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In previous biomechanical studies of the human spine, we implemented a hybrid controller to investigate load-displacement characteristics. We found that measurement errors in both position and force caused the controller to be less accurate than predicted. As an alternative to hybrid control, a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) has been developed and implemented in a robotic testing system for the human spine. An FLC is a real-time expert system that can emulate part of a human operator's knowledge by using a set of action rules. The FLC provides simple but robust solutions that cover a wide range of system parameters and can cope with significant disturbances. It can be viewed as a heuristic and modular way of defining a nonlinear, table-based control system. In this study, an FLC is developed which uses the force difference and the change in force difference as the input parameters, and the displacement as the output parameter. A rule-table based on these parameters is designed for the controller Experiments on a physical model composed of springs demonstrate the improved performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

A previously described three-dimensional mathematical model of the human masticatory system, predicting maximum possible bite forces in all directions and the recruitment patterns of the masticatory muscles necessary to generate these forces, was validated in in vivo experiments. The morphological input parameters to the model for individual subjects were collected using MRI scanning of the jaw system. Experimental measurements included recording of maximum voluntary bite force (magnitude and direction) and surface EMG from the temporalis and masseter muscles. For bite forces with an angle of 0, 10 and 20 degrees relative to the normal to the occlusal plane the predicted maximum possible bite forces were between 0.9 and 1.2 times the measured ones and the average ratio of measured to predicted maximum bite force was close to unity. The average measured and predicted muscle recruitment patterns showed no striking differences. Nevertheless, some systematic differences, dependent on the bite force direction, were found between the predicted and the measured maximum possible bite forces. In a second series of simulations the influence of the direction of the joint reaction forces on these errors was studied. The results suggest that they were caused primarily by an improper determination of the joint force directions.  相似文献   

Summary A model experimental culture system and protocol are described to screen polymerized dental materials for diffusible toxic products. The system employs cultures of human gingival fibroblasts grown in plates containing immobilized samples of polymerized resins. Comparative cytotoxicity is evaluated by counting viable cells with the aid of phase optics at several time periods up to 48 h. To achieve adequate statistical sampling, multiple counts are made in four different zones at 90° angles from each sample and at three distances from the centers of samples. The most significant data were generated during a 24 to 48 h test period in culture. This cytotoxicity test measured cell death as a function of time of exposure and distance from the sample (24 h, 0 to 3 mm; 48 h, 3 to 6 mm) and permitted a calculation of the relative cytotoxicity for each material, which is termed the viability index (VI). This can be expressed as a percentage related to the control, which is called the time-distance cytotoxicity index (TDCI). This method is simple to carry out because it uses basic laboratory equipment, is rapid, and has a sound scientific basis. It focuses on times and distances when or where, or both, the greatest cellular changes are taking place. Some data illustrated are based on the screening of eight different restorative resins. The literature of cell culture testing of dental materials is reviewed. It is concluded that biotoxicity studies ideally should employ diploid human target cells from the oral cavity because the cells retain specialized features. Secondary cultures or strains of human diploid gingival fibroblasts, which are relatively easy to obtain and maintain, are recommended as cells of choice for screening dental restorative materials in vitro. This project was supported in part by an intramural grant from the Louisiana State University School of Dentistry, derived from BRSG Grant S07-RR-05704-10 awarded by the Biomedical Research Grant Program, Division of Research Resources, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

The highly autapomorphic upper molar bilophodonty of the Oligocene mammal, Arsinoitherium (Embrithopoda) is an extreme form of dilambdodonty effected by lingual positioning of normally buccally situated cusps with reduction of lingual cusps. This effectively limits the molar dentition to a single phase shearing occlusal motion. Molar and premolar morphology is very different, premolars exhibiting high longitudinal ectolophs and typical two phase occlusal morphology. A double faceted mandibular condyle and angular discontinuity between lower molar and premolar dentitions is interpreted as a means of separating premolar from molar occlusion. A bifunctional masticatory system is proposed whereby efficient premolar occlusion is achieved only after a repositioning of the temporomandibular joint. Loss of phase II occlusion in the molars is compensated by maintenance of a crushing/grinding mode in the premolars. This coupled with the ability to maintain high occlusal pressures along the length of the mandible explains the unbroken dental arcade. Arsinoitheres therefore possess an extremely specialised masticatory apparatus and are interpreted as highly selective browsing herbivores.  相似文献   

