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In order to develop a comparative map between chicken and quail, we identified orthologous gene markers based on chicken genomic sequences and localized them on the Japanese quail Kobe-NIBS linkage map, which had previously been constructed with amplified fragment length polymorphisms. After sequencing the intronic regions of 168 genes located on chicken chromosomes 1-8, polymorphisms among Kobe-NIBS quail family parents were detected in 51 genes. These orthologous markers were mapped on eight Japanese quail linkage groups (JQG), and they allowed the comparison of JQG to chicken macrochromosomes. The locations of the genes and their orders were quite similar between the two species except within a previously reported inversion on quail chromosome 2. Therefore, we propose that the respective quail linkage groups are macrochromosomes and designated as quail chromosomes CJA 1-8.  相似文献   

To improve the physical and comparative map of chicken chromosome 24 (GGA24; former linkage group E49C20W21) bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contigs were constructed around loci previously mapped on this chromosome by linkage analysis. The BAC clones were used for both sample sequencing and BAC end sequencing. Sequence tagged site (STS) markers derived from the BAC end sequences were used for chromosome walking. In total 191 BAC clones were isolated, covering almost 30% of GGA24, and 76 STS were developed (65 STS derived from BAC end sequences and 11 STS derived within genes). The partial sequences of the chicken BAC clones were compared with sequences present in the EMBL/GenBank databases, and revealed matches to 19 genes, expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and genomic clones located on human chromosome 11q22-q24 and mouse chromosome 9. Furthermore, 11 chicken orthologues of human genes located on HSA11q22-q24 were directly mapped within BAC contigs of GGA24. These results provide a better alignment of GGA24 with the corresponding regions in human and mouse and identify several intrachromosomal rearrangements between chicken and mammals.  相似文献   

Patterns of early embryonic development have traditionally been viewed as invariant within vertebrate taxa. It has been argued that the specific differences which are found arise during the later stages of development. These differences may be a result of allometry, heterochrony or changes in relative growth rates. To test whether early embryonic development is indeed invariant, or whether selection of adult characteristics can alter embryonic growth, we compared embryonic development in birds selected for different patterns of postnatal growth. Using quail lines selected for high and low body mass, we compared somite formation, and muscle and feather development. We obtained data that showed changes in the rate of myotome formation in the brachial somites which contribute to muscle formation in the limbs and thorax. We think these observations are connected with intraspecific changes in adult morphology, ie., breast muscle size. Our findings suggest that selection for late ontogenetic/adult stages affects early embryonic development.  相似文献   

Using direct R-banding fluorescence in situ hybridization, we assigned five functional genes-growth hormone receptor (GHR), prolactin receptor (PRLR), spleen tyrosine kinase (SYK), aldolase B (ALDOB), and muscle skeletal receptor tyrosine kinase (MUSK)-to the chicken Z chromosome. SYK and MUSK were newly localized to the chicken Z chromosome in this study. GHR and PRLR were situated close to each other on the short arm of the chicken Z chromosome, as are their counterparts on human chromosome 5. SYK, MUSK, and ALDOB, which have been mapped to human chromosome 9, were localized to the long arm of the chicken Z chromosome. Thus, the present results indicate the presence of conserved synteny between the chicken Z chromosome and human chromosomes 5 and 9. Using the same method, four of the genes (GHR, PRLR, ALDOB, and MUSK) were assigned to the Japanese quail Z chromosome. The locations of these four Z-linked genes were conserved between chicken and Japanese quail. The results support the notion that the avian Z chromosome and the mammalian X chromosome did not evolve from a common ancestral linkage group.  相似文献   

We applied multitude multicolor banding (mMCB) in combination with a novel FISH DNA probe set including subcentromeric, subtelomeric and whole chromosome painting probes (subCTM) to characterize a Pan paniscus (PPA) cell line. These powerful techniques allowed us to refine the breakpoints of a pericentric inversion on chimpanzee chromosome 4, and discovered a novel cryptic pericentric inversion in chimpanzee chromosome 11. mMCB provided a starting point for mapping and high resolution analysis of breakpoints on PPA chromosome 4, which are within a long terminal repeat (LTR) and surrounded by segmental duplications, as well as the integration/expansion sites of the interstitial heterochromatin on chimpanzee chromosomes 6 and 14. Moreover, we found evidence at hand for different types of heterochromatin in the chimpanzee genome. Finally, shedding new light on the human/chimpanzee speciation, karyotypes of three members of the genus Pan were studied by mMCB and no cytogenetic differences were found although the phylogenetic distance between these subspecies is suggested to be 2.5 million years.  相似文献   

