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利用嫁接系统研究植物电波的传递表明:(1)无论砧木和接穗共质体连通与否,也无论在嫁接面上加琼脂与否,电波(EW)均能沿砧木向接穗传递;(2)砧木和接穗共质体连通之前,无论在嫁接面上加琼脂与否,EW不能沿接穗向砧木传递,砧木和接穗产生的愈伤组织细胞突破隔离层,互相嵌合,产生次生胞间连丝之后,EW可沿接穗传至砧木;(3)将枝条蒸腾流倒转后进行嫁接,EW可沿接穗(形态学上部,即插入水中部分)传至砧木(形态学下部),但不能沿砧木传至接穗。  相似文献   

砧木与接穗间的电波传递   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用嫁接系统研究植物电波的传递表明:(1)无论砧木和接穗共质体连通与否,也无论在嫁接面上加琼脂与否,电波(EW)均能沿砧木向接穗传递;(2)砧木和接穗共质体连通之前,无论在嫁接面上加琼脂与否,EW不能沿接穗向砧木传递,砧木和接穗产生的愈伤组织细胞突破隔离层,互相嵌合,产生次生胞间连丝之后,EW可沿接穗传至砧木;(3)将枝条蒸腾流倒转后进行嫁接,EW可沿接穗(形态学上部,即插入水中部分)传至砧木(形  相似文献   

油茶芽苗砧嫁接口不同发育时期差异蛋白质分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以油茶芽苗砧嫁接口为试验材料,运用蛋白质双向电泳结合质谱技术研究嫁接口不同发育时期(嫁接后第4、8、16、22、29和35天)蛋白质组的变化.结果表明:分析获得40个差异蛋白,其中9个差异蛋白可能与芽苗砧嫁接口愈合有关.嫁接一方面刺激嫁接口基因转录和蛋白质翻译、信号传导、能量代谢、物质合成和激素调节;另一方面刺激部分酶活性,提高细胞抗性,促进油茶芽苗砧嫁接口愈合.  相似文献   

浅谈芽苗砧嫁接技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
浅谈芽苗砧嫁接技术王玉欣(山东省沂南县第四中学,276300)芽苗砧嫁接是项新技术。就是以尚未展叶或刚展叶的芽苗作砧木,嫁接所需繁殖对象的一项无性繁殖新方法。近十几年来,该项技术在我们沂蒙山区先后在核桃、山茶、板栗、银杏等多种树木的良种繁殖中取得了成...  相似文献   

南瓜属植物离体茎段嫁接维管组织的发育过程   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在离体条件下,采用同瓜属植物的下胚轴节段进行嫁接,光镜观察发现:异种嫁接西葫芦/南瓜和南瓜自体嫁接嫁接后6-8d在接穗、砧木的薄壁细胞和嫁接面处愈伤组织细胞中分化出管状分子和筛分子,边接接穗和砧木的质部和韧皮部桥在嫁接后8d形成。随后随发育天数的增加其数目增加,用6(5)CF作为筛管输导的示踪剂检验了不同发育时期砧木和接穗间的连通情况,发现嫁接后8d从接穗引入的6(5)CF可以输导到砧木。  相似文献   

以油茶岑软3号组培苗为研究材料,对其器官发生过程进行形态学和解剖学观察。结果表明:在选定的培养基上,外植体不经过愈伤组织,直接由器官诱导形成增殖芽,从而有效地保持了其遗传的稳定性。油茶增殖芽不定根由诱导的根原基发生,它起源于形成层薄壁细胞定向分化,不断向外进行伸长生长,并穿透愈伤组织而形成。这种不定根发生形式属皮部生根类型。油茶增殖芽单芽生根培养25 d后在不定根内形成次生维管形成层和木栓形成层,培养40 d以上根内的输导分子与茎内的输导分子相连。  相似文献   

利用植物激素调控嫁接形成的初步研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
利用黄瓜(Cucum issativus)试管苗进行离体茎段自体嫁接,研究IBA 和6-BA 对嫁接形成的影响时发现:进行离体茎段嫁接时,用试管苗茎段可简化嫁接过程,减少污染。嫁接茎段的颜色变化、不定根发生和愈伤组织形成与激素浓度有关。植物激素通过影响砧木和接穗间维管束桥形成的时间和数目调控嫁接组合的发育。在作者的实验中,最佳的激素条件是:在接穗培养基中加IBA 1.2 m g/L,在接穗和砧木培养基中加6-BA 0.3 m g/L。  相似文献   

植物嫁接愈合受砧/穗自身和外部环境等多种因素的调节和控制。在嫁接伤口愈合期间,砧木与接穗的相互作用不仅体现在明显的组织学特征的变化,还涉及了复杂的生理生化和分子调控机制。砧木和接穗愈合经历隔离层的形成、愈伤组织的发生、分化以及维管组织的再分化四个步骤,在此过程中砧/穗细胞、组织或器官之间相互影响,频繁发生物质交流,如植物激素、蔗糖、核酸和蛋白质等物质通过胞间连丝发生短距离运输或是经韧皮部进行长距离运输,从而开始形成砧/穗之间的识别、接纳、包容效应,最终完成愈合过程,并对嫁接苗后续生长过程起到重要影响。该文就当前植物嫁接过程中砧/穗愈合的组织学特征、砧/穗间交流物质的属性及其对砧/穗愈合进程的影响进行综述,为植物嫁接繁殖的生产实践提供基础理论指导。  相似文献   

