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The ventral giant interneurons (GIs) in the cockroach have two distinct dendritic fields: a small one ipsilateral to the soma, and a larger, contralateral field from which the axon arises. The major input to these GIs is from the cercus on the axon side; when this cercus is ablated in the last instar before the adult stage, input from the other cercus becomes more effective within 30 days (Vardi and Camhi, 1982b). I wished to determine if the input from the intact, soma-ipsilateral cercus contacted the GIs purely ipsilaterally and if EPSPs at this site were larger in deafferented animals. Consistent with earlier anatomical findings, intracellular recordings from the GI somata showed that the majority of cercal inputs synapse on their own side of the ganglion in normal animals. This was evidenced by differences in the size and shape of the synaptic potentials evoked from the two cerci and by the presence of large EPSPs after a ganglion had been split along the midline. Unitary EPSPs produced by stimulation of single, identified cercal afferents, ipsilateral to the soma, were compared between normal and deafferented animals. Column "h" afferents were chosen because they make a large contribution to the receptive fields of GIs 1 and 2 after ablation of the contralateral cercus. In addition, the arbors of these afferents, when stained with cobalt, did not cross the ganglionic midline in normal animals. Unitary EPSPs recorded in GI 2 were significantly larger in the deafferented animals. There was, however, no significant change in the size of EPSPs in GI 1. Nevertheless, the results from GI 2 suggest that partial deafferentation in the central nervous system can increase the efficacy of synapses distant from the locus of denervation.  相似文献   

1. The effects of paraoxon were studied on spike initiation and conduction in the giant interneurons (GIs) of the American cockroach, using electrophysiological techniques. 2. Paraoxon treatment induced high-frequency bursts in GI axons. During these bursts, overshooting spikes recorded in the sixth abdominal ganglion were replaced, in phase, by small, decremental potentials. 3. These small potentials were not EPSPs since current injection could modulate their frequency. 4. An analysis of anteriorly conducted spikes indicates that the site of spike initiation is located near the dendritic region of the GI and is unchanged by paraoxon treatment.  相似文献   

EPSP amplification and the precision of spike timing in hippocampal neurons   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Fricker D  Miles R 《Neuron》2000,28(2):559-569
The temporal precision with which EPSPs initiate action potentials in postsynaptic cells determines how activity spreads in neuronal networks. We found that small EPSPs evoked from just subthreshold potentials initiated firing with short latencies in most CA1 hippocampal inhibitory cells, while action potential timing in pyramidal cells was more variable due to plateau potentials that amplified and prolonged EPSPs. Action potential timing apparently depends on the balance of subthreshold intrinsic currents. In interneurons, outward currents dominate responses to somatically injected EPSP waveforms, while inward currents are larger than outward currents close to threshold in pyramidal cells. Suppressing outward potassium currents increases the variability in latency of synaptically induced firing in interneurons. These differences in precision of EPSP-spike coupling in inhibitory and pyramidal cells will enhance inhibitory control of the spread of excitation in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

Effects induced in motoneurons and interneurons of the cervical enlargements of the cat spinal cord by stimulation of the lateral and ventral funiculi at the lower thoracic level were studied under conditions producing degeneration of fibers of descending brain systems. Stimulation of this sort evoked PSPs (mainly of mixed character) in 57 of 90 motoneurons tested. In nine motoneurons the primary response consisted of monosynaptic EPSPs evoked by activity of fibers of the lateral funiculus, and in the rest it consisted of polysyanptic (at least disynaptic) EPSPs and IPSPs. Polysynaptic effects arising in the neuron in response to stimulation of the lateral and ventral funiculi usually differed only quantitatively. The intensity of excitatory synaptic action on motoneurons of the proximal muscle (especially thoracid) was much greater than that on motoneurons of distal muscles. Nearly all motoneurons with no synaptic action belonged to the latter group. Stimulation of the lateral and ventral funculi facilitated synaptic action induced in motoneurons by stimulation of high-threshold segmental afferents and led to excitation of interneurons located in the vectral quadrant, and had no effect on interneurons in the dorsal regions of gray matter. These effects are regarded mainly as the result of excitation of long ascending propriospinal pathways in the cervical parts of the cord; it is also postulated that some of them are evoked by the arrival of activity along collaterals of descending propiospinal pathways to the neurons in this region.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 339–347, July–August, 1979.  相似文献   

