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A prolific neuronal progenitor cell population in the anterior portion of the neonatal rat forebrain subventricular zone, the SVZa, is specialized for the production of olfactory bulb interneurons. At all ages, SVZa-derived cells traverse a tangential migratory pathway, the rostral migratory stream (RMS), while en route to the olfactory bulb. Unlike other neuronal progenitor cells of the forebrain, migrating progeny of SVZa progenitors express neuronal-specific proteins and continue to divide into adulthood. Recent studies indicate that in the adult, migrating SVZa-derived cells are ensheathed by astrocytes, although the function of these astrocytes has not been determined. To explore the possible role(s) of astrocytes in the rat SVZa and RMS, we examined the expression of astroglial-specific genes in the postnatal SVZa and RMS using RT-PCR, in situ hybridization, and immunohistochemistry during (Postnatal Days 1-10) and after the period of peak olfactory bulb interneuron generation. We also examined the expression of neuronal-specific genes throughout the rostral-caudal extent of the postnatal subventricular zone to determine if differential cell type-specific gene expression could distinguish the neurogenic SVZa as a region distinct from the remainder of the SVZ. We found little to no astrocyte-specific gene expression in the P0-P7 SVZa, although the neuron-specific isoforms of tubulin (T alpha 1 and beta-III tubulin) were expressed abundantly in the SVZa and RMS. In contrast, astrocyte-specific genes were strongly expressed in the SVZ posterior to the SVZa. GFAP expressions begins to appear in some restricted areas of the rostral migratory stream after the first postnatal week. These data suggest that astroglia are not involved in the generation or migration of most olfactory bulb interneurons. Moreover, the scarcity of glial markers in the neonatal SVZa indicates that the forebrain subventricular zone includes a distinct neurogenic anterior region containing predominantly committed neuronal progenitor cells.  相似文献   

Neurogenesis diminishes with aging and ischemia‐induced neurogenesis also occurs, but reduced in aged brain. Currently, the cellular and molecular pathways mediating these effects remain largely unknown. Our previous study has shown that Notch1 signaling regulates neurogenesis in subventricular zone (SVZ) of young adult brain after focal ischemia, but whether a similar effect occurs in aged normal and ischemic animals is unknown. Here, we used normal and ischemic aged rat brains to investigate whether Notch1 signaling was involved in the reduction of neurogenesis in response to aging and modulates neurogenesis in aged brains after focal ischemia. By Western blot, we found that Notch1 and Jagged1 expression in the SVZ of aged brain was significantly reduced compared with young adult brain. Consistently, the activated form of Notch1 (Notch intracellular domain; NICD) expression was also declined. Immunohistochemistry confirmed that expression and activation of Notch1 signaling in the SVZ of aged brain were reduced. Double or triple immunostaining showed that that Notch1 was mainly expressed in doublecortin (DCX)‐positive cells, whereas Jagged1 was predominantly expressed in astroglial cells in the SVZ of normal aged rat brain. In addition, disruption or activation of Notch1 signaling altered the number of proliferating cells labeled by bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and DCX in the SVZ of aged brain. Moreover, ischemia‐induced cell proliferation in the SVZ of aged brain was enhanced by activating the Notch1 pathway and was suppressed by inhibiting the Notch1 signaling. Reduced infarct volume and improved motor deficits were also observed in Notch1 activator–treated aged ischemic rats. Our data suggest that Notch1 signaling modulates the SVZ neurogenesis in aged brain in normal and ischemic conditions.  相似文献   

Neural progenitor cells that express the NG2 proteoglycan are present in different regions of the adult mammalian brain where they display distinct morphologies and proliferative rates. In the developing postnatal and adult mouse, NG2(+) cells represent a major cell population of the subventricular zone (SVZ). NG2(+) cells divide in the anterior and lateral region of the SVZ, and are stimulated to proliferate and migrate out of the SVZ by focal demyelination of the corpus callosum (CC). Many NG2(+) cells are labeled by GFP-retrovirus injection into the adult SVZ, demonstrating that NG2(+) cells actively proliferate under physiological conditions and after demyelination. Under normal physiological conditions and after focal demyelination, proliferation of NG2(+) cells is significantly attenuated in wa2 mice, which are characterized by reduced signaling of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). This results in reduced SVZ-to-lesion migration of NG2(+) cells and oligodendrogenesis in the lesion. Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and EGFR ligands, such as heparin binding-EGF and transforming growth factor alpha, is upregulated in the SVZ after focal demyelination of the CC. EGF-induced oligodendrogenesis and myelin protein expression in wild-type SVZ cells in culture are significantly attenuated in wa2 SVZ cells. Our results demonstrate that the response of NG2(+) cells in the SVZ and their subsequent differentiation in CC after focal demyelination depend on EGFR signaling.  相似文献   

