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Brood desertion in Kentish plover: the value of parental care   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
To understand the evolution of parental care, one needs to estimatethe payoffs from providing care for the offspring and from terminatingcare and deserting them. In this study we estimated the payofffrom care provision, and in a companion paper we analyze thepayoff from offspring desertion. In the current study we experimentallyinvestigated the influence of the number and sex of attendingparents on growth and survival of offspring in the Kentish ploverCharadrius alexandrinus, in two sites (A and B). Either the maleor the female parent was removed from some broods at hatchingof the chicks (female-only and male-only broods, respectively),whereas in control broods both parents were allowed to attendtheir young. At site A survival of the chicks was lower in uniparental(male-only and female-only) broods than in control broods, whereaswe found no difference in brood survival at site B. Brood survivaldecreased over the season. Removal of either parent did not influencethe growth of the young, although growth varied over the breeding season,and it was significantly different between the sites. Theseresults suggest that the payoff from parental care decreasesover the breeding season and that the value of parental care(i.e., the contribution of parents to the survival of theiryoung) may depend on the environment.  相似文献   

Brood sex ratio in the Kentish plover   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
How and why do the mating opportunities of males and femalesdiffer in natural population of animals? Previously we showedthat females have higher mating opportunities than males inthe Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus. Both parents incubatethe eggs, and males provide more brood care than females; thusit is not obvious why the females find new mates sooner thanthe males. In this study we investigated whether the sex-biasedmating opportunities stem from biased offspring sex ratios.We determined the sex of newly hatched, precocial chicks usingCHD gene markers. Among fully sexed broods, 0.461 ± 0.024(SE) of chicks (454 chicks in 158 broods) were male, and thissex ratio was not significantly different from unity. The proportionof males at hatching decreased significantly over the breedingseason, which occurred consistently in all 3 years of the study.Large chicks were more likely to be males than females. Neitherparental age nor body size of male and female parents was relatedto brood sex ratio. We also sexed a number of chicks that werecaught after they left their nest (range of estimated ages 0–17days) and found that the proportion of males increased withbrood age. This relationship remained highly significant whencontrolling statistically for hatching date. As brood size decreaseddue to mortality after the chicks left their nest, these resultssuggest that the mortality of daughters was higher than thatof the sons shortly after hatching. Taken together, our resultsshow that the female-biased mating opportunities in the Kentishplover are not due to biased brood sex ratio at hatching but,at least in part, are due to female-biased chick mortality soonafter hatching.  相似文献   

1. One of the fundamental insights of behavioural ecology is that resources influence breeding systems. For instance, when food resources are plenty, one parent is able to care for the young on its own, so that the other parent can desert and became polygamous. We investigated this hypothesis in the context of classical polyandry when females may have several mates within a single breeding season, and parental duties are carried out largely by the male. 2. We studied a precocial wader, the Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus, that exhibits variable brood care such that the chicks may be raised by both parents, only by the female or, more often, only by the male. The timing of female desertion varies: some females desert their brood at hatching of the eggs and lay a clutch for a new mate, whereas other females stay with their brood until the chicks fledge. Kentish plovers are excellent organisms with which to study breeding system evolution, as some of their close relatives exhibit classical polyandry (Eurasian dotterel Eudromias morinellus, mountain plover Charadrius montanus), whereas others are polygynous (northern lapwing Vanellus vanellus). 3. Kentish plovers raised their broods in two habitats in our study site in southern Turkey: saltmarsh and lakeshore. Food intake was higher on the lakeshore than in the saltmarsh as judged from feeding behaviour of chicks and adults. As the season proceeded and the saltmarsh dried out, the broods moved toward the lakeshore. 4. As the density of plovers increased on lakeshore, the parents spent more time defending their young, and female parents stayed with their brood longer on the lakeshore. 5. We conclude that the influence of food abundance on breeding systems is more complex than currently anticipated. Abundant food resources appear to have profound implications on spatial distribution of broods, and the social interactions between broods constrain female desertion and polyandry.  相似文献   