The physiology and relationships of tonic cord stretch receptor neurons in the crayfish Cherax destructor were examined with intracellular and extracellular recording. Cord stretch evoked slow depolarisations leading to action potentials in tonic cord stretch receptor neurons. Intermittent post-synaptic potentials were also seen in cord stretch receptor neurons but were not the primary cause of the action potentials. Cord stretch still evoked action potentials in cord stretch receptor neurons when all synaptic activity, monitored at another known chemical synapse, was blocked using high [Mg(2+)] and low [Ca(2+)] in the bath. One source of facilitating excitatory post-synaptic potentials in the cord stretch receptor neurons was from mechanosensory hairs on the dorsal abdominal surface. Tonic cord stretch receptor neuron activity was associated with an increase in the activity of the abdominal slow extensor inhibitor motor neuron and at least one abdominal flexor excitor motor neuron in its segment, and reduced activity in the abdominal slow flexor inhibitor motor neuron. Activation of individual cord stretch receptor neurons produced a local resistance reflex. Cord stretch, activating many receptors, produced several other outcomes. One was the "extensor state" described in earlier literature. The tonic cord stretch receptor neurons of Cherax destructor appear to be stretch-sensitive interneurons that receive inputs from other elements of the abdominal control system and mediate polysynaptic reflex activity in postural motor neurons.  相似文献   

  1. The cerci of the cockroach Periplaneta americana bear filiform hair mechanoreceptors that are arranged in segmentally repeated rows and longitudinal columns. The monosynaptic connections between receptors of the same column or row and the 3 largest giant interneurons (GIs) were compared using the oil-gap single fibre technique.
  2. For many columns, the synaptic efficacy of the afferents decreased gradually from the base to the tip of the cercus, but columns with an inverted gradient or without any gradient were also observed. On the ipsilateral side (relative to the GI axon), the inverted gradients were exclusively found for columns with short proximal hairs. For one column (d) and GI3, the ipsilateral and contralateral gradients were opposite.
  3. Monosynaptic EPSPs evoked by stimulating different receptors of the same segment (segment 3) were of very different amplitudes, which partially account for the directional sensitivity of the GIs. Differences in the location, shape and size of the afferent terminals were not sufficient to explain these differences in connection strength.
  4. No correlation was found between the size of the EPSPs produced by a sensory neuron and the length of its associated hair.

We investigated the excitatory and inhibitory input to cardioaccelerator (CA) and cardioinhibitor (CI) neurons located in the thoracic ganglia of the isopod crustacean Bathynomus doederleini by extracellular and intracellular recording. Electrical stimuli applied to the anterior and posterior connectives of single-ganglion preparations, containing either the 2nd or 3rd thoracic ganglion alone, and each of three paired ganglionic nerve roots produced excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in the cell body of a CA neuron. Artificial movements of appendages, such as the thoracic limbs and the swimmerets, also evoked EPSPs in the CA neuron. Electrical stimuli applied to the peripheral nerves running to appendages induced inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) in a CI neuron. Since artificial movements of the appendages caused decrease of CI impulse rate, these IPSPs in the CI neuron may be caused by mechanoproprioceptors in the appendages. Since tachycardia was accompanied by excitation of CA neurons and inhibition of CI neurons, activation of the mechanoproprioceptors may be responsible for tachycardia. EPSPs in CA neurons produced by stimulation of peripheral nerves were augumented by eserinization and blocked by curarization. The activation of CA neurons by ganglionic roots may be mediated by cholinergic processes ascending from mechanoproprioceptors.  相似文献   