For the last 10 years our laboratory has been studying the proliferation, migration and differentiation of neuronal progenitor cells located in the anterior part of the postnatal forebrain subventricular zone (SVZa). SVZa-derived cells possess a number of proliferative characteristics that distinguish them from the other progenitor cells in the central nervous system. This review summarizes our recent findings, in which we compared the pattern of cell cycle inhibitory proteins expressed by the neonatal SVZa to that of telencephalic ventricular zone cells.  相似文献   

We investigated the function of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2) in neural progenitor cells during postnatal development. Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (NG2)–expressing progenitor cells of the subventricular zone (SVZ) show no significant difference in density and proliferation between Cdk2−/− and wild-type mice at perinatal ages and are reduced only in adult Cdk2−/− mice. Adult Cdk2−/− SVZ cells in culture display decreased self-renewal capacity and enhanced differentiation. Compensatory mechanisms in perinatal Cdk2−/− SVZ cells, which persist until postnatal day 15, involve increased Cdk4 expression that results in retinoblastoma protein inactivation. A subsequent decline in Cdk4 activity to wild-type levels in postnatal day 28 Cdk2−/− cells coincides with lower NG2+ proliferation and self-renewal capacity similar to adult levels. Cdk4 silencing in perinatal Cdk2−/− SVZ cells abolishes Cdk4 up-regulation and reduces cell proliferation and self- renewal to adult levels. Conversely, Cdk4 overexpression in adult SVZ cells restores proliferative capacity to wild-type levels. Thus, although Cdk2 is functionally redundant in perinatal SVZ, it is important for adult progenitor cell proliferation and self-renewal through age-dependent regulation of Cdk4.  相似文献   

Focal cerebral ischemia induces neurogenesis in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the adult human brain. Neurogenesis is controlled by proliferation, differentiation, and migration of neural progenitor cells. This article reviews emerging data that changes of cell cycle kinetics of neural progenitor cells induced by stroke contribute to increased neural progenitor cell proliferation and that gene profiles control proliferation, differentiation, and migration of neural progenitor cells within the SVZ niche. A better understanding of gene profiles that control the biological function of adult SVZ neural progenitor cells could lead to more selective and effective treatments to enhance neurogenesis during stroke recovery.  相似文献   

For more than a decade, we have known that the human brain harbors progenitor cells capable of becoming mature neurons in the adult human brain. Since the original landmark article by Eriksson et al. in 1998 (Nat Med 4:1313-1317), there have been many studies investigating the effect that depression, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, and Parkinson's disease have on the germinal zones in the adult human brain. Of particular interest is the demonstration that there are far fewer progenitor cells in the hippocampal subgranular zone (SGZ) compared with the subventricular zone (SVZ) in the human brain. Furthermore, the quantity of progenitor cell proliferation in human neurodegenerative diseases differs from that of animal models of neurodegenerative diseases; there is minimal progenitor proliferation in the SGZ and extensive proliferation in the SVZ in the human. In this review, we will present the data from a range of human and rodent studies from which we can compare the amount of proliferation of cells in the SVZ and SGZ in different neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that transplantation of immature DCX+/NeuN+/Prox1+ neurons (found in the neonatal DG), but not undifferentiated neuronal progenitor cells (NPCs) from ventral subventricular zone (SVZ), results in neuronal maturation in vivo within the dentate niche. Here we investigated whether we could enhance the integration of SVZ NPCs by forced expression of the proneural gene Neurogenin 2 (NEUROG2). NPCs cultured from neonatal GFP-transgenic rat SVZ for 7 days in a non-differentiating medium were transduced with a retrovirus encoding NEUROG2 and DsRed or the DsRed reporter gene alone (control). By 3 days post-transduction, the NEUROG2-transduced cells maintained in culture contained mostly immature neurons (91% DCX+; 76% NeuN+), whereas the control virus-transduced cells remained largely undifferentiated (30% DCX+; <1% NeuN+). At 6 weeks following transplantation into the DG of adult male rats, there were no neurons among the transplanted cells treated with the control virus but the majority of the NEUROG2-transduced DsRed+ SVZ cells became mature neurons (92% NeuN+; DCX-negative). Although the NEUROG2-transduced SVZ cells did not express the dentate granule neuron marker Prox1, most of the NEUROG2-transduced SVZ cells (78%) expressed the glutamatergic marker Tbr1, suggesting the acquisition of a glutamatergic phenotype. Moreover, some neurons extended dendrites into the molecular layer, grew axons containing Ankyrin G+ axonal initial segments, and projected into the CA3 region, thus resembling mature DG granule neurons. A proportion of NEUROG2 transduced cells also expressed c-Fos and P-CREB, two markers of neuronal activation. We conclude that NEUROG2-transduction is sufficient to promote neuronal maturation and integration of transplanted NPCs from SVZ into the DG.  相似文献   