Adult sex ratio (ASR) exhibits immense variation in nature, although neither the causes nor the implications of this variation are fully understood. According to theory, the ASR is expected to influence sex roles and breeding systems, as the rarer sex in the population has more potential partners to mate with than the more common sex. Changes in mate choice, mating systems and parental care suggest that the ASR does influence breeding behaviour, although there is a need for more tests, especially experimental ones. In the context of breeding system evolution, the focus is currently on operational sex ratios (OSRs). We argue that the ASR plays a role of similar importance and urge researchers to study the ASR and the OSR side by side. Finally, we plead for a dynamic view of breeding system evolution with feedbacks between mating, parenting, OSR and ASR on both ecological and evolutionary time scales.  相似文献   

Convict cichlid fish have biparental care for a period of about6 weeks lasting from egg laying until the young (fry) have grownto about 10 mm. However, the young can sometimes survive withcare from only one parent, and desertion of the mate and offspringby males has been observed. I tested a theoretical model modifiedfrom Lazarus (1990) which predicted that mate and offspringdesertion by male convict cichlids should be promoted by lowpredation pressure on fry, high remating opportunities for males,increasing age of fry, and decreasing number of fry. Males deserted7.8% of 334 broods studied during two breeding seasons in CostaRican streams. As predicted, males deserted their broods mostfrequently at sites with the highest brood survivorship (lowestbrood predation pressure), when fry were close to independenceand when brood size was smaller than average. Sex ratios andinterspawning intervals did not indicate any relationship betweenmate desertion and opportunities for remating for males. Thereuse of spawning caves may favor fidelity to the mate and brood,and defending the young from predators at the same time as defendingthe cave from conspecifics may favor biparental care in thisspecies.  相似文献   

There is little experimental evidence testing whether currentbrood size and past brood mortality influence mate desertion.In the cichlid Aequidens coeruleopunctatus both parents initiallydefend offspring. In a field study, all experimental broods,irrespective of initial brood size (222.9 ± 60.4, mean± SD), were manipulated to a size of 100 fry. Neitherthe duration nor investment of females in parental care differed between control and brood reduced pairs, even though care seemedcostly. On average, females lost 5.1 ± 4.8% of initialweight while guarding a brood until independence. In contrast,males with experimentally reduced broods guarded fry for significantlyfewer days before deserting their mate than did males fromcontrol pairs with natural-sized broods (20.5 ± 7.5 vs. 14.2 ± 6.2 days). In at least 20% of cases (n = 9/45),the deserting male immediately mated with another female. Maleswith experimentally reduced broods also spent less time guardingfry before deserting and attacked fewer brood predators thandid males with control broods. For broods manipulated to have100 fry, there was a significant negative relationship betweenthe days until male desertion and the proportion of the initialbrood removed. This indicates that male assessment of the futuresuccess of the current brood (hence its reproductive value)is based on past mortality and/or that there is variation amongmales in the expected size of future broods. Both current broodsize and brood size relative to initial brood size are thereforepredictors of male, but not female, parental behavior and matedesertion. Female care may be unaffected by brood reductiondue to limited breeding opportunities and partial compensationfor reduced male care.  相似文献   

Male and female parents often provide different type and amount of care to their offspring. Three major drivers have been proposed to explain parental sex roles: (1) differential gametic investment by males and females that precipitates into sex difference in care, (2) different intensity of sexual selection acting on males and females, and (3) biased social environment that facilitates the more common sex to provide more care. Here, we provide the most comprehensive assessment of these hypotheses using detailed parental care data from 792 bird species covering 126 families. We found no evidence for the gametic investment hypothesis: neither gamete sizes nor gamete production by males relative to females was related to sex difference in parental care. However, sexual selection correlated with parental sex roles, because the male share in care relative to female decreased with both extra‐pair paternity and frequency of male polygamy. Parental sex roles were also related to social environment, because male parental care increased with male‐biased adult sex ratios (ASRs). Taken together, our results are consistent with recent theories suggesting that gametic investment is not tied to parental sex roles, and highlight the importance of both sexual selection and ASR in influencing parental sex roles.  相似文献   

