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The activity of lecithinase was studied among 50 yeast strains belonging to the genera Rhodotorula Harrison, Cryptococcus Kütz, and Lipomyces Lodder et Kreger van Rij. The maximum activity of lecithinase is typical of epiphyte yeast strains belonging to the genus Rhodotorula and is not manifested by species of the henus Lipomyces which inhabit soil. Strains of the genus Cryptococcus cannot be distinctly differentiated into soil and epiphyte cultures, and occupy an intermediate position by the activity of lecithinase.  相似文献   

Pertussigen prepared from Bordetella pertussis strains of various agglutinogen types was found to have similar biological activities in mice, and to give precipitin lines of identity in agar diffusion tests. The doses required to induce histamine hypersensitivity ranged from 0.9 to 9.5 ng, and to induce leukocytosis from 124 to 190 ng. When pertussigen was detoxified by treatment with glutaraldehyde, it protected mice from intracerebral challenge with B. pertussis at doses of from 12.7 to 24.4 micrograms. The results showed that all smooth strains of B. pertussis produced pertussigen that was biologically and serologically similar, and that it was produced independently of fimbrial hemagglutinin.  相似文献   

1. Plasma membranes of comparable yield and purity were isolated from the livers of various animal species belonging to phylogenetic groups from Amphibia to Mammalia. 2. Calcium transport activity was observed in all liver plasma membranes examined. 3. No phylogenetic pattern of expression of the liver plasma membrane calcium transport system was observed, with the order of activity being: guinea pig greater than rabbit greater than frog greater than chicken = hamster greater than rat = budgerigar = turtle greater than beef cattle greater than mouse = duck. 4. Calcium transport activity was only 9.7 and 8.7% of adult frog levels in plasma membranes isolated from the livers of tadpoles without and with limbs, respectively. 5. Liver plasma membrane calcium transport activity was 25% higher in adult chickens than in day-old chicks. 6. A possible role for thyroid hormone in the development of the liver plasma membrane calcium transport system is discussed.  相似文献   

【背景】蛋白饲料的缺乏,促进了蛋白含量高、安全性能好的酵母类单细胞蛋白的研究与应用。【目的】筛选氨氮利用能力强的菌株,为单细胞蛋白的发酵提供优良菌株。【方法】从土壤、奶制品、水果采集样品分离酵母菌,根据形态学和分子生物学鉴定菌株,然后以硫酸铵为唯一氮源培养基,测定菌落大小、菌体干重、蛋白质含量,复筛氨氮利用率高的酵母菌,并对复筛菌株氨同化相关酶活性进行测定。【结果】经过形态学、分子生物学鉴定和氨氮利用能力评价,获得3株高氨氮利用的酵母菌,分别是胶红酵母(Rhodotorula mucilaginosa)、酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)和戴尔有孢圆酵母(Torulaspora delbrueckii)。通过比较3株酵母菌的谷氨酸脱氢酶、谷氨酸合成酶、谷氨酰胺合成酶活性,酿酒酵母的3种酶活性最高,其次是胶红酵母。【结论】从奶酪和西瓜中分离的胶红酵母N5和酿酒酵母J1具有较强的氨氮利用能力以及酶活性,可为单细胞蛋白发酵提供优良菌株。  相似文献   

Ethanol tolerance, osmotolerance and sugar conversion efficiency were used to screen yeasts for potential ethanol production from sweet-stem sorghum juice. Of the ten strains of Saccharomyces sp. that produced ethanol from the sorghum juice or from yeast extract/phosphate/sucrose (YEPS) media, the best sugar conversion efficiencies were greater than 85% for the strains Vin7, SB9, N96 and GSL. Vin7 and SB9 had higher sugar conversion efficiencies for sweet-stem sorghum juice, while strains N96 and GSL gave higher conversions in YEPS.The authors are with the Food and Fermentation Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry, University of Zimbabwe, M.P.167. Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe  相似文献   

