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The ram effect is widely used in Mediterranean breeds of sheep but its use in temperate genotypes is restricted by breed seasonality. However, ewes from these highly seasonal genotypes are sensitive to stimulation by rams close to the onset of the natural breeding season. In this study we developed a pre-mating protocol of repeated, short-term exposure to rams (fence-line contact or vasectomised rams) beginning during late anoestrus and continuing into the breeding season. We hypothesised that this pre-mating protocol would synchronise the distribution of mating of North of England Mule ewes during the breeding season above that observed in ewes isolated from rams prior to mating. Ram-exposed ewes were given contact with rams (Experiment 1: fence-line; FR, n = 94 and Experiment 2: vasectomised rams; VR; n = 103) for 24 h on Days 0 (10 September), 17 and 34 of the experiment. Control ewes (Experiment 1; FC, n = 98 and Experiment 2; VC; n = 106) remained isolated from rams prior to mating. In Experiment 2, a subset of VR (n = 35) and VC ewes (n = 35) were blood sampled twice weekly to monitor their pre-mating progesterone profiles. At mating, harnessed entire rams were introduced, 17 or 16 days after the last ram exposure (Experiments 1 and 2) and raddle marks were recorded daily. The median time from ram introduction to mating was reduced in ewes given both fence-line and vasectomised ram contact (P < 0.001), leading to a more compact distribution of mating and lambing (At least P < 0.01). In the blood sampled VR ewes, there was a progressive decline in the number of days from ram exposure to the onset of dioestrus (at least P < 0.05). This observation indicates that the cycles in VR ewes became increasingly synchronised over the pre-mating period, a pattern not evident in VC ewes. In conclusion, repeated, short-term exposure of ewes to rams during the transition into the breeding season is an effective method of synchronising the distribution of mating during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Summary Wire cages with different-sized meshes were placed on trunks and around leaves at different heights in oak trees and in forest litter. Gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, instars II–V tethered with threads were placed in each cage (instars II–III only in leaf cages) as well as outside the cages. Predation of larvae decreased from near ground to mid-crown in trees and was highest in litter and very low on leaves. Predation in litter was not strongly related to cage type, suggesting that small, invertebrate predators were active there, but IV–V instars on trunks were mainly killed by relatively large predators, probably forest mice and shrews. Influences of the time of day and weather on predation were evaluated by observing tethered V–VI instars in litter and on tree trunks hourly. Ants, particularly carpenter ants (Camponotus ferrugineus) and Formica sp., and probably vertebrates, were conspicuous predators in the litter. Ants were most active at lower relative humidities, while other predators were apparently not influenced by humidity. No daily activity rhythms of predation were noted. Invertebrates appear to be important predators of larvae only in the litter whereas vertebrates, such as forest mice and shrews, also readily attack larvae on tree trunks.  相似文献   

大鸨繁殖期觅食地的选择   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
2000年和2001年的4~7月,在内蒙古自治区科尔沁右翼前旗东南部的草原地带,采用样方法研究了火烧地和非火烧地上繁殖期大鸨的觅食地选择.结果表明,在火烧地和非火烧地,大鸨觅食地的植株高度均为13cm左右,最高高度不超过30cm,植被结构上具有共性;植物种类丰盛密集,盖度较大,喜食的植物和昆虫丰富.但在喜食食物选择上,火烧对大鸨有一定影响.在非火烧地,大鸨多关注动物性食物的丰盛;而在火烧地则关注植物性食物的丰盛.  相似文献   

2000年和2001年的4~7月,在内蒙古自治区科尔沁右翼前旗东南部的草原地带,采用样方法研究了火烧地和非火烧地上繁殖期大鸨的觅食地选择.结果表明,在火烧地和非火烧地,大鸨觅食地的植株高度均为13cm左右,最高高度不超过30cm,植被结构上具有共性;植物种类丰盛密集,盖度较大,喜食的植物和昆虫丰富.但在喜食食物选择上,火烧对大鸨有一定影响.在非火烧地,大鸨多关注动物性食物的丰盛;而在火烧地则关注植物性食物的丰盛.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖河湖交错带枯水期水体细菌群落空间分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[背景]界面微生物群落组成研究日益成为微生态系统的研究热点之一.[目的]探究鄱阳湖河湖交错带枯水期水体细菌群落空间分布.[方法]选取鄱阳湖河湖交错带的典型采样点11个,现场采集水样,进行理化指标分析.运用扩增子测序获得了上述样品的16S rRNA基因序列数据.根据多样性指数和丰富度指数计算比较11个采样点样品的微生物群...  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the properties of wild boar semen and their changes in annual cycle. During a 14-month study period, 167 ejaculates were sampled from 3 mature boars. In each ejaculate the volume of liquid fraction, percentage of spermatozoa motility, spermatozoa concentration and the total number of spermatozoa were determined. The activity of acid and alkaline phosphatase, and aspartate aminotransferase in the fresh semen plasma was also measured. It was shown that wild boar ejaculates did not differ from those of domestic boars, and the semen of the highest volume, concentration and number of spermatozoa was produced in late autumn. The spermatozoa motility was the lowest in summer. The activity of aspartate aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase in the semen plasma increased with shortening of the light period.  相似文献   

