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It is well known that the stock abundance of a pelagic fish usually fluctuates and a species of pelagic fish which was dominant in abundance is often taken over by another species. Several alternative models for species replacement among pelagic fishes are presented and analyzed: (A) environmental fluctuation, (B) strong density-dependent reproduction rate, (C) a two-species system with phase variation (density-dependent change of life history traits), (D) a two-species competition system with environmental fluctuation, (E) cyclic advantage relationship among three competitive species, and (F) a two-prey, one-predator system. Different model requires different number of species for the occurrence of species replacement. Three criteria to test each hypothesis from qualitative properties of species replacement are proposed. Possible management policies to decrease the amplitude of stock fluctuations are discussed. As a result, if the catching effort to mackerels which is rare now is large, or if the catching effort to the sardine is still large when it begins to decline in stock abundance, fisheries may be strong destabilizing effect on the stock abundance.  相似文献   

随着底层和近底层渔业资源的衰退,海洋中上层鱼类在我国海洋捕捞业中逐渐占据重要的地位。预测气候变化情景下中上层经济鱼类的潜在生境分布及其变化规律,可为应对气候变化的鱼类栖息地保护和渔业生态系统管理提供重要科学依据。采用物种分布模型模拟并预测现状及2050年两种气候变化情景下8种中上层经济鱼类在中国近海的潜在分布,通过分布区的收缩-扩张情形和质心迁移距离定量分析气候变化对鱼类空间分布格局的影响。结果表明:(1)模型预测结果良好,各组模型的AUC值均高于0.85,影响目标鱼类潜在分布的主要驱动因子为海水表层温度和溶解氧;(2)8种中上层经济鱼类中,羽鳃鲐(Rastrelliger kanagurta)、鳓鱼(Ilisha elongata)等种类生境分布偏南,气候变化情景下分布北界可扩展至长江口,而鳀鱼(Engraulis japonicus)、青鳞小沙丁鱼(Sardinella zunasi)等种类主要分布在我国北方海域,气候变化情景下生境南缘边界退缩明显;(3)整体来看RCP8.5情景下的空间分布变化率大于RCP2.6情景,其中蓝圆鲹(Decapterus maruadsi)、青鳞小沙丁...  相似文献   

1. Unravelling the strength and modes of interspecific interactions between resident and introduced species is necessary in order to understand the basis of their coexistence or the displacement of the former by the latter. In Argentina, the indigenous Tephritidae fly Anastrepha fraterculus overlaps its distribution and host fruit with the introduced species Ceratitis capitata. 2. This study focused on the relative strength of intra‐ and interspecific competition during the larval stage as a potential factor supporting coexistence. Classical competition experiments (addition and substitution) were conducted between larvae of the two species reared in artificial larval diet. The study evaluated whether a temporal separation between oviposition events affects the outcome of the competition. 3. When both species started to consume the resource at the same time, A. fraterculus experienced a negative effect in larval survival, pupal weight and duration of larval stage, while for C. capitata, pupal weight decreased. When A. fraterculus started feeding 1 day earlier than C. capitata, the negative effects became milder, and when the temporal separation increased, these effects were reversed. Substitution experiments showed an increase in pupal weight when larvae had to share the resource with heterospecific larvae, and showed negative effects suffered for both species when they shared the resource with conspecific individuals. 4. These results suggest that intraspecific competition is stronger than interspecific competition, and a differential oviposition preference could generate an asynchrony of these species in nature. Such mechanisms could favour coexistence between A. fraterculus and C. capitata in an environment previously occupied only by the former.  相似文献   

