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A first order analytical approximation of steady-state heat conduction in a hollow cylinder exchanging heat at its external surface by convection with a cold and windy environment is presented. The model depicts the thermal behavior of certain body elements, e.g., head/face, when exposed to such environments. The results are presented by dimensionless parameters and facilitate the estimation of wind chill equivalent temperatures (WCETs). The effects of several variables on determining WCETs were studied using specific examples, leading to the following generalizations: (1) the conditions assumed for "calm" wind speed appear to be a dominant factor in determining WCET; (2) the effects, on both (skin) surface temperature and on WCET, of a 1°C change in environmental temperature appear to be more pronounced than those of a 1 m/s change in wind speed; (3) similarly, predicted WCETs are more sensitive to the geometrical dimensions assumed for the modeled entity than they are to wind speeds; and (4) tissue thermal conductivity, the angle at which the convective heat transfer coefficient is measured relative to wind direction, and the factor used to establish "effective" wind speeds in the domain occupied by humans relative to reported values, all seem to have relatively small effects on the determination of WCET. These conclusions strongly suggest, among other things, that for any given combination of environmental conditions, wind chill indices may best be presented as ranges rather than as single values. This seems to apply even when worst-case scenarios are considered. Also emphasized is the need for careful and realistic selection of all the parameter values used in the determination of WCETs.  相似文献   

Eleven non-lactating Holstein cows of 8–10 years of age and 12 female Holstein calves of 5–6 months of age were maintained, during winter season, in the climatic laboratory for 3 days at thermoneutral climate (18.3°C, 50% RH) followed by 3 days at hot climate (32.2°C, 50% RH). Feed and water were provided ad libitum. Whole body40K counting, nitrogen balance, body weight and rectal temperature were taken on the third day on each animal at the climatic exposures mentioned above. Body potassium decreased significantly in cows (p < 0.01) but not in calves. Nitrogen retention decreased with heat exposure in cows and calves (p < 0.01) and the balance was negative in cows but positive in calves. In cows, body weight decreased with heat exposure 1.81%, significantly (p < 0.05), but it did not change significantly in calves. The final rise in body temperature under hot climate was significant in cows and calves (p < 0.01), being 0.82°C and 1.07°C, respectively. The heat-induced changes, except the rise in body temperature, were significantly different in cows from those in calves. These results indicate that calves are more heat tolerant than cows on the basis of catabolic reactions but not on rectal temperature rise.
Zusammenfassung Während des Winters wurden 11 nicht laktierende Holstein Kühe im Alter von 8–10 Jahren und 12 Holstein Kälber im Alter von 5–6 Monaten 3 Tage lang zunächst in thermoneutralem Klima (18,3°C, 50% RF) und danach 3 Tage in der Hitze bei 32,2°C und 50% RF gehalten. In der Hitze fiel das Körper-Kalium bei den Kühen signifikant (p < 0,01) ab, nicht aber bei den Kälbern. Bei beiden fiel die Stickstoffretention signifikant (p < 0,01) ab, und die Bilanz wurde bei den Kühen negativ, nicht aber bei den Kälbern. Das Körpergewicht der Kühe fiel 1,81% (p < 0,05), das der Kälber blieb unbeeinflusst. Die Körpertemperatur war am Ende bei den Kühen 0,82°C und bei den Kälbern 1,07°C höher (p < 0,01). Dies spricht dafür, dass die Kälber in Hinsicht auf die katabolischen Reaktionen eine höhere Hitzetoleranz haben als die Kühe.

Resume 11 vaches de race Holstein âgées de 8 à 10 ans, mais hors de lactation et 12 génisses de 5 à 6 mois de la même race ont été placées, durant l'hiver, en atmosphère contrôlée. Elles ont passé tout d'abord 3 jours en climat neutre (18,3°C et 50% d'humidité relative), puis 3 jours dans une atmosphère chaude (32,2°C et 40% h.r.). On leur a donné à manger et à boire ad libitum. A la fin de chacune de ces périodes, on a mesuré pour chaque animal la teneur en40K, le bilan d'azote, le poids et la température rectale. Le taux de potasse a diminué de façon significative chez les vaches (p < 0,01), mais pas chez les génisses. La rétention d'azote décrofît avec le chaud tant chez les vaches que chez les génisses (p <0,01) et son bilan est négatif chez les vaches, positif chez les génisses. Le poids des vaches a diminué de 1,81% (significatif à p < 0,05), mais ne s'est pas modifié de façon significative chez les génisses. La température s'est élevée de 0,82°C chez les vaches et de 1,07°C chez les génisses (significatif tous les deux à p < 0,01). Toutes les répercussions d'une exposition au chaud on été significatives entre vaches et génisses, à l'exception de la température du corps. Ceci montre que les génisses offrent une plus grande tolérance à la chaleur que les vaches si l'on se base sur leurs réactions cataboliques, mais pas selon la température rectale.

Contribution from the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station, Journal Series No. 6037.

