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We successfully isolated a novel aerobic chemolithotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacterium, designated strain SO07, from wastewater biofilms growing under microaerophilic conditions. For isolation, the use of elemental sulfur (S(0)), which is the most abundant sulfur pool in the wastewater biofilms, as the electron donor was an effective measure to establish an enrichment culture of strain SO07 and further isolation. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that newly isolated strain SO07 was affiliated with members of the genus Halothiobacillus, but it was only distantly related to previously isolated species (89% identity). Strain SO07 oxidized elemental sulfur, thiosulfate, and sulfide to sulfate under oxic conditions. Strain SO07 could not grow on nitrate. Organic carbons, including acetate, propionate, and formate, could not serve as carbon and energy sources. Unlike other aerobic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, this bacterium was sensitive to NaCl; growth in medium containing more than 150 mM was negligible. In situ hybridization combined with confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed that a number of rod-shaped cells hybridized with a probe specific for strain SO07 were mainly present in the oxic biofilm strata (ca. 0 to 100 micro m) and that they often coexisted with sulfate-reducing bacteria in this zone. These results demonstrated that strain SO07 was one of the important sulfur-oxidizing populations involved in the sulfur cycle occurring in the wastewater biofilm and was primarily responsible for the oxidation of H(2)S and S(0) to SO(4)(2-) under oxic conditions.  相似文献   

硫氧化细菌的种类及硫氧化途径的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
硫,作为生物必需的大量营养元素之一,参与了细胞的能量代谢与蛋白质、维生素和抗生素等物质代谢。自然界中,硫以多种化学形态存在,包括单质硫、还原性硫化物、硫酸盐和含硫有机物。硫氧化是硫元素生物地球化学循环的重要组成部分,通常是指单质硫或还原性硫化物被微生物氧化的过程。硫氧化细菌种类繁多,其硫氧化相关基因、酶和途径也多种多样。近几年,相关方面的研究已取得很多进展,但在不同层面仍存在一些尚未解决的科学问题。本文主要围绕硫氧化细菌的种类及硫氧化途径的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

The main sulfate-reducing (SRB) and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) in six wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) located at southern Brazil were described based on high-throughput sequencing of the 16S rDNA. Specific taxa of SRB and SOB were correlated with some abiotic factors, such as the source of the wastewater, oxygen content, sample type, and physical chemical attributes of these WWTPs. When the 22 families of SRB and SOB were clustered together, the samples presented a striking distribution, demonstrating grouping patterns according to the sample type. For SOB, the most abundant families were Spirochaetaceae, Chromatiaceae, Helicobacteriaceae, Rhodospirillaceae, and Neisseriaceae, whereas, for SRB, were Syntrophaceae, Desulfobacteraceae, Nitrospiraceae, and Desulfovibriaceae. The structure and composition of the major families related to the sulfur cycle were also influenced by six chemical attributes (sulfur, potassium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, and nitrogen). Sulfur was the chemical attribute that most influenced the variation of bacterial communities in the WWTPs (λ = 0.14, p = 0.008). The OTUs affiliated to Syntrophus showed the highest response to the increase of total sulfur. All these findings can contribute to improve the understanding in relation to the sulfur-oxidizing and sulfate-reducing communities in WWTPs aiming to reduce H2S emissions.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variability in bacterial communities within freshwater systems is poorly understood. The bacterial composition of stream epilithic biofilms across a range of different spatial and temporal scales both within and between streams and across the profile of individual stream rocks was characterised using a community DNA-fingerprinting technique (Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis, ARISA). The differences in bacterial community structure between two different streams were found to be greater than the spatial variability within each stream site, and were larger than the weekly temporal variation measured over a 10-week study period. Greater variations in bacterial community profiles were detected on different faces of individual stream rocks than between whole rocks sampled within a 9-m stream section. Stream temperature was found to be the most important determinant of bacterial community variability using distance-based redundancy analysis (dbRDA) of ARISA data, which may have broad implications for riparian zone management and ecological change as a consequence of global warming. The combination of ARISA with multivariate statistical methods and ordination, such as multidimensional scaling (MDS), permutational manova and RDA, provided rapid and effective methods for quantifying and visualising variation in bacterial community structure, and to identify potential drivers of ecological change.  相似文献   

