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Leaf demography and productivity ofAucuba japonica, an understory shrub in the warm-temperate region, were examined and dry matter economy was analyzed to evaluate the roles of the evergreen foliage. Turnover of leaves occurred during a short period in spring. The mean leaf life span was about 2.6 years. Annual NAR (net assimilation rate) of each sample shoot was calculated from the biomass and the total dead mass estimated from scars of leaves and floral parts. The average NAR was 1.34±0.22 g·g−1·yr−1. The ratio of dry matter produced by leaves during their whole life span to the initial investment was 3.45±0.37. The annual NAR calculated for individual plants was negatively related to the life span of their leaves. The seasonal change in SLW (specific leaf weight) showed that the reserve material in leaves was accumulated from autumn to early spring and was consumed for the growth of new organs in the following season. The dry matter withdrawn in spring from the overwintering foliage amounted to 40% of dry mass of the new organs developed.  相似文献   

Camelliarusticana is an evergreen broad-leaved shrub found only in areas of heavy snowfall in Japan. The ecophysiological tolerance of this species to prolonged snow cover was studied in comparison with those of Camellia japonica found in areas of light snowfall. The shoots of C. rusticana and C. japonica were stored under a simulated snow cover for 1 year. During the experimental period, about 20% of the leaves of C. japonica defoliated after 90–140 days of storage and more than 80% of the leaves browned within 360 days. The proliferation of fungi was observed on all shoots of C. japonica after 200 days. In contrast, the leaves of C. rusticana showed no visible changes throughout the experimental period. The decline in the rate of soluble carbohydrate content in C. rusticana was about one-sixth of that in C.japonica. The photosynthetic capacity (O2 exchange rates at saturated light and CO2 at 20°C) of C.japonica dropped to about half its initial value after 140 days, while that of the C. rusticana did not change even after 360 days. Under dark conditions, the stomata of C. rusticana were always closed through the experiment, but those of C. japonica were not completely closed after 90 days. The differences in stomata characteristics and the consumption rate of soluble carbohydrates under snow-covered conditions between the two Camellia species are important factors for determining their habitat segregation by snow depth.  相似文献   

The adaptation ofCamellia rusticana, an evergreen broad-leaved shrub found in areas of heavy snowfall in Japan, to heavy snowfall environments, and the mechanisms by which it is damaged in winter above the snow, were investigated. The stomatal response and photosynthetic characteristics ofC. rusticana were compared to those ofCamellia japonica found in areas of light snowfall. In field conditions, the mean net photosynthesis ofC. rusticana at photon flux density (PFD) over 200 μmol m−2s−1 (Pn(>200). was 50% larger than that ofC. japonica, but in both light saturated and CO2 saturated conditions, the O2 evolution rate (Pc) ofC. rusticana was not different from that ofC. japonica. Mean leaf conductance at PFD over 200 μmol m−2s−1 (gl(>200)) was about 100% larger than that ofC. japonica in the field. The Pn(>200)) was 50% ratio ofC. rusticana was 37% higher than that ofC. japonica which suggests thatC. rusticana's larger Pn(>200) can be explained by its larger gl(>200). WhenC. rusticana trees wintering underneath the snow were projected above it, the leaves of these plants showed serious drought within five days in non-freezing conditions. Their Pc and the maximum stomatal conductance decreased by half and did not recover. The leaves ofC. rusticana showed larger gl(>200) and a less sensitive stomatal response to the decrease of leaf water potential than that ofC. japonica. The stomata characteristics ofC. rusticana caused larger net photosynthesis than that ofC. japonica during the no snow period, and caused the need for snow cover in winter as protector from winter drought.  相似文献   