电波传递在嫁接基本理论研究中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究发现电波从接穗跃过嫁接面向砧木传递与嫁接的组织学变化相关。砧木和接穗愈伤组织细胞突破隔离层互相嵌合之前,接穗中产生的电波不能传到砧木。砧木和接穗细胞间产生次生胞间连丝后,电波即可沿接穗传至砧木,但此时传递速度慢。当砧木和接穗间产生维管束桥时,电波下传的速度加快。由此可见,通过检测电波跃过嫁接面与否及下传的速度,就可推断嫁接接合部组织学变化状况。电波传递法是一种快速鉴定嫁接植株发育过程的新方法。  相似文献   

答初中《植物学》课本第96页中说:“芽接的步骤……把枝上的芽连同树皮和一小块木质部一齐削下来,其中包含着形成层,这就成为接穗”。我们认为:接穗最好不带木质部,因为嫁接后靠具有分生能力的形成层把砧木与接穗愈合在一起。如果接穗上带有木质部(木质部细  相似文献   

Electrical wave (EW) transmission from scion to stock across the grafting interface was related to the histological changes during the development of graft union. Variation wave (VW) could not be transmitted to stock from scion before isolation layer broken and callus interdigitation. As plasmodesmata formed secondarily at the interface between stock and scion where the isolation layer had disappeared, VW could be transmitted from scion to stock, but its velocity was not rapid until the vascular bridges form between two partners of graft union. Hence, the authors could deduce the degree of graft union formation by measuring whether VW could be transmitted from scion to stock or not and its velocity. EW trans mission method was a new tool for quickly detecting the formation of graft union.  相似文献   

Homografting of Arabidopsis thaliana scions on stocks of A. thaliana and heterografting on other species were used to study the compatibility and the ontogeny of graft union formation. Highly compatible homografting with scions of young leafy inflorescence stems was obtained on stocks of inflorescence stems growing from large 3-month-old A. thaliana plants. Histologic analysis revealed four developmental stages of graft union formation in Arabidopsis homografting: (1) development of a necrotic layer, (2) callus proliferation in the grafted scion, (3) differentiation of new vascular tissues within the scion, and (4) a full vascular graft union formation between the scion and the stock. Vascular connections were formed within the callus bridge between rootstocks and scions 15 days after grafting. Heterografts of Arabidopsis on two members of Brassicaceae, cabbage (Brassica) and radish (Raphanus), showed partial incompatible interaction with a lower level of vascular differentiation. Arabidopsis grafting on tomato (Solanaceae) rootstock showed complete incompatibility and limited noncontinuous differentiation of new vascular tissues that did not cross the scion/stock boundary. Although lacking scion/stock vascular connections, Arabidopsis scions grafted onto tomato rootstock flowered and produced seeds. This may indicate some nonvascular functional connections between the two plants, probably of parenchyma cells, further emphasizing the usefulness of Arabidopsis as a model plant for studying various levels of the complicated scion/stock relationships expressed in grafting biology. Experiments with dye transport in the xylem showed that although in general there was an agreement between the histologic study and dye transport, in Arabidopsis homografts water transport frequency was lower than functional and histologic compatability. We conclude that homografting and heterografting of Arabidopsis inflorescence stems is a convenient and reproducible method for studying the fundamental cellular genetic and molecular aspects of grafting biology.  相似文献   

The early stages of graft union, when male branch was grafted onto female branch in Ginkgo biloba L. by cleft graft, have been observed under light microscope in order to determine the origin of callus cells between the stock and scion. Pith parenchyma cells near the graft interface were the earliest cells in response to such method of grafting. These cells dedifferentiated and then divided within 7~ 12 days after grafting. A large number of callus cells extended from the pith into the space between the graft interface linking the stock with the scion about 18~ 20 days after grafting; and then continued to proliferate and extend outwards along the space. Cambium cells and immature vascular tissue near the graft interface dedifferentiated into callus rather late. Theover all link between the stock and scion was completed in the sites 30 days after grafting. Callus cells were also produced from corticai parenchyma cells, but they were much limited in quantity. In conclusion, the graft interface may be considered as a "natural culture bed" after grafting, in which all undamaged, living cells are capable of dedifferentiation and producing callus cells for compatible graft union. In the case of G. biloba (male/female) it were the pith parenchyma cells that appeared first to form the callus cells and later extend to link the stock with the scion.  相似文献   

