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Leaf adaxial–abaxial polarity refers to the two leaf faces, which have different types of cells performing distinct biological functions. In 1951, Ian Sussex reported that when an incipient leaf primordium was surgically isolated by an incision across the vegetative shoot apical meristem (SAM), a radialized structure without an adaxial domain would form. This led to the proposal that a signal, now called the Sussex signal, is transported from the SAM to emerging primordia to direct leaf adaxial–abaxial patterning. It was recently proposed that instead of the Sussex signal, polar transport of the plant hormone auxin is critical in leaf polarity formation. However, how auxin polar transport functions in the process is unknown. Through live imaging, we established a profile of auxin polar transport in and around young leaf primordia. Here we show that auxin polar transport in lateral regions of an incipient primordium forms auxin convergence points. We demonstrated that blocking auxin polar transport in the lateral regions of the incipient primordium by incisions abolished the auxin convergence points and caused abaxialized leaves to form. The lateral incisions also blocked the formation of leaf middle domain and margins and disrupted expression of the middle domain/margin‐associated marker gene WUSCHEL‐RELATED HOMEOBOX 1 (SlWOX1). Based on these results we propose that the auxin convergence points are required for the formation of leaf middle domain and margins, and the functional middle domain and margins ensure leaf adaxial–abaxial polarity. How middle domain and margins function in the process is discussed.  相似文献   

The WAVE/SCAR complex promotes actin nucleation through the Arp2/3 complex, in response to Rac signaling. We show that loss of WVE-1/GEX-1, the only C. elegans WAVE/SCAR homolog, by genetic mutation or by RNAi, has the same phenotype as loss of GEX-2/Sra1/p140/PIR121, GEX-3/NAP1/HEM2/KETTE, or ABI-1/ABI, the three other components of the C. elegans WAVE/SCAR complex. We find that the entire WAVE/SCAR complex promotes actin-dependent events at different times and in different tissues during development. During C. elegans embryogenesis loss of CED-10/Rac1, WAVE/SCAR complex components, or Arp2/3 blocks epidermal cell migrations despite correct epidermal cell differentiation. 4D movies show that this failure occurs due to decreased membrane dynamics in specific epidermal cells. Unlike myoblasts in Drosophila, epidermal cell fusions in C. elegans can occur in the absence of WAVE/SCAR or Arp2/3. Instead we find that subcellular enrichment of F-actin in epithelial tissues requires the Rac-WAVE/SCAR-Arp2/3 pathway. Intriguingly, we find that at the same stage of development both F-actin and WAVE/SCAR proteins are enriched apically in one epithelial tissue and basolaterally in another. We propose that temporally and spatially regulated actin nucleation by the Rac-WAVE/SCAR-Arp2/3 pathway is required for epithelial cell organization and movements during morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Asymmetric cell division is one of the most elegant biological systems by which cells create daughter cells with different functions and increase cell diversity. In particular, PAR polarity in the cell membrane plays a critical role in regulating the whole process of asymmetric cell division. Numerous studies have been conducted to determine the underlying mechanism of PAR polarity formation using both experimental and theoretical approaches in the last 10 years. However, they have mostly focused on answering the fundamental question of how this exclusive polarity is established but the precise dynamics of polarity domain have been little notified. In this review, I focused on studies on the shape, length, and location of PAR polarity from a theoretical perspective that may be important for an integrated understanding of the entire process of asymmetric cell division.  相似文献   

Rösner H  Wassermann T  Möller W  Hanke W 《Protoplasma》2006,229(2-4):225-234
Summary. Human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells were used to study the effects of altered gravity on the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton dynamics. A cholinergic stimulation of the cells during a 6 min period of changing gravity (3 parabolas) resulted in an enhanced actin-driven protrusion of evoked lamellipodia. Likewise, the spontaneous protrusive activity of nonactivated cells was promoted during exposure to changing gravity (6 up to 31 parabolas). Ground-based experiments revealed a similar enhancement of the spontaneous and evoked lamellar protrusive activity when the cells were kept at 2 g hypergravity for at least 6 min. This gravity response was independent of the direction of the acceleration vector in respect to the cells. Exposure of the cells to “simulated weightlessness” (clinorotation) had no obvious influence on this type of lamellar actin cytoskeleton dynamics. A 20 min exposure of the cells to simulated weightlessness or to changing gravity (6 to 31 parabolas) – but not to 2 g (hypergravity, centrifugation) – resulted in an altered arrangement of microtubules indicated by bending, turning, and loop formation. A similar altered arrangement was shown by microtubules which had polymerized into lamellipodia after release from a taxol block at simulated weightlessness (clinorotation) or during changing gravity (5 parabolas). Our data suggest that in human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, microgravity affects the dynamics and spatial arrangement of microtubules but has no influence on the Rac-controlled lamellar actin cytoskeleton dynamics and cell spreading. The latter, however, seems to be promoted at hypergravity. Correspondence and reprints: Cell and Developmental Neurobiology, Institute of Zoology, University of Hohenheim, Garbenstrasse 30, 70593 Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany.  相似文献   