An understanding of the optical properties of biological media and cells is essential to the development of noninvasive optical studies of tissues. Unicellular organisms offer a unique opportunity to investigate the factors affecting light propagation, since they can be manipulated in ways impossible for more complex biological samples. In this study, we examined optical absorption and scattering properties of strongly multiple scattering yeast suspensions by means of near-infrared (NIR) time-resolved spectroscopy (TRS) and a sample substitution method. We determined the critical parameters for photon migration by varying the cell organelle content, the cell ploidy, the cell size, and the concentration of suspended cells. The results indicate that the photon absorption is insensitive to cell differentiation and that the cell volume is the primary factor determining light-scattering property.  相似文献   

Transport of 14C-biotin was studied in cells of different biotin-prototrophous yeast and mold fungal strains. An inverse correlation was established between the capability of the fungi to synthesize biotin and the exogenous vitamin transport: 14C-biotin did not penetrate into the cells of strains which excreted great quantities of the vitamin. It is likely that a higher level of biotin synthesis in certain fungi is caused by a peculiar transport system, which results in a one-way permeability of their cell membrane for biotin. Biotin is eliminated from the cell and cannot repress its own synthesis. Active transport of biotin in the studied prototrophous organisms occurs against a concentration gradient and does not depend on the presence of glucose in the medium. There are apparently other energy sources for this process.  相似文献   

Heterocapsa circularisquama (Dinophyceae), a red tide dinoflagellate, is toxic to bivalve molluscs such as the pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata), but no harmful effects of this alga on fish have been observed so far. We found that 7 strains of H. circularisquama showed hemolytic activities toward rabbit erythrocytes in a cell-density dependent manner, but to quite different extents. The strains which are known to be highly toxic to bivalves tend to show stronger hemolytic activities and vice versa, suggesting that the hemolytic activity is parallel with the shellfish toxicity of H. circularisquama. Since the hemolytic assay is simple, semiquantitative, and reproducible, this assay is useful not only to search for certain toxins responsible for the shellfish toxicity of H. circularisquama but also to estimate the potential toxicity of a newly appeared strain of H. circularisquama.  相似文献   

Flocculating yeast strains with good fermentation ability are desirable for brewing industry as well as for fuel ethanol production, however, the genetic diversity of the flocculating genes from natural yeast strains is largely unexplored. In this study, FLO1, FLO5, FLO9, FLO10 and FLO11 PCR products were obtained from 16 yeast strains from various sources, and the PCR product amplified from FLO1 of the self-flocculating yeast strain SPSC01 was used for the construction of expression cassette flanked by homologous fragments of the endonuclease gene HO for chromosome integration. A genetically engineered flocculating yeast BHL01 with good fermentation performance was obtained by transforming an industrial strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae 4126 with the expression cassette. The fermentation performances of SPSC01 and BHL01 in flask fermentation were compared using 208 g/L glucose. BHL01 completed the fermentation 8 h earlier than SPSC01, while no significant difference between BHL01 and S. cerevisiae 4126 was observed. In very high gravity repeated batch ethanol fermentation using 255 g/L glucose, BHL01 maintained stable flocculation for at least over 24 batches, while SPSC01 displayed severe deflocculation under the same conditions. The natural reservoir of flocculating genes from yeast strains may represent an unexplored gene source for the construction of new flocculating yeast strains for improved ethanol production.  相似文献   

Summary A method of isolating intact needle cuticles is presented. Cuticles were separated enzymatically from needles of Abies alba Mill., Picea abies (L.) Karst., Picea pungens Engelm., Pinus mugo Turra, and Taxus baccata L. Cuticle separation depended on the enzyme concentration, the developmental stage of the needles and the duration of incubation in the hydrolytic pectinase/cellulase solution. Cuticles could not be removed from needles older than 2 years. Scanning electron micrographs of enzymatically isolated cuticles are presented. The permeance coefficients for water and oxygen transport across the isolated cuticular membranes indicate their functional intactness. But permeance coefficients also show that isolation of cuticular membranes with chromic acid is an unacceptable method, since they are lo longer structurally or functionally intact following isolation by this method.  相似文献   