The C3–CAM epiphytic bromeliad Guzmania monostachia var. monostachia may be exposed to high incident photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) during the dry season in Trinidad, and resultant variations in photochemical efficiency have been investigated for ‘exposed’ (receiving ~100% incident PAR), ‘semi-exposed’ (~60% PAR) and shaded populations under natural conditions. The more succulent leaves of the plants growing fully exposed within the canopy had higher overall CAM activity (measured as ΔH+, the dawn-dusk titratable acidity), a smaller proportion of chlorenchyma and lower total chlorophyll content. There was a gradation of morphological and physiological characteristics between these and shaded leaves. Diurnal time-courses of photosynthetic light responses (as O2 evolution) showed marked variations in apparent quantum yield (AQY) and light-saturated rates for both exposed and semi-exposed populations, dependent on incident PAR during the day. Similar measurements of photosystem II fluorescence characteristics showed that Fv/Fm declined from 0·70 to 0·42 at midday for exposed plants (on a day when total incident PAR was 44 mol photon m?2), indicating non-photochemical quenching (qNP) of photosynthesis. However, in contrast to AQY determinations, Fv/Fm recovered during the afternoon. The decrease in Fv/Fm was reduced from 0·72 to 0·64 under 24 mol photon m?2 d?1. The long–term recovery of photo-synthetic efficiency was assessed for exposed plants placed under three shading regimes (60, 30 and 3% of incident PAR) over a 17-d period. During this time, total chlorophyll content increased from 228 to 515 and 585 μg g?1 fresh weight (for 3 and 30%, respectively) and chlorophyll a:b declined. While AQY recovery was much longer under the lowest PAR (17d), under 30% PAR both AQY and Fv/Fm had recovered after 2d shading. The differences between timing of recovery for Fv/Fm during diurnal time courses and in the long term suggest that, while quenching associated with PSII recovers rapidly, enzyme activation and/or protein synthesis of other photosynthetic components may be limiting under low PAR. However, it is suggested that the occurrence of qNP on a daily basis may preclude long-term photoinhibitory damage under natural conditions during the dry season.  相似文献   

The objective of current study was to investigate the effect of induced transportation stress in goats and to seek a novel approach to minimize the transportation and seasonal effect on the physiology of goats by supplementing them with Vitamin C and Jaggery before transportation. Fifty goats were selected and divided into five groups with ten animals in each group. Group 1 served as negative control and was neither supplemented nor transported, while as goats in groups 2 to group 5 were transported for 10 hours on the day of transportation. Group 2 goats were not supplemented; group 3 goats were supplemented with Vitamin C @180 mg/kg body weight/day; group 4 goats were supplemented with jaggery @200g/day/animal; group 5 was supplemented with both vitamin C and jaggery for 5 days before transportation. Effect of transportation stress varied significantly among groups in terms of haematological, biochemical, hormonal, mineral and blood gas parameters. Transportation up to 10 hours induced stress in goats during hot dry season as represented by changes in different physiological parameters and body weight shrinkages. Supplementation of Vitamin C and Jaggery aided in reducing transportation stress individually, with variable effects on stress response parameters and there combination synergistically proved promising in alleviating transportation stress in goats.  相似文献   