The major manifestations of amoeboid locomotion in Naegleria—cytoplasmic streaming, pseudopod production, cell polarity and focal contact production—require that the actin-based cytoskeleton be extremely dynamic. Whether these features are causally linked is unclear. In an attempt to answer this question we have used the fungal product cytochalasin B (cyt B) to dissect the motility process. This drug can perturb the organisation of actin filaments both in vivo and in vitro. Essentially cyt B acts as a molecule which can cap the barbed ends of actin filaments. Not surprisingly therefore cyt B has an effect on rates of actin polymerization and the dynamic state of actin in the cytoplasm. We have found that cyt B has a profound effect on focal contact production and breakdown. Within minutes of addition of cyt B focal contact production ceases, existing focal contacts are stabilised but cytoplasmic streaming and pseudopod production are not blocked. In conclusion it is now clear that the state of actin required for focal contact production is different from that required for pseudopod extension and cytoplasmic streaming.  相似文献   

Cofilin/ADF proteins are a ubiquitously expressed family of F-actin depolymerizing factors found in eukaryotic cells including plants. In vitro, cofilin/ADF activity has been shown to be essential for actin driven motility, by accelerating actin filament turnover. Three actin depolymerizing factors (n-cofilin, m-cofilin, ADF) can be found in mouse and human. Here we show that in mouse the non-muscle-specific gene-n-cofilin-is essential for migration of neural crest cells as well as other cell types in the paraxial mesoderm. The main defects observed in n-cofilin mutant embryos are an impaired delamination and migration of neural crest cells, affecting the development of neural crest derived tissues. Neural crest cells lacking n-cofilin do not polarize, and F-actin bundles or fibers are not detectable. In addition, n-cofilin is required for neuronal precursor cell proliferation and scattering. These defects result in a complete lack of neural tube closure in n-cofilin mutant embryos. Although ADF is overexpressed in mutant embryos, this cannot compensate the lack of n-cofilin, suggesting that they might have a different function in embryonic development. Our data suggest that in mammalian development, regulation of the actin cytoskeleton by the F-actin depolymerizing factor n-cofilin is critical for epithelial-mesenchymal type of cell shape changes as well as cell proliferation.  相似文献   

In yeast, Verprolin plays an important role in rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton. There are three mammalian homologues of Verprolin, WIP, CR16, and WICH, and all of them bind actin and Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP) and/or neural-WASP. Here, we describe a novel function of WICH. In vitro co-sedimentation analysis revealed that WICH not only binds to actin filaments but also cross-links them. Fluorescence and electron microscopy detected that this cross-linking results in straight bundled actin filaments. Overexpression of WICH alone in cultured fibroblast caused the formation of thick actin fibers. This ability of WICH depended on its own actin cross-linking activity. Importantly, the actin cross-linking activity of WICH was modified through a direct association with N-WASP. Taken together, these data suggest that WICH induces a bundled form of actin filament with actin cross-linking activity and the association with N-WASP suppresses that activity. WICH thus appears to be a novel actin bundling protein.  相似文献   

