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The ability of the phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) from Listeria monocytogenes to hydrolyze glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored membrane proteins was compared with the ability of the PI-PLC from Bacillus thuringiensis to hydrolyze such proteins. The L. monocytogenes enzyme produced no detectable release of acetylcholinesterase from bovine, sheep, and human erythrocytes. The cleavage of the GPI anchors of alkaline phosphatase from rat and rabbit kidney slices was less than 10% of the cleavage seen with the PI-PLC from B. thuringiensis. Activity for release of Fc gamma receptor IIIB (CD16) on human granulocytes was also low. Variations in pH and salt concentration had little effect on the release of GPI-anchored proteins. Our data show that L. monocytogenes PI-PLC has low activity on GPI-anchored proteins.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylcholine preferring phospholipase C (PC-PLC) is an important enzyme that plays a key role in a variety of cellular events and lipid homoeostases. Bacillus cereus phospholipase C (PC-PLC(Bc)) has antigenic similarity with the elusive mammalian PC-PLC, which has not thus far been isolated and purified. Therefore the discovery of inhibitors of PC-PLC(Bc) is of current interest. Here, we describe the synthesis and biological evaluation of a new type of compounds inhibiting PC-PLC(Bc). These compounds have been designed by evolution of previously described 2-aminohydroxamic acid PC-PLC(Bc) inhibitors that block the enzyme by coordination of the zinc active site atoms present in PC-PLC(Bc) [Gonzalez-Roura, A.; Navarro, I.; Delgado, A.; Llebaria, A.; Casas, J. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2004, 43, 862]. The new compounds maintain the zinc coordinating groups and possess an extra trimethylammonium function, linked to the hydroxyamide nitrogen by an alkyl chain, which is expected to mimic the trimethylammonium group of the phosphatidylcholine PC-PLC(Bc) substrates. Some of the compounds described inhibit the enzyme with IC(50)'s in the low micromolar range. Unexpectedly, the most potent inhibitors found are those that possess a trimethylammonium group but have chemically blocked the zinc coordinating functionalities. The results obtained suggest that PC-PLC(Bc) inhibition is not due to the interaction of compounds with the phospholipase catalytic zinc atoms, but rather results from the inhibitor cationic group recognition by the PC-PLC(Bc) amino acids involved in choline lipid binding.  相似文献   

6-Aza steroid analogues were synthesized as PI-PLC inhibitors. The most active compound, 3beta-hydroxy-6-aza-cholestane (1) showed potent PI-PLC inhibition (IC50 = 1.8 microM), similar to that of the commercially available steroid analogue U73122 (IC50 = 1-2.1 microM). Compound 1 exhibited significant growth inhibition effects (IC50 = 1.3 microM in each case) against MCF-7 and HT-29 cancer cells in in vitro cell culture. Compound 1 also inhibited the in vitro adhesion and transmigration of HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells at 2.5 and 5.0 microM, respectively. In vivo, compound 1, at 1 mg/kg/day, reduced the volume of MCF-7 tumors in xenograft models, without weight loss in mice. Structure activity relationships of this series of compounds revealed that a hydrophobic cholesteryl side chain, 3beta-hydroxy group and a C-6 nitrogen containing a hydrogen atom at position-6 are crucial for activity. N-Maleic amidoacid derivative 11 also exhibited weak inhibition (IC50 = 16.2 microM).  相似文献   

