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张喜旺  于宁  秦奋  胡延科 《生态科学》2013,32(5):604-608
植被吸收光合有效辐射(APAR)是指植物实际所吸收的光合有效辐射,是评价植被光合潜力和潜在产量等研究的重要参考指标。基于CASA模型,利用土地利用图和MODIS NDVI 数据,以及改进的日照百分比经验统计公式,研究2010 年河南省APAR状况,进一步分析河南省APAR 的时空分布特征,研究结果较好的反映了河南省APAR 分布。2010 年河南省APAR 总量为8.70×1012MJ。从空间分布上来看,整体上南部和西部比东部和北部高,最大值出现在西部伏牛山地区,与植被的生长周期密切相关,同时受地理纬度影响较大。年内差异较大,5 月至8 月是植被光合作用效率最高的时间,占全年总量49.58%。  相似文献   

为了探讨西双版纳热带植物园引种植物主要定植区近地层的光合有效辐射特征及其变化规律,利用2008—2009年不同季节的小气候观测资料,分析了西双版纳热带植物园引种植物主要定植区近地层的光合有效辐射的季节和日变化特征。结果表明:西双版纳热带植物园区域的光合有效辐射具有明显的日变化和季节差异,雨季最强,旷地的光合有效辐射日总量可达406.6mol·m-2·d-1,雾凉季最弱,旷地光合有效辐射日总量为236.0mol·m-2·d-1;由于受高大树木遮蔽的影响,在沟谷林、龙脑香林和树木园的光合有效辐射数值较低;受太阳高度角变化和林冠林隙的影响,在雨季近地层光合有效辐射会出现突跃现象。各引种植物定植区近地层的光合有效辐射的数值也不同,存在地域差异和季节差异。在具有高大树木、遮蔽较大的定植区,近地层光合有效辐射的数值较小;而遮蔽较小的定植区,情况则反之,近地层光合有效辐射的季节差异与旷地相似,雨季较大,雾凉季较小。在具有高大树木、遮蔽较大的定植区,近地层光合有效辐射与旷地的比值较小,不足旷地的10%,其中在具有多层多种森林群落结构的沟谷林,其最小比值(雾凉季)仅为1.6%;而遮蔽较小的定植区比值较大(>55%)在干热季其数...  相似文献   

1 引言 传统的植物光合生理生态研究中,多用照度计来测定光照指标,它以人眼对光亮度的响应特性为基础,与植物叶片对光照的响应曲线差异很大;而太阳光谱中只有400—700nm的波段才是光合有效辐射  相似文献   

应用普适全国的计算太阳辐射、光合有效辐射和光量子通量模型,系统地研究了粤西的高要、封开和临近地区梧州的太阳辐射、光合有效辐射和光量子通量的年总量、月总量以及相应的年平均日总量和日平均日总量。结果表明,太阳辐射、光合有效辐射和光量子通量的年变化有相似的规律;而地区变化有以下特点:梧州和封开明显类似,而高要与上两地差异稍大。  相似文献   

应用普适全国的计算太阳辐射、光合有效辐射和光量子通量模型,系统地确定了粤西的高要,封开和临近地区梧州的太阳辐射,光合有效辐射和光量子通量的年总量,月总量以及相应的年平均日总量和日平均总量,结果表明,太阳辐射,光合有效辐射和光量子通量的年变化有相似的规律;而地区变化有以下特点:梧州和封开明显类似,而高要与上两地差异稍大。  相似文献   

大豆和玉米冠层光合有效辐射各分量日变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过实测大豆和玉米冠层光合有效辐射各分量并计算其反射率、透射率,分析了各分量日变化规律及其影响因素。结果表明:光合有效辐射分量(FPAR)在一天中均接近于常数,特别是在8:00—11:00和14:00—16:00相对稳定;晴天大豆冠层入射光合有效辐射变化曲线较阴天平滑,反射率和透射率曲线没有阴天平滑;由于云层的吸收和散射作用,阴天中光合有效辐射(PAR)最大值的出现时间比晴天晚1h左右;植被冠层空间异质性对光合有效辐射各分量影响较大,不同作物类型的各分量之间有较大差异;大豆冠层空间异质性较玉米小,其光合有效辐射各个分量曲线较平滑;线性光量子传感器与太阳入射方向垂直投影线成30°时,冠层入射光合有效辐射平均偏离度值最小,为0.657%。  相似文献   