Regulated movements of the nucleus are essential during zygote formation, cell migrations, and differentiation of neurons. The nucleus moves along microtubules (MTs) and is repositioned on F-actin at the cellular cortex. Two families of nuclear envelope proteins, SUN and KASH, link the nucleus to the actin and MT cytoskeletons during nuclear movements. However, the role of actin nucleators in nuclear migration and positioning is poorly understood. We show that the branched actin nucleator, Arp2/3, affects nuclear movements throughout embryonic and larval development in C. elegans, including nuclear migrations in epidermal cells and neuronal precursors. In one-cell embryos the migration of the male pronucleus to meet the female pronucleus after fertilization requires Arp2/3. Loss of Arp2/3 or its activators changes the dynamics of non-muscle myosin, NMY-2, and alters the cortical accumulation of posterior PAR proteins. Reduced establishment of the posterior microtubule cytoskeleton in Arp2/3 mutants correlates with reduced male pronuclear migration. The UNC-84/SUN nuclear envelope protein that links the nucleus to the MT and actin cytoskeleton is known to regulate later nuclear migrations. We show here it also positions the male pronucleus. These studies demonstrate a global role for Arp2/3 in nuclear migrations. In the C. elegans one-cell embryo Arp2/3 promotes the establishment of anterior/posterior polarity and promotes MT growth that propels the anterior migration of the male pronucleus. In contrast with previous studies emphasizing pulling forces on the male pronucleus, we propose that robust MT nucleation pushes the male pronucleus anteriorly to join the female pronucleus.  相似文献   

Actin contributes to an exceptionally wide range of cellular processes through the assembly and disassembly of highly dynamic and ordered structures. Visualizing these structures in cells can help us understand how the molecular players of the actin machinery work together to produce force-generating systems. In recent years, cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) has become the method of choice for structural analysis of the cell interior at the molecular scale. Here we review advances in cryo-ET workflows that have enabled this transformation, especially the automation of sample preparation procedures, data collection, and processing. We discuss new structural analyses of dynamic actin assemblies in cryo-preserved cells, which have provided mechanistic insights into actin assembly and function at the nanoscale. Finally, we highlight the latest visual proteomics studies of actin filaments and their interactors reaching sub-nanometer resolutions in cells.  相似文献   

Focal adhesions are clusters of integrin transmembrane receptors that mechanically couple the extracellular matrix to the actin cytoskeleton during cell migration. Focal adhesions sense and respond to variations in force transmission along a chain of protein-protein interactions linking successively actin filaments, actin binding proteins, integrins and the extracellular matrix to adapt cell-matrix adhesion to the composition and mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix. This review focuses on the molecular mechanisms by which actin binding proteins integrate actin dynamics, mechanotransduction and integrin activation to control force transmission in focal adhesions.  相似文献   

Recent investigations of the biochemistry, physiology and molecular genetics of polar auxin transport have greatly advanced our understanding of the process and of the part it plays in the regulation of development and in the responses of cells, tissues and organs to internal and external stimuli. The molecular and physiological characterization of mutants which exhibit lesions in polar auxin transport has led to the isolation and sequencing of genes which encode putative components of auxin carrier systems, or proteins which directly or indirectly regulate these systems. This work has revealed that specific auxin uptake and efflux carriers are coded not by single genes, but by whole families of genes, the expression of which is tissue or stimulus specific. Furthermore, evidence is accumulating rapidly that at least the auxin efflux carrier is a multi-component system consisting of both catalytic and regulatory subunits, including a separate phytotropin-binding protein. Other genes have been tentatively identified which code proteins that regulate the expression of genes coding auxin carrier components, or which regulate the intracellular traffic or activity of auxin carriers. Investigations of the turn-over and Golgi-mediated trafficking of auxin carrier proteins have revealed that essential components of at least the efflux carrier have a very short half-life in the plasma membrane and are replaced without the need for concurrent protein synthesis, leading to speculation that they might cycle between internal stores and the plasma membrane. The way is now clear for the development of specific molecular probes with which to investigate the intracellular transport and targeting of auxin carrier proteins.  相似文献   

