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In the filamentous bacterium Streptomyces coelicolor , the cell division protein FtsZ is required for the conversion of multinucleoidal aerial hyphae into chains of uninucleoidal spores, although it is not essential for viability. Using immunofluorescence microscopy, we have shown that FtsZ assembles into long, regularly spaced, ladder-like arrays in developing aerial hyphae, with an average spacing of about 1.3 μm. Within individual hyphae, ladder formation was relatively synchronous and extended for distances over 100 μm. These ladders were present only transiently, decreasing in intensity as chromosomes separated into distinct nucleoids and disappearing upon the completion of septum formation. Evidence from the overall intensity of immunofluorescence staining suggested that ladder formation was regulated in part at the level of the accumulation and degradation of FtsZ within individual aerial hyphae. Finally, FtsZ ladder formation was under developmental control in that long arrays of FtsZ rings could not be detected in certain so-called white mutants ( whiG , whiH and whiB ), which are blocked in spore formation. The assembly of FtsZ into ladders represents the earliest known molecular manifestation of the process of spore formation, and its discovery provides insight into the role of whi genes in the conversion of aerial hyphae into chains of spores. We have also described a novel use of a cell wall-staining technique to visualize apical tip growth in vegetatively growing hyphae.  相似文献   

Large spherical sulfur bacteria, 180-375 microm in diameter, were found regularly and in abundance in surface sediments collected from hydrocarbon seeps (water depth 525-640 m) in the Gulf of Mexico. These bacteria were characterized by a thin 'shell' of sulfur globule-filled cytoplasm that surrounded a central vacuole (roughly 80% of biovolume) containing high concentrations of nitrate (average 460 mM). Approximately 800 base pairs of 16S rRNA gene sequence data, linked to this bacterium by fluorescent in situ hybridization, showed 99% identity with Thiomargarita namibiensis, previously described only from sediments collected off the coast of Namibia (Western Africa). Unlike T. namibiensis, where cells form a linear chain within a common sheath, the Gulf of Mexico strain occurred as single cells and clusters of two, four and eight cells, which were clearly the product of division in one to three planes. In sediment cores maintained at 4 degrees C, which undoubtedly experienced a diminishing flux of hydrogen sulfide over time, the Thiomargarita-like bacterium remained viable for up to 2 years. During that long period, each cell appeared to undergo (as judged by change in biovolume) one to three reductive divisions, perhaps as a dispersal strategy in the face of diminished availability of its putative electron donor.  相似文献   

Degradation of diarylethane structures by Pseudomonas fluorescens biovar I   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pseudomonas fluorescens biovar I was isolated from a pulp mill effluent based on its ability to grow on synthetic media containing 1,2-diarylethane structures as the sole carbon and energy source. Analysis of samples taken from cultures of this strain in benzoin or 4,4-dimethoxybenzoin (anisoin), showed that cleavage between the two aliphatic carbons takes place prior to ring fission. Intermonomeric cleavage was also obtained with crude extracts. Substrates of this reaction were only those 1,2-diarylethane compounds that supported growth of the bacterium. The purification and partial characterization of an enzyme that catalyzes the NADH-dependent reduction of the carbonyl group of benzoin and anisoin is also reported.  相似文献   

As shown in hybridization experiments, the genome of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells contains a htpR-like gene which controls the expression of heat shock genes in cells of Escherichia coli. By means of specially constructed plasmids, the synthesis of htpR antisense RNA has been found to disturb cell division and proteolytic processes in P. aeruginosa, suggesting the functional relationship of htpR genes in E. coli and Pseudomonas bacteria.  相似文献   