As a step to clarifying the neural bases for the visually-guided prey-catching behavior in the toad, special attention was paid to the flipping movement of the tongue. Tongue-muscle-controlling motoneurons were identified antidromically, and their topographical distribution within the hypoglossal nucleus, the morphology, and the neuronal pathways from the optic tectum including the 'snapping-evoking area' (see below) to these motoneurons were investigated in paralyzed Japanese toads using intracellular recording techniques. The morphology of motoneurons innervating the tongue-protracting or retracting muscles (PMNs or RMNs respectively) was examined by means of intracellular-staining (using HRP/cobaltic lysine) and retrograde-labeling (using cobaltic lysine) methods. Both PMNs and RMNs showed an extensive spread of the branching trees of dendrites; 4 dendritic fields were distinguished: lateral/ventrolateral, dorsal/dorsolateral, medial, and in some motoneurons, contralateral dendritic fields, although there was a tendency for the dorsal/dorsolateral dendritic field to be less extensive in the PMNs than in the RMNs. The axons of both PMNs and RMNs arose from thick dendrites, ran in a ventral direction without any axon-collaterals branching off, and then entered the hypoglossal nerve. The PMNs and RMNs were distributed topographically within the hypoglossal nucleus; the RMNs were located rostrally within the nucleus, whereas the PMNs were located more caudally within it. In about 3/4 of the RMNs tested, depolarizing potentials [presumably the excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs)], on which action potentials were often superimposed, were evoked by electrical stimuli applied to the nerve branch innervating the tongue protractor. These EPSPs were temporally facilitated when the electrical stimuli were applied at short intervals (10 ms). Both PMNs and RMNs showed hyperpolarizing potentials (IPSPs) in response to single electrical stimuli of various intensities (10-200 microA) applied to the 'snapping-evoking area' (lateral/ventrolateral part of the optic tectum) on either side. These IPSPs were facilitated after repetitive electrical stimulations at short intervals (10 ms) and of weaker intensities (down to 10 microA); i.e., a temporal facilitation of the IPSPs was observed. On the other hand, large and long-lasting EPSPs which prevailed over the underlying IPSPs were evoked after repetitive electrical stimulations (a few pulses or more) at short intervals (10 ms) and of stronger intensities (generally 90 microA or more); thus, a temporal facilitation of the EPSPs was also observed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The data described here complete the principal components of the cockroach wind-mediated escape circuit from cercal afferents to leg motor neurons. It was previously known that the cercal afferents excite ventral giant interneurons which then conduct information on wind stimuli to thoracic ganglia. The ventral giant interneurons connect to a large population of interneurons in the thoracic ganglia which, in turn, are capable of exciting motor neurons that control leg movements. Thoracic interneurons that receive constant short latency inputs from ventral giant interneurons have been referred to as type A thoracic interneurons (TIAs). In this paper, we demonstrate that the motor response of TIAs occurs in adjacent ganglia as well as in the ganglion of origin for the TIA. We then describe the pathway from TIAs to motor neurons in both ganglia. Our observations reveal complex interactions between thoracic interneurons and leg motor neurons. Two parallel pathways exist. TIAs excite leg motor neurons directly and via local interneurons. Latency and amplitude of post-synaptic potentials (PSPs) in motor neurons and local interneurons either in the ganglion of origin or in adjacent ganglia are all similar. However, the sign of the responses recorded in local interneurons (LI) and motor neurons varies according to the TIA subpopulation based on the location of their cell bodies. One group, the dorsal posterior group, (DPGs) has dorsal cell bodies, whereas the other group, the ventral median cells, (VMC) has ventral cell bodies. All DPG interneurons either excited postsynaptic cells or failed to show any connection at all. In contrast, all VMC interneurons either inhibited postsynaptic cells or failed to show any connection. It appears that the TIAs utilize directional wind information from the ventral giant interneurons to make a decision on the optimal direction of escape. The output connections, which project not only to cells within the ganglion of origin but also to adjacent ganglia and perhaps beyond, could allow this decision to be made throughout the thoracic ganglia as a single unit. However, nothing in these connections indicates a mechanism for making appropriate coordinated leg movements. Because each pair of legs plays a unique role in the turn, this coordination should be controlled by circuits dedicated to each leg. We suggest that this is accomplished by local interneurons between TIAs and leg motor neurons.  相似文献   