Anisophylly, having leaves different in size and/or shape, was quantified in adult Aucuba japonica and simulations were carried out to evaluate the effects of anisophylly on the extent of self-shading at the single-shoot level as well as at the whole-canopy level. Clear anisophylly was observed in the individual after switching from the single-stemmed juvenile stage to the multi-stemmed adult stage. In such plants, leaf area in the canopy abruptly increased. The effective display of adult foliage involved a variety of morphological changes in addition to anisophylly, most prominently reduction in leaf size compared to juveniles. The simulation results indicate that diversity of leaf size and shape is an effective means of minimizing self-shading as well as allowing the efficient exploitation of a larger canopy volume in adult plants. Anisophylly also increased the biomass use efficiency of individual plants at maturity. Taken together, having diverse leaf forms is superior to having a single leaf form for maximizing area acquisition and for efficiently filling the acquired area. We therefore conclude that the anisophylly expressed in A. japonica is adaptive.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics in nitrogen and phosphorus content were examined for each component organ ofAucuba japonica, an evergreen understory shrub in the warmtemperate region of Japan. Evergreen foliage was the largest pool for each nutrient; nitrogen and phosphorus were accumulated and stored in autumn and then redistributed in the spring. For individual leaves, such seasonal accumulations and redistributions were repeated through two or three years and then at leaf fall, an additional amount was withdrawn. Rapid growth of new shoots and flowers during spring was supported by the massive redistribution of the nutrients from the old foliage. The redistribution accounted for 85% and 65% of the total nitrogen and phosphorus input to the new shoots, respectively. Such a high ratio of redistribution resulted in a conservative nutrient economy, and must be positively related to the photosynthetic production in the ligh-limited environment.  相似文献   

The formation and vertical distribution of sapwood and heartwood were studied with a 45-year-old Cryptomeria japonica D. Don. The tree was grown at a plantation with 1.5 m × 3.0 m spacing near Miao-Li, Taiwan and was felled on 27 February 1992. The thickness of sapwood and heartwood was expressed by a ring count and a linear measurement. The east-west (E-W) wood strips were collected from 0.3 m above ground upwards to the top of the tree at 2.5 m intervals. The sapwood thicknesses from the base to the 10.3 m tree level height are around 20–22 growth rings and 42±2 mm. At the top of the tree, the sapwood thickness is narrower. The heartwood, which decreases in thickness with increasing tree level heights is not found at the top of the tree. The heartwood appears as a conical shape in the tree trunk. There is no statistical difference in sapwood/heartwood thickness between E-W aspects. Tree level heights and the tree level age were found to be important parameters in determining the thickness of sapwood/heartwood.  相似文献   

Intrapopulational spatial genetic structure was examined in two populations ofChionographis japonica var.japonica, a self-incompatible perennial, by spatial autocorrelation analysis of enzyme polymorphism. Although most spatial autocorrelation indices (Moran'sI) in the shortes distance class were significantly positive, most in the other distance classes did not significantly deviate from the values expected from random distributions of genotypes in both populations. This contrasts with a spatial genetic pattern previously reported for a population of the predominantly selfing congener,C. japonica var.kurohimensis, indicating that pollen-mediated gene flow highly impedes genetic substructuring within populations of outcrossingC. japonica var.japonica. Genetic similarity in very proximate distance found in outcrossingC. japonica var.japonica is probably due to restricted dispersal of seeds.  相似文献   

Several cell lines of Coptis japonica with different alkaloid productivities were characterized to obtain information on how a high metabolite production is established. High and low metabolite producing cells, except those from one cell line, showed similar growth kinetics and a similar pattern of nutrient uptake. Amino acid contents, especially that of tyrosine, differed between cell lines, but no correlation was found between the amino acid or tyrosine levels and alkaloid production. Since the addition of tyrosine did not increase the production of berberine, this primary substrate is apparently not the limiting factor for high production in cultured Coptis cells. The addition of berberine to the medium revealed that low-producing cells also have the ability to store alkaloid, and that low productivity is not due to decomposition of alkaloids which have been produced. The direct measurement of the biosynthesis of berberine using 14C-tyrosine clearly showed that high-producing cells had a higher biosynthetic activity of berberine from tyrosine than low-producing cells. The measurement of enzyme activities in berberine biosynthesis indicated that the early steps of berberine biosynthesis are important in the increased production of berberine.  相似文献   

