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The multimeric nature of NADPH-nitrate reductase from Aspergillus nidulans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
R J Downey 《Microbios》1973,7(25):53-60

Non-nitrate reducing mutants of Aspergillusnidulans have been noted to produce either a nitrate inducible or constitutive NADPH-cytochrome c reductase which resides in either a 4.5s or a 7.8s protein. The latter closely resembles the nitrate inducible, FAD dependent NADPH-nitrate reductase from the wild type. Measurement of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and molybdenum (Mo) in these two proteins revealed significant differences particularly in Mo. The concepts that a nitrate inducible nia gene product constitutes the major flavin bearing component of the enzyme and that a constitutively produced cnx gene product is implicated in formation of the larger Mo bearing multimer are further supported.  相似文献   

In Aspergillus nidulans, it is known that creB encodes a deubiquitinating enzyme that forms a complex with the WD40 motif containing protein encoded by creC, that mutations in these genes lead to altered carbon source utilization and that the creD34 mutation suppresses the phenotypic effects of mutations in creC and creB. Therefore, creD was characterized in order to dissect the regulatory network that involves the CreB-CreC deubiquitination complex. CreD contains arrestin domains and PY motifs and is highly similar to the Rod1p and Rog3p proteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. An additional gene was identified in the A. nidulans genome that also encodes an arrestin and PY motif-containing protein, which we have designated apyA, and thus two similar proteins also exist in A. nidulans. In S. cerevisiae, Rod1p and Rog3p interact with the ubiquitin ligase Rsp5p, and so the A. nidulans homologue of Rsp5p was identified, and the gene encoding this HECT ubiquitin ligase was designated hulA. CreD and ApyA were tested for protein-protein interactions with HulA via the bacterial two-hybrid system, and ApyA showed strong interaction, and CreD showed weak interaction, with HulA in this system.  相似文献   

Summary Mutants of A. nidulans at several loci lack detectable NADPH-nitrate reductase activity. These loci include niaD, the structural gene for the nitrate reductase polypeptide, and five other loci termed cnxABC, E, F, G and H which are presumed to be involved in the formation of a molybdenum-containing component (MCC) necessary for nitrate reductase activity. When frozen mycelia from A. nidulans deletion mutant niaD26 were homogenized in a Ten Broeck homogenizer together with frozen mycelia from either enzA6, cnxE29, cnxF12, enxG4 or cnxH3 strains grown on urea+nitrate as the nitrogen source, nitrate reductase activity was detectable in the extract. Similar results were obtained by co-homogenizing niaD mycelia with Neurospora crassa nit-1 mycelia induced on nitrate. Thus, all A. nidulans cnx mutants are similar to the N. crassa nit-1 strain in their capacity to yield NADPH-nitrate reductase in the presence of the presumed MCC. As judged by the amounts of nitrate reductase formed, niaD26 mycelia grown on urea±nitrate contained much more available MCC than ammonium-grown mycelia. No NADPH-nitrate reductase activity was found in extracts prepared by co-homogenizing mycelia from all five A. nidulans cnx strains. Wild-type A. nidulans NADPH-nitrate reductase acid dissociated by adjustment to pH 2.0–2.5 and re-adjusted to pH 7 could itself re-assemble to form active nitrate reductase and thus was not a sueful source of MCC for these experiments. These results are consistent with the conclusion that the active nitrate reductase complex is composed of polypeptide components which are the niaD gene product, plus the MCC which is formed through the combined action of the cnx gene products. Further, the production of MCC may be regulated in response to the nitrogen nutrition available to the organism.  相似文献   

The Ascomycete fungus Aspergillus nidulans reproduces asexually by differentiating conidiophores and conidia. Gene regulation during asexual reproduction was investigated by comparing poly(A) RNA populations derived from somatic hyphae, conidiating cultures and purified conidia. Single-copy and complementary DNA hybridization experiments showed that vegetative cells contained 5600–6000 diverse, average-sized poly(A) RNA sequences distributed into three prevalence classes. cDNA hybridization experiments indicated that a significant proportion of the poly(A) RNA derived from either conidiating cultures or spores consisted of sequences absent from somatic hyphae. To assess accurately the degree to which the poly(A) RNA populations differed, cDNA preparations were isolated which were complementary to sequences present only in conidia or in conidiating cultures. Hybridization of these cDNAs with poly(A) RNA from conidiating cultures showed that approximately 18.5% of the poly(A) RNA mass comprised 1300 diverse sequences not present in somatic cells. Of these, about 300 were present only in conidia. The remainder were accumulated specifically during sporulation, but were absent from spores. Analogous experiments showed that the great majority of the poly(A) RNA sequences accumulated by vegetative hyphae were also present in conidiating cultures. Thus, cell differentiation during A. nidulans asexual reproduction involves the accumulation of many new poly(A) RNA sequences, but not the loss of preexisting ones.  相似文献   