Actin and tropomyosin, purified from both muscle and brain, and α-actinin, purified from muscle, have been labeled in vitro by reductive methylation to specific activities of greater than 105 dpm/μg protein. Actin so modified bound DNase I and polymerized identically to unmodified actin. Furthermore, the spectral properties of actin did not change after labeling. The interactions of labeled tropomyosin and α-actinin with F-actin were nearly identical to those of the unmodified proteins. These modified proteins comigrated with their unmodified counterparts in both SDS-containing polyacrylamide gels and isoelectric focusing gels. The labeled actin was quantitatively extracted from SDS-containing polyacrylamide gels (yield > 98% of radioactivity applied demonstrating that all of the radioactivity was protein bound. The reductive methylation procedure worked well at pH 8.0–8.5 in either pyrophosphate buffer or Bicine buffer using formaldehyde with [3H]-sodium borohydride as the reducing agent. The procedure could also be performed at pH 7.0 in phosphate buffer using [14C]-formaldehyde with sodium cyanoborohydride as the reducing agent. Proteins so labeled are ideal for use in quantitative experiments involving protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Arbutin is known to suppress melanin production in murine B16 melanoma cells and inhibit phospholipase action. This encourages the possibility to stabilize it in lipid aggregates for its administration in medical applications. Thus, it was of interest to demonstrate that monomyristoylphosphatidylcholine (14:0 lysoPC) and arbutin may form association complexes. This was studied by Electron Microscopy (EM), 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (31P NMR), Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). EM images show the formation of particles of c.a. 6 nm in diameter. For a 1:1 lysoPC-arbutin molar ratio 31P NMR shows a spectrum with a shoulder that resembles the axially symmetric spectrum characteristic of vesicles. The addition of La3+ ions to the arbutin-lysoPC complex allows one to distinguish two phosphorous populations. These results suggest that arbutin-lysoPC forms vesicles with bilayers stabilized in an interdigitated array. FTIR spectroscopy shows that arbutin interacts with the hydrated population of the carbonyl groups and with the phosphates through the formation of hydrogen bonds. It is interpreted that hydrophobic interactions among the phenol group of arbutin and the acyl chain of lysoPC are responsible for the decrease in acyl chain mobility observed at the 5th C level by EPR. A model proposing the formation of interdigitated bilayers of arbutin-lysoPC could explain the experimental results.  相似文献   

Arbutin is known to suppress melanin production in murine B16 melanoma cells and inhibit phospholipase action. This encourages the possibility to stabilize it in lipid aggregates for its administration in medical applications. Thus, it was of interest to demonstrate that monomyristoylphosphatidylcholine (14:0 lysoPC) and arbutin may form association complexes. This was studied by Electron Microscopy (EM), 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (31P NMR), Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). EM images show the formation of particles of c.a. 6 nm in diameter. For a 1:1 lysoPC-arbutin molar ratio 31P NMR shows a spectrum with a shoulder that resembles the axially symmetric spectrum characteristic of vesicles. The addition of La3+ ions to the arbutin-lysoPC complex allows one to distinguish two phosphorous populations. These results suggest that arbutin-lysoPC forms vesicles with bilayers stabilized in an interdigitated array. FTIR spectroscopy shows that arbutin interacts with the hydrated population of the carbonyl groups and with the phosphates through the formation of hydrogen bonds. It is interpreted that hydrophobic interactions among the phenol group of arbutin and the acyl chain of lysoPC are responsible for the decrease in acyl chain mobility observed at the 5th C level by EPR. A model proposing the formation of interdigitated bilayers of arbutin-lysoPC could explain the experimental results.  相似文献   


Key message

Large aerial roots grow out from the branches of injured Dracaena draco trees. They integrate with the trunk or cause the branches to break off the tree and deform it.


Dracaena draco, the dragon tree, is an iconic monocot of the Canary Islands with a tree-like growth habit and some distinctive features that are unique in the plant kingdom. We report about the massive aerial roots in this tree. They appear on trees that are injured or under environmental stress and affect growth form and the whole life of the plant. We analysed the growth of these roots and tested our findings in experiments on plants. Clusters of these roots emerge from the bases of the lowest branches and growing down they may reach the soil. Descending along the trunk, they cling tightly to the trunk, integrate with it and contribute to its radial growth. This may explain (1) why the trunk of a mature D. draco tree looks fibrous, as if made of many individual strands, and (2) how some trees reach enormous radial dimensions. Alternately, a large, 2–5 m high, multi-segmented branch with aerial roots at its base, may break off the tree and grow on its own, as a mammoth off-cut, perhaps the largest known in the plant kingdom. This detachment would cause a significant reduction in the size of the crown and deform its original, highly organized pattern of branching. In the extreme condition this may result in the destruction of the mother plant.  相似文献   

