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Protein-S-glutathionylation (PSSG) is an oxidative modification of reactive cysteines that has emerged as an important player in pathophysiological processes. Under physiological conditions, the thiol transferase, glutaredoxin-1 (Glrx1) catalyses deglutathionylation. Although we previously demonstrated that Glrx1 expression is increased in mice with allergic inflammation, the impact of Glrx1/PSSG in the development of allergic airways disease remains unknown. In the present study we examined the impact of genetic ablation of Glrx1 in the pathogenesis of allergic inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) in mice. Glrx1(-/-) or WT mice were subjected to the antigen, ovalbumin (OVA), and parameters of allergic airways disease were evaluated 48 h after three challenges, and 48 h or 7 days after six challenges with aerosolized antigen. Although no clear increases in PSSG were observed in WT mice in response to OVA, marked increases were detected in lung tissue of mice lacking Glrx1 48 h following six antigen challenges. Inflammation and expression of proinflammatory mediators were decreased in Glrx1(-/-) mice, dependent on the time of analysis. WT and Glrx1(-/-) mice demonstrated comparable increases in AHR 48 h after three or six challenges with OVA. However, 7 days postcessation of six challenges, parameters of AHR in Glrx1(-/-) mice were resolved to control levels, accompanied by marked decreases in mucus metaplasia and expression of Muc5AC and GOB5. These results demonstrate that the Glrx1/S-glutathionylation redox status in mice is a critical regulator of AHR, suggesting that avenues to increase S-glutathionylation of specific target proteins may be beneficial to attenuate AHR.  相似文献   

Regulation of mucous cell metaplasia in bronchial asthma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mucous cell metaplasia (MCM), defined by the appearance of mucous cells in airways where mucous cells were not present, is a consistent pathologic characteristic in the peripheral airways of bronchial asthma. Under mild inflammatory conditions MCM occurs as a result of pre-existing airway epithelial cells (AECs) starting to express mucin genes and differentiating into mucous cells. Under extensive inflammatory responses, AECs proliferate, and the development of MCM involves the differentiation of pre-existing and proliferating cells into mucous cells. Epithelial cell numbers per mm basal lamina are increased by approximately 30%. IL-13 is the central cytokine that is responsible for MCM in asthma through GABA-R- and STAT6-mediated mechanisms involving the calcium-activated chloride channel CLCA. IL-13 is also responsible for the proliferation of AECs by causing cells to produce TGFalpha that acts on the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor. Normally, resolution of MCM involves two distinct mechanisms. 1) Some of the metaplastic mucous cells stop the synthesis of mucus and dedifferentiate into Clara or serous cells to reconstitute the epithelium. 2) When proliferation of epithelial cells had occurred, approximately 30% of metaplastic cells are eliminated during the resolution process. Thus, a safe approach to reducing IL-13-induced MCM would involve blocking mucous synthesis and storage, blocking secretion of stored mucus, and eliminating hyperplastic mucous cells. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of each of these processes is necessary for developing effective therapies for reducing mucous hypersecretion in asthma and leading to a repaired epithelium.  相似文献   