不同风浪条件下太湖梅梁湾光合有效辐射的衰减   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
基于2003年7月12~17日在太湖梅梁湾进行的连续6d原位水下光场观测资料,分析了不同风浪条件下光合有效辐射(PAR)的衰减和真光层深度,探讨了影响水下光合有效辐射的主导因子.结果表明,整个观测期间向下PAR衰减系数为2.63~4.71·m-1(均值为3.63±0.47·m-1),对应的真光层深度为0.98~1.75m(均值为1.29±0.18m),显示1.5m以下深度浮游植物、沉水植物基本上无法获取足够的太阳光能进行光合作用.从小风浪到中风浪、大风浪向下PAR衰减系数分别是2.63、3.72和4.37·m-1,衰减系数分别增加了41%、66%.透明度、PAR衰减系数、真光层深度与悬浮物浓度存在显著性线性相关,并且与悬浮物中无机颗粒物相关性最好,而与叶绿素a、脱镁叶绿素及溶解性有机碳相关性很低.多元逐步线性回归表明,叶绿素a和溶解性有机碳最先被剔除方程,说明在梅梁湾由于风浪扰动引起悬浮物浓度的改变是影响水下光场的主导因素.  相似文献   

水稻冠层光合有效辐射的时空分布特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以2个不同株型水稻品种为材料,设置高、中、低3个施氮水平,利用SunScan冠层分析仪于灌浆期系统测定了不同施氮水平下不同株型水稻品种植株形态和冠层内光合有效辐射(PAR)的时空分布状况.结果表明:施氮量对水稻株高、穗弯曲度和茎叶夹角有明显影响;群体叶面积的垂直分布呈中部>上部>下部的分布特征,最大分层叶面积指数(LAI)出现在0.60相对高度处.冠层内平均PAR透光率从顶部向下递减,且在冠层上中部递减迅速,下部递减缓慢;平均PAR透光率随施氮量的增加而递减;平均PAR透光率日变化表现为早晚较低,中午较高;平均PAR透光率随向下累积LAI的增加呈指数递减,群体消光系数K的日变化表现为早晚较高,中午较低,灌浆期的K值介于0.35~0.50.水稻冠层内PAR的三维空间分布表现为冠层上中部水平面上PAR透光率高,光斑面积大;下部水平面上PAR透光率低,光斑少;同一冠层高度水平面上的PAR光强呈不均匀分布.株型紧凑的水稻品种,冠层透光率高,透光率日变化大,群体消光系数小.  相似文献   

华北太行山前平原农田土壤养分的空间变异性研究   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
采用地统计方法,分别对栾城县(面积约30490hm^2)和中国科学院栾城生态农业试验站示范区(15hm^2)农田耕层土壤养分的空间变异特征进行了研究.结果表明,在2个不同采样间距下,各土壤养分含量均具有空间相关性,县域范围近似以1km网格采样,最大相关距离为4.2~15.6km,在示范区以20m网格采样,则为112~223m;在同一采样间距下,土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、速效养分(N、P、K)含量的空间变异结构也各不相同,具有块金方差效应,半方差图分别遵从高斯和球函数模型.认识本区土壤的这种空间变异结构有助于实现对农田土壤养分的分区和合理管理.  相似文献   

谢军飞  郭佳 《生态学杂志》2016,27(4):1203-1210
利用MODIS产品中分辨率为1 km的光合有效辐射吸收比例(FPAR)数据,结合植被功能型分类,分析2010—2012年北京植被FPAR的空间分布特征,以及各种植被类型FPAR的多年变化,并进一步探讨了FPAR与叶面积指数(LAI)之间的相关性.结果表明: 研究期间,北京植被的FPAR空间分布均呈现出东北部、西南部高,并向中心城区逐渐递减的分布特征.通过FPAR的叠加分析还发现,各种植被类型FPAR年平均值的波动均较小,针叶树、阔叶树、草地、作物FPAR的年均值波动范围仅分别在0.42~0.44、0.38~0.39、0.32~0.33、0.21~0.22,但各种植被类型FPAR的年内变化范围均较大.各种植被类型的FPAR与LAI也具有较好的线性或对数关系.经过Timesat软件中的Savitzky-Golay平滑滤波后,各种植被类型FPAR的季节性变化特征更加明显.  相似文献   