Over the last years, evidence has suggested that phosphoinositides, which are involved in the regulation of a large variety of cellular processes both in the cytoplasm and in the plasma membrane, are present also within the nucleus. A number of advances has resulted in the discovery that phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C signalling in the nucleus is involved in cell growth and differentiation. Remarkably, the nuclear inositide metabolism is regulated independently from that present elsewhere in the cell. Even though nuclear inositol lipids hydrolysis generates second messengers such as diacylglycerol and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, it is becoming increasingly clear that in the nucleus polyphosphoinositides may act by themselves to influence pre-mRNA splicing and chromatin structure. Among phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C, the beta(1) isoform appears to be one of the key players of the nuclear lipid signaling. This review aims at highlighting the most significant and up-dated findings about phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C beta(1) in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Pan YY  Wang X  Ma LG  Sun DY 《Plant & cell physiology》2005,46(10):1657-1665
The phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) activity is detected in purified Lilium pollen protoplasts. Two PI-PLC full length cDNAs, LdPLC1 and LdPLC2, were isolated from pollen of Lilium daviddi. The amino acid sequences for the two PI-PLCs deduced from the two cDNA sequences contain X, Y catalytic motifs and C2 domains. Blast analysis shows that LdPLCs have 60-65% identities to the PI-PLCs from other plant species. Both recombinant PI-PLCs proteins expressed in E. coli cells show the PIP(2)-hydrolyzing activity. The RT-PCR analysis shows that both of them are expressed in pollen grains, whereas expression level of LdPLC2 is induced in germinating pollen. The exogenous purified calmodulin (CaM) is able to stimulate the activity of the PI-PLC when it is added into the pollen protoplast medium, while anti-CaM antibody suppresses the stimulation effect caused by exogenous CaM. PI-PLC activity is enhanced by G protein agonist cholera toxin and decreased by G protein antagonist pertussis toxin. Increasing in PI-PLC activity caused by exogenous purified CaM is also inhibited by pertussis toxin. A PI-PLC inhibitor, U-73122, inhibited the stimulation of PI-PLC activity caused by cholera toxin and it also leads to the decrease of [Ca(2+)](cyt) in pollen grains. Those results suggest that the PPI-PLC signaling pathway is present in Lilium daviddi pollen, and PI-PLC activity might be regulated by a heterotrimeric G protein and extracellular CaM.  相似文献   

1. In a recent study, we distinguished two classes of amphiphilic AChE3 dimers in Torpedo tissues: class I corresponds to glycolipid-anchored dimers and class II molecules are characterized by their lack of sensitivity to PI-PLC and PI-PLD, relatively small shift in sedimentation with detergent, and absence of aggregation without detergent. 2. In the present report, we analyze the amphiphlic or nonamphiphilic properties of globular AChE forms in T28 murine neural cells, rabbit muscle, and chicken muscle. The molecular forms were identified by sucrose gradient sedimentation in the presence and absence of detergent and analyzed by nondenaturing charge-shift electrophoresis. Some amphiphilic forms showed an abnormal electrophoretic migration in the absence of detergent, because of the retention of detergent micelles. 3. We show that the amphiphilic monomers (G1a) from these tissues, as well as the amphiphilic dimers (G2a) from chicken muscle, resemble the class II dimers of Torpedo AChE. We cannot exclude that these molecules possess a glycolipidic anchor but suggest that their hydrophobic domain may be of a different nature. We discuss their relationship with other cholinesterase molecular forms.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated the existence of an autonomous intranuclear phospho-inositide cycle that involves the activation of nuclear PI-PLC and the generation of diacylglycerol (DG) within the nucleus. Although several distinct isozymes of PI-PLC have been detected in the nucleus, the isoform that has been most consistently highlighted as being nuclear is PI-PLC-beta1. Nuclear PI-PLC-beta1 has been linked with either cell proliferation or differentiation. Remarkably, the activation mechanism of nuclear PI-PLC-beta1 has been shown to be different from its plasma membrane counterpart, being dependent on phosphorylation effected by p44/42 mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinase. In this review, we report the most up-dated findings about nuclear PI-PLC-beta1, such as the localization in nuclear speckles, the activity changes during the cell cycle phases, and the possible involvement in the progression of myelodisplastic syndrome to acute myeloid leukemia.  相似文献   