Modulation of flowering responses in different Nicotiana varieties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have identified and characterized a FLOWERING PROMOTING FACTOR 1(FPF1) gene from tobacco (NtFPF1). Over-expression of NtFPF1 leads to early flowering in the day-neutral tobacco Nicotiana tabacum cv. Hicks, and under inductive photoperiods also in the short-day Nicotiana tabacum cv. Hicks Maryland Mammoth (MM) tobacco and the long-day plant Nicotiana sylvestris. N. sylvestris wild-type plants remained in the rosette stage and never flowered under non-inductive short-days, whereas 35S::NtFPF1 transgenic plants bolted but did not flower. However, if treated with gibberellins, transgenic N. sylvestrisplants flowered much faster under non-inductive short days than corresponding wild type plants, indicating an additive effect of gibberellins and the NtFPF1 protein in flowering time control. The day-neutral wild type cv. Hicks and the short-day cv. Hicks MM plants exhibit an initial rosette stage, both under short- and long-days. In the transgenic lines, this rosette stage was completely abolished. Wild-type plants of cv. Hicks MM never flowered under long days; however, all transgenic lines over-expressing NtFPF1 flowered under this otherwise non-inductive photoperiod.  相似文献   

Summary Ten-week-oldSophora japonica seedlings were grown for 10 weeks at 17, 22, or 27°C and then exposed to 0 or 1.0 /SO2 for 48 hours. The seedlings were subsequently grown at 22°C and harvested 12 weeks later. Effects of preconditioning temperature and SO2 on leaf formation, seedling height and stem diameter, as well as dry weight increment and relative growth rates of leaves, stems, and roots were studied. The preconditioning temperature regime influenced growth and subsequently affected SO2 uptake and growth. However, the responses of seedlings to temperature and SO2 varied with the growth parameter measured. The need for greater standardization of methods and criteria for assessing pollution tolerance of plants is emphasized.Research supported by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin, USA. McIntyre-Stennis Project 2599.  相似文献   

The distribution of Sika deer (Cervus nippon) on Japanese islands is biased toward, the east where there is less snow. To explain this biased distribution in relation to snow, the foot morphology of Sika deer was measured. Hoof load was greatest in male adults (0.78 kg cm−2) and smallest in fawns (c 0.43 kg cm−2). The values were similar to those for white-tailed deer, and were smaller than those for snow-adapted species like caribou and chamois. Foreleg length wasc. 50 cm and 60 cm, and hind feet (lower half) length wasc. 40 cm and 45 cm for fawns and adult deer, respectively. Chest heights werec. 45 cm and 53 cm for fawns and adults, respectively. These figures suggest that areas where snow accumulates deeper than 50 cm are not favorable as a Sika deer habitat. The present distribution of Sika deer is clearly related to snow depth: they are mostly concentrated in the ‘preferable area’ of <50 cm of snow, some of them can live in the ‘habitable area’ of 50–100 cm of snow, and they rarely live in the ‘inhabitable area’ of >100 cm of snow.  相似文献   

Yeast ecology, biogeography and biodiversity are important and interesting topics of research. The population dynamics of yeasts in several cellars of two Spanish wine-producing regions was analysed for three consecutive years (1996 to 1998). No yeast starter cultures had been used in these wineries which therefore provided an ideal winemaking environment to investigate the dynamics of grape-related indigenous yeast populations. Non-Saccharomyces yeast species were identified by RFLPs of their rDNA, while Saccharomyces species and strains were identified by RFLPs of their mtDNA. This study confirmed the findings of other reports that non-Saccharomyces species were limited to the early stages of fermentation whilst Saccharomyces dominated towards the end of the alcoholic fermentation. However, significant differences were found with previous studies, such as the survival of non-Saccharomyces species in stages with high alcohol content and a large variability of Saccharomyces strains (a total of 112, all of them identified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae) with no clear predominance of any strain throughout all the fermentation, probably related to the absence of killer phenotype and lack of previous inoculation with commercial strains.  相似文献   