This investigation involved extracellular recordings of cockroach abdominal giant interneuron (GI) action potentials evoked by cercal “threadlike” hair sensilla (THS) stimulation with a galvanometric device, by controlled displacements of about seven THS. Small and large GIs, distinguished by their amplitudes, were studied simultaneously. Only the small GIs were spontaneously active. Responses to sine, pulse, and ramp stimulation of sensilla produced phasic responses in both GI types. Some GIs were directionally sensitive and had shorter response latencies in the direction of best sensitivity while others were omnidirectional. Contralateral stimulation decreased responses to homolateral stimuli. In experiments using paired pulses (less than 50-ms intervals) there is a period of hyperexcitability, in large GIs, in which the response to the second stimulus is greater. Repeated stimulation caused an exponential decline in the response which was steeper in all GIs at higher stimulating frequencies and had a faster time course in large GIs. Because of this last property GIs function as low-pass filters limiting the flow of information, with large GIs having a lower frequency “cutoff” than smaller GIs.  相似文献   

Three groups of giant fibers are found in the cockroach ventral nerve cord. A latero-dorsal group (dorsal GIs), a latero-ventral group (ventral GIs) and a medio-ventral group. The morphology of all three groups of fibers within the thoracic ganglia is described. The morphology of the dorsal and ventral GI pathways in the abdominal and suboesophageal ganglia is also described. The projection patterns of the neurons in each ganglion are remarkably similar which suggests a common function. When motorneurons 5rl (depressor) and 6Br4 (levator) are stained simultaneously with the dorsal and ventral GI groups, some branches from both motor and giant neurons converge. The branching of the remaining medio-ventral group of fibers and their proximity to areas receiving motorneuronal input suggests that these are the small diameter axons described by Dagan and Parnas (1970).  相似文献   

The first-instar cockroach, Periplaneta americana, detects air movements using four filiform hair sensilla, which make synaptic connections to seven pairs of giant interneurons (GIs) in the terminal abdominal ganglion. The directional sensitivities of some of the GIs, predicted from their patterns of monosynaptic inputs, may not be the same as in the second instar or adult. Intracellular recordings were made to determine the contribution of polysynaptic inputs to the receptive fields of first-instar GIs. The ventral GI1, and the dorsal GI5, GI6, and GI7 were all found to have indirect synaptic inputs from filiform afferents. The indirect inputs were excitatory to GI1, GI5, and GI7, and inhibitory to GI6 and GI7. The indirect excitatory input to GI1 was predicted to alter qualitatively its receptive field, allowing it to respond to wind from the side of the animal, as in the adult. Inhibition was predicted to sharpen the receptive fields of GI6 and GI7. The inhibitory postsynaptic potentials reversed 6–8 mV below resting potential and were blocked by picrotoxin, indicating that they are GABAergic. Indirect excitation also altered the predicted receptive field of GI7, one of the inputs being an unusual “off-response” to movement of a filiform hair in its inhibitory direction. Accepted: 19 June 1998  相似文献   

By the frequency-dependent release of serotonin, Retzius neurons in the leech modulate diverse behavioral responses of the animal. However, little is known about how their firing pattern is produced. Here we have analyzed the effects of mechanical stimulation of the skin and intracellular stimulation of mechanosensory neurons on the electrical activity of Retzius neurons. We recorded the electrical activity of neurons in ganglia attached to their corresponding skin segment by segmental nerve roots, or in isolated ganglia. Mechanosensory stimulation of the skin induced excitatory synaptic potentials (EPSPs) and action potentials in both Retzius neurons in a ganglion. The frequency and duration of responses depended on the strength and duration of the skin stimulation. Retzius cells responded after T and P cells, but before N cells, and their sustained responses correlated with the activity of P cells. Trains of five impulses at 10 Hz in every individual T, P, or N cell in isolated ganglia produced EPSPs and action potentials in Retzius neurons. Responses to T cell stimulation appeared after the first impulse. In contrast, the responses to P or N cell stimulation appeared after two or more presynaptic impulses and facilitated afterward. The polysynaptic nature of all the synaptic inputs was shown by blocking them with a high calcium/magnesium external solution. The rise time distribution of EPSPs produced by the different mechanosensory neurons suggested that several interneurons participate in this pathway. Our results suggest that sensory stimulation provides a mechanism for regulating serotonin-mediated modulation in the leech.  相似文献   