Wei L  Lin ZH  Ma XM  Zhao LH  Ma XH 《动物学研究》2011,32(4):456-460
对交配季节虎纹蛙求偶鸣叫进行录制和特征分析。分析结果表明,虎纹蛙求偶鸣叫主要集中在晚上,求偶鸣叫声音主要含有3个鸣叫谐波,鸣叫主频率共有4种类型,即在第一谐波上有3个主频率段,分别为500、700和800Hz段,在第二谐波上有1个主频率段,即1800Hz段。鸣叫时程(call duration)、能环率(call dutycycle)、声强(call intensity)和鸣叫脉冲率(pulse rate)在4种主频率中变化很大。这些鸣叫参数特征的分析将对虎纹蛙生理生态学的进一步研究提供有价值的基础数据。  相似文献   

卧龙血雉繁殖期行为特征分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
1 995年 4~ 6月在四川卧龙自然保护区五一棚地区 ,采用无线电追踪技术结合野外行为观察 ,对血雉繁殖期行为特征进行了研究。结果表明 ,繁殖前期雄鸟在警戒行为的频次及持续时间上均显著地高于雌鸟 (T test,频次 ,t=-4 73 ,P <0 0 1 ;时间 ,t=-2 80 ,P <0 0 5 ) ;孵卵期 ,雄鸟在警戒行为的总持续时间上显著地高于雌鸟 (T test,t=-4 75 ,P <0 0 1 ) ,雌鸟在取食行为的总持续时间上显著地高于雄鸟 (T test,t=3 41 ,P <0 0 5 ) ;对雌雄个体行为同时进行观察的结果表明 ,雌鸟维持行为的时间与雄鸟警戒行为的时间显著正相关 (Y =49 68+0 2 693X ,r=0 71 79,P =0 0 0 2 6)。繁殖前期和孵卵期雄鸟的警戒行为可以提高雌鸟用于取食、理羽、沙浴的时间 ,而减少用于警戒的时间  相似文献   

Abstract. The way that the malaria vectors Anopheles arabiensis and An.gambiae survive the dry season in sub-saharan Sahel or northern Savanna areas of Africa remains enigmatic. We examined this problem by calculating the effective sizes (Ne) of An.arabiensis populations for several locations in West Africa. An indirect/genetic procedure was used, comparing gene frequencies at several time intervals. The amount of drift which occurred provides an estimate of Ne. Most estimates of Ne were approximately 2000 individuals, probably close to the yearly minimum. This supports the hypothesis that populations of An.arabiensis in this region are continuous throughout the year, with many individuals surviving through the dry season, perhaps in a physiologically altered state, rather than extinction or severe bottlenecks during the dry season, followed by recolonization by a few individual survivors or immigrants in the subsequent rainy season.  相似文献   

A record-breaking heat wave affected the European continent in summer 2003. In Switzerland, the temperature in June, July and August exceeded the 1961–1990 mean by about 5 °C. These extreme temperatures had significant effects on the pollen production and on the airborne pollen loads. Especially affected was the grass pollen season, which started 1–2 weeks earlier than in the mean. During May and the first part of June the grass pollen production and dispersion was favoured by the warm and dry weather and many days with high pollen concentrations were registered. First water deficiencies occurred in June so that the grasses ceased to grow. The grass pollen season ended 7–33 days earlier than normal. For many of our stations of the Swiss pollen network this had never occurred as early as in 2003. The other herbaceous plants were not affected as much as the grasses. We measured very high Chenopodium and Plantago pollen concentrations, about normal concentrations of Urtica and Rumex and slightly lower Artemisia pollen concentrations than normal. The summer 2003 was exceptional and its reoccurrence is at the moment statistically extremely unlikely. But models of climatologists show that in the future, climate variations will increase and that in the period 2071–2100 about every second summer could be as warm or warmer and as dry or dryer than 2003.  相似文献   

陈甲豪  吴凯  胡中民  杨涵 《生态学报》2023,43(10):4054-4065
为揭示青藏高原陆地生态系统对气候变化敏感性的时空变异性,基于植被敏感性指数(Vegetation Sensitivity Index, VSI),使用2000—2021年青藏高原6—8月生长季MODIS EVI和ERA5再分析资料的温度、降水和太阳辐射数据,首先探究了22年里青藏高原陆地生态系统敏感性的空间变异性及其主要气候驱动因素,其次探究了青藏高原VSI在P1(2000—2006年)、P2(2007—2013年)和P3(2014—2021年)时期内VSI的时间变异性,研究表明:(1)2000—2021年青藏高原生长季VSI的空间异质性较强,其中东南部灌木和森林的VSI较高,而西北部高山荒漠、高山草原和高山草甸的VSI较低;(2)22年里温度、降水和太阳辐射分别主导着青藏高原55.89%、19.24%和24.87%地区的VSI变化,其中温度主导着东南部灌木和森林的VSI,降水主导着东北大部分地区高山草甸的VSI,而太阳辐射主导着西南大部分地区高山草原的VSI。时间变异性结果表明:(3)P1—P  相似文献   