Braun M  Hauslage J  Czogalla A  Limbach C 《Planta》2004,219(3):379-388
Polar organization and gravity-oriented, polarized growth of characean rhizoids are dependent on the actin cytoskeleton. In this report, we demonstrate that the prominent center of the Spitzenkörper serves as the apical actin polymerization site in the extending tip. After cytochalasin D-induced disruption of the actin cytoskeleton, the regeneration of actin microfilaments (MFs) starts with the reappearance of a flat, brightly fluorescing actin array in the outermost tip. The actin array rounds up, produces actin MFs that radiate in all directions and is then relocated into its original central position in the center of the Spitzenkörper. The emerging actin MFs rearrange and cross-link to form the delicate, subapical meshwork, which then controls the statolith positioning, re-establishes the tip-high calcium gradient and mediates the reorganization of the Spitzenkörper with its central ER aggregate and the accumulation of secretory vesicles. Tip growth and gravitropic sensing, which includes control of statolith positioning and gravity-induced sedimentation, are not resumed until the original polar actin organization is completely restored. Immunolocalization of the actin-binding proteins, actin-depolymerizing factor (ADF) and profilin, which both accumulate in the center of the Spitzenkörper, indicates high actin turnover and gives additional support for the actin-polymerizing function of this central, apical area. Association of villin immunofluorescence with two populations of thick undulating actin cables with uniform polarity underlying rotational cytoplasmic streaming in the basal region suggests that villin is the major actin-bundling protein in rhizoids. Our results provide evidence that the precise coordination of apical actin polymerization and dynamic remodeling of actin MFs by actin-binding proteins play a fundamental role in cell polarization, gravity sensing and gravity-oriented polarized growth of characean rhizoids.Abbreviations ADF Actin-depolymerizing factor - CD Cytochalasin D - MF Microfilament  相似文献   

The parasitic protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis is known to contain the ubiquitous and highly conserved protein actin. A genomic library and a cDNA library have been screened to identify and clone the actin gene(s) of T. vaginalis. The nucleotide sequence of one gene and its flanking regions have been determined. The open reading frame encodes a protein of 376 amino acids. The sequence is not interrupted by any introns and the promoter could be represented by a 10 bp motif close to a consensus motif also found upstream of most sequenced T. vaginalis genes. The five different clones isolated from the cDNA library have similar sequences and encode three actin proteins differing only by one or two amino acids. A phylogenetic analysis of 31 actin sequences by distance matrix and parsimony methods, using centractin as outgroup, gives congruent trees with Parabasala branching above Diplomonadida.  相似文献   

The position of leaves and flowers along the stem axis generates a specific pattern, known as phyllotaxis. A growing body of evidence emerging from recent computational modeling and experimental studies suggests that regulators controlling phyllotaxis are chemical, e.g. the plant growth hormone auxin and its dynamic accumulation pattern by polar auxin transport, and physical, e.g. mechanical properties of the cell. Here we present comprehensive views on how chemical and physical properties of cells regulate the pattern of leaf initiation. We further compare different computational modeling studies to understand their scope in reproducing the observed patterns. Despite a plethora of experimental studies on phyllotaxis, understanding of molecular mechanisms of pattern initiation in plants remains fragmentary. Live imaging of growth dynamics and physicochemical properties at the shoot apex of mutants displaying stable changes from one pattern to another should provide mechanistic insights into organ initiation patterns. Editor's suggested further reading in BioEssays Computer simulation: The imaginary friend of auxin transport biology Abstract  相似文献   

Pole cells and posterior segmentation in Drosophila are specified by maternally encoded genes whose products accumulate at the posterior pole of the oocyte. Among these genes is tudor (tud). Progeny of hypomorphic tud mothers lack pole cells and have variable posterior patterning defects. We have isolated a null allele to further investigate tud function. While no pole cells are ever observed in embryos from tud-null mothers, 15% of these embryos have normal posterior patterning. OSKAR (OSK) and VASA (VAS) proteins, and nanos (nos) RNA, all initially localize to the pole plasm of tud-null oocytes and embryos from tud-null mothers, while localization of germ cell-less (gcl) and polar granule component (pgc), is undetectable or severely reduced. In embryos from tud-null mothers, polar granules are greatly reduced in number, size, and electron density. Thus, tud is dispensable for somatic patterning, but essential for pole cell specification and polar granule formation.  相似文献   