Seven genetic variants of Yersinia pestis were detected by finger-printing of 85 strains of this bacterium from natural foci by means of a BX probe. Variants of Y. pestis strains correlate with certain species of carriers.  相似文献   

Recently, patch-clamping of yeast protoplasts has revealed the presence of plasma membrane K+ channels (Gustin, M. C., B. Martinac, Y. Saimi, M. R. Culberston, and C. Kung. 1986. Science (Wash. DC). 233:1195-1197). In this work we show that fusion of purified plasma membranes into planar bilayers allows the study of the yeast channels. The main cationic conductances detected were of 64 and 116 pS, however, larger and smaller conductances have been observed. The two main conductances were sensitive to the K+ channels blockers tetraethylammonium (TEA+) and Ba2+. Bionic experiments indicated that both conductances were K+ selective.  相似文献   

An overview presentation is made on the current global status of fungal beta3-amylases, their characteristics and applications in various industries. Among the few available report on beta-amylase producing fungal strains, many showed a preference for a cultivation temperature of 28 degrees C, acidic pH and soluble starch as an inducer of enzyme synthesis. In some fungal strains, alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidases were found to be present as major contaminating enzymes. Although the existence of a few starch digesting and raw starch adsorbing fungal strains were reported, detailed study on molecular biology of corresponding fungal genes was not available.  相似文献   

Guava pulp used for ethanol production by three yeast strains contained 10% (w/v) total sugars and was pH 4.1. Ethanol production at the optimum sugar concentration of 10%, at pH 4.1 and 30°C was 1.5%, 3.6% and 3.9% (w/v) by Saccharomyces cerevisiae MTCC 1972, Isolate-1 and Isolate-2, respectively, at 60 h fermentation. Higher sugar concentrations at 15 and 20% were inhibitory for ethanol production by all test cultures. The maximum production of ethanol at optimum natural sugar concentration (10%) of guava pulp, was 5.8% (w/v) at pH 5.0 by Isolate-2 over 36 h fermentation, which was only slightly more than the quantity of ethanol produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae (5.0%) and Isolate-1 (5.3%) over 36 and 60h fermentation, respectively.  相似文献   

Of the many yeast specie scapable of fermenting inulin, some can produce sufficient amounts of ethanol from the substrate, in particularKluyverotmyces fragilis andTorulopsis colliculosa. The results indicate the feasibility of producing ethanol from inulin-rich plants, such as Jerusalem artichoke.  相似文献   

390 strains of Chrysosporium were screened for their ability to produce enzymes. All strains produced: catalase, phosphatase, lipase, amylase, DNAse and phosphoamidase. No strains showed: valine arylamidase, oxidase, -galactosidase, urease, pectolase, protease nor RNAse.  相似文献   

E kunsanmi , T.J. & O dunfa , S.A. 1990. Ethanol tolerance, sugar tolerance and invertase activities of some yeast strains isolated from steep water of fermenting cassava tubers. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 69 , 672–675.
Thirteen yeasts isolated from the steep water of fermenting cassava tubers were screened for ethanol tolerance. Three strains which showed measurable growth in medium containing 10% (v/v) ethanol were also sugar-tolerant and grew well in medium containing 25% (w/v) glucose. One of the strains, YC3, was found to possess much higher invertase activity than the other two and could be of value in ethanol production from molasses. Further search for industrially useful yeasts in African fermented foods is suggested.  相似文献   

Bacillus licheniformis is exploited industrially for the production of enzymes and has been shown to exhibit pathogenic properties. Because of these divergent characteristics, questions arise concerning intraspecies diversity. A comparative study by means of combined repetitive polymerase chain reaction, rpoB and gyrA sequencing, 16S rDNA targeted probe analysis, DNA-DNA hybridizations, gelatinase tests and antibiotic susceptibility tests was performed on a set of strains from diverse sources, including strains with pathogenic potential. B. licheniformis was found to consist of two lineages that are distinguished genotypically.  相似文献   

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