Stem/progenitor cells hold promise for alleviating/curing type 1 diabetes due to the capacity to differentiate into functional insulin-producing cells. The current study aims to assess the differentiation potential of human pancreatic IPCs (islet-derived progenitor cells). IPCs were derived from four human donors and subjected to more than 2000-fold expansion before turning into ICCs (islet-like cell clusters). The ICCs expressed ISL-1 Glut2, PDX-1, ngn3, insulin, glucagon and somatostatin at the mRNA level and stained positive for insulin and glucagon by immunofluorescence. Following glucose challenge in vitro, C-peptide was detected in the sonicated ICCs, instead of in the conditioned medium. To examine the function of the cells in vivo, IPCs or ICCs were transplanted under the renal capsule of immunodeficient mice. One month later, 19 of 28 mice transplanted with ICCs and 4 of 14 mice with IPCs produced human C-peptide detectable in blood, indicating that the in vivo environment further facilitated the maturation of ICCs. However, among the hormone-positive mice, only 9 of 19 mice with ICCs and two of four mice with IPCs were able to secrete C-peptide in response to glucose.  相似文献   

目的:探讨一氧化氮(NO)对新生大鼠体外培养的神经干细胞(NSCs)分化的作用。方法:采用常规方法分离新生大鼠脑室下区(SVZ)组织,进行NSCs体外培养。用DETA/NO作为NO供体,用L-NAME作为一氧化氮合酶(NOS)抑制剂。免疫荧光法检测NSCs标志物-巢蛋白(nestin)、神经元标志物-8Ⅲ型微管蛋白(Tuj-1)和星型胶质细胞标志物-胶质原纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)的表达,还检测了神经元型NOS的表达。用Greiss还原法检测培养液中总NO的浓度。结果:培养的神经球均为nestin阳性、BIdu阳性和nNOS阳性。NSCs和40μmol/L、50μmol/L、60μmol/LDEFA/N0共培养5d,实验组培养液中N0浓度较对照组显著增高(P〈0.01),相应实验组分化的神经元数和星型胶质细胞数较对照组明显增加(P〈0.01和P〈0.05)。NSCs和100μmol/L、150μmol/L、200μmol/LL-NAME共培养5d,实验组培养液中NO浓度较对照组降低(P〈0.05),相应实验组分化的神经元数和星型胶质细胞数也较对照组减少(P〈0.05)。结论:NO能直接促进大鼠SVZ体外培养的NSCs分化。  相似文献   

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most frequently occurring malignant brain tumor in adults, remains mostly untreatable. Because of the heterogeneity of invasive gliomas and drug resistance associated with the tumor microenvironment, the prognosis is poor, and the survival rate of patients is low. Communication between GBMs and non-glioma cells in the tumor microenvironment plays a vital role in tumor growth and recurrence. Emerging data have suggested that neural stem cells (NSCs) in the subventricular zone (SVZ) are the cells-of-origin of gliomas, and SVZ NSC involvement is associated with the progression and recurrence of GBM. This review highlights the interaction between SVZ NSCs and gliomas, summarizes current findings on the crosstalk between gliomas and other non-glioma cells, and describes the links between SVZ NSCs and gliomas. We also discuss the role and mechanism of SVZ NSCs in glioblastoma, as well as the interventions targeting the SVZ and their therapeutic implications in glioblastoma. Taken together, understanding the biological mechanism of glioma-NSC interactions can lead to new therapeutic strategies for GBM.  相似文献   

The mammalian cerebral cortex arises from precursor cells that reside in a proliferative region surrounding the lateral ventricles of the developing brain. Recent work has shown that precursor cells in the subventricular zone (SVZ) provide a major contribution to prenatal cortical neurogenesis, and that the SVZ is significantly thicker in gyrencephalic mammals such as primates than it is in lissencephalic mammals including rodents. Identifying characteristics that are shared by or that distinguish cortical precursor cells across mammalian species will shed light on factors that regulate cortical neurogenesis and may point toward mechanisms that underlie the evolutionary expansion of the neocortex in gyrencephalic mammals. We immunostained sections of the developing cerebral cortex from lissencephalic rats, and from gyrencephalic ferrets and macaques to compare the distribution of precursor cell types in each species. We also performed time-lapse imaging of precursor cells in the developing rat neocortex. We show that the distribution of Pax6+ and Tbr2+ precursor cells is similar in lissencephalic rat and gyrencephalic ferret, and different in the gyrencephalic cortex of macaque. We show that mitotic Pax6+ translocating radial glial cells (tRG) are present in the cerebral cortex of each species during and after neurogenesis, demonstrating that the function of Pax6+ tRG cells is not restricted to neurogenesis. Furthermore, we show that Olig2 expression distinguishes two distinct subtypes of Pax6+ tRG cells. Finally we present a novel method for discriminating the inner and outer SVZ across mammalian species and show that the key cytoarchitectural features and cell types that define the outer SVZ in developing primates are present in the developing rat neocortex. Our data demonstrate that the developing rat cerebral cortex possesses an outer subventricular zone during late stages of cortical neurogenesis and that the developing rodent cortex shares important features with that of primates.  相似文献   

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