段后浪  赵安  姚忠 《生态学报》2017,37(11):3744-3754
湿地植物与土壤关系问题一直就是生态学研究的热点,也是湿地植物种群生态位研究的基础。基于鄱阳湖典型湿地-|恒湖农场茶叶港草洲19个样地20种植物重要值组成的样地-|物种矩阵,用等级聚类分析中的Ward法(离差平方和法)将研究区植物划分为灰化薹草(Carex cinerascens)群落、虉草(Phalaris arundinacea)群落及南荻(Triarrhena lutarioriparia)群落3个群落类型。通过Spearman秩相关分析检验物种多样性指数(Shannon-Wiener多样性指数H'、物种丰富度指数S和Pielou均匀度指数J)与土壤因子(土壤pH值、电导率、含水量和有机质)的相关性,结果发现研究区植物物种的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数H'、物种丰富度指数S与土壤pH值分别为显著(P0.05)和极显著(P0.01)正相关关系,而与土壤有机质分别达到显著(P0.05)和极显著(P0.01)负相关水平,Pielou均匀度指数J与土壤因子相关性不明显。利用RDA(冗余分析)排序分析研究区植物物种分布与土壤p H值、电导率、含水量、有机质的关系,结果发现土壤pH值、土壤有机质与研究区植物物种分布关系最为密切(P=0.042,0.048),可以看成是关键控制因子。基于对研究区植物物种分布影响较大的土壤pH值及有机质环境因子,将其分别划分为10个梯度等级,分析植物种群生态位。发现研究区优势种灰化薹草、虉草生态位宽度较大,蚊母草(Veronica peregrina)、荇菜(Nymphoides peltata)等生态位宽度较小,生态位重叠值整体保持在较低水平,说明物种在土壤pH值和土壤有机质两个环境梯度上生态位分化明显。  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWRs) for 23 freshwater fish species from the Andean Amazon piedmont in Peru are presented in this study. Fishes were captured between 2009 and 2010 on lagoons from three basins; Amazonas (Ampiyacu and Apayacu) and Ucayali (Pachitea) using gillnets. In this study, new LWRs are reported for 20 species of 23 species analyzed. The study provides new information on less‐studied species and can serve as a basis for management of fisheries and conservation of this area.  相似文献   

笼养朱鹮繁殖期的鸣声特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2005年4月采集到笼养朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)4种行为状态的鸣叫声,对其繁殖期求偶鸣叫、交尾鸣叫、假交尾鸣叫和惊叫的鸣声特征进行了分析,探讨了不同行为状态的鸣声差异。求偶鸣叫振幅小,主要频率范围在156±13.2 Hz-1 568±120.3 Hz之间(n=30),声谱谐波丰富,频带呈直线型和拱型。交尾鸣叫由7-21声连续、急促的鸣叫和一声长鸣组成,声音宏亮有力,频域特征表现为主频呈现双峰,主要频率范围在346±16.7 Hz-2 396±138.2 Hz之间(n=14),音节高度重复并多有谐波。假交尾叫声有三种声模式,模式1包含2-10声短促鸣叫声和一声长鸣;模式2仅发出多声短促鸣叫声;模式3仅一声长鸣,频域特征在三种声模式下表现不同,模式1主频呈现双峰,模式2和模式3仅有一个峰值,主要频率范围在328±18.2 Hz-2 067±189.1 Hz之间(n=38),声谱多谐波,频带形状呈下滑状或直线状。遇险惊叫声信号振幅最大,每一声信号中包含多个脉冲组,惊叫声主频较高,主要频率范围在375-2 300 Hz之间,声谱多谐波,低频频带呈直线型,高频频带呈半拱形,声音末尾有明显的降调。  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the effects of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), given within a timed artificial insemination program, on plasma progesterone concentrations and subsequent fertility in lactating dairy cows during the warm and cold seasons of the year. Cows were treated intramuscularly with GnRH-agonist (Day 0) and PGF2 (Day 7) followed by either GnRH-agonist (GPG treatment; 60 animals) or hCG (GPH treatment; 60 animals) on Day 9. All cows were fixed-time inseminated (TAI) 16–22 h after the end of treatment. To determine plasma progesterone levels, blood was withdrawn from all animals on Days 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 after TAI. During the warm period, the pregnancy rate recorded at TAI was similar for the GPG and GPH groups (20% vs. 23%) while the cumulative pregnancy rate within 30 days of TAI was lower (P < 0.05) for the GPG than the GPH group (36% vs. 63%). No differences were observed during the cold period. During the warm period, embryo losses between Days 28 and 45 after TAI were greater (P < 0.05) for the GPG group compared to the GPH group (36% vs. 5%) while again no differences emerged during the cold period. Mean plasma progesterone levels were higher (P < 0.05) in the GPH group than GPG group on Days 3, 6 and 9 post-insemination. Our findings indicate that the use of hCG to induce ovulation in a timed artificial insemination protocol increases plasma progesterone levels and improves fertility in dairy cows during the warmer period of the year.  相似文献   

