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Akt is activated in response to an apoptotic signal   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Akt is a serine-threonine kinase known to exert antiapoptotic effects through several downstream targets. Akt is cleaved during mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis in a caspase-dependent manner. The reason for this is not clear, however, because Akt has not been demonstrated to be activated in response to mitochondrial apoptotic stimuli. Accordingly, we explored whether the well described mitochondrial apoptotic stimuli staurosporine (STS) and etoposide activate Akt and whether such activation impacts apoptosis. Both STS and etoposide activated Akt in NIH 3T3 cells, maximally at 8 and 2 h, respectively, preceding the onset of apoptosis and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage. The overexpression of Akt delayed STS-induced apoptosis with an even more pronounced delay observed with overexpression of constitutively active Akt. Akt activation by proapoptotic stimuli lay upstream of mitochondria, because neither caspase inhibitors nor overexpression of Bcl-2 or Bcl-x(L) could prevent it. Activation depended on phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity, however. Conversely, inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase with wortmannin sensitized cells to apoptosis initiated by STS. These data demonstrate that mitochondrial apoptotic stimuli also activate Akt and such activation modulates apoptosis in this setting.  相似文献   

Katayama N  Nakao M  Saitoh H  Yamamoto M 《Bio Systems》2000,58(1-3):249-257
In the brain, many functional modules interact with each other to execute complex information processing. Understanding the nature of these interactions is necessary for understanding how the brain functions. In this study, to mimic interacting modules in the brain, we constructed a hybrid system mutually coupling a hippocampal CA3 network as an actual brain module and a radial isochron clock (RIC) simulated by a personal computer as an artificial module. Return map analysis of the CA3-RIC system's dynamics showed the mutual entrainment and complex dynamics dependent on the coupling modes. The phase response curve of CA3 was modeled regarding the CA3 as a nonlinear oscillator. Using the phase response curves of CA3 and RIC, we reconstructed return maps of the hybrid system's dynamics. Although the reconstructed return maps almost agreed with the experimental data, there were deviations dependent on the coupling mode. In particular, we noted that the deviation was smaller under the bidirectional coupling conditions than during the one-way coupling from RIC to CA3. These results suggest that brain modules may flexibly change their dynamical properties through interaction with other modules.  相似文献   

Eyal E  Bahar I 《Biophysical journal》2008,94(9):3424-3435
With recent advances in single-molecule manipulation techniques, it is now possible to measure the mechanical resistance of proteins to external pulling forces applied at specific positions. Remarkably, such recent studies demonstrated that the pulling/stretching forces required to initiate unfolding vary considerably depending on the location of the application of the forces, unraveling residue/position-specific response of proteins to uniaxial tension. Here we show that coarse-grained elastic network models based on the topology of interresidue contacts in the native state can satisfactory explain the relative sizes of such stretching forces exerted on different residue pairs. Despite their simplicity, such models presumably capture a fundamental property that dominates the observed behavior: deformations that can be accommodated by the relatively lower frequency modes of motions intrinsically favored by the structure require weaker forces and vice versa. The mechanical response of proteins to external stress is therefore shown to correlate with the anisotropic fluctuation dynamics intrinsically accessible in the folded state. The dependence on the overall fold implies that evolutionarily related proteins sharing common structural features tend to possess similar mechanical properties. However, the theory cannot explain the differences observed in a number of structurally similar but sequentially distant domains, such as the fibronectin domains.  相似文献   

The difference in parameters of visually guided and memory-guided saccades was shown. Increase in the memory-guided saccade latency as compared to that of the visually guided saccades may indicate the deceleration of saccadic programming on the basis of information extraction from the memory. The comparison of parameters and topography of evoked components N1 and P1 of the evoked potential on the signal to make a memory- or visually guided saccade suggests that the early stage of the saccade programming associated with the space information processing is performed predominantly with top-down attention mechanism before the memory-guided saccade and bottom-up mechanism before the visually guided saccade. The findings show that the increase in the latency of the memory-guided saccades is connected with decision making at the central stage of the saccade programming. We proposed that wave N2, which develops in the middle of the latent period of the memory-guided saccades, is correlated with this process. Topography and spatial dynamics of components N1, P1 and N2 testify that the memory-guided saccade programming is controlled by the frontal mediothalamic system of selective attention and left-hemispheric brain mechanisms of motor attention.  相似文献   