A novel measuring set-up based on a hexapod system for use in dental biomechanics is described. It was specially developed to measure force/deflection characteristics of different dental materials and devices. The functionability and suitability of the system for use in experimental biomechanics were investigated in two different studies. In a first study the micro mobility of prosthetic telescopic crowns prior to and after simulated wear was determined to investigate the influence of wear processes on the stability of the anchorage elements and thus of prostheses. This study investigated the ability of the setup to load a specimen with high forces or torques of up to 100 Newton. The second study looked at the force/deflection characteristics of orthodontic anchorage pins used in orthodontics to additionally stabilize the anchorage unit, for example during molar movement. In this study specimens were loaded with small forces of less than 10 Newton, as are typically used in orthodontics. Using the setup, the deflection behaviour of these devices under high and low loading was measured at a resolution of approximately one micrometer or one angular second.  相似文献   

An efficient and noninvasive method consisting of an original sampling device, solid phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was developed to analyze volatile organic emanations from the skin of human arms. The emanations were sampled by SPME connected with the active sampling device for 30 min and transferred into GC-MS immediately for the consequent analysis. The sampling projects for 15 candidates were scheduled in both winter and spring with the same optimized conditions. Thirty-five compounds were finally identified according to various degrees of certainty. Different emission behaviors specified with principal component analysis (PCA) and similar fingerprint characteristics were observed clearly by comparisons of chromatograms of different seasons. Top ten emanations contributing to characteristics in different seasons were attempted to be described using comparisons based on common model strategy. The large amounts of experimental data were all handled by the corresponding chemometrics strategies with the homemade chromatographic data processing system. The results suggest that the analysis based on fingerprint characteristics of human skin emanations could provide useful and important clues to reveal biomarkers among the mixture of human skin emanations.  相似文献   

Liu  Rongpeng  Zeng  Wenhui  Tan  Tingting  Chen  Tao  Luo  Qin  Qu  Dawei  Tang  Yiyun  Long  Dingpei  Xu  Hanfu 《Transgenic research》2019,28(5-6):627-636
Transgenic Research - The silkworm Bombyx mori is a valuable insect that synthesizes bulk amounts of fibroin protein in its posterior silk gland (PSG) and weaves these proteins into silk cocoons....  相似文献   

李雪萍  赵成章  任悦  张晶  雷蕾 《生态学报》2020,40(1):123-129
间隔子和分株影响克隆植物的空间分布和资源获取,二者之间关系的研究有助于理解克隆植物的生态适应机制。按照恢复时间设置I(5a)、II(15a)、III(25a)3个梯度,研究了永昌北海子国家湿地公园沼泽湿地恢复演替过程中朝天委陵菜(Potentilla supina)间隔子长度、直径与分枝强度之间的关系。结果表明:随着沼泽湿地恢复演替的进行,湿地群落的高度、盖度和生物量逐渐增大,土壤含水量、有机质逐渐增大,土壤容重逐渐降低;湿地群落的优势植物种群由朝天委陵菜转为黑麦草;朝天委陵菜间隔子长度和直径增大,分株数减小;间隔子长度、直径与分枝强度均呈显著负相关关系(P<0.05)。沼泽湿地恢复演替过程中,朝天委陵菜由选择垄断区域资源转向逃避或忍耐不利生境,体现了湿地克隆植物在异质性生境中独特的适应性。  相似文献   

Air-dried and sterilized amnion has been widely used as a dressing to treat burn and partial thickness wounds. Sterilisation at the standard dose of 25 kGy was reported to cause changes in the morphological structure as observed under the scanning electron microscope. This study aimed to quantify the changes in the ultrastructure of the air-dried amnion after gamma-irradiated at several doses by using atomic force microscope. Human placentae were retrieved from mothers who had undergone cesarean elective surgery. Amnion separated from chorion was processed and air-dried for 16 h. It was cut into 10?×?10 mm, individually packed and exposed to gamma irradiation at 5, 15, 25 and 35 kGy. Changes in the ultrastructural images of the amnion were quantified in term of diameter of the epithelial cells, size of the intercellular gap and membrane surface roughness. The longest diameter of the amnion cells reduced significantly after radiation (p?<?0.01) however the effect was not dose dependent. No significant changes in the shortest diameter after radiation, except at 35 kGy which decreased significantly when compared to 5 kGy (p?<?0.01). The size of the irradiated air-dried amnion cells reduced in the same direction without affecting the gross ultrastructure. At 15 kGy the intercellular gap decreased significantly (p?<?0.01) with Ra and Rq, values reflecting surface roughness, were significantly the highest (p?<?0.01). Changes in the ultrastructure quantified by using atomic force microscope could complement results from other microscopic techniques.  相似文献   