The effects of prostaglandin-generating factor of anaphylaxis (PGF-A) upon the lipoxygenaton of arachidonic acid and the promotion of mucous glycoprotein secretion by human airways were analyzed concurrently in order to determine the role that lipoxygenase products play in the secretion of mucus which accompanies immediate hypersensitivity reactions of airways. PGF-A enhanced both mucous glycoprotein relesae and the 5- and 15-lipoxygenation of arachidonic acid as well as the formation of leukotrien B4 (LTB4) with similar dose-response relationships. The capacity of PGF-A to stimulate mucous glycoprotein release was inhibited by ETYA but not by indomethacin, suggesting that PGF-A stimulated lipoxygenase products may be involved. Lipoxygenase products of arachidonic acid thus may serve as mediators of the enhancement of mucus secretion from human airways in response to PGF-A.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that structural airway remodeling contributes to airways hyperresponsiveness (AHR) in asthma. Small, medium, and large airways were analyzed by computed tomography in 21 asthmatic volunteers under baseline conditions (FEV1 = 64% predicted) and after maximum response to albuterol (FEV1 = 76% predicted). The difference in pulmonary function between baseline and albuterol was an estimate of AHR to the baseline smooth muscle tone (BSMT). BSMT caused an increase in residual volume (RV) that was threefold greater than the decrease in forced vital capacity (FVC) because of a simultaneous increase in total lung capacity (TLC). The decrease in FVC with BSMT was the major determinant of the baseline FEV1 (P < 0.0001). The increase in RV correlated inversely with the relaxed luminal diameter of the medium airways (P = 0.009) and directly with the wall thickness of the large airways (P = 0.001). The effect of BSMT on functional residual capacity (FRC) controlled the change in TLC relative to the change in RV. When the FRC increased with RV, TLC increased and FVC was preserved. When the relaxed large airways were critically narrowed, FRC and TLC did not increase and FVC fell. With critical large airways narrowing, the FRC was already elevated from dynamic hyperinflation before BSMT and did not increase further with BSMT. FEV1/FVC in the absence of BSMT correlated directly with large airway luminal diameter and inversely with the fall in FVC with BSMT. These findings suggest that dynamic hyperinflation caused by narrowing of large airways is a major determinant of AHR in asthma.  相似文献   

Airways display robust NF-kappaB activation and represent targets for anti-inflammatory asthma therapies, but the functional importance of NF-kappaB activation in airway epithelium remains enigmatic. Therefore, transgenic mice were created in which NF-kappaB activation is repressed specifically in airways (CC10-IkappaBalpha(SR) mice). In response to inhaled Ag, transgenic mice demonstrated significantly ameliorated inflammation, reduced levels of chemokines, T cell cytokines, mucus cell metaplasia, and circulating IgE compared with littermate controls. Despite these findings, Ag-driven airways hyperresponsiveness was not attenuated in CC10-IkappaBalpha(SR) mice. This study clearly demonstrates that airway epithelial NF-kappaB activation orchestrates Ag-induced inflammation and subsequent adaptive immune responses, but does not contribute to airways hyperresponsiveness, the cardinal feature that underlies asthma.  相似文献   

Goblet cell metaplasia is an important morphological feature in the airways of patients with chronic airway diseases; however, the precise mechanisms that cause this feature are unknown. We investigated the role of endogenous platelet-activating factor (PAF) in airway goblet cell metaplasia induced by cigarette smoke in vivo. Guinea pigs were exposed repeatedly to cigarette smoke for 14 consecutive days. The number of goblet cells in each trachea was determined with Alcian blue-periodic acid-Schiff staining. Differential cell counts and PAF levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were also evaluated. Cigarette smoke exposure significantly increased the number of goblet cells. Eosinophils, neutrophils, and PAF levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were also significantly increased after cigarette smoke. Treatment with a specific PAF receptor antagonist, E-6123, significantly attenuated the increases in the number of airway goblet cells, eosinophils, and neutrophils observed after cigarette smoke exposure. These results suggest that endogenous PAF may play a key role in goblet cell metaplasia induced by cigarette smoke and that potential roles exist for inhibitors of PAF receptor in the treatment of hypersecretory airway diseases.  相似文献   

Leukotriene B4 induces airway hyperresponsiveness in dogs   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
We studied the effect of leukotriene B4 aerosols on airway responsiveness to inhaled acetylcholine aerosols and on the cellular components and cyclooxygenase metabolites in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in dogs. Inhalation of leukotriene B4 aerosols had no effect on resting total pulmonary resistance but increased airway responsiveness, an effect that was maximum in 3 h and that returned to control levels within 1 wk. Three hours after leukotriene B4, the number of neutrophils and the concentration of thromboxane B2 recovered in lavage fluid increased markedly. Pretreatment with the thromboxane synthase inhibitor OKY-046 prevented the increases in airway responsiveness and in thromboxane B2 but did not alter neutrophil chemotaxis. Thus we speculate that leukotriene B4 causes neutrophil chemotaxis and release of thromboxane B2, which increases airway responsiveness.  相似文献   



The link between eosinophils and the development of airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) in asthma is still controversial. This question was assessed in a murine model of asthma in which we performed a dose ranging study to establish whether the dose of steroid needed to inhibit the eosinophil infiltration correlated with that needed to block AHR.