Flagellation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa during the cell division cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flagellation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa during the cell division cycle was examined by scanning electron microscopy. A new flagellum grows on an old polar end located at the opposite position of the parental flagellum in the late stage of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa grows at an apparent reduced rate at 46 C as compared with the rate at 37 C, when growth is measured as an increase in absorbance. Cells at 46 C are long, plasmolyzed, nonmotile filaments. The filaments contain phase-dark material that may be chromosomal in nature. When the 46 C culture is shifted to 37 C, the filaments fragment at polar ends after flagella form, and the final number of cells is equal to the number of chromosomal "packets" observed within the filament. The outer envelope of the filament appears to be structurally complete as determined by biochemical, thin section, and freeze-etch examination. When filaments are treated with lysozyme, they form large spheroplasts, suggesting that the outer wall and the cytoplasmic membrane are continuous within the filament. Filaments produce little or no periplasm-located alkaline phosphatase (APase), but activity appears immediately after a shift to 37 C. Cells grown at 37 C and shifted to 46 C remain as single, nonmotile, rods or doublets, and the APase formed at 37 C remains stable at 46 C. The addition of APase or inorganic phosphate is partially or completely effective as an inducer of filament fragmentation at 46 C. The results suggest that periplasm-located APase is an important enzyme in the final stages of cell division when P. aeruginosa is cultured on inorganic phosphate-limiting media.  相似文献   



Microbial biofilms represent an incompletely understood, but fundamental mode of bacterial growth. These sessile communities typically consist of stratified, morphologically-distinct layers of extracellular material, where numerous metabolic processes occur simultaneously in close proximity. Limited reports on environmental isolates have revealed highly ordered, three-dimensional organization of the extracellular matrix, which may hold important implications for biofilm physiology in vivo.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The accumulation of thick stagnant mucus provides a suitable environment for the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus within the lung alveoli of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. These infections cause significant lung damage, leading to respiratory failure and death. In an artificial mucin containing medium ASM+, P. aeruginosa forms structures that resemble typical biofilms but are not attached to any surface. We refer to these structures as biofilm like structures (BLS). Using ASM+ in a static microtiter plate culture system, we examined the roles of mucin, extracellular DNA, environmental oxygen (EO2), and quorum sensing (QS) in the development of biofilm-like structures (BLS) by P. aeruginosa; and the effect of EO2 and P. aeruginosa on S. aureus BLS. RESULTS: Under 20% EO2, P. aeruginosa strain PAO1 produced BLS that resemble typical biofilms but are confined to the ASM+ and not attached to the surface. Levels of mucin and extracellular DNA within the ASM+ were optimized to produce robust well developed BLS. At 10% EO2, PAO1 produced thicker, more developed BLS, while under 0% EO2, BLS production was diminished. In contrast, the S. aureus strain AH133 produced well-developed BLS only under 20% EO2. In PAO1, loss of the QS system genes rhlI and rhlR affected the formation of BLS in ASM+ in terms of both structure and architecture. Whether co-inoculated into ASM+ with AH133, or added to established AH133 BLS, PAO1 eliminated AH133 within 48--56 h. CONCLUSIONS: The thick, viscous ASM+, which contains mucin and extracellular DNA levels similar to those found in the CF lung, supports the formation of biofilm-like structures similar to the aggregates described within CF airways. Alterations in environmental conditions or in the QS genes of P. aeruginosa, as occurs naturally during the progression of CF lung infection, affect the architecture and quantitative structural features of these BLS. Thus, ASM+ provides an in vitro medium in which the effect of changing levels of substances produced by the host and the bacteria can be analyzed to determine the effect on such structures and on the susceptibility of the bacteria within the BLS to various treatments.  相似文献   