The authors examined altitudinal variations in the thermal responses of seed germination and seedling growth inReynoutria japonica (=Polygonum cuspidatum) under controlled environmental conditions. Seed populations were collected from different altitudes on Mt Fuji in Japan. The mean seed weight of the upland populations (above 1500 m) was significantly (1.5-fold) heavier than that of the lowland populations (below 1400 m). Under the lowest temperature regime of 15/10°C (day/night) the upland populations showed a significantly higher percentage and speed of germination than the lowland populations; this was not significant under higher temperature regimes. These results indicate that the germination traits of the upland populations on Mt Fuji are favorable for colonization in their cold habitats (low temperature and short growing season). Growth and shoot development were compared between the seedlings grown from seeds collected at altitudes of 700 and 2420 m. The upland seedlings showed a significantly larger biomass and leaf area than the lowland seedlings at 15°C, but there was no difference at 25°C. The difference in biomass at 15°C was attributed to the difference in seed weight. The upland seedlings produced a significantly larger number of branches with smaller and more numerous leaves at both 15°C and 25°C. these developmental traits of the upland seedlings were considered to represent the adaptation of the life form to upland environments. It was concluded that theR. japonica populations along an altitudinal gradient on Mt Fuji can be classified into two ecotypes, whose distribution border lies at an altitude of about 1400–1500m. In this study, the seed weight and germination traits of twoR. japonica seed populations collected in Chiba Prefecture were briefly compared with those of the lowland populations on Mt Fuji.  相似文献   

Copper accumulation, subcellular localization and ecophysiological responses to excess copper were investigated using pot culture experiments with two Daucus carota L. populations, from a copper mine and an uncontaminated field site, respectively. Significant differences of malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentrations and antioxidant enzyme [superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX)] activities of leaves under Cu treatment were observed between the two populations. At high Cu concentrations (400 and 800 mg kg−1), a significant increase in contents of MDA and H2O2 but a significant decrease in activities of SOD, CAT and APX were observed in uncontaminated population. Contrarily, the population from copper mine maintained a lower level of MDA and H2O2 but higher activities of SOD, CAT and APX. Copper accumulation in roots and shoots increased significantly with the increase of copper concentrations in soils in the two populations. No significant difference of the total Cu in roots and shoots was found between the two populations at same copper treatment. There were also no striking differences of cell wall-bound Cu and protoplasts Cu of leaves between the two populations. The difference was that Cu concentration in vacuoles of leaves was 1.5-fold higher in contaminated site (CS) population than in uncontaminated site population. Hence, more efficient vacuolar sequestration for Cu and maintaining high activities of SOD, CAT and APX in the CS population played an important role in maintaining high Cu tolerance.  相似文献   

Muller O  Hikosaka K  Hirose T 《Oecologia》2005,143(4):501-508
In a temperate climate, evergreen species in the understory are exposed to large changes in photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and temperature over the year. We determined the photosynthetic traits of leaves of an evergreen understory shrub Aucuba japonica at three sites at monthly intervals: understorys of a deciduous forest; an evergreen forest; and a gap in a mixed forest. This set up enabled us to separate the effects of seasonal change in PPFD and temperature on photosynthetic acclimation under natural conditions. The effects of PPFD and temperature were analysed by simple and multiple regression analyses. The amounts of light utilisation components (LU), represented by nitrogen and rubisco contents per area, were higher in winter, when temperature was low and PPFD was high. The LU relative to the amount of light harvesting components (LH), represented by chlorophyll a/b and rubisco/chlorophyll ratios, and the inverse of chlorophyll/nitrogen ratio were also higher in winter. We quantified the effects of PPFD and temperature on the LU and LH components. Across sites PPFD had stronger effects than air temperature, while within a site temperature had stronger effects on photosynthetic acclimation. We concluded that the photosynthetic apparatus is strongly affected by the prevailing PPFD at the time of leaf development. Within a given light regime, however, plants acclimated by increasing LU relative to LH primarily in response to temperature and to a lesser extent to PPFD.  相似文献   

Summary In the thyroid follicles of species of cyclostomes, a hagfish and a lamprey, the distribution of stable iodine was examined by electron-probe X-ray microanalysis. A high concentration of stable iodine, heterogeneously distributed, was observed in the follicular cells of hagfish thyroid follicles. In the lamprey a low concentration of iodine was seen in the follicular lumina. The relative values for stable iodine determined in this way corresponded to values obtained by a chemical analytical method.  相似文献   