The maintenance of plumage color polymorphism in the parasiticjaeger (Stercorarius parasiticus) is still not well understood.Earlier studies indicated that selection may favor pale femalesand melanic males. If so, females would maximize their fitness,producing pale female and melanic male offspring. We thereforepredicted that females might bias their offspring sex ratiotoward daughters in pale pairs and toward sons in melanic pairs.Females might also choose to mate assortatively in relationto plumage color, thereby maximizing the probability of producingeither pale or melanic offspring. Because females are largerthan males, differential rearing costs may affect the offspringsex ratio independent of parental plumage color. We examinedoffspring sex ratio allocation, breeding variables indicativeof parental quality, and mating pattern in relation to plumagecolor in a colony of parasitic jaegers in northern Norway. Jaegerstended to mate assortatively in relation to plumage color. Thereproductive performance declined with season, and matched pairsappeared to be of lower quality than mixed pairs. The proportionof male offspring increased with hatching date in matched paleand mixed pairs, whereas the situation was reversed in matchedmelanic pairs. Matched pale pairs produced an overall surplusof favorable pale but costly daughters despite their lower quality,while melanic pairs produced a surplus of favorable melanicsons. However, differential offspring rearing costs and parentalrearing capacity may have additionally affected the realizedoffspring sex ratio. Mixed pairs producing an overall surplusof pale and melanic daughters allocated their resources accordingto differential rearing costs and parental quality only. Wesuggest that both strategies of sex ratio allocation togetherwith differences in reproductive success in matched versus mixedpairs may have a balancing effect on the mating pattern betweenplumage morphs and may contribute to the maintenance of thecolor polymorphism in this species.  相似文献   

In a number of insects, fishes and birds, the conventional sex roles are reversed: males are the main care provider, whereas females focus on matings. The reversal of typical sex roles is an evolutionary puzzle, because it challenges the foundations of sex roles, sexual selection and parental investment theory. Recent theoretical models predict that biased parental care may be a response to biased adult sex ratios (ASRs). However, estimating ASR is challenging in natural populations, because males and females often have different detectabilities. Here, we use demographic modelling with field data from 2101 individuals, including 579 molecularly sexed offspring, to provide evidence that ASR is strongly male biased in a polyandrous bird with male-biased care. The model predicts 6.1 times more adult males than females (ASR=0.860, proportion of males) in the Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus. The extreme male bias is consistent between years and concordant with experimental results showing strongly biased mating opportunity towards females. Based on these results, we conjecture that parental sex-role reversal may occur in populations that exhibit extreme male-biased ASR.  相似文献   

It is a challenge to measure sexual selection because both stochastic events (chance) and deterministic factors (selection) generate variation in individuals' reproductive success. Most researchers realize that random events ('noise') make it difficult to detect a relationship between a trait and mating success (i.e. the presence of sexual selection). There is, however, less appreciation of the dangers that arise if stochastic events vary systematically. Systematic variation makes variance-based approaches to measuring the role of selection problematic. This is why measuring the opportunity for sexual selection (I(s) and I(mates)) is so vulnerable to misinterpretation. Although I(s) does not measure actual sexual selection (because it includes stochastic variation in mating/fertilization success) it is often implicitly assumed that it will be correlated with the actual strength of sexual selection. The hidden assumption is that random noise is randomly distributed across populations, species or the sexes. Here we present a simple numerical example showing why this practice is worrisome. Specifically, we show that chance variation in mating success is higher when there are fewer potential mates per individual of the focal sex [i.e. when the operational sex ratio (OSR), is more biased]. This will lead to the OSR covarying with I(s) even when the strength of sexual selection is unaffected by the OSR. This can generate false confidence in identifying factors that determine variation in the strength of sexual selection. We emphasize that in nature, even when sexual selection is strong, chance variation in mating success is still inevitable because the number of mates per individual is a discrete number. We hope that our worked example will clarify a recent debate about how best to measure sexual selection.  相似文献   

We examined sex allocation patterns in island and mainland populationsof cooperatively breeding white-winged fairy-wrens. The markeddifferences in social structure between island and mainlandpopulations, in addition to dramatic plumage variation amongmales both within and between populations, provided a uniquesituation in which we could investigate different predictionsfrom sex allocation theory in a single species. First, we testthe repayment (local resource enhancement) hypothesis by askingwhether females biased offspring sex ratios in relation to theassistance they derived from helpers. Second, we test the malequality (attractiveness) hypothesis, which suggests that femalesmated to attractive high-quality males should bias offspringsex ratios in favor of males. Finally, we test the idea thatfemales in good condition should bias offspring sex ratios towardmales because they are able to allocate more resources to offspring,whereas females in poor condition should have increased benefitsfrom producing more female offspring (Trivers-Willard hypothesis).We used molecular sexing techniques to assess total offspringsex ratios of 86 breeding pairs over 2 years. Both offspringand first brood sex ratios were correlated with the pair-male'sbody condition such that females increased the proportion ofmales in their brood in relation to the body condition (masscorrected for body size) of their social partner. This relationwas both significant and remarkably similar in both years ofour study and in both island and mainland populations. Althoughconfidence of paternity can be low in this and other fairy-wrenspecies, we show how this finding might be consistent with themale quality (attractiveness) hypothesis with respect to malecondition. There was no support for the repayment hypothesis;the presence of helpers had no effect on offspring sex ratios.There was weak support for both the male quality (attractiveness)hypothesis with respect to plumage color and the maternal conditionhypothesis, but their influence on offspring sex ratios wasnegligible after controlling for the effects of pair-male condition.  相似文献   