Low-temperature and conventional scanning electron microscopyhave been used to examine the callus formed at the graft interfacein Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. Callus cells are producedby both cambium and ray parenchyma dedifferentiation and redifferentiationin scion and stock. Adhesion between the cells derived fromscion and rootstock is thought to be my means of pectinaceousbeads at the surface of the callus cells, preceding a more generalfusion of cell walls. The cambia of the two graft componentsare prevented from growing towards each other by the presenceof callus. Instead, the differentiation of new cambium withinthe callus, in the vicinity of the cambia exposed at the preparedsurfaces of the scion and rootstock, links them to form a continuouscambial layer around the combined stem. Callus, cambium, differentiation, grafting, Picea sitchensis  相似文献   

植物离体茎段嫁接   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植物体茎段嫁接系统是在无菌条件下将茎切段嫁接后放入培养基中、使接穗和砧木分别与含不同成分的培养基接触,再署光下培养的一个模拟植物正常生理过程、环境条件可控的实验系统,离体茎段嫁接体的发育与整体类拟,包括接穗与砧木粘连、愈伤组织产生、次生甩间连丝形成和维管束分化等几个步骤,发育进程受植物激素如生长素和细胞分裂素调节。该系统的建立为阐明嫁接体发机理及嫁接亲和性机制提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   

The relationship between formation of CVB, which connects vascularcut ends of stock and scion, and the condition of tissue whereCVB is expected to be induced was studied using a cactus graftcombination of Notocactus submammulosus var. pampeanus youngseedlings on Hylocereus trigonus plants. When a scion with its basal part removed by a transverse cutwas put onto a transverse cut surface of a stock with a distanceof 1 mm between the vascular cut ends of both graft components,CVB was formed in only 13% of the grafts in the callus massmade by adhesion between calluses of stock and scion. The percentagearose to ca. 100% when 100 ppm NAA was applied to the scionapices. This promotive effect of NAA decreased with increasingtime from grafting to NAA application. When wound calluses of stock and scion were prevented from contactonly at the portion between the vascular cut ends of stock andscion by introducing a piece of aluminium foil into the graftunion, CVB was formed in 80% of the grafts in the callus ofthe stock without NAA application. In the case where the scionwas grafted at right angle onto an additional longitudinal cutsurface made 1 mm from the vascular bundle of the stock withremaining intact parenchyma between this cut surface and thevascular bundle of the stock, CVB was not formed even when NAAwas applied. These results suggested that wound response wasa prerequisite for CVB differentiation and that surface-to-surfaceadhesion of calluses inhibited CVB formation by making calluscells differentiate into quiescent parenchyma cells rapidly.The mechanism of this phenomenon is discussed. (Received September 29, 1977; )  相似文献   

巴西橡胶树嫁接接合区接穗和砧木径向生长差异的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用树皮嫁接后不锯砧和光镜观察的方法,研究了巴西橡胶树(Hevea brasiliensis)嫁接后8个月的接合区接穗和砧木木质部径向生长的差异现象。结果表明,接合区接穗木质部的径向生长普遍地小于砧木,这种生长差异是由接穗和砧木亲本固有生长特性的差异引起的,与嫁接亲和性无关。(1)对于同一无性系,接穗的发育阶段决定其生长能力,幼态接穗新分化的木质部显著地大于老态接穗,而两类接穗旁边的砧木之间没有明显差别。(2)砧木生长势明显地影响接穗木质部的生长,砧木生长势越强,砧木和接穗的生长就越快,两者的径向差异也越大。(3)同一砧木上各品系接穗木质部生长差异取决于接穗自身的生长特性,砧木的生长不受接穗品系的明显影响。显微观察表明橡胶树的嫁接是亲和的,接穗新分化的木质部镶嵌在砧木新分化的木质部中,维管组织如导管上下连接畅通,砧穗树皮厚度一致,愈合良好。  相似文献   

Light microscopy was used to study graft union formation in in vitro micrografts of tissue cultured apple (Malus domestica. Borkh). Micrografts were constructed using horizontal incisions to form the grafting surface, and placing the cut ends of rootstock and scion into sterile silicon tubing to permit graft formation to occur.The outer morphological and histological development was similar for different stock-scion micrograft combinations but graft union formation was slower in heterografts than in autografts. Initial leaf expansion at the scion shoot apex occurred in all micrografted plantlets within 1–4 days and was not indicative of graft success. Progressive scion growth and development could be used as an indication of graft success by ten to fourteen days after grafting and probably was related to establisment of cell to cell contact at the graft interface. Microscopy showed initiation of callus proliferation in the vascular cumbium and the pith ten days after grafting. Differentiation was observed subsequently and this was reflected in scion development. Longitudinally orientated cambial cells began to differentiate between twenty and forty days after grafting, and formed a bridge between the vascular cylinders of scion and rootstock. The scions at this stage had as many as eight newly expanded leaves and micrografts were strong enough to permit silicon sleeve removal without damage. Continuity of new vascular elements in rootstock and scion was established around forty days. New vascular elements curved slightly in towards the pith to form a c shaped bridge across the graft union. Vascular development continued until it reached completion after six months.  相似文献   

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