Bacterial communities in two shallow eutrophic aquatic ecosystems (eastern China) were studied using culture-dependent methods, and their correlations with the other water parameters were analyzed. Although the values of the comprehensive trophic state index in Xizi Lake and Hangzhou Canal were almost identical, the abundances of cultivable bacterial communities, such as protein-hydrolyzing bacteria (PHB), fecal coliforms (FC), nitrogen-utilizing bacteria, phosphate-mineralizing bacteria, and cellulose-decomposing bacteria (CDB), differed significantly. They were much less in Xizi Lake than in Hangzhou Canal. Correlation analyses indicated that the abundances of physiological groups of bacteria were determined mainly by the biomasses of phytoplankton and zooplankton, rather than by the utilized substrates. Xizi Lake was an algae-dominated aquatic ecosystem, a situation that mainly arose from the influx of inorganic nutrients, and the Hangzhou Canal was bacteria-dominated due to the influx of organic sewage. Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of isolates showed that there were 6 phylogenetic lineages out of 15 isolates screened from Xizi Lake, including γ-proteobacteria (5), β-proteobacteria (3), α-proteobacteria (2), actinobacteria (1), firmicutes (4), and bacteroidetes (1). While in Hangzhou Canal there were only 4 bacterial groups among 22 isolates, γ-proteobacteria comprised about 82%, α-proteobacteria made up 9%, firmicutes and bacteroidetes made up only 4.5%, respectively, and no β-proteobacteria were found. Enterobacteriaceae were the principal bacteria components in the two aquatic ecosystems, especially in the sewage-polluted Hangzhou Canal. It can be concluded preliminarily that the bacterial diversity in Xizi Lake is richer than that in Hangzhou Canal. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

Coastal fast ice and underlying water of the northern Baltic Sea were sampled throughout the entire ice winter from January to late March in 2002 to study the succession of bacterial biomass, secondary production and community structure. Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) and sequencing of TGGE fragments were applied in the community structure analysis. Chlorophyll-a and composition of autotrophic and heterotrophic assemblages were also examined. Overall succession of ice organism assemblages consisted of a low-productive stage, the main algal bloom, and a heterotrophic post-bloom situation, as typical for the study area. The most important groups of organisms in ice in terms of biomass were dinoflagellates, plasticidic flagellates, rotifers and ciliates. Ice bacteria showed a specific succession not directly dependent on the overall succession events of ice organisms. Sequenced 16S rDNA fragments were mainly affiliated to α-, β-, and γ-proteobacterial phyla and Cytophaga–Flavobacterium–Bacteroides-group, and related to sequences from cold environments, also from the Baltic Sea. Temporal clustering of the TGGE fingerprints was stronger than spatial, although lower ice and underlying water communities always clustered together, pointing to the importance of ice maturity and ice–water interactions in shaping the bacterial communities.  相似文献   

A combination of fluorescence in situ hybridization, microprofiles, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of PCR-amplified 16S ribosomal DNA fragments, and 16S rRNA gene cloning analysis was applied to investigate successional development of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) community structure and in situ sulfide production activity within a biofilm growing under microaerophilic conditions (dissolved oxygen concentration in the bulk liquid was in the range of 0 to 100 microM) and in the presence of nitrate. Microelectrode measurements showed that oxygen penetrated 200 microm from the surface during all stages of biofilm development. The first sulfide production of 0.32 micromol of H(2)S m(-2) s(-1) was detected below ca. 500 microm in the 3rd week and then gradually increased to 0.70 micromol H(2)S m(-2) s(-1) in the 8th week. The most active sulfide production zone moved upward to the oxic-anoxic interface and intensified with time. This result coincided with an increase in SRB populations in the surface layer of the biofilm. The numbers of the probe SRB385- and 660-hybridized SRB populations significantly increased to 7.9 x 10(9) cells cm(-3) and 3.6 x 10(9) cells cm(-3), respectively, in the surface 400 microm during an 8-week cultivation, while those populations were relatively unchanged in the deeper part of the biofilm, probably due to substrate transport limitation. Based on 16S rRNA gene cloning analysis data, clone sequences that related to Desulfomicrobium hypogeium (99% sequence similarity) and Desulfobulbus elongatus (95% sequence similarity) were most frequently found. Different molecular analyses confirmed that Desulfobulbus, Desulfovibrio, and Desulfomicrobium were found to be the numerically important members of SRB in this wastewater biofilm.  相似文献   