The sensitised BALB/c mice were dosed with vehicle or dexamethasone (0.01–3 mg/kg) 2 hours before and 6 hours after each challenge (once daily for 6 days) and 2 hours before AHR determination by whole-body plethysmography. At 30 minutes after the AHR to aerosolised methacholine the mice were lavaged and differential white cell counts were determined. Challenging with antigen caused a significant increase in eosinophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and lung tissue, and increased AHR.


Dexamethasone reduced BAL and lung tissue eosinophilia (ED50 values of 0.06 and 0.08 mg/kg, respectively), whereas a higher dose was needed to block AHR (ED50 of 0.32 mg/kg at 3 mg/ml methacholine. Dissociation was observed between the dose of steroid needed to affect AHR in comparison with eosinophilia and suggests that AHR is not a direct consequence of eosinophilia.


This novel pharmacological approach has revealed a clear dissociation between eosinophilia and AHR by using steroids that are the mainstay of asthma therapy. These data suggest that eosinophilia is not associated with AHR and questions the rationale that many pharmaceutical companies are adopting in developing low-molecular-mass compounds that target eosinophil activation/recruitment for the treatment of asthma.  相似文献   

In a double-blind placebo-controlled study a preparation of human leucocyte interferon purified by affinity chromatography using a monoclonal antibody and applied by repeated nasal sprays reduced the incidence and severity of colds in volunteers challenged with human rhinovirus 9. Although interferon itself caused some symptoms, these were minor compared with the clinical colds. Interferon activity was still detectable in nasal washings as long as 26 hours after the last dose in about half the volunteers on active treatment.  相似文献   

Stratified squamous epithelia from 14-day chick embryo shank skin contain rare tight-junctional strands and only small gap junctions. Exposure of this tissue to retinoic acid (vitamin-A) (20 U/ml) in organ culture, however, induces mucous metaplasia, accompanied by tight-junction formation and gap-junction growth; untreated specimens continue to keratinize. To investigate sequential stages of junctional assembly and growth, we examined thin sections and freeze-fracture replicas at daily intervals for 3 days. During the metaplastic process, tight junctions assemble in midepidermal and upper regions, beginning on day 1 and becoming maximal on day 3. Two tight-junctional patterns could be tentatively identified as contributing to the emergence of fully formed zonulae occludentes: (a) the formation of individual ridges along the margins of gap junctions; (b) de novo generation of continuous ramifying strands by fusion of short strand segments and linear particulate aggregates near cellular apices. Gap junction enlargement, already maximal at day 1, occurs primarily three to four cell layers deep. Growth appears to occur by annexation of islands of 20-40 8.5-nm particles into larger lattices of islands separated by particle-free aisles. Eventually, a single gap junction may occupy much of the exposed membrane face in freeze-fractured tissue, but during apical migration of the cells such junctions disappear. The vitamin- A chick-skin system is presented as a responsive model for the controlled study of junction assembly.  相似文献   



It has been reported that Chlamydophila (C.) pneumoniae is involved in the initiation and promotion of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD). Surprisingly, the effect of C. pneumoniae on airway function has never been investigated.


In this study, mice were inoculated intranasally with C. pneumoniae (strain AR39) on day 0 and experiments were performed on day 2, 7, 14 and 21.