Males and females often exhibit different behaviours during mate acquisition, pair-bonding and parenting, and a convenient label to characterize these behaviours is sex role. The diverse roles that male and female shorebirds (plovers, sandpipers and allies) exhibit in mating and parenting have played a key role in advancing mainstream theories in avian ecology and behavioural biology including sexual selection, sexual conflict and parental cooperation. Recent advances in shorebird research have also highlighted the significance of the social environment in driving sex role behaviours by linking the adult sex ratio with breeding behaviour and population demography. Here we review the key advances in sex role research using shorebirds as an ecological model system. We identify knowledge gaps and argue that shorebirds have untapped potential to accelerate diverse research fields including evolutionary genomics, movement ecology, social networks and environmental changes. Future studies of sex roles will benefit from individual-based monitoring using advanced tracking technologies, and from multi-team collaborations that are facilitated by standardized data collection methodologies across different species in the field. These advances will not only contribute to our understanding of reproductive strategies, but they will also have knock-on effects on predicting population resilience to environmental changes and on prioritizing species for conservation.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that parents should adjust investment in sons and daughters according to relative fitness of differently sexed offspring. In species with female preference for highly ornamented males, one advantage potentially accruing to parents from investing more in sons of the most ornamented males is that male offspring will inherit characters ensuring sexual attractiveness or high-quality genes, if ornaments honestly reveal male genetic quality. Furthermore, in species where extra-pair fertilizations occur, offspring sired by an extra-pair male are expected to more frequently be male than those of the legitimate male if the latter is of lower quality than the extra-pair male. We investigated adjustment of sex ratio of offspring in relation to ornamentation of the extra-pair and the social mate of females by direct manipulation of tails of male barn swallows Hirundo rustica . Molecular sexing of the offspring was performed using the W chromosome-linked avian chromo-helicase-DNA-binding protein (CHD) gene while paternity assessment was conducted by typing of hypervariable microsatellite loci. Extra-pair offspring sex ratio was not affected by ornamentation of their biological fathers relative to the experimental ornamentation of the parental male. Experimental ornamentation of the parental males did not affect the sex ratio of nestlings in their broods. Female barn swallows might be unable to bias offspring sex ratio at hatching according to the quality of the biological father. Alternatively, fitness benefits in terms of sexual attractiveness of sons might be balanced by the cost of compensating for little parental care provided by highly ornamented parental males, if sons are more costly to rear than daughters, or the advantage of producing more daughters, if males with large ornaments contribute differentially more to the viability of daughters than sons.  相似文献   

Female tree crickets (Oecanthus nigricornis) prefer large malesbut do not receive larger glandular courtship gifts from thesemales. This finding is puzzling from both the male and femaleperspectives, because females should prefer males providingmore direct benefits, and because males who provide larger giftsachieve higher insemination success. We tested for differencesin the quality of male secretions and found that larger malesprovided more proteinaceous food gifts than did rivals, whichcould explain why they are preferred by females. The preferencein turn could cause depletion of food gift reserves in favoredmales, because natural remating rates are high and because evena single feeding bout negatively affects glandular stores. Mostintriguingly, we showed that preferred males can adaptivelydecrease the size of courtship food-gifts provided (in orderto conserve gifts for future mating events) when they perceivethat the probability of multiple future mating opportunitiesis high. Thus, the elevated mating rates of preferred males(both before and after a focal mating event) could account forthe small size of their courtship food-gifts.  相似文献   