On a leave at the University of Missouri.  相似文献   


Context: Accidental exposure to life-threatening radiation in a nuclear event is a major concern; there is an enormous need for identifying biomarkers for radiation biodosimetry to triage populations and treat critically exposed individuals.

Objective: To identify dose-differentiating miRNA signatures from whole blood samples of whole body irradiated mice.

Methods: Mice were whole body irradiated with X-rays (2?Gy–15?Gy); blood was collected at various time-points post-exposure; total RNA was isolated; miRNA microarrays were performed; miRNAs differentially expressed in irradiated vs. unirradiated controls were identified; feature extraction and classification models were applied to predict dose-differentiating miRNA signature.

Results: We observed a time and dose responsive alteration in the expression levels of miRNAs. Maximum number of miRNAs were altered at 24-h and 48-h time-points post-irradiation. A 23-miRNA signature was identified using feature selection algorithms and classifier models. An inverse correlation in the expression level changes of miR-17 members, and their targets were observed in whole body irradiated mice and non-human primates.

Conclusion: Whole blood-based miRNA expression signatures might be used for predicting radiation exposures in a mass casualty nuclear incident.  相似文献   

We present a thermal gradient convective polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for parallel DNA amplification with different annealing temperatures. The thermal gradient for microfluidic gradient PCR is produced by an innovative fin design whose formation principle is given. Without the need for a pump, the buoyancy forces continuously circulate reagents in a closed loop through different thermal zones, which brings self-actuated convective-flow PCR. In our prototype, we measured a temperature difference of about 45 °C along the gradient direction on the copper flake (45 × 40 × 4 mm). When the temperature of the hot zone is 90-97 °C and the temperature of the cold zone is 60-70 °C, the convection triggered two-temperature amplification of 112-bp fragment of Escherichia coli DNA. The time for amplification is less than 45 min. Interestingly, parallel DNA amplification with different annealing temperatures ranging from 60 to 70 °C was performed by this method. The PCR thermocycler demonstrated herein can be further scaled down and the loop length can be further reduced, and therefore the PCR times can be further reduced. These devices are suited as a platform for a new generation of low-power, portable DNA analysis systems.  相似文献   

Deletions in 17q11.2 affecting the NF1 gene and surrounding regions occur in 5% of patients with NF1. The two major types of NF1 deletions encompass 1.4-Mb and 1.2-Mb, respectively, and have breakpoints in the NF1 low-copy repeats or in the JJAZ gene and its pseudogene. Deletions larger than 1.4-Mb are rare, and only seven cases have been reported so far. Here, we describe a 26-year-old NF1 patient with an atypical NF1 deletion of 2-Mb. In contrast to the 1.4-Mb deletions, which preferentially occur by interchromosomal recombination during maternal meiosis, the deletion described here occurred intrachromosomally on the paternal chromosome. The centromeric deletion breakpoint lies in an L1-element located 1.3-Mb proximal to the NF1 gene. The telomeric deletion boundary is located in a single copy segment between an AT-rich segment and an AluSx-element in intron 15 of the JJAZ1 gene. Structural analysis implies that non-B DNA conformations at the breakpoints destabilized the duplex DNA and caused double-strand breaks. Although the breakpoints of this 2-Mb deletion are not recurrent, it is conspicuous that one breakpoint is located in the JJAZ1 gene. Paralogous recombination between the JJAZ1 gene and its pseudogene causes the recurrent 1.2 Mb deletions. The genomic architecture of the NF1 gene region, influenced by paralogous sequences such as the JJAZ1 gene and its pseudogene, seems also to stimulate the occurrence of non-recurrent deletions mediated by non-homologous end joining. Patient 442 described here suffers from a very high burden of subdermal neurofibromas. Magnetic resonance imaging of the whole body revealed numerous internal tumors, mainly plexiform neurofibromas and spinal tumors. This demonstrates the value of whole-body MRI scanning in determining the total tumor load, which is an important aspect in genotype/phenotype correlations with regard to large NF1 deletions.  相似文献   

Volatile compounds produced by 31 strains of pseudomonads and by reference strains of Pseudomonas fragi and Ps. fluorescens biotype 1 during growth on beef stored at 6°C in air were analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of headspace gases. Compounds of major sensory significance were ethyl and methyl esters of C2–C8 fatty acids and sulphur-containing compounds which included methane- and isopropanethiols and their related sulphides and thioesters but not hydrogen sulphide. Ester production was mainly associated with growth of some, but not all, Ps. fragi and related meat strains but sulphur-containing compounds were produced by all but a single meat strain. A minority of other meat strains produced greater amounts of methyl ketones, secondary alcohols and unsaturated hydrocarbons believed to be of lipid origin.  相似文献   