A simple top-down model of canopy photosynthesis (P) was developed and tested in this study. The model (referred to as the Qe-MM model) is P = αQ e P max/(αQ e + P max), α and P max are quantum-use efficiency and potential P, respectively. Q e is given by Q d 0 + kQ b 0, where Q d 0 and Q b 0 are the diffuse and direct photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) incident on the canopy, respectively. Q e can be considered to be the effective incident PAR contributing to P and k is a measure of the contribution of Q b 0 to Q e. When k = 1, the Qe-MM model becomes the regular Michaelis-Menten type model of P (referred to as the MM model). A major objective of this study was to determine how well the Qe-MM model could estimate P of a 56-year-old coastal Douglas-fir stand. To this end, we parameterized the Qe-MM model using five and half years of eddy-covariance measurements of CO2 flux above the Douglas-fir stand. The Qe-MM model, with the incorporation of a function of air temperature, accounted for 74% of the variance in over 34,000 half-hourly P measurements. P estimated using the Qe-MM model had no systematic errors with respect to Q d 0. Although the Qe-MM model has only one more parameter than the MM model, it accounted for 30% more variance in P than the latter when total incident PAR exceeded 900 μmol m−2 s−1. On average, k was found to be 0.22. We show that this small value of k reflects the significant effect of the scattering of the solar beam and the fraction of light-limited sunlit leaves. We also show that the success of the Qe-MM model was due to the fact that a large fraction of the sunlit leaves were light-limited as a result of their orientation to the solar beam.  相似文献   

The spectral composition of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) during clear and overcast days was studied above the canopy (U) and at two layers of a dense Norway spruce stand [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] characterized with an average LAI = 7.3 ± 0.8 (middle layer: M) and 12.3 ± 0.7 (lower layer: L). Whereas the spectral composition of PAR incoming on the canopy surface during cloudy days (characterized by diffuse index DI > 0.7) was almost independent of the solar elevation angle, the proportion of the blue-green spectral region of PAR was significantly reduced at low elevation angles during days with prevailing direct radiation (DI < 0.3). The PAR spectrum at both M and L levels was only slightly enriched in the green spectral region (more pronounced for DI < 0.3). The penetration of diffuse radiation into the canopy resulted in a slight (approx. 5%) reduction of the blue region proportion that remained stable during the day. On the contrary, under clear sky conditions the penetration of blue and red radiation was dependent on the solar elevation in an opposite manner in comparison with the spectral composition of PAR incident on canopy, giving almost twofold proportion of the blue part of the spectrum at a low elevation angle at M layer. We suggest that the blue enhancement of the spectrum within the Norway spruce canopy during clear days is due to a specific spatial arrangement of the assimilatory apparatus of a coniferous stand. Further, the possible consequences of the observed dynamics of the PAR spectrum inside the canopy during clear days on the efficiency of PAR absorption of the needles located within the canopy are discussed.  相似文献   

Diffuse photosynthetically active radiation (DPAR) is important during overcast days and for plant parts shaded from the direct beam radiation. Simulation of DPAR interception by individual plant parts of a canopy, separately from direct beam photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), may give important insights into plant ecology. This paper presents a model to simulate the interception of DPAR in plant canopies. A sub-model of a virtual maize canopy was reconstructed. Plant surfaces were represented as small triangular facets positioned according to three-dimensionally (3D) digitized data collected in the field. Then a second sub-model to simulate the 3D DPAR distribution in the canopy was developed by dividing the sky hemisphere into a grid of fine cells that allowed for the anisotropic distribution of DPAR over the sky hemisphere. This model, DSHP (Dividing Sky Hemisphere with Projecting), simulates which DSH (Divided Sky Hemisphere) cells are directly visible from a facet in the virtual canopy, i.e. not obscured by other facets. The DPAR reaching the center of a facet was calculated by summing the amounts of DPAR present in every DSH cell. The distribution of DPAR in a canopy was obtained from the calculated DPARs intercepted by all facets in the canopy. This DSHP model was validated against DPAR measurements made in an actual maize (Zea mays L.) canopy over selected days during the early filling stage. The simulated and measured DPAR at different canopy depths showed a good agreement with a R 2 equaling 0.78 (n=120).  相似文献   