Using NIH 3T3 cells, we have investigated nuclear phosphoinositide metabolism in response to insulin, a molecule which acts as a proliferating factor for this cell line and which is known as a powerful activator of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway. Insulin stimulated inositol lipid metabolism in the nucleus, as demonstrated by measurement of the diacylglycerol mass produced in vivo and by in vitro nuclear phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) activity assay. Despite the fact that nuclei of NIH 3T3 cells contained all of the four isozymes of the beta family of PI-PLC (i.e. beta1, beta2, beta3, and beta4), insulin only activated the beta1 isoform. Insulin also induced nuclear translocation of MAP kinase, as demonstrated by Western blotting analysis, enzyme activity assays, and immunofluorescence staining, and this translocation was blocked by the specific MAP kinase kinase inhibitor PD98059. By means of both a monoclonal antibody recognizing phosphoserine and in vivo labeling with [(32)P]orthophosphate, we ascertained that nuclear PI-PLC-beta1 (and in particular the b subtype) was phosphorylated on serine residues in response to insulin. Both phosphorylation and activation of nuclear PI-PLC-beta1 were substantially reduced by PD98059. Our results conclusively demonstrate that activation of nuclear PI-PLC-beta1 strictly depends on its phosphorylation which is mediated through the MAP kinase pathway.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes treated with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) in vitro are rapidly induced to differentiate into round forms. Using confocal microscopy, we were able to show that trypomastigotes treated with PI-PLC initiate the process of flagellum remodeling by 30 sec after contact with the enzyme and amastigote-like forms are detected as early as 10 min after PI-PLC treatment. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy indicate that trypomastigotes undergo a previously undescribed process of flagellum circularization and internalization. Analysis of the flagellar complex with monoclonal antibody 4D9 shows heterogeneous labeling among the parasites, suggesting a remodeling of these molecules. After PI-PLC treatment, parasites rapidly lose the surface marker Ssp-3 and 24 h post-treatment they begin to exhibit a circular nucleus and a rod-shaped kinetoplast. By flow cytometry analysis and confocal microscopy, the Ssp-4 amastigote-specific epitope can be detected on the parasite surface. This indicates that the release of trypomastigote GPI-anchored molecules by exogenous PI-PLC in vitro can trigger morphological changes.  相似文献   

Phospholipase C (phosphatidylcholine cholinephosphohydrolase, EC (Bacillus cereus) activity toward diheptanoylphosphatidylcholine is increased 50-100% by low concentrations of both positively and negatively charged detergents. Zwitterionic and nonionic detergents have no such activating effect. This charged detergent activation requires an interface, since comparable detergent concentrations have no effect on the hydrolysis rate of monomeric dihexanoylphosphatidylcholine. From NMR and diacylglycerol solubility studies it is suggested that activation results from detergent interacting with diacylglycerol to accelerate product release from the enzyme.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to examine if the membrane-bound Phospholipase C system is correlated with the differentiative action of Nerve Growth Factor in PC12 cells. We found that the activity of membrane-bound Phospholipase C system increased with the presence of Nerve Growth Factor at two different phases. The early phase occurs during the first minutes after the formation of Nerve Growth Factor-receptor complex and it is completed within one hour. The later phase starts two hours after Nerve Growth Factor introduction and lasts for at least a total of 48 hours. The inositol-triphosphate levels measured in intact cells by radioimmunoassay show the same pattern of activation. We think that this dual response to Nerve Growth Factor could be due to either a double separated activation of the same enzyme or the presence of two different forms of membrane-bound Phospholipase C.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol (PI) specific phospholipase C (PIase C) treatment of human platelets caused release of a surface glycoprotein in the medium. Human blood platelets were isolated by low speed centrifugation and surface glycoproteins were labelled with periodate/[3H]borohydride procedure. Intact surface-labelled platelets were treated with PIase C purified from culture filtrates of Staphylococcus aureus (SA) or Bacillus thuringiensis (BT). After PIase C treatments platelets were spun at low speed, pellet and supernatant were separated. The supernatant was further centrifuged at high speed (140,000 x g) for 30 min. The resulting supernatant and the pellet from low speed were subjected to SDS-PAGE analysis. Protein patterns were obtained by fluorography. Release of a specific glycoprotein of approx. 150 kDa in the medium was observed due to the PIase C treatment. Prolonged incubation of platelets in 0.25 M sucrose and depletion of NaCl concentrations also affected the release of this glycoprotein. BT-PIase C released more approx. 150 kDa protein than SA-PIase C. Western blot experiment with a monoclonal antibody (mAB), epitope SZ2, reactive to human platelet surface glycoprotein Ib (GPIb) complex, confirmed that released 150 kDa glycoprotein reacted with mAB of GPIb. The release of this protein by PIase C was not inhibited by proteinase inhibitors (EDTA, PMSF and leupeptin). Treatment of human platelet membranes with PIase C also caused release of this glycoprotein as evidenced by reactivity to GPIb-mAB. These studies demonstrate that PIase C treatment causes release of 150 kDa glycoprotein from human platelet membrane surface. It is suggested that 150 kDa glycoprotein is anchored to PI in human platelets and that this glycoprotein represents the GPIb complex.  相似文献   