Procedures are described for estimating photosynthetic characteristics using a portable infra-red gas analysis (IRGA) system. Once the effects of stomatal limitation on CO2 assimilation have been established, up to ten parameters of photosynthesis can be estimated for a single leaf within 2 h, including: photosynthetic efficiency and capacity on both photon and CO2 bases; compensation irradiances and CO2 compensation concentrations; and light and dark respiration rates. These measurements can be made in the laboratory, glasshouse or field with relative ease. Methods for obtaining near instantaneous ("snapshot") measurements of leaf photosynthesis are also described, using carefully pre-set conditions within the leaf cuvette. Representative results are shown for Phaseolus vulgaris L. Important aspects of the procedure's experimental design, assumptions made in the analysis, and limitations of this approach are analysed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Parsons  R.  Weyers  J.D.B.  Lawson  T.  Godber  I.M. 《Photosynthetica》1998,34(2):265-279
Procedures are described for estimating photosynthetic characteristics using a portable infra-red gas analysis (IRGA) system. Once the effects of stomatal limitation on CO2 assimilation have been established, up to ten parameters of photosynthesis can be estimated for a single leaf within 2 h, including: photosynthetic efficiency and capacity on both photon and CO2 bases; compensation irradiances and CO2 compensation concentrations; and light and dark respiration rates. These measurements can be made in the laboratory, glasshouse or field with relative ease. Methods for obtaining near instantaneous ("snapshot") measurements of leaf photosynthesis are also described, using carefully pre-set conditions within the leaf cuvette. Representative results are shown for Phaseolus vulgaris L. Important aspects of the procedure's experimental design, assumptions made in the analysis, and limitations of this approach are analysed.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase p72syk (Syk) plays an essential role in signaling via a variety of immune and nonimmune cell receptors. Syk is activated in response to the engagement of the appropriate cell surface receptors and can phosphorylate downstream targets and recruit additional SH2-domain-containing proteins. In order to study the characteristics of Syk in vitro, we have overexpressed untagged, full-length human Syk in a recombinant baculovirus expression system. The enzyme was purified to 95% purity using a novel two-step affinity chromatography process using reactive yellow and phosphotyrosine columns. Yields of 3-10 mg purified Syk were obtained from 1 liter of infected insect cells. Western blotting, internal protein sequencing, and the specific tyrosine phosphorylation of a Syk peptide substrate indicated authenticity of the purified protein. The enzymatic properties of Syk were in good agreement with published data for the human enzyme, as the apparent K(m) of Syk for ATP was 10 microM and the peptide substrate was 3 microM. The recombinant protein also showed similar biochemical characteristics to the native protein isolated from B-cells such as autophosphorylation. Proteolytic cleavage of purified recombinant Syk was used to generate the kinase domain by micro-calpain. We therefore describe an efficient expression system and purification methodology to produce biologically active human Syk.  相似文献   

Buchanan BB 《Bioscience》1984,34(6):378-383
In addition to its well-established function in supplying the energy for carbon dioxide assimilation, light plays a regulatory role in photosynthesis. The ferredoxin/thioredoxin system is a major mechanism whereby light functions in this capacity. Here, light absorbed by chlorophyll is converted via ferredoxin into a reductant messenger, reduced thioredoxin, that interacts with key target enzymes, thereby changing their catalytic activities. In this way, the green plant achieves maximum efficiency of its photosynthetic (light) and heterotrophic (dark) capabilities.  相似文献   