We have tested the effect of a known insect neuromodulator, octopamine, on flight initiation in the cockroach. Using minimally dissected animals, we found that octopamine lowered the threshold for windevoked initiation of flight when applied to either of two major synaptic sites in the flight circuitry: 1) the last abdominal ganglion, where wind-sensitive neurons from the cerci excite dorsal giant interneurons, or 2) the metathoracic ganglion, where the dorsal giant interneurons activate interneurons and motoneurons which are involved in producing the rhythmic flight motor pattern in the flight muscles (Fig. 2).Correlated with this change in flight initiation threshold, we found that octopamine applied to the last abdominal ganglion increased the number of action potentials produced by individual dorsal giant interneurons when recruiting the cereal wind-sensitive neurons with wind puffs (Figs. 3, 4, 5) or with extracellular stimulation of their axons (Fig. 6). Octopamine increases the excitability of the giant interneurons (Figs. 7, 8). Also, when we stimulated individual dorsal giant interneurons intracellularly, the number of action potentials needed to initiate flight was reduced when octopamine was applied to the metathoracic ganglion (Fig. 9).Abbreviations EMG electromyogram - dGIs dorsal giant interneurons - GI giant interneuron - A6 sixth abdominal ganglion - T3 third thoracic ganglion - EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential  相似文献   

The data described here complete the principal components of the cockroach wind-mediated escape circuit form cercal afferents to leg motor neurons. It was previously known that the cercal afferents excite ventral giant interneurons which then conduct information on wind stimuli to thoracic ganglia. The ventral giant interneurons connect to a large population of interneurons in the thoracic ganglia which, in turn, are capable of exciting motor neurons that control leg movements. Thoracic interneurons that receive constant short latency inputs from ventral giant interneurons have been referred to as type A thoracic interneurons (TIAs). In this paper, we demonstrate that the motor response of TIAs occurs in adjacent ganglia as well as in the ganglion of origin for the TIA. We then describe the pathway from TIAs to motor neurons in both ganglia. Our observations reveal complex interactions between thoracic interneurons and leg motor neurons. Two parallel pathways exist. TIAs excite leg motor neurons directly and via local interneurons. Latency and amplitude of post-synaptic potentials (PSPs) in motor neurons and local interneurons either in the ganglion of origin or in adjacent ganglia are all similar. However, the sign of the responses recorded in local interneurons (LI) and motor neurons varies according to the TIA subpopulation based on the location of their cell bodies. One group, the dorsal posterior group, (DPGs) has dorsal cell bodies, whereas the other group, the ventral median cells, (VMC) has ventral cell bodies. All DPG interneurons either excited postsynaptic cells or failed to show any connection at all. In contrast, all VMC interneurons either inhibited postsynaptic cells or failed to show any connection. It appears that the TIAs utilize directional wind information from the ventral giant interneurons to make a decision on the optimal direction of escape. The output connections, which project not only to cells within the ganglion of origin but also to adjacent ganglia and perhaps beyond, could allow this decision to be made throughout the thoracic ganglia as a single unit. However, nothing in these connections indicates a mechanism for making appropriate coordinated leg movements. Because each pair of legs plays a unique role in the turn, this coordination should be controlled by circuits didicated to each leg. We suggest that this is accomplished by local interneurons between TIAs and leg motor neurons.  相似文献   

Axon collaterals of rubrospinal neurons running to many brain stem structures were identified in acute experiments on cats by a technique of intracellular recording of antidromic action potentials in conjunction with collision testing. A systemic principle of organization of rubrospinal influences and also a tendency toward synchronous arrival of rubrospinal impulses at various brain stem centers were demonstrated. Most of these centers are relay nuclei, sending direct afferent projections to regions of the cerebellum which, in turn, control activity of the red nucleus. Besides such a loop, effecting dynamic cerebellar control over motor function, transmission of somatosensory information from nuclei of the dorsal columns of the spinal cord directly to the red nucleus was demonstrated. Special features of mono- and polysynaptic EPSPs evoked by stimulation of nuclei of the dorsal columns indicate that such PSPs arise in different regions of the soma-dendritic membrane of red nucleus neurons. The mechanisms of integration of descending motor volleys by the red nucleus are discussed.L. A. Orbeli Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR, Erevan. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 665–678, September–October, 1984.  相似文献   