Abstract A partially purified E. coli heat-stable (ST) enterotoxin stimulated the phosphoinositide (PI)-specific phospholipase C (PLC) activity of the rat intestine. The effect of ST on PI-specific PLC was significant compared with the control. The importance of PI-specific phospholipase C as a potential agent to promote calcium translocation across the plasma membrane, was discussed in this communication.  相似文献   

Z Qian  L R Drewes 《FASEB journal》1991,5(3):315-319
Because receptors, G proteins, and phospholipases all exist within a membrane lipid environment, it is not unreasonable to assume that an enzyme capable of changing the lipid environment can affect the coupling relationship among these signal transducing components. Our previous study showed that a muscarinic acetylcholine receptor regulates phosphatidylcholine phospholipase D via a G protein in brain. We demonstrate here that phosphatidylinositol phospholipase C and phosphatidylcholine phospholipase D are simultaneously activated within 15 s by muscarine in the presence of 1 microM GTP gamma S. More important, inhibition of phospholipase D by zinc attenuated carbamylcholine-induced activation of phospholipase C by 30%. Our additional evidence strongly indicates that the receptor-regulated phospholipase D plays an important modulatory role in agonist-stimulated phosphatidylinositol breakdown. This modulatory effect may be achieved by changing the membrane microenvironment in which phospholipase C and phosphoinositol lipids reside, consequently amplifying the inositol phospholipid signaling process. Our results lead us to postulate that the potential interaction between two different signaling pathways may provide a cell with intracellular coordination and enable the cell to achieve functional responses.  相似文献   

Our studies of renal phosphoinositide levels and metabolism in the pcy mouse with polycystic kidney disease (PKD) suggest that phosphatidylinositol kinase (PtdInsK) and phospholipase C (PLC) are elevated in this renal disorder. Therefore, the steady-state levels of select isoforms of these enzymes were examined in renal cytosolic and particulate (detergent-soluble) fractions in male and female normal and CD1-pcy/pcy (pcy) mice at 60, 120 and 180 days of age, and in male and female normal and diseased (Han:SPRD-cy) rats at 28 and 70 days of age. Disease-related increases in phosphatidylinositol 4-kinasebeta (PtdIns4Kbeta) and PLC(gamma1) levels were present in both models. PtdIns4Kbeta levels were higher by as much as 233% in pcy mice and by 95% in diseased Han:SPRD-cy rats compared to normals of the same age and gender. Steady-state levels of PLC(gamma1) were as much as 74% and 35% higher in pcy mice and diseased Han:SPRD-cy rats, respectively, compared to their controls. The consistency of these alterations in two accepted models of PKD indicates the importance of the phosphoinositide signalling pathway in the evolution of this disorder, and represents a potential site for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