1. Numerous interacting abiotic and biotic factors influence niche use and assemblage structure of freshwater fishes, but the strength of each factor changes with spatial scale. Few studies have examined the role of interspecific competition in structuring stream fish assemblages across spatial scales. We used field and laboratory approaches to examine microhabitat partitioning and the effect of interspecific competition on microhabitat use in two sympatric stream fishes (Galaxias‘southern’ and Galaxias gollumoides) at large (among streams and among sites within streams) and small (within artificial stream channels) spatial scales. 2. Diurnal microhabitat partitioning and interspecific competition at large spatial scales were analysed among three sympatry streams (streams with allotopic and syntopic sites; three separate catchments) and four allopatry streams (streams with only allotopic sites; two separate catchments). Electro‐fishing was used to sample habitat use of fishes at 30 random points within each site by quantifying four variables for each individual: water velocity, depth, distance to nearest cover and substratum size. Habitat availability was then quantified for each site by measuring those variables at each of 50 random points. Diet and stable isotope partitioning was analysed from syntopic sites only. Diel cycles of microhabitat use and interspecific competition at small spatial scales were examined by monitoring water velocity use over 48 h in artificial stream channels for three treatments: (i) allopatric G. ‘southern’ (10 G. ‘southern’); (ii) allopatric G. gollumoides (10 G. gollumoides) and (iii) sympatry (five individuals of each species). 3. One hundred and ninety‐four G. ‘southern’ and 239 G. gollumoides were sampled across all seven streams, and habitat availability between the two species was similar among all sites. Galaxias‘southern’ utilised faster water velocities than G. gollumoides in both the field and in channel experiments. Both species utilised faster water velocities in channels at night than during the day. Diet differences were observed and were supported by isotopic differences (two of three sites). No interspecific differences were observed for the other three microhabitat variables in the field, and multivariate habitat selection did not differ between species. Interspecific competition had no effect on microhabitat use of either species against any variable either in the field (large scale) or in channels (small scale). 4. The results suggest that niche partitioning occurs along a subset of microhabitat variables (water velocity use and diet). Interspecific competition does not appear to be a major biotic factor controlling microhabitat use by these sympatric taxa at any spatial scale. The results further suggest that stream fish assemblages are not primarily structured by biotic factors, reinforcing other studies de‐emphasising interspecific competition.  相似文献   

不同起始密度对3种赤潮微藻种间竞争的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
蔡恒江  唐学玺  张培玉  杨震 《生态学报》2005,25(6):1331-1336
通过共培养的方法,研究了不同起始密度对赤潮异弯藻和中肋骨条藻、塔玛亚历山大藻和赤潮异弯藻、塔玛亚历山大藻和中肋骨条藻之间种间竞争的影响。结果表明1赤潮异弯藻对中肋骨条藻的生长有一定的抑制作用,随着初始接种时赤潮异弯藻细胞密度的提高,这种抑制作用愈加明显。2塔玛亚历山大藻和中肋骨条藻与塔玛亚历山大藻和赤潮异弯藻之间的种间竞争结果相类似,即起始密度比例为A∶S(H)=1∶4时,中肋骨条藻和赤潮异弯藻分别在竞争中占优势;当起始密度比例为A∶S(H)=1∶1和A∶S(H)=4∶1,塔玛亚历山大藻在竞争中占优势。  相似文献   

Abstract Effects of elevated CO2 (twice ambient vs. ambient) and Bt Cry1Ac transgene (Bt cotton cv. 33B vs. its nontransgenic parental line cv. DP5415) on the interspecific competition between two ecologically similar species of cotton aphid Aphis gossypii and whitefly biotype‐Q Bemisia tabaci were studied in open‐top chambers. The results indicated that elevated CO2 and Bt cotton both affected the population abundances of A. gossypii and biotype‐Q B. tabaci when introduced solely (i.e., without interspecific competition) or two species coexisted (i.e., with interspecific competition). Compared with ambient CO2, elevated CO2 increased the population abundances of A. gossypii and biotype‐Q B. tabaci as fed on Bt and nontransgenic cotton on 45 (i.e., seedling stage) and 60 (i.e., flowering stage) days after planting (DAP), but only significantly enhanced aphid abundance without interspecific competition on the 45‐DAP nontransgenic cotton and 60‐DAP Bt cotton, and significantly increased whitefly abundance with interspecific competition on the 45‐DAP Bt cotton and 60‐DAP nontransgenic cotton. In addition, compared with nontransgenic cotton at elevated CO2, Bt cotton significantly reduced biotype‐Q B. tabaci abundances without and with interspecific competition during seedling and flowering stage, while only significantly decreasing A. gossypii abundances without interspecific competition during the seedling stage. When the two insect species coexisted, the proportions of biotype‐Q B. tabaci were significantly higher than those of A. gossypii on Bt and nontransgenic cotton at the same CO2 levels, and elevated CO2 only significantly increased the percentages of biotype‐Q B. tabaci and significantly reduced the proportions of A. gossypii on seedling and flowering nontransgenic cotton. Therefore, the effects of elevated CO2 were favorable for biotype‐Q B. tabaci to out‐compete A. gossypii under the predicted global climate change.  相似文献   