Kochi N  Matache MT 《Bio Systems》2012,108(1-3):14-27
In this paper we provide a mean-field Boolean network model for a signal transduction network of a generic fibroblast cell. The network consists of several main signaling pathways, including the receptor tyrosine kinase, the G-protein coupled receptor, and the Integrin signaling pathway. The network consists of 130 nodes, each representing a signaling molecule (mainly proteins). Nodes are governed by Boolean dynamics including canalizing functions as well as totalistic Boolean functions that depend only on the overall fraction of active nodes. We categorize the Boolean functions into several different classes. Using a mean-field approach we generate a mathematical formula for the probability of a node becoming active at any time step. The model is shown to be a good match for the actual network. This is done by iterating both the actual network and the model and comparing the results numerically. Using the Boolean model it is shown that the system is stable under a variety of parameter combinations. It is also shown that this model is suitable for assessing the dynamics of the network under protein mutations. Analytical results support the numerical observations that in the long-run at most half of the nodes of the network are active.  相似文献   

Intrinsic and external noise in an auto-regulatory genetic network   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A single gene auto-regulatory network is analysed. The main goal is to investigate the effects of the negative and positive feedbacks on the intrinsic and external noises. The central finding of this paper is that: for the intrinsic noise, both the negative and positive feedback regulations increase the fluctuation strength of mRNA levels (where the fluctuation strength is measured by the Fano factor for both the fluctuations of mRNAs and proteins), and the negative feedback decreases, but the positive feedback increases, the fluctuation strength of proteins; for the external noise, the negative feedback not only increase the fluctuation strength of mRNA levels but also the fluctuation strength of proteins, and though the effect of the positive feedback on the fluctuation strength of mRNA levels depends on the size of positive feedback parameter k, the positive feedback must decrease the fluctuation strength of proteins.  相似文献   

Plasma VLDL and LDL cholesterol were markedly elevated (>40-fold) in high-responding opossums, but moderately elevated (6-fold) in low-responding opossums after they had consumed a high-cholesterol and high-fat diet for 24 wk. In both high- and low-responding opossums, plasma triglycerides were slightly elevated, threefold and twofold, respectively. Dietary challenge also induced fatty livers in high responders, but not in low responders. We studied the lipid composition, histopathological features, and gene expression patterns of the fatty livers. Free cholesterol (2-fold), esterified cholesterol (11-fold), and triglycerides (2-fold) were higher in the livers of high responders than those in low responders, whereas free fatty acid levels were similar. The fatty livers of high responders showed extensive lobular disarray by histology. Inflammatory cells and ballooned hepatocytes were also present, as were perisinusoidal fibrosis and ductular proliferation. In contrast, liver histology was normal in low responders. Hepatic gene expression revealed differences associated with the development of steatohepatitis in high responders. The accumulation of hepatic cholesterol was concomitant with upregulation of the HMGCR gene and downregulation of the CYP27A1, ABCG8, and ABCB4 genes. Genes involved in inflammation (TNF, NFKB1, and COX2) and in oxidative stress (CYBA and NCF1) were upregulated. Upregulation of the growth factor genes (PDGF and TGFB1) and collagen genes (Col1A1, Col3A1, and Col4A1) was consistent with fibrosis. Some of the histological characteristics of the fatty livers of high-responding opossums imitate those in the livers of humans with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.  相似文献   

A mutational study was carried out to isolate Arabidopsis thaliana plants that exhibit full or partial disruption of the RPS2-mediated hypersensitive response (HR) to Pseudomonas syringae that express avrRpt2. Five classes of mutants were identified including mutations at RPS2, dnd mutations causing a "defense, no death" loss-of-HR phenotype, a lesion-mimic mutant that also exhibited an HR- phenotype, and a number of intermediate or partial-loss-of-HR mutants. Surprisingly, many of these mutants displayed elevated resistance to virulent P. syringae and, in some cases, to Peronospora parasitica. Constitutively elevated levels of pathogenesis-related (PR) gene expression and salicylic acid were also observed. In the lesion-mimic mutant, appearance of elevated resistance was temporally correlated with appearance of lesions. For one of the intermediate lines, resistance was shown to be dependent on elevated levels of salicylic acid. A new locus was identified and named IHR1, after the mutant phenotype of "intermediate HR." Genetic analysis of the intermediate-HR plant lines was difficult due to uncertainties in distinguishing the partial/intermediate mutant phenotypes from wild type. Despite this difficulty, the intermediate-HR mutants remain of interest because they reveal potential new defense-related loci and because many of these lines exhibit partially elevated disease resistance without dwarfing or other apparent growth defects.  相似文献   