Operational sex ratio (OSR, the ratio of sexually active males to fertilizable females at a given time and location) affected male behaviour in the flagfish Jordanella floridae . When OSR was male biased, males spent (1) more time at their nests and (2) more time fanning prior to receiving eggs. Pre-mating fanning has previously been correlated with male mating success and is hypothesized to be used in female choice in this population. Thus, these results suggest that on average, male flagfish invest more time in behaviour associated with female choice when there are relatively more male competitors. The OSR also affected the frequency of male aggression, and specifically male aggression towards females was more frequent at female-biased OSR treatments. The observed patterns were dependent upon the direction of OSR bias ( i.e. unbiased, male biased and female biased), and in some cases the intensity of the OSR bias affected the patterns of behaviour. These findings suggest that experimentally detecting effects of OSR is sensitive to the specific OSR values considered, and highlight the importance of considering a range of OSR values in future studies.  相似文献   

The strength of sexual selection may vary between species, among populations and within populations over time. While there is growing evidence that sexual selection may vary between years, less is known about variation in sexual selection within a season. Here, we investigate within‐season variation in sexual selection in male two‐spotted gobies (Gobiusculus flavescens). This marine fish experiences a seasonal change in the operational sex ratio from male‐ to female‐biased, resulting in a dramatic decrease in male mating competition over the breeding season. We therefore expected stronger sexual selection on males early in the season. We sampled nests and nest‐holding males early and late in the breeding season and used microsatellite markers to determine male mating and reproductive success. We first analysed sexual selection associated with the acquisition of nests by comparing nest‐holding males to population samples. Among nest‐holders, we calculated the potential strength of sexual selection and selection on phenotypic traits. We found remarkable within‐season variation in sexual selection. Selection on male body size related to nest acquisition changed from positive to negative over the season. The opportunity for sexual selection among nest‐holders was significantly greater early in the season rather than late in the season, partly due to more unmated males. Overall, our study documents a within‐season change in sexual selection that corresponds with a predictable change in the operational sex ratio. We suggest that many species may experience within‐season changes in sexual selection and that such dynamics are important for understanding how sexual selection operates in the wild.  相似文献   

Sex differences in food provisioning have been found in a numberof socially monogamous birds with biparental care, but the reasonsremain unclear. In Manx shearwaters, males provide 40–50%more food for chicks than do females, and previous empiricaldata have suggested that this difference could arise becausefemales are able to regulate food delivery by reducing the provisioningof well-nourished chicks, whereas males are not (hypothesis1). Alternatively, however, males may be as capable as femalesof assessing and responding to the variation in the nutritionalrequirements of their chick but have a higher threshold forreducing food delivery to well-nourished chicks (hypothesis2). To test these two hypotheses, we used supplementary feedingto manipulate the nutritional status of chicks and then examinedthe responses of male and female parents and their offspring.Supplementary feeding significantly reduced both the beggingbehavior of chicks and the frequency and sizes of meals deliveredby parents. Males and females reduced their overall provisioningrates to a similar extent (males by 38%, females by 42%), somaintaining the same difference in contributions to provisioningin the control group (males 58%, females 42%) and the experimentaltreatment (males 59%, females 41%). These data strongly supporthypothesis 2. Supplementary feeding of chicks resulted in fewervisits by parents and a higher proportion of long trips in bothsexes (4 days for males, 5–7 days for females). However,maximum trip durations were unchanged, suggesting that supplementaryfeeding of chicks had no effect on the foraging ranges or overallfood-provisioning strategies of parents.  相似文献   

Optimal group size and composition are determined by both the costs and benefits of group living for the group's members. Verreaux's sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi), a diurnal lemur, form multimale multifemale groups with the tendency toward even adult sex ratios despite a small average number of females per group. The unexpected presence of multiple adult males may be explained by tolerance of other group members if subordinate males provide benefits to the group that outweigh the costs associated with their presence. Results based on both demographic data collected over a 13‐year period and behavioral observations suggest that subordinate males provide no benefits in terms of infant survival and defense against group takeover by outside males. Although groups with more males are more likely to win intergroup encounters, subordinate males do not participate in these encounters more often than expected. Subordinate males are not costly to other group members in terms of direct intragroup feeding competition, but aggression rates between dominant and immigrated subordinate males increase in the mating season. Even though subordinate males provide very few benefits to the group, they are not very costly either and thus may be tolerated by resident females and dominant males. This tolerance may help to partially explain the tendency towards their unusual adult sex ratio. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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