Recent mass mortalities of bats, birds and even humans highlight the substantial threats that rising global temperatures pose for endotherms. Although less dramatic, sublethal fitness costs of high temperatures may be considerable and result in changing population demographics. Endothermic animals exposed to high environmental temperatures can adjust their behaviour (e.g. reducing activity) or physiology (e.g. elevating rates of evaporative water loss) to maintain body temperatures within tolerable limits. The fitness consequences of these adjustments, in terms of the ability to balance water and energy budgets and therefore maintain body condition, are poorly known. We investigated the effects of daily maximum temperature on foraging and thermoregulatory behaviour as well as maintenance of body condition in a wild, habituated population of Southern Pied Babblers Turdoides bicolor. These birds inhabit a hot, arid area of southern Africa where they commonly experience environmental temperatures exceeding optimal body temperatures. Repeated measurements of individual behaviour and body mass were taken across days varying in maximum air temperature. Contrary to expectations, foraging effort was unaffected by daily maximum temperature. Foraging efficiency, however, was lower on hotter days and this was reflected in a drop in body mass on hotter days. When maximum air temperatures exceeded 35.5 °C, individuals no longer gained sufficient weight to counter typical overnight weight loss. This reduction in foraging efficiency is likely driven, in part, by a trade‐off with the need to engage in heat‐dissipation behaviours. When we controlled for temperature, individuals that actively dissipated heat while continuing to forage experienced a dramatic decrease in their foraging efficiency. This study demonstrates the value of investigations of temperature‐dependent behaviour in the context of impacts on body condition, and suggests that increasingly high temperatures will have negative implications for the fitness of these arid‐zone birds.  相似文献   

Volatile compounds produced by 31 strains of pseudomonads and by reference strains of Pseudomonas fragi and Ps. fluorescens biotype 1 during growth on beef stored at 6 degrees C in air were analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of headspace gases. Compounds of major sensory significance were ethyl and methyl esters of C2-C8 fatty acids and sulphur-containing compounds which included methane- and isopropanethiols and their related sulphides and thioesters but not hydrogen sulphide. Ester production was mainly associated with growth of some, but not all, Ps. fragi and related meat strains but sulphur-containing compounds were produced by all but a single meat strain. A minority of other meat strains produced greater amounts of methyl ketones, secondary alcohols and unsaturated hydrocarbons believed to be of lipid origin.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that tracer diffusion coefficients can be determined for oxyhemoglobin A (HbA-O2) and oxyhemoglobin S (HbS-O2) in intact blood cells by means of pulsed field gradient NMR (PFG-NMR). This is possible because the method discriminates between both rapidly moving water molecules and molecules having small proton transverse relaxation times (T2). The results indicate that only hemoglobin molecules contribute to the echo signals when large field gradients are used. The dependence of the measured diffusion coefficients on osmolarity and pH are attributed to changes in hemoglobin concentration resulting from changes in cell volume.  相似文献   

This study is focused on developing a whole body heat transfer model to accurately simulate temperature decay in a body postmortem. The initial steady state temperature field is simulated first and the calculated weighted average body temperature is used to determine the overall heat transfer coefficient at the skin surface, based on thermal equilibrium before death. The transient temperature field postmortem is then simulated using the same boundary condition and the temperature decay curves at several body locations are generated for a time frame of 24 h. For practical purposes, curve fitting techniques are used to replace the simulations with a proposed exponential formula with an initial time delay. It is shown that the obtained temperature field in the human body agrees very well with that in the literature. The proposed exponential formula provides an excellent fit with an R2 value larger than 0.998. For the brain and internal organ sites, the initial time delay varies from 1.6 to 2.9 h, when the temperature at the measuring site does not change significantly from its original value. The curve-fitted time constant provides the measurement window after death to be between 8 h and 31 h if the brain site is used, while it increases 60–95% at the internal organ site. The time constant is larger when the body is exposed to colder air, since a person usually wears more clothing when it is cold outside to keep the body warm and comfortable. We conclude that a one-size-fits-all approach would lead to incorrect estimation of time of death and it is crucial to generate a database of cooling curves taking into consideration all the important factors such as body size and shape, environmental conditions, etc., therefore, leading to accurate determination of time of death.  相似文献   

Muscles are multi-functional structures that interface neural and mechanical systems. Muscle work depends on a large multi-dimensional space of stimulus (neural) and strain (mechanical) parameters. In our companion paper, we rewrote activation to individual muscles in intact, behaving cockroaches (Blaberus discoidalis L.), revealing a specific muscle's potential to control body dynamics in different behaviours. Here, we use those results to provide the biologically relevant parameters for in situ work measurements. We test four hypotheses about how muscle function changes to provide mechanisms for the observed control responses. Under isometric conditions, a graded increase in muscle stress underlies its linear actuation during standing behaviours. Despite typically absorbing energy, this muscle can recruit two separate periods of positive work when controlling running. This functional change arises from mechanical feedback filtering a linear increase in neural activation into nonlinear work output. Changing activation phase again led to positive work recruitment, but at different times, consistent with the muscle's ability to also produce a turn. Changes in muscle work required considering the natural sequence of strides and separating swing and stance contributions of work. Both in vivo control potentials and in situ work loops were necessary to discover the neuromechanical coupling enabling control.  相似文献   

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