Oda Y 《Mutation research》2004,554(1-2):399-406
Human acetyltransferase genes NAT1 or NAT2 were expressed in a Salmonella typhimurium strain used to detect the genotoxicity of bladder carcinogens. To clarify whether the human and rodent bladder carcinogenic arylamines are activated via either NAT1 or NAT2 to cause genotoxicity, a SOS/umu genotoxicity assay was used, with the strains S. typhimurium NM6001 (NAT1-overexpressing strain), S. typhimurium NM6002 (NAT2-overexpressing strain), and S. typhimurium NM6000 (O-AT-deficient parent strain). Genotoxicity was measured by induction of SOS/umuC gene expression in the system, which contained both an umuC"lacZ fusion gene and NAT1 or NAT2 plasmids. 4-Aminobiphenyl, 2-acetylaminofluorene, beta-naphthylamine, o-tolidine, o-anisidine, and benzidine exhibited dose-dependent induction of the umuC gene in strain NM6001. Although the induction of umuC by these chemicals was observed in the NM6002 strain, the induction was considerably lower than in the NM6001 strain. In the parent strain, NM6000, none of these compounds induced umuC gene expression. We also determined activation of these chemicals by recombinant human cytochrome P450 (P450 or CYP) 1A2 enzyme in three S. typhimurium tester strains. The activation of the chemicals was stronger in the NM6001 strain than that in NM6002. The specific NAT1 inhibitor 5-iodosalicylic acid inhibited umuC gene expression induced by aromatic amines used. These results could provide evidence that the bladder carcinogenic aromatic amines are mainly activated by the NAT1 enzyme to produce DNA damage rather than NAT2. The NAT1-overexpressing strain can be used to determine the genotoxic activation of bladder carcinogenic arylamines in the umu test and could provide a tool for predicting the carcinogenic potential of arylamines.  相似文献   

Interleukin-18 (IL-18) has been reported to exert significant immunoregulatory effects on inhibiting tumor growth through stimulating natural killer (NK) cell cytotoxicity and promoting production of several cytokines, including interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). Therefore, IL-18 might serve as a potential therapeutic target for cancer treatment. However, the resource of this protein limits its availability for the clinical practice. The purpose of this study was to express and purify recombinant human (h) IL-18 protein using a yeast expression system. We reported here that hIL-18 gene was cloned into pPICZaC vector for expressing a recombinant hIL-18 protein using a yeast expression system. The recombinant hIL-18 protein was purified using centrifugal filter devices, hydrophobic chromatography, and anion exchange chromatography. The yield and purity of the recombinant hIL-18 reached 45.1% and 97.6%, respectively. This recombinant hIL-18 was shown to induce IFN-gamma production by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and enhance NK cell cytotoxicity synergistically with IL-2. Furthermore, these recombinant hIL-18-induced effects were the same as those by standard hIL-18. Therefore, the yeast expression system used in this study provides a useful method to produce large-scale of hIL-18 for the clinical application.  相似文献   

A single-step assay for serum glucose measurements is described. The assay is based on the phosphorylation of D-glucose by glucokinase and the measurement of ATP consumption by firefly luciferase. The luminescence is recorded in an ordinary liquid scintillation spectrometer. The use of stable reagents and a stable final signal (light emission) makes it possible to analyze a large number of samples in each assay run. The assay is of particular value when repeated serum glucose determinations are performed on samples from small laboratory animals.  相似文献   

A modification of the Transwell insert methodology was evaluated by using the neutral red uptake (NRU) assay in a cytotoxicity test. The Transwell insert methodology was developed to assess the biocompatibility of solid materials used in dentistry and, when initially designed, used the release of radiochromium ((51)Cr) in the cytotoxicity assay. Another aim of this study was to evaluate different exposure regimes with which to assess cytotoxicity. The exposure regimes included: a 1-hour exposure in buffer followed by a 24-hour incubation in growth medium; a 2-hour exposure in buffer followed by a 24-hour incubation in growth medium; a 24-hour exposure in serum-limited medium; and a 24-hour exposure in a serum-sufficient medium. The bioindicator target was the Smulow-Glickman (S-G) human gingival cell line and the biomaterials were dental restoratives. The Transwell insert methodology with the NRU cytotoxicity assay as the cytotoxicity endpoint was effective in differentiating the potencies of the dental restoratives; a 2-hour exposure in buffer and a 24-hour exposure in serum-limited medium were the exposure regimes that most clearly differentiated the test agents according to their potencies. The sequence of cytotoxicity of the dental restoratives to the S-G cells was Vitremer > Ketac-Molar Aplicap > Flow-It.  相似文献   

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