Dynamic remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton is required for both development and tissue homeostasis. While fixed image analysis has provided significant insight into such events, a complete understanding of cytoskeletal dynamics requires live imaging. Numerous tools for the live imaging of actin have been generated by fusing the actin-binding domain from an actin-interacting protein to a fluorescent protein. Here we comparatively assess the utility of three such tools – Utrophin, Lifeact, and F-tractin – for characterizing the actin remodeling events occurring within the germline-derived nurse cells during Drosophila mid-oogenesis or follicle development. Specifically, we used the UAS/GAL4 system to express these tools at different levels and in different cells, and analyzed these tools for effects on fertility, alterations in the actin cytoskeleton, and ability to label filamentous actin (F-actin) structures by both fixed and live imaging. While both Utrophin and Lifeact robustly label F-actin structures within the Drosophila germline, when strongly expressed they cause sterility and severe actin defects including cortical actin breakdown resulting in multi-nucleate nurse cells, early F-actin filament and aggregate formation during stage 9 (S9), and disorganized parallel actin filament bundles during stage 10B (S10B). However, by using a weaker germline GAL4 driver in combination with a higher temperature, Utrophin can label F-actin with minimal defects. Additionally, strong Utrophin expression within the germline causes F-actin formation in the nurse cell nuclei and germinal vesicle during mid-oogenesis. Similarly, Lifeact expression results in nuclear F-actin only within the germinal vesicle. F-tractin expresses at a lower level than the other two labeling tools, but labels cytoplasmic F-actin structures well without causing sterility or striking actin defects. Together these studies reveal how critical it is to evaluate the utility of each actin labeling tool within the tissue and cell type of interest in order to identify the tool that represents the best compromise between acceptable labeling and minimal disruption of the phenomenon being observed. In this case, we find that F-tractin, and perhaps Utrophin, when Utrophin expression levels are optimized to label efficiently without causing actin defects, can be used to study F-actin dynamics within the Drosophila nurse cells.  相似文献   

The synaptopodin family of proteins consists of at least 3 members: synaptopodin, the synaptopodin 2 proteins, and the synaptopodin 2-like proteins. Each family member has at least 3 isoforms that are produced by alternative splicing. Synaptopodin family members are basic proteins that are rich in proline and have little regular 2° or 3° structure at physiological temperature, pH and ionic strength. Like other natively unfolded proteins, synaptopodin family members have multiple binding partners including actin and other actin-binding proteins. Several members of the synaptopodin family have been shown to stimulate actin polymerization and to bundle actin filaments either on their own or in collaboration with other proteins. Synaptopodin 2 has been shown to accelerate nucleation of actin filament formation and to induce actin bundling. The actin polymerization activity is inhibited by Ca2+-calmodulin. Synaptopodin 2 proteins are localized in Z-bands of striated and heart muscle and dense bodies of smooth muscle cells. Depending on the developmental status and stress, at least one member of the synaptopodin family can occupy nuclei of some cells. Members of the synaptopodin 2 subfamily have been implicated in cancers.  相似文献   

Actin dynamics play multiple roles in promoting cell movement, changing cell shapes, and establishing intercellular adhesion. Cell contact events are involved in tissue morphogenesis, immune responses, and cancer cell invasion. In epithelial cells, cell-cell contacts mature to form apical junctions with which the actin cytoskeleton physically associates. Living cell imaging shows, however, that the apical junctional complex is less dynamically regulated than the actin cytoskeleton, indicating that their interaction does not remain stable. Given that several cell adhesion modules are clustered at apical junctions, the sum of weak or transient interactions may create linkages that can be strong yet easily remodeled. Here we describe how subcellular protein interactions are coordinated to induce changes in actin organization and dynamics, in response to the status of apical junctions.  相似文献   

ALP, CLP-36 and RIL form the ALP subfamily of PDZ-LIM proteins. ALP has been implicated in sarcomere function in muscle cells in association with alpha-actinin. The closely related CLP-36 is predominantly expressed in nonmuscle cells, where it localizes to actin stress fibers also in association with alpha-actinin. Here we have studied the expression and functions of RIL originally identified as a gene downregulated in H-ras-transformed cells. RIL was mostly expressed in nonmuscle epithelial cells with a pattern distinct from that of CLP-36. RIL protein was found to localize to actin stress fibers in nonmuscle cells similarly to CLP-36. However, RIL expression led to partially abnormal actin filaments showing thick irregular stress fibers not seen with CLP-36. Furthermore, live cell imaging demonstrated altered stress fiber dynamics with rapid formation of new fibers and frequent collapse of thick irregular fibers in EGFP-RIL-expressing cells. These effects may be mediated through the association of RIL with alpha-actinin, as RIL was found to associate with alpha-actinin via its PDZ domain, and RIL enhanced the ability of alpha-actinin to cosediment with actin filaments. These results implicate the RIL PDZ-LIM protein as a regulator of actin stress fiber turnover.  相似文献   

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