长白山红松针阔叶混交林林下光合有效辐射的基本特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用长白山红松针阔叶混交林连续3年的光合有效辐射(PAR)观测数据,与林冠上方PAR值相对比,分析了林冠下5个不同水平位置探头的PAR时空特征.结果表明:林木冠层上方的PAR日总量年变化呈双峰甚至多峰趋势,主要受降水和云雾等天气状况的影响;林下PAR日总量年变化表现为非生长季与冠层上方变化趋势一致,在生长季数值较小且趋于稳定.典型晴天时林下5个探头的PAR值在时间和大小分布上有较大差异.在空间变化上,非生长季林下PAR变异系数较小,约为0.15;生长季的变异系数较大,在0.22以上,最高值在8月.生长季典型晴天太阳高度角为38°~48°区间(9:00—10:00和13:00—14:00)时,林下PAR空间变化较大.  相似文献   

Effects of various combinations of nutrient solution salinity (0.3, 171, and 342 mM NaCl), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) of 600 or 1150 μmol/(m2 s), and type of nitrogen nutrition (amide-N or nitrate-N) on the productivity and the content of accumulated mineral nutrients and free amino acids were studied in Salicornia europaea plants. At PAR of 600 μmol/(m2 s), plant productivity increased with elevation of salinity level; at 1150 μmol/(m2 s), the maximum productivity was observed in the plants grown at 171 mM of NaCl. The content of free amino acids in shoots, regardless of PAR, decreased with growing salinity level, whereas Na content, on the opposite, increased. Glutamic acid, rather than proline, was shown to be the main organic osmolyte in this plant species. Comparison of the productivity of plants grown on solutions with amide (urea) or nitrate nitrogen showed that higher biomass accumulation was achieved in the former case.  相似文献   

Zhu ZL  Sun XM  Yu GR  Wen XF  Zhang YP  Han SJ  Yan JH  Wang HM 《应用生态学报》2011,22(11):2954-2962
利用中国通量网( ChinaFLUX)4个森林台站(长白山、千烟洲、鼎湖山和西双版纳)2003-2008年总辐射和光合有效辐射(PAR)观测资料,研究了CNR1总辐射表和Li-190SB光量子仪在长期观测中可能出现的不确定性和仪器性能变化等问题.结果表明:98%以上的CNR1总辐射观测精度满足技术标准,但在西双版纳站,CNR1观测的总辐射(QCNR1)比高精度短波辐射仪CM11观测的总辐射(QCM11)平均低7%;虽然温度对CNR1观测的总辐射有一定影响,但其影响大都在仪器允许的精度范围内,在西双版纳站,CNR1除了受温度影响外,还受到热带雨林特有的季节性雾的影响;通过分析光合有效辐射数据(特别是其与总辐射比值)的长期变化发现,光量子仪Li-190SB的性能衰减较明显,平均年衰减率达4%左右,为了校正PAR仪器性能衰减产生的系统误差,本文尝试给出了PAR的后期补偿校正方法,该方法可基本消除由于野外长期使用所造成的Li-190SB性能衰减.  相似文献   

1. We surveyed eighty-five lakes located in the Adirondack Mountain Region of New York State, U.S.A., to characterize the attenuation of photosynthetically active (PAR) and ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in relation to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and pH. Attenuation of PAR was quantified in situ . Attenuation was also inferred by measuring the light absorption of filtered lake water samples at wavelengths (300, 340 and 440 nm) representing UV-B, UV-A and PAR.
2. Substantial variation in transparency was observed among lakes in this region. Attenuation depths ( z 1%) for PAR ranged from 0.5 to greater than 20 m, while inferred values for UV-B and UV-A ranged from a few centimetres to > 5 m. Median values of UV-A penetration (0.75 m) and UV-B penetration (0.45 m) corresponded to 11% (UV-A) and 6% (UV-B) of lake maximum depth.
3. Much of the variation in PAR and UVR attenuation was explained by differences in lake DOC. Univariate power models based solely on DOC accounted for 85% (PAR), 90% (UV-A) and 91% (UV-B) of the variation in absorption.
4. Attenuation and absorption coefficients were generally lower for recently acidified lakes compared to acidic and circumneutral lakes which have not undergone recent acidification. However, differences among these three groups of lakes were not statistically significant. Our results suggest that the effects of acidification on the optical properties of a regional population of lakes, even in an area experiencing widespread acidification, are relatively subtle in comparison with other factors contributing to inter-lake variability.
5. The presence of near-shore wetlands is probably a key factor influencing regional variability in DOC and light climate among Adirondack lakes. Temporal variability in climatic factors influencing wetland DOC production and export may mask more subtle influences on lake DOC associated with anthropogenic acidification.  相似文献   

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