A phosphatidylinositol phosphodiesterase from the culture broth of Bacillus cereus, was purified to a homogeneous state as indicated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, by ammonium sulfate precipitation and chromatography with DEAE-cellulose and CM-Sephadex. The enzyme (molecular weight: 29000 +/- 1000) was maximally active at pH 7.2-7.5, AND NOT INFLUENCED BY EDTA, ophenanthroline, monoiodoacetate, p-chloromercuribenzoate or reduced glutathione. The enzyme specifically hydrolyzed phosphatidylinositol, but did not act on phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and sphingomyelin, under the conditions examined. The products from phosphatidylinositol of enzyme reaction were diacylglycerols and a mixture of myoinositol 1- and 1, 2-cyclic phosphates, suggesting that the enzyme was a phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C. The enzyme released alkaline phosphatase quantitatively from rat kidney slices. A kinetic analysis was made on the release of alkaline phosphatase. The results suggest that phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C can specifically act on plasma membrane of rat kidney slices.  相似文献   

TrkC mediates many aspects of growth and development in the central nervous system. TrkC is expressed in a variety of non-neuronal tissues as well as human cancers. TrkC overexpression may drive tumorigenesis, invasion, and metastatic capability in cancer cells. However, relatively little is known about whether TrkC activity is also essential to maintain the malignant properties in human tumors. TrkC expression leads to the constitutive activation of two major effector pathways, namely the Ras-MAP kinase (MAPK) mitogenic pathway and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-AKT pathway mediating cell survival. However, it remains unclear how TrkC activates Ras-Erk1/2 and/or PI3K-Akt cascades. Here we define some aspects of the molecular mechanisms regulating TrkC-dependent Ras-Erk1/2 and PI3K/Akt activation. We show that endogenous TrkC associated with c-Src in human and mouse cancer cells which express TrkC. TrkC-c-Src complexes were also detected in primary human breast cancer tissues. Suppression of c-Src by RNA interference in highly metastatic 4T1 mammary cancer cells, which express endogenous TrkC, resulted in markedly decreased expression of cyclin D1 and suppression of activation of Ras-Erk1/2 and PI3K-Akt. Moreover, inhibition of c-Src expression almost completely blocks colony formation of 4T1 cells in soft agar. Furthermore, in c-Src-deficient SYF cells, TrkC failed to activate the PI3K-Atk pathway, but not the Ras-Erk1/2 pathway. Therefore these data indicate that TrkC induces the PI3K-Akt cascade through the activation of c-Src.  相似文献   

Signal transduction through G alpha(q) involves stimulation of phospholipase C beta (PLC beta) that results in increased intracellular Ca2+ and activation of protein kinase C. We have measured complex formation between G alpha(q) and PLC beta1 in vitro and in living PC12 and HEK293 cells by fluorescence resonance energy transfer. In vitro measurements show that PLC beta1 will bind to G alpha(q)(guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate) and also to G alpha(q)(GDP), and the latter association has a different protein-protein orientation. In cells, image analysis of fluorescent-tagged proteins shows that G alpha(q) is localized almost entirely to the plasma membrane, whereas PLC beta1 has a significant cytosolic population. By using fluorescence resonance energy transfer, we found that these proteins are pre-associated in the unstimulated state in PC12 and HEK293 cells. By determining the cellular levels of the two proteins in transfected versus nontransfected cells, we found that under our conditions overexpression should not significantly promote complex formation. G alpha(q)-PLC beta1 complexes are observed in both single cell measurements and measurements of a large (i.e. 10(6)) cell suspension. The high level (approximately 40% maximum) of FRET is surprising considering that G alpha(q) is more highly expressed than PLC beta1 and that not all PLC beta1 is plasma membrane-localized. Our measurements suggest a model in which G proteins and effectors can exist in stable complexes prior to activation and that activation is achieved through changes in intermolecular interactions rather than diffusion and association. These pre-formed complexes in turn give rise to rapid, localized signals.  相似文献   

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