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a glycosylated multi-functional protein that acts as an enzyme as well as a cytokine. MIF mediates its actions through a cell surface class II major histocompatibility chaperone, CD74 and co-receptors such as CD44, CXCR2, CXCR4 or CXCR7. MIF has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. Although MIF is a molecule of biomedical importance, a public resource of MIF signaling pathway is currently lacking. In view of this, we carried out detailed data mining and documentation of the signaling events pertaining to MIF from published literature and developed an integrated reaction map of MIF signaling. This resulted in the cataloguing of 68 molecules belonging to MIF signaling pathway, which includes 24 protein-protein interactions, 44 post-translational modifications, 11 protein translocation events and 8 activation/inhibition events. In addition, 65 gene regulation events at the mRNA levels induced by MIF signaling have also been catalogued. This signaling pathway has been integrated into NetPath (http://www.netpath.org), a freely available human signaling pathway resource developed previously by our group. The MIF pathway data is freely available online in various community standard data exchange formats. We expect that data on signaling events and a detailed signaling map of MIF will provide the scientific community with an improved platform to facilitate further molecular as well as biomedical investigations on MIF.  相似文献   

Genetic founder effects are often expected when animals colonize restored habitat in fragmented landscapes, but empirical data on genetic responses to restoration are limited. We examined the genetic response of banner‐tailed kangaroo rats (Dipodomys spectabilis) to landscape‐scale grassland restoration in the Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico, USA. Dipodomys spectabilis is a grassland specialist and keystone species. At sites treated with herbicide to remove shrubs, colonization by D. spectabilis is slow and populations persist at low density for ≥10 years (≥6 generations). Persistence at low density and low gene flow may cause strong founder effects. We compared genetic structure of D. spectabilis populations between treated sites and remnant grasslands, and we examined how the genetic response to restoration depended on treatment age, area, and connectivity to source populations. Allelic richness and heterozygosity were similar between treated sites and remnant grasslands. Allelic richness at treated sites was greatest early in the restoration trajectory, and genetic divergence did not differ between recently colonized and established populations. These results indicated that founder effects during colonization of treated sites were weak or absent. Moreover, our results suggested founder effects were not mitigated by treatment area or connectivity. Dispersal is negatively density‐dependent in D. spectabilis, and we hypothesize that high gene flow may occur early in the restoration trajectory when density is low. Our study shows genetic diversity can be recovered more rapidly than demographic components of populations after habitat restoration and that founder effects are not inevitable for animals colonizing restored habitat in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Bacterial signal transduction network in a genomic perspective   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Bacterial signalling network includes an array of numerous interacting components that monitor environmental and intracellular parameters and effect cellular response to changes in these parameters. The complexity of bacterial signalling systems makes comparative genome analysis a particularly valuable tool for their studies. Comparative studies revealed certain general trends in the organization of diverse signalling systems. These include (i) modular structure of signalling proteins; (ii) common organization of signalling components with the flow of information from N-terminal sensory domains to the C-terminal transmitter or signal output domains (N-to-C flow); (iii) use of common conserved sensory domains by different membrane receptors; (iv) ability of some organisms to respond to one environmental signal by activating several regulatory circuits; (v) abundance of intracellular signalling proteins, typically consisting of a PAS or GAF sensor domains and various output domains; (vi) importance of secondary messengers, cAMP and cyclic diguanylate; and (vii) crosstalk between components of different signalling pathways. Experimental characterization of the novel domains and domain combinations would be needed for achieving a better understanding of the mechanisms of signalling response and the intracellular hierarchy of different signalling pathways.  相似文献   

Summary Duplicate, bilateral structures of individual animals are usually symmetrical. In cases where such structures are asymmetrical, the degree of asymmetry may indicate the propensity of an individual to stray from the genetically programmed outcome during the development of the structure. Asymmetries have recently been assumed to constitute an honest signal of male quality and, as such, a cue for female choice. I tested the assumption that different rates of energy intake would produce differences in the degree of asymmetry by measuring original and induced fourth rectrices of both sides of the body in European nuthatchesSitta europaea. I found no predominance for the right or left side, thus showing the fluctuating nature of the asymmetry at a population level. This was not the case within individuals which consistently had a longer fourth rectrix on one or the other side of the body. Induced rectrices, grown during winter when food availability was relatively low, exhibited a higher degree of asymmetry than did such rectrices grown during winter after hoardable food had been provided earlier during the winter. The original rectrices, grown during relatively benign conditions in late summer, showed the smallest degree of fluctuating asymmetry. This indicates that the degree of asymmetry is affected by the rate of energy intake. Thus, male quality, reflecting the rate with which energy can be secured and shown by differing degrees of asymmetry, can be used as an honest, long-lasting cue by females in their choice of a mate.  相似文献   

Wolverton C  Mullen JL  Ishikawa H  Evans ML 《Planta》2002,215(1):153-157
We have developed image analysis software linked to a rotating stage, allowing constraint of any user-selected region of a root at a prescribed angle during root gravitropism. This device allows the cap of a graviresponding root to reach vertical while maintaining a selected region within the elongation zone at a gravistimulated angle. Under these conditions gravitropic curvature of roots of Zea mays L. continues long after the root cap reaches vertical, indicating that a signal from outside of the cap can contribute to the curvature response.  相似文献   

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