Bacterial biofilm communities formed on different membrane surfaces were investigated based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. The biofilm communities were distinct from those of mixed-liquor and consisted mainly of Beta- and Gammaproteobacteria. Sequences of Xathomonas and Aquabacterium were mostly retrieved from the biofilm samples rather than from the mixed liquor. Furthermore, statistical analyses demonstrated the importance of a physico-chemical property of membrane, surface roughness, in structuring the bacterial biofilm communities.  相似文献   

The bacterial community structure in epilithic biofilms within 18 different streams was characterised using a community DNA fingerprinting technique (automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis—ARISA). Each stream has previously been described in terms of the dominant catchment land use, relative level of human disturbance and using a broad suite of water quality variables. Combination of ARISA with multivariate statistical analysis and ordination revealed that bacterial communities in streams located within rural catchments were significantly different to those within urban catchments. Broad-scale catchment land use described the largest component of the observed variation with no single water quality variable found to be a dominant determinant of the observed bacterial community variability, assessed using distance based redundancy analysis (dbRDA) of the ARISA data. This study highlights the potential of bacterial ARISA to provide a rapid and cost-effective approach to monitor the impact of catchment land use on aquatic ecosystems, such as the influence of encroaching urban development on the ecological health of rural streams.  相似文献   

A hyperbolic equation was fitted to the time dependence of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans adsorption on sulfur. This procedure allowed the determination of an asymptote value which represented a free cell count at equilibrium. The data thus obtained were used to calculate the numbers of adsorbed bacteria without attainment of equilibrium. The maximum number of adsorbed bacteria based on the Langmuir isotherm was 8.3 × 109 per g of sulfur.  相似文献   

典型农田退耕后土壤真菌与细菌群落的演替   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土壤真菌和细菌作为地下生态系统的重要组成部分,其群落的恢复状况是评价农田退耕还林生态效益的重要指标。以云南省维西县典型退耕还林农田为对象,利用高通量测序等方法比较了不同退耕年限的农田土壤中真菌和细菌群落随植被演替的变化特征。结果发现,农田撂荒后土壤细菌多样性先显著降低后缓慢上升,真菌多样性变化不明显;地上部植被由草本经灌丛再向林地演替的过程中,土壤真菌的群落组成随植被变化呈现明显的改变,主要体现在粪壳菌纲(Sordariomycetes)所占比例的减少(由30%减至10%左右)和伞菌纲(Agaricomycetes)所占比例的增加(由5%以下增至20%以上);而细菌的群落组成无明显变化。聚类分析的结果显示,真菌的群落组成变化与植物群落的演替规律更为同步。不同演替阶段的退耕农田土壤真菌和细菌群落均明显区别于未经扰动的天然林,表明人为扰动对土壤微生物群落的影响可能在较长时间内持续存在。研究揭示了云南典型农田退耕后地下土壤真菌和细菌群落随植被演替的变化特征,为全面评价该地区退耕还林的生态效益提供了数据支撑。  相似文献   