Homology for two plumage color loci was studied by hybridization between chickens and Japanese quail. First, chicken-quail hybrids were produced from homozygous "lavender" chicken cocks and "bleu" Japanese quail, and all 30 hybrids had the same parental slate blue plumage color. On the other hand, no hybrids with this plumage were obtained out of 18 progeny from the same cocks and wild-type quail. These results show that the slate blue plumage color is determined by homologous loci in Japanese quail and chickens. Second, all (n = 25) chicken-quail hybrids hatched from homozygous "recessive white" cocks and "recessive white" (n = 8) or "wild-type" (n = 17) quail had the same pattern of plumage color, with white feathers on the ventral face and colored feathers elsewhere. These results indicate that the recessive white mutations are not homologous in Japanese quail and chickens.  相似文献   

Conserved genome homologies between the chicken and partridge have been demonstrated for chromosomes 1 and Z in previous studies. Morphological differences between the chicken and partridge for chromosome 4 have also been identified. The chicken chromosome 4 is submetacentric while the partridge chromosome 4 is acrocentric. We now report that in spite of this morphological difference, both species share extensive homology for chromosome 4 as determined by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Since only two chromosomes of the partridge karyotype showed FISH signals, our observation suggests that a chromosome rearrangement (peri- or paracentric inversion) has occurred in the partridge chromosome 4.  相似文献   



Comparative genomics has become a significant research area in recent years, following the availability of a number of sequenced genomes. The comparison of genomes is of great importance in the analysis of functionally important genome regions. It can also be used to understand the phylogenetic relationships of species and the mechanisms leading to rearrangement of karyotypes during evolution. Many species have been studied at the cytogenetic level by cross species chromosome painting. With the large amount of such information, it has become vital to computerize the data and make them accessible worldwide. Chromhome is a comprehensive web application that is designed to provide cytogenetic comparisons among species and to fulfil this need.  相似文献   

The genetic map of chromosome 5B has been constructed by using microsatellite (SSR) analysis of 381 plants from the F2 population produced by cross of the Chinese Spring (CS) and Renan cultivars. Initially, 180 SSR markers for the common wheat 5B chromosome have been used for analysis of these cultivars. The 32 markers able to detect polymorphism between these cultivars have been located on the genetic map of chromosome 5B. Cytogenetic mapping has involved a set of CS 5B chromosome deletion lines. Totally, 51 SSR markers have been located in ten regions (deletion bins) of this chromosome by SSR analysis of these deletion lines. Five genes—TaCBFIIIc-B10, Vrn-B1, Chi-B1, Skr, and Ph1—have been integrated into the cytogenetic map of chromosome 5B using the markers either specific of or tightly linked to the genes in question. Comparison of the genetic and cytogenetic maps suggests that recombination is suppressed in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 5B, especially in the short arm segment. The 18 markers localized to deletion bins 5BL16-0.79-1.00 and 5BL18-0.66-0.79 have been used to analyze common wheat introgression lines L842, L5366-180, L73/00i, and L21-4, carrying fragments of alien genomes in the terminal region of 5B long arm. L5366-180 and L842 lines carry a fragment of the Triticum timopheevii 5GL chromosome, while L73/00i and L21-4 lines, a fragment of the Aegilops speltoides 5SL chromosome. As has been shown, the translocated fragments in these four lines are of different lengths, allowing bin 5BL18-0.66-0.79 to be divided into three shorter regions. The utility of wheat introgression lines carrying alien translocations for increasing the resolution of cytogenetic mapping is discussed.  相似文献   

1. The riboflavin binding proteins from domestic fowl and Japanese quail have been isolated and their structures compared by circular dichroism, fluorescence and peptide mapping. 2. The two proteins have similar secondary structures, but differ in their tertiary structures as reflected in the environments of aromatic amino acid side chains. 3. Differences in amino acid sequence between the proteins are indicated by the digestion patterns obtained with thermolysin, chymotrypsin and V8 proteinase from Staphylococcus aureus. Both proteins are resistant to digestion by trypsin.  相似文献   

