of respiration rate to carbon dioxide concentration was not strongly affected by the form of nitrogen supplied. Maintenance respiration calculated by subtracting growth respiration from total respiration was negative in rapidly growing leaves for both CO2 treatments. This indicates that CO2 efflux in the dark does not accurately reflect the average 24 h rate of energy expenditure on growth and maintenance for soybean leaves.  相似文献   

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