We found that from day 7, C. pneumoniae infection causes both a sustained airway hyperresponsiveness and an inflammation. Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and macrophage inflammatory chemokine-2 (MIP-2) levels in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)-fluid were increased on all experimental days with exception of day 7 where MIP-2 concentrations dropped to control levels. In contrast, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) levels were only increased on day 7. From day 7 to 21 epithelial damage and secretory cell hypertrophy was observed. It is suggested that, the inflammatory cells/mediators, the epithelial damage and secretory cell hypertrophy contribute to initiation of airway hyperresponsiveness.


Our study demonstrates for the first time that C. pneumoniae infection can modify bronchial responsiveness. This has clinical implications, since additional changes in airway responsiveness and inflammation-status induced by this bacterium may worsen and/or provoke breathlessness in asthma and COPD.  相似文献   

Goblet cell hyperplasia in the superficial airway epithelia is a signature pathological feature of chronic bronchitis and cystic fibrosis. In these chronic inflammatory airway diseases, neutrophil elastase (NE) is found in high concentrations in the epithelial lining fluid. NE has been reported to trigger mucin secretion and increase mucin gene expression in vitro. We hypothesized that chronic NE exposure to murine airways in vivo would induce goblet cell metaplasia. Human NE (50 microg) or PBS saline was aspirated intratracheally by male Balb/c (6 wk of age) mice on days 1, 4, and 7. On days 8, 11, and 14, lung tissues for histology and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples for cell counts and cytokine levels were obtained. NE induced Muc5ac mRNA and protein expression and goblet cell metaplasia on days 8, 11, and 14. These cellular changes were the result of proteolytic activity, since the addition of an elastase inhibitor, methoxysuccinyl Ala-Ala-Pro-Val chloromethylketone (AAPV-CMK), blocked NE-induced Muc5ac expression and goblet cell metaplasia. NE significantly increased keratinocyte-derived chemokine and IL-5 in BAL and increased lung tissue inflammation and BAL leukocyte counts. The addition of AAPV-CMK reduced these measures of inflammation to control levels. These experiments suggest that NE proteolytic activity initiates an inflammatory process leading to goblet cell metaplasia.  相似文献   

Rhinovirus (RV), a single-stranded RNA picornavirus, is the most frequent cause of asthma exacerbations. We previously demonstrated in human bronchial epithelial cells that melanoma differentiation-associated gene (MDA)-5 and the adaptor protein for Toll-like receptor (TLR)-3 are each required for maximal RV1B-induced interferon (IFN) responses. However, in vivo, the overall airway response to viral infection likely represents a coordinated response integrating both antiviral and pro-inflammatory pathways. We examined the airway responses of MDA5- and TLR3-deficient mice to infection with RV1B, a minor group virus which replicates in mouse lungs. MDA5 null mice showed a delayed type I IFN and attenuated type III IFN response to RV1B infection, leading to a transient increase in viral titer. TLR3 null mice showed normal IFN responses and unchanged viral titers. Further, RV-infected MDA5 and TLR3 null mice showed reduced lung inflammatory responses and reduced airways responsiveness. Finally, RV-infected MDA5 null mice with allergic airways disease showed lower viral titers despite deficient IFN responses, and allergic MDA5 and TLR3 null mice each showed decreased RV-induced airway inflammatory and contractile responses. These results suggest that, in the context of RV infection, binding of viral dsRNA to MDA5 and TLR3 initiates pro-inflammatory signaling pathways leading to airways inflammation and hyperresponsiveness.  相似文献   