The community structure of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) and the contribution of SRB to carbon mineralization in a wastewater biofilm growing under microaerophilic conditions were investigated by combining molecular techniques, molybdate inhibition batch experiments, and microelectrode measurements. A 16S rDNA clone library of bacteria populations was constructed from the biofilm sample. The 102 clones analyzed were grouped into 53 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), where the clone distribution was as follows: Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides (41%), Proteobacteria (41%), low-G+C Gram-positive bacteria (18%), and other phyla (3%). Three additional bacterial clone libraries were also constructed from SRB enrichment cultures with propionate, acetate, and H2 as electron donors to further investigate the differences in SRB community structure due to amendments of different carbon sources. These libraries revealed that SRB clones were phylogenetically diverse and affiliated with six major SRB genera in the delta-subclass of the Proteobacteria. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis revealed that Desulfobulbus and Desulfonema were the most abundant SRB species in this biofilm, and this higher abundance (ca. 2–4×109 cells cm–3 and 5×107 filaments cm–3, respectively) was detected in the surface of the biofilm. Microelectrode measurements showed that a high sulfate-reducing activity was localized in a narrow zone located just below the oxic/anoxic interface when the biofilm was cultured in a synthetic medium with acetate as the sole carbon source. In contrast, a broad sulfate-reducing zone was found in the entire anoxic strata when the biofilm was cultured in the supernatant of the primary settling tank effluent. This is probably because organic carbon sources diffused into the biofilm from the bulk water and an unknown amount of volatile fatty acids was produced in the biofilm. A combined approach of molecular techniques and batch experiments with a specific inhibitor (molybdate) clearly demonstrated that Desulfobulbus is a numerically important member of SRB populations and the main contributor to the oxidation of propionate to acetate in this biofilm. However, acetate was preferentially utilized by nitrate-reducing bacteria but not by acetate-utilizing SRB.  相似文献   

A biofilm-forming strain of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), isolated from a naturally occurring mixed biofilm and identified by 16S rDNA analysis as a strain of Desulfomicrobium norvegicum, rapidly removed 200 micro M selenite from solution during growth on lactate and sulfate. Elemental selenium and elemental sulfur were precipitated outside SRB cells. Precipitation occurred by an abiotic reaction with bacterially generated sulfide. This appears to be a generalized ability among SRB, arising from dissimilatory sulfide biogenesis, and can take place under low redox conditions and in the dark. The reaction represents a new means for the deposition of elemental sulfur by SRB under such conditions. A combination of transmission electron microscopy, environmental scanning electron microscopy, and cryostage field emission scanning electron microscopy were used to reveal the hydrated nature of SRB biofilms and to investigate the location of deposited sulfur-selenium in relation to biofilm elements. When pregrown SRB biofilms were exposed to a selenite-containing medium, nanometer-sized selenium-sulfur granules were precipitated within the biofilm matrix. Selenite was therefore shown to pass through the biofilm matrix before reacting with bacterially generated sulfide. This constitutes an efficient method for the removal of toxic concentrations of selenite from solution. Implications for environmental cycling and the fate of sulfur and selenium are discussed, and a general model for the potential action of SRB in selenium transformations is presented.  相似文献   

Aims:  To determine whether circulation of dairy wastewater induces the growth of phototrophic purple sulfur bacteria (PSB).
Methods and Results:  Two dairy wastewater lagoons that were similar in size, geographic location, number and type of cattle loading the lagoons were chosen. The only obvious visual difference between them was that one was stagnant and the water was brown in colour (Farm 1), and the other was circulated and the water was red in colour because of the presence of PSB that contained carotenoid pigments (Farm 2). Both wastewaters were sampled monthly for 3 months and assayed for PSB and extractable carotenoid pigments (ECP). After this point, circulators were placed in the wastewater lagoon on Farm 1, and samples were taken monthly for 9 months and assayed for PSB and ECP. Before the installation of circulators, no PSB-like 16S rRNA sequences or ECP were observed in the wastewater from Farm 1; however, both were observed in the wastewater from Farm 2. After the installation of circulators, statistically greater levels of PSB and extractable carotenoid pigments were observed in the wastewater from Farm 1.
Conclusions:  Circulation enhances the growth of PSB in dairy wastewater.
Significance and Impact of this Study:  Because PSB utilize H2S and volatile organic acids (VOA) as an electron source for photosynthesis, and VOA and alcohols as a carbon source for growth, the increase in these bacteria should reduce H2S, volatile organic compounds and alcohol emissions from the lagoons, enhancing the air quality in dairy farming areas.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic diversity of the bacterial communities supported by a seven-stage, full-scale biological wastewater treatment plant was studied. These reactors were operated at both mesophilic (28 to 32 degrees C) and thermophilic (50 to 58 degrees C) temperatures. Community fingerprint analysis by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of the PCR-amplified V3 region of the 16S rRNA gene from the domain Bacteria revealed that these seven reactors supported three distinct microbial communities. A band-counting analysis of the PCR-DGGE results suggested that elevated reactor temperatures corresponded with reduced species richness. Cloning of nearly complete 16S rRNA genes also suggested a reduced species richness in the thermophilic reactors by comparing the number of clones with different nucleotide inserts versus the total number of clones screened. While these results imply that elevated temperature can reduce species richness, other factors also could have impacted the number of populations that were detected. Nearly complete 16S rDNA sequence analysis showed that the thermophilic reactors were dominated by members from the beta subdivision of the division Proteobacteria (beta-proteobacteria) in addition to anaerobic phylotypes from the low-G+C gram-positive and Synergistes divisions. The mesophilic reactors, however, included at least six bacterial divisions, including Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides, Synergistes, Planctomycetes, low-G+C gram-positives, Holophaga-Acidobacterium, and Proteobacteria (alpha-proteobacteria, beta-proteobacteria, gamma-proteobacteria and delta-proteobacteria subdivisions). The two PCR-based techniques detected the presence of similar bacterial populations but failed to coincide on the relative distribution of these phylotypes. This suggested that at least one of these methods is insufficiently quantitative to determine total community biodiversity-a function of both the total number of species present (richness) and their relative distribution (evenness).  相似文献   