Pannacciulli  F. G.  Relini  G. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,426(1):105-112
The Mediterranean Sea is characterised by a small tidal range (0.3–1 m). Despite this, intertidal communities are well established and their upper limits often extend above mean high water level. Organisms living in the intertidal region and in the supralittoral zone rely on both tides and wave action to perform their biological functions. Lack of food, desiccation and predation are common stresses in such a harsh environment. The present study deals with the vertical distribution of two species of intertidal barnacles, Chthamalus montagui Southward and Chthamalus stellatus (Poli), which are the main constituents of the barnacle belt along Mediterranean rocky shores. Previous work, carried out in the Atlantic, showed that where the distribution ranges of the two Chthamalus species overlap, C. montagui is more common in the upper barnacle zone while C. stellatus is dominant lower down. The main aims of our study are: (1) to establish if there is a relationship between position and extension of the barnacle belt on the shore and tidal range and/or wave exposure, (2) to test the hypothesis that in the study areas C. montagui is more abundant than C. stellatus high on the shore, and that the pattern is reversed lower down. Barnacle populations were monitored in summer 1998 in the Gulf of Genoa (Ligurian Sea) and in the Gulf of Trieste (North-Adriatic Sea). The two areas differ in tidal range and hydrodynamism, the former presenting quite strong wave action and a tidal range of 30 cm, the latter having limited wave action and 1 m tidal range. Three shores were randomly selected in each gulf and two transects on each shore. Counts of barnacles in 10 * 10 cm quadrats were done at different shore heights along each transect. The data was subjected to analysis of variance. Results showed that a more pronounced hydrodynamic regime corresponded to a shift of the barnacle belt towards the higher shore (Gulf of Genoa), while in more sheltered areas (Gulf of Trieste), the barnacle distribution was confined to the intertidal region. The relative spatial distribution of C. montagui and C. stellatus within the barnacle belt varied locally, even between transects on the same shore, and this obscured the distribution pattern along the vertical gradient. Nevertheless, it was still possible to conclude that at mid and high shore in Genoa, C. stellatus was more abundant than C. montagui, while in Trieste the pattern was reversed.  相似文献   

A study is reported on the incorporation of14C-acetate into lipid classes from three different growth stages ofLaminaria japonica, a species long used for food in Japan. This was done because of the possible utilization of its lipids.Radioactivity incorporated into whole lipids in the three growth stages under the same experimental conditions (10 °C, 500 lux) increased with maturity of the thalli. The radioactivity was found mainly in PC, TG and 1,2-DG and subsequently distributed into other lipid classes (PG,PI,PE,MGDG,SQDG and DGDG) to a lesser extent. The incorporation patterns of the former group were similar at all stages, but those of the latter group differed slightly according to growth stage.In juvenile thalli,14C was incorporated to a much higher extent into PG, MGDG, PI and fucosterol than PE, SQDG, DGDG and MG, while the14C-incorporation into MG, SQDG, DGDG and PS in the mature growth stage was higher than into the other lipid classes. The absolute level of incorporation was higher for all these compounds in mature thalli than the thalli of other growth stages.  相似文献   

Effect of UV-B radiation on leaves of bean, pea and rape plants was studied. UV-B radiation (11.2 kJ·m−2) induced more distinct reduction of the primary photosynthesis activity when applied in darkness than the same UV-B dose, extended in time, and applied with photosynthetic active radiation (PAR). The pea plants were more susceptible to UV-B in darkness, but in the presence of PAR their tolerance was higher. The CO2 fixation in the bean and rape plants, exposed to UV-B was decreased, but for the pea plants it remained unchanged. The UV-B irradiation caused an increase in the content of ultraviolet-absorbing pigments. Additionally, the bean plants grown at UV-B increased the thickness of leaves, described as SLW.  相似文献   

The effects of nickel were studied in two serpentine species with different metal tolerance strategies:Silene italica L., which limits nickel uptake and translocation, andAlyssum bertolonii Desv., a serpentine endemic, which accumulates nickel mostly in the leaves. InS. italica, nickel 7.5 μM inhibited root growth and depressed mitotic activity in root tips. Peroxidase activity and phenol concentration both in roots and shoots were increased; under the same conditions nickel did not produce any relevant effect onA. bertolonii. InS. italica an adequate calcium concentration (25 mM) was able to reverse the effects of nickel on root growth and metabolism. InA. bertolonii the same calcium concentration reduced root growth, confirming this species adaptation also to low calcium concentrations, typical of serpentines.  相似文献   

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