Among the bacteria isolated from polluted water and viscid sludges in the factories manufacturing sweet potato starch, a group of strains was ascertained to be capable of producing slimy materials keeping fairly stable viscosity through the alterations in pH. Representative strain A-1 of the group was assigned to Agrobacterium radiobacter. The polysaccharide produced by culturing the strain in the medium containing glucose, yeast extracts and CaCO3 was estimated to be Gal: Glc: succinic acid: pyruvic acid = 1: 7.2~7.3: 1: 0.85 in a molar ratio. The IR spectra, basicity and other determinations indicated that the one of the moieties showing acidic function was succinic acid linking in ester bond, and another one was pyruvic acid linking to glucose in ketal.  相似文献   

The heterologous expression in Aspergillus nidulans of a gene involved in tryptophan biosynthesis from Penicillium chrysogenum is described. With the chimeric plasmid pPC-31, which carries the cloned trpC gene, approximately 10-40 "stable" transformants per microgram of DNA were obtained, with selection for complementation of the mutant allele. This frequency was increased 10-fold by the insertion of the ans1 fragment into the transformation vector. Southern hybridization analysis revealed that transformation occurred as a consequence of the integration of vector sequences into the host chromosome at a variety of sites within the genome.  相似文献   

A fragment from the open reading frame of the cloned chsA gene from Aspergillus nidulans was deleted and replaced with the argB gene. The resulting construct was used to replace the wild-type chsA gene in an argB deletion strain. The growth and morphology of the vegetative hyphae from the resulting chsA disruptant strain were indistinguishable from those of a wild-type strain but the chitin content of the hyphae from the disruptant was reduced to approximately 90% of that of wild-type. The disruptant showed reduced ability to produce the asexual spores (conidia) that are formed by differentiated aerial hyphae called conidiophores. The ability to form undifferentiated aerial hyphae was not impaired in the disruptant. The conidiophores and conidia produced by the disruptant were indistinguishable from those of wild-type. Conidium formation by the disruptant grown on a variety of media was reduced to about 30% of the wild-type. A chsE null strain did not show a defect in conidiation but a strain in which both chsA and chsE were inactivated produced about 3% of the conidia of wild-type. That finding supports the hypothesis that chsA and chsE encode a partially redundant function necessary for conidiophore development.  相似文献   

The construction of mutant fungal strains is often limited by the poor efficiency of homologous recombination in these organisms. Higher recombination efficiencies can be obtained by increasing the length of homologous DNA flanking the transformation marker, although this is a tedious process when standard molecular biology techniques are used for the construction of gene replacement cassettes. Here, we present a two-step technology which takes advantage of an Escherichia coli strain expressing the phage λ Red(gam, bet, exo) functions and involves (i) the construction in this strain of a recombinant cosmid by in vivo recombination between a cosmid carrying a genomic region of interest and a PCR-generated transformation marker flanked by 50 bp regions of homology with the target DNA and (ii) genetic exchange in the fungus itself between the chromosomal locus and the circular or linearized recombinant cosmid. This strategy enables the rapid establishment of mutant strains carrying gene knock-outs with efficiencies >50%. It should also be appropriate for the construction of fungal strains with gene fusions or promoter replacements.  相似文献   

Abstract The rpmF-plsX-fabH gene cluster of Rhodobacter capsulatus homologous to that of Escherichia coli was identified. rpmF encodes ribosomal protein L32, plsX plays an undefined role in membrane lipid synthesis, and fabH encodes β-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase III. The R. capsulatus plsX gene complemented a defect in an E. coli strain with the plsX50 mutation. Overproduction of the fabH gene product of R. capsulatus in E. coli resulted in dramatically increased β-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase III activity. These results indicate that plsX and fabH apparently function the same in R. capsulatus as in E. coli .  相似文献   

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