沉积物中微生物介导的硫循环在有机物分解和养分循环中发挥重要作用,但目前我们对水产养殖生态系统中的参与硫酸盐还原和硫氧化过程的微生物多样性及其调控机制仍知之甚少。【目的】探究硫酸盐还原菌(sulfate-reducing bacteria,SRB)和硫氧化菌(sulfur-oxidizing bacteria,SOB)的垂直分布特征及其主要的环境驱动因素。【方法】本研究利用高通量测序和荧光定量PCR (qPCR)分析了罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)养殖池塘沉积物表层(0–1 cm)、中层(10–11 cm)和底层(20–21 cm)中的细菌、SRB和SOB的丰度、多样性和群落组成。【结果】细菌(16S rRNA)、硫酸盐还原菌(dsrB)和硫氧化菌(soxB)的基因拷贝数呈现着从表层到中层急剧骤降的趋势(ANOVA,P<0.05),但中层和底层样品之间的差异却并不显著(P>0.05),以及α多样性分析显示3个群体的物种丰富度和均匀度都随深度而逐步降低,这都说明硫循环过程主要发生于沉积物的表层。γ-、δ-和β-变形菌分别是细菌、SRB和SOB的优势类群;其中SRB以Desulfobacca属和脱硫八叠球菌属(Desulfosarcina)为主,前者在表层有着最低的比重,而后者却与之相反;硫杆菌(Thiobacillus)作为细菌和SOB的优势属,更广泛地分布于中层沉积物中。RDA分析和Mantel检验揭示了影响细菌群落的主要环境因子是NO3、SO42–、TOC和TON,而SRB的群落变异主要是由As、TON、NO3和Pb所驱动,以及SOB的群落变化则主要响应了TC、NO2、NH4+和TON浓度。【结论】养殖池塘底栖的细菌、SRB和SOB的丰度、多样性和群落结构的垂直分布特征可能受到多种环境因素共同的影响。  相似文献   

浸矿酸性环境下,金属硫化矿在Fe3+作用下,经过硫代硫酸盐途径或多聚硫化氢途径而分解的过程中导致大量元素硫的累积,进而可能在金属硫化矿表面形成疏水元素硫层,阻碍金属离子的进一步浸出。酸性环境下,惰性元素硫的消解必须借助嗜酸硫氧化细菌来实现。该消解过程包括嗜酸硫氧化细菌对元素硫的吸附、转运以及氧化转化等过程。本文对近年来嗜酸硫氧化细菌消解元素硫过程的相关研究进行了全面评述,认为有关嗜酸硫氧化细菌消解元素硫的分子机制的清晰阐述还有待人们通过对消解过程的各个环节的分子机制进行大量研究来实现。  相似文献   

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