S*S (Silver), S*N (wild type/gold), and S*AL (sex-linked imperfect albinism) form a series of alleles at the S (Silver) locus on chicken (Gallus gallus) chromosome Z. Similarly, sex-linked imperfect albinism (AL*A) is the bottom recessive allele at the orthologous AL locus in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). The solute carrier family 45, member 2, protein (SLC45A2), previously denoted membrane-associated transporter protein (MATP), has an important role in vesicle sorting in the melanocytes. Here we report five SLC45A2 mutations. The 106delT mutation in the chicken S*AL allele results in a frameshift and a premature stop codon and the corresponding mRNA appears to be degraded by nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. A splice-site mutation in the Japanese quail AL*A allele causes in-frame skipping of exon 4. Two independent missense mutations (Tyr277Cys and Leu347Met) were associated with the Silver allele in chicken. The functional significance of the former mutation, associated only with Silver in White Leghorn, is unclear. Ala72Asp was associated with the cinnamon allele (AL*C) in the Japanese quail. The most interesting feature concerning the SLC45A2 variants documented in this study is the specific inhibition of expression of red pheomelanin in Silver chickens. This phenotypic effect cannot be explained on the basis of the current, incomplete, understanding of SLC45A2 function. It is an enigma why recessive null mutations at this locus cause an almost complete absence of both eumelanin and pheomelanin whereas some missense mutations are dominant and cause a specific inhibition of pheomelanin production.  相似文献   

Summary Localization of iodopsin in the retina of the chicken and Japanese quail was investigated immunohistochemically with the use of monoclonal antibodies (R1-R4) highly specific for R-photopsin (protein moiety of iodopsin). In paraffin sections of the retina, the outer segments of double cones (principal and accessory cones) and of one particular type of single cones were labeled with the antibodies. In addition, reticular cytoplasmic structures, probably representing the Golgi apparatus in a position close to the vitreous pole of the paraboloid and to the outer limiting membrane were intensely stained in the cone cells bearing an immunoreactive outer segment. In whole-mount preparations, 5 types of cone cells were identified according to the color of oil droplets, i.e., red, yellow, pale-green (principal member of double cones), pale-blue and clear, in addition to a sixth type devoid of an oil droplet (accessory member of double cones). The immunohistochemical analysis of the preparations revealed that R-photopsin (suggesting the presence of iodopsin) is localized in the outer segments of both the principal and accessory members of double cones, and the population of single cones displaying a red oil droplet. Other cones endowed with a yellow, blue or clear oil droplet were not labeled with the antibodies used. Similar results were obtained in the retina of the Japanese quail.  相似文献   

In line with the Gifu University''s initiative to map the Japanese quail genome, a total of 100 Japanese quail microsatellite markers isolated in our laboratory were evaluated in a population of 20 unrelated quails randomly sampled from a colony of wild quail origin. Ninety-eight markers were polymorphic with an average of 3.7 alleles per locus and a mean heterozygosity of 0.423. To determine the utility of these markers for comparative genome mapping in Phasianidae, cross-species amplification of all the markers was tested with chicken and guinea fowl DNA. Amplification products similar in size to the orthologous loci in quail were observed in 42 loci in chicken and 20 loci in guinea fowl. Of the cross-reactive markers, 57.1% in chicken and 55.0% in guinea fowl were polymorphic when tested in 20 birds from their respective populations. Five of 15 markers that could cross-amplify Japanese quail, chicken, and guinea fowl DNA were polymorphic in all three species. Amplification of orthologous loci was confirmed by sequencing 10 loci each from chicken and guinea fowl and comparing with them the corresponding quail sequence. The microsatellite markers reported would serve as a useful resource base for genetic mapping in quail and comparative mapping in Phasianidae.  相似文献   

A comparative map was made of chicken chromosome 13 (GGA13) with a part of human chromosome 5 (HSA5). Microsatellite markers specific for GGA13 were used to screen the Wageningen chicken bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library. Selected BAC clones were end sequenced and 57 sequence tag site (STS) markers were designed for contig building. In total, 204 BAC clones were identified which resulted in a coverage of about 20% of GGA13. Identification of genes was performed by a bi-directional approach. The first approach starting with sequencing mapped chicken BAC subclones, where sequences were used to identify orthologous genes in human and mouse by a basic local alignment search tool (BLAST) database search. The second approach started with the identification of chicken orthologues of human genes in the HSA5q23-35 region. The chicken orthologous genes were subsequently mapped by fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) and/or single neucleotide polymorphism typing. The total number of genes mapped on GGA13 is increased from 14 to a total of 20 genes. Genes mapped on GGA13 have their orthologues on HSA5q23-5q35 in human and on Mmu11, Mmu13 and Mmu18 in mouse.  相似文献   