Inter- and intraspecific competitive abilities are significant determinants of invasive success and the ecological impact of non-native plants. We tested two major hypotheses on the competitive ability of invasive species using invasive (Taraxacum officinale) and native (T. platycarpum) dandelions: differential interspecific competitive ability between invasive and native species and the kin recognition of invasive species. We collected seeds from two field sites where the two dandelion species occurred nearby. Plants were grown alone, with kin (plants from the same maternal genotype) or strangers (plants from different populations) of the same species, or with different species in a growth chamber, and the performance at the early developmental stage between species and treatments was compared. The invasive dandelions outcompeted the native dandelions when competing against each other, although no difference between species was detected without competition or with intraspecific competition. Populations of native species responded to interspecific competition differently. The effect of kinship on plant performance differed between the tested populations in both species. A population produced more biomass than the other populations when grown with a stranger, and this trend was manifested more in native species. Our results support the hypothesis that invasive plants have better competitive ability than native plants, which potentially contributes to the establishment and the range expansion of T. officinale in the introduced range. Although kin recognition is expected to evolve in invasive species, the competitive ability of populations rather than kinship seems to affect plant growth of invasive T. officinale under intraspecific competition.  相似文献   

长苞铁杉林乔木层优势种群种间关联及尺度效应研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
通过设定不同尺度的样方面积,根据2×2联列表,运用方差分析、联结系数AC、2统计量度量、 Ochiai指数系列技术,测定天宝岩国家级自然保护区长苞铁杉群落乔木层10个优势种群间的总体联结关系、 种对间联结显著性和关联系数。结果表明:长苞铁杉群落乔木层10个优势种群的总体种间关联性均呈正关 联,反映该群落处于稳定的顶极阶段;10个优势种群的种间联结关系中,有26个种对在不同尺度样方设计中 均未达到一般显著水平,种对间的相互独立性较强;样方设计为100 m2时,各项指标上规律性比较明显,它的 研究结果与实际情况相吻合。群落虽处于比较稳定的顶极阶段,但应适当调整群落结构,为长苞铁杉的生长 更新提供良好的生态环境。  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘林线杜鹃-岷江冷杉原始林的空间格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为深入理解高山林线原始林中优势树种的空间结构特征和种间关系,以青藏高原东缘林线杜鹃-岷江冷杉原始林1 hm2样地调查数据为基础,采用成对相关函数g(r)函数,分析了优势种岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)和凝毛杜鹃(Rhododendron agglutinatum)各径级的空间分布格局和各径级间的空间关联性。结果表明:岷江冷杉和凝毛杜鹃径级分布连续,呈倒"J"型,均为进展种群。小尺度上,对于岷江冷杉活立木(小树+中树+大树)、小树、中树为显著聚集分布,大树为均匀分布,死树则为随机分布;凝毛杜鹃活立木(小树+中树+大树)、小树、中树、大树、死树均为显著聚集分布。小尺度上随径级增大岷江冷杉的分布格局从聚集分布趋于均匀分布。岷江冷杉大树与其小树的空间关联验证了Janzen-Connell假说中的距离制约效应。通过验证接受了随机死亡假说,发现种内的密度制约效应不明显。两个树种的枯立木对凝毛杜鹃小树均表现为排斥关系,而对岷江冷杉小树表现为相互独立的关系。两个优势种总体表现为相互独立,但种间不同径级间的空间关联性各异。  相似文献   

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