Mast fruiting is a distinctive reproductive trait in trees. This rain forest study, at a nutrient-poor site with a seasonal climate in tropical Africa, provides new insights into the causes of this mode of phenological patterning. At Korup, Cameroon, 150 trees of the large, ectomycorrhizal caesalp, Microberlinia bisulcata, were recorded almost monthly for leafing, flowering and fruiting during 1995-2000. The series was extended to 1988-2004 with less detailed data. Individual transitions in phenology were analysed. Masting occurred when the dry season before fruiting was drier, and the one before that was wetter, than average. Intervals between events were usually 2 or 3 yr. Masting was associated with early leaf exchange, followed by mass flowering, and was highly synchronous in the population. Trees at higher elevation showed more fruiting. Output declined between 1995 and 2000. Mast fruiting in M. bisulcata appears to be driven by climate variation and is regulated by internal tree processes. The resource-limitation hypothesis was supported. An 'alternative bearing' system seems to underlie masting. That ectomycorrhizal habit facilitates masting in trees is strongly implied.  相似文献   

The experiment was carried out with the aim of investigating the effect of ascorbic acid (AA) on fluctuations in rectal temperature (RT) of pigs during the harmattan season. Sixteen pigs administered with AA at the dose of 250 mg/kg orally and individually served as experimental animals, and 13 others administered orally with sterile water were used as control animals. The RT was measured from all the pigs at 06:00, 13:00 and 18:00 h twice in a week for three consecutive weeks. The lowest overall mean RT value of 37.52±0.90 °C was obtained at 06:00 h in the experimental pigs, while the corresponding value in control pigs was 37.63±0.90 °C (P>0.05). The maximum RT values of 38.75±0.18 °C and 39.27±0.11 °C were recorded at 13:00 h in experimental and control pigs, respectively (P<0.05). The results indicate that AA modulates the body temperature by decreasing the maximum RT value in pigs exposed to harmattan stress, and may alleviate the risk of adverse effects of the stress on health and productivity of pigs during the cold-dry season.  相似文献   

芦芽山林线白杄生长季径向生长动态   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
高山林线作为树木分布的高度上限, 是全球范围最重要的植被过渡带之一, 其树木生长显著受到外界极端环境条件的影响。利用点状树木径向变化记录仪于2009年5-9月, 对山西省芦芽山林线组成树种白杄(Picea meyeri)生长季内树木径向生长进行了持续的动态监测。结果表明: 白杄茎干日变化主要受到树木蒸腾作用日变化的影响, 茎干呈现出白天脱水收缩与夜间吸水膨胀的循环变化; 生长季白杄径向生长可划分为3个不同的生长时段: 1)茎干水分恢复时段, 2)茎干快速生长时段, 3)茎干脱水收缩时段。在茎干水分恢复时段, 白杄茎干径向累积变化主要受到土壤含水量变化的影响。土壤温度是茎干快速生长时段影响茎干径向生长的主导环境因子, 同时它也影响着白杄茎干径向生长的开始。在茎干脱水收缩时段, 土壤温度、土壤含水量是影响茎干径向累积变化的主要环境因子。白杄径向生长最大速度出现在6月末, 其主要受到光周期(即白昼长短)影响, 是对林线处极端环境的一种适应。  相似文献   

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