We report here the localisation of BAIAP1 (13q24), HTR1F (13q45), PTPRG (13q23) and UBE1C (13q24) by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH), and BAIAP1 (Swr2114; 21 cR; LOD = 11.03), GATA2 (Sw2448; 37 cR; LOD = 8.26), IL5RA (Swr2114; 64 cR; LOD = 3.85), LMCD1 (Sw2450; 61 cR; LOD = 4.73), MME (CP; 50 cR; LOD = 7.75), RYK (Swc22; 12 cR; LOD = 18.62) and SGU003 (Sw1876; 6 cR; LOD = 16.99) by radiation hybrid (RH) mapping to porcine chromosome 13 (SSC13). The mapping of these 10 different loci (all mapped to human chromosome 3; HSA3) not only confirms the extended conservation of synteny between HSA3 and SSC13, but also defines more precisely the regions with conserved linkage. The syntenic region of the centromeric part of SSC13 was determined by isolating porcine bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones (842D4 and 1031H1) using primers amplifying porcine microsatellite markers S0219 and S0076 (mapped to this region). Sequence comparison of the BAC end sequences with the human genome sequence showed that the centromeric part of SSC13 is homologous with HSA3p24.  相似文献   

We have generated a panel of 55 somatic cell hybrids retaining fragments of human chromosome 4. Each hybrid has been characterized cytogenetically by FISH and molecularly by 37 STSs, evenly spaced along the chromosome. The panel can be exploited to map subregionally DNA sequences on chromosome 4 and to generate partial chromosome paints useful in the characterization of chromosomal rearrangements involving this chromosome. Furthermore, a panel of 84 YACs mapping on chromosome 4 has been characterized by FISH. A subset of this panel is recognized by STSs used in the somatic cell hybrid characterization. In this way a correlation between the genetic and the physical maps can be established. These resources have been used to investigate the conservation of the phylogenetic chromosome IV in great apes. The results indicate that all the pericentric inversions that differentiate chromosome IV in these species are distinct and that one of the breakpoints frequently lies very close to the centromere. In 4 instances, the YAC containing the breakpoint was identified. The breakpoint in IVq of PTR and MMU lies in the same YAC, suggesting that this breakpoint has been utilized twice in the evolutionary history of this chromosome.  相似文献   

Summary A Golgi study of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the chicken and Japanese quail revealed in this area a complex neuronal pattern and typology, including specialized dendritic patterns. Immunocytochemical studies provided evidence for the existence of a vasotocinergic system within the SCN, mainly in its rostral portion. Other clusters of immunoreactive elements are located in the lateral and dorsal divisions of this nucleus; they show a different distribution in the chicken and Japanese quail. The present results confirm, in birds, the existence of a morphologically defined SCN, the complex cytoarchitecture of which suggests specialized functions.This study was supported by grants from CNR (83.00447.04, 84.01769.04 and 84.00797.04) and MPI (60%)  相似文献   

Genetic analyses were performed with four sex-linked plumage color mutations (roux, brown, imperfect albino, and cinnamon) in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Roux and brown quail have similar plumage color, but plumage of roux quail is paler. Pure, F1 and F2 matings were carried out with roux and brown stocks, and 357, 338, and 273 progeny with either roux or brown plumage color were obtained from each mating type, respectively. These allelism tests showed that mutations for roux and brown colors were alleles (*R and *B) from the same locus BR, and that BR*B was dominant over BR*R. Two alleles at the AL locus, AL*A (imperfect albino) and AL*C (cinnamon) were used to estimate the recombination frequency between the BR and AL loci on the Z chromosome. It was estimated to be 38.1+/-1.0% based on 4615 chicks from the test crosses.  相似文献   

We started establishing inbred strains of chicken and Japanese quail in 1970. In class Aves, full sib mating is highly difficult due to inbreeding depression. In the chicken, we attempted to establish some inbred strains in three breeds, Black Minorca, White Leghorn and Fayoumi by fixing all the characters that differentiate individuals homozygously. In this paper, we describe some marker genes and characters fixed in the inbred strains of chicken and Japanese quail as well as a calculation of a putative coefficient of inbreeding in 8 chicken inbred strains using band sharing values detected by AFLP analysis. We established generalized glycogenosis type II quail, myotonic dystrophy quail, neurofilament deficient quail, visually impaired chicken, double oviduct chicken with partial kidney deficiency, chicken showing spontaneous lymphocytic thyroiditis with feathered amelanosis, and chicken with a hereditary nervous disorder. The processes of establishment and characteristics of these animal models are described with some interesting information obtained from these animal models. In generalized glycogenosis type II quail, the results of enzyme replacement therapy and gene therapy are described.  相似文献   

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