Habituation of excitatory synaptic inputs onto identified motor neurons of the locust metathoracic ganglion, driven electrically and by natural stimuli, was examined using intracellular recording. Rapid progressive reduction in amplitude of EPSPs from a variety of inputs onto fast-type motor neurons occurred. The habituated EPSPs were quickly dishabituated by iontophoretic release of octopamine from a microelectrode into the neuropilar region of presumed synaptic action. The zone within which release was effective for a given neuron was narrowly-defined. With larger amounts of octopamine applied at a sensitive site the EPSP became larger than normal, and in many instances action potentials were initiated by the sensitized response. Very small EPSPs onto a motor neuron, which were associated with proprioceptive feedback, and which were originally too small to be detected above the noise, were potentiated to a level of several mV by the iontophoresed octopamine. A DUM neuron (presumed to be octopaminergic) was found, whose direct stimulation was followed by a strong dishabituating and sensitizing action leading to spikes, of inputs to an identified flexor tibiae motor neuron. The action and its time course were closely similar to those evoked by octopamine iontophoresed into the neuropil in the region of synaptic inputs to the motor neuron. It is concluded that DUM (octopaminergic) neurons exert large potentiating actions on central neuronal excitatory synaptic transmission in locusts.  相似文献   

The dorsal root reflex in isolated mammalian spinal cord   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The dorsal root reflex has been investigated in an isolated preparation of adult mammalian spinal cord. 2. Both evoked and spontaneous activity can be recorded from the cord in the dorsal spinal roots. 3. The spontaneous activity has a characteristic pattern of firing in bursts of action potentials. Spontaneous and evoked activity are optimum at temperatures between 25 and 27 degrees C; little activity can be detected above 35 degrees C. 4. The spontaneous dorsal root activity has been shown to be correlated with negative potentials in the dorsal horn of the cord, and intracellular recordings made from primary afferent fibres have shown spontaneous primary afferent depolarizations (PAD) which underlie the generation of the spontaneous dorsal root activity. 5. The evoked dorsal root reflex has been shown to spread up to 16 spinal segments both rostrally and caudally from the stimulated dorsal root, and to the contralateral side of the cord. 6. The spontaneous dorsal root activity in widely separated segments has been shown by cross-correlation analysis to be linked both ipsi- and contra-laterally. 7. The significance of such a widespread system for the generation of PAD is discussed.  相似文献   

The character of dorsal horn motoneurons and interneurons evoked by stimulation of the dorsal root, and activity of Renshaw cells in response to stimulation of the ventral root were studied in albino rats in the lower lumbar segments of the spinal cord 5 days after sciatic nerve division. A significant increase in the mean amplitude of excitatory postsynaptic potentials of motoneurons was observed on the side of division of the nerve. No significant change in membrane potential and in the threshold of appearance of the action potential of these motoneurons took place. The mean number of action potentials and the duration of discharge of the Renshaw cells and dorsal horn interneurons likewise were not significantly changed.Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute, Ukrainian Ministry of Health. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 306–314, May–June, 1992.  相似文献   

The nature of the synaptic relationship between 7 identified postural interneurons and 5 pairs of superficial motoneurons was examined by obtaining dual intracellular recordings from interneuron-motoneuron pairs in the lobster 2nd abdominal ganglion. For six different interneuron-motoneuron pairs EPSPs recorded from motoneurons occurred with a short (1 to 3 ms) fixed latency following each presynaptic spike recorded from the interneuron. This suggests that there is a monosynaptic relationship between these interneurons and motoneurons. Monosynaptic pathways accounted for 27% of all excitatory connections. Preliminary evidence indicates that the monosynaptic potentials are mediated by an excitatory chemical synapse since: all IPSPs occurred with latencies greater than 5 ms, there was no evidence for electrical coupling, and one of the interneurons produced facilitating PSPs. A majority of all monosynaptic connections were made by two of the flexion producing interneurons (FPIs), 201 and 301. The synaptic outputs of these FPIs were similar in that both made monosynaptic connections with a different bilaterally homologous pair of motoneurons. Both also produced larger EPSPs and more vigorous spiking in contralateral members of the bilateral motoneuron pairs. A previous study demonstrated that interneurons 201 and 301 are the only postural interneurons yet identified that express motor programs indistinguishable from command neurons. Taken together, these results suggest that certain intersegmental interneurons share properties with command neurons and driver neurons, and that there may not be a sharp morphological or functional distinction between these two cell types.  相似文献   

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