Increased arginase I activity is associated with allergic disorders such as asthma. How arginase I contributes to and is regulated by allergic inflammatory processes remains unknown. CD4+ Th2 lymphocytes (Th2 cells) and IL-13 are two crucial immune regulators that use STAT6-dependent pathways to induce allergic airways inflammation and enhanced airways responsiveness to spasmogens (airways hyperresponsiveness (AHR)). This pathway is also used to activate arginase I in isolated cells and in hepatic infection with helminths. In the present study, we show that arginase I expression is also regulated in the lung in a STAT6-dependent manner by Th2-induced allergic inflammation or by IL-13 alone. IL-13-induced expression of arginase I correlated directly with increased synthesis of urea and with reduced synthesis of NO. Expression of arginase I, but not eosinophilia or mucus hypersecretion, temporally correlated with the development, persistence, and resolution of IL-13-induced AHR. Pharmacological supplementation with l-arginine or with NO donors amplified or attenuated IL-13-induced AHR, respectively. Moreover, inducing loss of function of arginase I specifically in the lung by using RNA interference abrogated the development of IL-13-induced AHR. These data suggest an important role for metabolism of l-arginine by arginase I in the modulation of IL-13-induced AHR and identify a potential pathway distal to cytokine receptor interactions for the control of IL-13-mediated bronchoconstriction in asthma.  相似文献   

Mucous cell metaplasia (MCM) and neutrophil-predominant airway inflammation are pathological features of chronic inflammatory airway diseases. A signature feature of MCM is increased expression of a major respiratory tract mucin, MUC5AC. Neutrophil elastase (NE) upregulates MUC5AC in primary airway epithelial cells by generating reactive oxygen species, and this response is due in part to upregulation of NADPH quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) activity. Delivery of NE directly to the airway triggers inflammation and MCM and increases synthesis and secretion of MUC5AC protein from airway epithelial cells. We hypothesized that NE-induced MCM is mediated in vivo by NQO1. Male wild-type and Nqo1-null mice (C57BL/6 background) were exposed to human NE (50 μg) or vehicle via oropharyngeal aspiration on days 1, 4, and 7. On days 8 and 11, lung tissues and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples were obtained and evaluated for MCM, inflammation, and oxidative stress. MCM, inflammation, and production of specific cytokines, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, macrophage inflammatory protein-2, interleukin-4, and interleukin-5 were diminished in NE-treated Nqo1-null mice compared with NE-treated wild-type mice. However, in contrast to the role of NQO1 in vitro, we demonstrate that NE-treated Nqo1-null mice had greater levels of BAL and lung tissue lipid carbonyls and greater BAL iron on day 11, all consistent with increased oxidative stress. NQO1 is required for NE-induced inflammation and MCM. This model system demonstrates that NE-induced MCM directly correlates with inflammation, but not with oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The fate of endogenous beta-galactoside-binding lectin of chick embryo (14K type) was investigated during the course of skin differentiation. Lectin (14K) was found in keratinized epidermis and was localized mainly in the basal and intermediate cells. However, the protein lectin in the epidermis disappeared when the cultured skin was treated with vitamin A and mucous metaplasia was observed. The synthesis of lectin mRNA was also strongly suppressed by vitamin A in a concentration-dependent manner. On the other hand, in the dermis, in which the lectin was localized in the extracellular matrix, lectin expression was scarcely affected by vitamin A. These results indicated that the lectin was expressed in the keratinized epidermis but that its expression was suppressed in vitamin A-induced mucous-secreting epithelium. The suppression may be a result of a transition of the epidermal regulatory system to one of mucous-secreting epithelium. This is the first finding that 14K lectin expression might be regulated during the course of the epidermal differentiation.  相似文献   

In common with all nonenveloped viruses, the mechanism of picornavirus membrane penetration during cell entry is poorly understood. The small, myristylated capsid protein VP4 has been implicated in this process. Here we show that recombinant VP4 of human rhinovirus 16 has the ability to associate with and induce membrane permeability in otherwise intact liposomes. This provides further evidence that VP4 plays a key role in picornavirus cell entry.  相似文献   

Lymphatic filariasis occurs in endemic pockets. Patent infections with long-term, high-grade microfilaremia do not develop in nonendemic individuals. It is tempting to speculate that individuals with intact immune responses to filarial antigens are capable of dealing with filarial exposure without developing persistent infection. There are published data that support the idea that only those individuals who are impaired in their immune defense against these parasites owing to neonatal tolerization become productively infected with the filarial parasites. If the model is correct, there are profound implications for global eradication.  相似文献   

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