Theoretical studies of RNA and lattice protein models suggest that mutationally robust or the so-called designable phenotypes tend to have special geometric features such as being more compact and more geometrically regular. Such geometrical forms have been also linked to speed of folding and stability properties that may also assist in promoting mutational robustness. Here we test these theoretical predictions on a non-redundant collection of 2,660 experimentally determined structures from the PDB (Protein Data Bank) and CATH (Class Architecture Topology Homologous superfamily) database. We first developed an index summarizing the geometrical regularity of the structures and then used this index to show that the statistical pattern of empirical data is consistent with the theoretical predictions relating geometry to mutational robustness. Mutationally robust proteins tend to be more symmetric and compact. But, the relationship between compactness and robustness cannot be explained simply by the geometrical packing of individual amino acids in proteins; rather, it is the property of the whole system that is related to the statistical characteristics of the folding landscape. Finally, we hypothesize that a triplet relationship between mutational robustness, stability and form is a general properties of objects that optimize real-valued relationships between sequences and discrete structures.  相似文献   

In the present paper, 3 species of Fagus, 6 of Castanea, 24 of Castanopsis, 26 of Lithocarpus, and 34 of Quercus (sens. lat.), totaling 219 specimens (slides) collected mainly from the province of Kwangtung and the vicinity have been compared, with special reference to their pore arrangement and ray disposition. Taking the Genus as a group, the macroscopic structure of each genus in detail, the end-grain photographs of the representatives and a key to the genera are provided. After comparing the wood structure, the present writer is of the opinion that it is better to correlate the genus Castanopsis Spach with the genus Lithocarpus Blume together, as has been done in some works.[2,14] In regard to the ring porosity in woody angiosperms it has a close relationships with the habitat[8,10],i.e., diffuse-porous woods usually present in evergreen trees, while ring-porous ones in deciduous trees, and of course the anatomical features too, therefore is appropriate for the genus Quercus L. to include Cyclobalanopsis (Endl.) Oerst. as a natural group.  相似文献   

Plectonema boryanum can grow in the dark with ribose, sucrose, mannitol, maltose, glucose, or fructose. Cell doubling times with 10 mM substrate are the following: 5 days with ribose, 6 days with sucrose or mannitol, 10 days with maltose, 12 days with glucose, and 13 days with fructose; with ribose plus 0.1% casamino acids it is 2.5 days. Dark-grown cells appear morphologically similar to light-grown cells. Cells grown in the dark for several years remain pigmented and resume photoautotrophic growth when placed in the light. Dim light (85 lux) increases the growth rate with ribose and with ribose plus casamino acids to nearlytwice that of the dark rate. In moderate light, growth takes place with ribose even in the presence of 1x10-5 M DCMU.  相似文献   

A technique is described that employs vapor fixation and a simple vapor diffusion dehydration apparatus to minimize the disturbance of delicate fungal structures during preparation for scanning electron microscopy. The technique is applicable to fungi grown on agar media or on natural substrates.  相似文献   

Vegetative nuclear division in the homokaryotic and dikaryotic hyphae ofCyathus olla Brodie,C. setosus Brodie andC. bulleri Brodie was investigated. In the homokaryotic hyphae a nucleolus develops within a globular condensed nucleus consisting of a folded up filament. As the nucleolus increases in size, the nucleus unfolds and can assume a ring, horseshoe or filament configuration. The filament duplicates and (usually when unwound from the nucleolus) divides longitudinally. Occasionally, strand separation occurs while the filament is wrapped in the form of a ring around the nucleolus. The daughter nuclei may condense before the next division. In the dikaryotic hyphae the same nuclear cycle occurs as in the homokaryons except that an extra nuclear condensation to the globular form can occur in both the clamp and tube nuclei. The division of these two nuclei is not always synchronous and, moreover, the stage of karyokinesis of the clamp nucleus is not closely synchronized with the formation of the clamp connection. A deeply stained granule is associated with the nucleus. Some granules can be observed to be connected to the nucleus by a faintly Feulgen positive thread-like structure but other granules are sessile. The granule or centriole-like body is thought to direct the nuclear unfolding process. It may divide prior to, or after nuclear division.  相似文献   

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